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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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IFUL SHOES of body-and-un- heir feet through relieves the deli- zale Shoe Vomen cushion inner sole of Ol that conforms to. egularity in the foot, jual bearing om every hey are built on eom- to-date lasts, im Vict al leathers, and are 5.00 STORE Fe MAIN ST. ning oftices and. polling T. . Blatehford, booth Fred 8. Pingle; market J: H. G. Bray, Court Sohn Benson, Montreat 1 N SIX MONTHS. Ity of theft Ward Lowe ot the Woekly country circulation. ND C. 4. P. No extra charge. Books open to ad- WEGRAPHIC SERVICE Yertieers. gt; AILY EDITION Bir. 168,000 IN MONEY. BY-LAWS TOBE VOTED ON Dit. aT wae es ctf Are Bnipeedn and to be * tor widening t for Adverti Presented to. po reset TWO ARE INDUSTRIAL 20,000 For spur tracks. 25,000- For purchase of lots in the High Schoo Annex for park pur. poses, 950,000 and 18,000 For purchase ot two half-sections of land, 640 acr s BALANCE ARE Wane in all, for industrial purposes. Spurs, Parks, Wi Streets, and to Part of these bylaws were prepar- ed some days ago; the balance werg introduced an read a first and acc Purchase ona time at yesterday's council meat Industrial Sites Make Big xs. Total. Bight bylaws will be presented to/O vi9 piant, Poreelaii plant the ratepayers of the city on Decem- ber 27 to be voted upon. Six of the eight will be money bylaws. providing for the expenditure of 168,000. The bylaws are: . Granting concessions, free site and: 24 to the Sillman Co, to manufac- ture grain bins, etc. Granting concessions to the Medi- cine Hat Pump and Brass Co. Free site and gas for ten years. Money Bylaws: The spur track bylaw provides for spurs through blocks 7, 68 snd 69, and also to the Linseed Oi Mills, and Purmal brick plant. It was decided to make grant of 26,000 to the Agricultural Society to make up thelr deficit. ARRESTED FOR FORGERY OW. A. P. Dispatch.) Calgary, Nov. 20 B. Guggenheim, diamond broker of New York, was arrested here today, accused of hav- ing forged a check for 750 on the 84,000 For purchase of part otf iuacchants Bank of Calgary. .The Blocks 63 and 96 for park purposes. name of Rovinavith Bros., New York 15,000 For purchase of lots 21 to jewelers, was signed to the check. (RECIPROCITY FIGHT ay given six months in oil by Capt. Shoebothain hell, J.P. The thefts ted from Leslie Griffen, at Mrs. Stronach s resi- iff. Corp. Johnston, ar WOMAN SAWEPART OF GIBSON TRAGEDY Told Court of Seeing Law- yer by Aid of - Opera GHIGAGO POLIGE SHOT 3. BROTHERS During Five Months Two Have Been Killed and CANADA'S CUP TO ENGLAND Wideleldhrary poo New York, Noy. 20. br- vn Crawshay, of the Dragoon Guards, Inst night won the . Canadian chaijdage cui ke Adam Beck, of Lor Ont, at ree show, with Pringess. jotta, The cup Was won in 1910 by by. Lieut. W. at 3, a1 to 16 in Block Engiand and last yea: B. Sifton, son of Hon: Clifford Sit- ton, of Ottawa, ae WILL BE GONTINUED: ee CARRS mn. Geo. Speaking in Regina islature Tronarday. BLOCKADE ALREADY No EXISTENGE HE CONTINUED Saskatchewan Growers of Low Grade Wheat Lost Six Million Last Year. (Special to the News) Regina, Nov, 19. The floor of the house throughout most of this at- ternoon's sitting of the legislature was held by Hon. Geo. Langley and J. E. Bradshaw, of Prince Albert, both of whom made thoroughly char acteristic speeches on the addresses in reply to the speech from the throne. Mr. Bradshaw after congratulating the new Speaker on the honor on- risoner at Bassano, + sale on easy payments ange for real estate.-Ap- yn kn Leader, 54-tf rR ige in the jing Soon Ve are ready for the ceiling with heets finish; the kind ANS adies Wear. gt; WA AND 83RD AVE. One Wounded Latest Today. (W.A. P. Dispatch) + Chicago, TIL, No Tell, 23 years old, was shot and in- stantly killed by Policeman Honan, while resisting arrest In the basement of the Farrell home early today. Farrell is the third of three broth- ers'to be shot by policem n within five months, and the second to be slain. His brother, Earl, was shot and Killed py Pottceman Williams, (colored), on June 23, after he and *several companions had attacked the officer. Another brother, Edward, was shot at the time, but not sericts- ly wounded. Edward was to have been placed on trial in the criminal court today for setting fire to a: newspaper wagon during the RewEDe per strike here. GRIME SEWER GIVES UP FOUR BODIES Draining of Canal at Ind- - ianapolis Reveals at least Three Murders. . Hy ie ra te 38 Fi e any Reported Killed in Mexico. i (Special to the News) Mexico City, Nov. 20. Reports re- quake shock yesterday was more severe than reported. Several small towns suffered considerable loss. In a majority of them houses toppled of people there are reported to have been killed. ceived here indicate that the earth- Glasses Struggling in the Lake. 1 (Special to the News) , Goshen, N. Y., Nov. 20. A woman who saw a part of the tragedy on Greenwood Lake last July when Mrs Rose Menschick Szabo lost her life, trial of Burton W. Gibson, the New York lawyer, accused of murdering Mrs. Szabo, his client. in the case today for the first time, turned her opera giassesas he was struggling in the water half a mile or mite off shore and saw the tra- gedy. through the lens. The testi- mony Was apparentiy intended to controvert the line of defense set up by Gibson. A TRIPLE TRAGEDY (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Worcester, Mass., Nov. 20 John Wood, a grocer s clerk, killed his wife, his 4-months old baby and him- Seif with chloroform during the night A note found by a 13-year old daughter, Gladys, when she awoke today, told of the crime. RUSSIAN CROWN er CONDITION STILL GRAVE Noted Berlin eon Has Been Summoned to At- .tend Him. (Special to.the News) The court doctors 4s serious surgical DOMINION WAAL UNIT AN OPEN QUE Liable to be Reversed. ( . AP. Cable.) Loniton, Nov. 20 More discussion pf the Canadian naval programme says Premier Borden ought to .ig- sure t Policy which is.not Mable to be reversed by future governments. The view should alno be enforced of, Canadian contribution in addition to, not in substitution of, a British con- tribution. left an open question. Plant your money in Montrose; it is the dest profit winner market. tf Houses for sale on easy payments We are betting 2 to 1 on Montrose ferred upon him and Premier Scott upon his return to the House in re- Stored health, in a good humored manner proceeded to criticize the Government in regard to its short- comings. He objected to the manner in which their good roads policy was being carried out and to the fact that the cheap money problem was to be the subject of an mvestiga- testified for the state today at the tion previous to legislation. But the speaker's strongest refer - guices were towards the Mrs. Se, he largely blamed for the Con-' Bangino, of Paterson, who appeared servative defeat in the elections. In regard to the land question, he ask-, ed the Scott Government to miake a clear ent representation of . Sas- katchewan claims to Mr. Borden. Hon. Geo. Langley in reply, de- nied that there was anything wrong with the lists In his constituency. He himself had nothing to do with MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA 6A 7 sr cffered by - To Cantey by 4 Prosi i AS WELL J ? i PROSPEROUS Discussion Bill Fi Selb hb bobebh toh ptok Voters list, was House. Austen Chaipberlain remark- ed that if Ireland Gemanded separ- ation she must bear this burden on her own responsibilities. Lidy-George declafed that,it-would pay Britain as well fo/have, a:ipros- p erous* Ffeland as.a prosperous.West Indies or South Afriea, 3 Bonar Law pointed out that Britain did not-pay any old age pensions in their preparation and he was prepar- the colonies.and thereiwas no.sount ed to state that no one had voted for him who had not the right to. On the contrary, Mr. Langley charg- ed strong efiorts had been made by his opponents to defeat him by the importantion of a number ,ot work - ers from Manitoba who, he said, hid busied: themselves im debauctiing the electorate with whiskey. Referring to Mr. Willowghby s reference q wajoriiy of 111 Siprocity, Mr. Langley said that it would continue to be an isste, in every election until such time asthe market to the south was opened up. Mr. Langley contended that 2 block- ade was already in existence and contplained that Saskatchewan grow- ers of low: grade wheat last year lost 6,000,000 by being shut out of the Minneapolis market. He held that the present overwhelming Liberal membership of the House was a pro- test against Premier Borden's posi- tion on such matters es the public domain. terminal elevators and rect procity. on the bh SNEAD TRIAL PROGRESSES Prisoner Continued to Fire at Boyee, Sr., While He Was Running Away, Says Witn (Special to the News) Fort Worth, Nov. 20: That John. Beal Snead continued -to fire on pa 2 pted to run was ia aia Hampton, dn eye-witness to the kill- ing in the lobby of local hotel last January, at the second trial of Snead on charge of murder. . At the firit 3 trial the jury could not agree. The A Prosecution closed its case today. Capt. W. 8. Snyder, father of Mrs. Snead, whose clovement with A. G. Boyce, Jr, preceded the killing of the Jatter s father, wag alled as the first witness by the defense. He related that at.a family conference, it was eeided that his daughter was men- The. question of preserv-/ tally deficient and she was placed in ing a Dominion naval unit should be Fort Worth sanitarium. It was; While a patient at the sanitarjum that she left with the younger Boyce. Captain Snyder had not concluded testimony when court adjourned for the day. penterday by Ieetaad reason. shy she shoule pay them in- definitely in the giving Home Rule to Ireland. Sir F. Banbury moyed to amend the resolution providing -that . paymenta for Irish services should not involve any charge on the British taxpayers. This was'defeated Hy a majority of 115, The resolutich: was passed by SENTENGED ABV. 26TH Gunmen Will be Told of Fate Next Tuesday. (W. A P. Despatch) New York, Nov. 20 -Sentence ot death on the four gunmen, convicted yesterday of murdering Herman Ros- enthal, will be profiounced by Jus- tice Goff Nov. 26. He lt;s announced, when the :prisoners. were arraigned before him today. After sentence is passed the men will be taken to Sing Sing where former Police leut. Charles Becker, is Awaiting death. nes in the, rtrletest sense ef oe value im your advertising. The -t News guarantees'm daity av. + erhge circulation of over *f- 2000. Books open for exam- ination. oh ode fe looks fe ole ole ole fe he ots OF will exchange for real estate. Ap- Lots making the largest, quickest *f ply to Hotson und Leader. SAt profit of aything on the: map. tt Seeeeeseeea eee e: MDA. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1912 PRICE, 45 PRISONERS TY DYNAMITING GO BACK T bloodiest of the present war, both sides sustaining fearfullosses. Mag- nifleent courage was isplayed by the Turks, officers of the highest rank exposing- themselves to the fite of the Bulgarians with unequalled de- Yotion, in omler to set an example: for the men, The battle is stil raging. witht unabated fury. The Bulgarians. are directing their fire against the forts . west of Hademakui, and attempting: to break through the Turks lities, The Turks, holding their ground, ary making a-most heroic resistance. Crushed the Ei (Special Cable to Athens, Nov, 20. Constantine today telegraphed the Prime minister as follow: z Tho army under command, stand- ing three columns from Vodena, SOMME: Gamatikovo and Kosanav, began its Given: at advance on the fifteenth, ina heavy) janapolis. rain, which continued until today. I ak crushed the enemy's resistance. on the the Ifth and 18th, near Ostrovo, To- Indianapolis, . Nov. day we aro im the passes betwoen ditions in Kansas Cornitchivo and Ostrovo; and the W. ; march will be continued emto Flor- Wa ina. The army before us i probably to. save under command of Niazi, a well ov known Young Turk, from Resna. The ber to army is still, resisting desperately wete 4 FRENCH PRISON REVOLT ( . A, Py Cable Rohcefort, Frauee, Nov. 20. Five p raons ar rs Killed ond three woun- ded in a*rev lt Which took place in the. prison: today. Prisoners. ov- erpowered their ghards and shot to death the, warden and his wife, An officer nd: saildr Who went to the assistange of the officer were -dan- gerously wounded. Several prisoners escaped, ae TURKS GLAM VICTORY Pasha, Leaving mines arn THEY HAD. No FOOD AND RETREAFED Bulgarian War Office Is- snes Dene ceapement Turks Lost at Adrian- ople. (C. A. P. Cable) Constantinople, Noy. 20. The posi- tion atthe Tchatalja lines was de- scribed by Nazim Pasha, the Turk- ish commander-in-chief, in a telegram ing from a nervous breakdown, Wm. Namara lostied Little, aged 61, president of the West to return Side Dim Savings Bank, committed to the Turkish was Office, filed 12.15 Pam; today, as follows: Reports received at this moment state thet the enemy facing our left wing withdrew completely last night in the direction of Sploes or Papas Burgas. Our reconnoltering parties counted over 600 Koad Buigarians on LIBERAL MAJORITY: suicide today by hanging himself. with a rope made of his: bed clothes. McNamara 4 it so I might sald the wil non-union jobs were to be bi and there would be work in City, He introduced me to he woul the word: See-that you. get 42). IN SENATE, THIRTY Many New Senators Were Named By Cabinet Yes- terday. (Special to: the News) Ottawa, Nov. 20. At a meeting of the slopes in the environs of Tchatalja railway station. From thelr epaul- ets it was established that the dead soldiers belonged to-the first infantry regiment of Sofia. A number-of caps 4nd officers swords were brought in by our troops. According: to statements made by Bulgarian prisoners the enemy has been without food for three days and is retreating. The Bslgarians were. unable to catry away all thelr wound- ed. A wireless despatch from the com- mandet of th : Turkish. battleship Totgat Rets, November 20, 10 mm, reports that a Turkish detachment operating from Derkos, atfed by the fire of the ship's guns, drove back the Bulgarians in the irection of Ormanliand Karaburun for'a distance of ten miles. Sofia, Nov. 20 Aii the reports em- anating from Tyrkish sources alleg- ing that the Turkish troops had gaiti- ed victorieg over the Bulgarians aloniz the line of fortifit tions at Tchatalja, officially are declared untrue by the Bulgarian -war office today. This fs the only information given out thur far in regard to the three days: operations: of th Bulgarian army be- fore Constantinople, with the excep- tion of yesterday's announcement that the armies had been engaged at the advanced points of the line. Regarding the situation that Adris- nople officials state that the Turkish troops attempting to.break through the' Bulgarian investing lines wore re- pulsed on Monday with heavy losses after battle lasting the whole day. They were compelled to retire to the fortresi From Dedetghatch on the Aezean : Sea. it is reported that fo batallions of Turkish troops posted: om the heights to the north wete routed by tae Bulgarians. The Turks fled, leaving train filled with provisions, ammunition and horses, Reply Delayed; King Peter Ul. 3 (Special Cable to News.) London, Nov. 20. The Austrian cabinel ispos via's. teply until King Peter has turned) to Belgrade from. Uskubjiae cording to a Vienna despatch, Mail. The king, who caught cold on his way to Te Deum, at eer seriously. sl, and his. return to peor indefinite bridge. shop job- and they wanted the contfactor put om union asked n why he aid not do tt, And he replied tiey wanted, to get Some one. outside the union, because Union men would be suspected. Me- Namara said he would see that I got the' 209 trom-Brown and then Twas the onbinet yesterday: it is reported tg go to Lon Angeles wher there the . following appointments were would be A lot of cleaning up. I was. made to the Senate from the Martimet interested Im an amusement enter- Provinces; Nathaniel Curry, of Wind- prise, and, after puttiig them off, 3 sor, N.S., head of the Canada Car finally.told them I would not do t/* and Foundry Co., and . last. year s: The witness said the last conver President of the Canadian Mantifac- satton oceurred in Augist,- 1910, turers Association, to succ the shortly before Ortie MeManigal, ace late Senator Mackay; W. B, Ross; cording to his confession, blew up K. C,, of Middleton, N. S., formerly the: bridge. : of Halifax, to suctyed the late Sen- Couldn't Prove Anything. E. L. Gerroir, M.P.P. for atter the explosion Z-met Brown Antigonish, N. 8., to sueceed he late on the street and told him that 1 Senajor Comeau; Wnii Dennis, editor read in the newspapers that he and and proprietor of the Halifax Herald, john -MeKain, another - union man, to succeed the late + had been arrested. replied they Dr. Win. McKay, of could not prove anything and added G. B, former Conse: that I made a mi in refusing the Nova Scotia legi ht have made ceed the late Senator ha pemRSIee: a Angeles. P. C, Murphy. of Ti; one ae B Ray, unsuccessful Conseryative candidate in the federal eleclidn in Prince Inst fall, succeeds the Jate Senator Fer- guson, Two vacancies when thes are fill jority inthe penal thirty. HUGE TRACTIN MERCER Big London. Railways Have Aelgemated Wil End ti Femain and the Liberal ma- will still be to comeeal evidence in con. nection: with an xpiosion at Peoria. on Sept 4/1940, McMabixal had been hotified that Smythe had assist- An carrying nitre-glycerine to the job, When the gayernmant ex- amined the hotel register, Ortie Mc- Manigal hed stopped under the name of J W. McGraw, the page con- taining the res was torn out. J. W. Murphy, th hotel keeper, tes- tiffed that shortly after the explo- sion, Smythe calle at the hotel and asked to sce the register, explaining that McGraw bad been an adminis- ioor of am estate and absconded (Special to-the News) London, Nov, 20. Sir Bdmund Spencer, chairman of the Junder- ground railway, has amnotthoed cx WINNIPEG BUILDING COLLAPSED, 4 IUURED Half Completed Structure Toppled 46 Ground Car- penter May Die. (Special to the News) posing: as a crystal gazer, J a oon Was supplying many 0 4 fonable and well-known nd girl s father has constant palice. prisoners; Fethi Pasha, ow those that a : the correspond nt, popular minister at Hes i: Ho cried de, he handed HOMICIDAL MA (W. A. P. Dispatch) Buffalo, N. ., Nov. 20. The Brie Granda, Jury returned today an indict- ment against J. Frank Hickey, now ander arrest at Toms River, No Jy chasging him with murder in the first degree in having caysed the death of Joseph Josephs, ay year old boy, at Lackawana, Get. Ist, 1912, artinelits Aree him when he was brought. to, The London, Nov. from the frogt of Hademakvj Mon. day night, the correspondent /of the Daily Chronicle says: The battle has proved one of the
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Image 943 (1912-11-20), from microfilm reel 943, (CU1744529). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.