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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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N ew Trousers For Fall Wear We have always maintained one Of the largest Odd Trouse stocks inthis ity, carrying a sel- ection that enables you to fix up a coat or vest, Or secure an oda pair of Trousers for any use. We carry all sizes from the smallest to the largest, and have vatuc. in every pair, 1.50 to 7.00 and taflored on the premises, See Our Special Value Trousers ; at 2.00. H. S. IRELAND 66 99 Cor. Ottawa St. THE FAIR ? So pase Groceries and Dry Goods phone 81 SPECIAL PRICES IN HOUSEHOLD GOODS, NOTE THESE-PRICES. GLASS TOWELING, 20 inches wide + 1c. per yard GLASS TOWELING 25 inches wide, +4 19 e per yard ALL LINEN ROLLER TOWELING, extra value at.... 10c. per yard. ALi LINEN HUCK TOWELING, 23 inches wide; very suitable for mbroidery work. Very special at only .... .. 25 per yard. Y COTTON SHEETING, 2 yds. wide. 5c per yard; usual price 45 per yard. ALL LINEN TABLE DAMASK, 2 yds. wide; conventional pattern, perfect bleach; worth 80c per yard for... .... .. 558 yard FULL SIZE DINNER NAPKINS, hemmed, pure linen. We have only 6 dozen. of this special left at . 1.75 per doz. Space won't a'low us to enumerate the. many specials we have to off r you. Please note the above prices are only for today and tomorrow. WATCH THIS SPACE EVERY DAY FOR KEEN PRICES, THE FAIR HEA 4 Meeting Held Last Night jilessre. Sprague and Witeon save - MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. NETRODIST CHURCH CHIR RE-ORCINIED observation cup of granite one hun dred feet above the sea level. President McGillivray of the Can- adian Club followed the Duke of Connaught. Irhis address he paid a tribute to the Canadian Club and Siz Sanford Felming. Le: than two years ago, His Royal Highness said, he represented His Majesty the Kimg at the open ng of the most representative legislative body of the overseas dominions the Parliament Has Now 34 Members but Wants 50. A meeting of the Methodist choir Sr South Afviva, 1 To Loan on was held in the basement of the s, Hi carried back today, 150 chureh last evening for the purpose years to the savetine of th of City Property and p years, to the meeting of the first of Chalesanization. Mayor Spencer such assetublies. Ile said there were Farm Lands,, chaitman of the music committee was present, and took the chair, After the election of officers the Mayor and many people from time to time who cavilled at the colonial policy of the Imperial government, but the care. Tul study wouta show that the pol- iey had always stdod for freedom amd justice for everyone and that the Union Jack whose proud foulds covered every great empire was the permanent emblem of the procession of such privileges. Nova Scotia, the cradlo of representative govermment tween Vancouver and Winnipeg, Deyond the seas, might look with r hie panera pride on the Memorial Tower as the The roll call showed a membership Canad: Statue of Liberty. ot 34 members, but the aim of the Nf. MoGillvary said that he re- choir master is to make it fifty, as ceived a cablegram from R. L. Bor- the seating capacity of the choir pew, en: Congratulations on comple- in the church Is over that number: tion of Memorial Tower. Best wishes The only weak spot in the choir at for very successful dedication. the present time is the contraltoes, 4 Cableeram from General Louis which Mr. Pointer is doing his best) Botha, Premier of South Africa, Interest 8 per cent, Short addresses, after expressing thelr, appreciation of the work done by. the choir and of their importance in the church. The Mayor etated that the choir ahnost equalled that tren tre-ConBta ed that it was as good as any choir, Medicine Hat, Phone 250, If you wish to strengthen and any material for read: Youngest Dominion .views Said appointment would be apprecia-) with great interest the ceremony to ful lots. tod. hia, take place in commemoration of the After the business was over Mr date of the birth of responsible gov- ALTAWANA. and Mrs. Pointer served refreshments: for which a hearty vote of thanks Wag extended from the choir. ernment under the British flag. South Africa's colonies send hearty greetings on this memorable occas- Terms The officers elected were as fol- ion and hopes the tower will long) Terms. lows: stand as an emblem af the solidar- Bik. 10, lots 3-4, 1050 a pair. Secretary Treasurer F. E. Golden. itv of the Empire. Cash. The Right Hon. A. J. Balfour sent congratulatory letter expressing RIVERSIDE PARK Bik. 13, lots 9-10, 650 a pair, Librarian E. Browning. General Committee Misses M. Mor-, dd; 1 a In- the confident hope that the policy Terms. Bee REA been abies mod a Rall ae in Blk. 15, lots 36-40, 600 a pair. Visiting Committee Mrs. Pointer, Nova Scotia will in the centuries tq Terms. LEONARD FLANAGAN. Miss Gardner, come produce results for the free Medepu. Colina, ind Bik. 12, lots 1-10, 1000 a pair, th Sold only by TC MEDICINE HAT MUSIC C0. South Railway Street. Under the Big Fiddle. te OPEN EVENINGS. bet eluding session of today s. program -of-the-Canatian Medicat Assuctattor will. mark the end of the 45th con- vention of the association, being the -most Temarkable, the largest and pos- sibly the most fraught with good for the health of the future of any meet- ing the association has ever held. have'a public health department as d from Sir Joseph Ward, Premier has been urged at ings, a prime factor in the greatest importance to the profession at large forth It is under one charter of ex- amination set as a dominion qualifications will be permitted in any and every province of the Dominion. agreement in qualifications between provinces is apt to be brought about ms report the mother and child for it is already being urged that a similar agreement become operative Osborne. . Dominions and the greatness ofthe Terms. fe wae T Retiiaeed Ge Miais Gea Empire, which we can as yet searce- HERALD or Spencer, Messrs. Sprague and For- ly venture to guess. Bik. 5, lots 28-29, 1600 a pair. ster, The Right Hon. L. V. Harcourt, Terms. Seeretary of State for the Colonies, 3 wrote: As a most loyal colony) kept by the port of Halifax in very close and constant communication with the mother country and in lat- er days as a member of the great Blk, 20, lots 5-8, 1125. Terms. Bik. 17, lots 89-40, 750 a pair Terms. COUSINS SISSONS Bik. 19, lots 9-10, 750 a pair. Terms Law of Dominion + dominion oft Canada to which ereat Bik. 29, tots 1-20, 300 each. Reciprocal Agreement Be- 12s; Nova. Scotia stateamen have s Terms. tween Provinces for All Doctors Passed. (W. A. P. Dispatch) Edmonton, Aita., Aug. 14. The con- signally contributed, Nova Scotia illustrates. the strength and happi- hess which are the out ome of free institutions. It seems wholly ap- Propriate that the coronation of His Majesty the King should be closely. Bik, 14, lots 1-20, 560 a pair. Terms. a CENTRAL PARK lots 31-32, 575 a pair. Terms, Bik. 21, lots 25-26, 875 a pair Perms: Bik: 6; lots 16-17, 1000 a pair, Terms. Gs iy Realy Fire, Life, Aceident, Hall and Plate Glass Insurance. 410 Main St. P. 0. Box 816, Province of the overseas dominions, which is the first of all the Canad- ian provinces to become a possession of the British crown, of a memorial to those British institutions which have made the freedom of the people the basis of loyalty to the crown. Cables or letters were also receiv Apart from the promising expecta- lion that the Dominion soon will of New Zealand; Sir Edward Morris, Premier of Newfoundland; the Hon. Walter Scott, Premier of Saskatcbe- wan, and Sir Charles Tupper. previous meet- the Dominion is that from hence- wide STORK ARRIVED st. The practioneer with the Dominion CW. AB, Dispaton) New York, Aug. 14. John Astor Houses 24 of various kinds under construction, some nearing comple-- tion. Fully modern. Apply. to Jacob posthumous child, who is heir arrived at 8.15 a, m: to- a boy. Attending phy- The extension of this reciprocal day, doing well. tween the medical SWIFT CURRENT SUICIDE . Profession of Loans 3,000,000 INSURANCE C. A. KRAUSS Forter Block. Main Street. to build a house buy one of these beauti- Bik. 4, Lots 5-8, 1200 a pair. Bik, 4, lots 25-30, 1260 a pair. Great Britain and that of this coun- try and between the medical profes- sion of the United States and this country. A BEAUIFUL CEREMONY AT HALIFAX YESTERDAY (Continued from page one) cess Louse fusiliers and 63rd Regi- ment Halifax rifles, while there were thousands on the streets and in the Windows of residences along the line of the procession to give the visitors a most enthusiastic weloome. As the.Governor General came ashore a rifle salute of twenty-one guns boom- ed from the citadel and for the first time since Canada has taken over the dock yards a royal visitor had landed-there: The ceremonies were not lengthy ar the party had to Phone 105 McKinnon s Ltd. Our Bread is ona Pedistal of its own The public demands good bread and we supply it. There is a certain satisfaction about getting good bread that only those who have tried our But. ternut bread can appreciate. Tt is uniformly the same excellent quality. Try it once and you will eat no other. F. B, McKINNON, President. J. B. RICHARDSON, Gen. Mgr. Swift Current, Aug. 15 Nels. ol- son, an -einployee in. Helleckson s store, committed suicide on Thursday last by cutting his throat with a pen Kmife, at his boarding house. REPORT CONFIRMED. (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Ottawa, Aug. 14. Reports that the Canadian Pacific will increase its capital stock-are officially confirmed formal application for the increase having been received by the s cre- tary of state. The amount of the proposed increase is not announced but it is presumed to be from fifty to one hundred millions. Supplementary action is not neces- sary to authorize the increase which cgn be granted by letters patent by the secretary of state after approval of his colleagues. . It ia understood that most of the money to be raised W. H. ROSEWARNE Builder and Owner. Phone 800. Smoke Fatima Cigarettes SPECIAL SATURDAYS All ro-cent Cigars Satin and bright brass. All styles white Enamel. J.JLMOORE SO PHONE 5165. CHICAGO OBSERVES MASSACRE (Special to the News) Chicago, Aug. 15. Chicago turned: back the pages of her history today and commemorated the Gredth anniversary of the Fort Dear- born massacre, from which dates the real beginning of the ca- Teer of the Western metropolis. The celebration included-a sham naval at- tack on the city, a reception to des- cendants of the pioneers and exer- under the joint auspices of the Chicago Historical Society, the So- elety of the War of 1812 and the United States Daughters of 1812. - Fort Dearborn, located Iear the SUBSQRIBF NOW for the Dally News. BEDS BEDS NORTH RAILWAY 81 mouth of the Chicago River, was built in 1805 under the superintend- ence of Major John Whistler. At the beginning of the second war with Great Britain the fort was occupied by Captain Nathan Heald, with garrison of 54 men. Upon orders from General Hull it was evacuated on August 15, 1812, Immediately af ter the Indians burned the fort and began-a massacre of the garrison and the residents of the little settlement that had sprung up near the fort. A total of 39 men ,2 women and 12 chil- dren were slain before the Indians. were driven off. 3 DAY one hun. event Ss NA P Wek Only 4 50-ft. building Lots in Block 54, 1,175. 10 Lots including corner in Bloek 22, Cousins and Sissons for 3,100, or 630 a pair. You must-see these to realize the exceptional value. McGregor Berry PROPERTY FOR SALE We have a number of houses in all parts of the city ranging in price from 1400 to. 1600-in price reasonable terms. them to any interested parties. We also have good buys in choice lots from 250 to 30,000. We want your listings in Riverside and Altawana. WRIGHT DAY Over Assiniboia Music Store. For One MAIN STREET. p.8-tf. We would be glad to show Call in and see us for particulars. Phone 790. Notice of Removal -. GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor has removed his Tailoring business from Toronto St. to 331 North Railway St. Suits made to order as usual. Ladies and Gents Clothing Repaired, Cleaned and Pressed by expert hands, Work called for and delivered. PHONE 486. Four for 25 cents a5 re APPEAL REJECTED. College. Cardinal Merry del Val, in (W. A. P, Dispatch) aye: Montreal, Aug. 14. Rometies-de- The appeal haa-been-rejected by finitely rejected the sppeal of the the Holy Seo in conformity with titizens of St. Johns, Que., from the decision of Archbishop Bruchesi, in- the letter of the consistoral con- by gregation dated July 16th, which the Sir Sanford M Sunday feave by noon on the Earl Grey for the North-west Arm for, the dedica- a despatch to the papal delegate tion of the Memorial Tower. The 7 Tower itself has been erected on a promonitory over-looking the harbor and arm and was given to the city Flemming. The body of the. memorial is of native terdicting the priests of Monnier congregation stays firm. ironstone and is surmounted by an by sale of stock will be devoted to extendings and improvements in Can- ada, BANK OF ENGLA) (C. AP, Cable) London, Aug. 15. The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the following changes: : Total revenue, increased, 1,611,- 000; circulation, decreased, 475,000; buiion, increased, 1,186,361; other secutities, increased, 528,000; other ASSINIBOIA CIGAR STAND City SaleStables Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale, LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. Heavy deposits, increased, 2,412,000; pub- Hay for Sale. CE Monday. THEY EAT IT lic deposits, imereased, 1,198,000; : : - z EVERY DAY Governnient securities, unchanged. FRED McCLAIN : T Tuesday ; The proportion of the Bank's re- PHONE 85. PROPRIETOR IN THE serve to liability le week is 49.82 Last week it was 48.81 we y - per cent. H ednesda; WEEK- per cent. E Thursday : Spartanburg, S.C. Aug. 15 A E. Bartlett. B.A.Sc - PHONE 256 Be anne eraateiatine Occ ott Municipal Engineer, Look fot the Label R? Friday TASSIE BROS. Was held here today to disiaiss lane DOminfon and Alberta Land Surveyor : to Secure for the port of Charleston Industrial Spur Railways, Ss Saturday B R A D Sher ee State at large an adequate Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation E of the trade benefits expected Plans, Ete. ene oe onthe, South threuzh the Room 14, Imperial Bank Building. Opening of the P, nama canal, Medicine Hat Phone 426 THAT'S A SURETY WHEN YOU USE It removes instantly all vestige of paint, grease, tar, ink or dirt-without injury to the ALWAYS
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Image 290 (1912-08-15), from microfilm reel 290, (CU1743981). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.