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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ae FA NCY LINENS. showing a beautiful selection of ens. These come im embroidered effect. in Doylies, Centres, Tray Clotlis, iG FOR MAILING AS GIFTS, - ED LINENS: jasgow Ho use of Fashionable Dressers 3 2 y e estern Engineering Co. are prepared to undertake the supervis- ion of any railway, structural, municipal, irrigation or hydaulic construction. Sur- veys, estimates, reports, specifications, maps, ete. TEMPORARY OFFICES, HUTCHINSON BLOCK Phone 867. Medicine Hat THE QUEBEC BANK SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. Money Orders sold, payablg'in all parts of GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. e + MRDICENE: HAT BRANCH TEMPORARY OFFICE, 394 TORONTO STREET JOHN INWOOD, Manager. THE ROYAL BANK Pitts Bank offers to its clients the services of a thor- oughly up-to-date Banking organization. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH FOURTH AVENUE. . H, MecDUNNOUGH, Manager. Capital Paid Up . - 6,460,000. Reserve Fund -. 6,460,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. BR. G WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch, SOD ear oteeteatedote detected THE MERCHANTS BANK ; OF CANADA HE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA... Established 1864, 289 Bruaches in Canada: Capital Paid Up, 6,000,000, Total Assets (Nov. 20th. 1911) over 31,000,009. A general Banking Business Transacted. Speclal attention to Savings Accounts, 0, JOY. Manager: r + + + Medicine Hat Branch ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS A OLSON, Co. i Reat Estate Insurance EMPLOYMENT AGENTS. GIVE US YOUR LISTINGS HAT DAILY NEWS. Thursday, November 28th, 1912), gt; G. P. Re ENGER SERVICE. WINTRR ror2-18, PEFEOTIVE OCT. 27, 1912. Arrive Train anid: Terminal, 8.00 Lipp, Ltd. Vancouver to Momsoal: 20.06, foronto. Exp... Vancouver. to Toronto 4.15 440 Seattle-St. Paul Rxp. Seattle to St. 23.00. Local from: Calgary, * Westbound, i Arrive Leave 20.20 2040 Imp. 1200 32.40 Train abd Terminal. :10. St. Paul-Seattle Exp. St. 630 Local Tor Calga: CROW TRAINS. No. Arrive Leave Traiu and Tetminal,, 24 .-2.55 Sdo-Spokano-Portland Lid., St-Babt Portland, ee 9.55 Soo-Spokane-Portland Ltd, Portiaha to St, Paul. 11.15 Local for Oranbrook. Local trom Craabrook. 620-513 2313 Express for Kootenay Landing. 814-517 4.80 Express from Kootenay Landing, Note Trains 1 and 2 carry sleeping cars only betwoso Winnipeg and Revelstoke. No, 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat passing time at Dunmore, 8: miles east, shown. Medicine Nat News Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Lid. every tawtul evening at Its ofige, Main Stree, Wedicine Hat, Alta, 2 A, J. NOTERBILL, EAtor, to Seattle dae 9.45 issu 512-519 1025 : RING 2, DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES Fas, Gelivered,...34.00 1 year by matl.. . months, d-livered. . 2.00 3 months, deliverod.. 1.00 8 months, by ma. ..7 60 1 month, delivered....35 Addresses changed as otten a8 desired, but bots ow aid old ad resses t bo given e WEEALY NEWS, Publishec every Thursday in sixteen or more pages, and contains a fummary of the news of the week. local and district. months, in advance Tis Year in advance.... 1.50 on Thursday, November 28th, 1912. THE CATTLE EMBARGO. THE report from London that there is a likelihood of the embargo against Can- adian cattle entering British ports being removed very shortly will be good news. As the conditions are at present, beef cattle shipped from Canada must be killed im- mediately upon landing. Obviously the beef cannot be in the best of condition af- ter the animals have crossed a continent ii ears and acrossan ocean in the narrow stalls of a steamer. If they were allowed to be kept alive until they recovered from the effects of the trip, the beef would he in much better condition and would as a result cont mand a much better price. The pretext for maintaining the embargo thas been that the Britishers feared the im- portation of stock diseases if Canadian live cattle were allowed to land. That conten- tion has been disproved years ago, but the embargo sfill remained because of the strength of the great beef raisers and own- ers of grazing lands in Britain, who feared that'they might lose out in competition with Canadian beef when the latter was given a chance to be placed on the market in prime condition, The removal of the embargo should mean much to the cattle men of Western Canada. ere RANCHERS Vs. FARMERS. THE GOVERNMENT is playing with fire when it tackles this question of grant- ing long leases to ranchers. We have the farmer with us now to such an extent that his claims are inly entitled toa great deal of consideration. Of course, as is gen- erally known, there-arearge areas of land in the West which are not suitable for ag- ricultural pursuits and are fit only for graz- ing. To lease these to ranchers is a fit and proper use to which to devote them. But how about the farmer who has settled along the outskirts of these grazing lands What Measures are to be adopted for his protec- 13 3.00 3 months, tn advance. .oe Led., Montreal to, Vancouver. Van. Exp, Toronto to Vancouver. months, by mall.... 150/, jand more particularly at the feet of Hon Bob Rogers; who mor . than any other was responsible for the outrages. Although ers May Hb be considered as-an: active part of the Roblin-Rogers-Campbell - ma- chine, he is still, as he ever was,the brains lof the institution ang he earinot get away trom his responsibilitly for its sins. . It is to be hoped that the Macdonald electien yill lhe thoroughly investigated: that the whole pm may be showed up in its proper light and the eurtain rung down on the rule jof the worst-political machine extant in Ameri an. Premier Seott has the power and will to. have a thorotigh investigation into the part played by: this same ine, imported holus bolus from Manitoba, in the elections in his-provinee. In his righteous work; his heart should not flinch. It can hardly be lexpected that a strenuous campaign could be without some wrong-doing on each side, but the Scott Government should provide the machinery for such an investi- gation a8 will lay bare the sins of both parties'and for the punishment of the eul- prits, Friends of the Scott administration are onfiedent that in the-investigation the machinations of the Manitoba Government machine will be proved to be such that whatever indiscretions others may have committed, the public will decide that it is time to put an end to the Rogers rule and manipulations. oes gee) CIVIC nominations take place on Monday next and it can hardly be said that the fact. is eliciting any very great amount of interest. The Counieil has been subjected to a certain amount of criticism during the year, but the criticism has not ehrystalized apparently into any active opposition he- ing offered to the return of the three mem- bers whose terms of office are now expir- ing. Quite a number of names have been mentioned to the News by friends anxious to see them enter the field, but whether nomination day will bring these prospec- tive candidates to the front is a horse of another color. Amongst the names of those suggested are Dr, Boyd, J. E: Davies, John McNeely, C. S. Pingle, Hamilton Morrow, 8. T. Fawcett and Thos. Penhale. ee aoe eee gears AT present th Mayor of the City of Medi- eine Hat draws remuneration to the extent of 1800 a year. It is not enough under existing conditions. Any man who is qualified to hold the local civic reins of government: can: be assumed to possess suf- ficient gray matterto make more than 1800 year at his own business. Tf the city calls him to aceept the Chief Magis- trate s chair, why should not the city pay him. an amount commensurate with the value of the time which he gives? It would not be out of place for the present Coimeil to pass a resolution recommending the Council of 1913 to give this question, its attention. sv ne eee eR MEDICINE HAT wisely adopted the plan, during Mayor Milne s adminis- tration, of owning the spur lines which were laid into the various industties. The poliey has been followed by the present Council and in a few weeks the ratepayers will be asked to vote an appropriation of 40,000 to cover the cost of installing additional spurs: If we own our street railway, the eity could control the shunting of cars to the sidings and they would become revenue producers of no small pretensions. - Just temember this fact when You are voting on the street railway bylaw. gt; ns THIS DATE IN HISTORY. 1628 John Felton, the assassin af the Duke of Buekingham; executed. 1682 William Penn and about 100 colon- ists landed-at-Newcastle, Del., and entered Pennsylvania the next day; 1698 Louis de Buade, Count de Frontenae, governor of Canada, died in Quebee, Born in Franc e in 1620. tion? Is th rancher to be held answer- able for the depredations of his stock upon the grain fields? And if he is'to be held accountable will he take the chances of go- ing into cattle raising extensively with the knowledge ef the difficulty of controlling large herds? : As we say, it isa big problem to tackle There may be a solution. .We do not say there isn t, but will the Borden Govern- ment handle it in a manner which will be satisfactory both to the farmer and t rancher? es HOT WATER BETWEES HAW egtern Liberal members at Ottawa on the one hand and the nment at Regina, with its offi- ion, on the other, Hon. Bob a warm against the rotecting y has for fighting in the same f y. In his address on the speech from the throne Hon. Frank Oliver laid the for the ndalous political de- y and robbery in the Macdonald election fa and squarely at the door of the Borden Government, where tliey belong, a seasons at Covent Garde 1776 Kight thousand British troops land- ed and took possession of Rhode Island. een err THIS IS MY 39th BIRTHDAY. Suzanne Adams Suzanne Adams, the noted operatic sin; er, was born in Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 28, 1873, and received her early education in Boston. Later she studied music in Paris, are she made her operatic debut as i singing for several or R den. role ix years, during which time Miss Ad- ang almost exclusively at Covent Gar- appearing in many leading operatic At the command of Queen Victoria ang a number of times at state certs at Buckingham Palace and- Windsor Castle. Miss Adams was last heard in America on the concert stage. In 1898 the singer was married to Leo Stern, the well known violoncellist. ; CONGRATULA TO: Earl Grey, former governor-general Canada, 61 years old today. of BUILDING LOTS . AtBargain Prices 50x150 ft, Dominion St 50x150 ft., Yuill St. 25x120 ft., in Altawana,... 2... .. 50 ft., Block 29, Central Park, : .. See us for bargains in City View. All these lots are money makers for you, WINTER Parsnips, Cabbage EDWARD J. PEWINGS AGENCY PHONE 90. NEWS BLOCK, Opp. POST OFFICE. Xmas Cards The Finest Assortment: Ever Show in the City OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 OCLOCK We are Loaning Money at 5 Per Cent. PER ANNUM TO OUR CONTRACT- Pingle s Drug and Boon Store * : : To Buy or Bulld Homes, To Pay Off Mortgages. To Improve Real Estate. INVESTIGATE OUR CONTRACT PLAN AT ONCE. THE (CANADIAN HIOME . INVESTMENT CO. LiRGEED i 225 Pacific Buflding, Vah- couver, B.C. IMPERIAL BANK BLDG. MEDICINE HAT, ALTA, Office Open Evenings Until Nine O'clock, DON* The Bartlett olution for the n photos in on Styles will make each one of whic preciated. Have 4 ING, There's your town: THE BARTI Four Wear Made To Order Shirts MADE BY F. LASTIMO Room News Block. We guar- antee satisfaction with every Shirt. We carry all the new- est and up-to-date styles and Patterns. A trial order ts all we ask, : Prices 1.25 6.50. ROOM 3, NEWS BLOCK 88-tr a P triciviciiicieieiieebeieiok lf R. 8. Taylor's Transfer and Hi Brompl Atention to al erders Piano Moving with Piano Van CONCRE ' 5) 116 MONTR Pho HONE NO. 349, Pebvinieininieleieieinininininlnfnfafed CONTRA HEAVY GRADING AN Gravel and Yulll: Street. Pp. You May Regret It that you did not give us your gar- ments to be cleaned and pressed, for our work is high class and our prices very moderate and other shops may not be as satisfactory, Let us show you what we can do with your clothes in the way of thorough cleansing and fine preas- ing work. THE GLOBE CLEAN- ING PRESSING co. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave, H. B. CURTIS 0. ; MEDICINE..HAT- Horse R Rear 832 -Fourt Dreamlat Single and of all descriy or hire. Horse or / livery at all HAY F Prairte Hay by Timothy by the * PHO CitySaleStables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale. LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING, Hay for Sale. e FRED McCLAIN PROPRIETOR OFFICE PUONE NO, 868, THE J. Contrac 108 TO Heaty Teaming. Exeavatiny Light and Heavy an E. Barth Municips Dominion and Al Industrial Water Supplies, Complete stock of Toilet Artictes Drng Sundries, Proprietary Medi- cines, etc. Dispensing of Physiciana' Pre. ta tr ing to save afew cents of scriptions a specialty, vealth: Many a large doctor's bill 204 Seuth Ry. 8+. Phone 75. has been the result. For cheap fam- B tCropetoeeeo ene ily washing the Medicine Hat Steam undry will give you the best re- jit, Some husbands place a penny fefore each eye, preventing wives ym having good health thereby. (MEDICINE, HAT STEAM LAUNDRY Phone Plas Room 14, Impe: Medicine Hat T. F. Reynolds. PAINTER, ETC. ae eee RN Latest samples In Wall Paper. 190 Bighth Ave Phone 600, Comer es Classified Colum
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Image 1008 (1912-11-28), from microfilm reel 1008, (CU1744699). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.