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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Raw REECE ESM (OVERCOAT. SPECIAL tuts at Hh L, O Connor Safe With Rogers. homestead inspector has been Jot the Dr. Roche axe, -ceeded him,..the. wheels. worked, against O'Connor. Mr, O'Connor is well posted in minion land regulations. districts for the Dominion the department. Mr. of the old inspectors. MAPLE GREEK MEN FOR this chance will hold good for a few days. Take ad- 5 vantage of it. LEONARD FLANAGAN . High-Grade Grecers,'Dry Goods and Ladies Wear. CORNER OF OTTAWA AND SRD AVE. Local Office. Maple Cr ek, Nov. 3 The office of tke newly organized Dominion Land District for Maple Creek, will open January 2nd. . R. Stockton is is understood trom reports in Conservative quarters that the locat association mewbers j to be the agent, It are rather angry as result 5 opposition of other associations HERE. ARE SOME MONEY SAVERS MOTHER. POTTS SET SMOOTHING TRONS Nickle plated; 75 l. 45 sets. Saturday, per set . 40c LARGE PRESERVING KET. INSPECT OUR STOVES AND RANGES. New designs, Fully guaranteed. J. J. Moore Son Phone 515 North Railway Street ees so that it is. certain that is also reported that there may. part of their district. BENEDICTS BALL McKinnon s Ltd. 391 MAIN ST. -- Keohane, Mr, and Mrs, W. W. N. MeNeely, Mr. and Mrs. R - ASK Fob GENUINE moe Bread RICH AS BUTTER. SWEET AS 4 NUT. Avoid Imitations. Look for the Label. Mrs, W. Huckvale, Mr. and Mrs. Tay, Mr. and Mra. 0. and Mrs. W. H: Doty, 1 John Inwood, Petry, new, Capt. and Mrs. Prigce Albert. Sunday night, Poor Excuses. ship of Mrs. Byans. is the best profit winner market. j What isa Voltem Roll? A Voltem Roll is the latest invention in Player Piano Music hand played rolls (actual records), no no levers, no buttons you just set the tempo and play, and you get an exact reproduction of the artist s work just as he played ite They will-fit any 8 note player and a child can operate them, Mf you would iike to hear one just step into our store and say VOLTEM we will know at once what you mean. THE MEDICINE HAT MUSIC Co. UNDER THE BIG FIDDLE. Homes If you want something good and: up-to-date, I can supply your needs. T have 23 houses ious sizes, bs Attractive in appearance and Special attention given to the layout inside. Almost half of these homes are solfiifalready. See me person: get first-hand tion. W. Hl. ROSEWARNE Montreal Street. Phone 800. and For Good Eating aforma- Mother s Bread eee BROS. es LANDS ON HEAD OF HAT INSPECTOR is at Last Victim Was Apparently Lateltier O Congor, Dominion Lands missed from the service, and com- Dpletea bis term today: He is the first Or one of tho first bunch of victims During: the a that Hon. Robert Rogers held the port-folio of minister of interior, efforts to oust O'Connor from his po- sition seem d to be of no avail, but immediately Mr. Monk retired frou the public Works ministry, and Rog- rs took it over, and Dr. Roche suc- and. A little ov- of a year ago he made a trip through the Pence River and Grand Prairte forestry department, appoluting fire rangers, ete, His work and the tiseful infor- mation he gathered for the depart- ment brought forth great praise from O'Connor ts al- fo Well poste: and conversant with the the distribution of seed grain and his asalstance in this work was also called in in the past. He is the last MAPLE CREEK'S OFFIGE Patronage for New Lana Office Promised, Says Despatch May Effect the creating of this district, and they haye received the promise that they will have the naming of the employ- only Maple Creek. men will be named. It cut down in the staffs of the Mf .d- H icine Hat and Swift Current, staffs asa result of the taking away of a The initial ball of the series which the Benedicts Club proposes. to jicid, took place last -ev ning In Becker's Hall, and was attended with signal success. There was a large attend- ance of Club members and their. yives. The Monarch orchestra pro- vided excellent music and the cater- ing of the Palm Cafe was above crit- felsm. Amongst those present. were Dr, and Mrs. Smyth, Mr. and Mrs, 4 Burton, Mr, and Mrs. AK. Grimmer, Mr. and Mrs, ALJ. N. Terrill, Mr. and Mra. Becker, Mr. and Mrs. C. . MoGre- gor, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Tweed, Mr, and Mrs, E, M..Cawker, Mr. and Mrs. C..S. Pingle, Mrs. Cousins, Mr, and H. Soanes, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Fin- Kealy, Mr. . and Mrs. Mr. and Mra, A. R. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Martin, Drs-and Mrs. Boyd, Dr. and-Mrs. Ag- Shoebotham, Hon. W, T, Finlay and Mrs. Finlay, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Finch, Mr. and Mrs. James Berry, and Mr. Agnew of An- them and solo by choir under leader- Plant your money im Montrose; it on the cs GHIEF BRUCE STRONGLY COWDEMNS PRISONER'S. AGT W, H. Agland is Brought Up by. Chief and Placed, onthe List. W. H. Agiand appeared before the magistrate inthe court this moraing Joma charge laid by Chief Bruce, of fexcessive drinking, In laying the case before the mag- listrato the Chief stated that he had known the accused for several years, Jduring which time he had never wn him to be in steady employ- ment, but wonld work for fow days, draw his pay, and spend it in drink. REAL ESTATE. BUYS HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Lots 9 and 10, Block 23, Al- borta St, 91260, These are Om Kas, Water and sewer. CENTRAL PARK Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 28, This 5 tt corner for only 2200, Lote 1 and 8, Block 16, corner, din- Lote 2, 8, 6, 6, 13 and 14, Block 5... Th se lots face on two RE a Se Terk Are. Chief told of he sald that the sccus- jed went home and made his wife and children ait around hin. He held-a jlong knife and told theru that te was going to kill them one by onv, point img out which would be first and which second. He also told of at- tacks made by the prisoner on: his wife and alao trying to set the house on fire, The wife had been working to support the family, and he made demands off her for money. She was apparently afraid of her life to com- plain to the police of his conduct and 80 the Chief said, on the strength of the complaints he had repeived, he iad taken action himself. The pris- gt; oner had nothing to say in reply to the charges made by the Chief, nor aid he contradict them. Th magis- SUPPER trate placed him on the interdict list Given by The . P. 8. 0. E. for two years. ; W. R. Babbington was ordered to OF KNOX PRESBYTERIAN Do- Lots 11 to 15, Block 14, Brosa- way. 500 each. SOUTH YUILL try. pay 150 wages, the European hosp A case of wrongful dismissal laid by Mis Jones axainst the Corana te- sulted in her peing awarded two weeks wages, The Tennis Club all on December House. CHURCH MONGOLIAN CITY On Monday, Dec. 2nd TAKEN BY CHINESE, . Yuill become dermanic honors. Es cording toa despatch to the Novoe Vremya from Urga, the capital of Mongolia. The tribesnien in the vi- cinity willingly laid down their arms, They have been supplied with wea- Pons and ammunition by the people of the Katalkas country, When the hinese troops arrived they even foun . that-the people had prepared a section of camps for their accomoda- tion. be to the city after the West, HERALD Block 20, 150 ft. on Highland St. Block 2, corner view lots over- looking city. P Bigsk 1, 60 tt /on Montreat It is understood It is reported that the Pacifie railway have purchased the Oscar mines, south of Hanna, Alta., for the sum of 180,000, tng to act upon the Block *, 50 2 (486 tt deep) on Esplanade. Block 17, 50 ft on Montreal St. Block D, 60 ft. (280 tt:deep) on Esplanade. COUSINS AND SISSOXS Block 4, 50 ft. facing on High: land St. Block 5, 75 ft-facttig on High- land St. OLD TOWNSITE Block 63, 50 fi.-with two houses. Block 52, 50 f: om Main St. Block 84, 50 ft with house. on Braemar St. : Block 86, corner, 100x180 ft. on Braemar and 7th Ave. Block-14,-25 tt, with building on Main St. TRACKAGE Bloc. * Plan 796 M,. thr e stre.. frontage. PARK AVENUE Block 3, Plan 796 Ma 50 ft. These are all extra good buys, Call and get our prices. is in the field ax a School Board. CENTRAL PARK. 1500 50 ft. corner, 19, Block 24, 400 pair, Block 27. 700 pair, Block 28, 750 patr, Block 29. 750 650 ft corner, Block 27. 3001ot 27, Block 27. 750 60 ft. lot 11, Block 33 600 50 ft. Iot 10, Block 33. 1700 60 ft. lot 16, Block 3. 20, in the city. tending the Calgary In addition to the in yesterday's Thompson took six Island Red pall a. Montreal St. Bakery MITCHELL'S HOME-MADE BREAD. ey SOCIAL AND D PERSONAL De. and Mrs, Smyth expect to leave Clty for a few days, about the middle of December for a three months trip to-the-Old Coun- While. abroad Dr. Smyth will spend large portion of his time in A number of the ratepayers in Ward Two are very anxious to see Mr. H. F. J. Marshall, of Calgary, Medicine Hat will be largely re- canvas at the Dreamland Theatre presented at the Shriners Ball in Cal- wary on Tuesday -evening. Mr, Walter Huckvale has returned Ranch Commission in various parts of - services of Mr. J. E. Dayles are not Wallabl for the council, he is will- Dr. Agnew is spending the week- end in Edmonton on. business, Mr, Agnew, of Prince .t bert, is vis iting hig sister, Mra. ELM. Cawker. Mr. J, W. Hamilton states that he Mr, J. B, Murray of Seven Persons, has been spending the past few days Messrs. E, M. Thornton and Fred Thompson have returned from issue MEN'S GUN. METAL GALF LAGE Shoes, leather lined, with winter weight soles made by one of the best makers, We will sell them while they last at 4.50 FOSTER'S 19 SHOE STORE: A oom Piton BUY SHOKEs. TO REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST TYPE OF BREAD MADE. ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU, PHONE 560. Mr. T. B. Jenkinson has returned. to the M.-H. R. after being in the Mrs. William Crawford and Dr, Woodland were the prize winners at Mrs. Dr. Smyth's progressive whist party on Phursday night. will hold its next Mrs. A. F. Krapfel, 432 Roy street, 10th In the Opera Will recetve for the first time on Thureday, December 5th. Mrs. J. A. Carbert will not receive ie Monday nor again this season. itals, candidate Tor A - Mrs. James Mitchell; 805 Esplanade, Jwint not Fecelye- on Mond: tz mat a The song entitled Wondertut Words of Life, will be thrown on the meting tomorrow evening, conducted bythe Salvation Army. Band and, other music willbe rendered. No person kept out. Ally are, welcome. FOR SALE New Fully Modern House on Alberta Street, CENTRAL PARK, Containing dining room, parlor, den, four bedrooms, kitehen, Pantry, bath and furnace. Full basement. Hardwood floors, ete. - sitting With the that although the School Board. candidate for the PRICE 5.000.00. , GOOD TERMS;) APPLY REX REALTY CO. 377 MAIN STREET. PHONE 858. at- Poultry Show. prizes. mentioned Baldson and ribbons in Rhode COUSINS AND SISSONS. 260-each, 11-15, Block 35. 1250 pair, Block 10. 2000 for 100: ft. corner, Block aL 1500 pair, 10, 11, Block 4. 1260 palr, 12, 13, Block 4. 850 50 ft. corner;-1,; 2, Block NIBLOCK TULL LIMETED. SOME GOOD INVE VESTMENTS : tonsa: 9.10, Block 2. COUSINS AND SISSONS HERALD, 100 ft, Biock 29, 1600. Terms. 1800 pair, 23, 24, Block 1, 50 ft, Block 4, 950. Terms. View. lote. 1200 palr, 25-26, Block 8. 1750 pair, Block 14. 1200 palr, Block 17. 550 lot 24, Block 8, Toronto HERALD SURVEY 50 ft, Block 1, 1500, Terms. 100 ft, Block 14, 8500. Ter s. 50 ft., Block 17, 1150. Terms. 2000 lot 28, Block 82. 12500 lot 22, Block 22, snap. 5000 Iot 17, Block 84. 35000 for all 25, 26 27, Block 22. 6000 lot 1, Block 11, Main St. N. corner, EXTRA SPECIAL, 1650 lot 1, Block 7, corner of Ross and Washington, 50 x 150, with shack; rent 16. BF SOUCH, Phm.B DRG STORE, TORONTO NORTH YUILL 50 ft, Block 8, 1200. Terms. 50 ft. om Bray St, 1060, Terms Some Good Business Properties and Acreage. GAS CITY REALTY Co. MEDICINE HAT For large returns from small in- vestments Montrose has them al beat. - Kniser s Old Timer ide Cigar. by J. A. McGregor Berry REAL ESTATE INSURANCE WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS. Burns Bik. HILL DIVISION Street, 50 fi corner, Toronto St. next 1060 pair,- Block 9. to Herald. 885, Teme. 1400 pair, 29, 30, Block 20, ieee Highland Street. s 2500 pair, 39, 40, Block 11. . z coe gee 3000 pair, 16, 17, Block 13, Toronto Street. is one part pleat ae Sfaeee 1575 pair.5, 6, Block 10, Tor- : an onto Street. RIVERSIDE eaex 1600 palr, 21, 22, Block 10, BU ae ebtner Be 18, 10 coe RED PEARS ne. 1600 pair, 25, 26, Block 16.) fe ee eee 3000 50 ft. x 280, lot 8, Block MIRABELLES D. 50 tt pores es OLD. TOWNSITE. MACEDOINES Sixth Ave, 2300. Tei 50 ft, Block 96, 21,000. Terms. 3100- 10t 18, Block 87, STRAWBERRIES In heavy syrup. Packed in glass bottles New stock just to hand. H.W. Ireiand Co. Fs Main Street. Main St Sharwood, London, England. Phone 54. + Ielnlnlntatnitng
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Image 1034 (1912-11-30), from microfilm reel 1034, (CU1744729). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.