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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ARD AND ROOM, 2 ND ROOM WITH PRE ly on the Hill, close to 1,26 Bl Paso, 10 IND BOARD WANTED BOARD AND ROOM 8 Apply box 1413 News o 10 DOMS WANTED, ROOM IN PRIVA respectable you ox 1414 News office, TWO OR THREE- furnished, by - No ng terms, Box 1408, Ne + eae FOR SALE A FINE LOT OF Wheat, grown on 2.00 per bushel, 0.J. , Sask, Sie. To REXr -STABLE. APPLY 01 St. 105-8 ED TO PURCHASE TO BUY LOTS CLOSE ial; will pay cash. G lars of location and price. MocElhatton, Gen. Deliv- ne Hat. 105-6 TO BUY Building lots vey, Herald or Central prices, terms, etc., to P. Owners only need apply. es CLEAN COTTON RAGS. splanade, 62-tt MEDICAL . ANDERSON Physician n. Office above: Assiniboia Office hours A. M. 10 . 2 to 4. 7 to 8.30. Resi- Roy St. Residence phone 0. 19-1m UCTIONEERS IWNE CO,, Live Stock eral Auctioneers, 619 Tor- tock Sales every Friday square at 1 o'clock. Ranck ock sales conducted any- use furniture sales con- here. Consult us, our ex- your disposal free. Phone Browne Co. 619 To 1s2ate ERED ACCOUNTANTS ees DERSON CO., chartered nts and auditors, (eitab auditors, city of Medicine peg, Medicine Hat, Leth- E. Gibson, C. gt; hone 198. Burns Block. 276att SCELLANEOLe L. JOBS OF CONTRACT- carpentering, painting, la mbing, engineering, ete. ertaken by the undersign- tes given. Patrick Mac- third Ave., or general de- postoftice, 89-12 ICINE HAT MIDE, FUR INK CO. The above ha ) best selection of Seo im the clty. We o Stoves and Bedding, 1 hand Clothing, CORSETS MADE aranteed for one king and rusting; House No. 7, School A: te east side of high e 699 for appointment o box 72, Mrs. Matthews, Everard Co il, ESTATE. N STREET. PHONE stings Wants a ark lt; . 2 SEWING HINE AGENCY s for Sale and Rent. rth Rallway Street. Phone s inding disposition is 0 a disortcred stomach. od digestion is nearly al natured. A great 0 ermanently cured of y by taking Chamberlain sale by all dealers. ool me /MEDLOINE HAT DAILY NEWS. FWORLD of SPORT SG sD ss FINE FABRICS It is hardly necessary and not altogether in keeping with the policy of a business so favor- ably known to dwell upon the fact that in- ferior qualities imita- tions or - substitutes are not permitted -in 20th Century Brand Clothes. We're not going to dwell upon it now simply assure you that the fabrics which en- ter into the making of the 20th Century Brand Clothes are every one of them carefully selected; and best adaptable for the purpose intended, Over 400 choice fabrics to. choose from, TURPIN BROS. The Man's Stone Where You Get the Big Doljar s Worth MIDDLESEX DEFEATED (C. A. P. Cable) London, Nov, 14. Surrey beat Mid- diesex the Rugby Coun ty Championship by thirteen points to five. THE MARKET TODAY Potatoes, 98 bus., at 50c. Chickens, 32 at 60c. Butter, 40 Ibs., at 30 to 35c. Eggs, 26 doz., at 50 to S6c. Carrote, 18 bus., at 2 Ib. There could be no better medicine than Chamberlain's: Cough Remedy. My children were all -sick with whooping cough. One of them was in bed, had a high fever and was cough- ing up blood..Our doctor gave them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the) first dose eased them, and three pot- tles cured them, says Mre. R. A. Ponaldson, of Lexington, Miss) For sale by all dealers, a a aa Ke Scene from the Flynn-Johnson pictures at the Monarch Theatre ree ov ee NE BPS Bl Cosy Roller Rink JUST ACROSS THE BRIDGE Thursday and Friday. Morning Afternoon Evening APTERNOON Skates 25 . EVENING Gent s admission, with skates, 35c. + Ladies admission with skates, 25c. A. G. NEDHAM S Band Every Afternoon and Evening. SESSIONS Pieteelelteiek OREN WOODY COMING Flynn s Trainer Expected to Arrive in the City This Evening en Route to Cali- fornia. Moyer Colien, who is. representing Jack Curley, the promoter of the Fiytin-Johnson contest, is in the city to explain the fight pictures at the Monarch tonight, states that Oren F. Woody witl arrive in Medicine Hat, this evening. Woody Is the man who fdined Fiynn for the contest with Johnson, and s now on his way to San Francisco to join Flynn, who is matched to meet Luke McCarty on. Christmas Day in the first of Mc- Carty s White Hops elimination con- tests, Mr. Woody will remain here for two days and will explain. his yiews of Flynn's chances with Mc- Carty. SASKATOON WILL HAVE BIGGEST (W. A. P, Diapateh.) Saskatoon, Noy. 14 The contracts have been let for the new rink of the Saskatoon Curling Club, which, con- sidering the amount of lee upon which play can take place, 1s the largest curling rink in the world. FLYNN-JOHNSON FIGHT Any one who for one moment thinks Jim Flynn stood no chance of whip- ping Jack Johnson, will change their opinion immediately after seeing the fight pictures of the recent mill when they are shown. at the Monarch Thea- tre: Thursday and Friday. The wea- ther was perfect on the day of the fight, and the camera was placed close to the ring, so that the pic- tures are actually life size, Every moment of the entire nine rounds is depicted on the film, together with many interesting scenes and eyents in connection. with the fighters andj Las Vegas. Flynn contended after the fight was stopped that if it was allowed: to. BO on, he would win. He claimed John- son was hugging him and made it) necessary for him (Flynn) to, butt. The pictures show that Flynn was right. While Flynn does not display any great amount of science, he is a glutton for punishment and seemed to) be fresher than Johnson when the mill was stopped. The engagement at the Monarch is for two days only, in addition to two reels of the regular program, apace oe acs i Kalser s Old Timer 10 Cigar. 10:30 to 1200 230. to 5.00 7.30 to 10.00 CANADA Mr. Taylor, rowing. The ease with which had financed themselves showed the AN INTERESTING DISCOVERY Most of our readers-will, by thir, have noticed a heading Peps .av- pearing in our columns, This fs preparation recently introduced: uto' Canada, which bide fajrto revolu- Uonize the treatment of coughs colds, and lung troubles. generally. Up to the introduction of Peps, ,it has been the custom to treat these all- ments by swallowing: medicine into the stomach. As there is no direct connection between the stomach and Jungs, this old-fashioned treatment Peps work on an entirely. difference principle. They are small tablets, and when placed upon th tongue turn gradually into medicinal va- pours: These vapours afe then breathed down the breathing pas- gages, and to the lungs direct. thelr way they imregnate the tn- uamed membranes, and quickly bring about healing, Not only for lung troubles, but for throat disorders, Peps are wonderfut ly beneficial. Already many Teading Canadians have tested them, with very satisfactory results. Peps are now used in the Dominion. Parlia- ment, and a striking testimonial to their effect has been recetved from Senator Derbyshire. Amongst the vocalists who have spoken gopd word for Peps are Madame Clara Butt and Mr. Kenner- ley Rumford, and amongst the fam- ous actors are Vesta Tilley, Zena Dare and Bilaine Terris. When eminent people, like the above meu tioned, guarantee the merits of the Preparation, one is entitled to regard t as something far above the ordin- ary, and Peps will undoubtedly tak: prominent place in Canadian homes. We understand that this useful and handy preparation 1s owned by the Proprietors of Zam-Buk. If they are mearly as gdod as Zam-Buk, they will be welcomed by thousands. of pA SOUND FIELD (Continued from page one.) ountry could have. financed itself on more -favored terms or with less strain to its credit. CONDITIONS ADMIRABLE, The financial condition and meth - ods of the Canadiau provinces con- tained nothing to justify adverse criticism, the real moral-of Canadian provin cial securities had been -realized by the British investor. Their credit and financial responsibilities had cer- tainly never been, questioned. . Public borrowings by small Canadian miun- icipalities had doubtless aroused some unfavorable comment, conceded but. is showed that twenty-three out of the thirty million sterling devoted to this pur- Pose was divided among as high lass borrowers as Montreal, Toron- to, Winnipeg, -Ottawh, Quebeo; Van- couver, Victoria and Hamilton, leav- ing just over seven millions among twenty other cities. COMPETITION IS KEEN. The public flotations of these lat- ter have been rapid and greatly ad- vertised, the result heing 2 much exaggerated id a of the real amount borrowed. In his opinion: he. believ- ed competition for Canadian bn: ness was keen and consequently Can- adjan cities reaped the benefit of the Glose scrutiny of investors interested in the Canadian market. Turning to railway securities, he said these re- vealed-but a small per contage which eguld be classed as doubtful, for the three great transcontinental lines: ac- counted for nearly ninety percent of the aggregate Canadian railway bor- they confidence reposed in them. ARE SOME DRAWBAC) Regarding miscellaneous securities, Mr. Taylor said there were some unwise, Canadian financiers whose jlack of knowledge was monumental. They were desirous of steering a straight course but were unable to do so through ignorance. Allies T them were many unsound English- men. Regarding land speculation, ho thought that speculators who i sladed many members of the aristo- racy-had bought Canadian land both wisely and. anwisely. . BANK ACT. WISELY MADE. If Canadians and Canadian-Ameri- eans showed readiness to profit at the: expense: of these gentlemen, an- xious to get rich quick, the result was not to be wondered at. A most serious setback . in realty values would not invitself materially dis- turh the general financial stability of the Dominion, thanks to the far- Sighted provision of the Banking Act of Canada precluding Canadian banks ending money gn the:security of real estate. investments. Roger Bresnahan's St. Louis Car dinals were the only National League team to win 2 series:from an Amer- iean League outfit this fall and then Roger gets uso: and see Onte .It was doubtful whether tle - poke a few seas IS NO FRICTION - BETWEEN ALLIES Telegram Crediting Bulgars With Having Taken Sal- onica Was a Mistake. ATWENS REGRETS MESSAGE has always toon very unamUntnetory.+Ghreeks Declare Quarantine Against Vessels Arriving From: Gholera-Infested Capital a (Special to the News) Athens, Nov, 14. A rather painful impression: Las caused here by telegram from Gen. Theodorff, pub- lished in the. Mir, annouticing that the Bul force hae taken Salonica. The incldent is regreted for two rpasoma: First, because the statement absolutely contrary to the facts, and secondly, because it might: give the impression. abroad that there is frletion between the al- Hes, ate In officlal Giroles here it is assert- ed emphatically that there is not the slightest friction. The statement pub- lished in the Mig is attributed either to an error in-telegraphic transmis-' sion or to a mistaken interpretation of Gen. Theodorff s despatch, In any case, there 16 uO danger of any dif- ciculties betwesiii the allies over the: inctdent. Hee Tt is 4c to mote in cor- roboration of thls that no mention of the incident appears in the Greek Press. sd Princess Hel m/of Greece; atcom- panied by Mme. Valisto of Paris, and Vountess Lundaly lett yesterday for Salonica to supervise the (work. of caring for the Wounded... The prin- cess proceeded by train to Volo, in- tending to travel aboard a Russian warship which Ieft the Pireus yes- terday. 4 Princess Marie, wife of Prince George of Greece, arrived here. of board the hospital ship Albania, from Port Elevaterocheri in the Gulf of Saionica, accompanying 116 woundesl from the battle of Janitza. The prin- cess, whose gentleness. and self-ab- negation in the Work of aiding the wounded has won every heart, went to the miNtayy. hospital, installed in the cadets college here 5 One. of the) Wounded examined was found to have fragment;of a bullet embedded in his lung. Princess Ma- ig words to the poor fellows. One of them in r ply to an inquirymwhether he suffer- ed, said simply: es, now, but not) during the battle, The enthusiasm Keptous. up. Bye Owing to the pr valence of cholera, at Constantinople, the Greek Govern- ment yesterday declared a quarantine, against v ssels arfiving from that port, and also from ports in Asia Minor, and Syria. The passengers will not be allowed to Tid? at the Pireus, Hut will be bent to Liserette, in the harbor of Corfii; Tor period of five full days from the date of arrival here. SENTENCED. 10 FOUR YEARS R. G. Lawrence Was Found Guilty at Winnipeg of Ob- taining Money. Falsely. QW. A. P. Dispatch) Winnipeg, Nov. 14. Robert Gibson Larimer, who pleaded guilty to all charges preferred against him of ob- taining mioney under false pretences, vas this morning sentenced to four years in. the peaitentiary. After a severe cflase Larimer was arrested in Boston, Mass., was brought back to Winnipeg to face. about twenty charges. He was ot good Pennsyl- vania parentage and his wife at-the present time is at Philadelphia with her parents, The boy's appetite is often. the souree of amazement. If you would have such an appetite take Chamber- lain's Tablets. They not only create a healthy appetite, but strengthen the stomach and enable it to do its. work naturally, For sale by all. dealers. Subseribe now for the Dally News, NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application will be made on behalf ofthe Alberta Central Railway Com- the application recommendation Council for Railway Companyfoa thet conditions therein gentioed. This notice s given pursuant to the provisions of 361 of the Railway Act, 07 Dated at Moiitreal, October 121 1912. Si the gate. What's tho +--+ THE MARKET REPORTS Winnipeg, Nov. 14. The marked was weak and had a steady but not rapid decline in which both wheat band oats participated. There is a fair cash-and export demand but offerings are very heavy. The great Volume of daily receipts also tends to keep hrices down. Today's receipts were 1379 cars inspected and 1250 in sight. Weather is generally fair and favorable . to threshing and trans- portation, Wheat Nov. opened 848, closed 842; Deo, 814, 80 ; May 862, 852. Onats Noy. 34 , 344; Deo. 322, 32; May 354, 343. Flax Nov. 123, 1204; 114; May closed 1183. CASH PRICES. No. 1 Nor, closed 83 ; No. 2, 81; No. 8, 794. Winter wheat No. J, 644; No. 2, 814; No, 3, 794.. Oats No. 2 0.W., 844; No. 3, 33, Ex- No. 1 feed, 334; No. 1; 837No. 3, 32. Minneapolis, Nov. 14. Deo. wheat; opened 83 , closed 833; May 898, 85 . Chicago, Nov. 14. Dec.. wheat, ae 87k, May 988, 938; July 90, Chicago, TH, Nov. 14. Wheat dropped today as s tesult of reports that Turkey had obtained an amt mistice. vorable crop advices from Arg ntina gave further help to the bears. About the only support came from shorts, Th openigy was 4 to down. December st: at 873 to 88 , a loss of to and de- scended to 878. Woreign selling took the snap owt of oats. Deosmber, which started a shade to. and 2 off at 308 to 30 , sagged to 302. 3 Liverpool,.. Nov, 14. Close. wheat: Spot, weak; No, 1 (new) Man. 84a; No. 2 (new) Man, 7s 64d; Noy 3 Man. 7s 43d. Fatutes weak; Dec. March 7s did: May 7a 23d. THE MAYFLOWER*Wi, WHARE (heory is That 8 Steamer Injured her Hul o That She Rapidly Killed. ACW. A. P.*Dispatoh) Ottaw JBNov, 14. Details of last night's catastrophe when the steamer Mayflower, foui four miles below diffien t to weoure om acount of the TuMote nature of the district. At Teast nine lives arg reported lost and there is a ramor that the aath list may reach eleven. Tho th that the steamer when leaving ry s Bay struck the wharf and this caused a'leak so that she got four miles from here, Probably filled and sank so ri that little could be done to att ving the passengers. A third body, supposed to be that 3 Pasichal, of Yorkton, Sask., has been found. THE LESSON. Deo. 116, The room was full of little girls in pink. pinnies and pigtsils. They sat in rows at wooden desks as. quiet a9, mice. Over them presided a sweet, faced dameel, stern withal; i i The lesson . concerned oins of the ; HIS ADI realm, and they had been through A eertain politi the entire range, from farthings to vited to. speak sovereigns, Bt Some One Jittle miss, however, was sin gularly inattentive. Her*gaze- was; out: fixed upon a playtul sparrow ba the onne window-sill, and she had uo thought: 6 for coins. wait Suddenly the teacher pounced wpon Park her, Placing half-a-crown upon the go pupil's desk, she demand: P What's that? eeeER en es Ler eet? eeeere yy eeeS Ty eeeees i i beth OST Laeees beitpetts Lacerta re EER EReEeeT Se reea ee Pettitte ittereesrstitecs Peeeeatys Leper rere beter bie vo Peete Pree Serer ee PPreerers fesereenss eet FOR BUSINESS It would be hard to improve on this mod everyday wear. Tailored in meltons, tweeds and a variety of tich overcoatings. Warm, servicable and very stylish. E yive are exclusive agents -T RPIN BROS., MAIN STREEY THE MEN S STORE Wher) you get the Big Dollar s Worth. Let s All Go to The MONARCH THEAT The FLYNN-JOHNSON and other IRE To-day and Friday Moving Picture
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Image 905 (1912-11-14), from microfilm reel 905, (CU1744494). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.