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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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COAL co oy Galt Stove, Ea and Biacksmith s Coal. Large or small quantkles ebipped to any station. WE ESTAS So Decided Coron Into Death of F man, on a locomotive owned by Frou evidence giv 9 tt gible tov uscortnip SFack before ths soctdent from allblame; and main lt;on the main - line Monday, Nov. 25, withou fort That James Cain and Herbert H. Blower came to thelr decthy by Being Killed wane performing their duties as enginevr and fire- the'G..P. R, cause unlyowa. hiapoe From corrovorative evidence subrairted regarding the speed of the train xovorate James Cain and H. H. Flower and the train crew further consider the C. P. R. negligent in allowing the derailed ear to re track Tiade fo revue DE TONES SPE Members,of Train Grew are Exonerated Blame C.P.R. Censured. p00) Mr. fae u ohm 39, r treze Mr. using Price, the Dr, railed c4yy as evidence tted tahowed gajcelement of in No; * using sif track as. maja track. As Atter hearini last night to tugulre tnt of the death of th Phe court toom was packed to suf- and foation .with railroad men, friends of the deceased: were present, gave testimony. J. Mahatfy represented the Cain estate; JW. Hugill, eolicttor, Calgary; claims agent, representing the . R. Dr. Boyd presided. - Dispatcher First Witness. ' Jan eastbound freight teported that. pont ORY The Bartlett House Mov EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING . GONCRETE WORK. - J.J. LAIT 116 MONTREAL STREET : Phone 260. F, S. LYON CONTRACTS: FOR HEAVY TEAMING QEADING AND EXCAVATING Gravei and Sand for Sale Yall Street. Phone No. 418 P. 0. Box 81. S. MEDICINE HAT LIVERY COMPANY -Horse Repository Peaeo rors tig 3 corvette Single und double outfits of all descriptions for sale or hire. livery at all times. i HAY FOR SALE, Prairie Hay by the load. . No. + Fimothy bythe bale or ton. PHONE 703. - OFVICE PHONE STABLE PHONE NO. 368, M02 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS . Contracting Co. 1 . Bartlett. Municipal Engineer, Dom : and Alberta Lani Surveyos p Tp ustrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation Plans, Xtc, Studio has the best solution for the Gift problem, A doz- en photos in one of our. distinctive atyles will make twelve Xmas gifts, . each one of which is sure to be ap- preciated. Have the BEST or NOTH- ING. 3 disabled car was on the main track near Fitzgerald. He immediately put ut an order to all trains which read: Disabled car on- main track between switches at Fitzgerald. AN trains u passitg track as main track and pull through cautiously. This order was annulled till 14.45 on Monday. As far as be knew the Oriter was not re- peated. He did not know whether How would-the car'be protected; OP any rea iuzner couldn't aay. ing out of order? that. About twelve trains, including four passenger trains he said went around the wreck. Mr. Hugi Cain estate, asked few questions minor Importanog. Conductor Wate: Of the train, who left the car on the aid the witness, mede an pi to tock tne switcher at- them for tuo sidetrack, Courictor Reever, who w: eargevor u ord golmg couth, Cain: Leaving Seven Persons, later they went them for the steam. He then ran look Went to Seven Persons to send 15 Miles an Hour. en Persons. Their running time, b n Persons, the wreck it was-3.58. To Juror Patterson witness sai to spike it. was Perfect. over the sidetraak? No, I don't. gt;, the moon was shining alittle. or 15. mile Yes, but I don t ing)ms fast as by Gen. evidence for five hours and deliberating on it for one hour the Coroner's jury which met the cause two engineers 'g Wreck, returned the Bight of the twelve witnesses who Prince, Gen. Supt, and R. Bodkin, J. AL Mi dispatcher, was the first witngag calied. He sald that about 18.28 Ssturday evening, 23 inst., not an effort had been made to re- move the car. He turned the matter over to the proper authorities. Sun- day, going west, Reeber and Cain re ceived a copy of that order, and ale returning from Lethbridge. To fore- man Patterson he sald that the acci- Anything about the headlight be- I wouldn't know anything about If of the C.P-R 1, on and Mr. M yam representing the y, and jeoming back ou 14517 ue received the Same order regarding the wreck- ed car. He gave the order to Engineer he was checking up the train. He was pass- ing from one car to the other when the brakes went on. A second or so into. emergency, seemingly He was against the door. He didn t Know how he got out. He went to the engine and called sim- amie a couple of times to try and find the enginemen. He: couldn't see for his crew. When he called they yelled Altight, and crawled up through the side of the car, He then news of the, wreck. When he came back: he saw the bodies of the two dead nginemen right by the firebox. The train at the time was golng about 15 miles per.hour, he said, and running fifteen minutes Ite at Sey- tween Fitzgerald and Seven Persons is 8 minutes. At 345 they left Sey- and- when he came to himself and looked at his watch aftet the safest way to fix the switch was The switch, he thought, Do you think the,engineer was running at too high a speed to go It was a frosty morping. He thought Do you think that the engineer slackened down to that speed of 14 mn hour gaing through think he was go- of the Was produced Supt. Price. This was and a the siding not th: ning t. order a A P. didn t sot out a leave se Mr. curve No, or senge: up to wrong of me Iw entled certify switch. marks sarily ed out. fo the of. the cars in speed. Engi ed to the ru to in gine tui worse JoD. e- N fd a M trace prove gary. aut Wal to the conductor gad the piled: that he saw Bis Wrecks Dappen whrie wrecks at bigh speed tgrson hig statement that th speed of enough. He had seen cars piled as DMigh wa telegraph poles while going slower, you failroad men around car by the sidetrackt that-they might have passed over them if they had not sproad too much without wreck. Brakeman Wsllace was in the bag- Bage car when he heard the brakes go on. the cay bumping over the tles, Wit- Ress tg Mr. Patterson sald that he did Said he thought the brakes were ap- plied 200 yards back. As to speed he thought 12 to 15 miles an hour, He Conductor Reeber was recalled on request of Mr. Patterson. If an engine running at an ex- 8 cessive (speed, wouldn't it, in youn) the case experience as an cld railroad mS tmurder of Killed in last winter. B ribatiie aWhns the tire. men uadoncard dhe words they Giovanetti ti Gentlemen In my opinion it would. point? James K. Smith, Lethbridge, a pas- .) witness called after the hearing had adjourned five minutes for a rest. Ee said that he was in the first class car. He is at ex-railroader, and was, gine reversed. abled car on the main track Ww. feet trota the end of the switeh, The wrecked ehgine was 196 /eet'from the Was 12 feet from the frog. made by ahy of the cars, not neces- ard, and train could make twelve miles an hour over it, through sidings or the rate of speed. He knew of no rule in the ritle book. Mr. Hartley: said that while going at 35 miles an hour a Year ago his en- and Gar also the lquor habi time by the Neal Tregyment. jen who have tri d time and time again to give up drinking, falled, will tind in the Neal Treatment the assistance thoy require. The Neal Treatment is an absolutely safe cure consisting of a purely vegetable compound taken intern All correspondence strictly confidenti: ae o and he ndition of the cars, Higilt waked bhn if when he ho havoe. caused to the care he dis mind-ag to the speed oF ein? ryplleo abe witness, He said travelled ate ematt Maiutty here objected to the Of thy plan: presented by) Mry Reeber reicevated 0 Mr. Pat bis time slow train was at Roya: Is it a common thing for to have to run 3 it's the first for some time. to Spread rails witness said to to in that Atont minute'or minttey nat aoes not. halt later be was thrown by The car was then on the over the switch before he felt 4.4 for he ink that the engineer was run- -..,, oo fast, but was obeying the to run slow. To Mr, Hugill he think it was more. When he tof the Car it was oer in line LA with the fence. Conductor Hecalled ure the track at ihe point? Hugill: Would further on rather than the the point, replied Reeber. on the train, was the next , A six Years ago, connected with the bridge and building department. 292 s id: He judged that the train was gol 36 or 40 miles an hour crossing the bridge this side of Seven Persons. band 8 i Se as 5 tate Peat Beton, she ler ohstho trike OF bay eakka - Lawrence, and-chir? centre of inter M EAVerieL: Tastenity fei ceouta est that hae axoused yoril-wide:af- feel the car plunging in a back and) tetion, addressed the jo forward motion. When he realized there was something wrong he I thank you thought the train speed would be but in the name of my companions. about 20 miles; it might tave been T also feel 25, When he got out of the car it eo was np in the siding. An ordinary application of the brakes could have besn niade without him nocicing It Say was a sudden jam. it might this but Soans, restdent-engtrces, wae on tehal of tae C, Pick. tof to the mrp presentetl. Toe dts- tion, the The first. mark on any tie These might, -however, have been the engine, the coroner point. Withess vafd that the curve siding was an ordinary stand- The position mafl, Baggage and express dicated to him a high rate of jary, No Rales Governing It, ineer Charles Hartley was call- Bive the coroner eyidence on les governing tle running repl the ned over, tender left the rails able It might have been going even at lower speed. the Cotton, rokd foreman of en- YOU CAN B Of The DR eal Three Day jundreds jn in Wetsern Cana: ally no ployed in this treatment. The Neal Treatment leaveggno ba after-effects, Qn the contrary it restores the body to a normaf gondition and thoroughly of alcohol from the system. The short length of time required salso. an important feature of the Neal Treatment. You lose scatceiy any time from your office or wrk, and even the three days time required 1s quickly counterbalanced by your imt- ental and physical condition. Do not wait another day, but write at once to the Neal Institute-Co; Ltd. 1. 20 Thirteenth Ave., West, Cal- Slow speed, A thine. ands mobs No, the reason is We are con- stantlywarcled, and then we try to Jength gt;totd cr the precautions taken couldn't say-how long It would take track? asker Mr. Mahafty, this Mr. Price replied Yes, and ad- The jury then retired at one o'clock and returned at 2 otlock with their verdict, name of justice tion, I thank suv. and now tha: le is freeman he May it please the court; thanks we offer are not only ours, ofase. * The jury entered the court 2 prisoners, each wearing a red carna- Quinn ascended the bench at 8.04 and asked if the jury had agreed upon a verdict. We have, said the foreman as he thanded it to th court bailiff, Jos. Caruso, manded Clerk George. As Caruso obeyed the clerk called: Caruso, face the jury; jurymen look at the prisoner. guilty? Not guilty, Ettor and wise commanded to rise and again guilty for each defendant. The jury which for more than six weeks listened to the evidence in this not- farther service The jurors filed out of the building Treatment who are today struggling against could free themselves from this awful curse in three days Pisin, oaid that train colng at a PRG Fate of specd will not stop ta hort when emergency, brake is applied as if running slowly, He sald thata train of five Gate Fim one hundred and ten foot while making 16 miles ao hour If emergan- application of Drakes was made, He constdered tt sate for to-make 26 nilles an hour over the switch. AD experienced twenty, He sald, looking at the plan, that engineer wouldn't try thought that the train was mak- ing more than 16 miles an hour, He Tudgea this from the distance the Car Went past the engine: Gen, Supt. Called, Gep, Supt. Price took the box to reply to a migtement of Conductor Reaber re speed. He said ne koown Of gecidents travelling at train degeending a grade wilt a heavy: tran will suffer reore davan than will a train rons ning at igh speed under other con- ditions A 5 Arte she car belng there for some tiny, he sald, they doy not make practice af sdnding thelr men out on Sund y unieag it was on the. mala had of our men as. possible maldered the safeguard ivcins at this point. He repatr the broken car, Mg there not an element of danger using a sidetrack as a main track obtain to the main and to that he liad known dt to be done five months. To 3r Patterson said the, men might have been t out oa Sunday to repair cars. BOR LEAVERS ARE FOUND AT GUILTY sepa J. Bttor, Art- and Czniso for the a Lupizzo, who was tence wextile strike riot Gsovanet. ing hem from the charge, wracee and kissed each other. prt ig to his feet. of the jury, he said, face beam'nc -vitk joy; im the truth and civilize 3 ho sat, dowa the ourt interpre- ed Sacco, rose for Caruso Caruso desires me to: that he warts to taank you all st he wrs ianocent of the; said, aot only for myself, iny .d to thank the fof tie fair o.aner in which trial has been ducted. The in. the name of the working Immediately thereafter, the , were brought to the centre of room. All were smiling. Judge stand up. com gt; Gentlemen of , is Jos. Caruso guilty or the not. Was the unanimous iy. Gjovanetti were like jury chorused a. verdict of not had trial, was then excused from with the thanks of court. E CURED NK Habit. and hypodermic Injections belig em- removes every . to stir up the agent and make him earn his commissi the field all to yourself. LISTING PROPERTY For The Man Who Has - Real Estate to Sell Tf you want an agent to rent your house, don t leave the key with him, that would simplify the matter too much, as he would not earn his salary. Require hi mto climb the corner of the house and look in at the windows to see if the house suits. Should you want him to sell a piece of pro don't give him your best figires and terms.. This will enable you to undersell the agent and save the commission, and you can get the benefit of the advertising he has done. The agent. does not care for that, he can live on knot holes. y + If there is a flaw in your title, be careful not to tell the agent about it; He'll find it out when he attempts to close the sale. This will delay or spoil the sale and enable you to hold the property longer.. This also has a tendency. Visit your agent every day and urge him to make a spetial effort to sell your property.. He will probably advertise your property then as a special bargain and create demand for it. Then when he brings you a buyer tell him there is so much demand for the place that you have concluded not to sell at the agreed price, He will likely make you pay the commission, but the warmth of feeling which will be engendered between yourself and the agent and the increased respect he will have for you as a business man will probably be worth more than it costs you. t One of the finest schemes in the world is to list your property with all the agents in town. Then none of them will make any effort to sell it, and you will have the field all to yourself. You may not make a sale, but you will have Find out, if you can, whom the agent is trying to sell your property to, and go to the party and offer to throw off the agent s commission. You can save enough in this way to buy a new suit, It ay be a LAW suit but it will wear well. When your farm is ten miles from town, one half subject to overflow and the other half a good foundation for toboggan slides, list it as first-class bot- tom land. The agent will find out what it is when he brings out a customer. Of course he will not make a sale, but he needs fresh air and the horses need exercise. If he has been in the,real estate business very long, he will not get mad at a trifling thing like this. Should you have nothing to sell, and no more money than a rabbit to buy with, tell the agent you want a good farm and a nice town zesidence. After enjoying a half dozen free rides, tell him you don t want to buy now, but will think about it. This helps the agent to cultivate a spirit of patience and humility and prevents him from becoming puffed up and arrogant. : LISTINGS WANTED. AGREEMENTS OF SALE PURCHASED. Hollinger Agency ON M: COUSINS AN Block 30, Lots 3946.00, terms. Block 3, Lots: 2 ive, 200.00 eat HARRIE Block 4, Lots 1 price 300.00 Block 6, Lota: al torms, ot) BEM Block 18, Lote 4 ive, corner. terms. Block 23, Lots 2 Hve: 350.00 Block 27, Lots 2 ve, 350.00 ea ALTAY Block 4, Lots 38 7 M ) 3100, TOWNSILT Block 52, Lot (Main. Street.) We want your them bad. Cal DONALD Boom 1, Be Reale TOWN 61 ft on Toront 8000 handt 50 ft. corner in Terms. HER 76 ft: in Block RIYERSID Tots 13 and 14 i Usual. Lots 33 and 3 1050. . Usus Lot 26, 27, and 3425 each. Lota, 29-30 in B 1000, Usu and were cheered by the crowd of mill workers in the street. When the jurors had left, the court announced to Caruso that there was another charging him with assault with deadly weapon with intent and that the court would release him on his own recognizance. Midland, Ont., Nov. clasay, an Austrian, I here and tsken to Depot Harbor yes terday on the charge of attempting to murder Robert Lockard, who is in 4 precarious condition at his home. The trouble-was the outcome of jealous rivalry between Lockard and Glyclasay and of visiting Lockard and his wife. There was a vrangle between two men. Glyclasay drew a razor, it is said, slashing him and severing the artery im his eft arm. He . al- most bled to death befor the doc- indictment against dim, tor arrived. to kill Michael Carry of Steemans and A. J. Hunter of Rainy River were drowned in the river near their BAD ROW. 26. A. Gly- was arrested gary, will be taken to Toronto face u similar charge. next House of Representatives will be: Democrats, 29 and Progressives, 138, Listings Wanted. the latter is accused Xuill and Powell. the * OakesEverard Co. REAL ESTATE. The political classification of the 865 1-2 MAIN STREET, PHONE 5:6 Republicans See us for good buys in Hill, North eg Subscribe now for The Daily News 'SUSSCRIBE NOW for the Dally Naws, SOME RE REAL E NORTH. 100 fi. corner, 3 0 ft on, Block TOWN 50 ft. corner, 50 ft. in Block HER 80 fL corer, D 50 t. in Block COUSINS AX a 095 Seas eee Ss foetees fe oe st os se e 0-4 . Free to Someone sete s ee 2. eP 08 os . 2 So-efo-s eereeteaeay : seT Oq OOFeNTEA g a a WOULD YOU LIKE THIS BEAUTIFUL PIANC AS A PRESENT . WE SHALL POSITIVELY TO SOME OF OUR CUSTOMERS. Come to our store, seo and try this splendid instrument, We will tell you all about our plan of giving this piano away. This is a present worth having. This pianos of the celebrated Upton make It carries the manufacturers Ten Year Guarantee. We cordially invite your inspection. Votes given on all purthases at our store. 3,000 votes given with cach year's subscripwion to th Dally News, n w or renewal. 1,500 yotes given with each yeat a subscription to the Weekly News, now or renewal. Marshall itchell Hardware Co. s SoSoedr dinate sineiotsesiooesete shoes CoG eee See sea sie sip aie ieee ea 4 tt. in Block 5 1650: 100 ft. corner, : CENTRA BO ft. in- Block 60 ft. in Block : 16 Fourth Ave. + ANDERSON eee iete so a REAL + Phone 891. Off We * + Fall is oe AND 80. IS HO oe TO HAVE YOUR ( - BY THE NEW CESS. COSTS L OLD WAY AND WE CLEAN TI THE FLOOR A ALL GERMS W OR TEAR TO . Gas City Vacuu Phen Oilim J.C, 1 Phone 660, CROSSLE Builders.
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Image 1004 (1912-11-27), from microfilm reel 1004, (CU1744696). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.