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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Hav DALLY NEWs. Satunda , November 908, 10194, rubbish or filth to accumulate, even in small quantities in their premises and if the mun- PEFECTIVE O08, 27, 1912... cipal authorities would see that the streets, : s Easthound. MA END lanes and Vvacant property are kept clear GOOD ard ve Train 1. r : 2 ro Nak, Weeas ROSAS: tatoos. luring the Winter and spring, the hot wea. her would bring to life very few flies and 20.05. 20.30 Toronto ve Toronto * y 418 40 Qe eh ae te stp, here wenld be very few bor into their 23,00 Local from Calgary, pesky existence during. the summer. Flies Westbound, ave breedefs and transmitters of disease Arrive Leave Trate, and. Terminal. and the best battle against death and dis- Led. Montr al Vancou went 1235 Yun buh. Potente to Veneauyan case 48 that-Wwaged early against. the fly. : B40 23,10 St. Paul-Seattle Exp. St. P. to Seattle. SWat the fly by not allowing it any place to ee a beautiful selection of 6.30 Local for Calgary. live and breed. These come a embroidered as aie a Termitial. : ns 4 gt; omni ids Bor ciemompwrtend oss mitin Umea ars nocmty ant: the wee 8.85 Soo-Spokane-Portiand Ltd, Portiand posal of the City Council to have public sigs . rn eat for Crantraok. the ae ae oe inka Cees os om for the ity w appro the citizens ey eee sik Spied soe SRO Lace generally. The grounds or rinks secured, 1417 4.80 Express from Kootenay Landing, the first necessity is efficient supervision. Note Trains 1 and 2 carry sleeping cars. only between It is not eno h to make the tinks and se BUILDING LOTS ALWAYS MAKE A PROFIT. DO NOT DELAY. 50x160 ft. Esplanade . 75x130 ft., Montreal St 50x130 ft- Elm St . 50x130 ft., Highland St. 50x130 ft., Lockwood St. 50x150 ft., Dominion St. 4 . 50x150 ft., Dominion St., corner . . 1300.00 50x130 ft., Chicago St...... 2.504 1050.00 76 ft. frontage on Park Avenue . . 1100.00 945, EDWARD J. FEWINGS ACEC T PHONE 90. NEWS BLOOK, Opp. POST OFFICE. * ae Winnipeg and Revelstoke, Nv, 11 and'12 00 not coine that the ice is kept in good shape. If some f BARGAINS STAMPED LINENS. : sy ee eee FORpGHH es ence Person s not in charge mene OES Cee iS of the vir to see that the recreation is : PYAL SOCIETY STAMPED: ead on propery, abuses more oe es Above prices only good fora few days - PACKAGE GOODS. ; Medicine, Hat Dews serious are bound to creep in and make the Pablisned: by the mene ak News Gea Lid, ever) TiNks of more harm than good. Ohildren' tawfal evening at its otice, Main Streey Medicine Hat, Alte. 22d young people cannot be left to them- A. J. N. TERRILL, E tor selves in play any wre than at work. Care- HONE: ful supervision is absolutely-necessary. hessreen and gt; Cireaiation and Gee Job Depen AS good as wheat is an old saying that, 1 RING RING 2 7 as far as financing is concerned, has DAILY sUBScRzrrion RATES had but little significance for the farmers i Titty delivered. -.- 490 2 year by mail... . 3.00/ of Canada. The farmer might have a gran- 2-mouthe, delivered..41:00 3 mothe, an hag ary full of No. 1 Hard, but the banker was 1 month, delivered....35e not allowed to see any value in it if the Addresses changed as ottea aa desired, bu: bots usw aud farmer wanted to raise-meney te-tide him old ad resser nat be given. over until he could get his grain marketed. 1 WEESLY NEWS. pe Aehiec ivern, Ts We Mate haoce saaeaaas It is hard to say what better security the CEEEG. lt; DAILY e k-Va estat ha) OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 GCLOCK , ntal 7 4/farmer could have for a loan: It is now * A Western bigineering Co. ee pea He ane ee proposed by the Canadian Government We are Loaning The Finest are prepared to undertake the supervis- months, fm advance Zoe 3/months, in advancs,.S0e that the Bank Act should be amended go as M t Assortment Ever ion of any railway, structural, municipal, ner SAR Toeeoceeees to permit banks to advance money on the oney ai Show ; irrigation or hydaulic construction Sur- Saturday, November 30th, 1912. See grain and Lee te isa Foad en OW in the i and right move, one that should have been weys, estimates, teports, specifications, PROTECTION OF GAS FIELD. taken long ago. city maps, ete. PER ANNUM Seen SS eae a - )/ THE eo panle of Medicine Hat and Southern - opaT: TO OUR CONTRACT- Ping Dees TEMPORARY OFFICES, HUTC IN BLOCK Alberta need have no concern as to PATE Oe B ee 3 g and Phone 867. ie cine Hat What attitude the Government of Alberta) November 30. tore 2 F8 will take in the matter of allowing the piping of natural gas from the fields here to points outside of the province. The com- pany being promoted by Mr. G orgeson of 1782 Franklin and his colleagues signed a preliminary treaty. of peace with Great Britain, ending the Revolu- tionary war. To Buy or Build Homes. To Pay Off Mortgages. To Improve Real Estate. Wear Made To x ee ne Calgary and others, having for its object 1861 Jefferson Davis elected President of HH E UEBEC B A N K the distribution of gas to Winnipeg and in- the Confederate States of: America. Charon rtae ae Order Shirts i tervening cities and thus operating outside 1892 Nicaragua Canal convention. opened ONCE. of this province, will doubtless secure a/ in New Orleans. THE ae Sit TEAR IN BUSINESS Dominion charter. Whether the Provincial - December 1. (CANADIAN HIOME F. LASTIMO SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. Government would be able to overrule the 1g95 Nicholas I. sueceeded to the throne Room 8, News Block. We guar- authority given by a Dominion charter and of Russia, Latters of Gredit and Money Orders sold, ee fo all parts of- Bi prevent that company from piping across 1859 Abraham Lincolti spdke at. Elwood, or tunnelling under the provingial road al- Kan, GENGRAL BANKING BUSINESS Se Jowances i8 a inatter of mere conjecture. 1994 Porfirio Diaz began his first term as IMPERIAL BANE BLDG: MEDICINE HAT. BRANCH Railways having Domirion charters do not President of Mexico, MEDICINE HAT. ALTA, seem to have any difficulty crossing provin- f Wash- Oftice Open Evenings TEMPORARY OFFICE, 394 TORONTO STREET cial road allowances. But if such should be * penn ona Tatapetie. OB atleast Until Nine O tock. Joun INWOOD, Manager. the case, or if there should. be any other Paris, hold the Provincial Government can get or i 2 ues the proposed operations of the compaiiy, THIS IS MY 46th BIRTHDAY. Sittititnniemniieiminiig R. B. Tayior s i the people of this city and gas field can rest Transfe r - fl . i INVESTMENT CO. 225 Pacific Building, Van- couver, B.C. antee satisfaction with every Shirt. We carry all-the new. est and up-to-date styles and Pataca. trial order tv alt Brives 1.25 6.50, ROOM 3, NEWS: BLOCK 88-tt in assured that it will be fully exercised: With eae : assurances that both the Federal Govern- Andreas Dippel. Ges T H E OY AL B A N K ment and the provincial authorities will Andreas Dippel, tke noted operatic sing- protect their interests, our people can sure- and manager: was born: in Cassel, Ger- OF CANADA ly sleep peaceably with full confidene that )Many, Nov. 30, 1866... studied music uu- INCORPORATED 1869, their fuel and light supply-will not be taken der noted teachers in Cassel, Milan, and Capital and Surplus... -.. .-. 24,000,000 from them by the ompany -which hopes to Vienna, and in 1887 made his debut as a Accounts of firms, eorporations snd nd indivigosle carried, on favorable ido go or any other that may develop similar 5ger at Bremen. His first American ap- hopes. : pearance was made three years later at the + HONE NO. 349, MEDICINE HAT BRANCH aie . Metropolitan Opera House in New York. : FOURTH AVENDE, C.-HEMeDUNNOUGH, Manager. REGINA STREET CARS. The next year he made an extensive con- 3 eee as cert tour of America and this was followed i ; ; sina PY 2 period of five years as a singer with ue iat Fee tne Domiaion Metr was fail Dmperiql Court Opera in Vienna. Since swing and Regina naturally reaped onsid- 1898 he has devoted himself principally ts a erable benefit, numerically, from the fact, the direction of grand opera, first of the pulation, when the figures were pub- Metropolitan company in New York and 6,460,000. - shed, a : , since 1910 as. general manager of the Chi- was announced as 30,000: That cago Grand Opera Company. You May Regret I that you did not give us yow ments to be cleaned and pressed, for our work is high class and our a : same week the guimeypal See oo eee prices very moderate atid other 6 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. was put into operation. hat it has become a shops ot be as satisfactory. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, a paying propesition within a year is shown THIS 18 MY 52nd BIRTHDAY. it ou show goa Sune aa ae B. G. WILKINSON, Manager. y the following despatch: with your clothes in the way: of feacias ga Hat Branch, Oy eet. Noy. 28. That the street rail- - .- Earl of Kenmare. thorough cleansing and fine press ; way system is being well patronized is evi- ee ea ee Poe a Hen ot nie woe : - dent from the showing made during. the Kenmare, whose chief claim to fame is the a . presenteyear For the first 10 months of fact that he is the owner of th famous THE GLOBE CLEAN- City SaleStables the year over 1,500,000 passengers were Lakes of Killarney and all the land that ) ING PRESSING CO. l yey, teams, Drivers, Saddle Tie THE MERCHANTS BANK carried on the street cars and the fare re- surrounds them: was born Dec. 1, 1860, and Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. Hacec for Salk : ceipts for the same period amounted to sueceeded to the title tipon the death of his i OF CANADA 7,111.75. In addition to the ordinary fave father Im 1905, He was efncated, at Eton LE ee ere: aa on cae BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. or + la and Oxford, served for a time in the army, Established 1964. 180 Branches tn Cai rece nis Hye adverse ee eye went to Australia as aide-de-camp to the Capital 8,000,000. the cars also resulted im a profit of 2,8 FRED Me Total Assets (Nov. ne is over 81,000,000. and the earnings were further enlarged to governor -general, was state steward to the CLAIN Gc PHOmE 8. PROPRIETOR general Banking Transacted. pectal otua i vas 18,27(),- Harl of Aberdeen during the first term of 4 : * ge Accounts. em - pote SEPM on Gaga tion, age 8227 the latter as lord licutenant of Ireland, and p W. OJ0Y, Manager: : 2 t - 4 Medleine Hat Branch When the street car service was first in- married Elizabeth Baring, daughter of St hebiteieeir sugurated there Was much specuJation as Lord Revelstoke, of the famous banking A ADVERTINE EN NEWS to whether br not they would pay their w firm of Baring Brothers. The Ear of Ken- E. M. CAWKER, Not only havesthe street cars paid theirjmare is known as the most prominent and but they hayg also shown a substan- influential Roman Catholic in the Trish j i Phm. B. 5 a 5 surplus. Up to the end of October the pecrage. 5 Drussist A : OLSON CO actual surpluson operation W 8,270.35. Rida GSA TiOna' SD: Semple Hock of Tole aici ee CONGRATULATIO ial Wen wir HEALTH oe Propri STARVE THE FLY. . William J. Roche, Minister of the Inter- ing of Physicians Pre 886 TORO NTO ST. Real Esiate. - Insurance,, ag EMPLOYME NT AGENTS. J * trytog scriptions a specialty. ior in the Dominion ministry, 52 years old) Beieeee. * tee Sents of Py * 204 South Rv. St. Phone 1529- ACCORDING to the fiy fighting committee today.- Se Ra seccencap tee. 7 of the Amerjean Civie Association, the Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Ad- see Serer renee tetoese: best way to swat the fly is to starve him to miralty in the British ministry, 38 years ta Beem Medicine: Hist: gtsam death. A person might go even farther and old today. sala say that the best time to kill next summer s Her Majesty Queen Mother Alexandra, flies is this coming winter and spring. 1/68 years old today. i eae give you the best re- husbands piace a penny eye, preventing wives good health thereby. CINE HAT ee LAUNDRY Phone 8 T. F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETc, Latest samples in Wall Paper. 120 Eighth Ave, Phose 634, each individual in eagh community were) Louis Lavergne, member of the Senate aa THE NEWS careful during the winter not, to allow any of Canada,,67 years old today. ,
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Image 1024 (1912-11-30), from microfilm reel 1024, (CU1744713). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.