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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Big Snaps k M, adjoining: C, t site, 9400. and gas, Block 16, 18, 800 cash. 4 (sewer, water and y chool Annex Black 23, 1200, 20, 1100. tk Yuill. Block 18, 706 each. th Yuill jock 8, 1060. osedale Hock: 7, 1200 cash, verside. Block 14, 600. lock 15, 580, 3lock CO 1200, Pettet Co. St... Phone 481, nge of firm d part of our ctive-steck-of sneral House make arrangements for angther 2, /mMaonth. To vhich you will )., Aug. noted equal rights ad 2 Belva A e-time candidate for e United States, was nor here today at a ic given under the aus- lo Woman Taxpayers demonstration was a active campaign that 1 throughout Ohfo in proposed woman suff- it to the State consti- 2 to be voled on next oval - Tailor from Toronto Pressed by expert Jelly nd wine, - 90c monstra- k. With e 4 glass eieieleiieleiieledoboblfabelelebetelolotelefbeled fefetedeh: bij ivi -Mr, Grimmer, New Water System Exy By City Engineer Grimmer Between Four and Five Miles of Pipe Will be Used Hi gher Levels Will Have Be- ressure, Where They Have Now 8 lbs. tween 45 and 55 Ibs. P: Engineer Grimmer explained the details of the proposed mew water works system to the News. today. He stated that the Intake is to be on the west side of Riverdale and - the main to the reservoir, follows the west boundary of Riverdale and Grand View up to Frank Ave. and across the Robinson quarter to the re- servoir site. The main into town Joins the various mains toxthe reser- Voir at Sissons, and follows that street into Contvaj-Park, Then along West Road Allowance and down to Seventh Ave. where the stand pipe will be used us a regulator for the pressure on the lower levels of the city. The var- lous idea being that later on this 18. inch will be parellel with another-12 to. 18 n, main further to the west thus giving what is known as the gridiron sys- tem, a system highly recommended by Fire underwriters, Roughly, be tween four and five miles of piping will be necessary for the work, and this will cost in the.nelghborhaod of 80,000, A supply of. 4,000,000 gal- Jona per day from the new system will be installed right away and this with the 2,000,000 supplied by the old system should be sufficient for the city s wahts for.some litle time to come. In addition to this they could 900,000 gallons to be installed with the new system. What. population in your opinion would a water supply of 6,000,000 gal- Jons dally supply? was the next question. ulation of a, city is: made up, replied Tn the Bast that eup- ply would be sufficient for a popula- tion of about 100,000 people, while the West where there were no Than- ufactories, 25,000. could be supplied. Where you have a town consisting large water consumption, this instal- tation should answer the. requirements for about 15,000 to 18,000 inhabitants, It is, however, Wil be no conflict between the plants and city when t becomes necessary to make an addition. Continuing, Mr, Grimmer cited sev- eral illustrations, showing how consumption of water might vary even wa large manufacturing town. For instance, concern that consumed, 175,000 gals. of water daily without utilizing the steam used by them, were to use con- dencers on their boilers, the consump- tion of water would be brought down we ut gals. 20 ana 22 inch, and the Tali to tho oer One aici HA edt. sane town distributing main 1 inch, the With, and that was that had guarantee the railway company in the nelghborhood of 1,000,000 gallons ally, As a further Instance Mr. Grim- mer took the case of a manufacturing town of 25,000 inhabitants. Suppos- ing 20,000 of these people belonged to the manufacturing comimunity, used 4,000,000 gals. of water daily. The remaining 5,000 of the population Dut somewhere about 300,000 gale. Mr, Grimmer added that the pipe ling could supply 8,000,000 of water to the city daily. * Asked as to the merits of the jnew system, he said-they were striving to get the very best obtainable. filter: plants. that had been built in Western isi ery condition that arose in the riv- ers of the west. Edmonton, Medi- ae cine Hat, and similar plants met with That all depends-on how the-pop- the same trouble. out ing filtration, and this year complet- ed their plant at a time when it could of the river. result of their experience, the design of the filtration plant for Sprineipally sor factories, many having Hat was delayed until, thelr plant bad, Two of Four Gun be Mi Ne ranged so that there hi wi the if-a larg manufacturing a; t There was an- ti tl and ft ,000,000 galn- per day t 1 he The to ev- Canada not previous meet with dia Saskatoon carried experiments regard- extensive tested under the wOFst conditions, In order to obtain the icine Men Now in Tembs Lewis, the Latest to Fall Into Hands of the Police, Pleads Ignorance pf Any Knowledge of the Shooting r A. P, Dispateh) however, as to just where the: re- latives lived. He was held for far- ther examination on Tuesday. Moss took charge of the caso day in the absence of District At- tortey Whitman, directing his at tention to the police graft phase of the case, brought into prominence e by the allegations of Jack Rose and Bridgie Webber that the annual levies of blackmail by the police on ilegat resorts amounted to 2,400, 000. Mr, Moss had brought before him) a number of . gamblers and other characters of the under-world, whom he closely questioned. The as- four gunmen who murdered He Rosenthal, the gambler, 16th, the police headquarte fessed tonight to expect to news at any moment of the of who are still at large, was arrested last night, refused admit when examined by Pp Commissioner Dougherty, that had any knowledge of hoot amd said that on the, day bel the afurder he went out of town visit relatives. He was very v 65,5. per cent. of the pupils wrote on the recent collegiate in grades 7 and 8, were m The exams this year were exits hard as the per centage of those who passed all over the province is low. For example of those who passed in grade 8, Medicine Hat-had a ninth of the total, ten wrote anil six were suc- cessful; In grade 7, 19 wrote and 18 were-successtul, They were gt; + HARVESTING STARTED AT PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE (W. A. P. Dispatch) 3: J. commence harvesting his of the xiver. This date is -excer- tionally early being fully fort- night in advance of the usual time. The growth this year has been ex- Portage la Prairie, Man:, Aug. 3. resides a few miles north of Pattie of this city will city has gotten in his crop wheat completed cutting his barley and re- Monday at his Ingleside farm south ports a very good yield Successful Hat ms Glover; Roberta Godard, arah M. Gor- J. don, Clarefice W. Niblock, Annie B. Mary B. Glover, Aunie , Grant, Berta M. Harper, Roy Manzer, Lioyd Moore- house, C. Fred Napler, Dorothy R. Ni- block, Eiva Osborne. Mr. to- would not tell, Grade 7-8 G Agnes M. Agnew, Ed- Fong, Alice H. Brown, Emma Fisher, William ceptionally forward particularly the growth of the south, where the 1 tis some days earlier than in in district t nth or- twelfth. A and Miss Palmer, of Winnipeg, is the could be absolutely certain that the city s expenditure was along correct a tiing chamber with a period of trom four to five hour: the chemical being applied in one applications, These will be applied polnts of the waters progress through generate the power by steam, using Water tube boilers, fired with gas. The power will be generated by steam The low. lift pumps will be located at a level in which they can raise the plant, through which the water pass s pacity. high level pumps, driven by electricity. servoir will be 100 feet above the top of the pr sent standpip ,.and will give to 65 Ibs. where they now have a pressure of from 8 to 18 pounds. surplus power and lighting purpose be noticed that by amalgamating the electric light and waterworks plants ting cost, the cost of equipment, as well as centralizing the whole. thing under one roof, system, Mayor Spencer intimated that a public meeting. would be called next week before the by-law was voted on, to give the ratepayers details as to how the money was going to be ex- pended. ITALY S ACTION Italians Had Wind of the ; Fo farmer who. the DICINE HAT. NEWS MEDICINE HAT. ALBERTA, CANADA: SATURDAY. AUGUST: 3, 1912... vinctal jained een completely tested, 80 that we a a ines, The Variation in the designs jes entirely in the settling chamber, he present settling chamber here agg period of about 1 -hour 30 min- tes. The new plant will have a set- and instead of pplication, there will be at least two while only the same will be used. at different mount of chemicals he filter plants. It-is the intention of the city to urbines,-connected to alternators, and he engine will be 750 horsepower. * from the river to the filter into a Water well of 150,000 gal. ca- It is then elevated by the lo reservoir situated 300. feet above. t may be pointed out that this re- he higher levels ofthe city from 45 i The electricty. will be sold. for It will it will Considerably reduce the opera- In connection with the water works AGAINST TURKS 10 STOP GERMANS Plan of the Kaiser to Get Actual Possession of the Country. (W. A. P. Cable.) London, Aug. 8 A despatch to a news agency from Constantinople, says the Turkish government has ap- pointed a commission to discuss peace between Turkey and Italy and that it meets the Italian delegates at Lu Lau- zanne, Switzerland. According to a statement published this morning by the Daily Express, the seizure of Tri- Poli by Italy was due to Italy get- ting wind of German negotiations at Tripoll by purchase which would be tantamount to giving Germany actual possession of the country. 5 POUNDS PER HEAD R EACH WHITE 'N Is the Suggestion of London r 8 r for Basis of the val Contribution. ( , A. P. Cable) Londom, Aug. 3. The Speculator makes the following suggestion: Hach dominion should contribute to the Imperial naval loan a sum equaling one pound per head of the white population which would tide us over-the perilous period of the next ten years, which would be ship-building- and maintenanee loan. The Admiralty and Imperial Defence possible hand in RUSSO-JAPAN ALLIANCE (CW, A. P. Cable.) semi-official possessions, which s to last months, The trip coincides with the RUNS AMUEK, SHOOTS Colorado jble Barrelled Gun Plays Ballway, 29 years old, believed to be shot and wounded five persons, three perhaps f hotel which burned Sheriff Dennis of Jeffetson County with a posse hag started for scene: posse. Etusband Grace, acquitted charge of attempting to murder her youthful husband, said this morning that she would leave either to- night or to-morrow for Philadel- phia, to live. tH shoot me in the hope of killing me and securing 25,000 Grace. soon in the hope . of regaining tse of his legs. They bave been par was shot, the bullet lodging against the spine. cuss the question of divorces for he will institute suit. Boy Scouts Stationed Along Committe should have the freest such a scheme sebich would put a damper on Ger- St. Petersburg, Aug. 3 The nalit- feal director of the Novoe Vremya, Megoroff, is to leave next week on trip to Japan and its two FIVE-BURNS: HOTEL Maniac With Dou- Havoc Still at Large. ee (W, A.B. Dispatch) South Platt, Golo., Aug. 3. Geo. e r fi maniac, ran ammek here last night nd with a double barrelled gun iy, then set fireto a to the ground. the Nurses accompanied the 1 paper, Atlanta, Her statement that she did not life imsurance of lies, said Eugene is a tissue Grace plans 6 consult specialists alyzed since March 5th, when he Mrs. Grace reftiged today to dis- Grace has already announced that GUNN CHAIN OF COMMUNICATION AROUND THE BRITISH ISLES Coast as Comm Means. OW. A. P. Cable) Tendon, Aug, 3 The: Boy Scouts of the County of Kent started this morning to carry out a big: scheme of mobilization and communication, pre- pared by Commander James Gallo- way, a retired officer of the British navy and other officers. . The opera- tions are to last three days and ow- ing to the general public holiday on Monday, a large number of boys were able to participate. The boys were sent-off to wateh the southeastern coast of England in sections extending from New Rom- ney round the Fortlands to the Isle of Sheppy and their duty is to pass Information between the coast and London, between towns in thie County of Kent and to form lines of commun- leation with adjacent counties. Sta- unication Constantinople t ple to acquire rightaI0- oas have been established at MAlT mile intervals .with. scouts. posted a each. In time of war, with an attack by wurships on the:coast and the result ing cutting of communication, it is believed that this human chain would be inyaluable and if it is successful, on this occasion, it is to be made an annua) affair, ity yesterday in reference ALL THE DOMINIGRS Sr Sales ood aot mes HAEDIGNL RECPROCTY (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Ottawa, Ont;, Aug. 2. Medieal reciprocity now assured as result: of all the current legislation the Canada Medi- separate exam without passing ga ination. CHARGED WITH DESERTION (W. AP, Dispatch) Wjnnipes, Aug. 3. Ji fia bar-room mixup, is-now charge west Mounted Police at Regina, e diplomatic. conversations that. fo1 Proceeding with a view to Rus: guest-of Mrs. Linch, Esplanade Japan sliance Arms For Government Has Placed Big The rifles and cartridges are to be delivered immediately. : FEMALE CORRESPONDENT Militia Authorities Order domiciliary search of ber residence fiad Been authorized by the military authorities, who seized a number, of documents. has taken up the defence of his coun- has not been made public. inthe Country near Lisbon and was closely court. and English books and plays. Canadian Medical Act of Importance to Physicians throughout Canada is provinces having accepted by con- cal Act. It provides for a Dominion Medical Council and Assembly, cer - tified by it to pactice in any pro- vines of the Dominion. Heretofore there have been separate provincial councils and a doctor in one /pro- vinee could not practice in another Hoffman, who Was arrested last night a8 a deserter from the Royal North- BH, B. Trider is giving fine porcelain Mexicans Order With German Firm (W. A. P. Dispateti) Berlin, Aug. 3 The Mexican gov- roment has placed an Order for ities and ammunition to the value of 875,000 with the Mauser Small Arms Wurtembers. factory at Oberndorft, OF ENGLISH PAPE RAT LISBON.1S ARRESTED Her Arrest Don t Name Charge. ow. A. P. Cable.) Lisbon, Aug, 3 Miss Alice Oram, hie correspondent of 2 London daily was arrested today after a The British . minister to Portugal tywoman, the charge against whom The family have long been residents connected with the royal Under a pen name she has trans lated into Portugese many American Qw, A. P. Dispatch) Chicago, Ill, Aug. 3. Negotia- tions were scheduled today to pre- vent a strike on Chicago's street railway and elevated systems. The official count of the vote-of st railway employees at the polls, which closed-at 4 p.m. today, has not been announeed, but it was said that by a Mote of 10 to 1 the men decided to strike unless their de- mands for higher wages and. better working conditions are promptly settled by arbitration. The strike involves the surface lines in all sec- tions of the city and the union as- serts the wage demands of the ele- vator men will have to be settled at the same time. The strike vote is not taken as prospect, of an im- mediate tieup of transportation facilities. Under the companies , and the union have provided for an arbitration board, one member to be chosen by each side and a thitd member by the first two; The men have presented demands purporting yo show - that their present pay roll does mot en- able them to enjoy the American standardof living. 2 PALL WALL GAZETTE ON US, SENATE RESOLOYIO (C. A. P. Cable) London, Aug. 3 Commenting on the resolution introdueed by Senat or Lodge in the United States Sen- ate and passed bya large mrajor- to the without grave concern. the title to any advantageous attack on the American land that might be dom- mated by a foreign government, the PalkMall Gazette today speaks strongly. It says: International relations would be made easier and the Monroe doctrine be applicable to other powers if opportunity were taken to affirm the determination of the United States to -scck to further territory expansion and to avoid the same kind of acqpisition of places convenient for naval bases which the Senate declares it would view with concern on the part of their nation. RECEPTION TO HODGSON. (Specal to-the News) Mentreal, Atig. 3, Montreal planning for great welcome to Police are Gradually Closing in on J been made around the Canmore amd Morley districts in comnection with the murder of Roy J. Blair, brakeman who was shot on Tuesday by Dick Lyons, Reily, but the police ha dence against the suspects, and they will in all probability be allowed their freedom today. place thoroughly. If he were in the vicinity he could not have stayed there all the food and if he had got food some one in the vicis ely have seen him, search party eqnsisting of Sengeant Ryan, Constable Barber, Special Agents Grierson and Royce of the horses, lett the station and of country lying north of the C. P. R, track between the bridge the Bow river to the north east and Kananaskis on the west, The, sta- tion at Morley is, located on comes even more dense to the west, the agreements : George Hodgson, the young Canad - Thought Shot Brakeman Blair the Officers Closely Guarding and trict Where Lyons is Supposed to be No less than vight arrests have ward. Reaching the cover bank the party: line, each about from the next man. they penetrated the bu ny place in which the ft have concealed himself, Posse proceeded, follor ing course of the river, wi to stop by the Indians. were at this time down beach following a trail Picked up. There in the sand were the prints of a white man's shot These were followed for some, tance until lost in the gravely was at first thought that dicated the proximity derer, but on closer Sergeant Ryan, it was the Jength of the pace great to be that of three inches in height, the shoes were longer is said to have worn at t of his escape. Some time the which it was believed last murderer was hiding -was Tt is situated onthe b river and sloped up for of about 300 fect from the edge. Here the country thickly wooded than at any point in the neighborhood. It is a most 2 re one in which a fugiti stand the best chance of whereabouts hidden. The party went through it in -x- ery thorough man- ner, but their search reveal moth y . a lieve that he will attempt to. get. the Pacific const, but as he had no money when he committed the dastardly act, it is improbable that he has succeeded in getting out of th country: the alias Shorty no evi- Harold Law- time without getting icinity would undowbt Shortly after noon yesterday 2 proceeded to search the portion over a high plateau, shading off into an immense valley, through which winds the Bow river. Mueli of this valley is quite-open, but a8 one approaches. the river bank it is fringe with a fairly heavy growth of bush, which be- Will Be Located in Section Six About 3 Miles - and Named Pittsburg Lots of Money Behind A new townsite about three miles east of the city is proposed. From statements made to the News by C. E. Brown, the late industrial commis- sioner, the project is now a reality and will be placed on the market soon. Mr, Brown states that he has been named industrial manager 5 ss yer will have engincers on the ground Mr. Brown. It is understood Tuesday to map out the townsite. tiere is a large amount of money J. J. Costello, H. E. Barmum, J. M. hind the project. nt Agreement On It s Way East making tests, turns out just as Mr. Jones expects. Mr. Jones WR the city this morning and gave out the impression that in ten days time the city may expect to get back the agreement which he took with hinf'The only difference is that it will have the signature and foll en- dorsation of the Board of Directors of the Company. four men who are prom scheme, Their exact. pl as yet known, They bay tract of land und they pro out a model city, They h decided on Its mame, and Ip Cem Mr. Jones Left for Montreal Today Will Send Docu- ment Back in Ten Days. In ten days time Medicine Hat should know definitely the verdict. of the Canada Cement o. They have decided in the fulk sense of the word to come here providing that the clay of which they at now sss ss eee ARE OFFICIALLY INVITED Churchill, Harcourt and Seely Will Likely Come to Can- ada Asquith Will Not Join Them. ian swimmer who distinguished z Hodgson sails from Liver holm. public xeception him and a dinner will dinner Sets free to bis customer ThirdAve,, 8, his horior by the Montreal amateu. tf athletic association. self by breaking' several records in the recent. Olympic games in Stock- pool today and is expected to ar- den five in Montreal. next Saturday. A sitting be given in Asquith, Winston Churehill, Right ( . A. P, Cable.) London, Aug. 3: The Yo: i Post today says that Premier Bor- at the conclusion of yesterday's of the Zmperidl Defence Committee formally: invited Premier ion of -the Dominten Parliament. The Post adds that it may be taken for granted that Pre- injer Asquith is mot going at pre sent, but it may be taken for grant ed that. Winston Chnrehill with the others will probably go. Rextis month. Z will be tendered Lewis Harcourt, and Col. Canada during . the Hon, VSeely to visi
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Image 206 (1912-08-03), from microfilm reel 206, (CU1743894). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.