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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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LePAGE/SROS. THE ONE-PRICE CASH STORE SERGE DRESSE Pee 1.75 each i want sotiie of these-Dresses at these Prices: S' SAILOR DRESSES Made of ie hard serge in navy,cardinal and brown. eetust have the room for our Christmas jods and gave priced these splendid col es ee: TLS SS FANCY PLAID AND DRESSES For girls of age s. Some of these Dresses sold 2.50 each, but we want to clear the Hpkly, 50 out they go at 1.06 GE BROS. 388 Toronto St, Yes; and it is sixty percent stuff too, declared Davis. 7 don't bei * laughed Randel. Crater eal ed ac bas. which had a glass front, and drew out a stick of dynamite. Randel took a bit of it and tested it miner fashion. He knew what it was but dissembled in order to gain time. That not dygainite, he said, Lite contemplating it. Somebody cheat- ; en ed you. Light it and see, Davis. Randel lighted a piece of it with a/match. It bumed briskly and those who had hitherto clung to the Joke idea, abandoned it. KNOCKED HM OUT Alter this Davis had complete pos- y f the station for mearl Sid He Wanted to Blow up icin of he satin fo met vised to trap him. While Snively Wanted: Police to. Get darried on the conversation with the maniac, detective Hosick tiptoed in from the outer room, which was at 20. A seeming: Davis back and ee Se you are bluf- Hos- wi pre- drawal ignited the fuse, but the quick inform- work of Detective Brown prevented aching the explos- There were sixty sticke of dynamite and an expert said it was sixty per cent, and that there was Why didn t you go down to the enough to blow up a city block. Southern Pacific and blow up the At the receiving hospital Davi man you the maz. was too long, which was the reason Well, he replied, I thought ful- there was no explosion. Jy; X thought the police could handlo He said he was born in Germany; it better and I wanted to do a good was 34 years of age and had lived in job. I might have killed the wrong this country fifteen ye: +. He ad- one otherwise. that Davis was not his right Yrutile tris conversation was in pro- and finally declined:to talk sgress Several policemen and news- about himself or his past. paper men pasetl through the room. He said he bought the dynamite A newspaper pholog?mpher came in from a ming guarry near San Ber- and took a picture of the man sit- mardino, several months ago, but he ting on the chair with the infernal gave no definite directions as to the machine resting on his knee. place. Davis finally asked that everybody A San Diego detective said that be kept back. Davis was in that - city last spring Curiosity has killed tots of peo- and that he was one of the men ple, he said, and if this thing goes driven out of the city at the time off, there is going to be 2 whole lot jof the I. W. W. outbreaks, but Davis of them go up. (Gna Gila. pected -abtrectea(fe any ohpadication or that ke had ever the scene was J. Randel, a mining been in San Diego. from Chihuahua, Mexico. Randel en shook hands Loose Leat System The News Job with Davis, asking him if it was Department has every facility for sup- Really dynamite in the box. plying the most satisfactory CHRISTMAS CARDS: OUR. NEW STOCK OF CHRISTMAS CARDS -has arrived and for design and artistic beauty their like has never been shown in Medicine Hat. display, in our business office and parties us. of procuring Same will do well to ie their orc each asortment is limited: They are now on MEDICINE HAT NEWS, LTD. 2 Corner Main St. and Fourth Ave. the wanted? the chief asked' said tonight he guessed the fuse denied that he was affiliated witht) AUSTRALIA TO PRINT: PRISONERS PAPER Will be Issued Under the Direction of Comptroller of Prisons, POLITICAL OR SECTARIAN ARGUMENTS 10 BE BARRED All News of World-wide In- terest Respecting Various Countries to be Given. (Special to the News) Sydney, Nov. 20. A newspaper. is about to be started for the benefit of. the prisoners to be called the Com- pendium, under the supervision of the comptrolier-general of prisons, Mr, McFarlane, who says: The news shect should not be in) the nature of a tract, but should con- tain the news of the day, culled trom the- leading newspapers, leading ar tlats, no reference to political of sec- tarian matters and anything of a con- troversial nature to be excluded. Ar- ticles. written by those competent to write them might be accepted, as well as suitable standard poetry. He proposes to call the paper the Compendium and the proposed con- tents of the first issue are: A summary of notable events, 1900 to 1910, a review of the year 1911; news of the day from Australia Asia and the United Kingdom; general ar- ticles of the repubilcs of China and Portugal; rulers. of the principle countries of the world and service notes poetry, extracts from natural and other recognized -poets. TORONTO BOY DIES FROM EATING PILLS Police are Now 1 Looking for Unknown Lad Who Sup- plied;Poison. (Special to the News) Toronto, Nov. 20. Twelve-year-old Archie Duncan is dead in his fath- ers home, 57. Melville avenue, and search is being made for an unknown doy, who gave tke little fellow. sey- eral polsonous pills yesterday, which Tesulted in his death at 2.30 thia morning. All that is known abo the tragic happenings are the meagret details which the boy s,,parente.were able to gather from, him after ; ke returned. to his home, complaining of dizziness and thirst and drank co- pious draughts of water. Later - he Was selzed with: vomiting spells. For five hours two physieians worked oy-, er the boy, but withowWarsiLuhe tn quest has been ordered and detectives have been assigned to: the case An will endavor to locate the boy wiig gave young Duncan the deadly pills, - FLAX EMBARGO C. P. R. Has Placed it On So as to Facilitate Wheat Shipping. (Special to the News.) Ottawa, Nov. 20. It is earned in Ottawa that the embargo which the c. P.R. has placed on shipments to the head of the lakes, applies only to flax. As soon as word of the em- bargo was received, the grain com- missioner made an investigation. It was claimed by the C.P.R. . that the handling of flax was preventing the rapid movement of the wheat and it was to facilitate the move- ment of wheat sae the emifargo was on. TRACING ASSASSINS The Spanish Secret Service Have Clue to Where Pre- mier s Death Was Plan- ned. - 20. The secret ser- ana has information tend- ing to confirm the report from Ma- drid that the plot to assassinate the Spanish Premier, Senor Canalejas, /Wue hatched here by a coterle of Spanish anarchists. Phe secret service officials decline, however, to give out the. particulars for tear of interfering. with the in- Yestigation which is now progressing , : ; and aress of nilbetOre th Grolier Club is still r iiembered for the many literary aphorisms it contained. Among these aphorismagwere: Fine feathers do. not make - fine Circumstances alter bookcases. Authors will happen, even fh the best regulated families. Never look a gift book in the bind A cfoving manuscript gathers no dross, Massachusetts has elected a Demo- cratic Heutenant governor for the first time. GERMAN ARMY lt; CORPS MOBELIZING Special to the News.) Budapest, Nov. .20 The Emperor Fepelved yesterday in audience the Foreign Minjater, Count von. Becht hold and Gen. Sclopsn, chiet of Staff. is rumord-that three army COrpe Will be mobilized tomorrow. BULL MOOSE LOVE FEAST. Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 20. Lead- ers Of the Progressive Party in In- diana are arranging to hold a State rally In this olty tomorrow. former Senator Bevetiige and other prom- inent leaders will address the meet ng And plang wilt be made for main- taining permanent een ot the mene: a TURKS DEFENCE WORK RECEIVES HIGH PRAISE Daily peep rhis Corres- pondent Gives Vivid Des- epee of Adrianople TURKISH BATTERIES WERE WELL CONCEALED, HE SAYS ; -Tried to Drive Bulgarians Out But Rows of Dead Was Only Result. (Special cable to the News) London, Nov. 20. Bennet Bur- leigh, the noted war correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, writing Mon- day, saya: I witnessed the bombardment of the Adrianople forts to the east and north of the city. The firing was not heavy, but accurate. The be iogers are not attempting to break or destroy the city but are devoting their attention solely to the demoli- tion of the Turkish forts. The works in the eastern and southern section of Adrianople-are easily within reach of the Bulgarian gun position. from Hademkui, the artillery might level Fort Minarits;and the M sque of Se- lim II, but thus far:zio corner of that) or other:welbmown dandmarks have been struck. The ) Bulgarians are addressing themselves*to the Turkish works of which: many: interlinesi cof:trenches wad bastions have been -eonstructed. pMhel bomb-proofs. are: legion. ( ): The Burks :have: artfully concealedis.their is delivered from batteries securely hidden far behind the front. They have worked very. hard and skillfully to, eopstract such an honey- combing. of the, terrain around Ad- rianople, But, irrestibly the Bal - brought them hack into They Jett i af Sande The Bul- garians wert able,to. follow the enemy up and 4:move their lines of attack still cloger,, to the ponderous great and tireless in improving on their own position, but I have seen the desperate Turk go better and pile wort upon and ScSint work with an unweariness that is remark- able. CONSTABLE 10. GET LASHES AND ALSO JAIL TERM Montreal Special is Given Severe Sentence for Rob- bery and Assault... (Specal to the News) Montreal, Nov. 19. Nine lashes with the cat as soon as he enters the penitentiary, was the sentence imposed im the Court of - King s Bench today on Alfred Beauchamp, a special constable, who had been found guilty of assault... Beauchamp had already been sentenced to. four years for robberies, m which he had made use of his eonstable s badgo to gain entrance to houses. RETURNED. 1M DISTRESS controversy over the seaworthi - ness of the steamer occurred before the Vessel. left Portland, where she was loaded with 3,C18;000-taet- -of. lumber. The agent of the San Fran- cisco board of underwriters delayed issuing certificate nearly a week. while the question lt; of the vessel's seaworthiness was investigated. She Sally was allowed to go and left Subscribe now for The Daily News, port Nov. 8, to Tacoma coal, sailing for Caleutta Nov. 12. gun positions-and-most of se City Cafe mass of ramparts, bastions .and Teswlar meals, train, Iunches, trenches. 3 ete. I thought that the Russians, at Everything nice. 201-6t Port Fither, and Liao Yang, were rn td plying the most sat OPEGIALS TO-DAY Block 9, 50 ft. for 900. Block 16, 50 ft, for 900. COUSINS SISSONS Block 5, 50 f ., 900. Block 4, 50 ft., 900. HERALD Block 20, 50 ft., 1100. Block 8, 50 ft., 825. North Railway St. A few good corners. Valuable paoperty and reasonable. CENTRAL PARK Block 5, Lots 23 and 24, * 1575, . Block 7, Lots 19 and 20, 1500, Block 27, 50 ft. for 800. Pingle, Wales Bell Iv. Avenue Half Minute Past Post Office NOTARY PUBLIC, REAL ESTATE lt; DON'T CRY The Bartlett Studio has the best solution for the Gift problem. A doz- en photos in one of our.disiinctive styles will make twelve Xmas gifts, preciated: Have the BEST or NOTH- ING sd re There's a your town. ) THE BARTLETT STUDIO i) Fourth: Ave, RY. OUR MEALS PHOTOGRAPHER in 423 North Railway Street (Sang Lee Co,. Proprietor; Wong rf Wing, Manager.) Meals at all hours,, Short orders and MEDICINE HAT LIVERY COMPANY Horse Repository Rear 12 Fourth Ave. (opposite Dreamland Theatre.) . each one of whichis sure to be ap- W Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Salb;/Loat, Found, etc, ads under these headings. 36 words, one day .. .. .25 25 words, three days 5 25 words, mlx.days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 25 cents. Cash must socompany the order. Phone your ad to No, 13 ring , and it will receive attention, SBLY WANTED. WANTED GENERAL SER) Apply 806 Esplanade. Mrs. Jas, Mitchell, iat WANTED BOY FOR MBSSENGER. Apply . P. R, Telegraph office. 112-6 THE CANADIAN HOME INVEST- ment Co, Zid, bas an opening for first-class magn, with gopd character, For a man of this kind, Quick advancement is assured. Apply. to the Medicine Hat branch, Imper- fa Bank building. 212-8 GIRLS WANTED ONE GIRL. FOR brushing clothes, with some exper- fence at pressing. Apply New York Dye Works, 518 Toronto St. 112tf/ WANTED STENOGRAPHER FOR Teal estate and insurance office. Ap- Ply to P. O. box 510, statinx salary expected. . Tiatt WANTED GIRL.TO HELP WITH housework. Apply 104 Montreal St. or 661. 201-3 WANTED A GENERAL SERVANT, None but a competent person need apply. 226 Main St. 201-6 WANTED WOMAN TO DO HOUSE keeping and take care of two chil- ; dren. Apply .to box 835 post office. 201-3 /BRICKLAYERS WANTED APPLY to J.T. Bergman, cor. Braemer St. and Sixth: Avenue. 201-6 CARRIER BOYS WANTED APPLY at News office. 104-tf WANTED COAL MINERS. APPLY Redclitf Brick and Coal Co. Red- cliff, 109.6 BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE Ogilvie Flour MII job. Telephone 787, Job Office. Canadian Stewart Co., Limited. 75-tt FANTED AT ONOE 50 carpenters on Ogilvie Mill job, Boarding camp on site. Canadian Stewart Co, Ltda. 33-tt logde free. -Moler College, 609 Cen- 'tre-8t;- Calgary. 2eddtt SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION-WANTED FOR BOY 16 years of age. Office work preferred: Apply box*1420: News office. 201-3 WANTED POSITION BY, YOUNG man of 27, with wholesale exper- jence in store or warehouse, Willing to do.anything. Not afraid of work. References. Box 1419 News. office. YOUNG MAN WITH YEARS experience in a clothing business and gents* farnishings. Also talk four different foreign languages. Desires Single and double outfits of all descriptions for sale or hire. Horse or Automobile De- livery at all times. WAY-FOR SALE. f Prairi Hay by the load. No, 1 Timothy by the bale or ton. PHONE 703. Oakes Everard Co. REAL ESTATE. 865 1-2 MAIN STREET, PHONE 556, Listings Wanted. Soe eter ae North raill and Powell. SINGER SEWING MACHINE AGENCY Machines for Sale and Rent. 881 North Railway Street. P.O. Box 184, Rhone 486, AUCTIONEERS Hi: 3. BROWNE CO, Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor onto St. Stock Sales every Friday ou Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranct and farm stock sales conducted any where. House furniture sales con ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex perience at your disposal free. Phone 703. 4H. B. Browne Co, 519 To Tonto Bt, iszats CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W-'4 HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- Ushed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth. bridge. A. E. Gibson, C.A, resident position in store. Apply P. 0. box 738, city. 109-6 STRAYED SS ESTRAY RED AND WHITE BULL, strayed from the premises of the un- dersigned about a year ago, branded B 7 , on lett hip. 5 reward. Adam Bonet, Little Plame. 102-1mo. 25 REWARD THE ABOVE WILL be paid for information that will lead: to the recovery of one grey gelding, welghing about 1800, branded either H, F. monogram on left shoulder, or ) on. left thigh. This horse is, / tour years old and has trim- med tail. R. HE. Starks, Medicine Hat. Sept. 30, 1912. ott, TO BXCHANGE WANTED TO TRADE TEAM ON small house and lot, or Jot in Med - eine Hat. Chas, Shipley: 138. Mon- freal St, 112-3 Ip ROOMS. TO BENT, URNISHED ROOM TO RENT FOR to girls or man and wife. Apply doo MHI st. TO RENT FURNISHED ROOM IN modern hoilsp, two blocks trom sta Hon. Apply 304 2nd Ave. or phone 593, UR pga ir, 70---RENT FURNISHED FRONT dedroom, bath connected; central: Phone 894, 112-8 TO RENT 3 ROOMS. NO CHILDREN Wanted. Apply 138 1-2 Braemar St. Bast, 201-8 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT, SMALL HOUSE 1422 News oftice, FOR SALE FOR SALE SHOE REPAIRING MA- ehine and shoe-maker's tools. A bar- ; ain. Box 1421 News office. 112-3 FOR SALE OATs, 28 . GOOD CLEAN strain, fit for seed or feed, graded No. 1 C.W. at Winnipeg. Apply News office, 200-3 See Saar FOR SALE, 25 REGISTERED BERK- Shire hogs. Both sex, about seven weeks old. Also three rogistered Jersey bulls and cow. Apply Dem- onstration Farm, Medicine Hat, Al- berta, 200-12 FOR SALE A FINE LOT OF MAR- quis seed wheat, grown on new breaking. 2.00 per bushel, 0.3, Mc- Gee, Redvers, Sask. 81 2-80 FOR SALE COCKS ,HENS, COCK- erels and pullets, in R. C, and 8. C. Brown Leghorns. Will sell cheap if taken in bunch. Apply P. Riches, 99 Toronto St. 109-6 LOST AND FOUND LOST 0. P. R. TICKET (LISTOW- EL), Nov. 19. Finder kindly leave at News office. rate LOST BETWEEN ROLLING MILLS and city hall, a silver, watch and chain, with W.C. on Case.. Reward will be given for return of same to News office, 112-6 LOST BETWEEN MEDICINE, HAT and the Clay Products a horse col- ys of the same to Alberta Clay Products Co, MEDICAL DE. W. M, ANDERSON Physician and Surgeon. Office above Assiniboia Music Store. Office hours A. M. 10 dence 612 Roy- St. Residence. phone 708, 0, 19-1m MISCELLANEOUS WHEN YOU WANT YOUR STORM windows and doors on, and a good fob done, write box 477. 200-6 PLAIN S WING DONE BY THT DAY or week. Apply to Florance Russell, Post office, general delivery. 200-3 WNTED PUPILS TO JOIN THE dancing academy, son to be opened. For information phone 881. Private lessons given- by arrangement 108-6 ing, either carpentering, painting, la boring, plumbing, Court, 723 Third Ave, or general de- livery, city postoffice. so-tt PH. MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR Watches, Jewelry. Rifles; Guns, Re volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harnesr, and a nice new line of winter goode We buy everything mentioned abos and pay the best prices. Call at 60. South Rallway St. or Phone 587, WANTED TO PURCHASE JANTED TO BUY Building . tote in Old Survey, Herald or Central Park, Give prices, terms, ete, to P WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS. Apply 377 Esplanade, ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED ee re TWO-RE ABLE YOUNG MEN wish to share-room ith board) in private family, central location pre- fetted. State terms. P. O:-box 427. 200-3 RODM AND BOARD WITH PRIVATE family. on the bill, close to. High School. 526 El Paso St. 201-8 RESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN RE- q ma board if possible. Central location preferred. 18 News office. 201-3 partner. Phone 198, Burns Block 276att Loose Leaf System The News Department has every facility for a en Subscribe now for i BOARD AND ROOM. Wastep Two ok THREE RE- spectable. men for rooms and board, Apply 208 B. Braemar. 200-6t SUBACRIBR NOW for the Daily News. LOOK LOOK HERE THE RA FUR SEASON IS OPEN. Don't Fyour furs or your raw hides ti you call up 587 or write P.O 102, Medicine Hat. Our price is 2.00 up to 6.00. Don't forget it, call or write. IHS AND GEN cast-off clothing, shoes, dewerry, guns, revolvers, valises, s Sases, stoves, musical instruments furniture, Democrat wa gies, harness, bleycles. carp tools, ete., raw hides and furs, hatr, wool and .thers, bought sold. Apply to the Harvard Co, 812 Fourth - avenue, op Dreamland theatre, P. 0. box Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid f the. above. 3D i se +2 +, CORSETIERRE SPIRELLA CORSETS MADE measure, guaranteed for one against breaking and rusting; light weight. House No. 7, School Av), enue, opposite east side of igi school. Phone 699 fot appointment o write P, 0. box 72, Mrs, Matthews, SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Daily 12-8, or three-roomed eback: Apply bolt . Reward of fitty cents for return, 201-3 jf to.12; P.M. 2 to 4,.7 to-8.80. Resi- ANY SMALL JOBS OF CONTRACT- ff gt; exception of There s + about Walk- that make thusiastic or The more yo them the mor thusiasm gr listen to a Walk-Over talking Shoes be the mer shoes Turpin The Man's Stone Get the Big Do' FOR FEATHERY Kilbane to. Mec Twenty-Roun gt; (Special to tt Cleveland, Nov. 2 between Johnnie Ki weight champion, a gan, an English bo: 4ast night whereby tl soon in a twenty-ro championship. . The been agreed upoti, b match will take plac coast within a couple TO BE AN Three-Fingered Cubs to Join trator Staff. (Special to Chicago, Nov. 20. former star pitcher Cubs, may be an un erican league next Johneon has two v staff of umpires to Tetirement of Sherids it fs sald that Brov sidered for one of t Harvard has an Yale this year in t deen practically ints seven weeks, while making more than t of shifts. Penn State is said experts to be the be in the country, with rvar Loose Leaf System : Department haa evers plying the: most sat THOSE . They can all-talh Men carefully guat Bnd growing youns stones are left beht is any class of bu the young athletes o Temain undiscovered Cos: Morning Afternoon Evening AFTERNO EVENING. Ladies
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Image 946 (1912-11-20), from microfilm reel 946, (CU1744489). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.