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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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DAILY NEWS. - Thuraday, November 25th yas wus . RECEDE FROM ITS AGE NEW i : : VICTOR Real Estate to Sell : November Records 1 want an agent to rent your house, don't leave the key with him, OUT TO-DAY aid simplify the matter too much, as he would not earn his salary: ame ; lt;couiiiic wie ssas i 19-INCH DOUBLE-SIDED RECORDS hi mto climb the corner of the house and look in at the windows to : 4c FOR THE TWO SELECTIONS mi house suits. id you want him to sall a piece of property don't give him your best rmg., This will enable-you to und rsell the agent and save the -you can get the benefit of the advertising he has done. The e for that, he can live on knot holes. - Yor72 The Million Dollar Ball (from Hacky Panky), - Billy Muay a Whea Alone gt; Walter J. Van 'is a flaw in your title, be careful not to tell the agent about it. sree EE een eee it out when he attempts to-close the sale. This will delay or spoil Bleck Diamond Rag (Basic), - - - - Fred, Van Eps enable you to hold the property longer. . This also has a tendency A Most Attractive Medley of Scotch Songs. Sinch, Price 1.25. ) G4254 Sengs of Sertised (Medi-y) - Victor Mixed Chenus WO NOTABLE RED SEALS. 10-Inch, Price 1.25. 64255 I Know of Two t Byes, gt; + + John McCormack S27 Bodoum Love Song + Gharence Whitehill Use caly guanine Hin Masters Veice Needles with Vietor Records thinks Servia is entitled to demand Be er aa ernie Gis weneatber the Vict ened the Eanes Hin Master's Voice mad (from Euro; Mace guarant ey i ES nee ie ee ne ae Free cmonstrations at any of His Mafier s Voice dealer eveqrwhero. Ask town. Then none of them will make any effort to sell it, and you eS Pg ee ead for a Free copy of our 300 page Musical Encyclopedia, listing ve the field all to younst You may not make a ate but you will have ee over 5000 Records. leo partly to a report recelved from BERLINER GRAM-O-PHONE COMPANY, Limited, Find out; i -gemob qin the agent ia trying to sally for property to, and Autiontes meee ete eee MONTREAL to the party and offer to throw off the agent s commission. You can save sald to have femulted ia ths shamoa- PD ment the proposal that recruits - . able for service ee ern It may be aLAw sult but it will wear ea ai. f00 ae ert aut. Fear. The extreme military party 2 your farm is ten miles from town, one half multi to overflow and bss Denn tee eae ee the other half a good. foundation for toboggan slides, list 7/' as first-class bot- stearate Se tom land. The agent will find out what it is when he biimgs out a customer. received from Budapest. consul Proc- Of course ks will not make a sale, but he needs fresh air and the horses need Boece wt SeeNThS fe casks exercise. If he has been in the real estate panttoes very long, he will not get that the hostility of. the Donal seek at a trifling thing like this. eum mee What Everyone Ought to Know - Should you have nothing to sell, and no more money. tian a rabbit to buy ie aaa oe Srtvabe ouaeiens 7 with, tell the agent you want a good farm and a nice town risidence. After a ee one ee Before Purchasing a Gram-o-phone enjoying half dozen free rides, tell him you don t want t) buy now, but Servians captured the Turkish malls will think about it. This helps the agent to cultivate a spirit of patience The consul was allawed Sers- special effort to sell He will probably advertise your property then as a special a demand for it. Then when he brings you a buyer tell mii iinch demand for the place that you lage co: cluded not to d price,. He will likely make yor: pay the commissiess out profitably discussed. Austria and the status of any port susceptible of fortification, but the correspondent, ve the leading Victor people of the city don't forget. i fan miliary escort on tis downey oh EER ST wear and humility and prevents him from becoming puffed up axd arrogant. z Uskab E a ise Aeciae SECOND 22232 8.f0re when we reccommend tne Victor, because it Is with ut question the LISTINGS WANTED. 7 1a Eatin, Nov. consequence, tt most perfect sound reproducer on the market, 7 is reported, of mil terpretation: AGREEMENTS OF: SALE PURCHASES: of a French mobil:zatioh order, affect- will provably purchase a Victrola shortly, just as you did a piano six, eight or tea You rh ing the twentieth corps, stationed at THIRD . a Nancy, the reservists in nine years xgo not because everybody's doing it, but because of ts real mert as H lt; rit i in Se r me Se n CS ities on the Franco-German front- + mubice educator and entertainer-in-the tome. umbering 5,000 men, were roused y frock: their between midnight T HEN Se arene merely victor agents but we are real Ive deaters and one o'clock this mornii dof We buy in srge quantities and our stock is more than double any other in the city. dered to join their regiments. We onis from the biggest jobbers, because we get what we want when we want it (Continued on page 7.) you shoul buy from us for the same reason. REMEMBER We keep pe-manently in stock every double-faced Victor record that is made. The Medicine Hat Music Co. South Railway Street. Under the Big Fiddle. Dr. de Vai ERADING VI zee AGENTS phase PAD tg cxeectinaly foe remelating the Eastern Prices. Terms Arranged. lhree Days Only Ecce Ssivieia Music cow .... nn 0 4 hares ee, eee OE Re a See our complete and up-to-date Stock before you buy. Thursday, Friday and Saturday THISSALE MEANS THAT YoU cet - Seeteeteadenteteetoateteesetoateatee beteaten SEL SHSTOOSAOSSS OTS SOTHO PURCHASE BOYS SUITS AT LESS. i 2 THAN THE COST OF MANUFACTURE q ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SAT. URDAY. Our prices regularly are as low as the low- est, consistent with quality and making, as we handle only the first grade cloths. Our stock is one of the largest and best sel- ected in this departmentin the city. Any 5. 00 ee Suit: for . 3.50 5.00 BLUES 7.00 Wea better 16.00 SUITS BOYS Boys FLEECE UNDERWEAR FIFTY A SUIT. AS we are elosing out our stock of Boys Shoes, Rubbers, Ov vershodgii'a Moceasins, and other Boys Foot wear altogether, ) you can ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BUY Any 3.50 Pair Boys Shoes for . 2.65 . Any 2.50 Pair Boys Shoes for . Any 00 Pair Boys, Shoes for. 2.15 Any 2.00 Pair Boys Shoes for A quantity of BOYS HOCK BY SHOES at 1.95 a pair.. Overshoes, Rubbers, Felt Boots, Moccasins, Larrigans, ete., at proportionately low prices, ARE-CASH- NO EXCHANGES. ARKER PATTEN Seog 506 rereate: s * erry at Serr re Free to Someone S1ETOT OOF ENTE A, WOULD YOU LIKE THIS BEAUTIFUL PIANO AS A PRESENT . WE SHALL POSITIVELY GIVE rT 20 SOME OF OUR CUSTOMERS. Come to our store, seo and try his splendid instrument. We-witttellsou al about our plan of giving this piano away. This is a p esent worth having. This piano is of the celebrated Upton make It carries the manufacturers Ten Yeer Guatantes, We cordially invite your inspection. Votes given on all purchases at tir store. 3,000 votes given with each yea- ubscripsion to .he Daily News, new or renewal 1,500 votes given with cach yea a subsctiptioe to the Weekly News, new or renewal. Marshall Mitchell Hardware Co. * Toronto Street POS LOSSog seateeeatestoefedtostoatestoatea So steate ste sPostest fo ste cto ste oto-a 2 ae ss i Hororooooooos doitetocostedocestetodpteotodonnseestedenpsetest tees Grr
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Image 1012 (1912-11-28), from microfilm reel 1012, (CU1744745). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.