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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ouse Coats and Shirts We have just opened anoth shipment of ae Tee Glasgow: ol Serges and Panamas. ho Is Your Butcher? have just opened up.a first-class Butcher Shop will handle aii kinds of Meats. Fresh Meat from 15c. to 20c. a pound; the best 20 . Frosh Eggs from 40c 45c a dozen. Onions, 3c. and 344c. per Ib. A trial is all we ask. The Medicine Hat Meat Market 5 Third Ave. ition open for Lady Bookkeeper. Phone 873. DIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY SPECIAL THROUGH TOURIST CARS IN CONNECTION WITH TRANS-ATLANTIC SAILINGS, FROM MEDIC Train. Time. Destination. 20.25k. Quebec. 20 RGk- vi Mootresl. CANA Steamer. Oct. 28. (Aer 8 Nok Nov. ie 20.25k, Quebees By Nov. 17. Nov. 25. No. 14. 4.20k. Montreal. No. 14. 420k. St John. Hmpress Of Ireland. Corsican. For Sleeping Car and Steamship-Reservations, and Tickets, call on or write Virginian. Noy. 21. Nov. 29. L. A. DOBBIN, Ticket Agent, 4 Medicine Hat, Alta. EB. G, MeNEILLIE, Dist. Passenger Agent, Calgaty, Alta, THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA K.Nov.20 This Bank offers to its clients the services of a thor- oughly up-to-date Banking organization. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH POURTH AVENUE. GH McDUNNOUGH, Manager, Imperial Bank of Canada ital Paid Up Saar Fond Seg - 8,460,000 .. 6,460,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, BR WILKINSON, Maneger. Medicine Hat Branch. , te Ms fos eS Poke ort So-0 THE MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA A THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. . 180 Branches in 6,000,000, Established 1864, Capital Paid Up, Total Assets (Nov. 80th. 1911) over 81 A general Banking Business Transacted. Savings Accounts. W. 0. JOY. Manager: COME WITH THE CROWD AND GET sit ve. TO-DATE SUIT AND OVERCOAT... ri THREE HUNDRRED SAMPLES TO CHOOSE 3 Repairing, Cl and Pressing. FUR COATS REPAIRED. CAMPBELL. 0PF. 0. Pa Dgror GEO. 331 NORTH RAILWAY, LIVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS C. P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. WINTER 1912-18, FEFECTIVE OCT. 27, 1912, Eastbound. No. Arrive Leave Train and Terminal. 8.00. 8.20 Imp. Ltd, Vancouver to Monreal ja Portland. to St. Paul, 518-511 11.15 Local for Cranbrook. 512-519 19.25 Zocal from Cranbrook, 520-513 23.18 Express for Kootenay Landing, S14-517 4.30 Express from Kootenay Landing. Note Trains 1 ahd 2 carry sleeping cars only between Winnipeg and Revelstoke. No. 11'and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat passing time at Dunmore, 8 miles east, shown, Medicine Mat Dews Published by the Medicme Hat News Co, Ltd, every lawful evening a: its office, Main Streeu Medicine Hat, Alta. A. J..N. TERRILL, Bator, PLONE: HONE: Editorial, Advertising /Reportoriul, and Clreulation and News Dept Job Depts. 1 RING RIG 2 12 DAILY SURSCRIPTION RATES 1 yas, delivered.... 4.00 3 year by mail... 33.00 6 months, d-livered.. 2.00 Wonths, by mail... . 1.50 3 months, delivered. . 1.00 , 8 months, by mall. ..76 1 month, delivered....350 Addresses changed as often as desired, but bot nsw aid old ad resser net by given. WEEnLY NRWS. Publishe avery Thacsday tn sixteen or riore pages, and contains a eummasy of the news of the week, mouths, ty: advance Toe Year tm advance... : 1.50 1 3 months, in sdvance. .500 Thursday, November 7th, 1912. REALLY ORITICISED THERE. THE following words from the. editorial columns of the Toronto World, which and is admitted by journalists to be well) edited, supplies an example of the kind of 4 20.05 20.30 Toronto Exp, Vancouver to Torontd 440 BSeuttle-St. Paul Exp. Seattle to StP. 516 88.00 Local trom Calgary. Westbound, No. Arrive Leave Train and Terminal. 1-20.20 20.40 Imp. Ltd., Montreal to Vancouver. 3 12.00 12.26 Van. Toronto to Vancouver. 18 82.40 28.10 St, Paul-Seattle Exp. St. P. to Seattle. 515 6.80 - Local for Calgary. CROW TRAINS, No. Arrive Leave Train and Terminal, 11.* 2.40 2.55 Soo-Spokane-Portland Ltd., St. Paul 12 * 945 9.55 Soo-Spokane-Portland Ltd, Portland duct our campaign for municipal ownership meters were installed in new residences and the News added 186 new subscribers to its list. : local and district. i 1837 Hlijah P. Lovejoy, anti-slavery edi- 1864 Second session of the second Confed- 1865 William R. Marshall, Republican, is one of the big Canadian daily newspapers 1873 on both sides 9 line of robber market andgo: a tenth to a half the value of his load both ways. Montreal Witness, SS THE NEWS, some months ago, announced that in the future all communications appearing in the paper would have to ear- jry the signature of the writer. We deem it advisable now to add another regulation jand hereafter writers of communications are requested to add their street address to their signature. At present we have a let- ter in this office signed by John J. MeIn- tosh. If he will kindly send his street ad- dress we will be pleased to publish his com- munigation. o . THE Morning Times is a precocidus infant. When only a day old it started to dic- tate to the News just how we should con- in connection with the street railway. Well now, candidly, would the Times be likely to give the News advice which would help the cause along? Not any And, as a matter of fact, support is rallying around the News on this question so strongly these days that we feel constrained to plug along in the same old way. i OO MEDICINE HAT is sure growing some. 9 THIS DATE IN HISTORY. November 7. tor, killed. by a mob at Alton, IIL. Born at Albion, Me., Nov. 9, 1802. * erate Congress convened at Rich- mond- elected governor of Minnesota. Captain Fry and crew of the filibus- ter Virginius executed at Santia- go de Cuba. not subjected to: The electors of Ward Three owe it to the city; if not to themselves, to leave Ald McBride at home this year. It is possib that the rude boorishness of an alde might. be excused if there we any, bri lianee-of resource of sreabexceutive a8 or notable gifts of judgment as a compen- sation for the slights put upon his fellow members. A good heart and a generous spirit do not and cannot excuse the deliber- ate waste of public time and money which ithe obstruction of Ald. McBride causes: Mayor Hocken suggested that the alderman count. ten before he spoke. He would do well to count ten million. And the electors of Ward Three ought to count at least that many before they vote for him again. Ald- Robbins came to the rescue of the Toronto Street Railway Company at the meeting of the city council on Wednesday. The citizens are in no mood to deal gently with aldermen who desire to hand them over to the further ill-treatment of the street car corporation. The street railway has quite enough influence in the city hall without sending Ald. Robbins to plead for it? Petia See age ce Sat Sy THE FARMERS LOSS IN the eight months from the first of the present year to the end of August, a Washington despatch tells us that Canada s imports from the United States amounted diplomat, 80 years old today. to 244,000,000. This is just twice as much as during the same period in 1909. It is an ayerage of just one million dollars a day. We have enormously increased-our buying from the United States since Mr. Borden came into office, and all indications are that the increase is to go on even more rapidly in the future yet we do not feel as if we had been annexed. The natural way for Canada to have paid the purchase price of nearly all these goods was with her farm . produce; her surplus grain, hay and livelthe west aman lost a valuable dog, and im- stock. In the first seven months of thi period the Canadian farmers actually dit with thi tates market oven f pee of. fa half) pertent, daty, whi ieunly. atafien dolla. lers 0 t mi ion of : Iniked States to pay for the mmo dollars Worth of goods 3 ti i F yAmongh, Hie total ia n. mena to that i Ugh the Canadian tratff on the fthings our farmers purchase, th soss ix practically doubled. fhe customs agents, y criticism the aldermen of Medicine Hat are 1874 Charlotte Cusliman made her last 1s78 /1900 The Liberals carried the Canadian 1911 Mme. Curie. of Par known in her Iong and successful car er as Lotta, was born in New York City, Nov- 7, 1847. Her first stage appearance was made at the age of six years when she sang and danced for the entertainment of the miners at Petaluma, Cal. Ten years later she made her New York debut at Niblo s Garden and scored an immediate success. For thirty years she starred in the United States and England and became one of the most popular actresses of her day. One of her best known parts was the Marchioness in Little Nell. Some years ago she re- tired with a fortune estimated at about 4,000,000 and has since resided the most of. the time in Boston, where she has large real estate interests. Miss Crabtree has never married. - western University, 54 years old today. of radium, 45 years old today. of directors of the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad, 54 years old today. x A pee yiew in the town where he was pay 7,500,000 ofthe obligation contracted, n hgle item of flax. In paying if,jeditor: 4*Tve lost a dog. y, they had to get their flax on you imsert this ad for me: veturn of a French bulldog answering to the ; name of Darwin. Last seen on Turner s ivil Engineer and Archi- G rat kin Monicipal Engineer. We're just goin to press, ' said the Sewerage, Water and Gas his advertisement, No questions asked. He returned to the office to find the place entirely deserted save for ja red-haired without removing his gaze from the distant fields. appearance on the stage. Remains of the late-A. T. Stewart stoler from the vault in St. Mark s churchyard in New York City. pa:liamentary elections. awarded . the Nobel prize for chemistry. a a THIS IS MY 65th BIRTHDAY. Charlotte M. Crabtree. Charlotte M. Crabtree, the former actress, ae CONGRATULATIONS TO: Andrew D. White, author, educator and Abram W. Harris, president of North- Mme. Pierre Curie, one of the discoverers Frank Trumbull, chairman of the board JUST A LITTLE FUN. Lippincott s While travelling through a to the office of the pping.. Entering steutely he said to the *d like to have Seventy-five dollars reward. for the al uth who sat gazing: intently out of the he border are like a double arons supported by the gov ernmepis to rob the farmer, both going to n his way home, taking from EDWARD J. FEWINGS AGENCY. During the month of October 103 gas ' OPPORTUNITY Knocks But Once Now Is Your Opportuniy TO MAKE MONEY by investing in real estate We have the best buys in the city; money- makers from the drop of the hat, and it will be well worth your while to see us before investing. Other men are making money, why not you? J. P. Morgan says: There is more money made in real estate than in Wall Street, Give us a call. PHONE 90. NEWS BLOCK, Opp. POST OFFICE. - It s a Good Joke on your friends to have them figuring out how you can be so Well dressd, but it's not hard to figure if you'll consider tis in making your appearance pre- sentable. pressing work adds dollars wo your savings and days to the wear of your garments, Isn't it worth considering on those grounds. THE. GLOBE. CLEAN. ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. Signs of Distress He sent his Iaundry to-a Chink, he s hot under the collar for he don t Ike the stink. Before you send your, laundry work to a Chink, just you remember his Iaundry Is not clean. . How can his wash be? Think, and. too, you may contract disease thereby, for no Chinaman s Inandry with alk Heigenic plans doth comply. MEDICINE HAT STEAM LAUNDRY. Fali is Here AND SO IS HOUSE CLEANING HAVE YOUR CLEANING DONE BY THE NEW VACUUM Pro. CESS, COSTS LESS THAN THE OLD WAY AND IS FAR BETTER WE..CLEAN-THE CARPETS ON THE FLOOR AND TAKE OUT ALB GERMS WITHOUT WEAR OR TEAR TO CARPETS, Gas Gity Vacuum Cleaning Co. O.1-im J. C. LARSON, Mannger. O. F. LANGE -) C.E.B.U. Layout of Parks, Steel Constructions and Specifications for 3 Houses, ete. indow. Where is everybody ? he asked. wotto: First-Class Responsible S r- Designs Gone to hunt th dawg, replied the lad, vice for Reasonable Prices. Office: Opposite Redcliff Hotel, Red- cliffe, Alberta. FORMALIN FOR SMUT 500... .Quart 25c... Pint DON'T PAY MORE Pingle s Drag and Book Store : : Our cleaning and Wear Made To Order Shirts MADE BY F. SASTIMO Room News Block. We guar- antee satisfaction with. est and up-to-date styles and patterns, A trial order is all we ask. Prices 1.25 6.50. ROOM 8 , NEWS BLOCK 88-tf R. B. Tayior s Transfer Light and Heavy Prompt Attention to all Piano Moving with Piano Van Speciality. Parcels Delirerea, i HONE NO. 349, Phone 8. TIME CitySaleStables Beary . Teams, Drivers; Saddle Horses for Sale, Hay for Sale, FRED McCLAIN PHONE 85, PROPRIETOR Phone 707 E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Druggist ie Pe; re: This? fay th loss on editor, but we'll manage to hold the edi- Supplies Complete stock of Toilet Articles one adds to ithe loss.on pro- tion for your ad, - Street Gradings, Indusiriat Sper Ball- DIVE Sundries, Proprictary Medi- 5 OD graify on feed,.on hay , After returning to the hotel the owner of ways, Irrigation, ete. Dispensing, of Physicians Pre- products ex, d by thejthe dog decided it might be best to add to Subdivisions sci specialty. T. F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETC. Latest samples in Wall Paper. 120 Bighth Ave. Phone 690. es THIS RE give to an clusive, o1 pany Lim given aw: in cash cliff Real third ca: eight 8- are fully is due the 21st Th SOOO SOOO Grrr r eres br srdrtosir es Shirt. We carry all the new- Does Coun Then see o1 Quality anc Consig: Us Fc Personal attention gt Write us for Central ( Licensed LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING, Me RAVE We carry of B 909 060006005000000000m POOL OO OLCLOL OP OS: Yard, North 1 Foteterenepeted ACveise our YY
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Image 854 (1912-11-07), from microfilm reel 854, (CU1744538). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.