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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Western grain price and the: condi- thine the sree tacts sity, it will discover thi Are you a user of Sunlight Soap? That is the vital question. If you are, we give you our thanks and also: our assurance that, at all times and at all costs, the high standard of Sunlight is maintained, Always Pure. Western Canada Gisin Prices as Compared With Minneapolis Price The Winnipes Tribulie-friats two leading editorials in refefencd to. tions which exist between the East and West. They are both of vital interest to. the West, the grain mat- ter especially so to the farniers. The Tribune, an indep mdent in poli- ties, says: GRAIN PRIGES. More, wheat price facts shputs the Winvipeg Telekram, and its usually convincing logic, * builds up. an. anti-reciprosity atgument on its own fairy-tale facts ? The editcrial say8 Qn July 31 closing wheat prices: were: Winnipeg : fhe paper mentions no. grade aud omits tha fact that Chicago prices are-bised on Katisas Winter Red variety and cannot ompare ; with the local and that only: Minneapolis and Duluth are of om- parison with Wi Even at fatitications. shold have said: 1085 : 106 100 102; 3: 4 102 10. 98; 34. 5 Other grades show a cor a ingly wide difference in price? The Telegram sprung this again in the. same article: The Telegram has shown that on tha very day of th Saskatchewan elections, July 11, Winnipeg prices exceeded those of any i point. The Telegram must agaia examine the facts, which correct- ly stated are as follows: Wheat quotations, July 11 7 - Dill. in favor of dy 05; 1.052 1.00 53 58 W1 104 -85F 164 ISE The same paper also into eestasies over dts discovery of the nearness of prices between the two points. If it examines the facts ? and not ts facts it will discover that-it is Kgnorant of the economic facts it boasts. Canadiay high grade wheat rose to nearly the equal in Value of American high grade wheat only after it. was discovered there was little high grade to: market in Ganada. It is a marvel that west - ern Canadian anti-reciprocity grain dealers didn t boost it above Ameri- can prices. They might as wellhave done so since they would have lost very little money, anyway, there be- img practically none offering. The Brains that are really offered are low grade. The following facts (not Telegram Facts or econo - mic necessities ) show: Wheat in store in terminal elevat- ors, week ending July 12: 1 hard .. 931 tushels 81,524 bushels 566,471 bushels 388,595 bushels 388,595 bushels 2,624,438 bushels 4,957,128 bushels July 25, 100 cars of Brain Were inspected at Wimnipeg; of these one graded 1 northern and the teat bulk were lower. On July 26, 115 cars were inspected and only, two were 1 northern. On the 30th, 73 cars were inspected and mone were 1 northern, while only two were 2 northern. These are representa- tive of this year, but not of the market in general, as the high-prie ed Canadian grades are not: selling. The quotations which-count-are o7 and-not a man those only which are given om stra Actually offered for sale. if the Win- nipeg Telegram will again go to the acts and abstain from prejudiced Spedial pleading against recipro- Before it weerue to th the parallel im graint fwas.f nerallu known among local dealers what quality Western Canad- ig grain would. grade, there was al- quotations in Winnipeg. and in is as now obtains for Number 4 and low- er grades at the two points: After it was discovered that there was lit- tle high grade wheat being market- ed, the Winnipeg exchange boosted high grade prices up to practically the levels of the American market. In proof of this, note the relative declensions downward, now and for- merly, on the same Winnipeg mar- et: Grade Price Price last July 31. fall, Oct.2 No. i Northern 105 995 No. 4 Northern 843-91 October 2 and July 31 being re- presentative days of the state of the market before and after the quality af western grains was . de- termined, these figures show cov- clusively that while om October 2 the gap between One and Four Nor- therm was but eight anda half cents, sit had widened by July 31. to twen- ty-one cents, showing a wide boost- ing of high grades not offered ior Sale: A corresponding declension in prices is shown in lower grades and they show ths ruse that the Win- nipeg Telegram: and. its anti-recipre- city supporters are working to dis- credit the advantag s whigh must western farmer by having untaxed access to the Ameri- can grain markets. Tf the Winnipeg grain market was limying sy noticeable quantities of 1 northern wheat the price gaps that obtained fast fall , and that obtain every fall hetween this and Ameri- can points would obtain mow the Telegram would not be able to dis- seminate its facts among what she vainly hopes maybe undiscerning farming communities. The Tribunes second article: RIGHT MUST TRIUMPH. lt;The West is duly gratefui to the able advocates in the east who are ing for, greater freedom in mar- Keting the produce of Canada. Al- most daily one. of several of the Jeading journals are strongly urging upon Premier Borden . that hq should heed the demands of the West. j Almost 2 page in the last issue of the Toronto Sun is devoted to the cave of the West. An interest - ing contribution appears from George Anson, writing from Sin- taluta. He gays: (astern pabers on the side of the protected manu- facturer are in the habit of describ - ing Westerners as kickers without cause. The principal crop of the West, says one, is not wheat du grouch. It s the,old story. Those in the enjoyment of special privilege soon come to believe that the com: mon people who oppose them are nothing but turbulent raseals, On the other hand, Edmund Burke states the case thus: I am not one of those who think people are never wrong. They lave been so, frequent- ly and outrageously, both in other countries and in this. But I do say that im all disputes between them and their rulers, the presumption is at. least upon a- Par in favor of the people ; adding they have no inter - est im disorder, and when they go wrong it is their error and not Nearly 30 years ago, continues Mr. Anson, the West was excited over the refusal of the Ottawa Gov- ernment to repeal the monopoly clause in the Osnadian Pacific char- of between ter, which deprived us of railway competition. Then, as now, we were ungrateful tetiegades. The East had built the Canadian Pacific for us and wer ought to be satisfied. Troops should be sent up to overawe us; wemust be taught to obey, and so om, Yet in the end Sir John Macdonald abolished the monopoly in Canada today blames us for having risen against ft: Just now wo are wrestling with a greater and: more far-reaching monopoly. For: the sake of the .don, pay an artificially high price for everything we buy, and are not al- lowed to enjoy the reciprocity that would enhance the value of what we haye to sell. In a word, that his greedy rule may be maintained we are not permitted to turn our labor and resources to the best account. Mr. Anson contends that from the first the. people of Eastern Can- ada have regarded the West as a colony of theirs the colony of a colony. This. is particularly true of the Eastern manufacturer. Be- fore the Canadian Pacific was finish ed, when settlement was just be- ginaing, he called on the Dominion Parliament in 1883 to levy a heaviar tariff on us in his interest, and, of course, it obeyed. The duty. on binders and mowers was raised fo 35 per cent. We started an agita- tion for a-reduction, only to -be de- nounced as grouchers and traitors. But, after all, the reduction came and I'do not suppose that ever Sir Melvin Jones would care to see the old tax restored. H pwould say, for, after all, he is a pretty reasonable man.for a manufacturer, that the implement maker who cannot get. along with a protection of 174 per cent. ought to.. some other line of business. The implement tarifl of 1879, when protection was first introduced, was 25 per cent. all round. In 1833 it was 35 per cent. all round. Today it averages about 22 per cent., binders and mowers at 172 being taxed lightly than other articles in ist. But is not 22 altogether exorbitant? The. Eastern manufacturer also gets a drawback of 99 per cent. of the duty which he pays on imported ma- terials entering into construction of implements. Yet the Canadian: far - mer, who has to meet all comers in the free British market India, Rus- sia, the United States, the Angen- tine, and the rest is not entitled, on the protectionist theory, to the jowest possible cost of production, but has to-pay this tribute of 22 per cent. to the manufacturer. Coukt anything be more unfair? The action of the Manufacturers Assoc- ation last year in interdicting re- ciprocity. in natural products for fear it might lead to reciprocity in factory goods, was all of a piece with the arbitrary treatment of colonies by the paretif-State 200 years ago. Mr. Anson, jn his conchiding words, takes a somewhat pessimis- tic view of the present outlook for freer markets. The future, however, looks hopefil. The. West is getting together, Saskatchewan is plain evi- dence of the fact. Let the West pre sent a solid front, and the Hast will yield, just as it did on the disallowance question. The West is right, and right must triumph. Peteeeetee seas FIRST THINGS, + + + he Se obs he fe oho fe of ole obo oko ofr of oh EES The first time the distance be- tween London and Edinburgh, 400 miles, was ever covered in less than eight hours was twenty-four years ago today, when a train on the Lon- Northwestern Caledonian made the tripin what was then considered the remarkably fast time of 7 hours 25. minutes, an average speed of over 63 miles per hour. This was the best. timie-ever made for so long a distance. The fastest time on record for railway run 400 and 500 miles was made in 1895 between New York and Buffalo, 4364 miles, in 407 min- utes actual time, an average of 64 1-3 miles an hour. The fastest time made by a train for a dis- tance of over 500 miles was in June 1905, when the distance between Buffalo and Chicago was covered in 7 hours 50 minutes, an average of 69.69, miles an hour, excluding stops. The best time recorded fora shot distance was made ten years ago foy a Burlington train, which travpled 14.6 miles in 9 minutes fiat an average of nearly a hundred Se. a bar. * The name LEVER on Soap is a Guarantee of Purity and Excellence. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL The Misses Mary and Rosle Des- marais, of Walsh, spent a couple of daye at the Hat. Street, city, Mrs. L. A. Moore, Braemer Street. hi Examinations, to write subject If you are not a user of Sunlight, may we modestly suggest that you might be, and add, with advan- tage. No Rubbing or Miss Lela McKain, of Lethbridge, is visiting Mrs. W. A. Moore, Braemer Mr. and Mrs, Mansfield, of Bowell, spent yesterday the suests of Mr, and M,jdbestin,aSa-9darini ad. 'r P xafif H. 0. Knowles, a clerk in White, Laidlaw and Blanchard s law office, been granted a pass standing in the second intermediate Alberta Law S.-G. Bannon has yet Mr, Clayton C. Wright. retumed to his home in Prince Albert after spending ten days in town the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wright, Esplanade. Mr. D. Gourlay of the Gourlay Piano Co., of Toronto, who is on a trip through the West will be in the city today and tomorrow. , He will be at the store-rooms of the Medicine Hat Music Co., South Railway street. He is accompanied by A. P, Howells, Western Manager of the Company, with headquarters at C: a G. Hall, assistant general manager of the C..P.R., was in town this morn- Receiver for Scrubbing. NOTICE TO THE CREDITORS ALL OTHER CLAIMANTS AGAINST THE SIIPSON- NORTHAM COMPANY Notice is hereby given that the creditors of and all other persons having claims against the Simpson- Northam Company, of the City of the Trusts and has been ap- nership property Guarantee Co., Ltd., before the 9th day of September, 1912 to deliver or send by post prepaid to the Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited, Calgary, Alberta, their names and addresses, and the full particu- Jars of their claims in writing, a de- tailed statement of thelr accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, such particulars to be verified by Statutory Declara- tion. After the said date the receiver will distribute, the assets of the part- nership and all creditors claimants not having or other filed their claims as aforesaid, will be excluded from sharing therein. Dated at Medicine Hat this 6th day of August, A. D. 1912, The Trusts and Guarantee Co. Limited the Simpson-Northam Medicine Hat, Alberta, ot whose part- W: pointed: receiver, are required on or V inng, few weeks with friends. We Have 300 Lots Take ou, tip; whilst they are 175 and 185. ber ict, and secure some. No other town in Cgnada has river lots so-near the city at such low figures, The city purposes laying the water pipes right away on both these divisions. Blectricity and gas are already there. DOITNOW Pin gle, Wales Bell 4th Ave, corner of Esplanade, Half-minute from Post Office. PHONE 791. at AUCTION SALE THE MARKET SQUARE Friday; dng. 9 1 O'CLOCK SHARP .. The auctioneers announce large quantity of single, double driving and daily work horses. Cows, Poultry, etc, eto. A large quantity of single and double harness, 3 buggies, 3 democrats, 2 wagons, gangs, sulkies, and breaking- ploughs, mower and rakes. A large quantity of po- tatoes and other effects too numerous to mention, . Entries will be excepted up to 12 o'clock on the day of sale. SPECIALS Team of Ghestnut drivers. Team of heavy draft horses. Several sets of harness, For further particulars apply HL. B. BROWNE CO. Live Stock and General Auctioneers, Market Offices 14 Fourth Ave. General Offices 519 Toronto St, mil s an hour, Eastern manufacturer, we have to Phone Nos. 519 and 295, Mrs. and Miss Quinlan Jeft for the Was night, where they will spend Company, Calgary, Alberta. Davidson Will, Solicitors for the Receiver. 25-3 NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS AND CREDITORS In the estate of Jacob Schnelder, late of Irvine, Alberta, farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims upon the estate ofthe late Jacob Schnelder, fedvon the 30th day of April, 1912, are required on or before the Bist August, 1912, to Tile with the un- dersigned, the solicitors Yor the exe- cutors of this will, a full stat ment of their claims and of any securities held by: them; duly. verified; and that af- ter that date the executors will dis- tribute the assets of the deceased having regard only to the claims of: which, notice has been so filed. Dated this 26th day of July, 1912. DAVIDSON WILL, Solicitors, Medicine Hat, Alta. E. Bartlett, Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Bte. Room 14, Imperial Bank Bullding. Medicine Hat Phone 420 Bids are wanted for the building of ferry of the standard government type, at Redcliff, Alta. Detailed draw- ings and blue print will be furnished upon application to C. W. White, Sec. Treas. of Village, Redclitt, Alta. 47-6 19-3t Thurs TENDERS Sealed tenders will be received ad- dressed to the undersigned up to 6 o'clock p, m. of Saturday, Angust 10, 1912, for the erection of a ten room brick and stone, public school build- ing in the city of Medicifie Hat, Alta. Plans and specifications may be Seen at the office of W. T. Williams, Architect, Medicine. Hat. Each tender must be accompanied by certified check for an amount equivalent to 2 per cent of tender as guarantee of good faith. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, (Bigned) R. M, NAPIER, 13-kAug 10 Sec.-Trens. Medicine Hat School Dist. No. 76. ee oe TENANT WANTED for vacant store on the corner-of Montreal Street and 3rd Ave. Fine location for any business, Reasonable rent. Living rooms overhead, Immediate posses- sion. Repairs and overhauling will be done. Apply to G. G. MacBean Co, Imperial Bank building. 2oatt Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New Wall. Paper Estimates cheer- fally ufrnished: on cost of Papering among the parties entitled thereto, W: Painting and Paperhanging. T' Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For. Sale, Lost, Found, etc,, ade under these headings. 25 words, one day .. 26 26 words, three days 60. 25 words, six days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 26 cents. Cash must accompany the order, Phone your ad to No, 13 ring 2, and it will receive attention. HELY WANTED. WANTED As stenographer and ty- pist (male). Must be competent and good office man: Reply by letter only in own handwriting, stating age perience and salary -require to Ac- countant, Southern Alberta Land Co, Ltd., Medicine Hat. 25-3 SUMMeR EMPLOYMENT for teach- ers, Local work to begin with, Ap- ply in person only Room 4, News: Building. 25-1 AN OPENING for two energetic young met. Exceptional opportunity. Apply In person only tonight or to- morrow, Room 4, News building. 25-6 WANTED Laborers by the Cana- dian Stewart Co. Apply Ogilvie MII site. aate ANTED Girl to asuist with house work. Apply 227 Ottawa St. 23-3 VANTED Junior bookkeeper, Good prospects . Apply Medicine Hat. Grocery. 23-te (CARPENTERS WANTED Must be g00d workmen, Steady: work for the right men. Apply at once to Av Dickinson, New Hotel, Montreal St., City . 23-8 WANTED servant girl, 20 a month, Apply to Mrs. W, Hig- gin 0. box 772. 21-tt GIRL WANTED To work in town. Apply to Mrs. Mitchell, 805 Ei: planade, 21-tt WANT Stenographer, one who-can take charge of office. Apply to 1. F, Dawson Co. a1-tt SALESMEN are drawing 75.00 to 100.00 per week selling our oils, greases, and paints direct to the con- suming trade. Big opportunity. Men with team preferred. Inland - Oil Works C ,, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Jul 30-d1m yWVANTED- Small team outfits for ditoh wirk, Haye 2060 miles to let, Sizes of ditches from 3 to Hoot bottom. Janse, McDonnell Co., Bassano, Alta, 2e7atf Summer rate now on. Situations guaranteed. Special fates to ladies, Particulars and cata- logue free. Moler College, 609 Cen- tre St, Calgary. 294dtt SITUATIONS WANTED. ANTED Work in store or office by strong boy of twelve years of age. Apply box 1336, News office. 23-3 SITUATION WANTED young man seeks position as assistant in out- fitter s store, Smart salesman, Can show good references, Write box 391 P, O,, Medicine Hat. 23-3 SITUATION. WANTED Person liv- ing In country requires p sition as house keeper, or man and wife to- gether. Apply to box 1338 News of- fice. WANTED Position by young lady as servant. Apply 1387 News oftice. 20-6 REAL ESTATE WANTED TO HANDLE subdiviston property in Calgary. Owners com- gary, Alta, 25-1 0 RENL (OFFICE ROOM FOR RENT Apply Lussier Const. Co., Ltd., Hutehin- son Block. 21-6 HOUSE To RENT Close in, Rooms newly furnished complete. Fur- nitur for sale, on terms. Inquire 397 or 619, Toronto. St. 21-6 (0 RENT A good modern house, 10 rooms, on ;the corner of Montreal and Sixth Ave. Also the Pruitt block Ja newly fixed up for ight housekeep- ing. Apply toH, LoPruitt, 20-6 *URNISHED HOUSE TO RENT un- i April Ist. All modern conventen- ces. Two blocks from P, 0. on Main St. Apply box 318 or 539 Main St. 20-6 WANTED TO RENT os (WVANTED TO RENT by responsible party, no children, a bungalow or small cottage. State location, rent, and whether modern conveniences to box 793, Medinice Hat 25-8 ROOMS TO RENT. 0 RENT Large rooms suitable for 2 or. gentlemen. Apply to 200 Ottawa St. 23-3 Loose beat System The News Tob Department has every tacility for aup- ROOM. AND BOARD in modern house, with all conyenlences; also telephone. Apply. ta 117-Majn St. ir phone 462. aes nT BOaRD AND ROOM in - modern house. Apply Montreal St. 2458 5 FOR SALE For SALE National Cash Register, from Se to 10, in perfect order Cheap. Mark Harris, Globe Clean- ing and Pressing Co,, rear post of- flee, 4th Ave, 20-6 LOST AND FOUND eee se on Sa LOST Silver handbag. containing xold watch with monogram on both sides. Reward will be given on. loay- ing at Wright's jewelry store, Main St. 25-3 LOST A pearl sunburst, lost be- tween Mr, W. 'T. Finlay s and city hall, Reward will be given when de- livered. Apply to W. T. Finlay, get Pe Se Sa eee a STRAYED STRAYED On July 25th trom the N.B. 1-2 8, 4, T.12, R. 5, one bay mare 4 years old, branded C7 on right shoulder, two white hind fect, fet- locks clipped, weighing about 1050 Ibs, with leather halter and shank, H. J, Butzon, on 8,W. 1-4-8. 24, 7. 11, R. 9, at Winifred, ri 5 FFOR SALE One new 34 by 4 1-2 dunlop casing for universal rim; one black chestnut mate, single or double, Indy or children can drive. Also a framed jack 10 by 14. Apply 329 Factory St. 248 Se ea FOR SALE Singer sewing machine new, complete, Cheap 1 house- hold sewing machine, second hand, perfect. Also white enameled bed- room suite, Globe Cleaning Press- ing Co., rear post office. 4th Ave. 24-8 JFOR SALE Attractive seven room, fully modern home, fire place, oak mantle, and pannelled rooms .Desir- able location. Will accept good build- ing lot in part payment. Apply at once P. 0. box 233, Medicine Hat, Al- berta, 23-6 FOR SALE First class butcher stiop in good live town 35 miles west of Medicine Hat. Good business house and all necessary tools and scales for carrying on a meat trade. Good. te- frigerator and ice house. No compe- tition. Will sell cheap for cash. See the owner, GM. Thompson, at the Canadian Home Investment-o, s of- fice, over Imperial Bank. 23-8 50 REWARD The above will b payed for information that will lead to the recovery of one brown gelding with white stripe on nose, Years old, and weight about 1300 Ibs, Brand HF monogram on left should- er; one gray gelding weighing about 1300 Ibs., branded ) on left thigh. Rivalries TJ last seen at ete Welss on the 13th of May. R: E. Starks, Medicine Hat. ae 1eate aoe et Sie BUSINESS CARDS, ee MATERNITY NURSING Apply to 114 Dominion st, 908 Sa Re MISCELLANEOUS ere anne nn WaNTED LapIEs AND GENTS fast-off clothing, shoes, watchen, Jeweiry, guns, Tevolvers, valises, suit cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, waggons, bug- gies, harness, bicycles. carpenter tools, ete, raw hides and furs, horse hatr, wool-and.t thers, bought and sold. Apply to the'Harvard Tailoring Co. 812 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P. 0, box 358. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above hand the best selection of Second munleate with Richard R. Plum, Cai- 4nd: Tools tn the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new -and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- Yolvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a-nice new line of winter goods, We buy everything mentioned above and) pay the best prices, Call at 504 South Rallway St. or Phone 687. tf CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W. 4 HENDERSON CO, chartorea accountants and auditors, (estab- Ushed 1882), auditors, city of Medicing Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. A. E. Gibson, C.A,, resident Dartner. Phone 198, Burns Block. 276att AUCTIONEERS ee H:- 8: BROWNE 0., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor onto St. Stook Sales every Friday on Market Square at'1 o'clock. Rancb and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- perience at your disposal free. Phone 708. H. B. Browne Co, 519 To- Tonto St. Is2att W. E. WRIGHT Customs Broker. Consignee and forwarding agent, as- Sembler and executor of papers for shipments going -into- the United States. Commissioner in B. R. Real Estate Broker and General Agent, your rooms, Phone 156. plying the most satisfactory. MEDICINE HAT. 5.00 reward for delivery to owner. WE have a spl sortment Vests, and this season of the them. We bou tle too heavy, so our mistak gain, and for week you cat fangy vest at 20 per Off the Regu Turpin- The Man's Stone- Get the Big Doll a RECEIVING CHAI FOR BGS P. R. Team a liam Now Ho Tinware. (W. ALP. Des Fort William, Ont McDougall Trophy, Western Canada championship now he Club; of People s SI be competed for in New Ontario Amatet meeting last night 4 the trophy open for Western championst month. Entries will be re ust 22nd. It is ex team will enter fron from Brandon, and fr in N,.0. L. Detroit, Mich., Aug. State convention of th Golden Eegle, assem with delegates in cities and towns th gan. The conventior you will always have a valet to- clothing, such a: at our cleaning You can have kept in the pink that your clothin Ike new at a st the dry cleaning THE GLOB ING PRE Rear of Post Offic Father really oug ture taken he ha graph since that in the cut-away c married in. ( Twat you know.) Yes, mother says of him as he look for the sake of tt should be one of now. There s a Photogra es TLE Fhe Be guATH
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Image 242 (1912-08-08), from microfilm reel 242, (CU1743872). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.