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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Canadian Pacific SPOKANE INTERSTATE FAIR SEPT, 30 OCT. 6, 1912 SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARES +TO Spokane, Wash. Going Dates Sept. 28-0ct. 6. Final Retura Limit Oct. 7th, asi, Purther information and tick ets from any C. PR, Ticket Agent. RB. G, McNEILLIE, Dist. Passenger Agent, Calgary, Alta, L. A. DOBBIN, gt; Mieket Agent, Medicine Hat, Phone 201, When Undecided whether'to give a suit-of old clothes away or have it re- novated, decide on the renovat- ing. and bring it to us you'll be mighty glad you did, be- cause we will probably save you the cost of new clothing. Our methods of cleansing are scientific and right up to date. Give us your work. THE GLOBE CLEAN. ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. we i As Feds Pat Fo tarine cousca viitins precarton to: a q dispatch. od i BOO0000902000000060008 Death In Chair Williams was put. to death for kill- ao aged farmer, James Daffy, E. M. CA WKER, Slayer Had Been Declared with a club near Honeoye, N. Y., Phm. B. In Mentally Deficient i 2911, and later attempting to as- all eee lc sault his victim's granddaughter. He Druggist Class But Still Sane. was originally sentenood, to be elec, i Coruplete stock of Toilet Articles trocuted during the-week of July 11, rey Drug Sundries, Proprietary Medi- Auburn, N. Y., Sept..24. James/1911, but the execution was stayed th ic a ee yeicians' Pre- Williams, the negro murderer whose by an appeal. Eventually the Court or sceipeioos a specsalty, sanity had been questioned, and who of Appeals affirmed the ponviction 204 South Ry.St. Phones. died in the electric chair here the is 2 other day, delivered a rambling oniedee valedictory that convinced most of played the title artley Manners Gaunt- to hay WA M. E. CONFER- help PHONE NO. 8. Your patronage. solicited. And our drivers will cali for ; Gnd return the goods. rn, Ia. Sept. 25 The session ot the Upper ence of the Methodist urch assembled here to- opened with an address ughes of San Francisco. ce will continue until y. In fiddition to the meetings and the usual utine business the pro- ides for sermons or ad- r. Frank W. Gunsaulys tev. William F. Oldham secretary of the Foreign ciety, and other church- 5 House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. J.J. LAT 16 MONTREAL STREET *Phone 260. MEDICINE HAT LIVERY COMPANY Horse Repository ae Ti remmland Theat.) ee Beg to announce that they have com- pleted arrangements for carrying on the business of Livery Keepers and General Feed Stables. Single and double outfits of all descriptions for sale or hire. The Company undertake all descrip- tions of express delivery by horse or automobile. Enquiries solicited by day or night. 7m e708. ocal Improvement District No. 9A4. Notice is hereby given that all per- ons having claims against Local Im- Drovement District 9A4 are required to send particulars of such claim to Paul Borch, Hilda, Alta., the secre- tary of eaid district, before the sev- enth day of November, 1912, and that any person who fails. to or omits to do so shall be debarred of bis right to recover the same from said dis- trict, or any other district that may be Hable for the Mabilities thereof, Dated at Hilda, Alta., this twenty- third day of September, 1912. PAUL BOROH, Secretary, Local Improvement District No. 9A4. W-th-S-tu-k. News delivered in the identity of - your also assuring that for every bushel the car. six or eight ounce ur grain and we you its real value, jorest qualities can raw good price if dled. We under usiness thoroughly, re the points that us Tor market pros- eed the BEST; t Y to you. W 6 are for very low prices season. ensed and bonded. ot mean low prices, would be willing ow a fair legitimate ference :BANK OF IS. it it. Winnipeg, Man, eg, Man. Offer For This Week Only 23 lots in Block 5, Altawana, 16100, Terms. 2 lots in Block 5, Altawazia, 1650, Terms 4 lots in Block 20,Riverside, 2000, Terms. - 50 ft. on Ottawa St. Block 15, 1125. Terms, All the above lots will positively be taken off the market on Saturday, September 28th, at ten o clock p.m. : We can deliver them and will sell them to - the first one making application, so Hurry Hurry DON T WAIT TILL THESE FINE LOTS - ARE GONE PHONE 790. OVER ASSINIBOIA MUSIC * STORE GIRL WRITES IN DIARY AS PLANE FALLS 450 FEET London, Sept. 25 One of the had not much time. Strangest entries. ever made in a diary-- pianing madly to earth--2.30 bits of us flying now was written in a shaky hand by Miss Mary Davies, who was flying as a passenger with Aviator H. De Asley when their ma- chine fell 450 feet near Lille yester- day, In describing her adventure af- terward Miss Davies said: When the machine turned over I thought I would be pitched out, but I became wedged between the luggage and things tumbled on top of me. The Soon after the dive began I was overturned. . I saw the propeller whirling around and bits of it being hurled to- ward the heavens. When we were about to strike the ground I won- dered whether my head would stick in the earth and some one would find me in that position. I was rather surprised when I found mysef un- hurt, When De Astey crawled out he found Miss Davies coolly fixing up her camera. The first thing she said compass rushed up at me and I was: caught Jt. Then the oil cai came at Dear, me it is a pity, we will have me. I tried my best to write, but Ito return by 1 sill him. The execution was over in five minutes, Williams's final conduct Acts Like Madman the witnesses that he was mentally deficient. + Gentlemen, - don t Kill me, he pleaded as he entered the chamber at 6o'clock, the priests and guards urging him. He wore old working clothes and to the astonishment of the witnesses had ona soft cap. He was plainly annoyed when the cap was snatched from his head and he was forcibly shoved into the chair. After taking his seat he looked over all of the witnesses as if count- ing them and then started to rise to make a speech, but the straps al- ready held him. He began: Gentle- men, don t kill me. I want to warn you about the wimmins. Keep away from the wimmins. That's what got INSURANCE COMPANIES PAY. (W. A. P. Dispatch) Regina, Sask., Sept. 24. It is an- and ten thousand dollars insurance on the McCarthy Block, destroyed early last winter, s being paid. Some of the companies which protested at first have agreed to pay and the oth- ers will not hold out Cannot Finish Panama Canal Nicaraguan Engineer De- me here. That's my Voice. Lord lares Great Ditch Will Jesus. I was the first one. Never Carry Ships. DEATH SILENCED HIS ' PLEADINGS TO LIVE. (W. A. P, Despatch) Then he paused as it expecting the Niagara Falls, Ont, Sept. 24 r witnesses to acknowledge his speech, don t yelieve-any vessel will, ever fand as the mask was going on he pass. through --the -Panama Canal, shouted: Hello I m the onef but gentlemen, don t kill me. He began to purse his lips, resisting Hlectric- ian Davis who tried to smooth the said Mr Lovering, a mining engineer f Cape Grace, Nicaragua, who pase- ed through here. The engineers have not been sble to find bottom in the canal and they have gone down 200 feet. You remember what hap- Pened about . two weeks ago that fall of millions of cubic yards of eafth. That bears me out. I be- leve Stevens and Shontz know that canal at Panama is Impossible. That's why. they quit. That's all right, don t do that, said Mr. Davis, the negro continuing to shout: Tam going, gentlemen, but don t: kill me. * He was repeat - ing his plea when death silenced him. One current of 1,880 volts at 9 am- Peres held for one minute sufficed to Forty-seven colors lor iaterior and exterior work ofall Sold : in teeta menorg Siedeby leper Vernon Color, Ciated eon nounced today that the one hundred (MDIETS TRIO FOR. WHITE SLAVERY Federal Grand Jury Finds Against Two Negroes and a ite Man. RETURN SEVENTEEN INDICZMENTS IN ALI Cases Cover Postoffice Rob- beries, Embezzlement and Assault, Toledo, Sept. 25 In the report of the United States grand jury, made late Thuraday afternoon -to- Judge John M. Kiilits, three men, two of them negroes, Were Indicted on the charges of white slavery. Two of the cases originated 1m Toledo and the arrest of the principals was. brought about by B. F, Baker, government Inspector The men. Indicted are Arthur Jackson and. Anegell Hogan, alias Al Harris, Bath came, with two. woinen from Detrolt July 27, Jackson Was accompanied by his wife, who, it was charged, he placed in a resort here. The other indictment charging vio- Jation of the white slave act, was against John Saurs,, allas Sowers, of Muncie, Ind, fot placings girl ina Tesort in St Mary's, 0. Seventeen Inilicted. The grand jury, returned seventeen indictments, Bight of them. were made public as the defendants are, under arrest. The government ex- am ned more than 100 witnesses, The Jury had been in session since 12.30, Tuesday morning. The other indi tments made pub- le are: Harry D. Haines, former Postmaster of Patterson, 0., alleged to have deserted his post April 1, tak- ing with him 478.59. Haines was arrested in Toledo, Charles E. Kruse, Toledo letter ear- rier, charged with stealing Ietters and embezzling the contents. Kruse, when: arrested, stalibed himself twice. Postoffiee Robbing. Frank Shephard and David P, Mo- Cloy are charged with robbing the safe in the postoffice sub-station in Cooley's drug store on Galena Street, June 14, last. They obtained a emall amount of money and stamps, t is alleged. Elmer Williams, a negro, was in- battery on the high seas. It is charged that Williams engaged in a fight with a passenger on the steam- er State of New York one night re- cently while fhe vessel was on its way from Put-in-Bay to Toledo. John Fredericks ig charged with sending an obscen Teter from Jor- 8 y a Toledo girl Nanaimo Hunters Lost in the Woods Object Was Jubilee Claims But For Week No Trace of Them Has Been Seen. SHOTS FIRED TO ATTRACT (General Opinion is That They Have Lost Their Way and Will Soon Be Found. Nanaimo, Sept. 25, News was brought into town this morning that two young Nanalmoit s, in the per- sons of Jack Johnson ana R, Had- dow, were lost In the woods some- where in tie neighborhood of the foot of Green Mountain. It seems that the two young men, in company with Messrs. H. Cooper and C. Burnett, left town on Sunday morning on a hunting expedition, thelr objective being the Jubilee claims. The party kept together all day Sunday, but in resuming their march early next morning, Johnson and Haddow left the trail in order to get ahead. From that time onward they Were never seen by their companions, who returned to town this morning nd Teported them missing, Cooper and Burnett, when the oth- rs did not turn up for lunch Mon- day, thonght it best to go after them. They struck out as nearly as they could guess in the direction the miss- ing boys had taken, and fired shots in order to attract their attention, but all without result, and night fell without any trace of them being found, i They continued the search next day, and about three o lock in the afternoon they heard three shots, and again at intervals during the day other shots were heard, but although they endeavored to locate the firers, they were unable to find any trace of them, the shots- presumably com- ing from a big bottom or swamp. Be- ing unable to find their missing com- panions they decided to come back into town and report the matter. Fortunately on their way out they met a party of four men, composed ot Messrs. J Shepherd, J. Bone, E. Gibson and H. Shepherd, on their; Toad In to the claims, and these will take up the search. Another search arty is also being organized in the city. While at the time of going to Press nothing more has been heard HEWITT BLAC of the missing boys. It is not be- Hevea that they are in any danger, fa all probabijity. they will be today. We Ha that is mail. There all LAU Here is a Specimen Page From Our New Fur Book Just mail-us a card and ect ice copy of our Catalog, It s a book you will enj every piece shown and explains. please you, you may send them back at our expense and we. will refund your money. ve Copy Ready To Mail You through, as it shows every- reoa fil oesterecce eet our system of selling YOU because ifthe furs do not fashionable is NO RISK TO 430 MAIN STREET WINNIPEG TT i tl The Perfect Thi Standard Measurements Fo: Other Essentials That an Ideally Formed Wo: WHAT IS A PERFECT 36? You hear enough about her. Along with the first row in the chorus, she is the mental refuse of Various serawny or buxom young women when thet ponder on what would hap- pen if papa should lose his money. And indeed, just the other day there came a story from Ios Angeles of a young woman who whiles away the intervals in her fight for a 30,000,- 000 estate by posing as a perfect 36 for a big garment, house. But once more, Wio-is Sylvia? What is she? that ail our coat and suit manufacturers Scommend her? There is one place in New York where to. find out, the Merchants Buying and Protective Associaton headquarters, And according to the association's representative, Ben Weinstein, a perfect 36 isn t a 36 at all, but a 37. * Here are the guaranteed meas- urements of this woman with the ideal figure: Bust . 87 inches Waist 26 inches Hip 414 inches Height. . 5 feet 8 inches Why thirty-seven inches in actual measurement: is. called thirty-six in- ches, unless it is on the same prin- ciple that No. 5 shoes are sold as No. 43. Lovely woman does love to be fooled. GENERIC TERM FOR A FAIRLY GOOD FIGURE. perfect thirty-six is so tain- ed, further explained Mr. Weinstein, because she represents the generally accepted type of beautiful figure. Of course a woman may be larger or smaller, but if ber proportions are right she will have an attractive form to the artist. However, the general taste has conformed to the perfect thirty-six and the majority of women come somewhere near the dimensions of that figure or make an effort to do so. Nevertheless, just the bare meas urements do not give the complete idea of the perfect, thirty-six, I have been in business seventeen years and I have yet to find a model with an absoliutely perfect figure. There may be such women in private life, just as there may be plenty of men who ean lick Jack Johmson, but who are too busy to come out and try But I have examined the pick of professional models and I never found one that couldn't be mproved on. She may come oui with flying colors from the tape measure exam- ination, but she can t be used if sh: hasn't a good neck. If it is too thin and bony or too broad and squatty, the eoat collar will wrinkle and the set of the garment, be spoil- ed. Then her back must be as flat as possible and her shoulders square Subscribe now tor hn Dally News. and in good progirtion: /Any hint Is Not Thirty-Six at All, But It s a Thirty-Seven garment depends in great measure on OTHER ESSENTIALS must have a face to go with her figure: She needn't necessarily be 2 raving beauty, Teast be attractive looking with a how to fix her hair, too, so that it s stylish -and yet not exaggerated. And hands and pretty feet. Any model supposed to be very careful to. ear pew, well-kept or gown is like a picture; a great per physiology. deal of its effect depends frame, that is, the woman? it. WWhat ds the usual age of perfect 36 was asked. / She is seldom sufficiently ed before reaching the age replied Mr. pote age she can keep good for thirty years if she'll only take areaof herself; One. of the most nearly perfect figures I ever saw belonged to a woman fifty years old. She was a wonder, and as light-footed and graceful as a girl. Another woman with a splendid thir ty-six figure was forty years oldand the mother of two children, I hed a talk with Miss Harriet Myers, an attractive young woman who entered the perfect 36 profes- sion some six years ago. If a girl has the figure and a lit- tle tact it s a good business, Miss Myers observed. The trouble is, a Jot of the good dies . get swelled heads, when they begin, and in a year. or two they're down and out. I Jdon t. see there is to be vain in having ; What you've got to. do your thinking about is how to keep them. And there's another thing that s just as important ag your measurements, amd that s. your manners. Maybe man will turn up his nose at your model, bat if you - just unobtrusively show him a few Pointers about t, by bending and - turning in the most effective light - he'll change bis mind. - So, apparently, a periect 36 is. acum by her peycliology as well a gt; rty-Six T a Model Figure and the Are Required to Constitute man. - of stpop or of rotund shoulders bars her itnmediately. Furthermore, she must know how to carry her figure, whether she is standing still or moving about. An awkward, stiff or self-conscious ear- riage makes the, finest proportions go for naught, The hang and fall of a the way it is worn. Every one has seen rich women on whom the most expensive garments did not look well. BESIDES HER FIGURE. nd the really perfect. thirty-six but she should at pleasant complexiox. smile and a clear, fresh She ought to know just she ought te have dainty, well kept working for a first-classs house is shoes and stockings and-fine underclothing. A new suit NF For yourself, or your household, only Pen- Angle Hosiery Because this is the kind knit to fit without a s am smooth- fitting comfort, longer wear, less darning, no rips nor bulges. This is the only hose made that really /its that snugs in close and shapely to every curve of the foot and leg that hasn't a seama and yet you are not asked to pay more for it than you have been used to paying for the common. kind. Man, woman of child, Pen-Angle Hosiery will. ae you better and suit you best, whatever weight you want and whatever color. The store you trade at keeps it, Just look for the trademark Penmans Limited, Paris, Canada Underwear,
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Image 544 (1912-09-25), from microfilm reel 544, (CU1744190). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.