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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Tuesday, June 18, 1912 otto ttocte depts we Bo ; 2 3 el Se VIEW lies between the present industrial site where Bring your i off without getting a slice of it. USE IT. joins Ogilvie Mills,. Other close SEE Ve es aerial the new industries will be established and the new 250 acre site on whi balance in two full years with only 7 per cent. interest y to get left out in the cold this time, according to the way CRESCENT VIEW is being bought up. ent on CRESCENT VIEW lots, consider how many factories there, will be der what the prices will be as compared with other valuations from 1910 to 1912. This property is going to be enhanced in value by being surrounded by industries which will represent the biggest manufacturing centre in Western Canada, If you have faith in this growing city, you cannot afford to let CRESCENT VIEW be run surroundings such as these on terms of one fifth cash and ues jump sky high in other parts of the city are not going imagination to bear on the situation. located in the vicinity of CRESCENT VIEW and consi CRESCENT VIEW is backed up by the ambition of every citizen of Medi Hat bea city-of wealthy people. Let CRESCENT VIEW be the medium. CRESCENT VIEW cannot help but climb the value ladder when all of the property behind it is to be built m the Pittsburg Post Office for 150, would you take it? Then when you know yourself that all you have to do is to get the Pittsburg i ffered you a lot 1 mile fro: ald rn Sti ta one vs in which to vay for your property in CRESCENT VIEW, too) is it not. worth while considering ?. USE YOUR OWN JUDGMENT, BUT prices is to wait, say two years, (and you have two yea: Prices 150.00 per lot and up; terms one-fifth cash choice for out-of-town buyers, or written or wire orders, The Six Biggest Manufacturing Plants are Less than 300 feet from Crescent View. Buy at bottom prices and reap the benefit of a sure and rapid advance. Wire or write for reservations: Every lot guaranteed dry and level. Where is Developing the Greatest Manufacturing Centre of Western Canada The Early Bird, Like the Early Investor, Picks Up When Picking is Good THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF MEDICINE HAT PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER MADE ANY MONEY ON REAL ESTATE, ALTHOUGH THEY HAVE SEEN THEIR NEIGHBORS MAKING MONEY DAY AFTER DAY. / In two years from today, when you are making your final paym Buy Property In The Wake of Develop jn subdivisions have increased in value and have been built up on the strength of residential developrients only. the big Fire Proofing plant will locate .. When yeu can buy lots in ou are being offered the opportunity*of a lifetime. ..People who have seen val- up with factories. ments icine Hat. This city is sure going to grow some. Your financial resources will grow up with it. . Let Medicine Bought a Right-of-way into the City. and two years on balance . You can handle twice as much as usual on these terms and reap double benefits. We will make personal and guarantee selection will suit purchaser or money will be refunded. The Canadian Northern Railway have CRESCENT . . seateeteseetee KR s oage-s Perry, HUTCHINSON BLOCK. yy ere ntantnrieste 070-670-0701 410-610 sro sre sesrosre este ee eS O TEI oe fenzeaenteate-eqeeze-sse-ese age ae ese ge ae eae eee MON POOH ONO MONO SON TOTO aS Reazeate Qoegee paren ms empty houses, and the town is going back. They have about 1,200 less in- which put a railroad shop at Belen. WORLD of SPORT S22 Som8 SAYS FIGHT FANS . WILL BE. STUNG Those Who Go to Las V gas to S e Bout Will Have to Sleep on Their Ear. Philadelphia, June 18. H. F. Lang, dent boxing fan, says? formerly of Philadelphia, well known How the sports that go to the Las in the insurance business is now re- Vegas-fight will be stung for accomo- siding at El Paso, Tex., not very far/dation. In October last they held the from Las Vegus, where it is proposed Republican State convention. there. to pull off the Johnson-Flynn fight. The delegates numbered 216, and the Writing to a friend in this city re- hotel was packed, cently, Mr, Lang, who is a very ar- There are, howevef, a number of Soetoro tio ho tio eoniotiontoese + We have opened an office in Suite IL., in the Im- z x perial Bank Building... We will be pleased to re- Las Vegas claims a population of 12,- 000 but truthful people,and there are perhaps two or three in the place, say they have 8,000, half of whom are Mexicans, who live in the old town across the Galenas river. Montezuma is not a town. It is simply a hotel that the Santa Fe built but it was a failure. It is about elght miles from Las Vegas, in the moun- tains. ch- ex Las Vegas, and that is the Santa Fe, The only first-class hotel is the one connected with the railroad, where they serve Harvey meals at 75 cents each, and they are really worth the money. They can accomodate about 120 in the diningroom. The other hotels are small and there are about four or five and none of them have 50 rooms, some with about 20. Las Vegas is situated in a valley and when you Teach: the mesa lands, sand, prairios and skies. There are no Suburbs, and no towns for miles and Sewell Pe MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. rave ave de-siedte tio 1.00,0050-44 410-056-600 80050 0.00 CO COE PEE NIN LINEN I LIES OO MIAO IO TD COULTON LG ULI O OL OTD Jack Evrley saysthe Flynn-Johnson bout will be staged on the morning of. independencetay;The-champion and challenger will shake hands at 11 o'clock. There are several reasons for the early start. The sun will not be as hot as 4t would be Jater in the day; those attending the fight get an earl- fer start for home-and also the news- papers Will be able to get out sport- ing extras on the fight before the af- ternoon ball games start. Other facts on the bout are given in a letter that Curley wrote to a friend in the cast, They follow: Las Vegas, which s pronounced ered, Las Vegas is a splendid little city, very progressive and strictly up to date, with fine hotel accomodations and amusements, It is only five and Jobieos and Flyan Will Start at Noon : On July The Fourth Jack Curley Wants the Public to Know Result Before Afternoon Ball Games Promoter Furnishes Some Interesting Side Lights on the Contest. Frisco in a day or two. When I get back I will submit a list of referees to Johnson and Flynn. Whoever they pick-will be the third man. The prices to the big fight will be reasonable. Come down and see a world s championship change hands. Bring some Buffalo sports with you. The trip will do you good. We'll have a big crowd as big as the crowd that saw Jeffries and John- son at Reho, APPEALS 10 THE UMPIRE fi about four squares from the centre y.2.'n ss exactly 987 miles trom Den- i ver. It isn t in the wild and undiscov- jaseman Asks for Protection From Abusive Spectators. Yor os, jmiles. No farms, no growth of any ceive ANY ORDERS or PAYMENTS OF AC- kind but a little shrub that nothing e COUNTS at our up Town Offices. + tus. ge P According to Mr. Lang's description Manufacturers of Sash, Doors Special Millwork J. H. PRESTON PLANING MILLS Phone Offices 760; Mill 60. of Las Vegas and the surrounding country the sports will have little to amuse themselves. with outside of the fight, but a chance to play Old Maid or some other form of card game. Subscribe now for the Daily News. ress 3; HOLLINGER AGENCY suns. if i TOWNSITE. FULLER-HARLOW 2800 pr. terms, lots 16-I7, bik. Beautiful 100 ft. by 300 ft. river z 5a. lots for 1800. 1100 terms, lot 15, blovk 80. Snap. 1200 each, terms, lots 25-80, ) The ideal spot for your future + block 54.) home. 2000 terms, lot 5, block 58. ; 32000 terms, lot 2, block 63. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX. ; 2000 pr. terms, lots 9-10, blk. 1100 pair, terms, block 22. 85. s 460 pair, terms 31-32, bik. 2. if 1500, lot 3, block 87. 850 pair terms, block 28. HERALD. f 1100 pr terms, lots 5-6 bik. 20. 600 pair, lots 35-40, bik. 1 ; 1050 pr., lots 29-30, bik. 13. ROSEDALE. * 4000 pr. lots 5-6, blk. D. 1300 terms, lot 10, bik. 8. bt. With small house. 2200, lot 3, block 6. SOME EXTRA GOOD BUYS CENTRAL PARK. 600 pr., block 27. 840 pair, block 20, snap. 3500 each, bik 13, facing park. 3840 pair, block 21. 850 pair, block 22. 3700 pair, block 19, COUSINS SISSONS.- 700 pair, block 19. 650 pair, block 13. 800 pair, block 2. si tT, block 2. 750 pair, block 11. 700 pair, block 19. Facing school site. half hours ride from Denver. Fight fans will be back in Denver at 7.30 on the night of July Fourth. The atena wil seat about 30,000. It is being built on Sixth street, right in the best residential district. Please correct the false mpression that my arena is being constructed in the wild and Woolly. Its location here in Las Vegas is about the same as the Teck theatre in Buffalo. Its less than a five minute walk from the heart of the city to the arena. Flynn and Johnson are both training hard, They will be in fine shape and the fight fans will s e a real world s; championship battle, This 1s not an out and out finish fight. The bout is limited to 45 rounds. Don t be surprised if Flynn foole the world and licks Johnson. Corbett and Sullivan were matched and the world laughed. Corbett won. Fitzsimmons and Jeffries were match- ed and the fans gigled. Jeffries won. Johnson and Jeffries were match- ed and they all thought Jeffries would cake walk, Johnson won. Young Corbett was-matched with McGovern. Just a warm-up for Terry said the wiseacres. Corbett won Mc- Govern s crown. Wolgast was matched with Nelson. Who is Wolgast? asked the majority of fight fans. They found out the next morning, i the umpire for protection from the abuse of a spectator, this being the first time that a big league player has, taken advantage of the rule permit- ting, since the memorable Ty Cobb. incident a few weeks ago, was made. today by a player of the Brooklyn team during the game between the, Brooklyn Nationals and the Pittsburg team in Brooklyn, Smith, Brooklyn's third baseman, Was the protesting player. The inci- dent occurred during the fifth inning when Smith complained to Umpire Owens of what he claimed was abusive language being used by a spectator in one of the boxes, Before Owens had a chance to appeal to the management the spectator pointed out by Smith left the grandstand. Twenty-nine per- sons, including a woman, accompan fed him, They had been occupying two boxes assigned to a Brooklyn fraternal organization. HOPES BATTLE JUNE 28 Bombadier Wells and Al Palzer to Meet in Ten Round Bout New York, June 18, Bombadier, Wells, the heavyweight title-holder of England, and Al Palzer, a white hope aspirant for heavyweight honors, were SPONSOR OHS OTOP INS Real Snaps Real 9 2,.-EEstate foot Seago fs K soeonys Ky os 0-4 5 2 s 04s TORONTO ST. eo eS a ACT QUICK IF YOU WANT THEM . Old Townsite Block 52, 100 ft. facing Toronto:Street. Only 3750 the pair. Usual terms, Hetald Block 14, 4 lots at 250 a pair, on the usual teem: Central Park Block 27, 7 lots at 600 a pair. Level and a fine view. Usual Terms. High School Annex Block 21, 2 lots, fine view, level, high, no slope. Only 1050.00 a pair. Terms. Riverdale 20 lots, block 3, only 237.50 each. Uusual Terms. Fine modern, 8 roomed house New and up-to-date, block 16, Cen- tral Park. Will trade for lots. : PHONE 237. G.G. MacBean Co. IMPERIAL BANK BU TLDING. Tuesday, Gamma or 8 double within 3 now in . sure mor Block 6 Block 3 Block 7 Block 8 Block 14 This p 3. minut the post Dona Room 1, We Wa have go part EXE June 2 Freight p Cash off p 13 Attract Jimmy 1s. G, Prize Li E. LR viet Medicine Hat Ice Co. COR. 4th AVE. and ESPLANADE. PHONE NO. 745. Ice Supplied Daily The Company Cannot Guarantee. Delivery Unless Order is Received the Day Before Required. matched late today to fight ten rounds n Madison Square Garden on Friday, I think Flynn will beat Johnson. Regarding the referee. 'm going to June 28, under the auspices of the Garden A.C. Putting Life In A Man s Suit is what'it means when you keep your clothing cleaned at this es- tablishment, but it is death to clothing bills, very suit clean- ed by us has the elegance of freshly tailored suit. Spots, grease, shine and baggy. wrinkles are permanently eradicated when cleaned at * THE LOBE OLEAN. ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave.
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Image 1045 (1912-06-18), from microfilm reel 1045, (CU1743663). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.