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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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PHONE 433 HOLLING POW NNER . HERALD Block 80, 50 ft. 1250, terms. Block 8, 60 ft. corner, 1050, Block 85, 50 ft, 1260, terms, terms Block 86, 100 ft, corner, 4000, ioe gs, 62 ft for 1050, a terms RIVERSIDE These are beautiful view tots. Block 9 50 ft. corner, 860. terms Block 9 50 ft, SOUTH TURE, Block 13, Block T, 50 ft., 1050, termns. Block 8, 50 ft., 1050, terms. Block 28, 50 ft., 840, terms, Block-20,-50-ft5- 1050;-terms; ALTAWANA Block 4, 50 ft, 1800, terms. Good for t day only. numbe he aboy Ss; A AGENCY sam For Real Snappy Buys See Us PEOPLE Sermon by T. a RUSSELL Pastor Brooklyo Tabernacle. Omnia arta Racnanes + Berlin, A London and lyn had a splendid hearmg here to-day. This is his third visit. He spoke through an inter- preter. His text was, He is the Propitiation for our sins (the Church s sing),-and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. I. John ii, 2, As the Jews applied all of God promises to themselves and Te for the Gentiles. until the end of the Jewish Age, so we Christians have selves all of th: gracious promises of the Bible, leaving nothing for the ON AND AFTER SATURDAY NOON NEXT Private Boxes on Grand Stand and Automobile Space Inside Enclos- ure at the Fair Will be on sale at Pingle s Drug Store. Boxes will be 5.00 each, exelusive of main gate and enclosure prices. - Automobile space shall be 10.00 for six passengers or less. Passengers shall pay the usual fee at main gate. These prices for boxes and autos entitles the holder to the exclusive use of box and space during the whole e orote, e Serererepereeatoreeeatonge eregeateeqentonteeeatoete etry all the nations it has touched nt ro. porn te a Sane Western Canada Lumber Co.Ltd. i ssi: smn eet pars, a . 3 their Christian profession as footstep LARGE STOCK OF Dry Common Lumber, Fir and Cedar Finish, Fir Cedar Doors; Fir, Maple, and Oak Flooring, SOLE AGENTS FOR proof Paper, Neponset Roofing, Felt, B. and-S. Wall Board requires no OU SHOULD CONSULT YOUR SOLICITOR About Your Will And Have This Company Appointed as Your Executor and Trustee The Trust and Guarantee COMPANY, LIMITED. tor and Official Assignee for the Judicial Districts : ot Tethiridge Macleod Calgary Wetaskiwin 220 EIGHTH. VENUE WEST, CALGARY. stf SME SAMMEL 60.10 We carry in stock a full line of Building Material Lumber, Lath, Cement, Plaster, 8Zc., Fir Finish and Flooring a Specialty. Phone 59 Public Aa 3 : 3 3 3 t i : 7 + ; i : Lenetetererereteboeresetede POPC BOLO Ooh OLE ALebeed, MeeSoatoateats Paroi i His favor upon a stiff-necked race, aroid Roofing, Neponset Water dy Jess tractable than. others of that Se ifeo further Finish. ; 2 lt;1 SEE US BEFORE BUYING. z YARD EAST ALLOWANCE. PHONE 467 3 etrinteteceteteeitededs deatededeteteteeteteaueged Jews andthe world in general until now, in the-endingtime of this-Age and the dawning of the Millennium, we are coming to see God s Word in a clearer and more beautiful and harmonious light. Now we see spe- cial promises for the Jews in the past, special promises for the Gospel Church, promises for the Jews in the near future, and still other promises and blessings for every creature. And the more the light increases on the pathway the more reasonable the Di vine Plan appears to us. Why should God select one nation or . sople of one religious cul for glory and make Preparations from the very beginning of creation for the eternal torture of all-others? Surely we have been most inconsistent in our interpretations of the Divine Message, yet just as sure- Jy the all-wise One knew of our plight and, permitted us. to remain in dark- ness until now; and He is able to overrule our mensure off blindness so that it will be of no injifry:to us. Perhaps, indeed, the bestity of the Divine Word and. Plan is much more Perspicuous now because of the durk- ness in which we all wer so recently involved. and perhaps the same prin- ciple later on will apply to the whole world. When all shall emerge out of the darkness and ignorance and su- perstition into the glorious sunlicht of Divine trath and grace, undoubted: Jy the contrast will make the bles ings of the future all the more pre- flows. and the more incline every knee to how. After Divine favor had: fi t granted Redeemer, shedding upon them first the snecial light of the Gosnel. the Message was sent forth restriction gradually through . Asi Minor. into Greece: and into-Rome. then favored chiefly the G r- nations and amongst these 1 include. the British people and, th population. In these peoples, - toa. the. Reformation Movement-toind its The Messace of followers of Jesus. So far as human judemient cun dis. ern, the Divine records show that these favored peoples w re not super- dor to others less favored. The Bible shows us. some noble characters amongst the Gentile nations before the Redeemer's day and plainly inti- mates that God intentionally bestowed time. We see the same thing in re- spect to the operation of God's grace during this Gospel Age. Apparently the peoples of India and China were more docile and of much more likely soil for the Gosnel Message than th: fierce Goths and Huns and Franks to whom th Gospel was more 'parti- cularly directed. How unlikely it would be that the less-favored na- eno provision in the On the contrary we perceive. that S-special election, or selection, of faintly class was made during the Jewish Age Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the Prophets and saint- ly Jews. (Hebrews xi, 38-40.) And since the selection of the saintly Jews the calling of the Bride class, chiefly from the nations of Europe, implies that when this spirit-begotten, Spirit. wal Israel, spiritual children of Abraham, shall be completed, then all nations will be alike. fayoted in the distribution of the coming bless- 4ngs declared to be for all other pzo- ples, Kindreds and tongues. While speaking-last Sunday in the great Victoria. Hall of Geneva my mind naturally went back to the days when that grest and good man John Calvin cut such a swath in religious sentiment that it still influences about one-half the monumen the monument unveiled this by Calvin's followersto the Bonor ot Servetus, whom Calvin se horribly burned to death at the stake. ; Iam sure that the monu- ment, ds it declares, was not s0 much of tribute to Servetus as against Brother Calvin's atrocity Lgommitied in the name of Jesus, the Bible, and the God of Love. We must give John Calvin credit for empliasizing the doctrine of Elec- tion, although we cannot give him credit for making that doctrine, for of course it was a Bible docirine teen centuries before his birth. Had he been contented with omphasizing the election for the Church and ihe said, I know not what will be the fate of the non-clest, hs would have deserved to this day our unstinted Praise. But alas to err is human. vin was not oont nt to leave the matier thus. He out hia fect, his conclusions were detective when he surmised that-all of the non- elect, whether infanta or gray-headed, i Tsaw very . 18. Pastor Rusoell of catise of untellable difficulties in the none been inclined to appropriate to-our remainder of A as others, have merely been delivered from the of the world as 1 Divine favor enjoyed by us whether that favor consisted in not being so PULPIT. ONE REDEEMER FOR WORLD'S SIN Faith, Obedience and Loy- alty the lifications Pastor Russell at Berlin. PO Narr of Christendom trom Calv until now. he key which solves the problem is 20 simple that we wonder that we have all: 80 long overlooked it, The key istound in the promise made to Abraham that his Seed was to be the Elect Jesus the Head and the Church is and the Chur typified by Rebecca, And this Seed of Abra: ham when comp ted, ding to Divine promise, is to be the channe for blessing all the families of the earth the Jiving and the-dead- The blessing that is to come to all is clear- ly etipulated by Si. Paul, saying, God our Saviour vill have all men to be saved (from the condemnation that came on them through Adam) and to come unto the knowledge of the Trath. I. Timothy ii, 3-6. The basis of the. post js-set forth in. Romani shows that Adam, and not his was put on trial in Eden that Adam and not his race was directly sondemned but that Adam's face ras involve throuch heredity, by in- Reriting the weaknesses and dying ze da by: Taaae. ponditions of their parent. St. then shows forth in the same Fhent that as condemnation and death ua passed from Adam to all of his Face, 80 Christ Jesus, having become fdam s Redeemer, Divine mercy through Him extends-beyond Adam to all the members of his race who fwere involved with him in the death sentence by laws of heredity. The wvinced; because logical. fon it is 50 it that God would provide the price for all mankind and fail make. operative, because the at mass of mankind went down to leath without a knowledge of it Inany of them during the four thous- and before Christ came:into the world to give His life a Ransom, The explanation is that all went own into the Bible hell down to the tomb, the death state, in harmon with the sente; Dying thon sh are ision is made for the xe- demption of ali from sheol. (Hosea xiii, 14.) Christ died for ail and, as a resuli, there is to be a resurrection of the dead, both the just and the unjust, (Acta xxiv, 16.) The just are the justified, and are the com- ively Tew who have heard of God's grace and have responded -and approved of Him are to ive sees a ibe Resurrection. The remainder of the world, equally redeemed with the precious blood from the power of the tomb, are all to come'forth unto a resurrection of the dead, For as all in Adam die, even so all in Christ shall be made alive, each in order: J. Corinthians xv, 22. How clearly our text defines the fact tl the Church is a separate and distinct class from. the world a class called out from the world. As Jesus said, Ye are not; of the world, even as I am not of the world I have chosen you.out of the world. The ordination of the-Church is to association with the Redeemer in His great work of witnessing now for the Truth, showing faithfulness even unto desth and sacrificing all the earthly interests, to the intent that they wit the Redeemer may later on be asso- ciated in the work of blessing the world as the untitypical, the spiritual, Seed of the Abrahamic promise. (Galatians fi, 29.) All along we read in our Bibles that Jesus Christ, by the grace of God, tasted death for other texts misunderstood, beclouded our judgment and led us to think that this text meant every man in Christ. We all know that th Bible. declares that God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever beheveth on Him might wiot perish bot have eternal life. (John iii, 16.) We found it difficult to limit this text to the Church when it, specifically declares the world. We see now that it applies to the Church first and to th? remainder of the world. afterward. Be? Those who in the present lite, dur- ing this Gospel Age, hear of Christ and have their eyes and understand- ing open to recognize Him as the Son of God and the Sayiour of men these shall not perish in the Second Death, but pass immediately by faith to a reckoned everlasting life, which will be completely theirs when they shall -have-experienced...the glorious. change of the First Resurrection We are glad now to see that the Di vine purpose still holds on with re- spect to the world that was lost and redeemed. We perceive now that God intends to bring all men to a know e Truths ace oe He intends to give the world the ance of the Royal Priesthood fo musand years for their edification, instruction and uplifting out of sin, degradation, death, back to full per- fection of the image of God in the flesh, freely provided for all who will come unto the Father through the precious arrangements then operative. The same original sin of Adam was inherited by all of -his.race and there- fore was as much against the class chosen as the Church as against. the the world. This the tle declares, saying, We (the urch) were children of wrath, even (Ephesians ii, 3.) We sentence, atv a result of -special fallen as some, or whether were predestinated to eternal torture, This feature, purely Calvinistic, and strictly unscriptural, has been the for coming into this grace. ted in special opportunities And if brgument fg plain. To see it is to be nd it could not be supposable for a rureh tas enjoyed some Fr favor of God in being constitute first-fruits of His creatures t: vered from the power of death, why should we ever agin that He had no grac ever remaining for our less brethren (the world in generu how could we think of oursclve SUppOse Tha there would b fruits no world, i, 18. Our text forcefully call to this double action of Divi first upon the Church and no alter for the and t salvation of the willing of the world the next Age two distinct salvatioy both proceed or result from the on: redemptive sacrifice of the Ler finished Calvary atement, He is the pitiation (satistaction) for our sine (the Church's sins), and not for av only. but also for the sins of the wh, world. following the suggestions of the I, R 8. A. Convention, have informed their congregations and the World in gon: eral through the newspa, 8 that they do not believe in a hell of eternal ture, and that they-do not bel That the Bible, rightly interpret teaches thi: But there are othe: who. by some influence, take ano: Dosite cc hounce the Bible Students, If in parti cular, for telling the people the Truth These m enerally witho much inft in their ow congregations, have, I am told, thr ened the newspapers allover the World that are publishing my sermons that thay will boveott them and ine fluence their congregations, But-the editors are finding out that narrow minded people never have much influence. good or bad. Hence the sermons still appear in nearly fifteen handred newspapers in th English language and are spreading. Tam told. into the German and Swedish, These brethren claim that the world is likely to be injured and to be turned away from God and Bible by its proper interpretation. We an- swer, Not so. After the preaching of sternal torment for sixteen centuries the net result is that everybody is Jo: bee Ts it not time, even for policy to discontinue the. misrepre- sentation of God and His character to sev if the Truth wi:l: not accomplish more than*the error has done? And aside from the policy question, if we have been slandering our Creator and presenting the Bible for cen- turies, is if not all more incum- bent upon us. now bs Who will deny the. fact and property are less secure in so eviled Christian lands, where the eternal torment has been preached for centuries, than in any other. part of the world? We assure the dear brethren who are fearful tiiat we have many evidences to prove the very contrary of their fears to prove that that life love, as exnressed in the Divine Plan of the Ages, is helping many, not ofly out of ignorance and darkness, hut also-owt of indifference and wick: ness, into fellowship with God. But a ay. how dare we. as Christian ministers, either directly. or indirect- ly, slander the character-of our God in a way and to a degree that we would resent if charged against our worst anemy?. We fear that some of theee mis- zuid'd brethren are more solicitous for their own supposed welfare and he supposed interest of their own hurches than for the glory of God r the welfare of the people. They re afruid to have the people see the icht of Present Truth and gain a slear comprehension of the Bible, roxilly hecaus gt; they fear that thi vould reflect upon them as not bav- nt -proveriy -instructed the people. They sem to know that if the people read they will be convineed and will no longer be nor pay good money to help represent God s character und ep tho neonle in ignorance: of the sountstor-thewi ngs They give the people hor- Jo m'sranr:sentations of my teach- age to hinder them from coming to a . of the Truth. In three rout cities ministers inthis en- ghtened. Twent century have inif : one pretext or. another collected ny beoks and burned them after the vle of the autodafe of enturies ago. Th every case, however, good: has re- sulted. Sancr or tore honest, minds Save been led to investigate just as when, centuries ago. the Bishop of Lond n bought up.and burned public. the Bibles.vchich Tyndale. had nd. published. Assaulted by a Sparrow. An English sparrow, a mother bird, vorked up to a state of excitement, nade a fierce attack on W. Holman Morton, aged 36 years, a painter, when destroyed -its-nest built-under the ves of the building which he wae nting in Lawrenceburg, Ind.,.re- ty. The bird strock Morton several meson the head and attempted. to nick his eyes out. He struck at the ow and, losing bis balance, nlishted on the cement paving, fif fect below, escaping with a broken le aim and sprained right ankle, Quick Death. I detest that tailor of mine? ex- nel: iT him You can easily do so, rejoined his friend. Pay him what you owe him; he will certainly die from shock. Self Pity. I see Jack: Hansom was married the other day to Miss Richley, Yes, and I was very sorry to see s For her sake or For mine. I wamted her. Posts Laurea Poets laureate, the earliest. of-whom was Ben Jonzon, were firat- appointed by letters patent in 1615. ALBERTA TAXI COMPANY AM Orders Promptly Attended to, Phone 666 Day New Cars, Carefal Drivers, 211: Night. TISE IN THE NEWS LIVE MERCHANTS ADVER A QUESTION OF VALUES. Jam always did attract little Ar- thus and he persisted in helping himself, in spite of his mother s or- ders. One day she caught him in-the act, the jam pot in one hand and a h large spoon in the other. the jam, yet, explained the lad, Arthur, you naughty boy she and I was just wondering if it s said sadly. Why-do you always dis- nice enough to be whipped forl - obey me and steal the jam? Answers. 5 child? asked the exasperated parent. blue eyes turned a little smile stole Arthar's sweet round his lips. I was just wondering, murmured gently. Wondering? What do you mean, mother, Well, moth , T haven't tasted PASSED IT OFF Miss You earn 50 a month. Be fore I marry you you'll have to earn 50 a week. Mister B-but with you a month would seem but a week. New York Globe. ALWAYS SORRY, Don t you always feel sorry for the under man? Sure, if they can t get the car from off him, Baltimore the Church as the first-fruits and rue meaning of His Werd.- This ac- tor iis wild and fanatical and is di lve to some derangement or die sickness can be cured is cured Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription It Makes Weak Women Strong, 1 Sick Women Well. it acts directly on the orgens affected and it the was it ral restore tive tonic for the whole system. It cures female comple ot right ta the eater of bor It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, examinations and local treatment so universally insisted by onal esteast sa xe upon by doctors, and v0 abhorrent to We shall not particularize those peculiar affections i wanting full informati Fe as to the symptoma of ident to women, but those i to their symptoms and means of positive cure are referred to t People s Com- mon Seuse Medical Adviser 1008 pages, newly revieed and up-to-date Edition, sent free on receipt of 50 one. ng atamos to cover coat of wrapping aed mailag o Fresed cloth binding. Addecer- RIV. Fiero 653 Maia Street, Buffalo, N. Y. IN GROCERIES THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY B.C. Granulated Sugar, 20 Ib. sacks. Reg. 1.60; week Bad Special 1.35. B. C. Granulated Sugar, 100 Ib. sacks. Reg, Special 6.75. * Tea, Blue Ribbon. Reg. 40c.; Week End Special, 3 lbs, for 1.00. Coffee, Finest Blend Mocha and Java. Reg. 50c... Week End Spe- cial 40c. . Goffee, good and strong. Reg. 40c. per Ib.; Week End Special 30c, Baking Powder, 1 1b. tins . Reg. 250.;Week End Special-2 for 35 or 6 for 1.00. Baking Powder, 7 1b, tins. Reg. 1.00; Week End Special 85c. per can. Tomatoes, 1b. cans best brand, Reg. 20c.; Week End Special 2 for, 86c. or 6 for 1.00. 7 Peas, Early June, 2 Ib. tins. Reg. 15c.; Week End Special 2 for 25 . Corn, best brand, 2 Ib. tins. Reg. 12 1-2; Week End Special 3 for 35e. Greengages Plums, 2 Ib. tins. Reg. 20c.; Week End Special 15c. or Week End Sheriff's Marmalade, 7 Ib. tins. Reg. 1.00; Week End Special 85c. a tin, Sheriff's Marmalade, 2 Ib. glass. Reg. 50c; Week End Special 40c: per glass, Sheriff's Marmalade, 1 Ib. glass. Reg. 25c.; Week End Special 20c. a Jar. Bracknell s Club Sauce. Reg. 85c. per bottle: Week End Special 250. dottle. ger a s lt; E Polson s Corn Starch, best quality, 15 . per packet. Royal Household Tea, 3 Ib. tins. Reg. 1.25; Week End Special 1.00. Spices, Pickling Spices, White and Black Pepper, Cayenne, Pastry Spice, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Allspice. Reg. 10c.; Week End Special 3 for 250, Black Pepper in Bulk. Reg. 40 c.; Weck End Special 250. 1b, White Pepper in Bulk. Reg. 50c.; Week End Special 35 . 1b, Cowan's Cocoa, 1 Ib. tins, Reg. G0c.; Week End Special 50c, tin, Cowan's Cocoa, 1-2 Ib. tin. Reg. 30c.; Week End Special 25c. tin. Cowan's oCcoa, 1-2 Ib. bar. Reg. 25c.; Week End Special 20c. Stephen's Mixed Pickles. Reg. 40c.; Week End Special 30c. C. B. Pickles, Mixed-Chow and Walnuts, Reg. 45c.; Week End Special 35c, New Potatoes, nice and dry; 1.00 per bushel. Extracts, Lemon, Vanilla, Almond, Strawberry, Raspberry, Reg. 20c,; Special S'for 25c. Extract, Lemon and Vanilla, 16 oz. bottle. Special 75c. per bottle. Valencia Raisins. Reg. 12 1- Currants (finest cleaned). for 55c. Molasses, Kitchen brand, 3 Ib. tins. Reg. 25 .; Week End 8; Castile Soap, small cakes. Reg. 6 for 2 USERS Tae oe oe het Pineapple; Reg. 1.00; Week End Week End Special 5 Ibs. for 55 . 12 1-2c.; Week End Special 5 Ib, pecial 20c, Week End Special 35 pe: L0e:; Week End Special 3 for Bsc. Reg. 20c.; Week End Special 15 or 7 for 1,00. Apples, gallon can. Reg. 50c.; Week End Special 40c. per gallon. Macaroni, 1 Ib. packets. Reg. 16c.; Week End Special 2 for 25c. Macaroni, Ib. boxes. Reg. 1.00; Week End Special 75c. each, Macaroni, 5 Ib. boxes. Reg, 65c.; Week End Special 40c. each, Leard's Canned Chicken. Reg. 45c.; Week End Special 35c. Sultana Raisins. Reg. 20c.; Week End Special 2 for asc. Rice (finest). Reg, Sv. ib.; Week ind Special 4 lbs. for 25. Sardines, Brunswick Brand. Reg. 3 for 25e.; Week End Special 5 for 25c, Sardines, Crossed Fish. Reg. 15c.; Week.End Special 2 for 250. Preserving Pears, Bartlett, 40 1b, boxes; Week End Special 2.50, Pork and Beans, 1 Ib. tins, Tomato Sauce and Plain. Reg. 3 for 250. Week End Special 4 for 25c, Castile Soap, 2 Ib. bars. Reg. 40c.; Week End Special 25 . bar. Prepared: Mustard. Reg, 25c.; Week End Special 2 for 50. Boot Blacking, Velvet Gloss. Reg. 26 .; Week End Special 2 for 350, Corn Flakes. Reg. 10c. lal 3 for 25c. ss Sunlight and Litebuoy s . 8c.; Week End Speciat.22 for 1:00 Raspberry Vinegar, Large bottle. Reg. 50c.; Week End Special 4c. per bottle. Lime Juice, large bottle, Reg. 50c.; Week End Special 40c bottle: Rubber Rings for Sealets, Reg. 10e. dozen; Week End Specis 3 dozen for 25 . Lemons large new stock. Reg, 40c. dozen; Week End Special 35c, Oranges large and juicy. Reg. 50c.; Week End Special 40 . Oranges, large and juicy. Reg: 40c.; Week End Special 0c, Preserved Ginger, 1 Ib. jars. Reg. 35c.; Week End Special 25c. Klenzine Ammonia Powder. Reg. 15c.; Week End Special 2 for 25 . Chloride of Lime, Reg. 15c.; Week End Spactal 10c. Pickling Vinegar. Reg. 76c. gallon; Week End Special 60c. gallon. Rowat s Pickled Onions, large bottle, Reg. 40c.; Week End Special 30c. per bottle. Corn on Cob, 30 per dozen. Monk Glass Crystal J lly Powders, all flavors. Reg. 10c; Week End Special 3 for 25c. or 90 c. dozen. Pineapple, 2 Ib. tins. Reg. 25 .; d Special 20c. tin, - o RE Vee pecial 26e. per 1b. Week End Special 2 Ib. for 35c. -20.; Week End Special 15 . or 7 Ib, Evaporated Apricots. Evaporated Peaches. for 1.00. Prunes, Reg. 2 Ib. for 25 .; Week End Special 10c per Ib, or 2.26-per case of 26 Ib.s i Seeded Raisins. Reg. 12 1-2c,; Week End Special 10c. per pk. Dates, 1 Ib. pks, Reg. 12 1-2c.; Week End Special 10c. per pk. Toilet Paper Oval Round and Square. Reg. 3 for 25c.; Week End Special 4 for 25c. McLaren's Jelly Powders, 3 for 25c. or 90c. dozen; with dishes free. GOODS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY, C.0 D. VERMN CASH. H. MORROW PHONE 177. N. RAILWAY ST. American, as ik + se STRAY TOPICS + LITTLE OL + hE EE New York, Augu completion of the No. 2 of the Cons pany's plant at As another milestone New York the large in use anywhere in as the most econo Plant, owing to its operations. The fi produces 20,000,000 dally and the half . Just been completed 20,000,000- more units of which tht composed, will capacity of 250,000 gas daily, The can be realized wl nind that at pres: sumption of Manha ia 110,000,000 cidic plant, when finish by far than the London, which sup polis of the world, the nine units com 1000,000,000. Enterprise tm an to take some grue the five Italians victed of the mus cost to you Kind: We han t BEAVE For inside The ( gt; Euml LARGEST Sailings fron Saturday for : Canada, Aug. Mogantic, Aug Laurentic, Sep S.S, LAUREN Largest and Canadian tr steady. Excell for all classes MODERATE .8. Teuton catry one cla The best thes moderate rat third-class tw rooms. For reseryal lustrated boo) railway or ste W. M. Me
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Image 355 (1912-08-24), from microfilm reel 355, (CU1744021). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.