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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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une 22, 1912. build, consider it Don't be per- HHAP LUM- t's cheap use the e haze it, and ev- Builder requires. ock of LUMBER, I, FIR FINISH, , MAPLE, BIRCH OORINGS. ne agency for the orga Doors, R BEAUTIFUL oD FIBRE, LATH AR POSTS, WIL- y POSTS LER ARD ip YY CO. MBER PEOPLE 29. PHONE 57 PAY MORE 's Drug anq Store : : FIGURE WITH PLACING YO 1T FOR A BUILDIJ IMATES FREE. Next to City Hall. SLEY BRO s and Contracto L Ave, Phone 4 Box 304. 4 timates Free. ans Prepared. t (ONE STAB 408 J. S. FOL tracting Ci 8 TORONTO ST. ming, Sand, Coal ayating a Speclalt; Heavy Horses fer All Times. i 3. LYG (TRACTS Fi VY TEAM N AND EXCAVA el and Sand for Sq WITH OFFICERS IN PURSUIT OF INDIAN FUGITIVES Some Remarkable Features of Keenest Man-Hunt in BOs ary Vast District, Murderers Have Chosen Called the Last Wild West. Their Methods and Those of Their Fearless Pursters Described. Desperados May Not Be Captured Till Snow Flies Say Some. Clinton, B. C., June 21 Never in man hunt been carried on determination and under a combina- tion of more aggravating circum- stances than that which has proceed- ec for the past six weeks or more against Moses Paul and Paul Spint- Jam, the Indians who murdered Con- stable Kindnes near Clinton on the third day of last month. The country in which these out- lawa are ranging is a big country. When we figure in tens of miles, the residents of that country figure in hundreds, It is nothing there for a cowboy, or for that matter the most ordinary citizen of the scattered vil- the histor Britis e history of British Columbia has 8/1, supposed to be particularly triend- day and dance all night. The dis- trict which Is tapped by-the- ariboo road comprises the last wild west Bronze-faced young fellows will come) whooping into the settlements, dress- ed in the splendor of long-haired chaps, high-heeled . riding oots, sil- ver spurs, gauntleted arm: handker- chiefs around thelr necks, and topped with a wonder of a hat held in place with a Jeather thong behind the head, throw the bridle reins over the heads of their mounts and yell for everyone su sight to come and In a country like tl an army to properly surround a sec- tion 100 miles in circumference. And were it possible to draw a cordon of officers around such a section, with officers titty-feet-apart, nobody-could) tell to a certainty that the intended human prey would be confined within its limits. For six weeks Chief Fernie of Kamloops has been on the trail of these desperadoes. With him he has eight of the best trackers on th continent of America, rs Indians, Often short of food, always keyed up to the highest Aegree of ex- pectancy, and most of the time con- testing with that curse of the north, the mosquito, th y have stuck to the. trail like leeches to the legs of Missouri swimmer. Methods of the Fugitives. Some of the wise ones who occupy the benches in front of the country o and steres, aire of the opinion are too many in number to do effec- tive work. But the trackers have found time after time that if there had been fewer men they could have Deen wiped out by the out-laws with- out a shot being fired in exchange. very time these young Indians camp they make a circle of about eight the day within 200 miles, stopping tae of Seen a Gacks When Tey One of the peculiar circumstances trackers come along they are observ- ed from safe quarters, and the quarry know that they have) either a chance of annihilating their pursu- ers or having an eight mile start for their next get-away. Th fleeing Indians take advantage of every natural condition presenting itself, They walk logs, wade streams and follow rock reefs. But the smal- Jest pebble overturned has its lesson for the trackers, and they can tell by feeling a log whether a man has walked, moceasin-shod upon it, even if the eye can detect no change In its appearance, But while they are hunt- jng for signs, taking at times an hour to traverse a mile, the outlaws ate travelling at a pace which nothing can overtake. It is, in fact, not the opinion of the trackers that they will overtake their prey but they hope that by their persistence in harsying them and keeping them on the move, that they will be successful in running them into the arms of some of the officers who are watching all strate- gic points within 100 miles of the spot where the chase first started. Thelr Trained Pursuers. Occupied in this chase are some of the most desperate men in the world, men who Will stop at nothing, and to whom the sense of danger has jong-ago become obsessed. Texas and Kentucky are represented. One of the peculiar situations which has develop- ed is the comradeship of a Kentucky elp represent , Would take time except that his natural vicious- ready Gost the government of the province the price of duke's ransom, seem at the present time to have the best of the argument. Your correspondent was talking a few days ago to Jim Gable, chlef of the Clinton Indians, In answer to the query of where 1s Spintlam, the chief replied: 7 guess he 1s right up on that bill, looking at us with his spy glasses and policemen starting Now You Understand. You cumtux the fool-hen and the snowshoe habit* Well, both of them are fish to get easy. These boys don't have to shoot a cartridge and they can get fat. By and by, spose snow. come, then they shootem deer. Not now though, don t have to. waste any ammunition. The Canoe Creek Indians are very much incensed at the authorities on account of their being kept cooped up on the reservation to the detriment-oF their crops and stock. Among them are many relatives of the outlaws, and their attitude toward the latter ly. A Clinton halfbreed has stated that were these Indians released they would, out of gratitude, give informa: tion which would result in the capture actually effect the capture themselves, Controverting this assertion is the statement of one of the best officers: In the province to the effect that the only way to get the outlaws Is to grab all the Indians in the district and keep them cooped upr Moses Paul, or Cockle as he is more generally called by his acquain- tances on account of a defective eye, 1s not supposed to be a particularly rm F with the murder, last September, of William White, and was held in the Clinton jail awaiting preliminary hearing at the time he was released through the medium of a squaw and a smuggled monkey wrench. When Paul got away he was joined by Spintlam, with a plentiful supply of ammunition, and it is supposed that the two killed the Chinaman, Wye, who was the principle witness against Paul, Spintlam had no rea- son to be an outlaw at the present ness and his friendship for Paul led him to adopt -a life of crime. Both have been good workers on the var- jous ranches where they were em- ployed, and prior to the killing of White n Thad a bad reputation as the reputations of some Indians Bo. The Triple Murder. White was Killed by being hit on the head with rocks. His body was concealed under a leaning cottonwood e-six-miles-south. of Clinton. He had been on a spree, in which In- iang and halfbreeds participated, and his murder Is directly attributed to whiskey. The murder of the Chi- naman was premeditated. Wye was alled to the door of his cabin, near the spot where White's body was found, and struck down with an axe. The murder of Constable Kindnes, on May 3, resulted through his zeal- ousness in trying to capture the In dians. Tie was shot frem ambush about tive of hig deputies, Forrest Loring, being at the same time wounded in the arm. Loring fiv aseveral times at the on- ty Indian in sight, with his revolver, and Deputy Ritchie, the Clinton black- smith, also James Boyd, a rancher of the district, both got in running shots with their rifles. of the affair is the fact that from the place where Kindnes was killed until Canoe Creek was reached, the tracks of only one man was found. This led to the belief for a time that one of the Indians: had either: been Killed by the posse and his body hid- den: by bis partner, or that one Indian had killed the other, But a halfbreed Tiving at Clinton is authority for the assertion that one Indian was shot through the shoulder, and his partner carried him until a horse could be se- cured. Whatever may be the outcome of the present hunt, it is the general opinion in the Clinton district that he Indians will not be captured by present methods, When snow falls they can more easily be tracked, and they may then be brought in. But there is always the element of chance to be considered, and whether these young bucks can continue to out- wit the large number of seasoned men who are on their trail, only the day and the hovr can determine. An English Chemist Has Discovered How to . Grow Hair. In England the ladies have entirely abandoned wearing rats, which is due entirely to this new discovery. Tt has been proven that Henna leaves contain the ingrediente that of Spintlam and Paul, if they did not/- boy who has trained horses Blue Grass State and prize fighters in Cockney who served through the South African Neither of these the market a preparation containing Australia, with a six-foot war on scout duty. can be thrown, and both are contin- Then there are have phenomenal sale. and men who ually at the front. typical Tommy Atkin in the will positively grow hair. That they contain the long-looked-for article is proven every day- Tht Americans are now placing on the extract from Henna leaves, which The preparation is called SALVIA, and s being sold with a guarantee to have geen service in India and the cure Dandruff and to grow hair in Transvaal. There could not be a better assort- mon hosen for this work from the seven corners of the earth. For messenger work and hard, fast riding, loyal halfbreeds and seasoned cowboys are employed. But with all this array of talent from the man-hunting standpoint, the two stripling Indians, who have al- abundance. Being daintly perfumed, SALVIA makes a most pleasant hair dressing. Pingle, your drugetst, 167 the first to: import this preparation into Medicine Hat, and a large gener- ous bottle can be purchased for 5c Fer all kinds of job printing, try the News Job Department. MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. President Furniure: HUGH NEILSON Floor Coverings. Draperies. Household Dry Goods. BL, GLOVER See, Treas, THE NEILSON FURNITURE COMPANY, LIMITED ORDER BY MAIL Our Mail Order Department is thoroughly organized for the safe and quick transaction of business. Your request for information, samples of merchandise, will receive intelligent attention w We guarantee you absolute satisfaction and if not satisfied the purchase price will be refunded. the least possible d We prepay freight on all goods advertised amounting to 15.00 or over, And the same attention will be given your order as if you came to the store. QUAINTNESS, SIMPLIC URITY of design ex ellence of workmanship the product : of a manufacturer noted for beauty and artistic concep- tion and thorough attention to the details of construction and high grade finishing. Just the furniture that a living room or den requires. TONE is shown in Our Mission Furniture in construction. FROM THE DRAPERY AND HOUSEHOLD DRYGOODS TURKISH BATH TOWELS Striped and in natural white, heavy Turkish quality. Size 22 inches by 44 inches. Special Value, pair 50c. TAPESTRY PORTIERS ae In pretty shades of Crimson, Green and Brown 3 yds. long, neatly fringed. Special Value, pair SCOTCH BLANKETS - Quaranteed all pure Seotch wool, beautiful 5.50 soft make, with blue or pink borders. Size 54 inches by 81 inches. Special Value, pair ..... OIL COATED BURLAPS 4.25 For walls, in-natural, green and crimson, very leavy.. quality, 36 inches wide. Write for samples. Value, a yard . 4 . a A Library Table That Will Impart Simplicity to the Library That the Reader and Student Can Enjoy. 1 Library Table Solid 1-4 cut oak, fumed or Ear- ly-English, constructed with 2 1-2 inch legs, drawers on both sides, book shelres-at both - ches high, in+ke-fumed oak ends. ae Neilson s Special Value . 26.40 A LOUNGE FOR BEAUTY AS WELL AS FOR 5 DUTY y ae Leather Couch Quarter cut oak construction, fume oak finish, upholstered-in No. 1 genuine Spanish leather, loose laced seat and head cush- jon, same as cut. Neilson s special value 00 RUG SUGGESTIONS FOR LIBRARY OR LIVING ROOM Three suggestions which will.enable you to select a suitable floor covering for Ubrary or lying room, which with mission furniture would make your room complete. : SUGGESTION NO. 1 . Body Brussels Square, shades, conventional pattern; colors, crim- son and green; size 9x10 ft. 6, Price SUGGESTION NO. 2 English Worsted Velvet Square, semles green, gold and black; small block pattern; colors size 10 ft.,6x12 ft. Price oF rece 28.60 SUGGESTION NO. 3 Heavy quality Wilton Square, two-tone ground, in old blues, with inset border of black and 42.00 OD gold; size 9x12 ft. Price Sepepisraee In addition to these thi suggestions our Carpet tock embraces not only popular priced squares in staple patterns, but choicest de- signs in all dependable makes, As for example, we have one pile of 45 9x12 feet Wiltons. Our own patterns, not a single one of which was in stock prior to April Ist. double ground, in fawn 22.50 Special 25c. OLD MISSION Foot Stool Solid quarter cut oak frame, in the Early Eng - lish finish, mission design, up- holstered in brown Spanish leather. Size of top 12x18 in- ches; stands 15 inches high. Neilson s Special 5 5 . Val No. 7 Foot Stool Same descrip- tion as aboye, but stands 9 in- finish. Neilson s Special Value 4.45 Noss fits a den or living room better than a piece of ; furniture made specially for it. with odd shaped pieces and all touch on the old mission style Our showing is replete That s our showing of mission furniture. AN ARTS AND CRAFTS CHAIR OF SUPERIOR STYLE Arts. and Crafts Living Room or Den Chair Morris re- clining back, in solid 1-4 cut oak, genuine No. 1 Spanish leath- er, loose cushions in the early English or fumed finish oak. Neiisons Special val- veo 1 38.50 Rocker Similiar to above -. 34.50 s A DEN TABLE AT A MODERATE PRICE . Den Table Same as cut, solid quarter cut oak, construction in fumed oak or early English finish, size of top 30 ins. in diam- eter, fi inch legs, Value. .... Neilson s .Jn conclusion we might say: These are just sample pieces of the marty that we have to show you. ; He Famed for their excellence. For their exclusiveness. Advantages Which-cannot fail to.interest. all jntending For their beauty. For moderate cost. furniture buyers, who desire the best value it is possible to buy, BRASS TRAYS. Whe very latest concep- tion in Brass Trays with ball feet.. These are sult able for afternoon tea or for One has a china base de- corated with an exquisite grape design. Another bas an amber ground with a white old for design. In four size SPECIAL VALUE 10 in. Spec. value. 12 in,, Spec. value, 14 in,, Spec. value, 16 in., Spec. value, value 3.00 4.00 + 5.50 8.00 10-piece Toilet Sets of fine quality ware at 5.75 a set. In a large varie of choice designs in pink, green and am- ber grounds, wild rose spray dec- oration. Read Our Rug with Special A White and Gold Dinner Set at 16.50. BRASS JARDINERE POTS It 1s impossible to do this display Justice, without Composition 98 pleces 12 cups and saucers, 12 bread and butter plates, 12 tea plates, 12 fruit saucers, 12 seeming to exaggerate. Let it suffice that it is a qual- ity that will surely surpass your expectations. SPECIAL VALUE Size 5 inches, ... Size 6 Inches, 1.76 Size 7 inches, - 2.25 These are fitted with ball fect, are suitable for ferns 1.25 Boup-plates, 12 dinner plates, 3 platters, 2 covered dishes, gravy boat, pickle tray, sug- ar basin, cream jug and slop basin. -Decoration Gold border on this set is of the highest quality and op the inside a AMI goods packed and crated freo, We and just the correct thing for the dining room table. . Spec. line of gold. value prepay freight on orders amounting to 15.00 or over. ie 16.80 THE NEILSON FURNITURE COMPANY, Limited 118 FIGHTH AVENUE, CALGARY.
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Image 1074 (1912-06-22), from microfilm reel 1074, (CU1743631). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.