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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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: : - formed by-Mr. Ws See Our Specials in Shirts and SHOeS This Week Waierproofs and Umbrellas Our coats are warrant- ed against leakage and decay. We specialize on Curries rainproofs, which have been found most suitable for this climate. 7.50 to- 12,00. Finer values you never saw. H.S.IRELAND C.P.R. MENS STORE SORRY THEY'RE GOING Chief of Police Bruce Pays High Tribute to S. A. Cap- tains Work. It is with a great deal of regret that the news of the contemplated depar- ture from this-city of Captains Mar- shall and Hollan of the Salvation Army; was received. Perhaps no one will miss. them more than Chief of Police Bruce, and he, while expressing his deep regret on hearing the news, took occasion to point out a little of the good work these young ladies have been. doing To. Miss Holland fell the gnost of the work of the local branch of the Army, connected with the police, and to her the Chief paid a high tribute, the same time pointing out that Miss Marshall was equally zealous. Those two young ladies, said the Chief, have been a wonderful assist- ance to me, in my work, and are with- out doubt the best officers that have pever been connected with the Army in Medicine Hat, I'm awfully sorry fo see them go. Miss Holland has been granted six months furlough, her ardous duties having undermined her health, Miss Marshall is going nursing. Tomorrow Sunday here. fis thelr last NER STONE Ceremony at New Method- ist Church on June 27. At a meeting held this morning it Was decided to make arrangements to lay the corner stone of the new Meth- odist church on the 27th of June at 7.30 p.m. The ceremony is to be per- Bridgeman who is the oldest and the only trustee ap- pointed in 1884 that is left. It was also agreed tu endeavor to arrange for the president of the Conference, and the Rey. Buchanan, Supt. of Mis- sions, to be present on that day. ABSOLUTELY SAFE FOR LITTLE ONES Mrs, Nelle Steeves, Hill Grove, N. B,, writes: I know Baby's Own Tab- lets are an absolutely safe Medicine for little ones and they are the only medicine I would give a child without first consulting a doctor. The Tab- Jets are guaranteed by a government analyst to be absolutely safe and free from opiates and narcotics and con- not possibly do harm but always good. They are sold by Medicine dealers or by mail at/25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. For all kings of job printing, try the News Job Department. Float-in Dominion Day Owing to the inclement weather Inst night there was not the large attendance expected at the meeting of the Automobile Club, which was held in the City Hall Mr. R. C, Becker, who presided and suggested that beyond appointing of- ficers for the Club they should ad- Journ the remainder of the business, until there was a more representative jattendance and the suggestion was agreed to. Mr. James Fleming was then unan- imously appointed president, Mr. Overpack, Vice-President; and Mr. Laidlaw, Secretary-Treasurer. The Mayor was appointed an honorary member. It was also suggested that the premier of the province should be elected an honorary member, but jseveral present objected. saying that it would be better to have no mem- bers of the government, then they would feel more independent in ask- ing the government to improve the roads, Moe Executive Committee was ap- pointed as follows: Messrs. Yuill, Howson, C. Pingle, Bennett, Ginther, Joy, Crouse and Dr. Smith. The chairman thought it would be well to call a meeting when Mr. Lid- law got back in town, to consider what by-laws they should adopt. Mr. Lidlaw had a copy of the Winnipeg bylaws that would guide them to a great extent. .'The secretary moved that the com- mittee be instructed to revise the Winnipeg by-laws, making them suit- able for Medicine Hat. Mr. Over- pack seconded and the motion was passed. The chairman said there might be such a thing as the Club taking part Hin-the 1st of July progrem The. committee in charge of the program that day, had asked everyone to take part in their SEVEN CENTURIES OF Great Principles of Constit Saw the Light of Day o Ago. Liberty, like humanity itself, has been of slow growth. The celebrat- ed sister of fraternity and equality was not created-by fiat. It is impos- sible to point out any place or period and say Here Liberty was: born. Three years from today, June 15, 1915, will, however be the seven hun- dredth anniversary of an - ent* that almost deserves to be called the birth of liberty for English peoples, Since it is the pleasant custom to celebrate centennial and their multiples, Great Britain and her colonies and the-United- States should not forget that date. It, was on the fifteenth of June, 3215, that the. Magna Charta the Great Charter of English liberty was signed by King John at Runn: mede, near Windsor. It .was much against his will that Jobn attached his royal signature to the document that, in its provisions, laid the foun- dation for the present representative government, It was a . shotgun marriage by which the son of Henry Il, was forced to take Queen Liberty as his spouse, with the rebellious parents, From that day at Runay- date the birth of freedom in its later forms. The fundamental parts of the Magna Charta were derived from Saxon charters, but it breathed a. new spirit of liberty that has ever since been the inspiration of English peoples. By the Magna Charta ali the great Principles of constitutional govern- ment were affirmed, and with so clear a voice as to be in advance of the age. Stephen Langton flattered his fellows by considering them farther advanced than they really were, but for the -most-part his Tegislation took root at once and flourished. The charter was the first solemn act of Jas. Fleming, Pres. The Hats Auto Club Enthusiastic Meeting of the Auto Owners of the City George Beattie of Carlstadt ts in Held in the City Hall Last Evening Will Have a Parade. thought the Club should do s0. His suggestion was agreed to, and several present thought the club should have a penant. It would be a first class advertisement they con- sidered. After some discussion, it was de- cided to have a gold and black pen- ant with the picture of a hat on one side and the letters. M. H. A. C. on the other. BOY SCOUTS The executive of the Boy Scouts Council have arranged for the boys to meet on Monday evening at No. 1 headquarters. A large attendance is lrequested. The band in connection with the boy scouts, consisting of bugles and drums, is progressing wonderfully well, and they are putting in overtime at present practicing for the 1st day of July parade; in which they intend taking part. Rev. A. E. Armstrong of Toronto, secretary of the Board cf Foreign Mis- sions, will speak at Knox Church on Sunday morning. In the evening the pastor will give a review of the work of the General Assembly. McBEAN HADDER. . On Thursday evening last, Geo. G. McBean and Miss Louise Hadder, both of Medicine Hat were united in marriage at 808 Princess Ave. by the Rev. E. EB. Hinch. i OBITUARY The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. terday at the Hillside Cemetery. The deceased child was two days old at the time of its demis LIBERTY SINCE JOWN'S MAGNA CHARTA utional Government First n June 15, Nearly 700 Years come naturalized citizens. The un- willing bridegroom, King John, had entered into the alliance with Miss Liberty with no intention of being a faithful husband. Pope Innocent III, refus d: to give the sanction of the church and issued a papal bull against the charter. But King and Church were powerless against the will of the people, and the charter was several times confirmed by Hen- ry III. and later monarchs. For two centuries the charter was the watchword of English freedom, and its influence is still potent today. Memorial services will be held to- day in New York by the organization of the General Slocum Survivors, in memory of those,-1,031 in number, who perished wigh the burning of the excursion stealer General Slocum in the East River at New York eight years ago today, June 15, 1904. One of the principal purposes of the as- sociation was to bring about the pun- ishment of those responsible for the terribi plished je ager aptain Van Shaiok, commander of the vessel was sent to prison. Most of the more than a thousand victims were child- Ten comprising a Sunday School ex- um's hulk was converted into a coal barge and renamed the Maryland. Early this year the barge was wreck- ed off the New Jersey coast and the broken hulk was blown up by the United States authorities, Today is the seventy-sixth anniver- sary of the admission of the State of Arkansas to the Union; the thirty- first anniversary of the great Quebec fire, and the twenty-fourth anniver- sary of the accession of the Emperor the united English nation after Nor- Mgrs. Resolution. (W. ALP. London, Eng., June 15 At today's session of the chambers of commerce of the empire the resolution favoring the removal of the restrictions on the importation of Canadian cattle on the hoof met with determined opposition, it was argued that the congress was incompetent of judging the question being unaware of details. Two thirds of German Qe RESOLUTION 10 REMOVE RESTRICTIONS ON CANADIAN CATTLE WAS DEFEATED Chamber of Congress Unaware of Details and Two- Thirds of Delegates Vote Against It Adopt Can. Dispatch.) of the delegates voted against it. The resolution of the Canadian Manufactsrers Association urging the adoption by all states of the eea carriage of foods act to prevent o - ean carriers escaping Mability for o8s or damage was carried, The jTesolution re the taxation of commer- clal travellers at so carried. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J: Delong of Mit St- was buriet-veo- IA FEES WAH AGGEDENT man conquerors and settlers had be- Gertrude and Eugene Burton, Mr. and cursion party, The General Sloe /strs Cnas.-H -McDonnough, MF and SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. J. A, Johnson and daughter of Seven Persons are spending the week end in town. R. Irwin of Suffield, and H. Hansen of Seven Persons, are staying at the Royal the city, ; Mr. and Mrs, McAmmond left this morning for Ontario where they will spend the summey with Mra. McA mond s mother at Pendleton, Miss Opal Overpack, who has been studying in the College of Music at Gainsville, Georgia, arrived in town yesterday, on an eight week s vaea- tion, After her hoiid: Miss Over- pack will again return to Gainsville. Mr, and Mrs, W, Cousins are spend- ing the week-end in Ranft. Ex-Mayor D. Milne is leaving tod: for a trip to Calgary. A pleasant evening was spent in the Becker Hall last evening, when an informal dance was held by a4 number of the young people of the city. The Monarch Orchestra sup- plied the music, BEAVER LUMBER CO. PURCHASES BUSINESS OF NEW LUMBER CO. Mr. McNicol in City Taking Stock Mr. Stacey will Have Charge. The Beaver Lumber Co. with head- quarters at Winnipes have taken over the business of the New Lumber Co. in this city. Mm M, McNicol, the in- spector of the new company has been. in the city for the past week taking, stock. He will be here till the first of July, when Mr. Stacey one of thelr men at present on his way back from the Old Country, will come here and take charge. The Beaver Co, is one of the largest lin the west. ON WAY TO HAT W. Starks Coming to Visit A. Brown Now in Swift Current Hospital. Mr. W. Starks of Collingwood, aged 70, met with a serious accident yes- terday at Herbert station, where he fell from the train and broke two ribs besides sustaining other injuries. Dr. Campbell of the Provincial Ex- perimental Farm at Medicine Hat, who was on the train at the time, says Starks was on his way to visit Alex. Brown of this city, At Winni- peg, No. 3 train on which they were riding was divided into two sections. He and Stark getting on the second one. On the train leaving Herbert, Sask., Stark in some unaccountable Way fell, sustaining the injuries men- tioned. He was conveyed to the Swift Current Hospital and held there for treatment. INTERMENT William Wesley Williams The funeral of William Wesley, Williams, the eleven year old son of Mr..and Mrs. W. T. Williams, took Place from the residence of the fath- er, 733 Main St., yesterday afternoon The ball-bearers were Messrs. Fred Fewings, Evgene Burton, Lorne El- Hott, Ewart Porter, Evans Huckvale, Ogletree and Sissons, and Rey. N. Me- Donald officiated at the graveside. Floral tributes were received from: Mr. and Mrs, W. J, McLean, Jean Green, Mr. and Mrs, Wagstaff, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cousins, M. Smith, Miss Keaiy, Kings Helpers, Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Marshall, Mr, and Mr ton, Mr. Longworth, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lynch, Mr. A. P. Burns, Evans and Cuthbert Huckvale, Smyth Fleming, Dr. and Mrs. 0. Boyd, Mrs. L. Cosens, Mrs. Dawson, The Office Staff, Mr. George M. Hay, Teachers and Sunday School Class, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Haw- thorne, Grade IV. Toronto St. Schooi, Father and Mother, Brothers, Some of Wesley's boy friends, Beatrice and Fred Fewings, Mr. and Mrs, Morri- son, Miss M, Walton, Ogletree Sissons, art Porter, Mrs. Jas, Bristah, Hot- Son and Leader and staff, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Nelson, Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Eliott, Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Lussier, Lussier Construction Co, Horace Wif- fen, and Mr. and Mrs,-B, F. Souch. BULLION FOR TURKEY (W. A. P. Cable.) London, June 15 Bullion amount- Ing to 33,000 pounds was taken into the Bank of England today and 100,- 000 pounds was withdrawn for ship- BARGAINS TOWNSITE. Bik 54, Lots 16-17, 2800 terms. Bik 59, lots 1-2, 4000, terms, Blk 96, lot 14, 1200 terms. For a Few Days Only. Bik. 52, Lot 6, 2000 cash, NORTH YUILL. Blk. 2, lot 21, 625, terms. Bik 3, lot 29-80, 1050 terms. Bik 16, lot 20, 1050, terms. Bik 7, lot 4, 800, terms. Blk 13, lot-4,- 900- terms, Bik 9, lot 10, 1250, terms. Blk , lot 18, 1600, terms. COUSINS SISSONS. Blk 19, lot 7-8, 700 terms. Bik 19, lot 31:35, 850 pair. Ik 10, Jots 25-26, 735 term: Bik 2, lots- -7, 825. terms, GAS CITY REALTY Co. PHONE 693. 410 MAIN ST. Agents for Accident and Sick- ness Insurance. WILL SPECIALIZE IN LOANS: AND INSURANCE Erratt Co. of Moose Jaw Will Open Here F. H. Proby in Charge. The Erratt Co,; Limited, of Moose Jaw, one of the largest Loans and In. surance Companies of the West are opening an office in Medicine Hat. They will handle all kinds. of in- surance, loans, real estate, ete, but will make a specialty of Loans and insurance, Mr. F. H. Proby, a former resident iM es Soodoeiots a CHOICE CORNER Sixth Avenue Snap for cash. Seeded DAY STATE TOWN 150 YEARS OLD Athol, Mass. June 15 A week's celebration of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the town of Athol soseetetseeSeateese-eheateaseeteeteate so STOCK BY--- Sots cS 4 A. M. Wright, jeweller, og Sento odtossetertotgoateeg business (until the new will be sold at your own Srehoaioeteatestostoateeeeteateeoateaieeoeteatnetecte REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. In all its Branches, Main Street. One half block from at 1100.00 a pair. AUGTION another store in the city in which to continue has been obliged to offer his stock of Jewellery, Clocks, Watches and Silverware at Auction Sale commencing Friday, June 14th, when everything Se Berry High School, and Fewings Street: ee Roatesteste state testectestocts SreQoehechoate-soegerterioniesfeste st Sesloetoatesteaceate-seatedtoctoatectoate will be ushered In tomorrow morning with anniversary services in all the churches. Parades, band concerts, athletic contests and historical exer- cises will fill out the week. Serer 3, z being unable to procure store is built this fall) price. of Medicine Hat and well known-here will be placed in charge of the new office, which is expected to open in a week's time. They have secured quarters on Main Street above the Assiniboia Music Store. Ladies of Culture and Re- finement Use Salvia Hair Tonic. It Makes the Hair Beautiful. That Dandruff is caused by germs is accepted by every sensible person. At last a remedy has been discover ed. that will positively destroy this pest. Dandruff is the evils. SALVIA will kill the dandruff germs and remove Dandruff in ten days or root of all hair money back. Pingle. the Druggist guaran- tees it It will grow hair, stop itch. ing scalp, falling hair, and make the hair thick and abundant. It prevents hair from turning gray. and adds life and lustre. SALVIA is a hair dressing that has become the favorite with women. ot taste and culture, who know the sac- fa Ivalue of beautiful hair. A large generaus bottle costs only 50c. leading druggists everywhere, and in Medicine Hat by Pingle, Druggist. The word SALVIA (Latin for sage) is on every bottle. oo Selected Snaps OLD TOWNSITE. 1950, lot 6, bik 52, Main St. 1050, lot 36, blk. 80, Ottawa St, 16 and 17, block 54. 3000, lots 9 and 10, block 93, 100x100 ft. corner. 1200, lot 14, block 96, 4th Ave. OLD TOWNSITE NORTH SIDE 3000, lot 10, bik. 38, Ottawa St. 9,000, 67 ft. and house, blook N., Toronto St., north. 7000, corner Princess and Bal- moral St. SOUTH YUILL 1400, lot 8, block 14. 8700, 100x130 and house, on Columbia Ave., lots 11 and 12, block 8. 1000, lot, 5, block 11. 31050, 50 ft and shack on Mill Street. 1100, lot 18, block T. 31200, lot 16, block Q. 1500, lot 4, block 7, with a 4 roomed house. 1500, lot 20, bik. T., corner. 1000, 50 ft on Columbia Ave. gt; COUSINS SISSONS. 500 pr., lots 1-20, block 24. 650 pr., South 1-2, block 22. 3560 pr., block 14. 700 pr, lots 1-10, block 19. B. F.Souch,pim.s. DRUG STORE, TORONTO ST. ment to Turkey. It Costs MOTHER TASSIE Look for the Label. Get the Best No More S BREAD BROS. Phone 256. eho eleoatodtoeioetetents buy. See it at our Store. -- McKIN that on and after April 15th the Joint Stock Company, Limited, an continuation of that service associated with this store. and Watch for further Announcem : A. M. (right a : loronto Street Screen Doors and Windows, etc. THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE C0., LTD. Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat F. B. McKINNON So Paseata taste fe te Bos ooetnstestoateefeateseatect Ub, There are many kinds, some good, some otherwise. A refrigerator that will keep onions, fish, milk mat- ches and butter for 48 hours in the same foot cham- ber without taint or odor is one of the best. ... THE BARNETT REFRIGERATOR is the only one which will do this, and therefore the best to NON S.. F. B, McKinnon desires to thank his numerous friends and patrons for thelr generous patronage during the past seven years which he has conducted his bakery business, and begs to state business will be carried on as a id would hespeak for the company z cm as quality which has always been Fearman eleleinininleieleielnieleleiot: 1 We are Offering and Bacon AT A BIG SAVING IN PRIGE ents 235-d-tf s Hams ehh RRP rb rhheb pei b bbb rrr it Main Street. Peieletetet H.W. Ireiand Co. loolorforto Phone 54. sfoleeledeelotete
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Image 1027 (1912-06-15), from microfilm reel 1027, (CU1743657). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.