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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ust 10th, 1912 NM consider per- uy CHEAP LUM- 1 It's cheap use the : 1 bulla, st Don't be ve have It, and er- Builder requi: es. yoo on ET WERE, M, FIR rE lt;ren, (, MAPLE, BIRCH LOORINGS. he agency for (ae forgan Doors, /R- BEAUTIFUL )OD FIBRE, LATH AR POSTS, WIL- W POSTS MBER PEOPLE 9. PHONE 67 g is) rg S S J Q elle eiiellelleflt CURTIS en ee Sr SE PLACE Poa 4 BUrLOING ATZS FRee T ct to City Hal ve., Phone 434 Box 304. ates Free. STABLE PHONE Le 402 728 S. FOLLIS cting Co. ROXTO ST. Send, Coal Gravel ng 2 Specialty. ; y Horses for sale at Times. LYON ACTS FOR TEAMING ND EXCAVATING i Sand for Sale, Phone No. 41 Bor 81. iene immonds amp CONTRACTOR mptly attended to. ne No. 335. igh-gra e Sew York, Aug. 10. The sensation- al disclosures in connection with the Rosenthal murder do not reflect par- tieular credit upon the police depart- ment of New York City and it is not surprising that the citizens, or , at Jeast the better class, are thorough- t Yy aroused by the scandal. If anything was needed completely to undermine pubiie confidence in the police org3- ization of the city, the Rosenthal mur-j der cose bas more than supplied what was lacking. It has been stated re-jin vected y by men of bith sicndicg in the community that the police ocg n- ization of the city is in league with the criminal elements, giving them protection 2 return for blackmail contributions; but the optimists, which always constitute a majority of the citizens were inclined to believe . that these grave accusations were groundless or at least large exagger- ated. The statements of some of the implicated witnesses in the Rosenthal ase, however, not only confirm the fccusations against the police, but disclose a condition of almost urve- Mevable corruption permeating the entire potice organization. Of course, hat does not mean that every mem- ber of the police force is corrupt and a grafter; but it may easily be under- stood that the corruption which un- and Utaer pro itable, epue , RED The Industrial Suburb of Medicine Hat FOUR LARGE FACTORIES More Factories are Com ARE IN OPERATION: And making Redcliff famous as the de building products centre da. These factories ll of over of Western Cana have a present pay ro 30,000 per month. Ask the STONER AGE TORONTO STREET ices the superior officers with the criminal element must necessarily tle tie hands of the honest and conscien- tous policemen who are trying to do eir duty. It appears from the disclosures of in the Rosenthal marder case that the-gamblere and keepers of disreputable resorts of this city have annually paid from 2,500,- 06 to 3,000,000 to the police and cer- tan high officials in league with the corrupt police officials. 1e and there is other correberative evidence to support these statements +1e business of the zambling houses eeai Tesorts m New York must be flourishing and extremely The enormous sum paid vlackmail for protection, reasonable to assume, constitutes on- ly 2 small percentage of the ill-got- ten gains of the keepers of these re- sorte, These gains in the aggreggate, a sum times as great, are derived from the countless victims who are every year in the gambling houses and other low. resorts of the city. Con- sideriag the dishonest methods em- ployec by the gambling and hells of New York City, Monte Carlo would seem, in comparison, stitu'ton of high moral character. How desperate the criminal element in this city is in this present crisis, is demonstrated by the fact that within a few-days after James Verella,, proprietor of an Italian cafe, closed the rtain witnesses chiding place Frank: COMING TO MEDICINE HAT. The Representati:e of THE PENNSYLVANIA EAR MASSEUR ENG The Scientific Cure for Deafness. TWO DAYS FREE DEMONSTRATION AT HOTEL ASSINIBOIA. Mr. Landry, the representative of the Pennsylvania Ear Masseur, who has been visiting the principal cities Of the Teited Btater naz Tonada junc heen unable to meet the demands of those who are seeking a cure for their deafness. Hundreds of people have called on him, many sales have been made and the most remarkable suits have been achieved The Pennsyivania Ear Masseur En- gine involves the principles of vibra- tory massage coming in contact with the drum membrane and the sound- Deoducing organs of the ears makes fi the most reliable, most success- fol and the best cure ever devised. No matter what you have done for your hearing, how many fake schemes you have tried, nor how much money you have spent, this instrument will re- convince the most skeptical and stag- Tt cures and ger the unbeliever. cures to stay cured. Mr. Lavdry wants only those people who are wierested to consult him for cu idren und- er age nust bring their parents or guardiens and women are requested awbands. He at Beaver Falls, Pa., in 1897, William fice de ionstestion to be acccmpanied by thei Mr, Landry's time is limited. busy from morning to night. and he has only Hmited amoyvt of time to see each j ationt. The Pen isylvania Ear Masseur En- instrument chat you can The price s reasonable and you cr-inot afford +o be without it. Mr. Le adry will be at the Assini- bola Hotel from Mondty noon, Aug- ust 12th, until Tuesday night, August Those interes(ad are Invited gine ts ap use at hom. 13th to come as carly as pot:stble. If that is which probobly fisscsd the had dis- Dago Cirocisi, one of the men it ee plicated in the Rosenthal murder, he was shot and killed by several Italians out of revenge. The fate of Verella is likely to have a deterring influence w upon the willlngness of important e: wittnesses in this case. - s For several Sundays the police all over the city have made wholesale arrests of men and boys who were h found playing baseball on the Sab- bath. The magistrates, however, de- clded in every case that the mere f playing of ball on Sunday constituted no violation of the Sunday law so long as no admission was charged to spectators. In-several. cases. where programmes were sold on the grounds the men selling the programmes were adjudged guilty of violating the Sun- day laws and fined. The amateur baseball players throughout the city are highly elated over the attitude of the magistrates, but it is expected that some of the straight-laced church people wil :epel against these de- cisions and will try to bring the matter before some higher court. Five years ago Clilel Meyer Crow- itz, a Russian Jew, now an American citizen by naturullzation, was mar- ried in New York .o. Rosie Goldberg, a Jewish girl of the same nationality. short time 2g0 he applied to the Supreme Court for annulment of his marriage, basing his request upon singular claim, unprecedented in the annals of American courts. He claim- ed that Rosle had married him under false pretenses and that at the time of his marriage he had not known that Rosie was deat and dumb. This claim seems utterly absurd, yet'there Is red son to believe that the man really was not aware of the physical defects of Rosie at the time he married her. The marriage Was arranged according to hig statement, while he was still tn Russia, He married the girl immedi- ately after his arrival in New York and, a3 he had been informed that the girl could not speak Russian and he could not speak English, he afd not become aware of the fact that the girl was deaf and-dumb until some time after they had been married. an interesting history is connected with the final settlement of a will case by which the Zion society of New York fell heir to more than, 1,000,000 from the estate of William Nixon, who died in 1905 in the Ad laide hospital, Dublin, Ireland, While engaged in the furnishing and clothing business Nixon found his keenest competitors, among the Jewish merchants, but there were the kindliest relations be- tween them. The friendship went 80 far, that when Nixon became finan- cially Involved these competitors came to the rescue of his enterprise and Pa stectes Sestasin teteets Ro-esiie sfo-ate-efoete-sfo-sgesteee-eioegr srs the Zion society of Ne fective pupils is being taught. xperiment has been tried in Stock- nexed to the United States, and If Svante Arrhenius, a noted physicist, with remarkable success, The electri- wir awe Seatestestests sto stode Sree mesleseatectesteateetyosteatetess York city. th When the new school term begins the board of education of this city * ill be asked to permit a trial of the le xperiment of electrifying one of the for chool rooms in which a class of de- This ANNEXATION SPECTRE Says Quebec Would Enjoy More Extensive Autono- my In American Union. COMPLAINS OF LONG SERIES OF HUMILATIONS Declares French-Canadians Horror of Annexation has Completely Vanished. In an article on the Spectre of Annexation, in the Devoir, Mr. Henri Bourassa deals with The Province of Quebec and Its Privileges. The constitutional position of Que- bee, he says is not different from that of the other provinces of the con- federation. Its autonomy, the author- ity of its legislature, the jurisdiction fF its courts-are exactly those of the other provinces of the east and of British Columbia, except, that the English-Protestant minorit possesses certain additional guarantees of ous than the Anglo-Saxons in Quebec guage of the province. can Union which of the rights, pri- vileges, usages, customs, laws, codes feation is produced by a series of and charters which exist today in this imbedded in the walls of the province would be abrogated, lessened class room and through which. high or modified in the least degree? frequency currentsare permitted to pass, tt-te-pianned-to kere twosehs * rooms, one: electrified,-the other not, and both containing the same number of pupils of practically the same de- gree of deficiericy.. At the end of alr: certain period of comparison will be made of the corresponding progress fits. For some time, however, a new made by the pupils in each room and patriotism has been preached, and a i the result should be favorable to electrification, the experiment is to be tried on a larger scale. - thought of suggesting to themselv this question as long as they were in could claim their part of the the bene- new state of things has arisen. extraordinary sacrifices on behalf of Se the emp mite bem in an immense combination of naval and military forces, whose political and stragetic direction will remain In the fr hands of the government and parlia ment submissive to the will of the people of the United Kingdom. By, in fact, a long series of concessions and humiliations, which appear to see no end they are forced to admit that ut-' side their reserve here in Quebec they the United States, and that they are even treated with less regard by their Anglo-Saxon NCY TELEPHONE 368 ee See topo PLONE L LOLOL LOL GE PLD ID OPE hohe More Railways are Coming e Jews should become more numer g quite possible condition and the gislature were to substitute Yiddish + English as the second official Ian- Later he asks: If Canada were an- olm, Sweden, under the direction of Quebec became a state of the Ameri )... ew State of Things. ras Test position to believe that Canada was eally their country, to which they pfforts have been made to impose possess no more privileges than in prothers than their compatriots emigrated to the United States are by the descendants of the Bastonals, the secular enemy against whom they defended the integrity of the Canadian soll and the honor of the British flag, We are told on all side: Shed your blood for the Empire and pour your money into the imperial treasury, Aid us to defend Belgian neutrality, save France and crush Ger- many. Endure even the greatest hu- miliations without saying a word In Ontario and the west, forall this Is the very modest price of being citi- zens of the greatest empire the world has ever seen, and on which the sun never sets, If you refuse to adore our gods, then you will fail into eternal perdition, and the abominable Ameri- can republic, where there is nothing for you but wailing and gnashing of teeth. which the French minority in the oth- er provimmes is deprived or of which it has been despoiled such things as the use of the French language in the legislature, in pleading, etc. The English minority has the came claims in Man coba and the north- west, but the Canadian parliament enabled him to recoup his fortune. Mindful of the aid he had thus receiv- ed, Nixon, wil leaving his entire estate, with the exception of several bequests to ie has suppressed them or let them lapse under the pretext that the French- before his death, made a Canadians were less numerous than In Case of Annexation. The French-Canadian is not accus- tomed to change his religion or party. but heating so much of the beauties of the British Empire and the iniqui- ties of the American: republic, he comes to making comparisons. Mr. Bourassa quotes from the m- erican constitution to show hat con gresa can not Interfere wich religious matters in the states, the Mormons end Galicians. As a matter of fact. adds Mr. Task myself what would happen if Bourassa, by the operation of this Acti le 10 the province of Quebec and its legislature would enjoy in, the- erican union a more extensf euten-. omy han under the Canadian consti The French-Canadian lar hovror of annexation has. com- pletely disappeared. He has ceased to see in shnexation the worst thing that could vefall his faithyor bis langue tution. He tnen States that he has not been making 2ut an argument for annexa- tion or. suggesting. that the French- Canadians are ready for it. He, claims to be morg Sritish and less American - thanthe majority of Canadians, Eng- jina-speaxing or French. CHICAGO'S BIG. WATER CARNIVAL. Chicago, Ii, Aug. 19 An enormous crowd thronged the lake front of Ohi- cago today to witness the initial ents in the greatest water carnival secu- steam yachts; sailing yachts and er, boats of all clzes and descriptions; all ready to. trke c parts in the week s aguai o festival: The programme Teas off : with the first race in the battle for spremacy Patricia between the Canadian sloop: motorboat: and. the American sioop Chi the International Cup. 2 week the fleetest motor boats: land, France, Germany, the United States will contest-i world. The Lipton eup races, nois A. C, matathom swim, PHONE 40. sham battle, a jong dist Doat race to St. Joseph, Mich., am turn, and a grand parade and: fey of the pleasure A Reduction of 20 per cent. off Following Lines in.our Men s Wear Department. A chance to buy high-grade Shoes medium prices. The Hartt Shoe PATENT OXFORDS ..... oma - Regular 5.25 for ..... +... PATENT BLUCHERS .... .... Regular 5.75 for .... .... +4 TAN OXFORDS .....: Regular 6.25 for . TAN-BLUCHERS ......-.. Regular 5.75 for .... 22+. ++ GUN METAL BLUCHERS .. . Regular 5.75 for . These are all the very latest style nee fleet bs 4.50 4.5 S415. 34.75 4.15 The People s Store their respective oi Spencer Todd * ca
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Image 257 (1912-08-10), from microfilm reel 257, (CU1743991). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.