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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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We at this Clearing Price in the window. . elfer fae Cold Snap is at Hand the next fow days we are offering our entire Flannelette Sheets at tempting prices. - 135 per pair. .. 1.50 nee will hold good for a ton ae Take ad- vantage of it. LEONARD FLANAGAN - . High-Grade Grocers, Dry Goods and Ladies Wear. PHONE 61. A Dollar Saved Is a Dollar Made HERE ARE SOME MONEY SAVERS MOTHER POTTS SET SMOOTHING TRONS Nickle plated; 75 1. 45 sets. Saturday, per set as LARGE oe G Kats 401 iC INSPECT OUR STOVES AND RANGES. Ser d signs. Fully aay gt; j. J. Moore . Phone 515 North Railway Street McKinnon s s Ltd. 391 MAIN ST. ASK FOR GENUINE Butternut Bread . RICH AS BUTTER. SWEET AS A NUT. Avoid -Imitations. Look for the Label. CORNER OF OTTAWA AND SRD AVE. Mra, Husley, gt; house guest of Gull Lake this jarning, a Mrs. De rst Me Mrs, G. H. Smibert, of. Kikwater; Is the guost of Mrs, R. F. Collins, Ot- tawa Street. Mrs, Nichols, of Milgraye, N. S.. is visiting Mra, W, Cousins, Esplanade, HOPP, SKIPE AND JUMP Enthusiastic rehearsal: afatejoay-cirm of reelty and mining Eeokera aiid breakers. Tinto more trouble and Nterally handi more money and have more love af- faire during the three acts. of the comedy than could possibly happen has been the . J. McDonald, 606 Main St, Qf for hei W REAL ESTATE BUYS HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Tota 9 and 10, Block 23, Aly ) D rta St: 1260. These are on gas, Water and sewer, CENTRAL PARK Lote 2, 2 and 3, Block 23. Thia tt. corner for only 2900, Lots 1 and 2, Block 15, corner, Saratoga and Lockwood St, 2000. ir bome in. whl not receive un- dn February, are being Lots 18 and 13, Block 21, Law. ton St, 1150. NORTH OF TRACK Low 2. , 5, 6, 18 and 14, Block 5. These lots face on two streets, Briar and Park Ave. 3600 each. RIVERSIDE Lote Ito is, Bioek is, Broad way. 500 each. SOUTH XUILL Lot 2. Blook 14, Elizabeth St, 1050. H.C.PETTET CO. 868 Toronto St - Phone 461, They got to any three men in 2 life time. It's all the richest-kind of fur and be- ivery inch a loldy, ; Juniper Berry, a farmer porter. and the gongs very lively. Keep the date tn mind. be in in a day or so, BUYS BE avon: 1400. Block 11, 50 ft, 1500? Block 2, corner view lot sides the firm there are other speculators, including Maggie. Dufty; Partner sometimes; McLean, bank clerk; and Mr. Dash the re- Beatrice Clay is the coy stenographer... The chorus and en- sj semble numbers are large and varied Work on the new Corona: Theatre as Poee i enna a pee enonuen., wilh members, some seventy-five or more being in attendance, and this is fair- jp Kalser s Old Timer 10c any VOLTEM GOOD SNAP Block 20, 50. tt. ao Bh COUSINS AND SISSO) 1.0.0, ELECTION Angelina ; the following olticers elected for the ensuing. term: G. Bro. R. EB. Stearns Bro. i. L. (Sing) Cope. Ree. and Fin. Sed Bro T.-C. Blatchford, Treas. Bro. J. H Collier Trustees Bros. 7. . Blatebifo: and nifty. 7 McBain, W. H. Williams. Representatives to Grand Lodge Bros. McBain and , Williams. Tiere was a splendid turnout of Cigar. ly indicative of the keen. and active interest taken gy. the larger part of the membership in-the regular meet- Ings. A: class of six candidates were given the mysteries of the initiatory degree, and the evening concluded with avery acceptable luncheon apd social-chat. The indications are that every meeting night for themext few month will be largely.takenjup.with initiator and. degree.. work. and, the mew Oddfellow Hell now being built on Toronto Street, will be made good Use of as Soon as ready. eee at PREPARING REPORTS The city the present time S ig a bugy spot, each department do- ing. busy, preparing the reports.of the ean's work of ;the city.fathers, 500, be.DFesented to. the'sratepayers on Dee. 6. : f white: rogulay isemf-annual election of Lofty ; Sniffles a messenger boys: a ebuors fe ne: elie 34.0.0F., was held last pight and Block 2, 50 ft on: Highland, 1600. PARK AVENUE Block 3, Plan 796 M, below. val- ue. Regular terms. 1200, TRACKAGE Block 2, Plan 796 M, 130x92, thre -street frontage. Best trackage in city, Compare, location and price with those in other cities. Price. 6590. Regular terms. OLD TOWNSITE Block 4, Lot 16, with: house, on Braemar St., 6000. Block 52, Lot 6, on Main Street, 3000. Block 86, Lots 9 and 10, 100x130 corner Braemar and 7th Ave., 9600. Block 14, Lot 10, revenue pro- ducer, Main St., 32,000. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH Niblock Tull LIMITED. Room 8, Imperial Bank Bullding Fourth Avenue, Medicine Hat, Mberto. For Good Eating 2 Mother s Bread TASSIE BROS. ih FHOND 266, Modern Homes X aos If you want something good and wp-to-date, I can supply your needs. T have 23 houses of var- ious sizes. Attractive In appearance and Special attention given to the layout Alivost halt of these homes told already, See meSgersonally: and get first-hand informa- tion. WH. ROSEWARKE Montreai Street, Phone 800. OYSTER SUPPER Glyen'by The Y.P. S.C. EB. OF KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH On Monday, Dec. 2nd at o'clock. in tho ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Tickets on sale-at Doty s Candy Store, * Programme. . Admission 50c. -SsSoMe Coop INVESTMENTS COUSINS AND SISSONS 100 ft, Block, 29, 1600. Torms. 50 ft, Block: 4, 960. Terms. HERALD SURVEY 50 ft, Block 1,/ 1500, Terms. 100 ft, Block 14, 3500. Terms. 50 ft., Block 17, 1150. Terms. HILL DIVISION 50 ft: corter, Toronto St, next to Horald. 825, .'Tersas. BENDING 60 ft. corner, Block 4, 825. Terms. South halt Block 27, 350 each. Terms. RIVERSIDE PARK 50 ft. corner, Block 12, 2000. Terms. 50 ft, Block 1, 1200. Terms. TOWNSITE 50 ft, corner, Balmoral. and - Sixth Avo, 2800. Terms. 50 ft, Block 96, 21,000. Terms. NORTH YOULL 50 tt., Block 8, 1200. Torms. 60 ft. on Bray St, 1050. Terms. Some, Good Business Properties and Acreage, GAS CITY REALTY Go. MEDICINE HAT Fall and Winter Footwear At Special Prices at FOSTER S on Saturday. These. Special Reductions are on shoes you need right now. RS fai a bac oie a hl BUTTON SHOES On the Auto last with short vamp and high toes. vee: Regular 4.75, . WOMEN'S TAN BUTTON SHOES Made of the best Rudsta calf, with welted winter Weight soles, 85.00, Specigi-at ae 30 PAIRS WOMEN S FELT LINED WINTER SOLES Very heat and warm. Sizes 2 to 8. to a customer: Special. . BOYS BLACK ELK SCHOOL SHOES 60 PAIRS MEN S TAN CALF BUTTON On, the new It's It last with high toe and short Winter weight soles, J 4.35 Saturday Special 3.85 60 PAIRS MEN S 5.00 BOX CALF LEATHER LINED SHOES With Goodyear welted soles. VERY SPECIAL SATUR- DAY, 3.35 These Shoes will only be, sold at this price to those bringing , a copy of this ad. MEN'S GUNMETAL CALF WORKING SHOES With Waterproof soles. Same as. cut bat, toe sea. 5 3. 95 Sen SHOES WITH LEATHER Regular 2.75. One pair Made by Williams Shoe Co, Every palr guaran- teed. Sizes 11 to 13. i BABY S SOFT SOLE FELT SHOES For winter wear in a softibrown color. Sizes 11 to 2. 1.95 With leather soles and low heels. MEN S TAN VICI KID PULLMAN SLIPPERS With elastic sld s. Reg. 2.503 Special SJ QF FOSTER S SHOE STORE, .2. GOOD PLACE TO BUY SHOES. ee +. 1.95 . SELECTED SNAPS OLD TOWNSITE. 6000 60 ft. corner, Block 11 (Main Street.) 2100 60 ft, Block 96 (Fourth , Avenue.) 6800 60 ft. corner, Block 56. 10,000 84 ft corner, Block 52. 3500060 ft. corner, Block 81, HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX. 1250 50 ft, Block 26. 1800 50 ft, Block 20. 1300 25 ft, with shack, Block baa. 600 25 ft,, Block 28, , HERALD. 1500 80 ft, Block 23. 1200 50 ft., Block 17. 1750 50 ft, Block 14: 1400 50 ft, Block 20. 560- 25 ft, Block 8. BF.SOUCH, Phm.B. DRIG STORE, TORONTO ST. avecribe NOW for Cordial Nutritious, Invigorating and Delicious . seepuiccaneea a and it is ready for use. Small, medium and large sized bottles in stock. TS tH Hon. Wm. Pu; Situation- Ottawa, Nov, 30 the addrese was pro House today. it that a division will Wiltria Laurier's w motion relating to and Richelieu bye-c Gay. Just what o will follow is not The first speaker McKay, Conservati Prince Albert, who ularly with the Hu way and the tempo the cement duties. The most interes camie in the evenir Fowler, of Kings, Sir Wilfrid, Hon. 1 Mr, Hugh Guthrie Geclare their preser aplprocity.. All 3 Were still. in favor c Mr. Pugaley sper discussing the naval Mr. Fortune creat: ter by declaring th lighthouse to se now, He had no speech, which was o'slock when adjour ed. The first incident the introduction of is having all it can time to handle its.ov The debate on the resumed by Mr. Mck member for Prince J some brief reference the Duke of Connay and the general pros minion, ala that th the government in f mises and the actior of Finance in respe: duties. Hon. Wm. Pugsley it desirable-to have People on some que might even be such the representative o solving parliament government to the c ing. to the trade of produced figures to Creased trade was Was far greater in ports, The increas Yoar were nearly 1, ports increased very Mr. Pugstey read made by Hon, Mr. P - bec banquet, in wh reference. was made ists and their infiue ley drew from the pc the admission that if
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Image 1022 (1912-11-29), from microfilm reel 1022, (CU1744721). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.