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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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1912 xD e Hat P. O., . 10, town- d packet ad- 4, CoN. R. )., containing ers. Finder ter, Medicine 2956 us ND GENTS oes, Watches, , valises, sult struments, aggons, bug- 8. carpenter 4 furs, horse , bought and yard Tailoring ue, opposite 0. BOX 358. vices Paid for 2eDitt. Se HIDE, FUR he above have tion of Second ty, We carry Bedding, new hing, Clocks, lee, Guns, Re- gies, Harness, t winter goods. Saturday, June 29th, 1912 MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. a WP Sreereeer es oS stuff at Turpin Bros. Panama Hats, Summer Suits, B. V. D. and oth- er lines of light un- derwear, silk Hose and fancy lisle thread Hose, ATHLETICS WIN TWO MORE rere rerePrsrwtesrse der osese sere Oe Berlin Wants the Next Will Build a Big 300,000 Stadium for Committee. (W, A. P, Cable.) Berlin, June 29 An invitation to hold the next Olympic games in Ber- lin in a new 300,000 stadium will be extended 6 the International Olym- pic. committee at its coming meeting in Stockholm. It has been understood that Germany would be awarded the games as soon as Berlin was in a po- sition to offer suitable accomodations Seateet y PEPE LLL ELLE LOL LL LOL OGLE EE PORT Seetetectestnatestratrateate tece Reeioet Olympics athletes will probably gather here on their next trip across the Atlantic. A the last meeting of the German Imperial committee President von Po- bielsky announced that the Union Club, the Berlin Steeplectsing asso- elation and the Berlin aRcing Asa ciation had offered to build the stad- um and to raise the money at a bond issue of 300,000. The German Olym- pic committee, in whieh all branches of athletes are represented, hopes as soon a8 possible to take over these ponds among the various - organiza- tions represented. Count Stersstorpff Le Mo Mee Ce Sree Poke Oa Soe tons Sotocte fastest Ss ss PEELE ELL LLL AMLLLELG LLL LLL PELL LLL NEWS OLYMPIC GAMES ON TO-DAY Leer PP PPLE LLLP IOPL ELL LL LEE I Oe Ire LOPE POOD + lt; * Ss 3 Another New. Million Dollar Factory. Located Within Three Blocks of Beautiful City View and the Prices Remain the Same Temporarily Of course you realize what-this means to you. We want you level headed men and women to look into this dis- meet won't entioned above ; s and as this condition has now been aa. Call Bh OU8 and'the greatest line of met by the patriotic offer of three the German representative on the In City View proposition thoroughly. Phone 68 tf Shi 4 soft Berlin organizations to, assume the ternational committee, was thereupon ie ahs summer Shirts and soft nanciat responsibility for the con- instructed to tender the formal tnvi- It s your opportunity to get in right. You cannot help but make money if yo OUNTANTS collars you ever saw. struction of the stadium, the world s tation at Stockholm. : * e ; CO, chartered A uditore, (estab Tog out for the first of lq pee eee tt AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Bu lt; it View Ow olty of Medicine Tuly-at eae oe rs + ee H 7 ine Hat, Leth- /* BIG LEAGUE Milwaukeo 5,752 , CA, resident x le SCORES Sabo 4 13 8 Ret-ustake-yottes 8 o Wiewae-v0 6-for gt; Burns Block. Nicholson and Schalle, : Sea Sey as a76att T urpin Bros Seieeyeesae et otmstead and Owens. - it has over other property lying so very close to the largest industries in o) eS Kansas City 4.91 hea SERS ose Bs Oe yaaa NATIONAL LEAGUE gt Paul sry s.fees ee) OO i a me Se Se Cannes and O'Connor. ae n em CO, Live Stock ist game Decannier and Murray. Joneers, 519 Tor- TY Boston ... ..- 3 10 4/Indianapolis . 2 91 s every Friday New York . 10 14..0 Toledo ... --- 201 ++ 5 5 0 The Lot s 1 o'clock. Rano Donnelly and Rariden. Ashenfielder and Casey. i ig 1 getooe Ranch WM aroma an ere net eee e Lots we are selling lie right along the front. The very ture sales. con- 2nd game Louisville . z 2 62 : i i ivisi eee TANUCK OLYMPIC Ss eee ee tenteia222 ser choicest of the entire division. posal free. Phone f New York. 12 12 1 Toney and Schlle. j cess W TEAM LEFT ENGLAND is come . oo . y View Lots FOR STOCKHOLM TODAY sccoxt rename : , Brooklyn ... 4.70 eer o A + , . says. g ee An zilladelons eet autos pom Will, by most conservative estimate, double your money within the year. What more would one ask? i Pianos and CUSTOMER TO HANDLE. Alexander and Schultze. Feltonworlder, Johnson and Mit- al 4 2nd game chell.. v . W. J. Fleming (C. A. P. Cable.) Brooklyn ... - 8. 9 2 Mitchell, Jones and Schmidt. et. a Lonron, June 29 The Canadian Philadelphia ... 4 7 2)Rochester . bo 2 8 Olymple team left here for Stockholm , Bargen and Ocen. sareetOly en ess eee this afternoon after putting in an ex- Moore, Seaton, Curtis and Killifer. witham, Kelpfor and Blair. t. B A Sc cellent practice. Army Howard, the St. Louis . 8 14 0 Manser, Mason and Rondeau. s gt; 9 DAs Winnipeg colored runner, who is pick- Gincinnat ... ..- .-- --- 5 9 1 Montreal 2 13) Engineer, ed by critics here to pull off the 200 Sallee, Harmon and Breshahan. Newark ... i 6 8. 2 y 3 be rta Land Surveyor J juetres, went with the team but Pres- Taylor, Fromme and Clarke. Taylor and Murphy. ur Railways, jdont Murdoch tells -the Associated pitsburs a 1 1-0) gnzerman and Higgins. 4 a a 4 , swage, Irrigation, Press: He's proven disobedient,wun- Chicago ... --- +++ - 3 11-1 qoronto ... (5 8 0 2 : : a 1 Dank Built Hee ee eat Douro peek aud Arche Se eed toes : ia ja uilding. Ine. We wi ve him his last Laudermilk and Archer. Phone 120 (ME chance. ih eee Saale Oe 390 Toronto Street - - - - *Phone 171 SRE ES AMERICAN LEAGUE ie ; /RIGHT CANADIAN ROWERS JUNE 29 IN PUGILISTIC ANNALS 1st game Broker. ing cae 29 Tne New York 48 4) 1908 Abe Attell outpointed Matty warding agent, as-/ Ean thie pi mortihige; rowilig Saerqtc a Gaecn 5 11 2/palawin in a 6 round no decision Pout tance of the very heart of the Swedish hence, whent he formal opening witi final; r lay race, 1400 metres, trials; ers the following table of distances is ator of papers for against a strong breeze and rowing 40 ae Bodie and Cart n, ee . capital, The Bil that fs, the Stadium be held and the first track and.field Decathlon, tifst day. given; Taroths United Sas te the minute, reached the oa pean 0s eee and xonses sete Intended to be permanent struc- events will be pulled off. A parade July 15 Relay race, 1,600 metres, '00-metre ras 109.3 yards oner in B. R., Real halt way mark at Fawley-in-three-min- 2nd game en Learfy fought .rounds to a draw I ture, and has been made thing of will feature the opening ceremonies. final; cross country race, 8,090 metres; nd General Agent. ater, forty-six seconds, They after- New-York Re New York. beauty that will be a Joy forever, or The representatives. of the varjous hop, atep and jump, final; Decathlon, 400-metre run . 437.2 yards NE-HAT, wards comp the course puling 20S Soest, 1009- Frankie Burns knocked out some time, to the sport loving Swedes. countries will form thelr groups, div- wecond day. Le , 874.4 yards - strongly and attractively vogettrer; Wate and Street. young Stoney in-2 rounds at New ; is of brick, but not the red glaring ded according to the sports in which The metric system of measurements 1.500rmetre run 1,639.5 yards aaging Butler, who also went out, went in for Bedient, Collins and Carrigan- York. kind more of a violet color and ot they are competing and will carry is used by the Olympic committee for 110-metre hurdle -. .- 120.0 yards aperh Sf no serious work. o8f Sane 1911 Sam Langford, colored hea-lpurpie gray gratite. The architecture thelr national banners. The. prepar- all distances in the games at Stock- 00-metre hurdle -----487.2-yards 22 Stewart. i 2 Sxuasipbie : : ; : vyweight, Setaston ate prieare, fs simple and graceful, At one end ations are on a elgantic scale. holm: For the convenience of read- 10,000-metres run.. .. 10,930.0 yards asl in beeen te bout stopped in round, at New the plainness is relfeved by an-open All-of the visitors are loud in their 4 tS ee i Bese Coombs, Bender and Thomas. York. area and at the other end the build- praise of the perfection of the arrange- Following are records established in previous Olymple games: on cost of Papel i Right fielder Wynn, of the Musko- Engle, Vaughan and Henry. ing backs against a hill, Two watch- ments made by the Svenska Idrottsfor- Events : pets Holger. Nation Record one 156. gee team, s leading the Okiahoma 2n4 esme SUNE 90 18 PUGILISTIC ANNALS towers have been erected on the hill, dunbet to use the official title of the . Bunning and Walking z State league in batting with an average Philadelphia .- 5 10 : - from Wiekgiggnames and events will be association which In charge of the 60 Metres 1904 Hahn ws 1s or 430. Washington .-- gt;-+ 3 190 Sailor Burke defeated Jim signalled. The seats are a purplish- meet. Committees have been on hand 60 Metres 1904 Kranslein U. 8. 1s. Tie scestcdi Astociation te gt;aip : Pennock, Houck Meer ad FADD: Savane IF 8 rounds at New York. gray to-harmonize with tho brick and to receive each arriving foreign dele- 100 Metres + 4908 . Walker BAe i REGULATING plavlas two etackerjack speed merch- Johnson: Pelly and Ace aapJack Johnson oittpointed granite-and all eavept the rows of gation and nothing has Deen left un- 190 Metres 1b00;) Jarvis Us. gate thi season in Capron, of Mil- Chicago ..- Teves Tony Rose in a 6 round, no, declaion seats immediately. in front are rooted done that would contribute to te 200 afetres i504 Hahn Gnd. sep aac sreigethe Waukee, and Shelton, of Columbus, Detroit ..- --- + 10 16 1 pout at Pittsburgh, Pa. over, The Stockholm building is not comfort or conventence of the visitors.) 499 Metres 1904. Hitman UF. 8. wit Ta Catcher Basham the Clarksville Benz, White and Kuhn. Join Ray Bronson defeated Jack nearly so the Shepherd's Bush The Stadium chore Gisicommsetsiiene soy saetcen eee ees we gem, tn the Kitty league; has-enother Take, Dubuc and Stanage. Britton 1 rounds at New Orleans. Stadium, but this is an advantage ra- are to be held ts within easy actos ot Gegosaaves aoe ed Chief Myers, Basham has batted five St. Louis .-. --- 3 12 1911- Sallor Burke knocked out Ted ther than otherwise, as in the Engits -te-city: Seating -accommodation-for 5'599 yfetres Walk 4508 rier U-K- homers in eleven games Cleveland .-- - 6 15 1 Nelson in 3 rounds at New York. edifice all the Dropottions were dwart- 40,000 spectators has been provided 11500 Metres -Walk 1800: eabae? Us The Philadelphia National League Kuhlor and O'Neill. ea by the distances. The Swedish and it Is estimated there will be stand- eel eee 1908 Votght we. team ta booked for an exhibjtion game Neleon, Hamilton and Stephens, Fights Scheduled for This Date Olympic Committee, in listing rooms ing room Tor a additioal 25,000, but 4 605 srotres Relay eee ete at Syracuse on June 23. Ray Bronson ys. Harry Brewer, 10) for visitors, has placed the maximum this probably will not be necessary. Mile Relay 1908 En tis teant CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL rounds, at Indianapolis. 5 amount to be charged as ten kroner, 'The grounds within the stadium pro : eet - 5 at le many of Vides several athletic tracks, a banked 22400 Metres eareeet As08e ci sherdine:, Winnipeg ... 7 8 0 Pat Dougherty, the famous White the rooms are to be had at half that) track for the cycle Traces, a cinder path Mile Welk ee Grand Forks ... -- 2 4 3 sox gardener, is managing a sem -pro- amount. for running and a turf track for hurdie Running and Jumping will be received BY) Horsch and Hasty. fessional team at Hornell, N. . The stage is set and the players as- racing. 110 Metres Hurdles 1908 Smithson U. s i the undersigned up to 12 o'clock Wilson and Edmunds. sembled in readiness for the rise The, sport are to continue for a 200 Metres Hurdles 1904 Hillman wu. ing arranged to Dri Boon of Saturday, July 6th, 1912, for Hugh 8, Jones has succeeded Donal and: py the morning 499 Metres Hurdles 1904 Hillman U. rork of weeding erection of a framo Exhibita bull- weergRN CANADA LEAGUE. C. Despain as president of the Hincolly mod afternoon of each day. The order 599 Mfotres Steeplech s 1900 Orton ee es, property Holde Maine, otc, at the Fair grounds, for the Ciub in the Western league, fof the principal athletic contests in 3299 wetrees Steeplech s 1908 Russell v o fmmed o SGfiicine Hat Agricultural Soclety- camonton 302,010,010 461 Which the United States and Great) 47 yest gs 00 a : noxious Wt tified check for an amount equty- ate Pee cle cpeat to nets motte ek Seay 900 ee Calgary. ..- 092,000,200 4 6 Bunning Broad Jump 1908 Trona. U. will be mad Rent to 6 per cent. of proposal to ac- 00 a qangua: : prominently are as follow ean nes will then be ESompany each tender, Plans snd nd One pe vidsont July Throwing the Javelin; 10,000 pave Ra ers of properties specifications may be seen at the office which will be the metre flat, final; 100-motreg fiat, trials Running Triple Jump 1908 Ahearn - Ue weeds, Of the architect, Porter Block Medicine great publid am 300-metres flat, trials. *) Standing Broad Jump A008 See. a AKER, City Clerks. Bat. ST AGE Is SE Greeks atacl Athens tournainent July 7 Running high jump, trial Standing High Jump Road ae Sc Us 198-4 The lowest of any tender not nec- of 1896 mari fe revival of the event 10,000-metres flat, finol; 100-metres Standing Tripple Jump 1900 Bery .- U. 8. . me 4. i scented i rans, oT H crus an interval of more than 1,500 flat, final; S00-metres flat, final; Pen- Pole 1908 Gilbert Cooke U.S. 12 5 WILLIAM 7. WILLIAMS, T E 0 year : tation. Welght-Throwing and Littin MEET IN CLEVELA r ji Architect ee Twenty-five couiftries have sent re- July 8 Running bigh jump, finals) shot-put . 7A. Howe Eee june 29th, 1912. 299d6t i presentatives to the tournament and stnding broad Jump, final; relay race pisoas 1906 Sheridan 'U. 8. to the News : Sa shootilig swni Tevived and modernized the wearers of the total number of contestants will lt;00 metres trials; relay race, 400 met- pjiscus (Greek) 1908. Sheridan US. , June 29- pr the Stars and Stripes have finished exceed 00. Next to which res final 46-1b,- Hammer 1908 Flanagan. v. 8. do tt s of the country Tennis Will Hold Boards riret, ana the United States team this nsturally leads in the sagt Jaly 10 Pole ault, inal; pottis S515. Weight Throw 1904 Desmartesu Can. * row, when the anni EALED tender with pe received ad- for a Few Days. year is generally deciarod to be stron- rtes, the countries: having tie IBFgest)the shot. pest hand, final; 200-mette J. iin (Free Style) 1908 Lemming Swed. 178 ft 7 14 the Federation of A ressed to the undersigned up to ae ger than any of Sts predecessors, The numerical representation are: tiie Uni- fint, trials; 1500 metres: flattinal s) Soy o1m (Middle hold) 1908s Lemming Swed 179 ft, 10 2-1 will assemble for g 4 42 o'clock noon of Monday, the: 15th) 3 (By Gravy ) eendium once is enoug for the Swed- ted States and, Great Britain. The 5,coo matres flat, nal. lt; erate Witing (one hand) 19081 Steinbach. Aust. 25:1 sionstins iete i day ot July, 1912, for the erection of ) They're of the Bijetttorsanjning. ish translation will accommodate other countries at hase entered fair- July 11 Putting the efght, right) Woe Te te, hands) 1908 Tofalos Greek ec ae one of the most in A, tay of 007 school building Yor the That is Swede for stadium, where the) about 70000 people, and gn the big iy full teams are France, Germany, land left. hand, finalj, 200-mptred fisg, , Welantriteing, ( Se) eee... Conegunus, Greonceated 16 tame 1a bythe federath F Meafeine Hat Schoo District No. a pind n-befd ix i 9 ur +Romasia. Hungary,t/ Austria, Norway fh 110 metre hatdles Face, trials: SuntePRen 7s feations also that ) Certitiea check for an amount equiiy- Target, shooting, be occupied. All of the best seats Finian , Denmar Canada, i; a Be went be larger than 1 alent to 5 per cent. of tender to accom Jawa. Sd other minor events bavo been reserved for the entiro Hollond, Italy, Australia and New Zea- July 12 Running broad jump, fimal;) Pentathlon 906 Mellandar Swed: coming- pamry-each : iwi he period between now nd the occasional visitor will land. Other couatries that wil fe re- throwing the discus, best hand, final New Events This Years a ee rad apecitications may be seonfand July 7th, when the real games be- Fare To ete d-in-the-athletie 0 s - eam t: a0 o-one-mretreswatke;40d-mertes-reley+ 3,000 metres 7 at the office of the architect If fhe sin. That the United States will be 8,000 poorer. seats set aside the and some in the other events as well, metrees. final. re Dre ent end left hand) Discus throwing. (eft and a te cask, Medicine Hat, Altae : axaly returned the victor ts admitted) faally patronage, Despite, the West ef- are Japan, Greece; Spitzerland, Servia, July 18- Stendiag broad jump, fin- ree ing weight (right and left hand); decathlon, The lowest or any tender not j6en- bythe: athletic experts of many nat? forts of the management itis probable) Belgium, South Afrlea and Portugal. al; throwing the discus, right ard lett fays); cross-country race, 8,000- metres. gt; sarily accepted. if fons who have looked ov ahe 150 that a large part of the tirkets for) Several pfelimitiary competitions, in- hand, final; 400-metres flat, final) p ie : fe bee represent Canada at z oR. M. NAPIR, Soom Vhusky young men who sre due in thesa, will fall into the of apecu- cluding shooting and lawn tehnie; were team Tqce, 8,000 metres, final. Pre Event vluislor No, 76. Btocknolm today. Five times. since Iators, Tho location of the Stadiiim s started today, but the real sport of the . July 14. Throwing the hammer, fin- 60 metres dash; 1600 an44500 m al; marathon race, (40;200 metres),' reley. 6 Ny ational-Moral Bduen Hihe games of the atclent Greeks were ideal, as itis within easy walking a place until a week
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Image 1128 (1912-06-29), from microfilm reel 1128, (CU1743618). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.