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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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in 1913 EVERY DAY. Find Out About it - Population REDOLIFF 18 NOT BOOMING BUT IT IS GROOWING MIGHTY FAST, AND THE MOMENTUM IS INCREASING HOUSE - 25, O00- in P yuildined etc. A LARGE BUILDING COMPANY HAS FURGEAREH suet LOTS AND WILL ERECT TWENTY HOUSES ON THE SAME. ANOTHER BUILDER HAS PURCHASED TWENTY LOTS AND WILL ERECT TEN DWELLING HOUBES. FIVE MORE. LARGE STORE BuDINGs ARE TO BE STARTED IMMEDIATELY, ALSO A LARGE aP Redcliff Realty Company Limited REDCLIFF, ALTA. Stoner, Lockwood Wheeler, Limited (Stoner Agency ) letters M. P. after his name it will be by. the suffrage of an Ontario con- tituency, and very likely s Western Ontario riding at that, for Hon. Mr. Sifton is originally Western Ontar- Jo-man. CLIFFORD: SIFTON ANXIOBS FOR SEAT INTHE COMMONS Former Minister of the Interior May Seek Elec- tion in Western Ontario. UNDER WHAT COLORS Ir Is Not KNOWN. Present Drip to to England is to Consult Eminent Spe- Gialists Regarding His Deafness. Ottawa, Dec. 9. Considerable in- terest attaches to ths departure for England this week of Hon. Clittord Sifton in view of the constanttum- or that he will before long rs-enter the political field. It is understood that his present trip to England is for the purpose of consulting one of the most eminent doctors of Europe with regard to his deafness, and that, ff not entirely cured, he will, at east ht: greatly tenetlieds Place your orders now for the, The story that e current here ia NeM big handsomely Mlustrated 1n- that Hon, Mr. Sifton is anxious to dustrial number. Over sixty pages. get back into the field where he was e dy by the first of the year. so long national figure. But it will Foster s Shoe Repairing Depart- not be as a Western member that he ment is saving others money. Why will reappear. If he again bears the not yout tt McGregor Berry Real Estate and Insurance ACREAGE Some choice SRR for subdividing. Call and see us. HERALD Block 1, tacing Esplanade, 1500.00 pair. Terms. Block G, facing Esplanade, 2600.00. One pair. Block 15, one pair, 1600.00. Block 4, on Toronto St. 125 feet. . See us. Block B, 100x150 corner, Barclay St and West Allowance. Good apartment site. Under What Flag. The colors under which he will be found offer, of course, a matter for some speculation. It is pointed out that during the reciprocity campaign he always declared himself a Liber- al, but opposed to the pact-with the United States. He will be like the of- ficer of the Titanic, who declared that he had not left his ship, but that his ship had-left him, Hon. Mr. Sifton has, of course, not been idle during that period of his absence from the Commons. As chair- man 6f th -tommission on conserva- tion Tie has brought along a great national movement, and given to its organization the same energy and skilful management that he gave to a regular department of Government in other days. Just how Liberals would regard his entry Into politics again may be im- agined: He has been, during his time, both their hero and: their wrecker, their boast and their abhorrence. He ig not Ikely to proye their needed help in their day of adversity. COUSINS AND SISSONS Block 22, tacing school, 1050 pair. path Block 25, per pair 900.00. igs 3 Block 33,-one pair only, 850.00. , CENTRAL PARK Block 5, corner, 200x125, 4000.00. : * Block 15, one pair) 1350. neg LET CANADA'S SOS MAN CANADA'S SHIPS So Says N. W. Rowell, the Leader of the Opposition in the Ontario House. Galt, Dec. 6 N, W. Rowell, K..C., leader of the Ontario Liberal Party, addressing the Galt Club, a non-palit- feal organization, on the Canadian Autonomy and Imperial Unity ques tion, touched on Hon. Mr. Borden's naval policy. -He said: In view of the great burden Great Britain is now cai 6 in naval de fense, 4 burden inyolving the gift of her sons to man her ships, as well as of her money to maintain them, in view of the great demands on the British exchequer for moneys to carry out important schemes of social re- form, I cannot but profess my owa great personal regret that Canbda is not manning and maintaining-as well as giving these Greadnoughts, Why should we impose on the British people and the British exchequer the obligation of manning and maintain- ing ships, when Canada is well able to do so for herself?, In view of statement that Great Britain has been compelled to withdraw her naval forces from the outposts of the em pire, in order to.strengthen the forces at the center and that she is not able to maintain naval forces, either in the North Atlantic or in the North Paci- fic, where admittedly such forces are needed, T cannot but express my per- sonal regret that Canada is not now undertaking to carry out the naval agreement of 1911 between Great Britain, Canada and Australia, where- by Canada assumies the responsibility for haying the, forces necessary both in ships and men, to protect these naval bases, 'to fly the white ensign on these seas, to protect the trade routes a8 well as the honor and ty of the empire, just as tae now doing in Australian waters, For ovet twenty-five years Great Britain hag been asking us to take part in the nayal defense of the em- pire. Surely the people of Canada have had time enowgh to make up their minds, our naval pol- ft 12 not neces- statement of flo of the address B was a most inst delay and may I express if the government. windortake te manning and main- ing of thesghips which t is pro- yulld arid definitely to as- ponsibility on behalf of Pacific as provided fm the terms o naval agreement of 191) SIR EDWARD CLOUSTON LEFT TWO AND A HALP MILLIONS. Montr al, Dec. 9 The tate Sic Edward Gouston of the Bank of Mon- treal left ag- state Of approximately. 2,500,000. With the exception or a codicil dated November 2 Just, ty which he bequeathes 20,000 to his niece, Miss Edna. Glouston, the en- tire estate is left ta be divided be- tween his wife and Bis daughter Mor- Jory. The Royal Trust Company ot Montreal is named a his trustee and executor. FIVE MURDERERS TO PAY ae PENALTY Salem, Ore., Dec. 9 This is to be hangman's week at the Oregon State penitentiary, five murderers being foomed to pay the death penalty there next, Friday. Several of the condemned m n bav been under death sentence for many months, thelr:-executions being delayed until the voters of Oregon passed upon the Broposal to abolish the death pensity fat Iast month's election. The refer- endum showed a substantial majority n favor of hanging, whereupon Gov- rnor West, though. personally op- Gio Posed to capital punishment, declared that he would proceed with the exe- cutions, The five men slated to forfeit their lives on the scaffold are: Frank Gar- rison, convicted of killing Roy Per- kins in Coos county; Mike Morgan, convicted of killing John York in Josephine county; Noble Foulder, convicted of killing Louia Gilbert in Klamath county, amd John Taylor, convict d of killing Donald Stewart and George Hastings in Multnomah county. Several other murderers are in the State prison under death sen- tence, but in their cases appeals to the supreme court have acted as a stay. BULL MOOSE LEADERS IN CHICAGO Chicago, 11, Dec, 9 The execu- tive-committee of the Progressive Ni tional Committee met today and com- pleted all arrangements for the na- tional conference of third party lead- ets to begin here: tomorrow. Numer ous Progressive leaders from various pats of the country have already ar- rived in the city, an Senator Joseph H, Dixon, chairman of the national committeo and leading spirit in the round-up of the Roosevelt, followers, Believes that the atfepdan e. is Mkely to exceed expectatins. The cqufer: ence. will gpend several days in,tak- img. stock and digetissitg platis for carrying on the work of the Progres- sive organizationtadring the next four years, A speech by Colonel Roose- Velt is expected to enliven the pro- ceedings, CALGARY COLLEGE WANTS 10 BECOME A REAL UNIVERSITY Edmonton, Deo. 9. The Board cf. Governors of Calgary College will apply a the next session of the Legis- ldture for the following additions and amendements to ts act of incorpora- tion: (a) To change the name Calagry College to University of Calgary. (b) For power authorizing the con- ferring of degrees and the granting of Certificates of Proficiency in all branches of learning, except The: ogy, and prescribing the clrcum- stances under which all Degrees so granted may be recalled, cancelled or suspended, and maMfng provision for the necessary procedure therefor. (c) To make provision for a Chan- eeilor and Vice-Chancellor and to prescribe the method of election ana the duties of each, (a To provide for an increase in the number of the Board of Gover- nors and in the number which shall constitute a quorum, and to provide for-an increase in the number neces- sary to exercise the corporate powers. (e To empower the Senate to make arrangements with any incorpStated Society of Association heretofor or hereafter established for conducting examinations of such incorporated Society or Body Corporate and all other things. necessary or incidental thereto and to provide for the repre-. sentation on tbe Senate of such fn- corporated Society or Association. ( For such furth r and other am- endme nts and additions as may be found-necessary or considered, destr- able. LUOYD-GEORGE STILL POPULAR HERO proportion ate representation society this week conducted a model election and while the result 1s not regarded. sacivusly, considerable surprise was ocrarioned by the fact that Mr, Lloyd-George polled neafly twige as many votes as Mr. Bonar Lawfileader of the onpo- sition, av moment when the gov- erntifant was supposed to be in great distavor as a resuit of recent legis- lation With a view to enrolling voters a ballot paper Was inserted in 10 Lon- don and 28 provincial newspapers and on .th e, the names of twelve leading p ilficians, in various parties were given. The readers of the thir- ty-throg.mewspapers were invited to co-operate in securing a practical f1l- tem of proportionate representation. . As a result of the yote, which must be noted was purely voluntary on the part of the hewspaper read lt; poll with 22,778 votes; Mr. Bonar Law second with 11,867 aid Sir Bd ward Grey, foreign setretary, thitd, the government thus securing two of the first three places. KENTUCKY COUNTY OPTION ELECTION Somerset, Ky., Dec. 9. Pulaski Coulty, which embraces the cities of Somerset and Middleboro, will vote on the saloon. question tomorrow. The election will be the first under the new county unit Jaw. The pro- hibitionists have waged a vigorous fight and their leaders predict s ma- Sceae rote agataatetaier pberatlod) of th saloons. A.J, MEARTHUR'S WIDOW GIVES COLLEGE SITE Calgary, Dec. 9 As a site for a new Baptist college for Western Can- ada, Mrs, A. J, McArthur, of Calgary, widow of A. J. of his death a m Legislature for (Heichen, has made an offer to the Westerm Baptist Union of 10 acres within the city limits at Calgary, as a college site proper, and 30 acres outside the city to be used when the work has grown sufficiently to require it. The value of the gift is placed at 250,000 and the only at the time of the Alberta Chicago 57.25. icine Hat, or write to R. G, MeNEILLIE, District Pasi Home Visitors Excursions 2702 7 UNITED STATES gt; RETURN F: SRE FROM MEDICINE HAT Minueapolis or St Paul 41.25. Duluth 38.95. Kansas City 62.70. Corresponding fares to: many other points Tickets..on sale Detember 31, 1912. For turther particulars eall on T. A. Dobbin, T ket /Agent, Med- Sudden I Galder, q South With H ident ot Over 2 Friends of greatly shock of his sudde to California was known given him 6 but even me no suspicion grave appre) planned an the trip was that he inte itely, as the He was acco son and by her three da He had pi tire attentio: ture and ha tice. Dr. Calder County, Ont Ante James. Foon. J. a ceived his Public Scho yersity, con 1900 to Med DE. Oliv: 5 s pies ited eh
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Image 1083 (1912-12-09), from microfilm reel 1083, (CU1744714). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.