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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Ms You've Heard of the 10 to 15 PC. Increase on Shoe Leather Our placing orders for Fall sufficiently large to allow us to sell at usual figures for some tithe to come. Our stock is complete with INVICTUS and MODEL BRANDS: both known for honesty of make and wear. 4.00, 1.50, 5.00, 85.50, 6.00, and worth It. We sell Men's Shoes only and do it well. H. S. Ireland are C.P.R. Men s Store A Deputation Waited on) WANT LONGER THAN Cor. Ottawa St. and Third Ave. Phone 81 THE FAIR Leonard Flanagan ARRIVAL OF FALL UNDERWEAR FOR LADIES, AND CHILDREN S SWEATER COATS, AVIATION CAPS, Etc. Our Sweater Coats ate going fast; the first shipment is almost gone. Another shipment is being opened up today. The keen prices account for the quick sales. Get your share of these Bargains. Get the FAIR habit of shopping. lt;THE FAIR LEONARD FLANAGAN. HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES, DRY GOODS AND LADIES WEAR. IF WE CANNOT PROVE TO YOU THAT the GOURLAY-ANGELUS is the only Player Piano that anyone can play-artistically. THAT the ANGELUS is the only Player action that does not detract from the TONE of the instrument. THAT the tendency of the GOURLAY TONE is to improve with use as should the tone of any stringed instrument. THEN this advertisement-is not worth the paper it is printed on. IG MEDICING AAT MUSIC CO. UNDER. THE BIG. FIDDLE Phone 105 McKinnon s Ltd. Our Bread is on a Pedistal of its own The public demandsgood bread and we supply it. There is a certain satisfaction about getting good bread that only those who have tried our But- icra bread can appreciate. It is uniformly the same excellent quality. Try it once and you will eat no other. . By McKINNON, President. J. B. RICHARDSON, Gen. Mgr. GEO. GAMPBELL, - Tailor has removed his Tailoring business from Toronto St. to 331 North Railway St. . Suits made to order as usual. Ladies and Gents Clothing Repaired, Cleaned and Pressed by expert hands. Work called for and delivered. PHONE 486, tt. jof Swift Current, are at the Ameri- Notice of Removal YOU CAN.TEACH A PARROT TO SAY: JUST AS GOOD Be BUT HE WON'T KNOW WHAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT. MAother s Bread TASSIE BROS. KICK AGAINST TAX Council to Obect to the Method of Collection A THREE-DAY NOTICE) Finance Committee Will Take the Matter Up and Try and Remedy. At a meeting of the City Counc last night a deputation from the Protesting against the way the poll tax had been collected from them, by keeping it out of their cheques. They considered they shoul the tax was collected, as many of them were out on the road for two weeks at a stretch. The Mayor explained the difficulties in connection with the collection of the tax. There had been some mi takes, but effperience would help them out next year. refunded on application. After a long discussion, the Clerk was directed to write to the Onder, and let them know that the Finan- cial Committee would take the mat- ter up, and would be glad to hear of any suggestions that might come from them. ; SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr, J. A. Carbert, District Survey- spending a week with his family in Medicine Hat. Mr. Carbert is at pre- sent working in the Olds district, where work on the new roads and bridges is being rushed. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hartley left Sun- day night to visit Western coast cit- tes. Miss Hazel Carbert returned home last evening from a two weeks trip to Banff. Mr. Cecil Scott, Ont., is visiting Mrs. Scott, and other friends i Medicine Hat. Miss Colp, a graduate of the To- ronto Conservatory. of Music, aken up teaching of St. Thomas, his grandmother, Hat. for the coast tonight. L. J. Handsbury and T. Henderson can. C. T. Palmer, Sever Persons, is in the city on a business visit. L. M. Anderson, and T. G. Lynd, Carlsdare, are registered at the Roy- al. the Cosmopolitan. A large crowd attended the wel- come meeting on Sunday last of Capt who have Just arrived to take charge of the local work in this city. At the afternoon meeting a hearty weicome was given them by the local members and. friends present, and at the eve- ning meeting the hall was packed with people. The Capt. desires, Through the News, to. state that any person, irrespective of nationality or ereed in difficulty or sickness, he will be glad to do what Is In his pow- er any hour of the day or night. Preserving Pears, Bartlett, 2.50 per case. H. Morrow, North Rail- way. Choice Building Lots ALTAWANA Bik. 4, lots 5-8, 1200 pr. Terms Bik, 4, Lots 25-30, 1260 a pr. Terms. Bik. 10, Lots 3-4, 1050 pr. Cash RIVERSIDE Bik. 13, Lots 3-6, 785 pr. Terms. Bik. 15, Lots 36-40, 600 a pr. Terms. Blk, 12, Lots. 1-10, 1000 a pr.- Terms. HERALD Blk. 5, Lots 28-29, 1600 a pr. Terms. Bik. 7, Lot 16,' 600. Terms. Bik. 10, Lots 39-40, 808 a pr. Terms. * Bik. 17, Lots 89-40 750 a pr. Terms. COUSINS AND SISSONS Bik. 19 Lots 9-10, 750 a pr. Terms. Bik. 14, Lots 1-20, 560 a pr. Terms. CENTRAL PARK 27, Lots 31-32, 575 a pr. Terms, 31, Lote 1.2, Terms HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Bik, 27, Lot 22, 352: Bik. Bik, Bik. 32, lots 19-14, Brotherhood of L. E. F. attending have at least 30 days notice before ; Any, tax that had been collected wrongly would be or and engineer for Medicine Hat, is Mr. L. MeBride is leaving the city H. E. Kuchue, Seven Persons, is at and Mrs. Oake of the Salvation Army /ALLEGED MISAPPROPATION RAILWAY EMPLOYEES Lp Men's Oxfords up to the appearance of Mills. On the Terms. GS iy Realy 60 Fire, Life, Accident, Hall and Plate Glass Insurance. 410 Main St. P, 0. Box 816, trial. Men s Suits Values to 12.00, 6.95 Men s Suits Values to 15,00 9.95. Men s Suits Values to 22.50, 14.95 Men's Shoes Values 3.00, 1.95 All leath values to 3.85 A dollars worth of Clothing until you have investi- gated the marvelous offerings of the Less Keller, STETSON HATS Regular value 4.00. Don t Buy If s KELLER QUALITY AT BARGAIN PRICES. KELLER CLOTHING Is IN A CLASS BY ITSELF; SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS IN THE ELEGANCE OF ITS STYLES AND PERFEC. TION OF FIT AND MAKE. IT S, THE DIRE NECESSITY TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE TRE- MENDOUS PURCHASES MADE AND NOW ON THE WAY WHICH MAKES IT POSSIBLE FOR TO GET THIS ELEGANT LINE OF CLOTHING AT AGREAT SAVING OF COST. THE THREE OPENING DAYS WERE RECORD BREAKERS. HUNDREDS HAVE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THE GREAT BARGAIN OFFERINGS. HAVE YOU? IF NOT COME AT ONCE AND GET YOUR SHARE OF ITS BOUNTIFUL BOUNTIES. BUY YOUR SHOES NOW. SUPPLY YOUR. SELF FOR MONTHS TO COME. WHY NOT BUY NOW AND SAVE FROM 1.00 TO 2.00 ON .A PAIR? LEATHER IS ADVANCING, AND OF NECES. SITY PRICES WILL RANGE HIGHER. Men s Suits Values to 25.00, 19.95 Men s Suits Values : to 30.00, Men Ss Shoes All leathers, values to 4.00, All leathers, values to THIS GREAT SAVING. ; Our Shoes are going fast and sizes and styles as Which you most desire may be-gone, SO DON T DE- 3 9 5 LAY COME AT ONCE 2 TORONTO ST. Look for the Opp. Assiniboia Hotel. Store with the MEDICINE HAT. Blue Signs. Passed Av Too ed London, Au; William Boot Commander-in Salvation Arm at 10.18 oelor was born at 1829, The ve Army leader for 48 hours death. The tins had not serlousness of condition whi past It is nov hopeless. Twelve weel Booth underw ton for the cataract in: his days after the dications just of the Gener Then, however ing set in-and with the excey the General's declined. The ognized that near, often sy work being fh Throughout der-in-Chief's well Booth, Ch Army, and Mrs their unremitt both day and The aged eva dence, the I some eight mil fhe had been c since the oper bedside when and Mrs, Bran daughter and rs. Booth and Ber ral's youngest sioner Mrs. Bc Howard, Col. gt;) Commander. - 1 the Salvation A his successor, did feveral ye name in a seal deposited with lawyers with should not be death. While name the envel then there would be no case to send to the jury. Mr. Davidson thought if Mr. Ma- Real Estate Man Again Be- Magistrate The Case Adjourned for Fur- fore the ther Evidence. haffy insisted in having Mills as a witness, he did not thing it necessary for him to-call his defence. The facts in this case however, did not show the least. iota of a criminal offence: ROY ST. 7 HIGHLAND ST. A beautiful nine-room modern WRIGHT DAY New seven roomed house with planation to give regarding that. At the police court this morning, before Magistrate eKaly, Guy L. Dun- ham, a local real estate agent, was charged with the misappropriation of 410. it will be remembered that the lots fn question were bought by a man named McManoman, and he had paid the sum of 410 as part payment. The owner, Roy Mills of Winnipeg, had not received the money from Dun- ham, his agent. Mr, Mahaffy. prosecuted, and Mr. Davidson defended, Mr. Mahaffy in- timated that they had not yet been able to get Mills as a witness, and asked for an adjournment. Mr, Davidson intimated that his client could explain the thing, there was no criminal offence. He had explained the matter to Mr. Ma- hafty. Mr, Mahaffy sald he was not satis- fied with that explanation, so far as the criminal aspect of the case was concerned, and he thought it was not hig place to take the responsibility of saying there was no case against accused. Mr, Kealy: You could not do that. Mr, Mahaffy, continuing, sald that correspondence he had received from Mills did not altogether bear out the statement made by Mr. Davidson. Mr. Kealy pointed out that McMan- oman had received no agreement from Mills regarding the lots bought. If Mr. Davidson was prepared to ad- mit that Mills had not received the 410, then the case could go on. Mr, Davidson sald he could ac- knowledge that, and also show there was no eriminal liability on the part of his client Mr. Kealy said the case was proved production of that witness to show he had not recelved the money, it simply meant there was a sufficient case to send the accused down for Mr. Davidson: I have no doubt about Mills not receiving the money, but have a perfectly satisfactory ex- Mr. Kealy thought If that wer so Mr. Davidson should put in his de- fence and explain the whole If the explanation were satisfactory, the witness box and the case was adjourned until 27th August for the Winnipeg witnesse s evidence. per case. way. dinner set at/. E. Trider s, Third Ave, house on lot 50x130 ft. for If Mr. Davidson was so confident WHATS THE USE Of paying rent? Buy a new house on Alberta St. for 5,200. Best finish throughout. OTTAWA ST. LOTS One hundr d feet, Block 21, tor 16.50 per foot, Exdeption- ---ENQUIRE ABOUT ally good buy. Our Altawana residential lots. See us for space In the new Hull Block, Rooms 1,2and 3. Assinibola Music Store DON T PAY HENT five room fram house Buy a home on easy Balmoral St. for 2,800. Small first payment. Preserving Pears, Bartlett, 2.50 on H. Morrow, North Rail- Save your couporis and get a free MAIN ST. full basement, gas, electricity on terms; Balance PHONE 790. eral belief amo is that the nam of Bramwell B chief of staff. Where Gener i d has not ye the English mei Army is convin more worthy o ots Hide ie Gaeta 5,000. Firet class Interior furnace, bath, etc. Price mingter Abey- i admit the fact that they-all knew was ste Of nell. De: neon a fact, that Mills did not received the BEA, Ome YUILL 8t 4,200 lt; bythe Abbey: s money, asked Mr. Mahafty. OWETPaso St, near the school Five large roomed house, stable rally. believed Bas naked er g tor 2,45 ect and garden; fruit and shade ir, Davidson for reasons explain- ively. , Fully modern; easy trees; lot 100x150. Cheap at d did not desire to put accused: in terms. the price. MoT H New. York : Houses 24 of various kinds under construction, some nearing comple- tion. Fully modern. Apply to W. Hl. ROSEWARNE * Builder and Owner. Phone 800. Don t Say INSIST THAT YOU BE SENT INSIST TTAT YOU BE SENT 9 Smoke Fatima Cigarettes Five Roses Flour WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SPECIAL SATURDAYS All ro-cent Cigars Four for 25 cents a6 H.W. Ireiand Co. Phone 54, ASSINIBOIA and His ' Pulled Ir m POLICE GRA NEXT Preliminary Be Opens prem (Ww. A, New York, J police graft nd taken several ing of the trial for the murder man Rosenthal. The primary Supreme Court pected to streng Police Lieut. others indieted Rosenthal killin dence of police Booker and tho will be called 1 morrow. The * have a brief se , ternoon, when for ten days.
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Image 326 (1912-08-20), from microfilm reel 326, (CU1743993). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.