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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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November 7th, 1912, pr nea etnoeteeeenrenntieny A D AND ROOM. etoile: reateetee Ietlein oleate efeade efeefrateateageeteatocteateeteets MS AND BOARD, close 06 Yulli Street. 101-3 ED TO BENT ENT A ROOMY CEL- orage. Write box 1403, 100-3 OR SALE Seateateatectet SMALL PLACE OF MI (SHIRTS ite box 1405, News of- 101-8 INING ROOM TABLE, window screens, some awn chalr, 123 Toron- 201-8 OR SALE, ALMOST 16 Yulll Street, any 7 and 9. 100-3 FINE LOT OF MAR- at, grown on new per bushel, OJ. Mo- ask, 81-.-80 Tit im LI i TG Older Organization Nearly ley Murphy, Chicago, and (Hlorace Fe Philad ; SH Wrecked on Reefs of Pub. 20v0 Piiisdelphia, st might ws well lic Disapproval for Many to the ditch. Scandals. Behold the great Natfousl league, the father: of onranized these: the MUST OUST all that was good and brave BAD MOGULS honest while the game was passing through childhaod s pains this Murphy and 1 Fogel Worst Beare ce beans a rake and s , skidding Trouble Makers John T: aown hill as fast as ae 59. Brush and Mrs. Britton Behold Fogel and Munphy running Scored. fo in short, dizzy circles, ee a ey wild and uncalled for charges New York, Nov. 2 What s -the aking grave insinuations. This, matter with the National Baseball Ye*F fter year, has almost wrecked the ongat ion im two of the Jeague trom the viewpoint ot its eb Lead srg Some asked William Allen In St. Louis another wwheayal, White, Bmporia, Kan., the samo with Mrs, Helen Hathawsy Robinson question in regard to his native (Britton leading the eame, has added Sate, and White's ceply was sum. Another failing centre to the list. med up in this one Hne: John T. Brush is involved in an Kansas should raise more cori aeument over the Payment of cor We would like to call your attention to a very special English pure flantiel shirt big full size, pretty patterns, good heavy weight and reversible collar The price is big 3.00 but the satisfaction and wearing qualities will be ten times bigger. OME MADE BREAD. Ave, i E Els A No. 1616. Owner may m paying for this ad to B. R. Richardson, edcliff. 99-5 d less hell, and there you are. t2 world series dues imposed by wa Panne ol Unless National league club own - his league, and. when the full situa TO PURCHASE ers, or the National league as q tion is summed up almost the entire Ay R P body, stope raising eo much hell it eiteuit is one disgusting brawl, flash- will soon find itself discredited to the immense injury of the meme BUY Bullding lots. : among the fair-minded sportsmen of Which has given most of th se mag- Herald or Central ices, terms, etc., to P. the country, who are responsible for ates about every cent they have mers only need apply. 5 the success of the same, I mean the; ver earned, beyond a living wage of vo B8-tt, sport-loving fans. about 20 a week. a The Man's Stone Where You ON RAPID ROAD DOWN HILL. For vears now the politics in the AN COTTON RAGS. Get the Big DoUar's: Worth Tt the National league is to stand National league has been of the low- nade. 62-tt sor club owners of the type of Char- est and most intriguing type. where only selfishness has controlled every SSMAKING move. 7 DRESS-MAKER.. Ap- Tt has been a case of scrambling for the dollar and for nothing lee, Hockey Players Should sireal Bt. 6 with any and all ideas of spo. ship blurred by th dest: of att . Get Busy. and Organize cenary motives. And most of the owners haven't the sense to see that Good Management is Essential to Good Hockey A Good 2 scramble of this sort they are merely paving the way to financial Team Can be Got Together Here. disaster, as well as the utter wreck of all sportsmanship. NBED ANOTHER BAN JOHNSON. Its. nearly time that the hockey) s0od management, and the patronage The older circuit has but one gt; si/players in the city got busy and or- Will be of the best. gt; ehanee to make good. . Ths chance. TIONEERS ganized, if the at Is going to have any Paddy McDonagh is in the city and ties in the rallying of the few .club- 43 Figuring of a team this year. 0 IB ' CO., Live Stood: year a team was organized at What better coach could the bo 8e- 45 are presented by Murphy, Fogel Auctioneers, 519 first of the year, but the basis of; cure, aarp et al., driving these out of the game Sales every organization was not-of the best Don. Woodhouse has secured 4 and giving the league president pow- re at 1 o'clock. Rane result that- the team soon lease on the skating rink and -prom+ er, through a long term, to rule the to therbad: This shonld be ses the hockey boys a good shaw. league as: Ban Johnson controls tho this year. A good team He wiil have ice just as soon as he American. be got tosether, and can be possibly can, 1 4 but tha-r al. basis of s008 - There AFana nnmbied Tahcpatre.of - a eke Be sep ogni 4s good management, com- skates at the rink that he would like dle this. National 1 acowd as it ith Eood players. Inside ant to have the owners take away. shold be handled. Sud a pehorient SGguor elght weeks we should - --- should be . iaksting, and as soon as the ico CALENDAR OF SPORTS FOR THE Oi. o Bre eee pe, the players ought to be WEEK. Be en ee eae ices Thsteday. league, fcom the club owners angle, Annual field trials of the National doesn t need any advi TE a Beagle Club begin at Shadwell Va, 7 +, Last year, despite ev- Opening of annual autumn golf apo ee Kick in the vet eo were some good tournament of the Country Club of aif th ind ties were well patroni- Atlantic City. eae a es eee Porat eyersthing into consider- / Annual meeting of the New Ens-/ 110 tans, who, striking at i. ed ypeople know, however, land Baseball League at Boston. receipts, will bit the ouly vulnerable business, that you in- Tommy Teague vs. Andy Dans, 10 .00) which men lke Mu Spiy and good team, under a rounds, at Sterling; Hl, Rogol boesea yom NDERSON Physician tfice above Assiniboia Dtfice hours.A. M. 10 to 4, 7 to 8.30. Resi- St. Residence -phone 0, 19-1m of the best teams in Ahead of Alfred de Oro in 9 n TALE atone New York Pocket Bill- iard Math. ARRIVED IN THE HAT LAST NIGHT. ee ee OW. A. P. Dispatch) LLANEOL. IBS OF CONTRACT- + PEPER PEEPS PESTS TTTTEE TET ESEE THE ROWING CLUB OBJECTS Declines to Give Regina Men between the Winnipeg Rowing Ciub' and Regiria Club fs. connection with the proposed final Rugby game for the championship of Western Canada. Regina refuses tb come here without) a guarantee of 500/and 40 per cent. of the net receipts, but the local team refuses to give th guarantee, holding to the ruling of the league for: visi- tors to take chan celpts. Croffroth Agrees to Stage js managing the Hub pool r00m. owning sportsmen against such types Ton day, sai Coffroth, If, Mandot de- THE MARKET REPORTS SHERMAN SECURED LEAB EEE ERS TEES NATIONAL 1912 SCANDALS Qwner G. W, Murphy of the Cubs charged that Manager Bresnahan of*St, Louis laid down to Giants that McGraw might win the pennant. Horace ,Foxel, president of the Phillies, charged conspir- acy involving President Tom Lynch, and Umpire Finneran, to give Giants pennant. Murphy disrupted Chicago team by removing Frank Chanee, manager, while Chance was recovering from. surgical operation. President J, T. Brush re- fused to turm over to Nat- fonal League 25.per cent. of world s series Teeelpts as has been customary. Mrs, Helen BHitton, owner of Cardinale, distharged Man- ager Bresnahan, following all season 9m Eaeeeeeeeenend tbe ole ole ole oe oe ole de oe oe oe oe oe oe she oe He oe oe oe ote de de ote ede tebe ote 500 and 40-Per Cent. of Net Receipts. (W. ALB, Dispatch) Winnipeg, Nov. 7 There fs a hitch on the gate re- A MATCH: FOR WOLBAST Bout With Ritchie or: Murphy New Years OW. A. PL Dispatch.) San Francisco, G5 Nov. 7 Pro- moter Coffroth, 6 San Francisco, who had announced that Ad. Wolgast would come here. Thanksgiving Day to try his title, yesterday wired Tom. Wolgast's manager, at New to postpone the match until New Year's. day. I willyendegvor to matehPrankie Burns, of Oakland, with Willie Rit- chie or Tommy Murphy und put the winner against Woigast New Year's feats, Rivers, I will try to match him, i Chicago, Nov. 7. qWheat eased oft today on account of-fine weather and liberal receipts. The fact that cables were firm exerted only a little tem- porary influence. Sellers were active and support poor. The opening was 1-4 lower to 1-8 up. December start- ea at 89 1-8 split to 89 1-2, carying from 1-8 and 1-4 do Vance and fell to 88 7-8 and 89. Oats siid down with other cereals when shorts got over an early de- sire to cover. December which start- vist RETURN PLEASES LIBERALS Some of papers Rejoice at sank of United States Election THE TARIFF WiLL BE CHANGED London News S: Says it is rf Regenerated Party Which Has Returned. C. ALP, Cable) London, Noy. 7 The chief interest in the American presidential election for England was its relations to the Tariff. reform is one of the leading issued in British politics. The Loeral papers hail the Democratic success as a great victory for low tarift which is certain to have-ami in- fluence in England, The Daily N Democratic. party.should- return to office after fifteen years in the wil- derness is nothing. What matters is that it Is a regenerated party which , entrusted bs the Amer- fean people with the definite mission and led by a man who has character and intellect to carry the mission through. The, News thinks Wilson's election should etimulate all American universities, which are more national tind demo- ratte than the English, to particl- d. adds: War est com- and the world That the has return WLSOW'S LEAD LESS that Woodrow men of the pate in. politics, Es against protection is an int mon to all .peoples, has long been denied that inspira- tion, that leading which we have a right to expect from the greatest of all republics. Mpiirrit erITeseet SES an eis ntering, painting, 1a g, engineering, etc, en by the undersign- - given. Patrick Mac- Ave., or general de- otfice. 89-tf BHAT HIDE, FUR CO. The above have t selection of Second the city. We carrp s and Bedding, new - 1 Clothing; Clocks line of winter goods. Ing mettioned above t prices. Call at 504 it, or Phone 587, uing, shoes, watches, volvers, valises, sult steal instruments. rat WAEgonR bug- bicycles. carpenter idea and furs, horse there, bought an4 Harvard Tatlorine a enue. oppostte re? P.O. box 258. Best Prices Paid for Sasi erard Co. ESTATE, anted, in Hill, North nd Powell. EWING NE AGENCY Sale and Rent. Raflway Street, tt Phone 486, Going back to the ring. Ready to fight any Bant- J man, of Washington, ed at the end 1 38 and 1-2 and then dropped tol amweight in Canada. Has fought srcs. men as ff im hs 600 point match with Altred Winnipeg, Nov. 7 The option mar- George Kitsen (10 rounds, draw); Tommy Moran ff Dlliard title the score. standing 200 per ee on the strength (won, 4 rounds); Bobby Van (won lecision, 15 rounds); Johnny Hayes (won, 6 rounds)- F e Manager, J. C. ROGERS, 10.00 12.00 Afternoon ... Evening ... Evening Admission 10c. LADIES FREE. Saturday morning and afternoon children s mission 15 cents including skates. Shil New York, Nov. 7 Frank Sher- ed a sixteenth up at 31 3-8 touched of the first night's play last night 31 1-8. rm de Oro, holder of the world s pocket Ket opened 1:8 lower and at first) to 129, Sherman jumped into the his: was bate lead at the start of the games and temporary movement and prices held Iwas never headed, Sherman made a Yer Steady throughout the morning, Mgh run of 29 and de Oro 24. The IX showed some improvement match was played under the new md Oats were firm open: wees Sila ka blay WR yory , Llsht stow was reported in south- Fi east, Alberta, otherwise the weather x is very favorable for delivery and transportation. Cash and export trade KAD WALLIAMS 1S VICTOR) ceous cr crs inspects, s360 to sight. Baltimore Bantamweight Cables closed: Liverpool, + to. Outpointed Bill Fitzsim- sp: Patis 4-to + lower; Berlin, 4 mons in New Yorl Bout, )2vet Budapest. swachanged:' Ant- SHINNIPEG GRAIN MARKETS (W. A, P. Dispateh) ieee opened 832, closed New York, Nov. 7. Kid Williams, e5g. Deo. 824, 828; May 874, 673. the Baltimore bantamwefght, out- Oatg- Nov. 948, 348; Deo, 322, 324. pointed Bill Fitzsimmons, of Yon- Flax Nov. 123i 127 ; Deo. 117 , kers, in a 10-round bout last night- 3793. Fitzsimmons was outclassed, al- OASH PRICES. though from the seventh round to the jWheat No, 1 Nok. closed 853; No. end of the bout he fought gamely and 2, 824; Nu. 3, 81:-No, 4, 76 ; No. 5, landed severel telling lefts and rights 714; No, 6, 61; feed, 55. to Williams body. Winter wheat No. 1, 85; No. 2, George Kirkwood, of St. Louts, a g2; No. 3, 81. featherweight, had the bettor of every Oats No, 2 C.Wi, 35; No. 3.0.W., 25e, 2.30 5,00 - 20c, round except one in a hard-fought 3 No 1 feeds 343; Nov 1, 335 battle with Patsy Kline, of Newark. 7.30 10.00 25c. 5 ith a left swing, knocked Kirkwood down. The vane agre latter took the count, arose, and in turn knocked Kline down with a righ uppercut to the jaw and out- 9 fought the New Jorsey lad to the end. 7 ad- ight J othe Family I ae hee Ginity, rounds, at Sandusky, 0, Johnnie Kilbane vs; Tommy Mc- The Standard had grown tired fice-seekers, Purpose of game and divided by principle. The: the Demooratig revision will leave) ers in England propose. fi The Morning Post says: The alg nificance of the election Hes in the fact'that the people were dissatintied with the Taft administration which Wits too much controlled by the boss 8, but were not ready to accept the advanced Roosevelt prograni. The Express says: Mr, Wilson's success depends upon the degree to) which he can raise enthusiasm for politica in hitherto apathetle quart- ers. He will not lay violent hands on the tariff. What emerges most significantly, from the election, says the Chronicle), Ia that the majority of the Amer-/; ican people have awakened to keen dissatisfaction with things. as they are; that a great forward surge is agitating the mighty mas ; that al. though to some its purpose may be) confused, to some ts battles still) fought in the half-light, there is enough: will vitality in the gigantic plan to carry it forward to victory THAN FIRST COMPUTED (Continued from page one.) Senator, over Gov. Stubbs, Republi- can, Columbus, 0., Nov. /7. Socialists state at their headquarters today that the Socialist. vote in Ohio ran close to 10,000, In both Cuyahoga and Lucas. coun- ties, the Socialists claim that Debs received a larger vote than did Pres- ident Taft, Four years ago Debs re- a e Gitte us that this illustration shows a well-dressed man. It is not a fancy picture as most ady ertising cuts are--it s.a drawing from life of yin the 20thi Century bend line for this. dsive agents: THE MEN S STORE t Noll you get the Big Dollar s Worth, celved a total vote i than 33,000. clalists. gained app: singe 1908. Bose, Idano, Nov: 7, Country Club of; Atlantic dast of the important tournam take place in the North this yi gan today om the club's Northfield, Play will co: Saturday, when the Govei dozen other be awarded the winners o nament
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Image 857 (1912-11-07), from microfilm reel 857, (CU1744519). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.