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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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out at Snap may come any day. 2 Our store is packed to the ceiling witht, 65 cents each Sizes 15, 1514 and 16 Only. We are ready for fare worth 1.25 and 1.50 will be ch THE FAIR? for That Change in the LEONARD FLANAGAN .. High-Grade Grocers, Dry Goods and Ladies W 81. . COMPACT USEFUL 5. 5. Moore S ene North Railway Street Phone 515 CORNER OF OTTAWA Your kitohen wants combined in one artic 2) cKinnon s Ss Ltd. 4 391 MAIN ST. ASK FOR GENUINE Buttemul: Bread * RICH AS BUTTER. Avoid Imitations. SWEET AS A NUT. ts Look for the Yab l. ) SiBWAY PUNS ARE ABOUT GOMPLETE Mayor Announces That En- Prect Has Three rope: sitions Ready. i SPECIAL MEETING LIKELY TO DEAL WITH THEM Many Matifrs Dealt With Ware More Important Financial Situation Bad. The matter of the subway plans was brought up at the council meet ing Inst night. Mayor Spencer stat- ed thmt the plans for three proposl- tions, a subway at River and Toron- to Streets and an overhead bridge at Ottawa Street were abgge. complet- j- but-that -as of each had not been arr As to delay of ubway matter ts ed that this year they had through a great deal of fm work, an the work more. fi Portzat tha the substi Te peerious matter. The may) a street railway next year Would have to have access other track over other than crossing. Before Jong the would be ready, amd then a meeting of the council will to deal with the matter. also have the complete lished 0H to give the p idea of what they are. The then . sp Joans, Was the paramount interest and they) ni Sala: Ansley mentioned the fact that we may have a mail delivery next Year. Coulter, and said that he hoped so, Ald. McClellan spoke of the tele- Phone system. it being as rotten as ever. to Gnce are to be the dividing lines. trom which the numbers streets and avenues Will run. STREET RAILWAY AGREEMENTS NOT BAGK, YET, Many. Times Special Meting) Gets It. people stated the mayor, at the th council meeting last evening, street railway agreement. I hat deen sending several wires about the it back. There is no way to hurry it back. Echave wired Mr. Perry ask- we will call a special meeting of coiincll to;consider it, pass upon Present i to the burgesses Provi ing, he added, at the suggestion of Ald. Brown; acceptable, The date Fecelve the reports of the various Tommittees is set for December sth, the fet cer For large returns from ual in- vestments Montros has. them all beat. tf Foster s Shoe Repairing Depart- m nt. is saving others money. -Why See, me person: Sf st-hand, infotma. ( sve A Montreal Street, Phone 809. length of thefiftanciat a viglion deal Mrs. Cam ing with the bond situation, bank Celve on Mc * The health of the city not again The River and West Road: Allow- ter, Mrs. H: Se of the) Mrs. A. We medicind dealers Medicine Co., Brockvi You Money; NORTH pF TRAC Lota 2, 3, 4, 5,713 and 14, 5. These lots face Bach, 000. soury YUILL only 1050, . Lot 4, Block 650. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Lots 6,7 and 8, Block 28, Al. bderta St. are on sewer. CENTRAL PARK lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 29) er Lawtom-and El. Paso Only 22008for this 7 corner. Lots 16 and 47. Block 15, Law ton St. 1050. E PARK Lots 11 to ipeg friends. California, thankful mothers telling A question of vital interest to the Bahy s Own Tablets bayedonoe. for Some praise them fs the for constipation, others for teething ir little ones. Investments Which. Will Make atreots, Briar, and Parl Ave. Lot 2, Block 14, Elizabeth 8: h 600, Thesc gas and water. Block 14, 500: 0 a eee fth, and had promised a good adequate system Mrs. D. Mobsad and Miss Ball Me- eee they intended to give Lean left this moming to. visit Win- Mrs. Geo. teas 8th Ave, be- tween Baplanage: and. Main, will re- The mayor then pak -of the com- ceive on munication he had- had: with Mr. terwards on each month. Mr. Willian ; The mayor-repied something abqut Ont., who is ee es a oa One of the rarkst treats for all mu- sic lovers will 6B had at the Eva oubles, and still others for vomit- ays: e house and now ine. ffhe tablet pare sold mail at nts a box from , Ont. Just a Few MONEY MAKERS COUSINS AND SISSONS 50 feet, Block 29, 785, terms. 50 feet, Block 4, 946 terms. BENDING Ko tect Block 23. eas terms. 50 feet, Block REALTY Co. MEDICINE HAT Fire, Life, Accident, Hall and Plate Glass Insurance. Ting, indigestion an the many other agreement, as we are anxious to have ills of babyhood and childhood. We have received thausamds of Jetters ali giving praise. Mrs. W. G. Crowe, L think. very ing him when he would be in the Midland, On : city with As soon: as: he a of. Baby's Own ablets. T gave them to my baby troubled with constipation ami they helped her so much I alwaye-keep them in other med- by 25, Dr. Williams between nomifnation and electfon Arrangements have made for pays. 450 reserved seats for the Eva My- Jott concert and tickets may be secured at Pingle s Deg Store, or HILO i Ae Sulckly ss cours heals League. Syqpeme Te cot What is a VOLTEM ROLL? 8t row who Rev. the is th marl Ho or will exchange for real estate. Ap- ply to Hotson aad Leader. 1 B. On the new It's Roast with win- the best American makers. Reg- ular 5.50; ee EVERYBODY SINGS gir. Capt. Oke to-have another old song or two throws on the canvas at the Dreamland ing any church. Meeting ommences gt 7.30 Special Presbyterian Church tomorrows, ae service? being conducted. by Shearer of Toronto. The ehoir under leadership of Mrs. Evans, yill-render special musie. Plant yotir money ix Montrose; it Some Choice INSIDE PROPERTY 35,000, terms, Lots 25, 26 and. 325,000 terms, Lots 23, 24, Block 8,000, terms Lot 3, Block 23, 6500, terms, 100 ft... Block 4, 9500, terms, 84 ft., 2100, terms, 50 ft, Block-96. 2100, terms, 50 ft, Block 13, 3000, terms, 50 ft. enrner, Blk, 1750 pr, terms, 100 ft, Block 1150 pr., terms, 250 ft, Block DRG STORE, unities such a8 these to save money. 60 Pairs Women's House Slippers made from English wool felt in neat plaid pattern with a roll collar and- leather covered felt soles. Regular 1.26; Men s Felt Cold Weather Shoes With felt. soles. The shoe made, Regular 3.75; Special .. + 295. Men s Tan Vici Kid Pullman Slippers With elastic sides. Regular 2.50; Special .. ... ... .. 1.85 Boys Box Calf School Shoes Williams make. Every pair guar- anteed to give good service Sizes 11 to 13, ...:. 1.85 Larger Sizes, 1 to 5, 2.10 Button Same as cut. ler welght soles; made by one of ee Lace Shoes 60 Pairs McPherson s : With Cuban Gunmetal Calf Women s One-Strap weight soles. Working Shoes House Slippers tne 4.25; Sense e ter eer: ae fad With low heels in vici kid Jeather. Si : ee eae: guaran Regular 1.76; Special... 2.2.2. 2 React oeree 2.65 Special... 1... ... 1.35 CHILDREN S WARM HOUSE SLIPP TER S SHOE STORE, A Goo PLACE TO BUY SHOES. x KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. AT DREAMLAND. - Preaching services have been mado by morning at 11, and in the evening at 7.30. At ths morning service the pastor will deliver the second sermon. of a series on the 23rd Psalm. The Faia. E. at St., Thursday afternoo Hench, Pasto. meeting tomo. night. Last seas meeting King Saul at the Witch's Cave. Bible: School: Primary Dept. Secondary Dept. at 3. Ch tice Wednesday evening at 8. are not in the brbie al attend: Week prac- What is a VOLTEM ROLL? Foster s Special Shoe Values or Saturday and Monday o many people not being able to get waited on we will extend our Satur. y tillour store ig enlarged, Economical shoe buyers can not Women s Vici Kid On the new lasts in witter weight. Regular 3.75; Women s Gunmetal RS With ankle straps, made 'from English wool felt with leather covered felt soles, Speeial, sizes 4 to 7, 45c.; Sizes 8 to 10, 55c; Misses sizes, 11 to 2. . . + 65e. MAIN STREET next Sabbath Will meet with Mrs. Houses for sale on easy payments theme of the evening discourse ill 9F Will exchange for real estate. Ap- ply to Hotson Leader. 2.45 heels and winter All sizes. Regu- 8.30 (One pair to a customer.) Junior . B. Friday evening Batt evening service Thursday. evening at Kalser s Old Timer 0c Cigar. at St John's g the setvices im . McGregor of Toronto, and pal Service By Rev. Dr. REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST TYPE OF BREAD MADE. ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE You. PHONE 560. . soe ge on the tt for sale on easy payments best profit winner a ena rere mr err err oo a Montreal St. Bakery MITCHELL S HOME-MADE BREAD 64-tf OLD TOWNSITE 27, Block: 22. 22, (with house). facing Braemar St. (cor. Bik. 59 HERALD (Toronto St.) 18 1* 21 oF 400, terms, 50 ft, (Hightand St.) 650, terms, 26 ft. Baek Cro ronto St.) F.SOU Block 20, .W. Ireiand Street. Of. Canned Fruits NOW IN STOCK. Those are guaranteed to be FANCY SELECTED STOCK packed in heavy syrup. Packers Code Portwood Canning Co., San Co. Phone 54. ot the Week No extra cha vortisers. VOL. 3-N ENGINEE throttl Eviden FIREMAN GEORGE leg bac ious; m WILLIAM 5 cut. I WILLIAM cut; shi GEORGE I eut. HENRY H bad sea JOSEPH V jured. ABRAHAM Scalp w jured, MARTIN EF r Right-a bru passenger W get past, 1 the switch i Enginee The early mor in Medicine Hat Kootenay Landi about 3.30 o clo Fitzgerald, a sn Seven Persons nginemen lost 1 seventeen people injured, two or jously. One. will The train wa: stretch of its rui curred. - Several passe: the train at Ser at other points tween there and than that the p were all jg a warning of terrible yolting. 4 ed mighty ora the rails and. pr train of seven ci a few momente fine train of firs - along im the bres instantly turned twisted mass of Worst-of all fr wreckage scream: agony and groan ginemen could be Bodies of men, ren were lying o of them badly: i jority stunned ar shock of force of they were hurled dows when the gers who were coaches, sleeping worse injured. thrown with through the wind Injuries of all All were more le many were intern Jimba srere tract dence of the fore be secured than heavy. coaches wi the right-of-way, onto the prairie. The. worst scen pitiful and lam engine. Bealded Engineer Jam:
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Image 982 (1912-11-23), from microfilm reel 982, (CU1744718). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.