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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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wail ents, and they m in the mor a endeavoi that th ack tech Uae throug e city v noe damage, and causing the de i, injuring hundreds mi pbles the mas r Srobably find sbme- * - ; fh chdbsing: ae it is, ates all the ruins br he aot ae baa mn Rage t be-fuoroyshly with the there: will be more. The death list wishes of P his wite, which shows him Following is the list as far as is known at Aree to-be a Wise and giplomatic husband: ck this morning; : Prince Olaf wal born in England, J. J, Bryan, manager of Tudhope And . rage APeettn Hoea Sandetndt ct July 2, 1908. Patrick, Coffee, + BBG) es Prings Charl Donalds: r n : 5 Viligjor Denmark; ed Hindson chil of. ite prospects of bect rs: W. T. McDonald, Mrs. it Princ ole a : my near Smith St.; Mrs DJ. 7 ante ess en oe - 2s ook SLUMBER, 3VINDOWS, SASH, DOO en; James Scott, Mrs. Shaw, 15th Ave,; three 2 INGS h the largest and'most moder 61 : two taken out ofsRev. Mr.. Lewis . howise, not Doras Ee eee b e i n gifegrou Dry Lumber at ali imies, aa we itl be others not ide tified. r 3 six iescriptions of the cyclone and the es 08, bis father was : be me call and.inspect both ot Stocks ang sHers For fag might were told By Rev. Mr. Cox and'his king Haakon, and the infant, Necata) gt; - it you with bain Quality and Service. - id Rev. Mr, Wright: all of London, Offt. Crown Prince and hetr apparent i ti . 2 : evening ani l were in attend 2 ene esa aines then is OF Fir Mouldings Fir Doors tae oon univers clot Otay and - Maple Flooring Oak Front Doors 4 : the other names have Sropged info dis- use, We also handle the c lebrated Canada ? Brand Portland Oe. 'Peerless Brand Wood Fibre Plaster; and Beaver Prince Olav has Tyus with an order. We deliver BRY: place in the city. Gur Prices: G , 5 z . George of Great Britai is th Kin of Der ithe. church they bec: eparated: from Georea St Greece Hud the Duke of Con- parents, ere,on the threshold of the Sune naught, rte Reealst pees aaeaiaped to fare among lis great uncles, E fon aE 100 od back, 5 said one of the young india ee ee l and the building uumbled down, and rightpeforemy eyes -prince Olav carly showed a fond- I saw the wife of the Pastor of.the a Instantly killed: for fe srategena aie a mem Itwas the most terrible ordeal I wag: x through. eee a ayee sommerich: of bia Hine. Four or five churches were reduded to ruins, all Igindis/ * * Post ox te lake noar tho summer hone 772 and 17, laid in-waste. wind came up in lhe has been stridtly forbidden t3 go 2 ew. ites angeas we wel inf the Doxolo; the jout in a boat alone, and also as a nad NQTE We swill keep our old office open for thee ve mien towers on the c sh fell bne rushed to: get outig 'e of course he has on oe pecaag z tomers, arid your orders will be as carefully looked after Cox is old and 6 mares he bears off . tone So. creating tremendous cof-14 Fon the mew one, A jsternatio among those charged with gp hi sfage evidences t oe ae there must have beet: i, welfare. It is also binted that a n yt supr there tavan oxcollon subetitute for a See Seooossrgerereses conseeteeeoes Other passengers oy.the train have also terrifying woodsnea at the royal residence and kage that within its sacred precints King pres t6 tells Piey werarongh: she wren of Haakon vt. and Prince Olav have 2 The authorities say that it will be days before they cia siany earnest interviews. Pecsum- be able fo tell-or give anywhere flear an estimate,of* abiy the proceedings hurt his Majesty dead. oe homes were reduced. Had-the cyclone more ttian his mischevious son. Even there is no doubt but what ihe City, Forval parents probably can't resist the temptation to salve sore syota of youth abe e e- eS X Poa Sosfeegeo Depgedecreees oarsman of his size and age in the Geer poe acn 850, terms, 50 ft. tock 9. world... Despite his ptoficlency.. on . TION. 2800, terms, 125 ft, corner, in other, occasions, he has been Rome Some Money* Block 13. whe rowing with his father to daa Q00D BI 5 Rregiendous amount of : n Cousinaand Sina eta cabak es i s omr, and in suoh a wi the water tn the ditection of bi rent prices : ent. The Norwegian papers e071 - Gooa, idl SURED I fer a , Serna; Lota 9-40 Bl these: Haat ee F i ' s ah ae ie ide to. the Crown Prince us the best 4 RAL PARK i pFoof of te superior wit wre Faler..) Theyat, leqet i: Eechavs the sword te tittle fir future King taing to thea
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Image 1 (1912-07-02), from microfilm reel 1, (CU1743682). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.