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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Vedicine n if you West Life As- PERRY cine Hat, Alta. na . own .and we supply about getting e tried our But- uniformly the and you will eat IARDSON, Gen. Bigr. otwear wal to those 3: ine.. light price 5.00. Of medium ouble sole. wear, .... Price 5.00 vertisers, Present Dally Average 16 6 Coptes. Advertisers in Daily get the benefit of the Weekly country circulation. No extra charge. Books open to ad- MEDICINE HAT NEWS VOL. 3 NO. 45 lt;u, None Killed. (Ww. AP. London, Aug. 81 The Wabash Fly-6 er, which left Detroit at 10.80 o'elock MONTANA RANCHER A BARON. this morning, was wrecked six miles west of Chatham. There were moro than 100 passengers hurt, but the in- Juries of those who suffered were the death today of Baron Grey de slight, The engine and five cars were overturned, It is said the accident wag due to the action. of watchman, who, be- Neving that another train was ap Proaching, and a collision imminent, threw the derail to avoid a more serious consequence. MINIATURE WAR WHEN A SWISS SOLDIER RUS He Shot Severa , and Armed Pollce Who Surrounded House Where He Had Barrieaded Himself, Started Shooting Among Selves and Many of Them Are Dead Fugitive Escaped During Fight. (W. A. P. Cable.) Berne, Switzerland, Aug. 31. A frenzied Swiss soldier ran amuck last evening and transformed the little town of Romanskorn on Lake Con- stance intoa minature battle field strewn with dead and dying. The soldier is a native of the town and is named Schwartz. Suddenly in a fit. of madness he seized his rifle and shot everyone within renge of the window of his home, killing four and wounding six men ina few min- utes. He then barricaded bimself in ANCIENT FRENCH QUEBEC FAMILY MAKING TROUBLE Say That They Have Been Despolled of Land Which is Justly Theirs. WILL CARRY MATTER TO HAGUE BUNAL Wilt Ask States to See That Their Case Proceeds the Panama Canal Matter, (W. A. P, Dispaten.) Montreal Que,, Aug. 31 The de- sceadents of the French seigneurs, the noblemen who were granted-much of the land in Quebec province under the French regim prior to 1763 and who represented the crown of France in several ancient treaties at the time of the cession of Canada to Great Britain, have met here and determined to demand that their grievances be arbitrated before the Hague Tribun- al, They claim that they have been despolled of their lands in this pro- vince which they should still possess by virtue of the treatleg referred to + and that their claims should not be argued before British court as they. represent the crown of France ari) only some international tribunal of arbitration mpetent to deal with them. Their latest move is to draw up a memorial to the secretary of State of the United States, asking that his government insist that their case be dealt with at the Hague before any arbitration is permitted in the Pan- ama Canal case as their claims out- ate those of the British government in the Panama Canal matter, We have good buys in all parts of the city, Let us show them to you. Hollinger Agency. PEEP bh te AN ADDED ATTRACTION The Labor Day Sports Committee have added another Jeng list for Labor Day. Corbett and Corliss, who hold the Y and 4 mile cham- pionship of Gt. Bri ain, will appear in attempts. to break the Canadian record, also giving other feature rac s, in- cluding a tag race. Engine and Five Cars Overturned Near Chatham, Ont. None of the Injured are in Very Serious Condition Dispatoh) London, Aug. 31. A . Montana rancher becomes a British peer by Ruthyn, The successor to the title is the Baron's brother, Cecil Talbot Clifton of Northfields ranch, Mon- RESULTS ANUCK AT BERNE his Toom When night fell the house was surrounded by-armed police, among whom an hour or-eo later a panic broke out, when they heard a shot. The besiegera under the im- pression that Schwartz had come among them started firing and shot one another down until a dozen of them lay Badly wounded on the ground. During the scene the mad soldier escaped from his house and fled to the forest where he is still at large and armed. fe fe obs fe of ofe ole fe Hfe of ode ofe of fe MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA, SATURDAY. AUGUST 31, 1912 100 HURT IN WABASH WRECK SUN CULT LEADER TO THE BAR. Chicago, ML.) August Shea term of the Federal Court about to convene in this city Otoman Zar Adusht Hantsh, leader and founder of-the-Mazdaznan Sun Oult,wittbe called upon to face the bar of justice. Hanish was indicted by the grand Jury some time ago on a charge of Sending obscene literature, including the Inner Studies, to a young woman, in Brooklyn, M. The indictment was voted atter Richard B. Harnish, father of the cult head, had related the life story of his son The father, an aged musician of Milwaukee, in poor cir- cumstances, refuted the Sun Cult leader's romantic story about his Dirth. Hannish had led his followers to believe that he was born in Per- sia and reared in a monastery by fol- lowers of Zoroaster. Sensational testimony is expected at the trial: Among the followers of Hanish are sald to be numerous women of social proininence in Chicago and in Mon- treal, and Lovell, Mass.,. where branches of the Hazdaznan colony existed. EDMONTON'S NEW CHIEF, Edmonton, Alta, august 30 The commissioners today received wire acceptance from Silas H. Carpenter, of the Montreal police force, who has been offered the position of chief here. He will arrive about September 25th. N. . POLICE ARE SHADOWING LIEOT. BECKER'S. WIFE She and Also His Bank Accounts Are Given Great Deal of Attention, (W. A. P. Dispatch.) New York, N. Y, August 30 With the calling of the trial today of police inspector Cornelius, Hayes on charge of making a false state- TYPO. UNION WILL PUBLISH - PAPER MONDAY Monday being Labor Day the Daily News will not be Published. However, Medi- cine Hat Typographical Un- fon 451 will publish a morn- ing daily with latest tele- graphic service, The Labor Day Bulletin will be edited by B. W. Bellamy, associated with him in the management being R, Collier and EB. McB. Forbes. The publication will be entirely in the hands of the Union Printers, who are commended on their enter- prise. The edition will be distributed free... The paper will be on the streets at 7. o'clock. Fe Mele fe oho oho Si oh Beis fe te oe FIVE: PRUSSIAN - bob hebbb bob dete bebe bh bob hb ob MINERS KILLED Collapse of Platform Causes Them Fall Down Shaft. (C. A. P. Cable) Gelsenkirchsen, Prussia, August 36. Five-coal miners were killed and ment to police commissioner Waldo, District Attorney Whitman expected that information would be tnearthed to. throw important side lights on police blackmail) arising out of the Rosenthal Giee. The alleged false statement of Hayes was that h - ceived orders from Mr. Waldo not to interfere with disorderly houses in his district. Ma: Waldo reduced Hayes tO the rank of captain and suspended him when Hayes repeated this statement in the presence of other inspectors. The public may be dented the pri- vilege of listening tothe revelations disclosed by the John Doe investi- gation into police corruption. Su- preme Court Justice Geoff is inclined to believe that the Jolin Doe inves- tigation should be held behind closed doors as he thinks: that in this way evidence can be becter grought out for the use of the grand jury The wife of police lieutenant Besker, who is to go on trial for the murder of Rosenthal, September 10, is being shadowed by the detectives. 2 Mrs. Becker's visits to banks wherein her husband kept much of his money have been recorded and a sharp watch is being kept on the Becker bank accounts. .Mre. Becker cannot be compelled to testify against her husband in the murder trial but she can be called before the John Doe inquiry to tell what she knows of police graft conditions, Detectives are watching in various + + ke + * + a. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + to another seriously injured by falling borts for the possible arrival of down one of the shafts here this terty Loule and Harry Harrowits, morning. The accident was caused otherwise known as Gyp the blood. by the collapse of a wooden pl: form. CERMANY AND ENGLAND ARE NOW 1N STATE OF WAR SAYS J.A. MAGK When It Is, All May Be Over in Three Month or Three Days. London, August 30, ber of Parliament Man., view today The blow has not yet been struck. but when it s all may be over in three months or three days, he continu When Canada understands this situ- ation I believe the Dominion s hearty help will be forthcoming. COMMISSIONER RESIGNED Regina, Sask. Aug. 31. P. Bradt, livestock commissioner for the Province of Saskatchewan and oh bok bob oe eB be bob oe oe ob beh he oe oh REEL EEE EEE be PEE EE ES eb Province, has resigned. Germany and Engiand are now in a state of war, said J. A, M. Aitkins, Canadian mem- from Brandon, who has just returned. here from a continent trip in an inter- one of the best known stockmen in the lat NEW CAR SERVICE RULES. Chicago, Iil., August 31 New rules announced to be put into effect to- morrow by the road affiliated with the American Raflway Car Associa- tion are expected to remedy a griev- ance of long-standing in the rall- Toad world. Up to the present time all rairoads have been in the habit of using foreign equipment to any part of the country, providing it was returned to the company within a this method the smailer lines have had the use of more cars than they actually owned, while the larger roads which owned the equipment, have experienced car shortage, their appeals for the return of their property often going unheeded. The new rules provide that all the for- eign equient must be returned to the owners from the point of destina- tion, and not used by the railroad in whose territory the equipment hap- pens to be to haul freight to points farther away. Severe penalties are to be imposed on the companies vio- lating the agreement. ed. H. We absolutely refuse to recommend investments on property. that we would not purchase ourselves. . Hol- bbb eb bb be WANTS BECKER TRIED IN ANOTHER Fairness, CW. 2 P, Dispatch) t Attorney Whitman plans here on Sey policeman, would be a sider so prejudicial to fairness. get a change of Yenue. Just marked today? Whitman's case ag it now enough to convict. seventeenth century. RECKLESS CAB. DRIVER GETS YEAR'S Te ing Her Act Deliberate One. (W. A.'P. Dispateh.) er, tenced- to the girl, Morton stopped, but White, (CW. A. P. Dispatch) trict. Collins made although posses have found. REDUCE CABLE RATES. CW. A. P. Cable.) Longon, letier, before his departure for Can- ada said that as a reason of ne- gotiations in London reductions in ' e people observed the anniversary some of the eable rates in Canada 8 general holiday would be announced within a fort- night. He said he was not satisfied with the reductions secared but that negotiations reached a point where it became undignified for Can- ada to contiime to ask for just con- men stopped an automobile in Stan- the cessions from a powerful company. FEARS FOR BRITISH SUBJECTS Washington, D. C., August linger Agency. gua. + + bl. Rear E EXCAVATING FoR sy (W. A. P. Dispatch.) - NEW SCHOOL STARTED + Moose Jaw, Sask, Aug. 31 The +- e Grain Commission sat here today from Work was started this ofa ten . m. to five p.m, and heard pe- titions from the local Board of Trade, ogping excavating tor the a Doe 0 oot Be Conie adh lt; the Grain Growers Association, and +f Sissons.) It 1 to cost 80,000. 4: the Robin Hood Mills, asking that SE and wilkbe the finest in the fe Moose Jaw be made 2 grain inspec- de clty. * tion point, a termina elevator point as and also a car order point, Prof. McGill, the chairman of the : 5 an 0 PE PRR + EH Sottalan, nated et ee sane crs oc ono During Present Clamor, Counsel Says, He Considery It Prejudieal to New York, Aug. 31 Failing in an attempt to delay the trial of Police Lieut, Becker, cOtinsel for the ac- cused Meutenant will ask that Becker be tried in another county. District to bring Becker to trial before Justice Gott ptember 11, but John F. McIntyre, ehief of counsel for the said today that there to: the Hmit to pre- vent his client fom being tried dur- ing the present clamor which I con- McIntyre said that if he was un- able to get a delay he would seek to what Plan of action the States Attorney will follow in the cas against Beck er has not been made known, but one of the assistant district attorneys re- District Attorney stands against Becker for murder is strong Conspiracy will be the defense for Becker, Lawyer Mcintyre said. My associates and myself f el that we will be able at the trial to reveal a-con- spiracy framed up by the witnesses upon Whom the State is now relying, outrivaling the plots and conspira- cies formulated by Titus Cates in the IMPRISONMENT Ran Over Toronto Girl, Badly, Injur- Toronto, Aug. 31. John Morton, a young cab driver, whose vehicle ran over Miss Agnes White on Saturday, July 13th, crushing her right should- and fracturing scveral ribs, was convicted this morning of doing grev- fous bodily harm by reckless driving while in charge of a vehicle ard een- te year s- imprisonment. two killed and four wounded. A The evidence showed that after the gang of five house breakers was cap- front wheel of the cab passed over tnred by a village constable whom his Passenger ordered him to go on and They then fled and meeting another he drove the rear wheel over. Miss constable shot him head. They were STUDENT 1S MURDERED Renfrew Man Was Standing in Front, of Home When He Was Stabbed. Coben, Renfrew County, Ont., Aug. 30. Grant Appleby, aged twenty- Ws Killed and two were injured, pro- seven, a student in attendance at Dably fatally when and automobile in the Ontario Veterinary College, To- Which they were driving to the auto- ronto, who was spending his vaca- Mobile races at Elgin, was struck by tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. an interurban car at Jewell -Road, Thos. Appleby, Ross township, was One mile west of here today, foully murdered tonight immediately in front of his parents home, -being stabbed twice to the heart by Wild in Jured, C. B. Landon, Elgin, father Pete Collins, a farmer of the dis- Of H. B. Landon, Syracuse, N. . his escape and a been out for hours no trace of him has yet been Aug. 30, Hon. L-P. Pel- *Aluable presents were received from 30. The British Consul at Matagalpa 18 jog fearful for the safety of the British Fompsit stopped they stepped up Turkey on the other hand declares Subjects and has communicated this and drew their revolvers. Hempsill that these proposals are insufflef nt. fact to the British consui at Mana-' and the young woman PRICE, FIVE CEN Ss MOOSE JAW CLAIMS case Was very strong, and with the expert evidence submitted ably pre- -sented the cases, He seemed to be in favor of Moose Jaw s request and leaves tomorrow morning for Winni- Peg Where he will confer with the C. P. R. officials regarding the teas- ibility. EMPEROR AT BERLIN OW, ALP. Cable.) Berlin, Aug. 30. Emperor William arrived this afternoon, accompanied by the Empress and Princess Victoria Louise, They were met by large ctowds outside the station and along the route to the castle. The look ot health in His Majesty s bronzed face brought a feeling of reassurance of the report of his recent indisposition at Castle. He appeared somewhat Stouter than usual and was evidently in good spirits, ONTARIO WORKMEN COMPENSATION LAWS ARE INADEQUATE So Says Sir William Meredith, Who is Conducting an Investigation Toronto, Ont., Aug. 30. Sir William Meredith's interim report as commis- sioner to report gn legislation provid- ing compensation for workmen for injuries, in part says: Sufficient pro- gress has been made to warrant the statement that the law of Ontario is entirely inadequate to meet the con- ditions under which industries are now,.carried on, or to provide just compensation for those employed in them who meet with injury or suffer. from Occupational diseases contracted in course of their employment. There fs practical- umanimity. of this point, and those who speak for the employers concede the justice of the.claim made on behalf of the em- ployees and that the industries should bear the burden of making: compen- sation. PITCHED BATTLE Police and Burglars Fight Two Kill- ed, Four Wounded, (W. A. P. Cable.) Hlaspe West Philia, Germany, Aug. 31. Burgiars md policemen tast night fought a battle here which lasted several hours and ended with they fired at and fatally wounded. brought to bay in the neighborhood. of Milspe by a foree of military po- lice and after fierce fusilade in which they wounded three gendarmes, while one of their own party was disabled, they. were arrested. KILLED N AUTO CBASH CW, A. P. Dispaten.) Wheaton, Ill, Aug. 31. One man The dead: 8. H. Landon, South El- sin, Ill, owner of the machine; the QUEEN WILHELMINA S BIRTH. -.The Hague, August 31. Queen Wil- helmina today, celebrated her thirty- second bir fay anniversary. Many congratulatory messages reached her Majesty during the-day and many the sovereigns of Hurope and per- sonal friends, Through the country AUTOISTS ROBBED. CW. A. P. Dispatch.) Vancodver, Aug. 31 Three masked ley Park jist before midnight last night and stole watches and jewelry from the occupants of the car valu- ed at one hundred dollars. Oliver It has always been understood that something unprecedented was ;Foingto happen on Labor Day, but the latest innovation is surely some- thing unlooked for by the citizens, What else has the sports committee up. their sleeve ? iWhat, with the acroplane flight, the importation of the champions of the Britain, who intend to try and low- ex the Canadian records, and the host) of other events that. are going to take place on that day, the wonder , how they are going to get through. But with the men at the wheel who quarter and half mile bicycle of Great os A GREAT PROGRAM) Labor Day ommittee Wants All Oitizens to Remain in Medicine Hat on Monday, Real Estate Office, North Railwa; street. cs Both the local hands will be in at- tendance to furnish all the mecessary music. There are 0 be all kinds of , platform and track events. Conditions Today Are Ideal All Over for Harvesting Work ix Rushing, (W. A. P. Dispatch) Brandon, Man., Aug. 31. Prospects of the looked. for: spell of settled weather are of the brightest order today. Last night the mercury at the experimental farm sank to 40, but today warm sunshiveand clear sky prevails, making deal harvesting weather, Farmers all over this dis- trict are in the field today and em- pl yment agencies in the city ate be- sieged with enquiries for additional harvest hands. ; Winnipeg, Aug. 31. Yesterday the weather cleared over practically the whole of the Canadian prairie west, and today it fs set fair with rising temperatures. Heavy winds in some districts' have lodged some fields of grain, but any loss this Way Is more than offset by the rapid drying of the ground, Work is. being resumed. be- fore Monday and if present conditions continue next week will account for a great slice of crops. Harvest help is trickling in, but. nothing like the re- quirements is available. In the av- erage year men move from early diz trists to later ones, but delays in making a start has lost this advaht- age. The thresting outfits tind they have to raise wages unprece- dented level to get men to run the machines and the average farmer can not compete and in consequence smal- ler percentage of wheat than usual is likely to, be stacked. Farmerg recognize thelr crop - is safer and most valuable in the stack than stooked in the open fields against the tardy threshing gang, but stack- ing needs extra labor, hard to get in an average year and impossible this Season, The thermometer was low over most of the spring wheat coun- try last night, with a degree of frost in gome parts of central districts of Alberta and Saskatchewan. : Calgary, Alta, Aug, 31 While yes- terday proved fine, with a good spell of sunshine, last night saw the tem- perature hovering around freezing point, Reports from outside points indicate that potatoes and garden stuff has stiffered to some extent, but there Is no case of actual damage to grain, The sky is clear and there 1s no immediate likelihood of rain. Regina, Sask., Ang. 81 Fine wea- ther here again today presages a re- sumption. of harvest early next week. If no more rain comes the farmers will all be into the fields on Monday and if former years are any indica- tion, it Is likely the binders will be tried out on Sunday. The mercury did not go beliow for- ty last night, and there is little tear of trast now. Lethbridge, Aug. 31. Weather con- ition in Suthers Allerte are con- siderably improved, on the whole, the a bl higher. There have been very high frosts in one or two sections and damage has b en reported so far. Harvest continnes to make rapid pro- gress. Fa: MARRIAGE-QUESTION NOW A DEAD ISSUE Lancaster, Father of Famous Bill, Won't Carry it Further Wil Leave It Rest, 7 (W. A. P. Dispatch) Ottawa, Aug. 31. From the) present, trend of events it is considered-prac- tically. certain that no legislation ir any way relating to the marringe question will be introduced in the:do- tuinfon parliament this coming ses- sion. While there wap considerable talk of amending the British North America Act, following the judgment of the Privy Coungil, whicti made it clear that the federal parliament has no jurisdiction over the question so as to clear the way for the introduc- tion of a universal marriage law, the agitation has of late. subsided. It is also understood that Mr. B. A, Lancaster, the father of the now fa- mous bill of last session, has taken the stand that he is not prepared to carry the question any further than he has already done: In political cfr- cles.the opinion is prstty generally held that the matter should rest where the imperial Privy Council placed it. SOLD LOTS TWICE; GIVEN ONE. YEAR Vancouver Lawyer, Once With a Pro- mising Future, Falls by Wayside. - OW. AP. Dispatch.) Vancouver, B.C, Aug. 31 Alfred Hall, barrister, was today sentenced to twelve months in jefl for fraud. He sold the same plece of property twice making the second deal before the first transfe; Yad been registered. He was a gold m dalist of Osgoode Halt and when he practiced Toronto, seemed to have a brilliant . He was suspended from the io bar several years ago and came to Brit- ish Columbia, t Italy Won't Consider the Question of Withdrawing from ible, But Wants Turks to do so Will Ac- cept Turk Religion and Pay a Large Indemnity, ; Paris, August 30 Virtually a dead- lock has been reached in the unoffi- cial peace Conversation between Italian and Turkish delegates in Switzerland according to a special despach to fhe Matin Italy will not admit any discussion of her eizure of Libla in Tripolitanis and has re- fused all propositions to leave part of the interlor or of the coastof Cyrenasi to Turkey. She asks as a condition of signing a treaty of peace that Turkey with draw her forces from Libia. Italy agrees not to require recognition by Turkey of the Italian occupation of Tripoltania. She also will accept the religious authority of the Sultan of Turkey. / She 8 prepared to pay a Hompsill and Miss Pagley were in the car. The bandids had thrown the track and when across up their valuables, large indemnity to Tarkey and is ready to evacuate the Islands in the Aegean Sea make other concessions. readily gave Turkish public opinion would not a cept the cessation of Libia against Turk-Italian Peace Conversation Has Now Reached a Deadlock sum of money, it is argued, while the acceptance by Italy of the reli- gious authority: of the Sultan in Tripolitania ja mo oncession since the Musselmen of that country in spite of the Italians always recognize him as head of the faith, For these reasons Turkey is wait- ing for Italy to find some other schemes gt; TEREEE TEESE ES ENTRIES FOR LABOR DAY The Labor Day Committee will be at the office of Gillies o., real estate dealers, North -Rail- way Street, tonight till the hour of 10 o elock for the pur- pose of receiving en- tries for the Labor Day sports. i + TREES EES EE LEE EEE PP rere terre eee ye PEEP EEE ee somewhat 1
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Image 394 (1912-08-31), from microfilm reel 394, (CU1744041). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.