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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ek in sick- ent;. service ogee rical work. This frm Royal Bank build -class effice man. cep books and run pply 8. E. McClellan, Store. 37.6t EE E Made ed with il sum- ice per Present Dally Average 1626 Copies. Advertisers in Daily get the benefit of the Weekly country circulation, No extra charge. Books open to ad- vortisers, MEDICINE HAT NEWS VOL. 3 NO. 40 lt;u, Fair Opens To-morrow Medicine. Hat's big fair opens to- morrow and the large crowd expect- ed to attend is already flocking to the city. The programme is an ex: cellent one and judging from tho ANOTHER Bank of Hamilton Branch the Scene of the Latest Just, As it Was Closing Armed. Highwaymen Did Lots Of Shooting. Vancouver, B.C. Aug. 2 Bank of Hamilton's branch, five miles from the centre of the city, was the scene of a doldly planned but sadly executed robbery Saturday night at ning o'clock. The desperados, armed and masked, numbered six, four at least are believed to be Italians. Not more than four hundred dollars was the amount of their plunder, this sum being taken froin the teller's desk. Manager T. H. Rhoad s had found an opportunity to ring a newly in- stalled fire alarm signal and fears for their own safety prevented the bandits from rushing the safe. Im- mediately they backed out from the bank building shooting at the crowd on the street. One of the bandits was wounded but his companions conveyed him to a waiting automobile and escaped. Most or the bullets passed high in the air or into the sidewalks, but Taft Signed . Canal. Bill - That Government Does Not Consider that Provisions Of the Treaty Have Been Violated. . Dispatch) Washington, Aug. 24- Taft signed the Panama canal Bill at 7.15 o'clock to-night. Following this he sent to Congress a memor- andum suggesting the advisability of the passage of a resolution which would declare that his measure was not cons dered by the government 2 violation of the treaty provisions re- garding the canal - Yn discussing the British protest against the exemption of American shipping from the payment of tolls for the use of the canal Mr. Taft says the irresistible concludion to be drawn from it and that although the United States owns, controls and has paid for the canal, it is re stricted by treaty from aiding its own commerce in the way that, all the other nations of the world may freely do. (W. A. P. Cable.) London, Aug, 24 The Panama Ca- nal Bill s characterized this morn- ing as practically a repudiation of a BANK ROBBED 47 THE COAST ON SATU ing clerks. Girls playing in the im- Woodstock, Vt, August 26 The an- number of animals the live stock ture will be big one. Thd gy formance in front of the stang Yat be much better than last ind the horse racing will be equaly iny- if Dispatch) stray one crashed through the plate glass window of a neighboring store, ) hitting clerk in the leg, Other bul- lets passed through windows, miss- mediate Viclhity of the bank were not injured - The masked men, believed to be members of the gang which held up the Bank of Hamilton early in the evening, held up the occupants of a taxicab at midnight Saturday near the Collingwood Fire Hall, securing: Je elry to the value of about one hun- dred dollars. The outlaws had plac- ed a tree trunk across the road to stop the auto. This accomplished, they ordered the occupants, at the point of revolvers ,to line up. The robbers then relieved the victims of their watches. 7 Early on Saturday night a promi- up-end- robbed of fifty dollars by a masked and armed highwayman. Sent to: Congress Memorandum Suggesting Resolution direct bargain by newspapers repre- senting the views of the British po- litical parties. Meanwhile no definite proceedure b ythe British government in regard to the bill can be framed, for nearly all the cabinet ministers are scattered over the European con- nent resident of Armitage was held thing in Western Canada. Tomorrow the opening performance will be the complete grand stand performance, horse racing and judg - ing of various sections. iB BILL GRAVES, Secretary Labar Day Sports Com. LONDON S BIG POST OFFICE 1S BADLY City Was Cut off From Cable Connection for Some Time No Struc- tural Damage. (W. A. P. Cable.) London, Aug. 25. London Satur - day was entirely cut off from tele- graphic communication with the rest of the country and with the eontin- ent for a time; eonnection with, America was severed. : As the result of a fierce fire. wh ch broke out in the general post office, in which building the. Central Telegraph office is situated, and where all the wires of the service are concentrated, While the fire was extr iii ly fleree,/ no lives were lost and'the'damiage was confined to she inside of the building. A thousand employees, a nfajority of them being women, got out. of the structure promptly and without panic. The telebraph service to and fro the capital will be crip- pled for a day or two. The fire started at 7 o'clock in the evening and was caused by the ifus - ing of a wire in s test box on the fourth floor. The gallery affected tinent, at various watering places or s0on sas Glled azith xalumes. of else are shooting grouse on the Scot- tish moors and most of the prominent politicians outside of the cabinet are engaged in similar ways, It Is certain, however, that the gov- ernment will propose the taking up of the question to the Hague court of. arbitration, although no details of the method of submitting it has been s t- tled. UNIVERSALIST CONVENTION. nual convention of Universalist Churches of Vermont and the Pro- yinee of Quebec began here today and will continue in session until ursday. SLAUGHTE ary knowledge of the same. slaughter houses. clean. chell, and when we sto The News hereby wishes to retract state- ments made Saturday evening regarding the sani- onditions of Robt. Mitchell s slaughter house, which were printed by us without proper Mr. Robert Mitchejl utterly charges made by the Council in regard to the Mr. Mitchell has four men at work at his slaughter houses. killing a youth asstats and also assists the fourth whose duty is nothing else than to keep the place We have cement-floors, says Mr. Mit- these floors are scrubbed and washed clean. R HOUSES refutes the Two of them do the yp killing at five o clock, Af. necessary. thick smoke. The building sustained no structural damage, but the losses to tables and instruments and fur- niture were veri heavy, the furniture suffering, from the tons of water which the fire engines poured in and which streamed through the whole building. NOTHING IN IT Montreal, Aug. 24. The rumors that are current to the effect that Vice-President Fitzhugh of the Cen- tral Vermont which is a subsidiary Ine of the Grand Trunk with other officials of the road, is going to re- sign is dented here by Grand Trunk officials. Everyone says they have heard nothing to substantiate the rumor. SIR WILFRID S TRIP WEST. Ottawa, Ont, August 26 Sir Wil- frid Laurier, former premier and lead- er of the Liberal Party, will leave tomorrow for an extensive tour of western Canada, He will speak be- fore the coming convention of the Canadian Forestry Association in Vancouver and will yisit many of the principal cities on his way to and from the Pacific Coast. Hollinger Agency. TO DISCUSS CITY BOOSTING. The DAMAGED IN. FIRE We have good buys in all parts of the city. Let us show them to you. Wichita Falls,.Texas, Aug. 26 most efficient methods of city MAGISTRATE SAYS WOMEN CLOTHES ENCOURAGE MASHERS Philadelphia, * Aug. 26. Elght youths under the age of nineteen years and a map of thirty-five who. had been arrested on Sunday for forcing tir attentions upon young women in the dark, secluded lanes of strate Morris, Most of you 100k as though you came from resp ctuble families and should know that Jt s improper to accost unescorted girls and women. said the Magistrate. I believe the women in many ses are to blame. They wear such olgthes that a young fellow doesn t whether he ts safe in approachig them or not. Their actions fe in many instan- ces more suggestive than the clothes. It ts therefore neGessary for us to break up. this pimetice, and while 1 do not think that you are guilty of any heinous crimes the law compels ine * ISON, Chairman Labor Day Sports Com. ode she Geheihe He oh eho he oho ols B deks AUTOMOBILE DEPOT Is at the top of the hill on the Macleod Trail. The public will be directed by a large sign with-the wet automo- bile. A comfortable building where people can rest. Fare 25e each way. H. HASSARD, Secy. heb bbb bb bebe oh teak tele ese oh beh bof fe a . + + 1. TEDDIE TWANTST0 BOT HE CANNOT Would Like to:Take Stand It Will Be D layed. Oyster Vay, N.Y., Aug. 25. Col. Roosevelt announced tonight that he wanted to appear in Washington be- fore the Senate committee investi- gating contributions to refute the testimony of John Archbold yes- terday, concerning his knowledge of an alleged contribution of 10 ,000 by Mr. Archbold to the Republican campaign funds in 1904. Washington, Aug. 25. Col. Roose- velt will not have an opportunity to answer John D. Arehbold s state- ments before the Senate committee investigating campaign expenditures until late in September. Senator mittee to which Mr. Archbold told 000 to the Roosevelt fund in 1904, telegraphed Col. Roosevelt at four o'clock this morning that the com- niittee would not be able to hear him Monday as the Colonel desired. We absolutely. refuse to recommend investments on property that we Mnger Agency. SUB CRIBF NOW for the Daily News the park were limed up before Mag- on Archbold Gharges, but ORDER BRINCH WORK Clapp, chairman of the sub-com- Port Arthur, Ont Aug 24 his story of having contribuved 100,- would not purchase ourselves. Hol- MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. MONDAY. AUGUST 26, 1912 The Labor Da; sports committee, whose determination to bring to. a successful issue the celebration to take place on that day, Sept. 2, have no doubt cause to congratu- late themselves on the publicity that has been given the events to be de- cided then. Entries and enquiries for entries continue to pour in from all over Western Canada, showing that their efforts to make this not only a local but a provincial affair is ineet- ing with a hearty response from all sorts and conditions of sportsmen. ince the printing, of the official GHORGE RILEY, Treastirer Labor Day Sports Com. HOLD-UPS CRUSH SKULL OF CALGARY MAN-HE'LL DIE In Heart of City Held Two Up at the Point of Gun. WAAL P. Dispaten) Calgary, Aug. 25. John Daltnecho is dying as the result of an encoun- ter with holdups.. which occurred about midnight. Dalynecho gnd John Dargo were walking along Third Ave. when four men stepped out of an alleysand: commanded them to throw uj thein:-hands, Dalynecho was tuck oh the head with a revolver and knocked down,the blow crushing his skull. The men were relieved of their money and Dargo was told to get out of the way quick. He did so, notifying the police, who, took Dalynecho to the hospital. Barly this morning it was thought: he could not survive his injuries. Brandon, Man,, Aug. 26. Resulting from application made recently by the city of Brandon to the Board of Rail- way Commissioners for an order to compel the G. T. P. to build a line in- to Brandon from a point on the main line northeast of the city. City Clerk Brown today received notification from Railway Commission enclosing a copy of the order by the board to the G, T. P, to commence work on the Brandon branch at once. Copy of the board s approval of plan of pro- posed branch was also enclosed. STRIKE ENDED Strike of truckers of Canadjan North- ern sheds ended this noon, when men notified mompany that they would accept the offer the company made when they went out a week ago of twe cents hour iner ase and time and a half for overtime. Company after first offer of increase. steadily refuhed to change terms and faflure of men to reate sympathetic strike at Fort William made position strong enough to hold. Five lots left in Block 18, North H.C. Pettet request to be told of his opinions fe inion of Canada. much attention from the suffragettes Labor Day Program Progresses programme, the committie s efforts to get together a Labor Day parade in the morning, not having met with any arked success, they had to de- cide to abandon it altogether, and substitute a morning programme of sports which does not appear in the official programme As will be seen by the prizes which are now on exhibition by kind permission of H. W. Ireland Co. in their spacious store window Main street, some are also offered for these events, which will walking and running races. He Has Consented to Re: ceive Deputation ca Hear Their Case. (CW. A. P. Cable.) Lond n, Aug. 26. The British suffragettes are about to put Robert LL. Borden, the Cafiadian Premier, to the test. He has finally consented to receive a delegation of women who will place before him their views and phases of their political status and and as to whether he intends doing anything for their cause in the Do- Mr. Borden was the recipient of since his arrival im England some months ago. He has, however, generally succeed- ed in evading their demands for: an interv ew. He has now relented and consented to meet a delegation which will call on him Saturday after-' noon, London, Atg. 26. Premler Borden Will Have Ablest Detectives Cases in N. Y. Becker Plot, Says Counsel. New York, Aug. 26 With the ap- pointment of W. J. Flynn, chief of the Secret Service as chief investiga- tor of the aldermanic investigating committee, came the news today that the ablest detectives in the country will aid Chief Flynn in ferritting out police blackmail. The investigation committee plans to meet tomorrow for the..purpose of further organization. Counsel for Becker-was today pre- paring the defence of the accused. Lieut, Becker's lawyer expects. to show that he Was the victim of a gambler s plot headed by Balt Jack Rose and the men who have support- ed his confession. Rose and these men, counse will assert, have rea- Six Passenger Trains are Stalled as a Result. (CW. A. P. Dispateh.) Revelstoke, B. C., Aug. 26. Good brogress is being made in clearing EME EEE hb tt everything in ship shape. kept as clean as a kitchen. odor arise where refuse runs down the bank some distance from the slaughter house, but this is due to the lack of water, which is at the present being installed. PEER EE EEE EEE EE er that they put hot lime wherever This does away with all dirt. The News representative, with the Chief of Police, called at the site Saturday afternoon and found the above process of cleaning going on and Mr. Mitchell says that his slaughter house is There might be an etereeeerat tang ete eee ree ee * bootting are to be discussed by the commercial secretaries of Texas, who rounded up here today for their con- ference. Commercial clubs in all the principal cities and towns of the State are represented. The value of news- paper advertising, truthfulness is ex- ploitation, immigration, and all phases of commercial club work will receive attention during the three days ses- Five lots left in Block 18. North Yum at 700 each. H. C, Pettet Co., Phone 481. 38-t jot + The Daily News delivered in the + city 35 a month, mi of oe oe fe fe fe obs te ode ofe fe fe ole fe Vuslll at. 700 each. + f 2 - Co. Phone 481. . 38-tt + COLLINS SLAUGHTER + HOUSE NOT CONNECTED -b DR. NESBITT ILL ee WITH THE. TROUBLE ++ * ae Toronto, Ont, Aug. 24 In a priv- In Saturday's edition of the f+ Ste hospital in Toronto, Dr. Beatle News there appeared a story + Nesbitt, under indictment in connec- m which Colling slaughter 4- tion. with the wrecking of the Farniers (house. was connected with f+ Bank fe sald to be seriously ill. The ip hone baaniionea by the'alder- 4.) Sobor 1 sulferins, from 's severe a i mem). -Br. Collins place fg of tex of asthma, resulting, the phy- Ty qOuIG OF the ctty and fe: of Scene MAY from-a highly nervous Fe ee er ate varie oMston bemeent ow by. the severe fe diction of the Council, It a strain following his arrest. sf might also be pointed oat that +f VES *f Mr. Collins slaughter house * MATL FROM THE WEST. se isa nes one and built along The frst mail received from the : che. mabe up soe bred et West in two days reached the city tay nes reeebles el this afternoon- The hold-up was primary necessities needed to +) caused by wm earth slide in Roger's se make it such. Mr. Collins pacg. if place was mentioned through +f ee a mistake, + s left in Block 18. Nortl oh oe be ee oh ofr oe ode obs fe oh oe Co. Phone 481. H.C. Pettet 38-tt sf Yuitt at 700 each. the slide and washout two miles cast of Roger's Pasa and traffic will be Tesumed today. Six passenger trains are stalled between BearCteek and Golden westbound, and seven eas bound at Roger's Pass, Last night as turnef at Roger's Pass and Chief of Police Issues a Warning to Citizens. The bunch of pickpockets who ap- pear to be travelling around to the various western fairs, have, It is sta- ted, put in an appearance in the city. Whether this be true or not it is a known fact that a lady standing on the depot platform last night had her purse snatched out of her hand, but DAILY EDITION WAP, AND C. 4 Pe ball park is also drawing attention and a full compliment of entries is expected for the prize waltz. special orchestra sured, ed forward to. fact on competitors taking part in the dit trots be accepted after August Slst, SIFFRAGETTES ARE AFTER PREMIER BL BORD of Canada. marked Contrast to the co ceremonies practiced by other pe foal parties, the Socialist SLIDE AT ROGERS PASS TOWDING UP ALL THAIS TELEGRAPHIC PRICE, FIVE CENTS ; The dance in the ening on the arge platform erested in the base large attendance look- Special attention is called to the that owing to the . number of erent events, no entries can pdssibly tion of the Women s Social and Pollt- feal Union, Mrs. Pankhurst s organi: gation. A few days ago he pldaded multiplicity of engagements, venting him seeing such a ior lt; but today wire acceptance. tation will await him at the the object being to ask him what he is prepared to-take in of female suffrage in the (W. A. P. Dispatel Terre Haute, Ind, Aug. 26 nominee, Eugene V. Debs;-today a - cepted his nomination by simply i forming the newspapers that they Were at lUberty to print bis address of.acceptance which he had sent them in printed form. No committee on Mr. Debs and there was an ef lack of ceremony. Mr. Debs will tomorrow night Minn, wilt xegetve on Wednebday e depate- Subscribe NOW tor The Dally News pF TO INVESTIGATE to Ferret Out the Graft the Victim of Gazablers EEE rie (Ww. ALP. Di sons to seek Peyenge on Becker for his activity against them. It will be further alleged that a plot to murder Rosenthal was concelved three months before he. was killed, but the - plan was. abandoned-at the instigation of certain East Side gamblers. Tt will be conceded) that Rosenthal was of- fered 10,000 to go to Canada, but that when he demanded 25,000 it was decided to make away with him. Subpoenas probably will be issued with the appearance of the landiords of property used as disorderly houses and gambling dens before the special grand jury investigating police graft that has cropped out in th eRogenthal murder case, ; passengers were transferred over the slide. This was the first serious slide in August, being caused by a cloud- burst Friday night, and three hun- dred men with steam shovels and dy- namite have been working day and night to clear the road. The new tunnel which the Canadian Paciti raltway is building between Glacier and Bear Creek will elimin- ate this which is regarded as the most difficult section in the entire system. a Beware of Pickpockets as the contents were trifling the mat- ter was not reported: to the police authorities. ? At Edmonton, Calgary . and Leth- bridge, many complaints were made to the DoHee, and some arrests were made. The Chief expects some of tho gang in the city and intends to make every effort to nab them. Special po- lice arrangements are being made, so that the Visitors and citizens alike will be protected 60 far as possible, Rigg will be int attend 7 ance so that good music may be as- HW
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Image 358 (1912-08-26), from microfilm reel 358, (CU1744093). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.