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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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wade apie and span us wheo you first walked oa it with M-L Floor PURE. PAINTS: Paint the WALLS ana CELL- NGS with M-LPlax Wall Coiers. il hold a mooting in the City Hall A TALK ABOUT. HARDWARE If you are thinking about pur: chasing: Hardware don t: forget that we can supply your needs at the right price and that we can give you the benefit of a long ex- perience by offering you the best: that can be procured. Chance to Win a Sew ing Machine With every 1.00-purchase we are giving a key and the person holding the key that unlocks the machine takes the machine absolutely free. Anderson Plumbing Company 625 NORTH RAILWAY STREET it meeting in the City Hall. The Ladies Aid of St. Jobn church will meet in the church pat lor on Tuesday at 3 o'clock The King's dist oburch will ment on Tuesday, o'clock. Helpers of the Metho- meet in the base- Oct. Ist at 3.30 The Ladies Aid of the Baptiit church will:-meet at the home of Mrs. M. Lean; Ottawa St., on Tuesday at 3:30 o'clock. A few of the members of the W. M.S. of the Methodist church met at the home of - Mrs. B. F. Sond last Thureday, on the eve of the de- parture of Mrs. J. L. Williams, re- cording secretary of the Society, for her new home at High River, and presented her with a beautiful pen asa token of remembrance, and of their best wishes for her future Prosperity. Miss Lane, Y .W. C. A. organizer, ofi Monday, 30th. Sept., at 4 o'clock. All the ladies of the city are invited to be present. It is to be hoped that the ladies will take an interest in the organization of the Y. W. C., A. and turn out in great numbers to help on with the good work, Better to strive and climb, and never reach the goal, Than to drift slong with time, an aimless, worthless soul, g Ay, better to climb and fail, to sow, though the yield be small, Than to throw away day after day, and never strive at all. FOR MOTHER'S SAKE. very kind deed brings nearer the era of peace and good-will. And hiad we but eyes to see, that day might ve descried drawing on apace. We are glad when. reporters turn aside, in their searen for news, to tell of some kindly act like this, done for mother s-sake : The florist s boy bad just swept some broken and whithered flowers into the gutter when a ragged ur- chin darted across the street. He tooped over the pile of mangic flowers, came at last upon a rose seemingly in better condition than the rest. But as he tenderly picked it up the petals fluttered to the ground, leaving only. the bare stalk in his hand. He stood quite still, and his lips quivered perceptibly. The florist boy, who had been looking at him severely, felt that his face was soft- ening. What's the matter with you. anyway? he asked. The ragged little fellow choked as i BY ONE OF THEM - Tha Woman's Auxiliary of St. he replied: It's for my mother. Barnabas Church will mist in the She's sick and she can't eat nothin, Indian school on Tuesday, Oct. Ist, an I thought if she s a Hower to at 3.30. smell it. might make her feel bet- ter. . The Hospital Aid meeting will be Just you Wait s minute. nad held'in the . City Hall on Phursday the florist s boy, as he disappeared, at 3 o'clock. When he came out on the. sidvwalk, he held in his hand a beautiful, half Mrs. Wright, Domiinion President opened xose, which he carefully wrap: of the W. . 'T. U. will be in Medi- ped in tissue paper. There. he cine Hat Oct, 8th. and will address a MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. FOR WOMEN said, take that to your mother. He had meant to put the rosebuh jon his mother s grave, and yet he knew he had done the better thing. She'll understand, he said to bim- self, and T Know this will please her most. Forty-one states in the union for bid racetrack gambling. In seven states, Mexico and Canada, it id leg- al. A measure fias just been intro- duced into the U. S. Senate to for bid interstate transmission of race- track odds and bets by telegraph. or telephone. This would probably kill race-track gambling in all the states of the Union. That would leave Mexico and Canada in the unenviable position of legalizing an evil Which our great sonthern neighbor has out aaa WL Canada suffer this to be 80 WHY SHE JOINED THE. W. C. T..U. Mrs, Florence D. Richards, 2 dele- gate to the W.C.T.U. convention from Ohio, told the story of her con- version to the temperance cause, af- ter years of indifference. When I first seriously considered the campaign against the liquor traf- fic, said Mrs. Richards, I saw temperance speakers ridiculed on every side. Men, in their political speeches, dragged out that old say- ing about women being the clinging Nine and the men the sturdy oaks. But when I saw co many of the oaks prostrate in the gutter, and s0 many vines clinging to the washboard for support, I made-up my mind that it was time to do. something. Michi- gan Union. LED ALWAYS IN TRIUMPH. Frequent victories over a besetting/ sin will never conquer that sin com- pletely. Only invariable and inees- sant victory is safe. William Pemn is credited with having said, If thou woukist conquer thy weakness, thou must never gratify it. A yielding once in a hundred times leaces the power in the hinds of the enemy. But the call to complete victory, with never a yielding, sounds like a hopeless on , as we think of some of the weaknesses before which we have been falling all our lives. How ean we live with never a fall before them? Just here Christ comes in, to turn hopelessntss into joyous as- surance. He can set us free, entirely free, from any and from every known weakness of our life. All things in him. Who always leadeth us in triumph. Free from the law of sin-and-of death ; really free, wholly fr e;. not partly or mostly free. Do we believe that our Christ is fully sufficient Saviour? Have we entered into this freedom wherewith the Son sets man free? woman to take to worry. Every woman at the head a home; .every girl in offices, shops and factories, is subject ta more or less worry, These cannot be avoid- ed. But it is the duty of every wo- That is what every Scout should try to be There when Wanted. But it is no good being present, say at an accident unless you are pre- pared and know what to do and how to do it. For instance, if you see a horse in harness fall down, and want to help, don t rush forward with the idea of trying to raise him The right way to go to work. ts to keep the animal's head down while the buckles and traces are loosened. You can do this by kneeling on the arilmal's neck just below. his head, Then tho vehicle should be pushed back and the animal allowed to get up. He will soon do this, and if you bave been keeping his head down you must Jump side smartly as soon as the harness is loosened. But don't move from your posi on until-you are told that every- thing is ready. If you do the horse will probably start kicking and struggling and injure those who are trying to free him, MAKING PORRIDGE, Porridge ts such a valuable food and also so cheap, that every Scout should know the . most convenient way to prepare it Always put the oats into cold wa- ter the night before, if possible, and and add a good pinch of salt, The oats Will swell up all the time the water is coming te the boll, so that when boiling begins, the porridge is half made. Ygu need not begin to stir until ft is nearly boiling, but when once it begins to boil you must Jet it go on boiling slowly and stir frequently for ten minutes, Most instructions will tell you to get the water boiling before adding the ats; you will see that this means good deal of waiting, and there wil be more stirring to do. You will find it etter to use rolled oats, as ordinary oatmeal, although quite as good, takes a lot more boiling. Be careful not to boil too long, as that makes pasty, infer- jor porridge. ; Do not, especially in camp, make porridge too thick, as it is not so wholesome. A 2-Ib.-packet of oats makes about a gallon of porridge, which is enough for twenty or twen ty-five boys. SCOUT NOTES. There are now 44 Badges. Owing to the increase in the number of active Scouts it was decided to form a new patrol which was called the Gopher Patrol, Proficiency The members are as follows: G. Gardner, P. I; W, Cockerell,: Cor.; K. Muir, J. Galloway, G. Becker, J. Burns. Twenty-eight boys turned ont fo th meeting on Monday, 23rd. s The Coastguard, - Seaman; ana Swimmer and Life Saver Badges will not be issued in the future. WORK AND WORRY WEAKEN WOMEN New Health and Strength Obtained by the Use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. It is useless to tell a hard-workin life easily and not Man and every girl to save her AND ALI-STAR CAST IN THE SUPRE: A Guaranteed Attraction. Tickets Sellings Today: CURTAIN 8.30. : CARRIAGES Monday, Oct.:7th MR. PAUL GILMORE DRAMATIC SENSATION OF THE DAY The Havoc + -- 1.00, 75c, 50c 10.45, Bey Sco inst, a meeting of the Boy Scouts was held atYuill s Garage. four out of thirty-six of the boys turned out'to the meting. The Ten- derfobt Test was tried, but it was found that the boys were not ready for it so it was decided to try the Test on Monday. The remainder of the evening was spent in felling scouts yarns, etc, n Monday 23, at the meeting of th Boy Scouts, the Tenderfoot Test wad tried. The names of the Boy Scouts who passed the Test are as follows; Wolf Patrol N. Rissitcr, J, Yuill, 1. Rossiter, M. Smith. Hawk Patrol L, Millican, N. Evans. Rat tlesnake Patrol R. Forster, S. Holt, A. Agnew, H. Mathers. Beaver Pa- trol C. Beecher, H. Yuill. Gopher Patrol G. Gardner, W. Cockerell, J. Gallowy, K. Muir, J. Shields. The remaifier of the boys are to. try the Test on Friday evening. Twenty - ut News On the. evening. of Friday, the 20th ...The assoeiation-has-no-mititary: or political aims. THE ENGINEER'S BADGE. Scouts who want to gain the En- gineer s Badge must be able to des- and renewed energy to cribe and know the meaning of the Ple. Women cannot always words internal combustion. master: WASHING UP. self a Shirking his duty. As many Scouts have found a aim- strength and keep disease away by culty in explaining this, we are print the occasional us of Dr. Williams ing .a simple and. instructive defint- we + tion sent us by a Gateshead Scout- C0me unexpectedly they can obtain When the force necessary to drive an engine s made im the same com- partment in which the fuel is con- sumed, such an operation is dalled tes cena As an ex- ampl jot machinesYpossessing inter nal combustion erigines, I may men tion miotor-cycles and motor-care. Washing up is not always a very enfoyable fob, but it is a very neces- sary one, and no on who calls him- good Scout would ever think of strength as much as possible and to build up her system to meet any un- ustial demands. Her future health depends upon it. To guard agaimst' a breakdown in health the blood must be Kept rich, red and pure. Nothing can keep the blood in this condition as well as Dr. Williams i the the glow of health they should, but they can keep their Pink Pills. Or if a breakdown thas new health through this same medi- cine. Mrs, M. Thomas, River street, Toronto, says: For several years I was almost a constant invalid, tinable- to do my housework and spending much of my time in bed. My nerves. seemed worn out and friends thought I was in a hopeless decline. I was as pale as a corpse; Ewas so bloodless that it I cut my finger it woult-xot bleed; my limbs were swollen far beyond their usnal size. At the least exertion my heart would palpitate violently, and I irs frequently had fainting spells. I was - under We are in a position to offer to the eitisens Of Medicine Hat guar- anteed absolutely pure milk.. Now is th time to make sure of your After the Scout meeting on Mon- day evening, a despatch bearing con- test was held, W. Cockerit and H. Huggins were the despatch bearers. Eheir object wns to take a despatch from Yuill's When cleaning the knives and forks next time you are cook s orderly, try this plan. Get two large Jam jars and fill each one with hot watgr and just enough cleaning soda to make the water cloudy. br day my husband brought home some Dr. Williams Pink Pills and I began taking them. They seemed to-go to the root of the trouble, and in treatment by good doctors, ut it did me no good. Then one the uired in the Dairy business. Be OUR SPECIALS: Guaranteed certified Mik for Infants and Invalid, taken fi CREAM: im testing 26 per cent. butter fat PHONES: RURAL, 205; CITY, 198. Cows which have passed the Government Tubercular Test. Winter supply of milk and we are now taking in our -yinter eustomers. The Dairy s up-to-date in every respect now, having gone to great xpense in fitting the Deiry with the most up-to-date machinery re- irom Jer- We blso offer table Cream testing 16 per cent. butter fat and whipping Pa-Sat, Garage to the High School and efter having It signed there; to take ft back again to the Garage without being caught by the remainder of the Scouts, They were Successful In attaining their object and got back safely with the des patch. AIMS: OF SCOUT ORGANIZATION: The aim of the association ts to develope good citizenship among boys by forming their character trainizg them in habits of observa: tion, obedience and self-reliance, in the forks into another, and when they will be quite cftan, and al cold water and dry them. They -will-then shine splendidiy, 1 powder, HELPING THE HORSES. A Scoutmaster who took bis troo Camping at Whitsuntide, was ver: hi Plunge the knives into one jar and leave them there for gbout five minutes, you need do is to rinse them in clean, fact if silver 1s always cleaned like this, it will seldom need any plate Pleased with the behaviour of one of course: of a few weeks the improve- ment they were making was quite plain. Gradually as I continued. tak- ing the Pills the swelling of my limbs disappeared; the weak spells came less and less frequently; my appetite greatly improved, and finally I was completely cured and able to do my housework with ease. Later, my daughter Elma seemed to be troubled with anaemia and we gave her the Pills with the same good results. Why suffer in any way when you can begin curing yourself today witt- Dr. Williams Pink Pills. Sold by all D y culeating Ioyalty and thoughtfuln NTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWs useful. to usefurte for others, and teaching them services thBspublic and handicrafts to ig Assistant, ig that ho jelvos. ways there when wantea* : nid What 1 like about Smith he said is ale icine dealers or by mail at 50 box or six boxes for 2.50 Dr. Williams Medicine 1o., Brockville, Ont. OOO Or OO Or OO Ob OO adn te oudbiey Becee THE SECRET OF LONG LIFE. Do not sap the springs of lite by of the the acoumulation of polesae in the systems As lanante restoring waste of tissue and impoverishment of to take an alterative rape root, Bloodroot, Dr. Pierce gave to the publio.this remedy, which Maca Di err, He ued it would bely foe ments from food, ito activity, thereby thro the blood and vit bold eoeban cc San ae No one ever takes Pi lt;i : gt; f WeekEndSpecial AT: Morrow s Cash Grocer B. , Granulated Sugar, 20 1, sacks, Blue Ribbon Tea, 3 1b packets. Week End Special 1.35. Week End Special. 1,00. Moose Brand Tea, 1 1b. packets. Week End Special, 50c per Ib. Week End Special, 1.00 per ta. Week End Special 40 per 1b, Week End Special, 35c per Ib. ) Royal Household Tea, 8 1b. tins. Coffee, finest Mocha and Java, Cottee, good blond. We list below an assortment of Groceries that the majority of our customers are buying every day. y One 2-Ib. packet Christie s Soda Biscuits, 3 ting sliced Singapore Pineapple. 3 tins Yellow Crawford Peaches. 8 Ibs. finest Rice. 5 ibs. Currants. 1 1b, Featherstrip Cocoanut. Three 2-oz. bottles Lemon or Vanilla Essence. 3 packages Jelly Powder. 1 tin Lowney s or Cowan's Cocoa. 6 Ib. packet Cana Laundry Starch. 8 packets Canada Corn Starch. 8 Ib. sack Rolled Oats. One 5-Ib. tin Kitchen Brand Molasses. This is a very useful assortment for every home. Price 5.00. Aylmer Scotch Marmalade, 1 1b. glass. Tomatoes, 3 Ib. tins, best brand. Corn, 2 ib. tins, best brand: Red Rose Baking Powder 1 ib tins. Morrow's Baking Powder, 1 Ib. tins. Corn Fi Week End Special 2 for 3 Week End Special, 2 for 35 . Week End Special, 3 for 35c. Week End Special 2 tor 3f . Week End Special, 2 for 35c. s (Krinkle) Week End Special, for 25c. Bracknell s Club Sauce. Week End Special, 2 bottles for 45c. Apples, 40 Ib. boxes, Cooking and Eating. Week End Special 1. Der case. Chow Chow Pickles, large bottles. Week End Special 30 per bott Marmalade, Sheriff's and Cairns, 7 1b, tins. Week Bnd Special 8 per tin. Sunlight and Lifebuoy Soap. Week End Special 22 for 1.00. Pork and Beans, plain and tomato sauce Pork and Beans, Plain and Tomato Sauce. 4 for 25c, Custard Powder, pint packets, 1 doz. in box. 40c per box. . Crossed Fish Sardines. Week End Special, 3 for 25c. Fels Naptha, 10 bar cartoon. Week End Special, 70c per carteon. Cowan s Cooking Chocolate, Week End Special, 20c per cake. St. Charles Cream. Week End Special 9 for 1.00. Coffee, Mocha and Jaya, 1 1b. fancy tins. Week End Special 4 per can, Spices all kinds. Week End Special, 2 tins for 25c. Jelly Powders... Week End Special, 85c per dozen. Plums, large red. Week End Special, 1.00 per case. Week End, Spect Week End Speci G00DS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY, .0 D. TEMS CASH. H. MORROW Phone 177. North Railway. Stree ' As an absolutely safe investment our Guaranteed Mortgages should be investigated. Call or write for particulara and booklet. Trusts and Guarantee COMPANY, LIMITED. Public Administrator and Official Assignee for the Judicial trict s of Lethbride Macleod Calgary Wetaskiwir 220 EIGHTH AVENUE WEST, CALGARY. st Dis O01 040-00 OP OTOL OOOO eT eHo FOre-here: Tit REVELSTOME SAMALL 60,1 We carry in stock a full line of Building Material Lumber, Lath, Cement, Plaster, c., Fir Finish and Flooring a Specialty. Yard, North Railway Street. : : Phone 59 To Th8e POPCHOLOLeheLeLeLe-ererehepeperehs viwieets
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Image 566 (1912-09-28), from microfilm reel 566, (CU1744237). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.