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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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fa Bee es ee sy os E oe POPES Sooo STILL ANOTHER FACTORY REDCUIFF ieee THE WALLOFF MOTOR CO,.of Minneapolis, will start build . immediately. Building to be completed in six weeks. The Redcehiif cece 9 2 plant will be known as the Redcliff Motor Oo, Limited and stants son me ua off with 75 men, which will be largely increased in a short space of 3 pre time. This means money to the wide-awake investor. vali you build, consider rY first, Don t be per- to buy CHEAP LUM- cause it's cheap use the t. We have it, and ev- ; the Builder requires. ect stock of LUMBER, SASH, FIR FINISH, Three Factories Secured in One Week and More to Follow. REDCLIFF IS RAPIDLY BECOMING A BIG MANUFACTURING CENTRE AND POPULATION Is POURING IN. IMPORTANT RAILWAY ANNOUNCEMENT SOON 'TO BE Redcliff now has industries and their pay roll is as follows LAY CO. RedcliffBrickand Coal Co. 150; Pay Roll 12,500. Redeliff Realty Co. 6; Pay Roll Redcliff Clay ProductsCo. 70; Pay Roll 5,000 Redeliff Hotel Company 10; Pay Roll AlbertaOrnamental IronCo. 65; Pay Roll 5,000 Stores, Bank, Lamv.. yard ete. 12; Pay Roll ,000. RedcliffMill ElevatorCo. 9: Pay Roll 800 McLean MeLachian 15; Pay Roll. 200 LUMBER PEOPLE X 29. PHONE -57 (CONTRACTORS) v FACTORIES TO BE BUILT AT ONCE.-ARE: * THE DIAMOND FLINT GLASS CO., OF TORONTO, LARGEST GLASS FACTORY IN THE WEST. i H. MUNDERLOH COMPANY, OF MONTREAL, LARGEST WINDOW GLASS FACTORY IN CANADA. R SMUT 2. c....Quart 5 Citi poet - WALLOFF MOTOR COMPANY, LIMITED, CANADIAN FACTORY FOR WEST. PAY MORE THESE THREE NEW CONCERNS WILL EMPLOY FROM 500 TO 1,000 MEN. 5 Wow-Is-THE INVESTORS OPPORTUNI 7 IN-TO SOAR. THINK WHAT THESE NEW FACOTRIES WILL Ny 1 TO REDCLIFF S FUTURE AND THEN BUY AL , THE REDCLIFF PROPERTY YOU CAN HANDLE. i : ee the Stoner Agency About i 2 eas Foronto Street, Medicine Hat ; SPPLOOE PELL EL ELLIE PLL LI LAL LI HT EO OG e s Drug and Store: 3 3 B. CURTIS woman stretched on a bed, immobile, the strength of her mentality, crave bereft of the great. motor engine of and yearns-for that which would en her constitution for the last three her misery, which tongue cannot re Death Makes Rapid Changes wat sachets, eens WOMAN TH AGONTES ; : ahscnce of. the honorable gentleman e ages of the different senators i e Among Aged Senators of Canada . ctr e cme sits ute pettn ther sr te PLEADER WITH STATE: reer. rnin ose nor sn ste Tt END HER LIFE she is unable to exert a single mus- existence of the vacancy Will be de- lows: cle of her body, besides suffering 4 in Upper House) When that administration was de- clarec.Senator Sullivan is incapac- Conservatives Senators Baird, age Sale St: ables ee Standing per . ee seen nnca sonatorshipa tated trom at siditee through 67; Bell, 65; Bolduc, 65; de Boucher much pain, yet in fall possession of : is and prostrated iliness, Four of the eight Ville, 90; St , 9; Lying Helpless, Asks Why were yacant, and they were the seats seats were held by Liberals the late Lariylere, 70; She Should be Doomed to s cams, Drivers, Saddle . 20. Conservatives. held by Senator McGregor, appointed farses for Sales 7 eee seine rnor of Nove Beatin; Senators Ross, of Halifax; Wilson offer,- 4; Godbout, G1). Macdonald (3) epee fs j ? Ottawa, Oct. 9 The death rate in the late Senator Comeau, of Digby, and Cartwright. The four Conserva- ; Mackeen, 73; McDonald (N. er 10) . et D HEAVY DRAYING. the Senate of Canada, which is con- and Senatos Baker ot tha eastern tives in thc number were Senators 5. len, 76; Montplaisir, ie ea s Hay for Sale. Riderebly in excess of that of the townships - Two ot these,were fillea sitier: okay; MacDonald and Sulli- Poirier, 60; Landry, Government Ignores Ques- D Commons, brings about, from year to by the appointment by the Borden * gt; ii in tion of How to End Pain . McCLAIN Year, many changes in the personnel ministry of Senators Bell and Pope. The present standing of the partes) 7H, . - of Helpless Sufferers. we in the Upper House is: Liberal, 59 Liberals Senators Beique, 67 5. PROPRIETOR ee aide a assuming an Then Sir John Carling and Senator Co atives, 20. When the lent Beleourt, 62; Bostock, 47; : ne icy shat en ene replaced, re-y (ounrstea se tilled the Conservatives Boyer, 61; Campbell, 6 pra, ). NOW Yorks: Ook ti Aeamenerey aso : es the ascendancy of one party spectively, by Senators Taylor and). have us and the Liberals 59, Choquette, 58 curable torture that she deserihzs gt; 3 jardly bearebl4 and doomed to al or the other of a more or less ephem- Lariviere. At the end of the session 0 y character. Senator Wood became Ileutenant- ority of 31. life of misery, Mrs, Barah Haris, 3 These Ercan eet yepoa, patient in the: Audubon Sanitarium, appeals for the enactment of a law that will permit physicians t. end In 1896, whe governor of New Brunswick, and his power, they were autnumbered by seat was. asslgnt W- While the late government ap- Conservatives in the Senate by a pro- Daniel. pointed to the Senate a number of Entert ainmentaoa Fun wortion of over two to one. It was . comparatively young men, the older . . a lt;I Siac Sinema Neve Ste arma e eminem Se Cn ates e nf hee at wel on s, materially changed, the aged sena- Four vacant senatorships from rT, ing, 78; Levergne, t ly chang Jority of thone more advanced in Ti) 1's Mullen, 76; McSweaney relieve her of am agony fron. whisn 7 59 Nova Scotia were not filled last se8- years being Liberals. sion, and since then the number has There are four Liberals and three been augmented until there are noW Conservative members who are 80 eight vacancies inthe Upper House. years or over. Of those who have s. Contractors, Power, 71; Prince there is no escape save by that ; means. Why, she asks, if I cannot be tors, most of them Conservatives at the time, gradually dropped off and their places were filled by Liber: Robertson, 7: ee ne pineal MA. The seats are those of the Inte Sen- gina) 56; Ross, Sir George, 7 ctired and I am doomed to suffer this ae Insta it eart the assed three score and ten, twenty . a re ery tme nan Oeae: Swereome St0fS Comeau, Ross, Miller and Me- posse ito Liberals and ten are Con- Michard Scott, 87; Sheliya, 83; terrible agony until I ate should I f Meee been overoome Kay, of Nova Scotia: Cartwright, WIl- seryatives, As aresult of the great) Ut 68: Taylor, 72; Tompson, be compelled to live ses for Sale. ee a 5 801 cee Watso: Wilson (Montreal), 50; Death. a fintied to grow until the re-/202 8ud Sullivan, of Ontario, and) increase. in population, western rep- ateon, sgn (Montreal); 605 Hoping for Yeo, 75 Mrs. Harris, who is paralyzed from ae Macdonald, of Prince Edward Island.) resentation in the Senate will shortly i i eget st : e neck down as the result of ae lative standing was 6 to 18 in favor ; - ht, or two. from ONE STABLE PHOND of supporters of the Laurier govern- In the case of Senator Sullivan the be Ineraeed F e s seat will become vacant it the each province. is done the MEETING OF TEXAS development of a spinal trouble, ene ef 402 728 : SS PHOTOGRAPHERS still retaiis-her mental faculties. buys this GENUINE j ik Day after day for three years she has - J. S. FOLLIS OOO) AAA 444 (Special to the News.) been in agony and hoping for death. ral ctin if Co. a , Dantas, Texas, Oct. 9 Several hun- She is thirty-three years old and the I Cr O. A ; * drea professional photographers of wife of Louls Harris, a clothing fsouense we 5 ; Useful, pretty and smart a Texas have arrived fn Dallas for the salesman. She has two children. - : ae are ese improve nit coats annual convention of their State as- Her parents are Mr, and Mrs. Moses . 5 lt; ib ing. Sand, Coal Grave p are Sue motori x for 0 hundred other outdoor 4 p sociation, which will be in session Garfunckle of No.8 West One Hun- complete with 30 selections (fifteen 4ublo- rating a Spoclalty, fa, For driving oF ri will be glad of your Pen-Angle Sweater ) here until Saturday, All were busy dred mmd Nineteenth Street. sided records) of yourownchoice. Also 301d feavy Horse dg Coat on windy days and chilly verings-For though they feel a Z today opening cases cortaining pic- Mrs. Harris pathetic appeal for on Easy Payments of 1 per week if desired. aria 0 fleecy to the touch hand set so lightly roa he a tures for the annual prize exhibition, death-revives the much and tong dis-) Just the thing to amuse your friends and leed. , process, be which promises to be the largest ev- cussed au stion of whether the State family. : . er hung by the association. The thould provide for the peaceful death : 7 . L Y 5 And they retain lines, boca Me coctation officers Ii-cbarge-0 E cert ab cenit Free demonstrations at any of His Master s shaped to fit snug to the figure. convention and exhibition are Presi-lpersons suffering incurable torture Voice dealers. Se ee e ON A them because it is knit into them- the Pen-Angle way. SNE a ed bas Marae: Ben? a : Your exact: physical type is included in the wide range Stare ve i eacha ded eae sora Paper ctor Double-sided Records are 90 cents for tte TRACTS FOR A r S treasurer A. 1. Blanchard of Hills- taw that her Ife might be ended, two selections. Ask for free copy of our Y TEAMING boro. ayn 300 page encyclopzedia, listing over 5000 Can the busy throng stop long records. Call to-day. AND EXCAVATING ALABAME SUFFRAGISTS PLAN enough from its various avocations 25am ; ORGANIZATION. In life to consider a most. vital ques- Berliner Gram-o-phone Co. Limited tton from one of the greatest suf- -- and Sand for Sale, MONTREAL us Phono 0, Box te (Special to the News) ferers who inhabit this beautiful Birmingham, Ala, Oct. 9 At world? conference held today under the aus- Various mechanical inventions are pices of tho Birmingham Equal Suff- peng pushed n which many sbin- yage Association plans were perfect- ing lights tose their lives, and yot ed for the organization of a Statelone question, the greatest of all how association of advocates orf the fran- to' end the suffering of hopeless, chise for women. It 8 planned to helpless sufferers, has never been organize branches of, the organiza- delved into. tion In every county) of Alabama. ete, In the early thirties; a young in Your taste in style and colors has been carefully consulted. Some store convenient to you will show you these beautiful garments for men, women and children. Tt PENMANS LIMITED PARIS .. CANADA file the Victor Machines ine Hat M Reynolds ITER, ETC. nples in Wall Paper. h Ave. Phone 600,
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Image 642 (1912-10-09), from microfilm reel 642, (CU1744238). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.