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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DALLY NEWS HE between season gown is be- coming wore and more of a neces. i i woman of who realizes that the spring and autumn seasons, while pposedly so gay as summer and demand a most thorough out- fit. for the time is spent at some health resort or ina succession of visits. Gowns that hays done duty all summer have quite lost their freshness and smartness liy autumn, and there is no greater, mis- take than to begin wearing winter gowns too carly. There must be accordingly a new lot of clothes for the woman whe with reason has earned the title of being Well turned out. Coat and Skirt Costumes. Coafand skirt costumes are not always to be included in this category, for the Embroidered Gray Gown Over Red Satin Photo Copyright. 1911. by Reutlioger Bariusive Copyright. 191 , X BY MRS. A. T. ASHMORE, York Herpid Company jis really far, more practical for the cool days of the fall of the year. Incidentally, roman who is well equipped with smart tallor gowns need have no thought as to whether she jis/well gowned or not, for with becoming, blouses she looks her best in this style of dress at this time. The economical woman, finds that 2 new blouse adds a dclight- fully smart touch to her costume and sives It the air of being absolutely new jand fresh. The shops are full of the most fascinating blouse waists in chiffon, messaline, satin and soft finish silks, not to mention the Irish lace and lingerie lof the more elaborate. jcolor of the costume is the mmartest, and yet the Irish lace waist s more fashion- able than it has been for some time, while the fine hand made lingerie waist is most, fer elaborate. No law commands any one material or any one style. Absolute sim- plicity can be the keynote or an over- whelming amount of trimming may be the dominant feature. The striped ma- terials, especially in the transparent ef- fecta are much the smartest, and there black striped voile de soie, with the pref- erence given to the wider stripes. Folds and bands of black satin or velvet and Nattier Blue Liverty. Satin Gown hoto Copyright, 1911, by Reatlivzer Exclusive Copyright, 1911, New York Mersl4 Company os Black and White Gown with Mauve and Gold Embroidery Photo Copyright. 191 BWretusive Copyright. 1911. Ni by. Reutlinger York Herald Compang Cerise Mousseline de Sole Gown Tuesday, Jun Aa Drop Or a little water thoroughly tested Pierce's Invalids story of impoyeris or some kidney tt made without cost work of the staff o the direction of D wi dical advice who wish to write symptoms. An i restoring waste of the blood and ne without the use Dr. Pier Which makes the stores the lost af purifies and enric and restorative end cool in judge ee P raNTD Don't clo Four stock. 1 T hours of wor + We have g dimension, a1 e HEAI + i Hl ; 3 + Yard, Ne fepororere: WHALE SL BREAKI Three Hund teen Caugl Operating tions. BIGGEST 1S Stray Mamm ally Visits tion, But.E Vancouver, Ju the danger, a hu; whaling station swam alongside ago,. according. t of the Canadian eries company s has just returne cargo of whale roused the atten ployed at thes blowing and William Grant, fast, was sent i creature. Perego s deere West aciznive Cooyscae SUL Bev Fore Mowe Canaan ae I yy Sicecea, Tat meet charwday cod become . I SO) + SOLE. RSE Striped Materials Popular. 1 aay, The woman who from choice or neces- ity counts her pennies selects most care I fully the materials for these gowns, The + J fabrics need mach less trimming + f BS plain, and consequently it is well while paying more a yard for them, there are pattern robes well adapted tunic styles that are not too hope- high im price: Then a careful popalar smart serge cos(ume of the spring can de floty ia the autumn and the white and fight color serge costume of the summer THE SHORT JACKET. HE short jacket is now, 0 fashion- able that i ls made up as a separate garment to be worn wi The one piece gown is, however, the Principal item in the between season out- St. and this autumn there are more mod- els and greater variety than there have been for years. Both thin and heavy fabrion are used, and there ie little dif- ference between costumes of varying welght so far aa regards the style, for voile de sole and serge are made up after much the same designs, while the satin gowns are an exact reproduction of the Hnen gowns of the summer. If truth be told. these same gowns are often made well abead of the season. and any strik- ingly effective model that has bem ap. proved for the summer gown ia equally well adapted to the serge or satin gown for the autama. There need not be the feeling of extravagance in ordering a smart between season gown now, for it will be equally useful all winter under long coat. or better atill for the house, and there la nothing more satisfactory te woman than the knowledge that ube is well provided with gowna she can wear at home. Between season gowns may be simple, jell materials, Silk and satin are the cost fashionable, and the soft finished taffeta is the smartest of all. Extremely- attractive are the jdckeis; some have bi jauah ends at the back, edged with nari to be noted; alo be it recorded that the high fold or band Ia not 0 fa and the bottom of the akirt la Guished quite differently from last acason. Im pleated or gathered ruchings. Those made in light color are worn with white lace or Iigb color voile de eoie gown. Buc the re 40 practical, for they can be worn with either the light or dark sicad of the one inch band there are certain details that are new and distinct them as between season styles, for they two or three email ones, or. newer atill. the general effect ruttles of satin or silk. narrow pleated any oumber of ne: designs of embroid- rofBes put on In scallops. The double skirt ery and new colors fu the materials to fashion atill prevails and the upper. skirt) mark the fashion of this season, but at its does not extend to the hem of titeunder- best it is but an improvement of a former skirt by two.or three inches, This makes design, The heaviest of raised silk em- the selection of the color of the lining broidery is in great demand in this style of quite a point to be considered. sown, and the manner in which this em- the same. There are are almost a necessity now that it is too late in the season for the linen, pongee or foulard to be reaily amart. Extremely be- coming to almost every woman is the gown of this order mnde on simple lines, and It is most practical, as it can be worn for al- most every occasion. There are some on most eccentric Iines one with a sort of White linings are always smart, and the broidery s placed on the tunic adds of de- Watteau pleat which forms the entire back thin materials show to greatest sdvan- tracts from its appearance. tage over them. but this fe time when On some of the skirt, the rest of the gown being in tumies the design goes around the lower flat crossed folds. Apparetitly it s the striking effects are moat popular and the part, and then there are lines extending perfection of this fashion to have the gown height linings.arc in great demand. For up nearly to the belt. Another style has look as fat as possible no drapery, only these who insist upom contrasts. often a heavy embroidery m chosen as 2 ts exquisite in workmanship and desi finish to the overdress. The reversal of and is often embroidered with iridescems contrasting coloring in gown. and lining beads and jet. rule of the day. Over black aatin the tunic lining a white gown: lining, black: over ceriae, blue; over bl conn over, every possible variety being in cerise ; and it is extraordinary to see what/ demand. he silk fringe, narrow and entirely different effects can be gained wide; the jet, crystal bead, pearl and crye- by this change of coloring. And with so ta and often colored crystal are all used. much choice it is pouitively criminal for The fringe often is depended upon to give apy woman to dress unbecomingly. i note of color and distinction, matches Ss gt; . the lining. if the lining is in contrast, or is) Tunics Still Fashionable. the exact shade of the tunic. Tunic overskirts of the thin fabrics 1 * 5 bave been fashionable for so long a time Silk and Liberty Satin. that to include them among the new fash- Silk and liberty satin one piece between ions for the autumn seems strange, but season gowns are delightfully smart in the bray Wose they are, and le there are gowns. hey can cither be extremely The old fashioned bolero and, the Eton father's Grom coat in ite Ine reve jacket are more than suggest macy the curves. There are sleeveless Pees Se nave boon : suvesss cotlaes eae oda Took. worn over lace or elaborately underlined square waisted messaline of voile de soie. sbort jacket with its long tails resembles in color the Uning of the own for coming: these two things acy-reqaired. atrongiy the 6ld time pictures of graad- white, Mest of the newest model ing short waisted cnfts or fine kuife pleated niffles and and the Jabot. They muat look poft and be be- the'only a band, and wide at that, th, white over black is most popular. and going around the lower part. This band, : figure. The fringe that Ralshes often been spoken of, but at i00 of the lines even a stout woman looks srer the white the moment fringe is more ashionable siender, but to attain this appearance of straight lines and Gat folds, and so verly arranged that there Ja not an inch Ign of superfiuows material to add to the In truth, with the clever adapta- slenderness and flatness with the extreme- ly low corset ia a task that requires the services of an artist. Almost without exception la the shart waist to be noticed on all the newest mod- ela, but the trouble with the present fash fons lies in their being no sharply defined waist line, short or long. From where the waint joins the skirt, whether it ia finished with a narrow cording or wide folded belt, the skir bangs igithe straightest of folds, and these at lines are pre- newest models. It je absurd to speak of served under draperies of tunic or aah In except for jackets ene match transparent gowne are eatin and Cuit a Gown. search for the band of embroidery or pues menterie ts often rewarded by a most ef fective bit at a price quite within the reach of even a limited income. There are fexquisite materials to choowe from, ex- fquisite in color, design and texture, and it Is not necessary to use many yards to make any of the popular models of to-day. Tn the heavier materials like cloth, serge or the heavier satins the quantity is almost abeurdly small, ax these are of double width. Cr pe de Chine must not be omit- ted from thia lie, and it Is extrem fasbionadle again, both plain and figured. made over the lining of another color or a deeper shade of the same if n color inatead of white bo chosen. The fanlsini ia really better adapted to snmames but has only lately becats
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Image 1041 (1912-06-18), from microfilm reel 1041, (CU1743675). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.