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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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d let us show you look of land close to the f and gis. We can sell requirements, Get hold ag. Co. Phone 481 Try Em. DY JUSTICE IN OLD DOMINION, peciai to the News) j d, Va, Aug. 8. Something ff a for awit justice in Vir- j be, established tomorrow nchburg negro is. to be elec the State penttentisy here al assault. The crime was on June 29 last The negro red and Indicted the next n te Second day he was vieted and sentenced to irdrobe. ain St. Phone 261: s Silk Dresses, s, Gloves, Feath- te., Gents Suits, nd Panama Hats ry Cleaned lar attention paid to 8 -work, suits pressed ort fotice. easy terms. well treed, house. Lot ouse propo- , terms. or the No extra, charge. in, Daily get the benefit Weekly country circulation. Books open to ad- vertinera, VOL. 3 NO, 26- Bw provinoial Tabrary Public Meeting to Discuss Matter of, Vast Importance to the Gity That of Con- Will be. the Topic of the Evening on Thursday Next. : Mayor uested by the Bureau ecutive Com- mittee to Call the Meeting Future: Policy Will be Outlined and New Com- mittee Named. Mayor Spencer has called a public meoting of the citizens for Thursday evening, August 15th, at 8 o'clock, re- Mttive to the Industrial bureau work. Re Many Improvements. For The Hat District . Made Here as Result of Inspection Deputy Minister of Phones to Come Here to Look Into System. Hon. C. R. Mitchell and Mr. John Stocks, Deputy Minister of Public Works, accompanied by Mr. Wm. Fallow, district road foreman, spent yesterday in the city and: district looking over a number of matters affecting the Public Works Depart - ment in this district. Speaking to. representative of the News, Mr. Mitchell stated that it was his- in tention to materially improve the grade and roadbed of the Porter Hill leading to the north and east. Considerable improvement, will also be made to the main road leading from Medicine Hat to Nortons and probably to Josephsburg and Hlk- water., An additional grading sut- fit will start work; at once-on a In addition to the above there are at-present road gangs north of Medi- cine Hat and Irvine. Also in the Oypress Hills country and south at Manyterties and Mindy. A main road is being opened from Seven Persons for a considerable distance south and a large number of small bridges. are under construction. Mr. Miichell. has arranged to have the Deputy Minister of Telephones statement this morning: Indusirial Bureau Report The Mayor issued the following 1 think be spoken A delegation trom the executive forts. me requesting that I call a meet- where the natural ing of all citizens and subscribers to the bureau as they wish to mike fa report of the work done and the food live industrial prospects that are coming to this meeting and t is their intention to let the meeting select a now executive for-the car- rying on of the work. This course is being pursued on gecount of the many members that find themsel- ves unable to attend the meetings made possible by their-absence from. the olty or otherwise, The Industrial success that has been accomplished by the efforts of the Gitizens during this year can our city shall be factor in Western our further indust by every citizen's. tion. Let us get cuss matters at night's meeting. Track One snd woishing all the evidence thus zm says today: W. Sanford Evans Man May Die. a far pointing against him, the lawyer x-mayor of Winnipeg, it is stated Ole John Johnson, a Norwegian, a ee O Die. in his disoussion with the District here, is likely to be the Consefva-;waa charged by Constable Picke With Mr. Starks wae D Attorney made some tentative sug- tive candidate in the MacDonald. ing with stealing a quantity of cher: . AP. De Manitoba bye-election cauged by the ries, value 250., from E, B. Lively's one month's imp: all, but just on account of thiscguc- cess is the strong argument nEwed ERT ILO OUF eT Great cities have been built smal when compared with ours. It is for us citizens to say whether) Hef is that we owe it to ourselves as well as to-outside investors to take advantage of every point for and this can be better accomplished NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. FOUR INJURED IN WRECK A North-bound C. P. R. train Regina, Sask.; Aug. 8 The Ww HATZ ALBERTA, CANADA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1912 . SiR CEO. ASDUITH TO INVESTIGATE WORKING OF INDUSTRIAL DISPUTE LEGISLATION IN CANADA Chairman of the Industrial don Board of Trade Coming. London, Aug. 9 Sir George Ask- with, chairman of the Industrial Com- mission of the Board of Trade and famous as successful mediator in industrial disputes during the past few years, Is to be sent shortly by to investigate the workings of the industrial disputes legislation in the Dominion. SANFORD EVANS 10 TRY FOR MACDONALD SEAT W .D. Stable s Appointment to Grain Commission Causes Vacancy. (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Ottawa, Ont., Aug. 9. The Citi- ROKER SUE WOULD of with pride by for stantaneous, His Counsel had Interview With District Attorney Latter Awaits Lieuten- ant s Gambling Tale. CW. A.B. Dispatch.) New York, Aus. 9. The atest phase in the ithal murder case is the possibility that the sealed doors of the system might open. Tonight it became known that coun- sel for Becker, who is charged with instigating the mumMer of Rosenthal, had visited the District Attorney and discussed with him the question of leniency for his client. not long lafter Becker was arrested. The Dis- trict Attorney mmde- it known that the police Hieutemamt had a chance to escape efforts to tonvict him of murder in the fitst degree dependent upon his willingness to tell all he knew about the gambling. Tt was reported that alter Visiting his client advantages were great or small Canada, My be- trial development Pocket of gas, active co-opera- together and di next Thursday Magistrate Hands AT REGINA gestions of great interest. north New York, Nz Aug. 9 The appointment of W. D. Staples to the store. Sentence to Minot Man Will be Deported. Explosion Killed 103 GermanMi Says Offi cial Report Many Were Injured:. (W. A. P. Cable.) Bochum, Germany, Aug, 9 An explosion of ber this morning in the Lorraine shaft of the coal field Im thes, four miles from Bochum, cost the Uves of 1 the officla report. Ten others were severely an Death was practically Instamtineous, The cause of heen definitely learned, but it is sald that it was fro) Stole Five Cherri Given a Me Out Stiff Defendant pleaded guilty to taking: four or five cherries from the stand outside Lively's Negee that the constable took them At the police court this morning also took some from the commended to' be dep him. - Pickering, the accused. it Johnson, who hailed North Dakota, the city sertt bound train on the C. P. R. Regina to Grain Commission. R. L. Richard - investigate telephone conditions at an early date. realized that the present system is entirely inadequate to meet the pre- increasing demands of the city and an up-to-date plant will -be ar- It ranged for without delay: The stallation of complete new sys- tem will of course require a reason- able-time but assurance is that the question of an improved service will be dealt getically, py Mr. Stocks visited the various in- dustrial establishments and express- ed surprise and pleasure at the ex- tent and quality of the output given Saskatoon, left the rails this afternoon at Liberty, Four men are injured, one probably fatally. tthe track, The cause of the disaster is unknown. in is Heavy Penalties Are Enacted by License Dept. in- Bootlegger at Edson Do- nates Fine of 450 An- other Pays 150. Edmonton, Aug. 9. A fine of 450, of the heaviest penalty that has been toombs prison keepers today say that that the police officer under indict; ment might turn states evidence, Dis- trict Attorney Whitman conferred with John F. MeIntyre, counsel for the accused Meufenant, but said that no terms for a confession were dis- that Becker, who is a shrewd man, will require him to tell the whole truth, If he should that, T- would think over very: carefully what the may decide ithat his best interests Rg police Lieut, Recker was on the point son, ex-M. P., who was spoken of en a of breaking down and there were re- as an independent will not run. It 0 coaches left Horts at the publie prosecutor's office is uncertain whether or not the Liberals will put up a candidate. UNIONIST GAIN cussed, Mr. Whitman sald: I hope Manchester Seat Goes to Trouble Involving Many of sition Canadidate oO Londo Aug. 9. The ( . A, P. Cable.) Unionists jend would be. While murder is -oined a seat in the House of Com- the worse of the Buropean situation graver crime than blackmail, 1t Tone today by the election of their (led to an uneasy feeling today here on might be that I would decide, in the ..naidate for the northwest divis the Bourse, where the absence of Pr -lsy the hands of a exacted since the license department campaign for manufactured articles. The Redeliff industries were: also visited. The Redcliff Ornamental Tron Works was perhaps the most interesting, introducing an entirely new line of manufacturing in the West. Splendid specimens of the company s work were examined. A large order has already been placed with this frm for material for the Government buildings: now under leonstruction. es Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Stocks left last night for the West, traband of the Edson this week an old offender. SI previous occasions am is reput Lmost experienced h: jaiong the whole Wheat-Nearer Ripe of way of the G.T-P. have been a source of revenue liquor license department for Since the opening Than Se Says Chicago Grain Ex. pert After Long Tour of West. : (W. A. P. Dispateb.) Winmipeg., Man., Aug. 9. Wheat is nearer ripe than you think it is, said Jobn Ingalls, the Chicago gtain expert, who has ieturned from a three weeks trip through the spring 1 ET DRILL STRUCK OLD GUN POWDER CHARGE Two Men Dead and Five Hurt in New York Aque- )i. duct. W. A. P, D. New York, Aug. 9 Two work- men were mangled to death and five others seriously injured atthe bot- tom of a 260 foot shaft leading out of the new aqueduct at 106th Street and Central Park West, early. tdday, when a big Steel drill struck an old charge of forgotten powder. 50,000 PRIZES FOR MOTOR BOATS. (Special to the News.) Chicago, IML, Aug. 9 With 50,000 subscribed for cups and cash prizes, the Western Power Boat assc lation s championship races, which will be held in connection with the interna- tional water carnival and naval pa- geant opening here tomorrow, will be the most notable event ever held in the motor-boating world. Many of the Mississippi river cities and practicaily all of the ports of the Great Lakes ave entered their speediest power crafts. Subscribe now for The Daily News. who was tried for, was fined 4507- - gt; The prosecutions fruitful months: past. year, D0 You Think country of the Canadian prairie west om bebalf of his firm Logan and Bryan. Prospects are splendid for a magnificent crop, he continued, and he sets harvesting quite ten days ahead of last year. To clinch it he related that, om August 10 last year, when he was at Moose Jaw, wheat was in blossom, while in the same district on-August 7th he saw wheat ripening. said Chief License G. Forster, this m jurisdiction over enabled to- handle GUILTY OF SERIOUS OFFENCE Man is Found Guilty of As- -saulting Girl Wife in Poverty. ness. -Great Falls, Mont., Aug. 8. With is wife and her three-little. child - ren pr sent in court, they having ar- rived inthis city from Helena for Ss oct PORTUCESE 15-year-old Retta F will be sentended Friday. Mrs, Han- having arrived here with but 45 cents in her pos- session, and is being cared for by sympathizing friends, PHILIPPINE VETERANS TO MEET. wan in the vicinit gese dependency mouth of the Cant here. Reinforcements, tachment of forty have been hurried Macao, Since the curred July, 1910, Etncoln, Neb. Aug, 9 Elaborate preparations are under way for the entertainment of the delegates to the pines which is to meet in this city wan, owing to a next week. It will be the thirteenth annual reunion of the national orga- nization and the attendance will in- clude delegates-from inany states. post, consisting Constantinople, earthquake shock INVITATION TO CHURCHILL. seconds drove the (0. A. P, Cable) London, Au; ill has received an invitation to ad- dress St. Patrick's Society, Mont - real, during his forthcoming tour of Canada. the streets at an morning, Many-h Jy shaken, but th PIRATTS the suppression of Wottlegyers and-other dealers in con- jiquor along the main lite was imposed in the police court at haled before the magistrate on two line. Another man named has been collected in- fines: The towns along the west, require constant dominion ' government wgived its which railroad construction is being carried on, the department has been fectively. Until early in the present year the largest fine which a magis- trate could impose: affected, was 50 a sum quite adeqhate as a deterrent of one the most profitable of illegal: busi - Under the provincial law a maximum fine of 500 may be levied. The recent prosecutions were con- Aueted by. Chiet Detective Nicholson of the license branch. RATES-ATTAGKED pirates attacked the Island of Colo- lof the fighting have not yet reached reunion of the army of the Philip- and Portugese-on thetTeland-ot-Colo , question of its ownership, a military soldiers, have resided in the tewn. 9. Winston Church ation of the-vity from their homes to provincial liquor - entered upon a clemency, for: iyi Gy-eaused by the. zetirement: of Sir Sir Jolm Randalls greatest accomplish- George Kemp. big blackmailers are in the police de- 91 majority in December 1910 when partment, and to abolsh that treach- Bonar Law was defeated was 445 erous and wicked system. and in January 1910, 783. Jobn- The grand jury is sald to have son Hicks in this division in 1008 learned many things to show .that defeated Winston Churchill by 429, Lieutenant Becker has made money (Churchill s majority in 1906 was very rapidly within the last few 12,412, Today's election caused months, In one savings bank he was great excitement, boat loads of vot- existence there today is found to have 3.000 on: deposit. ersreturning from the holiday re; Bald Jack oRse, in his confes- sorts on theIsle of Man to poll sion says Becker told him he cleaned and. others journed from Germany. n..four-months. Within a few days the grand jury will hand down about ARMS FOR TURKS German Steamer Had them six additional indictments. The in- dictments will be drawn against Hidden in Bags Held at Antwerp. 2 Lonis Rodenzweig, Whitey . Lewis, Harry Howits, Cirofifi, and probably (Ww. A. P, Dispateb.) Jack Sullivan and Sam Schepps. In- Antwerp, Aug. 9. The German dictments against certain police of- ficials for grafting: will be drawn later steamer Sermia ftom Hamilurg was detained by the authorities here in consempien s, of the discovery of great quantities of cartridges, gun- powder and other explosives among her cargo destined for Turkey, The amunitions were found hidden in bags of rice. H.M.C. Bluejachets to Watch Fisheries With Maxim Gun) They Will Guard South on A. Stevenson, tevenson has been for bottling of civil ie of the ands at the game of the western Murphy a similar offense, The Young Turks are along the right the-negotiations null to the many of than 7,000 ageray GT. P. attention, Commissioner : little kin eeatom Binbe iS of the little kingdom TO DISCUSS WORLD'S COAL SUPERS. Germany have shown the territory in Toronto, Ont., Aug. 9. Arrange- ments are practically completed for the meeting in Toronto this month of the International Geological congress. The local committee is in receipt of advices indicating that all of the lead- ing countries of the world will be rep- resented by delegates. The congress has selected. the world s coal supply as the principal: subject to be consid- ered at the meeting. ambition on the prosecution ef- in the districts in- of Russia; which would er 1878 has the Trl f Victoria;-B- C.; Aug- 9. A - pit nane ctew consisting 02 nine blue- jackets under Lieut. Moore from Canadian Cruiser Rainbow, has been detailed to guard the salmon fisher- ies off the southern end of Vancou- DEPENDENCY 9. band of Sent ity and the Portu- of Mavao, at the ver Island, which have been the prey Other. ton River. Details of American pirates. The dlue- jackets are armed with a Maxim (WA. P. Dispatch) gun. consisting of a de- Portugese soldiers to the scene. from fighting which oc- , between Chinese DUKE CAUGHT TUNA. Big Fish However Was Too Heavy for His Line. Sydney, N. S., Aug, 9. The Duke J. J.L. Ross tuna fishing. Ho hooked a tuna and had it on his line over an hour. Finally the line was paid out while the Duke got on shore and-ondeavored to hold the fish by taking a turn around a stone. So great was the strain, ment has. installed of automatic ly to revolutionize dispute over * the of 150 Portugese tended to all parts The transmitter board similar Aug. 9 A severe lasting about ten whole Gf: the: popu however, that the line broke and end is a typewriter the monster got away fromp him. At r early hour this) MADAME SARAH BERNHARDT first they were whirled ove the bay ouses were violent Whe will appear in the Monarch at great speed by the fis JThe Montreal e damage-ts-small, -Theatre-on- Tuesday. Angust-18th-in- motor boat- Adel followeg at- a-;typowriter-and ee lt; distance incase of accident. in Toronto. to give them the guarantees they will demand in return for the expenditure of 80 much Italian blood and treasure. ENN MHeUrrECtion i ObleF to mnt any sacrifice of Ottoman Unrest within the Tufkish: Einpire is ted by hostilities.on thier tenegrin frontier, whieh at ment may develop. Into open war and in turn embroil th great powers by tles of blood and sympathy. Russia is pledged to support the ruling tamily but time and time again, Austria and revocably set against any Montenegrin expansion at the expense of Austrian the Adriatic ltteral. Even, more threatening is the open announcement of an offensive alliance between Bulgaria and Servis, which marks a new development in the Bal- kan question and-is aimed, of course, primarily against Turkey, but sort of Monfoe Dostrine, supported by any attempt by Austria to further en- Point is Printed at the Montsea , Aug. 9. The Pacific Railway's telegraph depart - telegraphy Montreal and Toronto which is Tike- ful betweon these two points as ex periments so. far would indicate, It is likely that it will scon be --ex- Turkish Situation is a Ticklish CQ ope been so near partition am the great powers, but the first event of ape: to-ask some oof Manchester, to fill the vaean- mler Poincaire on his Russian visit) apaul Hamid, 7 was much Tegreted. Definite propos- a also for the opening of negotiations at ments Yor the good of the commun- def ated Gordon Randalls Herwort, Lausanne between Turkish and Ttalian ity would be to find out who of the -sndidate, 5573 to 4371. The Liber- Dlenipotentiaries was rewarded afew days ago as a welcome sign of more settling conditions in the hear fuaure, Prospects of an early. termination of the war are, however, a remote by reason of the state of clvil war prevailing in Turkey. The Itallans claim no authority in much more strong enough store, but sue sample to be shown in ot The Qual D'Oraay makes 16 of of its profound conviction -that obe would be safer were Turt his. post althowgh Be stated ina note - sent to the Government negotiations between Montenegro aad Turkey been broken off. 2 The Porte has proposed:to the teegrin Charge Di Affaires stantinople mixed commision to inquire frontier dispute. The Government readily accepted position, * Constantinople. Aug. 9. the appoint accused of f0- de Ramazan. jo prevent territory. Mon- -mo- on the Adratic, themselves ir- equally include Empire in Bur SYSTEM OF CP. From One The Ts port thergovernment provided-the in- terest and honor of the fath are safeguarded, a new system between telegraphy in of the system. operates 'e key to that of a type writer at one end and at the other into which a ol) of perforated message blanks is uutomatically fed. The operator in strikes the keys of her prints the-message z Faneh: iy Canadian (ee ca this city. The assault tramps, it is said, met Mr. Fisher wear his home, and asked him for some money. -He declined to them any and Fisher likewise stooped to pick up a hurled. medan festiv: ning August 131 ate compelled to sunrise to. sunset) the Turkish comme are to remain out of doors o'clock in the m a until twelve midnight The newspapers. cont Committee of Union naturally resent the martial law, Wl was The Young Turks, how a-patriotic duty of every 0 ject not to impede the government, Jf the latter st in removini a and imminent dangers threa country it deserves all the present anh says it is Srevecdipna : ve they became abusive up-a stone, Mr,. Stone, and as he did so the tramp a rock at his head and kmo ked him senscless. Later, the Wo-astailants-were taker to Town send and placed in the county. jai). Thera are beautiful flowers that are scentlesd, and, beautiful women. that are unlovable Houalle. Loose Leat System The News: Job
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Image 247 (1912-08-09), from microfilm reel 247, (CU1743875). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.