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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. . P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. Bftectire June Ind, 1912, Arrive. Leave, 20.20 2045 Imp, Ltd., Montreal to Vanvouver 4.05 380 Tmp, Ltd, Vancouver to Montreal, 11.15 11.85 Vancouver Exp. Toronto to Van, 20.00--2095-Toronto-Exp.; Vaneouver-to Tor, 21.60 22.18 St Panl-Seattle Express, 3 u 4.00 4.80 Seattle-St. Paul Express. ees a 21.25 21.50 Prairie Exp., Winnipeg. to. Calgary. CENTS ry 525 650 Prairie Exp, Calgary to Winnipeg: 614-517 5.05 Express from Kootenay Landin; 512-519 19,00 Local from. Cranbrook. 516 23.00 Local from Calgary. 518-512 10.30 Local for Cranbrook. 520-613 23.00. Express for Kootenay Landing, Bi6 6.30. Local for Calgary. uu 2.30 240 Soo, Ltd, St. Paul-Port. 2 940 9.50 Soo, Ltd, Port.-St. Paul. Nos. 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat. Passing time at Dunmore shown. Medicine Hat Dews Published by the Medicine Hat News Co. Ltd, every lawfal evening ai Its office, Main Street. Wedicine Hat, Alta, A, J. N, TERRILL, B ttor, POONE: EDITION. ee RAPHIC. SERVICR This only gives a partial idea of the select assortment of beauti- ful Dresses received by express .- today. They come direct from the centres of fashion- ALL EXCLUSIVE. Job Depts. RDG FQ DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 4a RING WEEALY NEWS, Publishec every Thucaday in atxteen or more pages, and contains a cummany of the news of the week. - local and district: months, in advance Toe 3 months, im advance. 506 year in advance.... 1.50 Saturday, September 28, 1912. OF NO EFFECT HERE. A DESPATCH from Fort William yester- day stated that. prominent business men of that city anticipated another short- age of coal throughout the prairie provin- GOOD BUYS Block 4; 75 aS all, terms. Block a 80 te corner, 1050, ; terms. Block 3, 60 ft comer, 1060. ick 9, Saft inside, 860, terms Block 17, 50 ft, 736, terms. Block 40, 50 ft inside, 800, Block ad: 50 ft. aug nae, ee RIVERSIDE ces during the coming winter. They base Scan ee lock C, 50 eres ermis, their belief on the present erop situation. Block 86, 50 ft, 1450, terms. Block 24, til Block, 4000, fg O'Wing to the continued wet. weather the Block 6, 50 ft corner, 1800, terms. This is a good buy. barvenone and threshing have been so de- rms. SOUTH XUILL yi grain has in- Ree ee ae 1500. Block 11,50: ft corner, 1250, aril La me starting eens ais Pa a terms. CENTRAL PARK Bleek At 50 ft inside, 1200, Hi country. Last year the crop did not com- Block 17, 50 ft, 876, terms. eeey.: - menee-its eastward journe til Block 5, 50 tt, 1350, terms. Block, 13, 200 ft, - 5000 ail, a y until some Block 7, 50 ft,. 1100, terms. terms, time after the usual date, but this season many leading grain dealers and. several railway officials of note state that it will be jeven later. As yet so little grain has been hauled by the railways that it can hardly be said that any start at all has been made. Now the crop this season is larger than that of last year When it does begir to move, there will bea much greater total to be hauled in a shorter (ncorporated 1869.) time than was the ease in 1911. According AGGBEGATE. ASSETS ..........: +) 176,000,000 to the reasoning of the Fort William mer- De sit; wale SAM Yom hare 4 Heres detore start. F chant the facilities of the railways will be ing a account. 4 cilitic ys will g, * ONE DOLLAR will open an account in our Savings Department 4, / 80 fully monopolized that fora long period These are good times for the Investor. Property is moving rapid- are geet ye, Are you gettlug your sharef iy tas eee ere Geter ; ROYAL BANK; z seh hptieasnigiee 18 ype 4 there will be no equipment with which to urth Avenue: :C. H. McDunnough, Manager haul coal into the west for the winter. Gocsoteoniens , - Whether or not time will prove the ex- peetations of the Fort William men to be well founded, the prospect brings-no anxiety, to this city. The possession of stores of natural gas places Medicine Hat beyond the effects of a coal shortage. The city is independent of conditions of distress as Gerry Socratrete torte teteteateetegy Imperial Bank of Canada such a bountiful yield of potatoes in this part of the province must attract notice to the undeveloped potentialities When a farm near Medicine Hat can produce three hundred, bushels of potatoes to the acre when the season has not been as favorable as the average season, one may glimpse the immense possibilities of Southern Alberta. If each farmer in this part of the Dominion were even to double the portion of his land whieh he has yearly devoted to this crop, it safe to.say that there would be no short- age of potatoes in any part of Canada, And if each farmer were to treble his acreage, the figures of Canada s annual exportation of potatoes would be so suddenly increased that the statisticians would pause. Spade NOT NEEDED HERE. THE most remarkable item of news that has come out of Regina for some time was to the effect that a spontaneous com- mittee had been appointed to mingle with the erowds lining the route of the Gover- nor-General s procession on the cecasion of his visit to that city and stir the people on to give a worthy vocal demonstration of loyalty. No doubt the committee making preparations had been keenly impressed with the frequent statements that the Duke s visit to several Canadian cities had been marked by an. absence of acclamation so strange that a conception of unrespon- sive coldness had been given out, but one must wonder how both the Governor-Gen- eral and the people of Regina will view the cheering of the crowds. After indicating that spontaneous . is a misnomer when applied to a demonstra- tion due to organization, the Moose Jaw News goes on to point out that the neces- sity for such an unique committee is apt to lead to the impression that loyalty must be at a low ebb in the Saskatchewan capital and that, if those in charge of the prepra- tions considered it advisable to appoint such a body, they should at least have con- cealed the fact. Even though there were need of such a committee in Medicine Hat no such com- mittee would be appointed. But of course there will be no place for a body of. that nature here. The citizens of Medicine Hat will not be slow to offer a welcome to. their distinguished guests, gt; HAVING denounced tight-skirts, a priest in the islandsof Malta ordered.a young woman, who was wearing a particularly aggravated form of hobble skirt, to leave his church building. She did and hailed him to court where he was fined 12.50 and costs) So. Legal vindication at last. Latest M dicine, Hat fashion note: The summer skirt models are being used for the fall but several inches have been cut. from the width. oS PARTLY as a protest. but chiefly to at- tract attention, enthusiastic English suffragettes blandly decline food when im- prisoned. There is-no record of any of them refusing to eat when free, yet British law makes it an offence to attempt suicide even when free. They could attract atten- i i touching fuel even though engendered by a Capital Paid Up . . 6,460,000 7 : i Reserve Fund ... : 6,460,000 eae of such magnitude as the western A GENERAL BAN BI crED. pe SAVINGS BANK Cee ate aides. There is little doubt that many places on on the prairies will suffer during the cold weather should there be a choking of the R. WILKINSON, Manager. Medleine Hat Branch. with the heating of private houses and other AREER EEE EEE PPP PEEP places of resort, but the extensive manu- THE MERCHANT: Ss BANK facturing industries of the city will be able z OF CANADA to proceed with their work without inter- ruption. oe The asset which Medicine Hat holds in THE IOWSED SANK GE SOUTARN CANADA 3) Ehite nafurat gas should appeal alike to those hae Capital Pala Bp, 6,000,000, gt; who seek a home in a city with the maxi- Total Assets (Nov. 80th. 1911) over 51,000,000. mum of physieal conyenienees and those A general Banking Business Transacted. Special attention to who have money to invest in industrial po, Satines Accents. concerns in western Canada. W. 0, JOY, Manager + : Medicine Hot Branch eg ast ABOUT POTATOES. SAMPLES A FARMER who lives near Tryine told FALL 1912 SAMELES, the News that the yield from Mlis-potato fields. this year is about three hundred COME WITH THE GROWD AND GET AN UP- bushels to the acre. He has encountered TO-DATE SUIT AND OVERCOAT. single potatoes which weigh more than two * THREE HUNDREED ae TO CHOOSE FROM. pounds. s Pe Ce os ag Once upon a time a husbandman lay dy- ing. He called his two sons two him and GEO. CAMPBELL J)riveticitomemns tam He bequeathed to them his farm. He fd sem he had wealth to give the ut the gift . C. B, R, DEPOT g) g) S31 NORTH RAILWAY, Se would be made under a condition. They must dig in the farm if they would find it. Accepting the terms, the youths delved in overnor-General, in s uniform, the seas Patricia, stood viewed the decora- ing in the harbor. Toya visitors with es. At five o'clock was alongside the rs were received ernor Peterson and Richard MeBri jort distance to th ngs. On the broa the main entrance, f welcome was read th, to whom His plied pleasingly. DECEES BABY. the expectation of finding buried gold. the News.) Tasker They dug the whole farm over without un- 3.-Many prominent ding pretically all a eee ss ansfer Co. Searing: tor an S- dq LIGHT and HEAVY attend the christ . easonable DRAYING born to Lord and S 364 Toronto Street. he Dl es of last year was earthing any treasure but the next year and the years following their crops were so large that the promised wealth was soon theirs. It is not our purpose to apply this old fable to modern agriculture in Alberta in the hope of altering methods of farming. We wish to point out,-however, that in watching the sourtes of wealth which have monopolized our attention we may have overymek oe. hidden possibilities. News of i, daughter: ot Mr. J. Gould, of New t the Stokes Poges es from the royal tion by being arrested for starving outside the prisons. It must be more pleasant famishing in prison. eee epee A BABY born while its mother: was trav- elling from Regina to Toronto was aye coal supply. This city is not one of them. named Elora, after the sleeping car in BOSOM deds POOUCCSESEOSOD Not only will-there be no dissatisfaction which the event.took place. All very well; but suppose the sleeping car had been named Moose Jaw ee IN a miniature war in the ward in Toronto nine Italians were wounded. . Going to Tripoli does not stir Ttalians to their great- est depth. They have to go to Toronto to become desperate enough to put up a real fight. : Bigger REFERRING to his wife, an Iowa man said he had lived thirty years with a shrew. Could it be said that at the end of that time he was a shrew(e)d man? Police pgp ENGLISH SUFFRAGETTES now wear padded armor bristling with hat pins set with the points outward. Ha . Another increase of armaments in Europe. Sienna) eae WITH some people courtship is a linger- ing. disease, while uthers succumb at the drop of the hat. a se PUBLIC OPINION. Vancouver Sun Mr. Borden must be saved at all hazards, and therefore it is that the same identical protectionists who insisted upon dragging the nayal question into polities when there was a chance of in- juring the Liberal party, are now clamor- ing to keep it out of public discussion in order that Mr. Borden may go unscathed, dominate. . And the second conspiracy, Tike the first, is based on patriotism. oe Canadian Pacific SPOKANE: INTERSTATE FAIR SEPT. 30 OOT. 6, 1912 SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARES Spokane, Wash. Going Dates Sept. Final Return Limit Oct. 7th, 28-Oct. 5. Further information and tick- ets. from any . P, R. Ticket B. G, McNEILLIB, Dist. Passenger Agent, Calgary, Alta. L, A. DOBBIN, Ticket Agent, Phone 201, Medicine Hat. When Undecided whether to give a suit of old clothes away or have it re- novated, decide on the renovat- and bring it to us you'll be mighty glad you did, be- cause we will probably save you the cost of new clothing. Our methods of cleansing are scientific and right up to date. Give us your work. THE GLOBE CLEAN. ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. J. A. LANDRY Carpenter Builder 711 Ottawa St. Phone 626, souses for sale. construction in Annex, Block 25; Box 381, One under High School one on Ot tawa St, finished, Block 83; - One on Highland St, finished. Have several good which I car build a house ac- cording to your own design. Preliminary plans supplied See me for your alterations or job work of any kind, Will give it prompt attention. mosey can buy. All white help employed. PHONE NO. 8. Your patronage solicited. And our drivers will cali for and return Rear 12 Fourth Ave, Beg to annourice that they have com- pleted arrangements for carrying on the business of Livery Keepers and General Feed Stables. double outfits of all descriptions for le or hire. : the Company undertake all descrip- and the protected interests may continue t tions of express delivery by horse or Eaulcles jlicited by day ight. Bnquirles solicited by day or night. Phone 708, Single and SS eee When you build, cons QUALITY first. Don't be suaded to buy OHEAP L BER bscause it's cheap ane Very best. We have it; and erything tho Builder requit A-select stock o1LUME DOORS, Sasn, ere ven BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BUI AND FIR FLOORINGS. We have the agency tor celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUI CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, Ls SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, Low Posts 2 BEAVE) BOAR OA FINLAY Ci THE LUMBER PEOPLE P. 0, BOX 29, PHONE FORMAL FOR SMU1 50c... Quart 5c... . Pint DON'T PAY MORE Pingle s Drag ai Book Store : : H. B. CURTIS ce CitySaleStab Heavy Teams, Drivers, 8 POOPED D OO DOD Horses for Sale. E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Drugsgist Complete stock of Toilet Articles Proprietary Medi- LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAY Hay for Sale. FRED McCLAI PHONE 85. PROPRIE CROSSLEY. BRO: Ee Builders and Contracto 708 4th Ave., Phone 4 P. 0. Box 304, Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. OFFICE PHONE STABLE P NO, 868, 402 THE J. S. FOLL House Mover Contracting Co SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. J.J. LAITIP LYO 16 MONTREAL STREET *Phone 260. MEDICINE HAT LIVERY COMPANY HEAVY TEAMING ito GRADING AND EXCAVATD Horse Repos ory Gravel and Sand for Sale ieniecad 108 TORONTO st. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal ( Excavating a Specialty. Light and Heavy Horses for si All Times. CONTRACTS FOR ma P. 0. Box 81, T. F. Reynold PAINTER, ETC Latest samples in Wall Pap 120 Elghth Ave. Phono 6
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Image 562 (1912-09-28), from microfilm reel 562, (CU1744239). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.