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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS.. Canadian Northern Steamships, Limited. THE ROYAL, LING MONTRE AL- QUEBEC TO BRISTOL, ENGLAND Shortest route, to London and Continent on 12,000-ton Floating Palaces. St. Lawrence Sailings. R.M.S. Royal KMS. Royal Edward. RMS, Royal George Rates of Passage. 92.50 and upwards Ist class Qnd class .. 53.75 and upwards rd class, Bristol or London, 32, Ask any Railway or Steam- ship agent for llustrated book- lets, rates, etc, or write A. H. DAVIS General agent, Scott Block, 272 Main Street, Winnipeg. oleh a ) Renee 78 Sailings from Montreal Every Saturday for Liverpool, calling at Quebec, Canada, Aug. 24, Sept. 21, Oct. 19. Megantic, Aug. 1, Sept. 28, Oct 26 Teutonic Sept. 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2. Laurentic, Sept. 14, Oct. 12, Nov. 9. 8.S. LAURENTIC, 5.8. MECANTIC Largest and Finest steamers in Canadian trade. Staunch and trady. Excellent a commodations yr all. classes. MODERATE RATE SERVICE S.S. Teutonic and S.S. Canada carry one class (2nd) cabin only. The best these steamers afford at moderate rates, also comfortable third-class two, four and six-berth rooms. For reservatins, rates, plans, fl- lustrated booklets, etc. apply to railway or steamship agents, Or to W. M, McLEOD, C.W.P.AL * 333 Main St, Winulpeg Hardwood : Flooring in your house will give you a floor that will last a life- time. We can supply you with Oak, Maple, and Birch flooring at very little more cost to you than the common kind. We handle the cele- brated. BEAVER BOARD For inside finish. Ask for samples. The Gas Gia y Lumber Co Office and Yard opp. Flour Mill Phone 233, Toronto Conservatory of Music EDWARD FISHER, Mus, Doc, Musleal Director. REOPENS TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 3rd ATTENDANCE LAST SEASON 2,040 STUDENTS Faculty of 100 Specialists. CONSERVATORY RESIDENCE . .. For Young Lady Students, 4s being greatly enlarged and will be ready for the opening. XEAR BOOK, 170 pages, mailed on ap- plication, : House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. J.J. LAIT 116 MONTHEAL STREET *Phone 260. W. E. WRIGHT Customs Broker. Consignee and forwarding agent, as sombler and executer of papers for Sehipments going into the ) state Broker. and General Agent delivered ,in. the United States, Commissioner in B. R., Real * for by one offeringyHe hath forever them that are sancti. ' Hebrews x, 12:14. God; * rf ed. The Bible is most explicit in its declaration that Jesus, as the Anti- typical High Priest, offers but one sacrifice of Himself for the sins of the world. In our context St. Paul Points to the fact that the typical priests of the Jewish Era repeated their sacrifices yearly, on exch suc- ceeding Atonement Day. He notes to us the fact that th were merely typical sacrifices, which could never take away sins; and then he'tells us it the one Sacrifice, on the one by the Antitypical High Priest, is s0 complete as to leave nothing farther to be done. Christ ** dieth no more; death hath so more dominion over Him ; This He did once, when He offered up Hin self without snot unto G (Romans vi, 9; Hebrews i 14.) A-matter so well establishe should settle in our minds und not ellow-any theory or supposed neces- sity to move us therefrom. lowever, we behold two great Christian communions holding a dif- ferent view the High Church of England, and the Church of Rome. Both hold the doctrine introduced into the Church about the Fourth C: tury the doctrine of the Mass. T doctrine holds that the death of Christ cancels ori in for be- into fellow. ip with God through faith in. the sing blood of Christ. But. it that sins committed aft r coming into the family of God Reed cancellation. also, and that nothing except. the blood of Christ. the death of Christ, can take away sin; and that the merit of His death at. Calvary having been used to cuncel our nast'sins, a ffesh Christ is necessary for the mv cent sins Proceeding red; Philosophizes with the philosophy they as a fresh sucrifice of, Chri and thus be kept cleansed in the sight of God? ai vies, actt mi They answer that the b the wine of the communion after being blessed, are 1 flesh-aud blood of Jesus, and be used afresh in sacrifice for philosophy these Applying this perform tian brethren mon, or Low M in a congreg Mass for special sins services accordingly are no' studies or expositions of the but, more particulart in the cleansings supp to all who attend Mas Those who fail to attend M least once in a be horribly def accumu. lated sins. The congregation assem- bled, praise and prayer are chanted, so much and then the. officiating rriest ap- proaches what they call the altar of sacrifice. On bread and Wine, which, bei essed, are in- stantly turned into the actual flesh and actual blood of Christ. The of ficiating priests and associates and the congregation are all on their knees to worship the Host reverence to the freshly created Christ on the altar. The officiatine priest then rises and breaks the bread of flesh. Thus the sacrifice of the Mass for the sins of the people present is accomnlished. No wonder ithe people are anxious to be present, to be cleansed afresh -of their sins Not only is the sacrifice of the Mass thus made for ihe liv: but Christ is similarly sacrificed for the dead supposed to be suffering in Purgatory. ith our' onvenient Bibles (Catho. lic.and Protestant) we have much advantage over our brethren of the gt; Fourth Century who invented the doctrine of the Mass. We now see that it is unscriptural and that the bishops, once supposed to be succes- sors of the Twelve Apostles, erred in other words, they were not i spired they were tiot successors The Twelve. Whatever things those bishops bound on earth wer , not bound in heaven they made mi takes, as we all have and doubtless just as honestly as we. Bible studenis se clearly that the one sacrifice of Christ is sufficient for the sins of the whole -world past, sent and to come.. God s provision in: Christ for the forgiveness of sins is applicable only fo Adam s (or original) sin, and to such weaknesses as have come to his children from that original sin by heredity. God does not propose in any manner, to forgive sins wilfully committed. They receive stripes or punishments in Proportion to their wilfulness. tever proportion of sin is die which covering is to be obtained by the transgressor's approaching the Throne of the heavenly Grace that he may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. When we eume to. God desiring to be accepted as disciples of Jesus and joint-sacri. ficers in His cross-hearing, self-denial snd death, to the vorld, and joint. Besa Slso with Him in, His Heavenly jom, we lou fm prepared and willing to be our Advocate with the Father. Through the imputation of the merit of His sacrifice we. wera healed and accepted of the Father and begotten of the Holy Spirit. Creatures in Christ, we still need our London, Sept. 1 Pastor Russell's text for to-day was, After Hs had offered one sacrifice for sins forever. He sat down on the right hand of jin the plural gt; ONE SACRIFICE FOR SINS FOREVER Christ s Offering Left No- thing Further to be Done Long Stan:ing Mistake BS ea a ee eee eee bodies and will not receive them until surrection; and because our bodies are imperfect through the fall we are liable from time to time to be overtaken in a fault. Our need, then, is not to attsnd Low Mass, or High Mass, but to go direct- ly to the Lord in the name and merit of our Advocate. Thus the Apostle enjoins us saying, If any man (in the Church) sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous. I. John ii, 1.) The thought that sin in every instance requires Atonement is quite Scrip- tural, and the thought that without the shedding of blood there is no re. mission of sins is Scriptural, (He- brews ix, 22.) But the thought that Christ needs to die more than once is antagonistic to the Scriptures, as we have already seen. The fact is that good and great people have made serious crrors in theology along nearly every line. The errors accumulated for nearly Sten centuries, and we must not-wonder at our slowness in getting fully rid of them. For the past four centuries practically the people of God of all denominations have been comin, back to the Hght of God's Word. Both Catholic and Protestant trans- lations of the Dible are ting us. We are growing in crace as well as in knowledge. Whatever we shall say of the world, we must believe that God s corsecrated people in every denomination are more Christ- like, more Godlike, than were their forefathers who, stirrounded by the errors of the past, fanatically. and devilishly tortured one another in the name of religio Bible which they did not understand Nearly nineteen centuries ago our Redeemer mentioned the Abomin: tion of Desolation spoken of by the Prophet Daniel that when this Abomination should be seen those noting it should under- stand and flee with haste. For long centuries it was supposed that Great Teacher referted to even which culminated in A. D. 70; in the destruction of Jerusalem. The Abom- ination was supposed to refer to the carrying of Roman banners within Dani l the Prophet, and should also have been referred to by Jesus Him- self, Of late there is another, interpreta- tion, It refers our Lord s prophecy specially to the end of thi ge and the great Time of Trouble scon to come upon the Church and upon Christendom. In this view the Abomination of Desolatiou signifies a reprehensible doctrine introduced into the Church, the true spiritual Temple into the holy place. The doctrine was to be an abomination in. the sight of God and would exercise a desolating inflience upon everything associated with it. This influence would continue for long centuried be- fore its defiling character would be recognized. Then. all so recognizing it should know that the Time of Trou- ble and the New Dispensation are near, and should make all haste to separate themselve: rom everything associatel with the bomination they should forsake the' error and flee to the mountain heights of Truth, as duced about the middie of the Fourth Century. It has had a corrupting in- fluence since. And now that we see it clearly it is the duty and privilege of all-of God's-pes to get right with God by renoun that which is so abominable in His sight the setting aside of the one, perpetual sacrifie gt; of Christ. and the subst:tut- ing in part therefor of the sacrifices of the Mass, performed many times every day throughout the world. In Daniel's Pronhety (xi, 31-38) we recognize a brief synontical history covering the period from the Fourtit Century to the days of Nanoleon. The Sanctuary of Truth and Christian strength was nolluted. The daily Sacrifice, literally the continual sacri- fice, was taken away, and the Abom- ination of Desolation was introduced the Mass. Then follows deserip- tion of the Church nominal, corrupt- ed by flattery and prosperity, and a description of the true saints of God, who,-at the same time, were strong and did.wonders in support of the Truth. A work of instruction is men- tioned, yet the instructors fell by the sword and by flame and captivity and spoil many days many years yet they were not allowed to fall completely. God -helped them with a little help just enough to preserve them from extinction, that He might rectly, or indirectly the result of not be left without witness. This Adam s disobedience and human im- ing and purging continu i ion is coverable through the - the Time of the End, which, to our Merit of the one sacrifice of Christ, understanding, began in 1799. Since then none have fallen through perse- cution. Outward persecution has been stopped. God s people are see- ing more and more clearly the true teaching of His Word the golden vessels of the House of the Lord are being brought Lack from Babylon and put to their proper uses in the spirit: ual Temple, But we are reminded that St. Paul himacW wrote of better sacrifices, (Hebrews ix, 23.) We are asked what these refer to, if not to the sacrifices of the Mass. reply that St nee to sacri Paul made no es being offered p He referred only ose offered by the Great High We refe fow, as children of God, New , veate, because we have no Ad s New Crea- tu yet received our new HOUSEHOL HINTS, Put chimneys into a kettle of cold Water and gradually heat until it boils, and then let it as gradually cool and the chimneys will not be broken by the ordinary fluctuation of the flame of the lamp. When beating white sponge cake, when it be Hight; test te stiffness t ning the diah eon Jt upside down. If it fs begten Proper point not of egg for mes dry and Priest Himself, None but the High ffer sacrifices To remove ink from the furniture add a few drops of spirits of niter to a teaspoonful of water and apply Just to the spot with a camel's hair brush, dry off at once and wipe with a cloth in the name-of the cording to- the The Master declared the holy precincts of the Temp memorial of the broken body an did seem strange that so compar: ned. blood of Ch Catholies hol ly insignificant a matter should have ina:-they have :thorty for con Deca stentioned by the Lard abreast Gee wenn whjeh hav Lot and his family fled from Sodom. ty harmony what we have al I share with many other Bible roady said resnectine the better Students ths view that the lat- leacrifices. we note that St. Paul ing Abomination mentioned by the oxnlains that th gt; bread and the wine Prophet Daniel and by Jesus is the vat oniy i and-spmbelize the doctrine of the Mus lt; Tt was THtro Jaesh and thr blow of Jesus, but ad- Acceptable to God. The sacrinces tt the type of the Day of Atonement consisted of tye thy bullock. which was for Aaron and his household (his sons and his tribe of Levi), and the Lord's goal, which he offenat on be: half of all of Is Tn th himself und his he rese the Body of Christ (the -Priv thiood, Royal Privsthood), ant the hold of faith the antityy cal 1 and all the 1 th world itimately wil nner into full and to evbslusting death is tirow to His true wer few. the Royal Priest tho larger nun followers repres: All of intly nd to lous sacrifice, Next (0 froat, which re: Chrivtians addy his 1 follower privileged to pres nt Him for sacrifies, the sacrificing High: Priest, his work for more 1 turies, offering the Father all w s i themselves and follow- ing Him faithtu s All these nr gt; f-nresented by th Lord s goat pt the Day of Atom secrifice (Leviticus 16), and were represented in th: Pent*costal bless- ing. There all of th Were ne cepied represe dal of them were devoted to vifice, ac- trms Divineiy ar- ranged. As soon as the foreordained number constitut the Body of Christ have b fficed, the better sacrifices complete, and all the memly Hich P Body of the Gr pass to the Head beyond the veil. into the Most Holy. Then the wor's of this Gospel Age 4 the work of selon Titus ii, 14. Lutherans as wo that the Euchor: as Catholics hold means more 1 flesh and us. becgupe. the matter On the sam* blessed as the act actual blood ben night in which took bread and is. My body T My the Femi it, saying, Th is broken for you saying, many for gt; ther mason that d the mett r thus as lis : and 1 blood, 30 m His fol- lowers, No, Werane-ver, most evident- us ment, bread re My flesh, and this wine repre My blood. Our Catholic brethron who hold otherwise evidently forget that at that time Jesus flesh) was not vot sa ri- Seed and His blood was pot vet shed dd. and the wine ed could not by any pility have beer mor than mere entatives b-canse He still had the original. How that we should: have overlook:d this so long Gitionally th flesh and blood of all consecrated peonle who for centuries have been particinating with their Redeemer. jn the sacrifice of earthl: things. that they mey be jointh th Him in His E hich is to bless and restore. the nt of mankind. tro, The cup of essing which we bless, ia it not the mmunion (common union) of the Mood of Christ? Th Loaf which we weak, is it not the communion (com- von. un:on) of the Body of Christ? Ter we. being many, are one Loaf done Body, for we are all partak- ts of that on* Loaf. (I. Corinthians Qu ) Well did Jesus say to Dt if they would sit with ith in His Theme, they must share vith Him edn of suffering. and nust be baptized. with His baptism fatthew xx, 2, 23; Tis an 1 Wind The wes with all his ed to grain-raising very uble 10 bonst bigger crop re- 0 h's old neighbors in the east who hiv: continued to follow. the rule of farming that gives live stock raising, owing, dairying and 0 pach a place, but occa- disaster visits his part of east for re . Th spring, when nany western farmers found them. ves with thousands of bushels of n wheat on their hands, the folly carrying all their eggs in one must have struck them forei- ly, if not. painfully. The damaged srain could only be vied in one way lor a profit. An Ontario farmer, who nwns farms both east and west, was ons of a number to appreciate the suation. He bad the manager of vis eastern farm buy up severa hun- ined hogs from the Barrie district and ship them to the prairie te convert che frozen wheat in high priced pork. Vhy did he not ship the wheat bast? The reason is plain. .There are so w mixed farmers in the weat that the Winnipeg matket maintains the highest price for hogs in the Domin- ion mn farmer interes:s dev Mt ni To eave trouble after opening a bottle of glue or cement rub mutton tallow upon a sound cork before in- serting It in the bottle. This prevents the cork from sticking fast, only to Mpped in cold water; dry and rub with ofl, Fruit can toys have habit of sticking. Have two strips of sandpaper an inch wide and eight Inches long In the kitchen, Fold round the can top ahd give it a twist; it will immed- lately loosen. an annoying the strip of sandpaper a particle will become detached. te be broken in small bits when an at- pt Is made to remove It When a hot dish ts inadvertently Placed on white oileloth and adheres thereto, do not pull it forcibly away and with it emall bits of the ofl- sloth. Try pouring very hot wa bout the dish. Often the dis New Victor September Records Out To-Day Some Splendid Selections From The New List 10-Inch Double Sided Records 90c FOR THE TWO SELECTIONS. West Lawn Polka (Banjo) . . F, J. Ba 17129- Cicibiribin Waltz (Whistling) : . Gialdin Scotch Medley March (P*gigsz**). Sutcliffe Troupe 17149--The Battle of Killiecrankie ss4 Will Ye No Come Back Again . Sutcliffe Troupe Heidelberg Quintet. Billy Muray Waiting For Robert E. Lee . ly Murray 17141 Take Me To The Cabaret AN ITALIAN BALLAD BY CARUSO 88345 Lo Schiavo (Aria America) 2 Enrico Caruso McCORMACK SINGS THE ROSARY 64257 The Rosary John McCormack Call ac nearest His Master's Voice dealer and hear these splendid Records to-day. Ask for a free copy of our 280 page Musical Encyclopedia, or a fating over 3,000 Records BERLINER GRAM-O-PHONE COMPANY Limited led SSSSSHESHSS SESS SSS SSSSHSSSLSSHSSS SSPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHSSSSS come away and leave the ciavh H SSSSSSHSSS SSS FRENCH MANOEUVRES BEG Paris, Sept. 7 One hundred thou sand soldiers, body of French troops. ever assemb- ing in the grand manoeuvres whieh--features ofthe manoeuvres will be began today in the valley of the Loire, near Tours. The troops are divid d into opposing armies, one re- presenting an invading foree, and the other forming the army Of de- fence. One of the most interesting the work of the new auxiliary of aviation, consisting of several score of aeroplanes an dirigible balloons, the first-named to ve usei f scout- ing purposes und the balloons for transmitting tnatructions and orders by wireless. forming the greatest in time of peace, are participat- SSSESSSSSSESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESESSSSSS Say, Mr. Investor don t wake up -to find that Winnipeg people have bought up all the lots in They know at the Peg what the Canadian Northern Railway are going to do near this property. ROSEMONT Lots will make more money for you than any other lots in Medicine Hat. ROSEMONT Which is the most suitable property for building the homes of the Canad- ian Northern Railway employees, joining as it does the quarter section recently purchased by the C. N. R. for their shops, roundhouse and yards ROSEMONT Is only one mile from the centre of Medicine Hat, so Yt should be immed. -/ iately supplied withe Gas, Water, etc. ROSEMONT Is far enough away from the noise caused by the shunting of trains to be a most desirable residential district. You can buy Rosemont lots at ground floor vrices on terms of Price of Lots 200 up. 25.00 CASH 25.00 Every 2 Months Interest ONLY 6 per cent. These lots will double in price whileyou are paying for them. Kennedy Pool PHONE 428. 517 THIRD AVENUE. . i SISSSSSSSESHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSS SSSESSSESESSSSSHSSSSESSSSSSSSSESSSSS S959588 Ai PESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHSSSS F SSSSS sof te - oate eeatesdelpeeate teateatocteateatrctoateteite ratoalodteatoatretess Ss e dochrcdastasteateatectectent Sesto atoatestoatectoatectentestoat eames te e aed ye To the Mayo I herewith Gas During the Yow pressure meters were one regulator Ogilvie prop closed in, in port handed y 43 new servi tional main - installed to : School and th north side of month there 1 and two. reg have new sto them. The maintenance 1 Public The work Department t pered this m of men, so th month has no pated. During Yeet of curb e
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Image 431 (1912-09-07), from microfilm reel 431, (CU1744083). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.