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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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i B f Specials: in Shirts and SHOES This Week 18.00 SUITS FOR 12.00 In order to clear our stock for the arrival of fall suits, we have already added another splendid selection to our 12.00 suit sale line. It will pay you to look us up this week. H.S.IRELAND C.P.R. MENS STORE ROSERY C0. 10 EXTEND PLANT from Local Syndicate. The Rosery Co, yesterday purchased 104 lots, about 12 acres of land, in the Grand View sub-division from a local syndicate for the purpose of ex- tending their green houses. Simpson- Northam Co, put through the deal. HUSSAR THROWN FROM HORSE. One of the local Hussars was thrown from his horse last night. im- mediately in front of. the fire hall, but fortunately he was not injured. The horse, it appears was green, and the man was assisted to mount, but the animal objected to be riden, and as soon as the rider was seated gave two or three buck jumps, throwing Mr. Soldier under his feet. Any per- sonal discomfort that the man felt seems to have been overcome by his sense of humor, for he.led the horse away, joining in the laugh of the passers by. AUTO CLUB TO MEET TONIGHT Owing to the secretary of the Auto- mobile Club (Mr. Laidlaw). being un- able to attend yesterday evening, the meeting of the executive committee was postponed until this afternoon. There will also be a general meeting of the club. in the city hall tonight at 9 o'clock to consider the by-laws re- vised by the committee, when a large attendance of members is requested. FIREMEN HAVE BUN cs The fire department had a run last evening to the residence of Sid Mc- Laughlin, Braemar Street. The fire started in a Clothes closet in the rear of the house from what cause is un- known. The damage was slight. CURRIE-LARSON Percy C. Currie of Redcliff was marri i last evening at the Presby- terian manse, 808 Princess Ave., to Miss. Ida Larson, of Seven . Persons, Rey. E. E. Hench.officiating. In the xep rt of the address deliv- ered by the Rev. Bj gt;A, Davis at the Titanic Benefit Concert, Mr. Davis was reported to have said, They cease to sing- Britannia rules the wave. What Mr. Davis said: was, We shall never cease to sing Brit- annia rules the wave. BEAVER LUMBER CO. LIMITED SUCCESSORS TO MEDICINE HAT DAFLY NEWS. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL C. R. Mitchell left town last night for Calgary. N. Grady of Winnifred 1s spending a few days in town Carlstadt is registered at the Cosmopolitan Pingle will receive on the 20th, -Mrs. Woldock will receive with her. Mrs. J, E. Howson entertained. at her beautiful home on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon. The event was a beautiful verandah tea. A color scheme of pink and white made the place look. charming. Miss Aldrich and Miss McNeil served while Mrs. McLean poured. Miss Wright served sherbert. The contest prize awarded to Mrs. W. B. Marshall. Mrs. J. Jenkinsson leaves tonight for Vancouver. Rey. Andrew Henderson, M.A. of Kipling, clerk of the Synod of Sas- katchewan, preached at the Presby- terian church Sunday. * POLICE COURT. There were only two cases of sim- ple drunkenness up for hearing at the police court this monring, held before Magistrate Parker. Smith and Lebar, the two men changed, were ordered to pay the usual fine. FIRST THINGS The site of Boston was sold to the white colonists by the Indians on this date in 1684. When Gov. John Win- throp and his. company, with the King s charter, had arrived at Char- lestown on June 18, 1830, they had found the peninSila without. human habitation, except for the littl cot- clergyman of the English church. The English settlers at first called the peninsula Trimountaine, or Tre- mont, but in September, 1630, it was ordered that the name be Changed to Boston. The aboriginal inhabitants had been devasted by a plague, but in 1684 an Indian sachem laid claim to the site of the city, alleging that it had been the property of his grandfather. In order to avoid trou ble with the redskins, the settlere paid a small sum for the property, or condition that they be left in peace. The name of Boston was chosen in tage of the Rev. William Blaxton,a/ gt; a9 is ict ga aaa sid cae ie BIG LEAGUE + + FEEL EEE EE NATIONAL LEAGUE, 3 10. 2 Wingo; Brooklyn ......6-.- Batterles Harmon Yingling and Miller. and First game Boston .. a8 0 Cincinnati 3 8 4 Batterles Perdue and Kling; Hum- phries and MacLean Second game Boston Cincinnatl 06 2 5 10 1 and Batteries Dickson Kling; Suggs and Maclean Pittsburg . 42 1 New York . bi B ek Batteries O'Toole and Kelly; Mar- quard and Meyers. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION, Minneapolis... ... .-. 3 7 1 Toledo Kansas City Columbus... 0 St. Paul-Indianapolis, rain. Milwaukee-Louisville, rain. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. Baltimore . 12 3 Rochester . 310 8 Batteries Shawkey and Bergen; Holmes and Blair, Second game Baltimore - 512 3 Rochester ... 2078 Batterles Vickers and Payne; Hughes and Jacklitsch. Newark a 141 5 Vasa Batteries Gaskell, McCarthy and Smith; Fallen, Weilder and Roth. Montreal ...... ... Ss Providence 3 8 2 Batieries Avertt, Smith and /An- zeimier; Bailey and Schmidt, Toronto :...... . ss SO Eye td Jersey City... .. wee 2 8 0 Batteries Maxwell and Bemis; Frill and Wells. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chicago... ... . Ff LOO + + + SCORES + + + CHOICE BUILDING LOTS Block 1, 11-14, 690.00 a pair, Block 7, lots 31-38, 600 pr. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX. Block 21, 50 feet, perfectly level only 1050, terms. Block 28, lots 11-12, 945 terms. COUSINS SISSONS Block 2, lots 3-4, 800 terms. Block 10, lots 25-26, 785 terms, NORTH YUILL Block C, 50 feet, fenced, with good shack, 1600 terms Block 7, lot 4, 875 terms. SOUTH YUILL. Mill St, 50 feet with shack, gas and water, 1050, terms. These are only a few of our good buys. Call in and. in- spect our list. GAS CITY REALTY Co. PHONE. 695. 410 MAIN ST. Agents for Accident and Sick- ness Insurance, CALENDAR OF SPORTS FOR THE WEEK TUESDA Opening of Cedar Valley Circuit trotting meeting at Marion, Iowa. . Johnny Kilbane vs, Johnny Dundee, 10 rounds, at New York City, WEDNESDAY Annual tournanient of Western Ad- Yertising Golfers -Association-opens-in Chicago, Opening of Corn Belt Circuit trot- ting meeting at Flandreau, 8. D. Luther McCarthy vs. Tim Logan, 6 rounds, at Philadelphia. Jack Herrick vs. Chapple Homer, 20 rounds, at Juarez, Mexico. Ed Winters xs. Eddie Johnson, 15 rounds, at Alamosa, Colo. THURSDAY Preliminary events in the Harvard- Yale boat races at New London, Conn. Opening of Grand American Handicap shooting tournament at Springfield, ml. Opening of annual bench show ott who hailed from the English town of Boston, AVING now taken over the business of r Company, Limited, we are in a position to'supply the builders of Medicine Hat and district with a complete Lum Boston ... a 4 32 Sac Johnson one of thi honor of I ape ane Batteries Waleh and Kuhn; Hall foremost o inthrop pany) and Cady. CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL. Duluth ... 45 3 Winnipeg - 12.2 Batteries Hoftman and Erickson; Seatton and Jones Grand Forks .. Superior... . Batteriet Wilson, Snooks and Ed- monds; Roy, Hall and Anderson. Calgary . Red Deer . BhtterlesStandridge and. David son; Daniels and Bi 98 10.791) 27 21.562 30 24 558 Fan nen nee 8 Tae Philadelphia... . 20 24 Btrtouie 22... 22 28582 Brooklyn ... - + at 30 B ston ... 1736 AMERICAN LEAGUE 35 20 626 34 1-24 33. 23. 589 2823672. 26 30 465 pha. Detroit ... the Zoo Kennel Club, Cincinnati, 0. Danny Goodman vs. Battling Schultz, 10 rounds, at Columbus, 0. FRIDAY Annual Yale-Harvard. varsity boat Faces at New London, Conn. Open golf championship tournament of Great Britain begins on the Muir- field links, Opening of New Brunswick Circult 2 Tace meeting at Halifax, N. 8. Ray Bronson vs. Harry Brewer, 8 rounds, at St. Louis, Mo. e Saturday * Clay court terinis - championship tournament opens in Pittsburg. Upper Penisula amateur wrestling. tournament: at Hancock, Mich. lt; SUNDAY BASEBALL Minot, N.D. June 18. Another fight over Sunday baseball in North. Dak- ota has been placed under way here, members of the Minot and-Stanley baseball teams being placed under ar- rest for playing on Sunday. In the Minot case an effort will be made to determine the effect of the State Sun- day law. The case will be reached as rapidly as possible to the supreme courts, ected OLD TOWNSITE. 1950, lot 6, blk 52, Main St, 1050, lot 36, bik. 80, Ottawa St. 2800, 100x130 ft corner, lots PHONE 499. We solicit your business and guarantee satis: line of BUILDING MATERIALS of the Highest Quality We have enlarged our plant and have all finish lumber stored in complete- ly covered shed, thus ensuring clean, dry material. Our stock is manufactured at the Best Mills in Western Canada and is all strictly up to grade. SOME.OF OUR SPECIALTIES: Cedar and Fir Mouldings. Clear Pine, Cedar and Fir. Peerless ? Brand Plastering Material. Summit Brand Lime. a Portland Cement. Sash and Doors, Special Mill Work. i Ww. action in every respect. STACEY, (A e LocaL MANAGER Cleveland ... 22 28 440 New York .. fe wos: St. Louis ... vaste 15 37 .289 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Columbia ... . 42. 21 667 Toledo . . Saaioale 88 22 633 Minneapolis 34 (22 607 Kansas City . ee 29. 80.492 St. Paul . 27 (37 Indianapolis . 6 3T Milwaukee . 23 38 Louisville 20 36 INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Baltimore... .. 29 22 Rochester as ood Buffalo ........... 24 21 Jersey City - 2 mf Newark ...0.1. 0... 24 2 Montreal . ve 9227 Toronto ... . en Et EG Providence... ..... 18 31 TEAMSHIP ARRIVALS The . N. R. steamer Royal George arrived in Quebec from Liverpoo yesterday, C. P, R. steamer Lake Manitoba ar- rived in Quebec ifom Glasgow on Bunday night. MOTHER Try TASSIE BROS, Phone . BREAD YOU WILL APPRECIATE IT. block a4 3000, lots 9 and 10, block 93, 100x100 ft. corner. 1200, lot 14, block 96, 4th Ave. OLD TOWNSITE NORTH SIDE 2000, lot 10, bik. 38, Ottawa St. 10,000, 67 ft. and house, block N., Toronto St., north. 7000, corner Princess and Bal- moral St. SOUTH YUILL- 1490, let 8, block 14. 3760, 100x130 and house, on Columbia Ave., lots 11 and 12, block 8. 1000, lot 5, block 11. 1050, 50 ft and shack on Mill Street: 1100, lot 18, block T. 1200, lot 16, block Q. 1500, lot 4, block 7, with a 4 roomed house. 1500, lot 20, blk. T., corner. 1000, 50 ft on Columbia Ave. COUSINS SISSONS, 500 pr., lots 1-20, block 24. 3650 pr., South 1-2, block 22. 560 pr., block 14. 700 pr, lots 1-10; block 19. B. F.Souch, Pim... DRUG STORE, TORONTO ST. a Loaf. eE Look for the Label. 256. CHOICE CORNER Sixth Avenue Snap for cash. PHONON OS sree rateesoeiese conte Seater aioe toate rete McGregor Berry REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. In all its Branches, Main Street, HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX One half block from High School, at 1100.00 a pair. Tuesday, June 18th, 1912 : and Fewings Street. reseeabieesceces Lo-atesle-elookeeteste seater Dawison Has Good Joe Dawson, the 28-year-old lad who drove the National to victory in tae 00-mile race at Indianapolis Dec- oration day and incidentally swelled his bank gccount better than 35,000, including extras, in one day, was born in Indianapolis and was formerly a driver in races for the Marmon cars, He won: fifth place in Inst year s 500 mile race. He is unmarried. The season of 1910 brought out Dawson, then only 21, who annexed five of the biggest victories of the year and won many shorter events. Dawson, then almost unheard of, won the Cobe trophy at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in July, making 200 miles in 1631-2 minutes; the Remy trophy brassard-at the same meet, making 278.08 miles in 1631-2 utes; City of Atlanta trophy at Ate lanta speedway in November, making 200 miles in 171 1-5 minutes; Savan- nah challenge trophy over the fam- ous Grand Prize road course in No- vember, making 276.8 miles in 263 2-3 minutes. Most of these races were driven without a stop. MORGAN HAS NEW EXCUSE Noisy Danny Morgan, Knock-Out Brown's gustling hander, coma: gard to the Leach Cross affair. 1-2 Speedway Record it don't deny that K. 0. was Ticked by Cross, but it was fault. He went and leased that hous down at Rockaway, against my ad- vice. He was used to living in an Hast Side flat, with no luxuries. Down at Rockaway he had all sorts of hammocks. and couches and easy chairs and swell furniture, and Brussels carpets an inch thick on the new house that he spent most of his time wandering around in it, and all that time - walking on soft carpets took the speed out of his: legs and made him slow on his feet. I'm go- ing to make him move back to the fiat. RIFLE CLUB SHOOT. Scores at the Medicine Hat Rifle range on June 15, in tle second spoon shoot. 200 500 600 Tot W. R. Simmonds ... 32 33 33. 98 L. , Brown 83. 30 34 97 M. Fulton 31 31 32 94 W: B, Finlay ... ... 29 28 33 90 C. A. Krauss . 28 27 31 36 J. 8. Peard 20 27 29 86 Selhorn 29 25 29 83 Lancy Brown . 20 28 24 82 J. Plumley 1728 35 80 Witter ... 30 19 14 41 H. 8. Porter 7 14 14 45 ist spoon won by. W, R. Simmonds. 2nd spoon won by L. C: Brown, J. Plumley succe ded in making the first possible score whieh has ever buy. See it at our Store. Refrigerato Screen Doors and Windows, etc. THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO., LID. Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat There are many kinds, some good, some otherwise. A refrigerator that will keep onions, fish, milk mat- ches and butter for 48 hours in the same foot cham- ber without taint or odor is one of the best: THE BARNETT REFRIGERATOR 4s the only one which will do this, and therefore the best to patrons ror ike generous patronage during the arinh he has conducted kis bakery busiucas, and begs t0 state that on and after April 15th the bu: Joint Stock Company, Limited, and w a continuance of their esteemed patronage, with continuation of that service and quality which has always been ess will be carried on as a 1d bes; the company in assurance of a Present Dally Aver Advertisers in Dail of the Weekly cou No extra charge. B vertisers. VOL. 2, NO 25 east to cc terprise a Davies Taft Roosevelt. D by Pi: Roose ional SPLIT OF P Conventoin Hall, Senator Roote, New Senator McGovern, The above represe taken at the Nai Convention at Chi means that Taft a scored the first. vic They nominated R Chan Lloyd George gettes D London, June 19. tack on David Lloy cellor of the excheq day by a small bat outside of Caxton minster district, bu Candidates in Practical F. B. McKINNON Watch for further Anneuncenients a35-d-tf Fearman We are Offering 5 Hams and Bacon AT-A BIG SAVING IN PRIGE Main Street. H.W. treiand Co. Phone 54. Miss Louise Nason of the Miss. Canad ke any material fact Miss Becker were the only ones It is clearly evider the other candidate back, The result w couple of days will ers. This also makes contest a great gam of the votes that a1 by the different ci secured. DOM Prizes for follows: Mi other young lz with a suitable Best Float, prize, 10.00; f Best Decora prize, Motor G Best Equip Best Decora Best Calitht Links, 3rd, Ti Best all row Silver Cup. Best looking driver.
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Image 1047 (1912-06-18), from microfilm reel 1047, (CU1743664). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.