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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Page 4 ebb RRR RRR PERE PEEP ebb FOR WOMEN t's 5 Record of 56 Years FRONT ROOM, furnished, 6 minues' walk from station. Sultable fo1 one or two gentlemen, Street. fine malines in deep cream, ts one of Drecoll s expressions of the light coat and dark skirt idea, One finds Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, otc., ads under these headings. The Work of the National Republican Convention Since BY ONE OF THEM conts of taupe, In cloth or silk, worn Its Organization in 1856 and the Candidates. 3 words, one day .- a aan Wie Rl ar feekbebieebiet RRR cetiicicieie wit skirts of white, the combination 5 words, three days .. . r without Ret * being rather a relief from the long used black and white, and the taupe coat is used also with skirts of a bri board. Apply 421 King /st, 25 words, six days .. ..81.00 Additional words at same rate. No 2864: The W. M.S. of the church will meet In the base Methodist ent on Madame Chung, the widow of a court (Special to the News) official, It ig an up-to-date weekly, + Washington 7 2 Tuesday at oo, A midsummer missionary conver nal under the auspices of the Wo- nien s Misslo Society, will ke held in the basement of the Century Methodist chureh on Thureday, June 2uth, at 8 p.m. The Past, Present, and Future of Missions will be repre- sented in story and song. Refresh- nents will be served, Collection at the door. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. held f parlor social at the home of Mrs. Kent, Balmoral St, from 3 to 5 Wed- of the agtivities of Western women, ald it has had en undoubted influ- ence on the minds of Its readers in the Orient. The act of the new republic Mmits the franchise to women with certain educational qualifications. The pro- portion of those who can even read and write 1s not large, at present, but the Minister of Education has an- nounced his intention of, a Yittle later, setting on foot a scheme to extend the higher educational advantuges to wo- men. of vel the as tulle, chiffon, Mne lac much used with white costumes this rat the Continental watering and it is quite probable that become The coat or coat- Uke tunic or other material of a bright color, worn over lngerie or lace or other sheer frocks, is sure to have a great run this season; and so many are the variations that may be rung upon: the idea that there is no prophecy least temporarily. will Ehter color, such as rose and cerise. It is said, by the way, that blouses gay color in sheer stuffs, such ete., will be true, at Gathering of delegates at Chicago on next Tuesday forms the fifteenth: na- tlonal convention held by the Repub- Mean party since ts birth in Pjtts- burgh more than half a century. ago, The first convention was in Phila- delphia in 1865, and Edward D. Mor- gan called ic to order on June 17. Robert: Emmett of New York was tem porary chairman and Henry S. Lane of Pennsylvania permanent chairman with David Wilmot as head of the committee on resolutions. The plat- form declared against the extension conventions and candidates held since the close of the civil war is as follows: Chicago, May 20, 1868 Ulysses S. Grant, of Illinois, and Schuyler Col- fax, of Indiana, Philadelphia, June 6, 1872 Ulysses S. Grant, of Illinois, and Henry Wil- son, of Massachusetts. Cincinnati, June 14. 1876 Ruther- ford D. Hayes, of Ohio, and William A. Wheeler, of New York. Chicago, June 2, 1880 James A, Garfield, of Ohio, and Chester A. thur, of New York, Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No, 13 ring 2, and ft will receive attention. JREPRESENTATIVES WANTED for sale of townsite lots in divisional and junctional points along line of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway. in Western Canada, Whole or part Write to authorized agent G. , P, Ry., International Securities Co., Ar- Ltd., Somerset Bidg., Winnipeg, Man., 211-Sa-st tim Yor HELY WANTED, particulars maps, ete, with board next door, if desired. 112 Dominion st. 285d (TO RENT Furnished rooms to rent, Parlor, bed and sitting room, mod: ern conveniences, suitable for two Sentlemen. Apply 426 Toronto Street. 2t4atel OFFICES TO RENT. . TO RENT, Furnished, 3 offices on Fourth Ave., from 15.00 per month, H. B. Browne Co., Auction- eers, 519 Toronto St, Medicine Hat. Phones 703 or 296. areatt danger of the mode becoming toolof slavery into new States and Ter- Chicago, June 8, 1884 James ; : esday afternoon. A very pleasant and Mastefellr active hackneyed for smartness. ritories, demanded the. admission of Blaine, of Matne, and John A. Logan, WANTED General servant. Avvly Cyrrice TO RENT Wipe largo office profitable time was t. Several Probably most of us waste more) * one a ew of the possibill- Kansas, and advocated the building of Mlinois. to Mrs, W, T, Wiillams, 723 Main questions of local interest were dis ties in that line, as exhibited in the of the Upjon Pacific railroad. The Chicago, June 19, 1888 Benjamin S 28706 Avenue and Main street, upstairs in cussed and the president gave a re- ness. It is not the doing nothing, but i. Soacon models, there 18, a-Rand- candidates nowinated were John G. Harrison of Indiana, and Levi P. Mor- ranppp Fil clas carpenter the News Block, Modern conventen- port of the convention which met at the doing what we need not do, that IM SSum MOST kt ai etaise, Fremont he defeating John Mchean ton, of New York, * * zt Lethbridge recentl, time in our activities than in our idle- is the great destroyer of,our efficlen- cy. We go through six or eight mo- which has a surplus bodice and pann- fer peplum of sapphire blue mousse- of Ohio on first ballot and William L, Dayton of New York. The ticket Minneapolis, June 7, 1892 Benja- min Harrison, of Indiana, and White- foreman for responsible position. Large work outside town. Must be 20x24 feet in size, corner of 4th Ces and well lighted. Most central location in the city. Apply at. the News Oftice. re 30 ry Society of tions to accomplish what could have by thie at around. manger, No: otherg nead See aan ena ie treet Bech Gane aac well Aa) Geos WaT Cabs iuelde soees -m Wbseh ot Dro ooke. crepe ives Bema by tte: Dempecatlo Youn jiey Raid, ot Neg, Jerk: Maple; Apale th wee 1808 NTR EE ee ae uae ae cies me Dr. Mac- several hundred words to say -what Dalest lavender is accompanied by aeoala at St. Louls ans eade i a : nia sae a abe ee ee: 28708 MISCELLANEOUS on Monday, night, to) welco Se a little belted coat with draped front) by Buchanan. McKinley of io, and Garret A. Ho- land .after seven could have been put into fifty. So our * a ANTED 1 . Een ease vork as a medical time slips away unnoticed, in triek-( 24 draped coattalle in rose chiffon;) The 2. ae pe Se pepe peee: : ny. WANTED Chambermaid. Appiy Ww: Saat ae i. oe lost a in China. Dr. MacBean ling, wasted minutes, and at the ena Absolutely at ee eee ea ee cia ty u pacialey ot CHE cad Hae ont el ectrl ee eet 1 aes eat missionary. in . Dr 3 3 . the party was held in Chicago, as- Sembling June 13, 1860. The plat- form declared for th preservation of the Union, denounced the exten- sion of slavery, and advocated tariff robe of white charmeuse is relieved by a short tunic coat of empire green mousseline which does not meet in front but is-girdled by a scarf of viol- et velvet; a eoat of rose taffeta is iam McKinley, of Ohio, and Theodore Roosevelt, of New York. Chicago, June 21, 1904 Theodore Roosevelt, of New York, and Charles W. Fairbanks, of Indiana. Jewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, puit cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bicycles, carpenter of a day in which we have been on the jump all day Iong we wonder why more has not been accomplished. Not idleness, but unnecessary activ- gave a very interesting talk about her work and the home life of the Chinese women, We can scarcely es- timate what an influence our mission- 38743 WANTED Young girl to assist in house work,. Apply Mrs. W. J. tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse ; artes are having in China, Japan, Af- i, aesivemn our. foe. ante Berson toe are vet ieoesroead ot ives tawa Walon would encourage the;de- ; Outcast: gene ae;isde Witla Heer ce UebdS ite, wont and tatters, bought ace extraor: may i pees a ae, Ao eee en su Se reat Giwccne dt ene as 2eeD, Scant flounces of embroidered velopment. of the a anieeee ae of Ohio, and James S. Sherman, ANTED Gpod waitress. Apply by eas Paget to the aed dati cominerce and in the development of We, hor to be nearly so busy yet he net, each flounce edged by a band or of the const a os con ol Aw York. letter to H. B. Miebach, proprie- 007. 342. ath 5 i eapoalle : Tete a great deal more done, He sim. Rem of the rose taffeta, a big soft was nominated for President on the e convention next week will be tor Hotel Lethbridge, Lethbridge, prey P thee (count ee. Bly cute out the unmecsessry wards POW of the cream tulle holding the third ballot and Hannibal Hamlin of the seventh that the Republican par- Alta, 2s7as Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for Maine was nominated for Vice Pres- ident on the second ballot. This tick- et was successful in the fall, easily beating the divided Democracy. The third Republican convention met in Baltimore on June 7, 1864. The platform declared for the carry- ing on of the war, advocated a con- stitutional amendment forever pro- hibiting slavery anywhere in the Un- coat at the high waist line. A costume of this taffeta coat and lingerie skirt order is easily got up, need not be very expensive and has always a very festive air, One can find beautiful bits of taffeta, thin moiref satin and other handsome silks on the remnant counter and there are many attractive short ends of sheer stuffs on the bargam counter too. If ty has held in Chicago. Of the Re- publican candidates nominated in that city, Lincoln and Garfield were assassinated. Blaine died a disap- pointed, f not heartbroken, man. Ar- thur, who: succeeded Garfield, lived to realize the full meaning of. poli- tical ingratitude. Harrison, although Tenominated at Minneapolis, was de- feated. The defeat of Grant in the WANTED Two the abov: 2sDtt. ae ae gt ee HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifl hins, Re volvers, Wagons, Harness, The ladies of Medicine Hat are pleased to note that. the council are actions, even thoughts. He not only accomplishes a great deal more, but laying aside a plot of ground as ajhe has more leisure and margin in children s playground in the park at his life. Doing more by doing less the armory. We trust that this willjis a secret of efficiency. If we are be done in different parts of the city; Keenly conscious that we ought to ac- it will be money well spent. The complish more than we do, let us con- large cities all over Canada and the Sider whether we should not. first United States have awakened to the learn to do less. fact that it is much cheaper to pro- WANTED Bell boy. Assiniboia Ho- tel. 285d3 WANTED A capable general ser- vant, able to do plain cooking. No children. Wages 25.00 per month. Apply to- box 1297 News office. 285att smart young men, and a nice new line of winter goods. . : the ex- fon, returned thanks to the Federal convention which met in Chicago in ust be hustlers. Good money for y 7 o hil- . 1. To be angry is to revenge the does not want to go to go We buy everything mentioned abore Fide good playgrounds for oe cre Ot ote, abOe urease **) pense of embroidered tulle or fine soldiers and sailors, and indorsed the 1880. was the occasion of a bitter it Parties. Write box 1295 News. Te vy Sertuns mentioned abore drendy ith competion tape shania see lace flouncing ofr such a model as emancipation proclamation. Abrab- feud in the Republican party, and in- 28308) i them, than to keep up prisons, re- 2. No wise man ever wished to be ietan ate uth Railway St. or Phone 587. tf Pace pecan cians culineea (ene hia vounaer the one just described, oven a fine am Tincoln was renominated, Ye- eldently led to the defeat of the B t- - rea Goncral servant, Mant ete. lain tulle can be used effectively by celving all the votes except those of ty four years later. Mr, Roosevelt 7 5 : properly trained to 3. L-would. give nothing for the ? CHARTERED ACCOUNT. ie ee sees Labiciwith the Ghetatlanige st a ean Riaaetvery deg (Putting a little group of tiny tucks Missourl, which were cast for Gener was nominated in Chicago in 1904 be capable. Wages: 25.00 per OUNTANTS above the taffeta narrow hem on each flounce. The color scheme and the contrast between the silk and the sheer stuff are the essential and telling features of such a frock; and though lace and handwork, etc., add to the beauty of al Grant. Andrew Jobnson:of Toxin essee was named for Vice President, This ticket was successful at the polls, same zest, and be noble men and women. honorable and cat w re not the better for. his religion.- 4. Our content is our best having. Fear God and keep His Com- mandinents, for this is the whole duty of man. end Mr. Taft in 1908. These two, of the seven standard bearers named by the Republican party in Chicago con- ventions, are the only ones living. IME. SCHUMANN-HEINK. 51 TODAY, month. ly in person to 616 Mon- Avply: tty 2824 W: A HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- yAu:HD Panty gin, Apply to ished 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- Cosmopolitan Hotel. 276att, ee 2 bridge. AE. Gibson, C.A, resident partner. Phone 198, Burns Block. treal Street, Change for Chinese Women When the surprising news came that the new Chinese republic had de- creed in favor of giving the women -ANTED Small team outfits for Hi. 5: BROWNE CO., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday ditch work. Have 2000 miles to 275dtt * the franchine, one of the firat quee- 3p TEE TREE TE Te i ee let. Sizes of ditches trom 8 to 8 Tare : * AUCTIONEERS Hons occurring to the Western mind). Paps AND FASHIONS. Sheer materials, such as silk mus- Soot boven saree, MeDonmell Coir hos was, would the Chinese women be Bs 0, Alta. 267att DI thaivinew responsibilities t2. + ling marquisette, ninon or very sheer z i jasbant Serie eee eae aca n oe he ole oe fe de of be ok ode fe ote of of crepon, are cleverly trimmed in some In view of the conditions of repres- sion and an implied inferiority under 'ANTED Men and women to learn- of the imported frocks of simple char- barber trade. o Summer rate now (Special to: the News) aster with bands of foulard on which Says Her Life Has Been Hollow Away from Her Eight 3 meee , . on, Situations guaranteed. Special on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch eee Me oa a Sou eae ae large dots form the design, That is, Children Despite Fact that -She s One of the rates to ladies. Particulars and cata- and farm stock sales conducted any- iy - . rhe - they were not very capable in public silks and serges extremely popular; * 4,0 the silk on which a. single World s Greatest Prima Donas. logue free. Moler College, 609 Cen- Where. House furniture sales con- . a row ofthe large dots appearg on-a ut as the summer season progresses (ontrasting ground is put upon a thin and the weather becomes warmer, the -atarial-in the color of the ground affairs at first. But, as a matter of fact, the Chinese women have come to ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- tre St, Calgary. perience at your disposal free. Phone 294att ; i a ; ti in r of aaa eae (By 0. Terence) Rip ERaea Hiner 103. H.B, Browne Co, 619 To- aoe ren, in thal county, They have ong ior, enter materials te sure/o th alll A delightful Ilttle trock . Mrs. Emeatine Roessier, the. fam-Jout of a hundred have in tsem the in- Fonte BE) pat organized, Held congresses, expressed that the days of the heavier materiale r,t Pe has bands of foulard with ous prina ddnna who has lately been stinet. of motherhood, and these will RESSMAKING done at 626 Toronto their opinions, and joined in demon- are counted, are offering left over Pf and Tather bright blued ot on 8 maxing a tour of the West, is today find their greatest joy in being sini- St -Prices reasonable. 28546 BUBINESS (CARDS: strations in favor of the new resime. trocks and coats at prices tow enough ike STound sed to trim a very celebrating her fifty-first birthday ply mothers. GER: SEWING MACHINE: Some, it is sald, have assisted in the to attract economical buyere in great) eer, Tete Sie volte. and the same with an ioternational reputation as a The famous contralio ts not entire- EXPERIENCED GIRL (Scotch) good SINGER SEWING MACHINES ang Eee oe eet I a frock of White/contralto that will secure for her ly opposed to stiffrage or women, Kk, wishes situation in town. Seana e marquisette trimmed in bands of foul- name x-permanent place in the re- but she declares that, if given the ADPly to box 1294 News office. 283d6. Organs for sale and to rent. All A factor that has had much to do The separate coat ts featured throu- ara which has big green dots on white ora ct ike murit's eaigent oneratie ute, weecuares tt classes of insurance. W J-Eleming, es with this changed attitude on the part/ghout the line of the best imported) white marquisette of fine quality Singers: (She has/eupmba toe herself take a ata of e qipre sean FOR SALE Office 381 Main Street. of women who, up to the last few models, appearing in all sorts of Co8- ig perhaps the most satisfactory ln- by years of patient toll aad patne. in portion eee heen ent : years, were secluded, mind and body, tumes, from the plain tailored to the erie material of the sedson, though triive rire ot cme Conciente ncaa ces and it they have child SALE 15 pure bred Jersey z newsn Ju thelr homes and were-not seen in most. elaborate lingerle and lace con- a1 the thin summer materials. 8 em peatenc) coga nen oy calete ane eeneuld not run for office. cows, just arrived from Ontario. E Bartlett B.A.Sc tailor public even with their husbands, is fections. The use of the white satin inusually pretty and there is in Paris ae ae ee e a akan oa rnestine Roessler was the daugh- 6 of these are of the strain. of Mary Fs So APokne ai the growth of a women's press. Injor cloth coat over a black skirt, which , growing liking for the deep cream +o oe Inj Me amndaical Rall-of fame. ter of an Austrian mayor, and was /, gt; cy cr acabert, the world s chat Municipal Engineer, fin China there. are a number of journals/has been one of the. spring sensat- anq echre-in plade of the pure white. joy enn een mana Heink is not en- born in Lieben, near Prague, on June (/ oS tt. Croducer of the late Cap- Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor cee edited by and for women. One of ions in Paris, is retaining its populat- a good many of the newest coats tirely satisfied with her life and car- 15, 1861. She is now a naturalized tain Rolph herd, and 5 others traced Industrial Spur Railways, ey these, The Woman's Journal of Pe-lity, but: appears in delightful varia- nave no collars, but these are often cr, , the mother of elght/American and owns a handsome est- / 141 heard, all of these are fresh, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Sone b Kin, has been conducted for years by tions on the original theme. Worn with the handsome separate col- prc , but her art required that ate in New Jersey. She was educated) ince or springers, and can be seen Plans, Etc. ae ee lars which are so numerous, and, on *ns ' 3 Ie Lee odes Gr ioe ataner leony abline convent tn: Pragus. ;.. tng stock:iyards. Aboly to. 7. HL, Ee ae Cees meas Wy YY Trl) the other hand, there are many coats A eee eo mutase gue eepeerance:in opers wee in y4 rey, 3820: Main. Bt: 2a7de mete Mas see aoe Y Yy, to distinction. On the whole, hoW- 15m the famous artist declared to goes err Heink, she retired from) pon sare 1, 30-horse power. 4 cyl- Painting and Paperhanging. es 7 A Host of Wy ever, the tendency seems to be aWay ricw.s the other day wT tenn teed ee ents , for 2 time, but in inder 5- passenger Pierce-Arrow Reynolds Stewart. ; F Yy 7 from the large collars, both tn frOcKS nae 1 have got less. trom lite thon at the Hetty sane apBeaFanc automobile in good condition. Also 1 cum Ayenne opposite Binnings) wom Y WY, ; - an it . Different Centers collar oF Dutch collar hae to ar yong) te, aYe735e Woman who lives on divorced her first husband and in yocte powes electric mocor, Cheap for e , Wall Paper Estimates cheer iN d s V7), You tite Te Spice of variety, therefore you'l 7 Tad Adare given place to soiling aoe e000 ee ae ee ae ue peariod Paul Schumann, and casn or would take good real estate. ufrnished aon cet of Papering 7 jes Moire Chocolates their hunds ee ee Tound T impossibie a a ary alcea Tes is a com- eae Coc : V7, more different centers. but are to many eaves putin full bug DOrtes mote bination ot oh8 nines ot her two, hos: PIANO TUNING : V 7 Toothsome nuts, dainty jellies, luscious fruits, ) flat in to a small armhole and then coe fae a anne os nee, : BOARDING HOUSE Long tease, VOIGING and RECULATING aS VY form some of the centers, while others are ) to widen toward the bottom, ending hiiaren sc mv vogn browt 1 tive e Buceoe nee at pavreuth, and) Goodwill, fixtures, etc. The lot jit Way of vepalr undertaken at 7 of unique creamy confections. All are hidden V7 in a wide cuff and fall of lace or net lt; ren at my own breast. I havejher success there brought her a flat- ag-gelug concern. Big money maker. 4) nt charge, consistent with Yj. Yj five grandchildren, I have done my tering offer from Maurice Grau to eto weet; charge), consisten gt; Y i in that wonderfully thick coating of smooth, 7) a. ae ise into est, and yet I have not lived up tojcome to America. Her first appear- See aera rok Guatantect f 7 rich chocolate that s being talked about so y ines aoe A 20, M2 my idea of motherhood for the sim- ance on this side of the water was at (ASTOMOBILE FoR SALE CHEAP CHAS, A. ADSIT. Y much today. y lowed to droop on the outer arm over P Teason that I have not had the Chicago as Ortrid, in 1898. Since 5 passenger, touring, in first-class Telephone 68. 505 Main St. Y/, Enjoy a new treat. Try Moir s Chocolates. (7/7 a close fitting lower section. reaching Pee aus bas) been heart in) exenil . Copano 80 bore. neres, stay om WY, Vy) teiteeraaaal Mme. Schumann-Helnk bas a mes-opera and concert, in nearly all of eauipped. Apply P. 0. box 597. tt anty N, CUTTER demo ' 1) he little oversteeves of coats or 8 8 for young women who are con- the principal cities of North Amer- Representin; soniye tunies are often ent In one with the Ting artistic professional or busi- ica. She returned to Europe for a SPANIELS Brown curley retriev- m SAGUE. rice, J should n, but the Kimone clecve they Be8s carcers, It is this: + time in 1908, and was given an en- f8i pedigreed, ten weeks old; JAMES OC. TE. re the 7 really lost prestige at last and is seen D Not hope to win success both thusiastic reception at Dresden, in ffom best trained stock; just right Architect G Cott i Jess than it was at the beginning of 8 0ther abd a business or pro- her creation of the role of Olytem- 8 train for fall shooting. Ken- Sea ae follow : the season. When it Is used the un- fessional woman. If you would be a nestra in Richard Strauss's Hlek- 8 getting over stocked. Will sell May be found at Anglican Church, be ar 1 great artist, do not marry. Children tra. Her second husband, Mr. 9t the following low prices: Dogs Medicine Hat. ; der arm seam is so fitted up to the , 2.00; bitches, 500. Write R. W. Al- Plans, Specifications, Superintend- sunlcs arm pit that baggineess Is eliminated 7 Jealous taskmasters and it wil Schumann, died in 1904. len, Hillside Kennels, Piapot, Sask. ance. 28746 does gt; and the kimono dea remains only require all your time and attention Mme, Schumann-Heink attributes i 2 o7gazst S there i lin the absence of an armhole seam ? be mother. Ninety-nine women bey eueceas at tera ark than dotior across the shoulder. ns to natural ability, although she ad- LOST AND FOUND will oe ae ene 14 mene noes ne eee eee Steam midsummer show combinations of colored model is made of pink volte Wupment of the great grand operal OST OR STOLEN Seotch Colle, ther ; white net and colored batiste. The with embroidered patterns worked out */78 r Jacee zreddlalss ngs) wth white Lau nd ry ainti : sleeves and underarm sections of the in white linen flo ring around neck, answers to the athe f waist are made of net, as well as the The pannter-1s-softiy growing In ARMY CAPTAINS LEAVING Mame of Nero. Anyone found harbor- Modern and sanitary tn every, i upper portion of the skirt. Embroid- favor, and looks best when the med- ing the animal will be prosecuted to respect and the machinery ts 4 ered panels of light blue batiste in um employed is soft and pliable, as Misses Marshall and Holland to Leave the full extent of the law. Ira W. the best that money can buy. English eyelet pattern are used from chiffon or tulle. Medicine Hat Shoop, Bassano. 28346 All white help employed. the waist yoke to the bottom edge of The magpie effect is popular in Captains Marshall and Holland of PHONE NO. 8. the skirt, footwear, the mixture of black and the Salvation Army, after a stay of TO KENT Your patronage sollotted Narrow flounces of embroidery ap- White extending even to the shoe lac- seven months here, will bid farewell en ae Conta cor peat in tikes suseecervesvows Iai tne e on Sunday to the local branch. They /J'0 RENT, Furnished, roomed house eadlinecara athe ugoodes sides of the skirt, and are joined to Pumps of green and other colored re leaving on account of Ili health. within 2 minutes of post office, the panels. Other dresses showing alleathers are to be had in the shops, Their successors arrive on June 27. 60.00 per month. Apply H. B, Browne ce similar combination have pink em- togetber with wonderful silken bos- * Co., Auctioneers, 519 Toronto 8t., Toose Leaf System The News Job it broidered batiste in solid pattern jiery of every hue. The less a man has to sas, the more Medicine Hat, Phones 703 or 295. Department has every facility for sup- combined effectively In both waist FLORENCE FAIRBANKS. Suessing his wife has to do. . - 276dtt plying the most satisfactory. Z sesess
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Image 1021 (1912-06-15), from microfilm reel 1021, (CU1743554). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.