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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Building Special Railway See LISP PSS ISIS OY Day Phone 311. Night Phone 537. P. 0. Box 550. Alberta Foundry Machine Co., Ltd. MEDICINE HAT c Manufacturers of Engines, Boilers, Milling and Mining Supplies, Waterworks Equipment, tings, Etc. Dealers in Structural Steel and Iron: Etc. QUOTATIONS UPON REQUEST. x Brass and Iron Castings and Fittings of all kinds made on short notice. Attention Given to Plowing and Thresh- : ing Machinery. Alberta Foundry Mach ineCo., Ltd Seatesrateede sSedradrrarrreded OLDEST: ACCIDENT OFFICE Passengers Assurance Co. OF LONDON, ENGLAND. oe C. A. KRAUSS, General Agent. MEDICINE HAT, OFFICE PORTER BLOCK, MAIN STREET. ALTA. Don t close a deal for your Fir Finish without first inspecting our stock. .Its thoroughly dry and all sanded, and will save you hours of work usually spent on cleaning. We hav a full stock of heavy coast Fir Joists, good straight r dimension, and everything HEADQUARTERS FOR CEMENT AND PLASTER. THE REVELSME SIMUL 60. 1 One Sharples Tubular Separator No, 3at 50 These machines are well known and reliable. This is the, nly one in stock and as we have discon- tinued the agency we-make the above price. erepe terere-+eree DNTRACTORS AND BUILDGIS e + lt; + . + : + 3 3 + 3 + * + i : Phone 59 Ta ThSs + erereteteie 3 3 ek 2t. statutory declaration enrolled (naming it) and, geon a fourth ition was needed. toot and after taking Lynca, Jessup, Pa. James Rae THERE ARE SOME MEN STILL In Medicine Hat that don't know of our dry cleaning process that will keep to those suit two. looking 1 THE - WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR IBALED HAY No order too small, or none too big. Get our prices on car lots. The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited fect ondition by cleaning and pressing as often as they become soiled, wrinkled and baggy. Our methods appeal to the good dress- er and fastidious taste, as well as son. Try having your clothing kept their clothing in per- who can't afford new or three times In a sea ike new by bringing it to GLOBE CLEAN- Se Constituency Arm River Battleford Battleford, North Biggar .. Cannington Canora LAIN MUST BE VERIFIED Veterans of 66 and 70 Will Have to Furnish all Sorts E. Pinkham s Vegetable MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Ottawa, June 26, Owing to certain misunderstanding in congection with Fenian Raid bounties offered to vet erans of 66 and 70 by the militia de- partment, the ministers of militia has Issued the following regulations re- specting proofs by applicants: 1, If the applicant for the volun- teer bounty Is made and executed in Canada, it must be in the form of a and if made elsewhere, must be in the form ofan affidavit of declaration conformable to the law of the country in which it is made and in such declaration or affidavit the applicant must set forth that he was corps (naming the place) and namin: month and the year in which such service was performed, and naming the officer who commanded the corps in question at the time in question. 2. Algo the applicant should de- clare that he has not previously made any application for grant under the safd act, except one of which the suc- ceeding one is an attendant 8. The application. should be sup- ported by the declaration of a com- rade, or some other reputable person, SAVED FROM AN OPERATION How Mrs. Reed of Peoria, IIL, in a militia served at forme. Fortwoyears E11 suffered. The doc- tor said hada tumor and the only remedy knife. My mother bought me Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegeta- ble. Compound, il today I am a well and healthy woman. For months I suffered Wash relieved me. I am glad to tall anyone what your medicines have done for me. You can use my testimonial in any way you wish, and I will be gind to answer letters. Mrs. CHRISTINA Rexp, 105 Mound St,, Peoria, Il. Mrs. Lynch Also Avoided Operation. Pa. After the birth of my child, I had severe organic inflam-1 the State supreme court-reversed-the mation. I would havesuch terrible pains that-it-did-not- seem-as-though I-conld stand it. This kept up for three long months, until two doctors decided that skatchewan Provincial Elections CANDIDATES IN THE FIELD Liberal Conservative Geo, A, Scott... ... . F. . Whitlock *S. S, Simpson Dr, Owens *D, M. Finlayson - J. J. Foley . H. Cawthorpe - L, MeDonald. 3D. 8 *3. D, Robertson - Geo, Harris... ... - *George , W. G. Robinson - Dr. Lochhead 2. - and Com- sinee disappeared, though the pros- itfor two months lecuting attorney hopes-to lecate him Twas a well woman. Mrs. JOSEPH A. to testify at the second trial. that he, the defendant, personally knows the claimant (naming him) and that he Identifies him as the person who served in and with the corps with which the applicant claims to have served on active service (naming the place) in the (naming the month and year) of the ald service, 4. All claims must be verified: as fast as It 1s possible 0 to do by the records in the militia dept. If the ac- tive service pay list of the corps in on the pay list and if there ia noth- ing to raise a suspicion that the ap- plicant s p rsonating. the volunteer, who actually served, that proof, in will be sufficient. 5. If there is no record in: the de partment of the corps in question for the period im question, evidence in called out and if there 1s-annual driit pay lst of that corps for the year tn which the service is sald to have been performed, and if the claimants name ig on such annual drill pay list, these facts will be.satisfactory to support the claimants declaration, provided, -already stated, is nothing raise suspicion that the claimant ig personating the volun acy tually served. 6, Every claim which cannot be. verified as provided for by paragraph 5, shall be referred to a board of of- ficers to be appointed by the minister of militia and the report of such board that said evidence is such as .to sat- isty them that the corps in question was called out for active service in the manner and for the purposes laid down in the second section of the sald wi a ed with it when it was thus out on active service,:should be held to be sufficient proof of the claim, SECOND FRITCH TRIAL BEGINS (Special to the News) Detroit, Mich., June 27. The case of Dr. George A. Fritch, which attracted country-wide attention two years ago, was called in court today for its sec- ond trial. Dr. Fritch, who was. a well mown Detroit physician, was con- yicted. of Killing Mabel Millman, home of the Millman girl was in Ann Arbor. On September 6, 1909, after she had been-missing from home for several weeks, her dismembered body was found in Ecorse creek near city, The medical examination re- vealed that she had been the victim of a.criminal operation. Ona clue furnished by u friend of the dead girl Dr. Fritch was arrested and charged with the crime He was convicted chiefly on the testimony of a chauf- feur Wi that Dr. Fritch, with whom he was well acquainted, had hired bim for a midnight drive to dispose of the tsmains of the murder- ed girl, who hai been cut up and the parts of her body sewed in several sacks. Affer Dr. Fritch had served mote than a year in prison decision and granted a new trial of ithe-ease. Since the action of the su- preme court the physician has been at Uberty on bond. The whose testimony convicted him has Women who suffer from female ills 3 E. Pinkham s Ve Knicker So Jones has a great in- iy t retains the finger print New C. B, D, Wood, Regina W. 8, McGregor J. G, Laycock ves +++ Honry Yardley Dr, Mahan, Regina Dr, Swanston: tewart . Bell FARMERS IN WEST The Acreage Under Crop or Cuitiya gtate that the farmers are in a cheer available, if the claimmant't name is ) po S (stooks or in stacks in the felds dur fing the winter and was threshed this spsing, turned out, all things. consid: ered, remarkably well. condition: with the other requirements paratively dam) 1p Was at once taken to the drying elevator, and most of the remainder has abe tribute to the quality of records that the corps in question a8 some so successfully out of such an ordeal. The Weather: has been for seeding, though here and there much rain has fallen: In the older dis- trict there was, of course, a slumy fm plowing last autumn, owing to the of this year will be slightly reduced jnew regions where the land has been heeded this spring for the first time. under crop or cultivation is greater than ever. wheat cections of the United States have caused a sharp advance in prices at Winnipeg, and the grain sent for ward from the country elevators is brought Inst fall, The only complaint is that farm labor 1a scarce aNd promises to be carver: erican settlers at once take up iarms of their own, avd a larger proportion than usual of those from the United Kingdom are elther going on the apon free grants; in other words, few of those possessing any experience of through a eriminal operation. The *hreshed on April 80th, chauffeur 1 IN HAPPY MOOD thon Is 15 Per Cent. More That In 1911 pa Reports from all parte ofthe West The com: small portion that was since been marketed. It is a re jestern grain that it should have season, and toe crop area those parts. On the other hand, a amount of breaking was done in the whole, therefore, the acreage The best authorities reck. it will exceed the acreage of 1911 at least 15 per cent. Farm Labor Scarce The bad accounts from the winter more than it would haye jerious, ready-made farms of the Canadian Pacific in the irrigated country be tween Medicine Hat and Calgary, or farming are willing to hire out. Lact year Saskatchewan led in wheat, out tripping not only Manitoba and berts, but Minnesota and the Dakotas, its crop of that grain alone being close on 100,000,000 bushels. It was said during the winter that as much as 50,000,000 bushels would re main 1914, That of th jld statements which do no one any good. In a re: t bulletin the Provincial Govern: it says that only 2,500,000 bushels remained urthreshed, and a good deal tt-wilt-grade No- -Northers- IES with all the delic- . BER jous flavor that nature gave them, fresh from the fields, just, -in to-day. 3 No wasted, wilted yesterday s stock sold at this store. Tt would be impossible to keep our berries overnight, even if we wished they sell to the last little a few hours of receipt. Send, bring or phone an order and give your family and friends a treat. Now is the time to get your Preserving Berries. We will have fifty eases In this store on Friday for you to choose from, Come early, you get the best choice. Price right down lowt ; NEW GEM SEALERS. Pints ... Quarts Half Gallons - pra OUR DELIVERY WAGONS LEAVE 9 A. M., 11 A.M, 2.30 and 6 P.M. Hewitt Armstrong QUALITY GROCERS Main St. Phone 258 Britain Can Take It All British imports from Canada have never cut a very large swath in pro- portion to the total imports, and now that those from the United States are declining there will be room enough and fo spare in England for all thd wheat and flour we.are likely to pro; duce-for a good while to come. I any one doubts this, let him turn to the Statistical Abstract for the- Uni ted Kingdom from 1896 to 1910, an read the part relating to the import of Yoodstuffs. In 1910 the imports of cwheat and flour combined from Can: ada were the biggest on record, name+ Ty, little Jess. than 20,000,000: cwts, out.of a total importation of 115,000/ 000 cwts. Had the season of 1911 been normal instead of an abnormal as it fs threshed. all-wheat cultivation apt: to be elther a feast or famine and taf ken to mixed farming. The West should not at this day have to impo horses, pork, muttop, poultry, butter . cheese, milk and vegetables from th United States. With population inj creasing in proportion the cost of articles Is exceedingly high; for tothe price in Ontario has to be added the rail charge for 1,500 miles, and to, that in the States the rail charge plus the Canadian duty. The remedy is greater home production to meet th needs of the home market. WESTERN HOME MARKET The West is ing on Importance In beginning thirty-two years ago to- day, when Fr. Tanner of New York completed. preparations fora forty- day fast under sclentitic conditions, the first ever attempted in which all d possibilities of fradulent were eliminated. He began the fast at noon on June 28, 1880, and from the time to noon of Aug. 7 he was at all times under the observation of physicians, FIRST THINGS The modern fasting cure bad its cago, made a stmilar attempt, six days. tempt several deception but in every instance they were During the forty days and nights he ate no food whatever, gt;/ but drank a little water occasional, He weighed 157 1-2 pounds at the be- ginning of the test, and had lost thir- ty-six pounds at its conclusion. In the following year a Mr. Griscom, of Chi- stopped at the expiration of thirty: Before Dr. Tanner's English people hadi claimed to have undergone long fas but at found to have practiced deception, and most fthem were imprisoned as cheats. Thursday, June 27th, 1912 HO A FE See Whbout a G00D ACREAGE PROPO TION Some Money-maker. Phone 433. in Cousins and Sissons, ing, Altawana, and Riveral right prices. - Good list fully modern Ho BUSINESS Main St, Block 15, foot. 50 ft, corner, Block 25, 2 real St, 400 per foot. Toronto St, Block 24, 50( foot. 500 Wanted 160 Acres on Side, Must be level and pr 21 miles to 31 mil only need apply; sta zenge-and price Herald, Calgary. See PLAYS AND PLAYERS + PEPE ELE EE ET Margaret Mayo has two plays way. : Otis Skinner will star agal Season in Kismet. Walter Hackett has a play Officer 666 is to have a s xin in New York City. Margaret Anglin will api Qgypt, by. Edward Sheldon, time in September. Chrystal Herne fs leading a company in New Haven, Conn Henrietta Crosman is said to b good suffragette play Wher Stops We can supply you with the latest improved Loose Leaf Systems at Eastern Prices. Keep the money at hom. eden wee POOCOOOROO. PHONE 66 Piano Moving Tasker Transfer Co. apid LIGHT and HEAVY Melfort .. Milestone Moose Jaw City . Moose Jaw County Moose Mountain Moosomin . Morse . Pelly ... -.. Pheasant Hills Pinto Creek . Pipestone .. Prince Albert Qu Appelle, North . Qu'Appelle, South Quill Ptaine, Redberry Regina City . Rosetown ... Rosthern ... Saltcoate ... Saskatoon City *G. B, Johnston . Bernard Larson EA 0, WB, J. A, Sheppard R. Al Magee +A, Smith . Rev. M ). George Langley . R. M. Pitt *3. F. Bole ... J: FP, L. Embury c. B. Mark . W. , Ferry *George Ens . Hon. J.-A. Cald *J, K, Johnston .. A,B. A. Cunningham . R. Moore - e . RB. J. Phin . Dr, Robertson ... J A. McLaughlin David Railton (Ind.) - W. H. Paulson - Dr. , 6. Spence Ww. B) Willoughby F. W. Green, (Ind.) Dr, W. Hllfott EB. L. Elwood H, M. Klassen B. J. Johnson SH. H. Willway A, Mareotte A. B. Gillis *J, B. Bradshaw *J. A. McDonald W. G. Hayltain A.B. Bence fy L, Leiteh Geo, Brad n Jj Nixon ment in Canai to which are adced millions of dollars worth of imported goods each year. Fostered by this market and its great trom. Year to year, the indus- tris development of Canada has been almost as remarkable as the building tp of the West. A HIVE OF INDUSTRY The present -water power develop: ig estimated by the Department of Interior at only 486,857 horse pow qf manafactirinly in Canada increases commensural with the development of this now fent power, what a hive of industry there will be extended throughout th Jength and breadth of this Dominion, and this surmise takec no account of the almost unfathomable coat deposits yet unearthed. 2 My good man, they need laborers We carry a full, stock of Binders , Indexes, Ledger Sheets, Account Forms, etc. for this work. i We make a speciality of Loose Leaf Binders;-it Cor: duroy and L ather, Canvass and Leather, Canvass etc., and can make them any size to order. 1 so) ee Sebesdpedeatentestontn sateen alesteatoetoatontecdecteetoedonthety fe Seitetesesaieesecnsteeiecscnsesteien *pr -3 W MaeNeill Jobn Hamilton, ie . *Hon, A. Turgeon... A. D. Mcintosh aoe : Geo, H. Watson... J, M. Hanbldge Bastern Canada is, of course, stron- 5 Kindersley . Hon, W. R, Motherwell 3. M. Toombs nee Can the West rat the Get our prices before 2 Gas f fmpo: in an ss 5 Sinistigs 2 AB Devine Tr. G..N, Giles fndustrial way and will not any longer sending out of the city for aH Last Mpuntain lt; vv 8. P, Latta... . *T.. A. Anderson be content to hige ts industrial light hi di Lioydi ter + 3 PLyle... 0. H. Price under a bushel. Out of the wonderful these goods. j Lumsden . James Russell . F Tate me Se eee oe athe, West 9 Sisk a: Dae market Maple Creek - Noi Robson: 2 ee eeeoory soe i ies? Ste easonable DRAYING b were Padly in the next twon. Speciaity able 264 Toronto Street. Bestatoon County . Hon. W. C. Sutherland ell Be eon Teanks for the warning, boss. I'll e - nore pa pod Ke tour. Wi E ae a ties . make a detour. Washington Herald. : Taxi Taxi Taxi - *ALBERTA TAXI C Phone 666 Day... 211 Night. OMPANY Cars; Careful Drivers. Swift Curre Thunder Creek Touchwood Tramping Lake . Vonda Wadena Weyburn... PWitiew Hnneh Hon, Walter Scott Alex. Boudreau G. H, Atkinson W. Bric James. Scott .. .-. BR. Jas, Speers *A. F. Totzke ... . GA. Larew *H. . Pierce... .-. + J. H. Hearn *Dr. R. M. Mitchell Dr. Bowman Rev, F. G. Forster A. 8, Gallagher. W. W- Davidson Dr. Martells Female Pills Nineteen Years the Stan Prescribed and recommended fox women s ailments, --a scientifloally prepared remedy of proven worth. The result from their use is guick 8,-CWright ... Yorkton ss ede OT. H. Garry ... W. D, Dunlop Indicates member in last legislature. rant perorenent stores: -e.0.4.-10m0. * Medicine Hat News, Ltd. yt TE
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Image 1113 (1912-06-27), from microfilm reel 1113, (CU1743567). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.