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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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eee Al VAILY NUWs: oT ned the Inner ty-five year sentence to serye. In smother cell in the same prison Is Giuseppe Morello, mmpo's lieutenant, but the whelps of tha) If ure abroad, and from bis barred) ) cell the dreaded Sicilian still is directing feuds and op rations of the Mafia in conviction of neve ef the clan of The Wolf two years ago has. not resulted in th extermination of the band of counterfeiters Is evidenced by the fact that the organization has.carried the fight Into the very home of Wilffam J. Flynn, Chief of the United States Se- cret Service, Department of the Bast, and ix iso forcing a fight to bring ebout an investigation of the Secret Service Bu- of the names of five'm n in the employ of the government who are close to the loner circles of various retty bands which go to make up the solidarity known to.the police and the Secret Service + the *Lupo-Morello band, or the Ma is im Amerjoa. eg These five men are feared by the Mafia fis no other human agency is feared, for so far-all efforts to leara their identity Lave been futile, and plot after plot Latched by the counterfeiters has been spolled by information reaching the chief lt;f the Secret Service through roundabout sxyathpious channels from these men. A whisper of their names to the Mafose, Band Are Trying reat which would result in the divalging J. Flynn, Chief of the Secret Service, . ent of the East, Is Marked. for ination, and Members of the Lupo- to, Force an Inves- Which Would Reveal the Names of Men of the Secret Service Who Have Councils of the Mafia in America (Copyright, 1922, hy the New York Herald Go, All rights reserved.) UPO. THE WOLE isin the commissioned to collect funds in New, federal prison at Atisnta with) York for the benefit of the prisoner. Se- cwenty-three years of a twet- cret Service men followed Madonio weeks. They tracked him to his eating jbeseeching the three suspects for funds Places, to his lodgings, and watched his every move. They learned that-he was es 49 the members of the band are known 'to a Italians, and Chief Flynn says that-within eS tie span of single day their bodies) ould be found in sewers or eramped in barrels, tongues slit and limbs mutilated. It is the desperate straits Into which the Mafia bas.been driven which are re- and they watched and waited, hoping tofgo trai Di Pi Jonsible for this f rlorn bope the effort zet evidebee that would impli force af Investigation of the bureau/others. gt; and learn the names of these five men Spies who had furnished information According to a Secret Service wan who Was in a position t know the facts, Vito Di Primo s vendetta ly shorily before the whose work lies in, the underworld. + Hon they have given me has + able, and it stated At Lupo, Morerio and their compan: gwore a vendetta aguinat the trio that ots are not Uberated you will die like he declared had murdered his friend and to Chief WFiynn absut the workings of Secret Service Men in Mafia. the baud were simultaneously keeping the It took me:yenrs to get these men into bureau posted, and the men wWhosbadowed expiration of the counterfeits the inner councils of the Mafia, ssid Madonio and his three friends did not Di Primo followed him there and in the Chief Flynn recently, and the informa-;know who these spies were, Perbaps they PTing of 1908 the seeond of the trio who mm in-alu- Shaowed them, too, for the sples ake ac- Without them the-trib of The credited members of the band, and none Wolf would be asuntettered as A was in the Secret Service ever speaks to them) the three years ago, when it had succeeded in i e Flynn himself. putting into clreulation 50,000 ip coun- terfelt two and five dollar,bills. The mak- being wat ing publi the ames of those five men being an informant in the interest means not Obly their death, but the par- of the Secret Sertice, Flynn's men alysis of the atm of the Secret Service. At the openimg-ef the June term of dovio, but if so thiey .were powerless to the District Court of the United States vert it. Many a grim secret-they are At Binghamton, N. Y., Justice George) forced te conceal. gt; W. Ray was jealouily guarded by Secret Bervice men, who were stationed at dif- . * ferent points inside and surrounding the court house, because of a letter received. ; hy the Justion arins the trial 6 Lapo ere arreited:by the polles, but they were nd Morello. The letter wan not signed Phe Mafiose Jearned that they were ched and suspected Madonio have known of the plotted murder of Ma- One morning in Ap i , 1903, Madenio wae found, murdered st the cornet, of Eleventh street and avenue D, New York Jeity, Lapo, Di Luca and Peto the Ox subsequently discharged, When Giuseppe Di Primo, in prison, heard of Benedetto Madonio s death he a dog. We Rave killed better men than/ forsaken him. Upon hile release be tracked Peto the Ox, who was a wrestler, to Wilkesbarre, Pa./ Trail of the Wolf. Te Petto was Mving there in a E Ave cottage. On the evening of the third day for atter Di Primo was released from Sing Sing, the Ox heard the old familiar call jot his band. Taking a revolver he walked to his door and thiew it open. fhe pathway leading Losthe, street 0 Watch ginny thes ca asd Peto. of 1003. A man named Pendin Siwsigd) DF Prise iu prim, SVolts Reva ba: bre missed, th the through the beart at Ghustppey imo Was couricted of counterfeiting i xent to Bing Sing. Benedetto Mu- hed; at the samedgatagt Petto abot finger pulled the tr di *Prim then calmly empri into the body of Petto the Joe Detrosino. then a + sua teotiver, want to Wilkeshnre acd a oar of Ay Wescig hie em v ZUPO theWOLF, 'CAGED,SII StheSEC LL RET A ee A Womad in the court bauie wcroamed. , Ht de the eign of weath hen nae jbecame hystericut, he witness pated, tottered su his fect, and Pink to the tloor ia dew Came When he w.4-kevived lie amere bar le know nothing of the crime and (iui be leould telt Hocbing whieh wotild throw ight Jom the stealing of the bay Ur the wove ymenes of the other wcgused mos + Phe trial was allowed te ur for several days Kuti the excitement susmised itt order that other. witiiewses oigit be fpacitied and recover from the frat yro- duced by the dramatic episode. Rosina Was escorted to comer oy police backed up by nuaber ef Secret Service men he last statement sue made before taking the witiices stavd Was that she did not fear the Mafia W that she would tell her story from tart to Gnlah, eS The dst. part of her story invowee These are the nhen whose lives would g be forfelt if their names were revealed ouly minor detally and referred te waim- Portant niembers of the band, But jest fan investigation I would welcome an investigation of the Secret Service which Would not cripple it, but I will never d-/ay the name of Mim valge the names of those men who *TSlof the leaders, Was on her pace ae decency. I would rot in prison. before I would betray thore who have been so fighting quietly and without fame or S10FY oner made a for the sake of thelr government andiot throat Rosina faltered, but se sign suggestive of the culeimg covered quickly. As the was about te proceed with her story there was a loed faithful to me. 1 owe to them the safety) hiss from some ove among the 4; jot my owa children. Secret Serview. mien were seuttoceh There ary sixty-tive members of the throughout the court rou. Taey alt for murder: Sceret Service men could/clan of the Wolf at large in the United turtied sto see who had made the eeand, at any time lave Informed the police of States to-day and forty-ave in prison. 1 gy did the Judge, the jury, avd almost his whereabouts, but 'no effort was ever expect tliat within a mouth Mr. Bourke every ono elve in the room. Wii sande to deport tim or to turn bim over t0 /Cockran will apply for a weit of certiorari tion wus distractd from Sai Filipe the Tialian government. This was o0t-/for Giuseppe: Moreli.. That sows ows Secret Service mun caught wllinjoe of side the province of the Secret Service. powertut this band ts und livw rich ato. a gesture be made with i This is uot exactly the fault of the Since itx membors have been operating) Hosiua Martiuese sing Police, sald Chict Pignn. These bands)in this country 1 know of sixty murdeot witness stand id wes are protected, by, money and by politien /which they have committed. Bor months) court uttenduvts. Influence. I do not blaine either political they sometimes average one murder a week. By the God in -henven. ve w party exclusively Both protect .these Mosr of these murders take place in New I swear 1 do uot kuow ub : bands for one reason or another. Of/ York; but the bodies are usually buried By the sucted rw contse, besides being able to-collect thou-lin a burial ground known only t6.a few of'sweir 1 know noihing of thts watt sands of dollars from Italians and Sicil-lthe members oF th band who are bIgL'L know nutcinsaind ians, they are able to sway. hundreds Of officers In a few days I shail know I swear it, 1 ywear votes by terrorizing citizens. The police where this burying ground ls throurl the, Not auotli r word could he coaxed f are to a certain extent powerless because men I have in the council of the band. I'the: woman and her valuable vw of the powerful backing these men Set/meet them bere, there and everywhere. wan lost to th State. from politiciuns. Since Lupo and Some/put they are never scen speaking to me. If it were not for the Secret S of his pals have been imprisoned M- some of iny own men might unknowingly and their work in watching the bers of the band have collected almost/ arrest them. whieh go to make up the Matis in Anivr- 50,000 to be used in an effort to bave Just about, two month ago Jor Mo- iea, because of their counterte: wi rello. was shot to death In 114th street. Iewiificult to say how widely t near Second avenue, New York city. His'inals might operate. The polic real name is Colajero Morello, and be is aa measure powerlest aud it is hitd io son of Ginseppe Morello, Lupo's trusted cunviet member of/the solidirity ut Meutenant. He was killed because mem-'murder, The omerta seals the lis of bers of the band believed he was giving witnesses; and members of the gai information to the Secret Service. How jare themselves attacked prefer-to long would my men last if their real char jyanyeance after their own fashion ru acter were known? * than allow Justice to take Its cuir. Sinee young Morello, whp was only There was a barber, Carlo Marts eighteen years. old, was killed Benny who went to New Brighton, Stati Testa and another Italian Whose name is and, from Sicily. In Febroary, 1007. be not known to the police were murdered tn received a letter from a friend. Gitseppe ew York. One hig in authority in the Vena, who: said that he, too, wenkd Secret Service declares that all three, of to live : these men were killed by the Lupo-Morello money for his passage and 40 te spare. Print haus dG Ativn he by Was supported 4a tel uoliag ing informers. before Pasquale Pucillo, a cobbier The Omerta- -- of Matesse, Was threatened wah death unless he should seno a certain eam of The success of the Mafia operations iu Monee a ha arsted place Puello, Pine ib gone werd en aie. 3k alarmed, showed the letter to Carte, who bed? apoy alien cy reee thought be recognized the writing. thent- Hberated This money is forced members and partly to what is called by rong his papers be foond the Jeter from residents of Italian and Stellan '-Talians omerta. There t 90 angle word witte dace hea ete foo ae ches in all the cities of the world. 5c cxpreaion in Kngllah which is fully wich vent had written from Sieiy ni collected by the compari or godfathers equivalent to omerta. The word implies Vene was the would:be blaceaaii. Ha of the prisoners and:by inen under them. nar force which induces the eyewitness tout Vena in a Mufeerry Ap equal amonst of money has alreads or s crime to sweat, while under oath on opcey hich the teaser een spent in the fight to liberate these 1). Grscey sined, that kona, Seek city w Bch 8 we: lwhich Secret Service m m say is really the itnes stand, that he knows nothing rarned Mata in America. Although the Secret men.. It comes from Tunis, Algiers, Liv- of ns nese ne ot the bt ee eres Pe ae Service spies were powerless to prevent) erpool, New Orleans, St Loui: lew, . corruy these murders among the. law breakers, York and every other big Gity of hel gn ve ihc Watian cuore mecuing hemes, Methods of the Mafia. world: where there are any considerable 114 iy other tls said to be derived from Vena called him a Nar und said ttt he oimber of Teall uome, man, but In any case omerta ag a had written no letter to Puellie,. Never- it hag been learned by one high in the)... ig one of the most trying and theless the cobbler received another bet- Secret Service that last December twolcmiig atficulties with which police and ter, and after Marease had advised hive sien visited Lupo in the prison at Atianta. 21 st Service men have to contend, to turn it over to: the police the barber Salvatore Saito. would, probably have been completed and) Lupo the Wolf would not now be in tae federal prison fighting for freedom. ..: Ignazio Lupo only guinea strength by the death of his two confederates and be- Jeame the leader of the Lupe-Morello band, the quarrels between members of the band helped them to thei ends, and in the fall jot 1900 they had put so great a mass of jevidence in Chief Flynn's hands ttut: the larresr of the counterfeiters began. rimio.. Secret Service men 4 be could cateb hau had eseaped to Italy di Luca hind beard of and bad ted toi fea had refused to assist him wa a senteuce: ot to death Although Di Primo wag: killed in Italy and ming insuffe jof getting ithe seashore. was a fresh water s: Jously over the proparty. fments on a sliding seale ci fyer 3 a weith forthe firm xix fie afterward tO 87 and Plepinge op the fy backed by a tiny trout stream. jthat iad the former lived the vendetta murderer of Dj Luca was never po brought to trinl, Secret Service men say) tet years that Lupo was wanted at home /*A Home at the Seashore on a VERY ddy brings tis nearer to those Diete the full amount of the purchase, Hof discomfort attetdant on the) Price. jpenson. hours when the hem- jhot brick walls seems more 1 came to my little country home.* 1 ie os henge are pecealsoahe-Sikt Wy biog Tl gem oad to'em who are able to summer arrapgementa w at ae nthe mountains, Ang I WhichI bought the land Just want totell YOU, sister, that the task ome outside the city is not jnearly so ineutmousitable as you fancy, salery of 15 one-half of that amount un land of how I made a cosey little nest for til the required 100 wag paid. myself within easy walking distance of A little remote from pie built up section) of a fashiouable sumer resort, amd of the usc. Of one end for the dining table where there were few bungalows just beginning to make BB appearance, there lay namber of piotrot rather low land, sheltered from the glare of the sun by the These cool green foliage and red sind white blos- plots were covered with underbrush, there/ s of the hardy climbers, ring on one of them, and pine trees were ycattered promiscu:j 1 pbrehai three of rheiti, SY bg 200 feet, at 390 tuble or two with pretty twenty-five cout, Japlece, making a pargain wjth th real covers thrown over ti this jeatate dealer for 10 down and esey puy- barred-scrius cartiins a the windows tol evieing with then Ww 40, Seven of them, including Lupo the Wolf, were arrested in a farmhouse near Highland, N. ., where they were making counterfeit United States and Canadian money. With the greatest of assurance when he was arrested Ignazio Lupo offered a considerable bribe to Obief Flynn. Morello was arrested in New York. and) in his rooms his wife was found sitting on fa pile of Jetters which appeared to have been sont to various merchants demanding Money tribute to the band. Phese letters hiad been returned to the writers with the money asked for. At his trial in the-Crim- Indi Branch.of the United States District, Court Lupo confessed to the murder of a man in Sicily. Ue was/a Business man, be Said, who owed him 500 Tire. and Lapo was forced: to kill him In self-defence Phe Italian authorities tel a 4 rent story; and. according to Mr. Flynn. thie) poties of New York have been aware for The next important question was that jof getting some place to shelter me when) 1 firm from) the erection) of n small bungalow, with yeranda, water, bathroom and gag. In onder to facilitate matters I gave froarmy The Little hose grew like mushroom, and 2042 T was able to go into it and pre- pare for my stay there. Dhe veranda, o9 two sides of ft. was of a width to admit in the hottest weather. All along its edge 1 planted old fashlotied scarlet runner and) wild cucumber vines, and in no time I was 1 bothered Ht:' about the furnishings) le of the bungalow. A few canvas airs, wo or three cots for myself and friends when they came :o gee me, mall They were ordered to. asgussinate Chief, Flynn. One of the Secret Service mer who appears on the roll, books merely a-nminber, learned of this-and informed Me, Finn. This mania onle of the five Who are high in the council of the Lupo- Morello ging. The greatest peecautions are taken by Mr. Flynn-and his. men, Even in his office in the Custom House, New York city, the mest careful watcli Is kept. My children seyer venture Bundred feet from the house except ander the-pro- tection of some depeddable person. * said Mr. Flynn, Ihave received. many let- ters the writers of which threatened ( kidnap my children, but, worse. than thi ms spies have informed nie of several plots with the.same purpose in view. The letters may he fakes: but these men, who J frustrated the kidnapping schemes or Wartied me of them. Small Salary. if you will only take the pains, It was a rustic sort of place, not cut on -straight limes, Here and there was an upturned tree root covered with rich loam. In the nooks bebind them I planted round-t sunflowers because they always giad. On the front side of each Planted low flowering plants, ae balaces, candy pikes pee dwarf aster are gayest at the sf e Jeavetaking of The miniature pond which had been dredged ont I paved with small rocks and jeesabells. On its suxtace floated water plants, aniong which flirted the goldfish with which I had stocked it at jamall expense. Wea A few cannas and Bt ears strewn here and there on my wn rostled their big leaves in soft accompaziment to the drone of the busy brown bee that sipped nectar from the flowers near by. On the edge of the trout stream, which lay beyond my vegetable garden at the rear end of the plot, ferns and wood plants of different varicties bobbed. in lazy contentment at thelr own reflections in the water, glad becaure I let them ay. blue 2nd green give the rooms cos With afew her eqn appearance. aod les the bungalow ou can have a summer hothe, too, if you go aboct it right. There are so many things that you can do with your own hands 10 beautify a simple plot of virgin know every move of the Mafia, have time: York witnesses for the inte were care- armed with revolvers, protected them. i cdrefully guarded againet attack, being es Comite was giving testimony, Lupo. the him, Calm. they were, but their eyes' his tace, At first Comlto did not seem to mind, but as counsel asked him ques- tion after questioi and to-matter, what tinued to gaze steadily at his face be own yes wander from those of: the men who gazed-at him, Each face was tran- knew what it meant, He broke down and testimony incomplete. amount of money oF bis child would killed. Secret Service men, some same five who are now in peril of Ives if thelr oames are revealed ta course of an investigation, had erating as members cf a gang sx ot counterfeiting. They knew of napping of the Stat boy and- evidence which resulted in the arrest Pietro Pampanielia, Ignacio Leonardo Mim San Filipo. Rosina Martinese, a woman close Brighton Hospital, wlicre fe was Wolf, Giuseppe. Morello and the six other fo prisoners gazed calmly and steadfastly at/fronted by Carlo Maresue. burned into bis and never wandered from the policeman who bind th became fascinated, He could not let his 8s dying. quil, but grim, and Comito the Sheep YOu know why 1 aid it. When Lupo and six confederates were 2 himself attacked by Vena and ma belie tried in the District Court in New) t ined Parente, A driver of a milk wagon interfered fall led by Secret Service men and: 0d saved Maresse, but as his assattsnta Hae Eines to court one at a tae, Even Sed they promised fo wreak vengeance vm room: his daughter, a girl of eighteen, repited Soren See, eg tae very benituk Wenn uhat Maresse kept 2 heavily loaded sh Sh mealies of the eovntetteting bast whe tis home. One aight Veon ai is tried to force an entrance to i fuened State's evidence, and he was most tried 20 foree an entrance to i Vena th contents of one barre Saere eorted fo nd from ihe court s0 m BY mlaast Parente with the gther Giuseppe Vena was taken lo she Sow, Ig this the man who xlot you basi There was tio reply frou: V. the cnswer, the eight pairs of eyes con- Policemdm I never aaw him. said Vena. who Maresse glared at hin You le he said. I shot you and Vena died withour making ny sture- std frocs Coaoltdens: ment as to who shot him, but Mayesse Magen sand, Me creadtastiy. declared that it was he. which implicated all three of the priacn- ish Bourbons, or, perhaps, as some be ers, When Leonardo learned of this con-(liere, as long ago as the thirteenth ex feasion he weakened, and in order to savejtury at the time of the Sicilian Vespers, himself decided to confess bis share n When the island became free. the kidnapping. While Leonardo was on the witness 0 stand Pampasiella sat leaning slightly forward, bis bands-elasped. elbows ress Searcely had the first words of Leonardo confession been attered. when Jude ct O'Snflivan and Assistant Distrh ney O'Connor saw Pampanielta, change of facial expression and Chtef The greatest check which has bece pm spon the Mafia in America was the eon- ietion of Lupg the Wolf. Giuseppe Mo Ho and five of thelr heuchien. While ing on a table and chin prgpped on handa, there are mary of the whelps of the wolf at tan they are in desperate ele umnstances vecduse of the Hve :uen ander of the th the death erie soll, and the doing of it will make your a ; (nur uta caruon chit l wit ment hods stronger -aod-your-tired brain-more uncinsping his hands. piace hie tw te nigh ie bat a We au jitat Bho AE clear. . 1 fingers at the coFners of hi mouth five Hetnce roxaalid There s i: about Walk-O that make p thusiastic ove The more you them the mor thusiasm gro listen. to a Walk-Over w talking Shoes be the meri SURPRISE PACKAGI SASKA Baskatoon,. Nov. Tight fans, were acca surprises tonight w O'Brien outpointed Ke head, Minn., in fifte Young Lawrence, of the better of Bob Spe eg in ten rounds. CANADIAN (Bpecial to th New York, Nov. 21. ured at the horse, she Beck's t Y waward, ridden by TI Sir Thomas, ridden 1 the blue ribbon for th ance: of hunters ridd the jumps. Miss Mona Dunne ridden by W. Williat ridden by Taylor, can the pair owned by 1 son, of the Royal Ho Powerful, ridden by bimeelf, and Hild, ri Figaliga, in third plac gour and Captain among the other Cat mounts figured in th ATHLETICS Havana, Nov, 22 1 team wou from the P' - ericans yesterday by, 3. What is a VOLTEM
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Image 966 (1912-11-22), from microfilm reel 966, (CU1744524). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.