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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Did Your Poads WV Feel Cold This Morning? ira wine eesesscsoe) 1S GUTTED BY FIRE should call at the C. P, R. Men's Store and look over the Gloves.) Fjames When Discov: For work we have a good selec- ered tlon of Gauntlets and Gloves from celebrated makers, and we keep as good as can be tne em a n GARAGE MACRINERY able prices. short we have Dent's and Fownes in dogskin, siIK lined, 1.50; IN DRESS GLOVES GENUINE MOCHA unlined and Silk lined, 1.28 to 2.00. G. P. R. MEN'S STORE TH IN GARAGE Had Made Considerable Headway Loss is Heavy unlined 1.00 Rot and 1.25; capestin, beautifully See eaaicig. ote ae soft, neat fitting glove, some, shades, 1.25, 1.50. ) in of Fire Unknown.. Cor. Ottawa St. and Third Ave. Phone 81 We are offering some exceptional Underwear for Ladies and Children. instance of our low pricing: ; LADIES TWO-PIECE SUIT marked at 65 per suit. Good value for 1.00. . LADIES TWO-PIECE SUTT, all wool, marked at This line is sold regular at 2.00 in Children s Un- 1.50 per suit. We have some special derwear, Cotton and Wool. hh preference to all other Pianos BECAUSE The Gourlay is not swinging on a pedestal so to speak, Paging on the good work of 'a past generation Is BUILDING IT S or in. other words, REPUTATION Gourlay is the only Canadian- made instrument using the White and Wil- eox player patents, which have cost their in- yentors many thousands of dollars to protect they have invested their best in the Gour- BECAUSE We-want- te-put-eur-money into the best line of pianos obtainable We have sel- ected the cream of the market under which to place our firm name. WE HAVE INVESTED OUR BEST IN THE GOURLAY. WHY NOT YOU ? The Medicine Hat Music Co. Under the Big Fiddle. Now. BECAUSE The South Railway St. WRIGHT DAY Medicine Hat will be the Winnipeg and distributing centre for Southern Alberta. BALMORAL ST. god six-room house, fully modern, for 5150. CLOSE TO HIGH SCHOOL Three cottages, all modern, from 2450 to 2600, on casy terms. GOOD LOTS IN ALL , PARTS OF THE CITY. ROY STREET Fully modern house, 9 large rooms, two. balconies and verandah; full basement; - combination coal and best hardwood fin- Gas and furnace; ish throughout. electric fixtures. 6000, t-G00D- ASSORTMENT of houses in North Youll rang- ing from 2400 to 4500. Rental Agents for Hull Biock. Phone 790. Main St. SAMPLES ARRIVED FALL 191 COME WITH THE CROWD AND GET AN UP- TO-DATE SUIT AND OVERCOAT. THREE HUNDERED SAMPLES-TO CHOOSE FROM. Repairing, Cleaning FUR COATS REPAIRED. CAMPBELL OPP. C. P, BR. DEPOT and Pressing. GEO. 31 NORTH RAILWAY, FIND OUT HOW MUCH YOU ARE-MISSING. THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY. TRY A LOAF OF MOTHER'S BREAD PHONE 256 age. will-be a complete loss. been smouldering some time before it broke out. to discover it and had sevured a rm bold. The were packed so tightly in the out the matresses and beds which spreading of the blaze to the lower part of the building. For a time it Jessop Nott s morgue would go, but. when it was learned that this biild- ing was fireproof, fears from this section were set at rest. The Hat s fire department is de- serving of a great deal of praise for the manner in which they fought the fire. Obief Hateher and his volun- teer brigade acquitted themselves like veterans. Messrs. Long Co. are heavy los- ers: Everything .which. they had itored in the building will be cont plete loss. It is understood that it is partially covered by Insurance. The Dontinion Motor Co. will love considerable from damage from wa- lter. The employees of the garage had just arrived at work when they discovered the fire and ome of: the men ran for the fireball but artived just as the whistle blew. They work- ed hard and succeeded in getting out all the autos before much water got on them. Some of their valuable ma- ohinecy was; badly damaged by the See Miss Constance Crawley at the Opera House tonight in The Mar- riage of Kitty. STOLE A PICK E. Nelson Appeared in Court on Theft Charge. E. Nelson appeared before Magis- trate Kealy this morning om the charge of stealing a couple of shov - els, a pick and a couple of tins of paint. The police were not ready to Proceed and the case was adjourned tll two o'clock. Geo. Nicks, a frequent worshipper, at the shrine of Baccus, and a regn- Jar caller on-Ch et Bruce; paid 5. H. Andrews paid 2 or- a month for trespass. J, Herman, a Russian pedlar, was let go on the same same charge, and an autoist paid 3 for running over the fire hose with his auto. et ACROSS DOM'NION IN AN AUTOMOBILE T. W. Wibby, After Find- ing Roads Very Bad, Ar- vives in North Bay in Course of Notable Tour. OW, A. P. Dispatch.) North Bay, Ont., Sept. 13 Thos, W. Wibby arrived in North Bay yes- terday afternoon on his transconti- nental automobile tour from Halifax to Vancouver. Mr. Wibby left Toron- to on Sunday and found a good road toCravenhurst, but from there on the journey was rough, the auto break- ing down twice . From North Bay the car had to be shipped te Sud- bury by train, Miss Crawley and her English Company are back In Medicine Hat. They present The Marriage of Kitty tomorrow night. The upper story of, the Dominion Motor Garage, used by C. A. Long and Co. as a funiture storage, was practivally gutted by fire which broke jout about 8.15 o'clock this morning. eV The fire di not reach the ground Monten, THE FAIR LEONARD FLANNIGAN Fall Underwear values. in Here s an floor, whichNg used by the garage, but the water did considerable dam- Messrs. Long and o. had about a jear load of beds, matresses, ete., packed in the upper story and these y5:.. metia Shaw, of Wapella, is the The origin of . the fire is unknown, It started in the South East comer of te building and had evidently THE MARKET REPORTS Mrs. Jessop. Nott was the first she sent in an alarm. The flames had just succeed- ed in breaking through the side of the building. The frame structure and the contents made excellent tin- der for the fire and by the time the department, who made a quick re- sponse to the call, arrived, the flames unchanged to -8 S/ started at 90 1-2 to 90 3-4, a gain of 1-2 to, 3-8, and advanced to 91 1-2. ing. that the firemen had some trou- Short buying put firmness into ble in getting to the centre of the oat, blaze.. However, they did excellent at work and were not long in tearing Exporters are entering the game in were afire and thus preventing the) source and Somewhat unfavorable was feared that/ light rains was reported this morn- tonight and The Late Mr. Costello The Blood 'and Lefty Louie, bury yesterday, it is claimed. Two Subscribe now for The Daily News, e answering the photographs of Houses for sale on easy payments the fugitives were seen by several or will exchange for real estate. Ap- citizens. At a local newspaper office ply to Hotson Leader. 54-t they asked for papers concerning the Hagel Caxbect eatertained fea young ladies at luncheon and a kitchen shower yosterday afternoon in honor of Miss Heather Hangrave, a September bride-to-be. After the dainty three-course prize winners being Migs Nora decorated with bridal rosef and satin ribbon. Each pliice card feontained a tested receipt, which. eaten in the al- handed to Miss-Hargrave, Miss Cory s recitation added great: oon, to visit friends in Red Deer and Ed- Thompson, of Minncdosa, Man., are guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Cun fife, Fewings St. guest of her auntie, Mrs, J. H. Cunliffe, Fewings St. ces rose today in response to state many was suffering severely from 000,000; bushels jess than last yeat: Word came also that Argentine stocks Were decreasing. The opening was up. December December opened 1-8 higher 2 1-4 jand- ascended to 32 3-8. earnest and active buying from this weather gave a strong tone to the market. Dull cloudy weather with ing. Receipts included two cars of No. 1 hard and a good portion of contract wheat. Twenty-one cars show that injudicious threshing has been in evidence. Total cars inspec- ted 63; ip sight, 90. Chicagn, Hi., Sept. 13. Rain stop- ped threshing in North Dakota and interfering with the Canadian har - vest ted to an additional upturn. There were expert sales here. The market closed unsettled g net higher at 913 for December. WINNIPEG MARKETS. Wheat, Oct., opened 9, closed 892; Dec., 86, 863; May 908; 91. Oats, Oct. 38, 38 ; Dec. 328, 333. Fiax, Oct. 155, 136. gt; CASH PRICE. Wheat, No. 1 Nor., 95; No. 2 Nor., 94; No. 3 Nor., 92; No. 4 Nor., 83; No, 5.Nor., 73; No. 6 Nor., 64. Feed, 59. Oats, No. 2 C.W., 42. Ex. No. 1 feed, 42; No. I feed, 41 2 feed, 37. Barley, rejected, 40. Feed, 40. Flax, No. 1 N.W., 155; No. 2 C.W., 153; No. 3 .W., 145. AMERICAN MARKETS, Mimneapolis, Sept. 13. Wheat, Sept., opened 96 , closed 962; Tec. 882, 892; May 934, 933. Chicago, Sept. 13. Wheat, Sept. opened 97 , closed 928; Dec. 92, 93: May, 943, 952. Liverpool, Sept. 13 Closing wheat: Spot steady; No. 2 Manitoba not quoted; No. 3 Manitoba, 6s. 2id; futures firm; Oct. 7s. 844.; Dee. 7s. 58d. Americans Pour Into the Dominion Immigration From United States This Year Until August 1 Shows In of: 11,000, (CW. A. P. Dispatch) Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 12. Immigra- tion figures for the present year to August Ist show 82,788 arrivals from Great Britain, a decrease of fifteen as compared with the same period last yeat. Continental immigration to- talled 60,959, an increase of 15,000, while 75,900 Americans entered Can- ada, an increase of 11,000 as eompar- ed with the same period ,ast year. SUDBURY HARBORS HUNTED MURDERERS Citizens Believe They Saw Gyp the Blood and Lefty Lottie ? From New York. (W. A. P. Dispaten.) Sudbury, .Ont., Sept. 1. New York murderers, were in Sud- a murder and they ai ied at the Kaiser's 014 Timer 10 Cigar. White House hotel. i PC, OF FLAK ONLY UNCUT GRAIN IN THIS DISTRICT Farmers Are Practically Through Harves' Says Mr. J. McNee THRESHING GENERAL THROUGHOUT COUNTRY Yield of Grain Good Many New Threshers Relieve Situation. luncheon cards were indulged in, the A/man without funds, one whe cannot bay Medicine Hat Real Estate, fs less to be pitied than the man who has the goods but lacks the were to Invest, Nelther are prepared. Niblock and Miss Bell McLagn. The bride's table was Beautifully ternoon, were handed to the bride DAMAGED BY WATER tine Sess. ot ene ater noon a large: clothes bamper gayily decorated with ribbons and contain - ing many useful kitchen utensils was Houses for sale and-to reut In all parts of the eltp, Big Investment Opportunities In Coi Get prepared for 1918 s boom by buying now, eee Below is a listing form. please fill in this blank form and mail to us, ly to the enjoyment of the. after The past few days fine weather have proved a great farmers, and the prospects for the season's crops are the very brightest. All grain with the exception of about ten per cent. of the flax has been cut, and threshing is general all over the district, Labor is not any plentiful, but on the whole the work with a rush. The threshing question is not proving the stumbling look that it was year, This season a great many new threshers have been brought into the district so that coming to the work instead of the farmers to the thresher and begging that he do his work for him. The yield on the whole is excellent, the barley, oats and wheat good. Flax has in some cases far surpassed expectations, and.on the whole is a good average crop. Sere et ga AT HALF MAST (WAP Despatch) Ottawa, Ont.. order of Premier Borden, all flags on the parliament and departmental buildings flying at half mast today as mark of respect to the late Mikado of Japan, whose ob- sequies are to start today. PEEP EEE EEE EE If you have propert: q to the perty to well Miss Btta. Porter left last evening Medicine Hat, sept Perry, Sewell Perry. I hereby list following property for sale with you, subject Mrs, W. G. Thompson and Miss to usual handling commission: Sub-Division is going ahead Improvements (Signature)... threshers are Oo Ret their Chicago, H., Sept. 13 Wheat pri- ments that the growing crop in Ger- MAY BAR THE MILITANTS Department May Prevent English Suffragettes Eni Canada, Dubbing As Undesirables. (W. A. P, Dispateny Ottawa, Ont., Sept. possibility that the militant suf- fragettes who are coming to Canada to carry on a campaign, may be re- fused entrance as undesirables. The Suggestion has been nade to the Im- migration Departmen. acted upon, under the law, they could be debarred on account of the an- nouncement that, they intended to make trouble and also on the ground been convicted as unfavorable weather. Official reports estimated the Prussian yield as 3,- Immigration tering Them Sept. 13 By 13 There FEEL EEE EEE and if it is heb b bb bbe When You Want A GOOD BUY com to us, as we have the best money makers. that they have criminals in England. ALLAN RETIRES (W. A. P. Dispatch) Montreal, Sept. 12. Sir Montague Allan, one of the principal directors cf the Allan line of steamships, to- day announced his retirement from the directorate. LORD MILNER COMING (W. A. P. Cable.) Sept. . 13. Among those on the Virginian SOUTH YUILL Block 15, three 50-ft. lots fo 1800, usual terms, ALT WANA Biock 5, lots 2 to 22 at 1260 a pair; terms. HERALD Block 13, lot.21 and 22, corner, 1260; terms. CENTRAL PARK Block 4, lot 14, 1365; terms. 840 a London, who sailed today for Canada were Lord Milner, Sena- tor Gibson, Col. Smith Park, M. V. 0., President Holt, Bank, and James Carruthers. Miss Craw: Block 24, Lots 37-40, pair; terms. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX OE eet Royal Block 21, lots 29-80, PERRY SEWELL PERRY REALTY REVIEW Grent opportunities only make you feel ridiculous wm Jess you are prepared for them. s and Sissons. HIGH-CLASS Altawana 50 ft., Block 10, 1,100 pr., cash. Bending 50 ft, Block 3, 500 pr., terms. Cousins and Sissons 50 ft. Block 19, 750 pr. terms. 50 ft, Block 3, 865 pr., terms. Riverside Park us i Real 60 Fire, Life, Wl Hail and Plate Glass Insurance. 410 Main St. P. 0. Box 816, Block 26, lots 15 and 16, corner, 1260; terms. TOWNSITE, SOUTH Corner of 7th Ave, and Mont- real St, 60 ft. front by 135 ft. on Ave. 4,200; We want your stings. MACBEAN C0 We Furnish You With Bread that equals any. that Mother used to bake. It's so good that once you try it, you'll see the folly of bothering with home baking any longer, Suppose you take a rest for a week and have us supply the bread? We think you'll like our Butter Nut Bread as well as. your own, perhaps better. Try it anyway. J, B. RICHARDSON, MGR. Houses 24 of various kinds construction, some nearing comple- tion. Fully modern. Apply to W. Hi. ROSEWARNE Builder-and Owner. Phone 800. under SNAPS High School Annex 800 pr. 13-14, Block 31. available; building Jot worth 1,000, 1600 pr., 5-6, Block 20. 600 pr., 31-82, Block 2. Central Park 425 pr., 21-81, Block 27. 84, Block 29. 630 pr., 50 ft, Block 33. South Yuill splendid 800 pr. Tot 18, Block T, 1050. Lot 20, Block T, 1500, corner. 2600 New 5 with bath, B. F. SOUCH, Phua. B. room Cottage DRUG STORE, TORONTO ST. McKINNON S LIMITED Phone 105 DRESSY SHOES FOR FALL WEA Now on Sale LADIES HIGH CUT BUTTON SHOES London Brown and Pateni Yery Smart Styles INVESTMENTS 100 ft., Block 13, 750 pr., terms. We recommend and can coer this property and her English Company are back in Medicine Hat. They present The Marriage of Kitty tonight and The Late Mr. Costello tomorrow night, Most Enjoy: Teacher the Sehi sic and Joyed. The recey teachers of Alexandra the most *t events held time. Tha without. say ers there We zens, and ei oughly enjo; A series. musicals, op: tainment. and then da The event ation on th Board, prov Chiaso, 81 the great Bi ercised their arrange an Italy and T could be ma ficial peace and Turkey, * Asiz Cz Spec Victoria; shall wit with the exe adequate nav lumbia s exp: Borden and cording to Provincial P1 We have retooiee: se. the Girl As Gets Edmonton Ci Two Co Edmonton, time in the on the benct lor of the D enced man out punishm cigar maker, assault on 3 was given tv to run conc on each: cha SUFFI Dublin, Se; suffragette ced to five wounding Jo the Irish pa a hatchet, is tion in Moun of being for AR Eamonton, employed by Company on ed into the and his rigl were literal; The curtai Opera House when Miss make her la: sent engagen Subseribe
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Image 471 (1912-09-13), from microfilm reel 471, (CU1744098). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.