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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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apathetic fe MEDIQINE HAT DAILY NE th it has taken 10 years to heal. Saw Comrade Dying on Desert. Imprisoned Disclosing Facts Release Follows, But He is d Again, Accused of Murder By-Perjurers. MG Bept. 23. The facts which Constantine. It can hardly be doub- com to light in con- with the condemnation, by sentence will be ordered. ary tribunal, of the soldier asset to 20 years penal journalist, Severine, for the alleged murder of abuses flourish at the penitentiary of gmrade Brancoli leave little Albertville. that the prisoner is the victim solitary confinement terrible miscarriage of justice. periods, rotten potatoes are given grande presse maintains s them as food, for four days at a time attitude with nothing but dry bread is served, and d to the affair, a though it when the prisoners protest they are lest: by ao trank recognition flung into cellars, beaten while they fresh scandal be let loose are in fetters, and maimed by hand: France and her splendid army cufts which eat into the flesh. open once more the wounds ted that the ie t all that it is vain to attempt; say: not go farther. Strength Gave Way This time, but at last a comrade named Emile Rousset, who. had witnessed it, openly accused the officer and two London Press Forecasts Division- of Country tween England and Rus- sia- sergeants of death. Attempts prison; the - ter up. was sent to Medea Now comes the Rousset Murdered in Quarrel Silence Refused 5 were made to secure Rousset's silence bya promise that his own offences would be passed ov- er ang that he would obtain dy release; but he turned a deaf ear) Vision of Persia between Great Bri- to these promises and: persisted in tain and Russia appears almost as- his acensation. He was thrown into Sured as a result of the conferences in which Sanguls Sazonoff, the Foreign France appealed to the Committee of Minister, had with British statesmen. Social Defence, which took the mat- All the newspapers which are in the closest touch with fice, including. the Tim s, looked to Hnduce the War Minister to hold Upon recently as Sir Edward Grey's en ftiquiry, and the Government was Mouthpiece, are forecasting the ar- interpellated in the Chamber, but it Tusement was not until two years bad passed ing the public mind for it. The ne- by that Gen Rabier was despatched Cessity of preserving order in the to Algeria to get at the truth. After careful inquiry, he satisfied himself * ason advanced. - that Aernoult liad died a violent wa death. Lieut. Sabatier, with Sergts. Boignier and Casanova were arrest- ed, and Rousset was released. prisoner's friends causing Aernoult s Again and again efforts were made, He most astounding find he was sentenced penal servitude. Lieut the two sergeants were, df course, i set at liberty. Their traducer had be feet of the six-power combina- onizetion, and other leading men in met with poetic justic, and the our- on representing the United States,/this and other Provinces during my tain fell once more on this bewilder- Great Britain, France, Germany, stay. ing Algerian drama, part of the story. A day of two be- fore the Meutenant and. the: two ser- geants were to be tried at Oransa soldier named Brancoll was stabbed to death in a barrack brawl at Med- London, Sept. 23. Half of the Chi- nese loan of 50,000,000 is to be of- er the wires to inform the French f red in London for subscription on public that Rousset, the man whose Thursday and Friday ofthis week, charges had procured the arrest of cording to Charles his officers and himself, had murder- ea . A-curt.message was finshed ov- 20 years jer and pendent group of banks has been yr am hoping to wait upon the Pre- Thts was last December. Rousset had been found gilty on the evidence of five comrades Sapa, Deleu, Pier- Jot, Rou, and Delrienx. Within the last few weeks these: men have one and all confessed that ther commit- ted perjury at the court-martial, that interests of trade J a head of the Anglo-Russian Bank, ed One of his comrades in a quarrel. Who has been prominent in the nego- once more aresrted Hations. and tried by court-martial. The evi- stifle. in France the voice of jus- little children; for them to entreat 3 their jailers to loosen the handcuffs buried tn their flesh, their pain must brief.recapitulation of the facts veritably have reached its zenith. Is be useful, In the summer of it prescribed by law? How do they Hi909 a soldier named Aernoult, wio, dare, inflict it? for misconduct in France, had been a -s rgeant who replies: You may to serve in one of the Compag-j die, you vermin. I will rot loosen jes He Discipline in Algeria, was your fetters. - to march with a heavy knap- The crime of these men, says across the desert under a-fierce Severin, was to refuse to eat diseas- His strength gave way, and he ed rations, and then to smash some Il to the ground, saying that he window: It is alleged sent before the court-martial at wat Tleut. Sabatier who was in com; Grenoble (in France), and so 4 directed Sergts. Belgnier andj their judges what goes on in the Casanova to make Aernoult go, on, penitentiary at Albertville. and that one of them crammed a ab of sand into his mouth Whether this be actually true or not, it is certain that Aernoult was 7 Jett to lie where be had fallen. horrible-affair was hushed up for a BRITAIN T0-HAVE spee- London; According to the well. For men In their prime to howl the Dreyfus affair js a warn- with pain for a whole night, he ONDON MAY FLOAT Department of the Dominion Govern- ment BAS so greatly appreciated the services rendered hy my league to Canada that we baveijust bow ask- ed to send out 160 men to fill va- cancies in the Royal Canadian Artil- lery and the Royal Camadian Engi- neers, whose fares, in this instance will be advanced by the Government. A first detachment of these men will leave for Halifax this month. The league has also been asked by the Comptroller, Royal Northwest Wounted Police, to supply fifty men for that renowned foree, thirty of whom arrived in Quebec on the 12th inst., under the charge of Inspector West, who conferred with me in Eng- land, and for whose inspection and investigation we were able to submit over 200 applications almost im- mediately on bis arrival in London- Only Three Complaints I am glad to be able to say that of the 400 men or more who have come to Canada under our auspices, some of whom, by the way, had thelr familles with them or have since sent for them, I have only: recelved three complaints of or from them. Two of these concerned men who have since found openings and one was addicted to drink. This, I think, Is very sat- isfactory, and shows the care exer- elsed by the league in the selection of the men sent out. Indeed, every effort is used to select only men of character ang physique, who (to use revision of Rousset s nown lady all manner of Prisoners are kept in for illegal Howl With Pain. d call on their mothers, like What s one to call Your own dxpressive phrase) are likely to make good on their com- ing here, But the work the League has done for Canada bears. no. comparison to what ft can do if the various Gov- ernments will afford such assistance as is easily within their power to do. For example, during this year and the two following years, a much Iar- ger number of men will be leaving the British army than for rears past many of whom should be available for settlement here. I have with me: a statement to that effect by the Rt Hon. Viscount Midleton, who was Secretary of State for War under the Inte Conservative Government, and who is chairman of the Parlia- mentary Committee of my League. He says: Owing to the large re cruitment for the South African war of 1900, 1901, and 1902,.the number of men completing twelve years service with the colors and reserye who will pass into civil life during 1912, 1913 and. i914 is exceptionally large. The War Office computes that the fig- ures will, approximately, be as fol- lows: 1912, 21,500; 1913, 24,200; 1914, 26,000. The ordinary average is 18,000. per annum. Valuable for Defence It will, therefore, be seen that there will be 30,000 to 40,006' men over. the average ntimber Of time- expired men leaving military s rvicey during the next three years, for large numbers of whom openings cannot be found in civil life in the United Kingdom. There is an excellent op- portunity, says Lord Midleton): for the emigration of these men to an ada. While many of them are:mia ried men. with young familles, larger majority of them are single, and..their average age Will be from. in order that they might be tell SHARE OF PERSIA Be- A. P. Cable) 23. The practical di- Foreign Of- and apparently prepar- is the principle Half of Big Amount for saree Nee er arene oe China Will be Asked For. many came originally. trom the coun: try districts of England, Scotland and Ireland, and would form a val- uable element in Canada at the pres- ent moment for settlement and de- fence. Duke of Connaught Cordial. To secure a class of immigrants of this character seems to me to be very desirable, and to press this view upon your various Governments and (c. A. P. Cable) Birch Crisp, - Lloyds Bank is supposed to stand to indicate the way in which it may dence against him was overwhelming Pomsor for the loan. Capitalists he done, I have already seen the here have hesitated to believe the in- Minister of Militia and Defence and le to -cut the ground from under mier of Ontario, the Director ot Col- I had the pleasure of two. in- Russia and Japan. The latest ad- terviews with H. R. H. the Duke of vices from Peking, however, appear Connaught at Halifax and Toronto convincing on this polnt- 10 empx BRITAIN HAS 40,000 soule. ed? Lieutenant, that he was pleased with him. gt; - -Stum of the Army. Rousset is innocent, and that the murderer is a soldier named Bordes- ettes. and passed them around, say- not let him go. Corp. Lalo answer- re you pleased with me? Have I carried out my orders Properly? The Ucutenant answered men were sent out to Canada, under the auspices of the league, of whom 152 entered military service and 252 SOLDIERS FOR CANAD (Continued from page one) They declare that they were put Some .years ago, for the purpose under pressure by Lieut. Pau Lacroix 4vising and assisting ex-soldiers and owho, prepared the case against Rous- ailors to find openings in the Brit- made during the next two monthsor b set, and that they were also terror- ish Dominions, The Duke of ized by Bordessoule s friends, who naught is patron of the league threatened them with vengeance if Field Marshall Barl Roberts its presi- may have the opportunity of com- they Genounced the real murderer, at dent, and on its council are many the same time assuring them that leading naval their only object was to shield Bor- smongst dessoule, and that the court would Frederick W. Benson, and Major- Rever condemn Rousset, an fanocent General Sir Ronald B. Lane, Mr. Ar- thur Grenfell, and other gentlemen One of the men declared, in the who are specially interested in Can- confession, written from his cell, that sda at the court-martial all the witnesses * Were in a room adjoining the court- room, There, he says, Lieut. Pau formed and various committees Lacrolx took out a packet of cigar- pointed. The first president of this branch was the late Governor-Gener- ing: At last we have Rousset. Do al, Earl Grey, whose place is now occupied by the Duke of Counaught. To country, a brameh of the league was During two and a half years 404 + it must berromembered, in all fair- found ed to the general Bess, adds The Daily New *-Poudent, that these men are mostly settled in Ontario. Whe scum of the army, und that they these, openings have been found may be perjuring themselves on such evidence. commanding. corres- largest number of the latter over Maior J. Cooper Mason, whose gen- again, but in any case it is evident erous services are greatly sppreeiat- that no tribunal ought to convict a eq by the men, from many of whom the league has received letters speak- M. Millerand, Minister of War, 18 ing very highly of Major Mason's now in possession of the letterg.from - these men, and they will be to1 able British settlers. last Week, who empowers me to say he is exceedingly pleased with work the League has done and is doing for the Dominion, and that he cordially approves of my plans. His Royal Highness has also asked me to call on some of your leading men who, he hopes, will be prepared. to support the League in its import- of ant imperial work. I trust that arangements will be Con- s0 for holding meetings here and and in other leading cities, at which I mending the work of the League, es- pecially to the employers of labor, and of securing the co-operation of the various organizations and) per- sons interested in Imperial matters Who desire to assist the work of en- couraging the immigration of suit- and military men, whom are Major-General Sir further its objects in this Before leaving England I had the Pleasure of meeting the Rt. Hon. R- L. Borden, the Hon. J. D. Hazen and other visiting Canadians, and of con- ferting with the representatives of the leading Canadian railways, all of whom expressed their interest In tie work of the League and. their good wishes for the object I have In view In coming to Canada. ap- 250 as Civilians. CANADIAN MANNPACTURERS, (Special to the News.) Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 23. More than 500 members of the Canadian Manu- facturers' Association gathered in this city today for the association's annual convention. The sessions of the convention will continue three jays ahd will be devoted to the dis- cussion of a wide range of questions peftaining to the prosperity and de- The have For most of by oi employment. The British Welcome ias also been of great use to RECORD FLO0D-0 VERMILLION R Water Reached Mark Than Has Been Known in Pasi Tide Rapidly Rose Subsiding Again. W, A. P. Dispatch.) Dauphin, Man., Sept. cessant rain which has been here of Inte reached a climax day, when the Vermillion has been previously known week ago almost reached mensions of a ficod, but Deaten. water reached its height and all day yesterdsy the bank with it Today the water is Teceding and the weather some signs of improvement. BAD TACTICS WILL Failed and Liberals Fall. (C. A. P. Cable) ering of the ber of Parliament Cork, exp jive: years: - teetive. lt; sioll CW. ALB. Dinpateh.s Montreal, Sept. 23i +-Chief erous friends are bidding him IVER Higher Ever it. WOOD PILE SWEPT AWAY From Incessant Rains, But is 23. The In+ falling yester- River, which runs through the town, re- gistered a higher water mark than here The water coming off the mountains the ai- yeaterday morning all previous records were The olectric light plant was temporarily disabled, but was able to supply light last night. Between four and five hundred cords of wood Belonging to the clectric light com- pany were washel away when the contin- wed to sweep around the curve in the river where the wood was stor- ed. Four or five tlers of wood were undermined and swept sway, while contin- ned to Cave In, carrying the wood slowly, shows WRECK GOVERNMENT O Brien Says Redmond has Will Cork, Ireland, Sept. 23. Address- ing the delegates at the annual gath- Tndependent Nationalists here yesterday, Wm. O'Brien, mem- for the city of the fear that Insurance Aet was wrecking the Lib- eral party and would wreck home rule with it. The policy. and tacties of John Redmond had failed, the peaker. Said, and all that the Na- jonalists had. done was to double the excessive taxation of Ireland * jn the CARPENTER STARTS. WEST Pinkerton Agent May Sue- eeed Montreal Head: Detec- tive Carpenter wilhjeave Montreal, where he-has' headed the secret ser- vice for so many years, and will start for Edmonton-this evening. De- teetives, police officers and his num- cor- dial farewell. itis though that John McNamara, head of the Agency. in Montreal, appointed to. the Chief Carpenter's departure. Pinkerton will likely be Yacancy made by MR. BORDEN AT TORONTO Premier and Wife Welcom- ed by Party of Prominent Citizens. (W. A. P. Dispatch) Toronto, Sept. 23 Premler Bor- den arrived this morning and was warmly welcomed by a party minent ci and was accompanied by Mrs. Finance. 2 Misunderstanding of Friendship, Pittsburg, misunderstanding of orders. Foreman of TWO KILLED IN AW Smash of pro- eng, who were waiting on the platform to receive him. Mr. Bor- den travelled in Government car, Borden and Hon. W. T. White, Minister of Public Na tioe Dew Pingle, Wales Bell Real Estate, Notary Public, ete. Pourth Ave, One Minute From Post Office, PHONE 701, ALTAWANA Lota in Blocks 6 7 9 8 14, 18, 12, 8,16, 17, 18, 20, 28, 24 end 1. At various. prices, 100 to 800. RIVERSIDE We hald a aice. Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, Office, For Sale, Lost, Found, tc,, ada under these headings, 25 words, one day .. .. 25 26 words, three days 25 words, wl days Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for lees than 25 cents. Cash must secompany the order. Phone your ad to No, 18 ring , and it will recelve attention. . BENDING 250 each. wards. NORTH -YUILL 750 upwards. SOUTH YUILL 1100 aia up- wards. and 278, )WANTED Dining room girl. Apply Redolift Hotel. S1-tf YVANTED Men and women to learn barber trade. Summer rate now on. Situations guaranteed. Special rates to ladies, Particulars and cata logue free. Moler College, 699 Cen-. tre St, Calgary. s0datt THE CANADIAN HOMB INVEST- MENT CO, LTD, has an opening tor two men with good ability and char acter for the position as salesmen. Applicant will need to apply by let ter and follow up by a personal call. Also be able to furnish first clase reference. To men as stated above quick advancement is assured. Apply Supt, office Imperial Bank Bulld- ing, city. 61-8 See Sc Se WANTED FOR OCTOBER 1st GEN- eral servant for family of three. Ref- erences required. Mrs. James Mur- ray, Suffield. 63tt .We hold one of the finest Ustings in the city. Call be- fore buying. Our car is at your service. We want. list- ings in the Herald and Town: site particularly, as well as tn other places. We have duyers if are right: Cate. prices We bave a spleydid sub-div- ision. proposition, Farms and Ranches our spec jalty. x We have over 60 Houses for sale. Our ddvice and service are at your command. Remember the address: Fourth Ave, One Minute From Post Office. WANTED TEAMSTER. APPLY GAS City Lumber Co. 63-3 Will Be Victory or Death Alone Mrs. Leigh, Suffragette, Signalizes Release From Prison by Fresh Out- burst. WANTED CAPABLE MAN TO LOOK after. warchouse. Steady job for right man. Apply Birnie Bros. 63-tt LOST A GOOD GIRL WANTED AT ONCE Good wages. 103 Montreal St. 62-3 IWVANTED AT ONCE 50- carpenters HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX- on Ogilvie Mill job, Boarding camp FURS FURS 800 to 500. on site. Canadian Stewart Co, TOWNSITE From 1550 up. Ltd. 33-tf WANTED: AT ONCE ONB front bed sitting room. Apply Nows To KENT sd TENANT WANTED for vacant store on the corner of Montreal Street LOST. AND-FOUND LARGE + Gl-tt pit SS WANTED TWO..ROOMS, FURNISH- ed, for light housekeaping, by mar- ry ried couple, No. children, Apply box 31.00 BB, News office, 60-tf SE aR See Aen WANTED AT ONCE, BY YOUNG man, room in private family; central and modern; none other need apply. Box. 1348 News s quite 52-tt Se selection from. 300 to. 3500, HELP WANTED, FOR SALE RIVERDALE, lotsiat 185 cach, Tene Sikes HERALD Ohol e lots. tacing 'WANTED Laborers by the Canad-/FOR SALE FIVE. PASSENGER river, 375 to 400. tan Stewart Co, 80c per hour Apply Ford Automobile, in good running or COUSINS AND SIsSONS- Ostlvie Mill site 44-tf dor. Will consider real estate. Box 200 to 400. 1880, News office, 61-3 ena eo FURS LADIES and gents fur coats remodelled, Own skins made up and dressed. Apply J. W. Crisall,- Medicine Hat, Agent for the Andre Van, Veen Go., Phone P. 0, Box 735 PROPERTY AND HOUSE FOR SALB or to rent. Apply to the Alberta Se T-3m 59-12 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO. RENT, WITH OPTION of buying, small Rouse or cottage. Box 1861, News office. 61-3 Tooms overhead. Immediate possee- sion. Repairs and overhauling will be done. Apply to G, G, MacBean Co. Imperial Bank building. Loatt LOST A ROUND LOCKET; WITH monogram of W.H.D. on face of it, and containing photo inside. please leave same and receive reward. Finder at News office 63-3 NOTE-BOOK DATED from 6th of Sept. to 21. of 2 will be given for return of same to the News. A reward 63-3. (C. A. P. Cable.) Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 23. Phoenix Park was the scene yesterday of a disorderly suffragette meeting, A letter was read from Mrs. Leigh, who recently-was released from Mount Joy prison on account of ill health, declaring that unless Gladys Evans, who is now serving a sentence of five years for an attempt to bum a theatre, was liberated within a few days she would lead a march on the prison to effect her release. The is- sue, she added, woukt be decided on- ly by victory or death. 2 Canadian Pacific GENERAL SERVANT WANTED Apply Mrs. Thos. Knight, 619 Brae- mar St. 61-6 WANTED GOOD COMPETENT girl for general house work, in fam- ity of four. Apply Mrs. E. M. Cawk- er, 428 Fowings street. 61-6 WANTED 20 FIRST-CLASS MILL- wrights. Highest- wages paid. Apply to Medicine Hat Milling Co. 60-tt WANTED DINING . ROOM. GIRL. Apply Cosmopolitan Hotel. 60-tt WANTED SHEEPHERDER. APPLY A. P, Burns. 7 6Oett WANTED CARPHNTERS, LATH- rs and plasterers. None. but first- Class need apply. A. Dickinson, Ce- cil Hotel. 59-6 SPOKANE INTERSTASE FAIR SEPT. 30 OCT. 6, 1912 WANTED GOOD GENERAL SER- vant, to work by day. Old Country girl preferred. Apply 220 North Es- planade. 59-6 WANTED A SMART BOY TO ROUND TRIP learn. the art of printing. Must -be FARES over 14 years of age. Apply to fore- TO man News Job Department. ff oak Spokane, Wash. Going Dates Sept. 28-Oct. 5. Final Return Limit Oct 7th, 1912. SITUATIONS WANTED WOMAN WANTS WORK WHERE one child, two years old, would not be objectionable, Apply or write Mra, Fred Hamblin, Seven Persons, iAl- Derta, Canada. 62-8 YOUNG PERSON WISHES. SITUA- tlon as housekeaper or light house- work. Apply P. D box 942. 62-3 Further information and tick- ets from any C. P. R. Ticket Agent. R. G. McNEILLIE, Dist. Passenger Agent, gt; Calgary, Alta, ) Ye L. A. DOBBIN, LADY WANTS POSITION. AS CARE Ticket Agent, taker in small furnished rooming Phone 2 1. ve e Hat. house, occupied by gentlemen only. Mending done. Address box 1359, 61-3 ROOMS TO RENT. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE. Every modern convenience. Centrally located. Lease six months if desired. Apply Alberta Clay Products Co. 63-6 ON MARKET SQUARE SEPT 7, Fe 1912, Commencing at one. o'clock , sharp. Of These sales Fae 4 FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT IN Coal Will sell Stock, Furniture or any- 0dern house; all convenfences; N.Y., Sept. 23 Two persons were Killed and 2 score were injured, three prohably fatally, last night, when anexcursion train on the Shawmut and Northern road, collided with a coal train Nile, two mile west of here. wreck s said 'to have been due to a, CAPTURE SNEAD S HELPER Amarillo Police Arrest the Slayer s Ranch As An Accomplice at The phone; central locality, on hill: Ap- thing you have to sell. 3 ply 701 Ottawa, or phone 262. 52-tt List what you have to seil with the auctioneer or Mr, Caifirn, Watch for the ad, Thursday night G. SATTERLEE, Auctioneer 63-3 NOTICE. We have purchased the Alberta Cafe, formerly conducted by James Rutherford, and will conduct a first class restaurant. Meals at all hours. Corner Montreal and North Railway, opposite depot. We solicit your pa- tronage. 63-3 the 4 Tools tn TO RENT FURNISHED ROOM IN Furniture, modern house, Good family. Apply to Pingle, Wales and Bell. 62-tt FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT ALL modern conveniences. Apply 627 Montreal St. Mrs. G. Dixon. 61-tf ROOMS TO LET EITHER FURN- ished or unfurnished. Apply 949 Bast Allowance, 61-3 TO ENT 2 FURNISHED ROOMS TO let in modern house. Apply 304 North uill St, 57-6 QuON DUCK, JUN WAH QUAN SING. gies, harness, WANTED TO BUY ed to have helped John B. perfect his plans for killing of arrested, Th man s name is ing and he is now lodged from Padaach, Tex. He Militia and Defence '' ent of Canadian industries. uty Sheriff of Cottle County: Amprillo, Texas, Sept. 23. The *-- mysterious confederate who is alleg- Snead SP Al. G. Boyce in Amarillo recently, has been Eht- in the Potter County Jail, He is foreman of Snead s ranch a short. distance algo is Dep- Donser ae -ANTED TO BUY Building lots in Old Survey, Herald oF Central Park. Give prices, terms, ete., to P. (0. Box 610, Owners only nee? apply. i; B8-tt. IRELLA Corsets made to meas- Ure, guaranteed for one yeur against breaking.or rusting. At office in Pingle blocky Main street, from 2 p. m. to-S piim, Office phone 694. At house,-2-schoslArenus opposite east side ot High School, in evectng, House: photie* 699, or write P. O. Box 72, Myer ews, Au 22-8m the above, oo WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS. Apply 377 Esplanade. 62-tf The Daily News delivered in the elty 356 a month. J. PARTINGTON, STRAYED AUCTIONEERS FH. 3: BROWNE CO,, Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch the olty. Stoves and Bedding, and second hand Watches, Jewelry, volvers, Wagons, Buggies, and a nice new line of winter goods, We: buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South Rattway St. or Phone 587. t LADIES AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, sult cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggonm, bug- bicycles. carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f..thers, bought and. sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co, 312 Fourth : Dreamland theatre. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for Nazimova will begin her with The Marionettes, and iater-on she will appear in a dramatization of Robert Hichens Bella Donna. Subscribe now for the Daily News, 50 REWARD The above will be payed for information that, will lead to the recovery of one brown gelding with white stripe on nose, years old, and weight about 1300 ibs, Brand HF monogram on left should- er; one gray gelding weighing about 1800-Ibs., branded ) on left thigh. These horses were Pete Weiss onthe 13th of May. R. HL Starks, Medicine Hat. SP Ree oar gle DRESSMAKING FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING AT popular prices. Miss Maybelle Sex- smith, 06 East Balmoral st. last seen at A aet 59-6 WHEN WANTING A MATERNITY nurge phone 609. WELL SINKER 61-3 1406. COLUMBIA, Avenue, Medicine Hat Well Sinker. 61-3 ne Seen MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TC LOAN PRIVATE MON- ey to loan on residential property. Apply to P. 0. box 857 58-6 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 'W- 4 HENDERSON CO., chartered aecountants and auditors, (estab- shed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge, A. E. Gibsen, C.A, resident partner. Phone 198, -Burns Block. aTbatt Guns, Re- Harness, P. 0. box 358, 23Dee. season ed shoulder and narrow amen, parti amen of athl not propose to style. 1 wide-should snug waist lt; trousers. rect style fo TURPI THE ME Where you get t CALENDAR OF we International ile race at Mil Close of the * can Association Annual bench ern Collie Club Eddie McGoort 10 rounds at Ne Eddie Morgan 10 rounds, at Ni Pal Moore. vi rounds, at Mem rT Opening of La titig meeting at Opening of Mt Cireuit trotting Wis. Jack Britton v Tounds, at New Ray. Bronson Tounrs at St Lo lt;i pian WON Joe Carney vs three-cushion bil at San Franciscc Yale-Wesleyan New Haven. Cornell-Allegh Ithaca. lt; Carlisle Indis football wame a F Pacific. Athleti ming champion: tisco: Australian F matches begin ai Sai Canadian amat championships at Fall track and York A. C. at T1 Jim Kendrick rounds, at Brook Cass Tarvers Geyer, 10 rounds Pennsylvania - game at Philade Princeton-Steve Princeton. Yale-Holy Cros New Haven. Harvard-Maine Cambridge. Cornell-Colgate Ithaca. Carlisle Indian Dartmouth-Bat Hanover, The Con c Automobile Asso repognized as a r of Jack Tower ' baker car 25 mii ing the Speedw Angeles. Loose Leat Sy: Department has supplying the m
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Image 525 (1912-09-23), from microfilm reel 525, (CU1744170). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.