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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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See Our Specials in Shirts with Tooke's Shirts, the and SHOES This Week SEE US FOR SHIRTS The stock is again complete fresh selection of hand- some kind that yod like able, too. to wear without a-coat. Reason- MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. . Thursday, June 27th, 1912. BLOOD POISON CLAIMS T A BRIDE OF TWO WEEKS Mrs. Ellen Carlson of Brooks BAROMETER INDICATES Days Illness. Ellen Carlson, aged 18, of Brooks, a bride of but two weeks, died On Tw day and was burried yesterday. Mr. J. Nott of this city having charge of the funeral arrangements. Mrs. Carl- son contracted blood poison three or four days ago and her death resulted. HGH STANDING Average of 93 Made In First Aid Examination. Dr. Thomas inspected the Yesterday the Mercury Climbed to 102 in the Shade The Hottest Day Yet. Yesterday was the hottest day of any since the present hot wave struck the country, the thermometer regis- tering 102 in the shade, Tuesday the mercury reached 99, and Sunday and Monday it was Saturday's record was beaten yesterday by one degree, it being 101. According to Mr. Hassard who is in charge of the local weather station, the barometer indicates that we will soon, have a change. This news will be received with open arms by the farmers, who state that if the pres- ent weather Keeps up day or 80 longer it will burn the grain in the ground, and will seriously effect the yield. CRUELTY 10 HORSES . of Seven Per- sons Fined at Police Court This Morning. Probably the worst case of cruelty to animals ever heard before the Med- icine Hat Police Court was brought to- day by Constable McGuire against John Rands of Seven Persons. The evidence of the constable and Robert Blythe, V.S., showed that the horses were cut up all over the right side, and in their opinion was not caus- ed by a whip but by wire or some such substance. One of the horses was sweenfed and had a large swelling on the point of the shoulder. Defendant had driven them from Seven Persons. that day with a load of bay. Rands stated that the horses were various first afd axaminations on the 25th inst, when out of a possible 100 points, the eventeen men compris ling the various teams pyeraged 93. 'T. J E. Snowden Geo, Westwood . Jas. Fleming - fp. G. Allen A. W. Gale . H. H. Teal. - J. W. Watkin . Ww. T. Bannon o, H. Unwin F. Mara - J Barlison J. McCourt E. J. Smith . H. Blackburn - J. A. Strang C. P. Lee Average 98. VICTIM OF WHITE PLAGUE A Homesteader Residing South of Seven Persons Succumbs to Dread Dis- Died Tuesday After Four Seldom Free from Pain and HAS BEEN LEADER Sir Clair, Jameson's Idea son, better Known as Dr. Jim of the Jameson raid, c. P. R. ambulance teams and held sue tnilon responsible for a sreat many charac- ter sketches in the . Engligh 1apers. The Daily Mail says, in of his decision. But something e has welghed-with him too. He tried to save South Africa from party politics, He has nover peen a politician. He is statesman. manlike grasp of her difficulties, that IRED OF POLITICS, DR. JW STEPS: FROM. 5. AFRICAN AFFAIRS Lassitude, Celebrated Raider Quits: Politics in-u of Health. OF UNION PARTY Has Been to Give New Country Quiet, Peace- Time. The resignation of Sir Stair Jame- Tead ranip of In South: Africa, is part Of course his health is at the back fe saw, with his tates- South Africa after union needed a period of quiet growth, undisturbed by the squabbles of partisans. He tried to give her this quict-time: He offered to serve in a coalition Dutch irreconciables would have no coalition, To the victors the spoils, was their cry, Yet the doctor was not piqued or disheartened. He is mach to big a inan for that. He gave General Botha all. the) help he could. How much the premier owes to him will not: be known yet, It will be known some day. No Personal Ambitions, Whenever it was necessary to make. fa stand, as on the language question, he was resolute. But he took a wider view of the situation than s summed up in the cheap phrase that it 1s the Politics could offer him nothing. Te he jhad follqwed his own. inclination he That get-rich-quick man is as busy as a b Yes, Star. You can t situp,with my daughter after 11 Would you mind telling her that, sir? I have been trying to get home replied Mr. Cumrox, He's can't o'clock. one of those busy bees. who manage to get money without inciden- tally stinging somebody. Washing- early for six months. Life, CHOICE BUILDING LOTS H.S.IRELAND C.P.R. MENS STORE RIVERSIDE. Block 1, 11-14, 690.00 a pair. Block 7, lots 31-88, 600 a pr. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX. * Block 21, 50 feet, perfectly level only 1050, terms. Block 28, lots 11-12, 945 terms. COUSINS SISSON Ss Block 2, lots 3-4, 800 terms. Block 10, lots 25-26, 735 terms. 1051 PHONE 695. 1200 Lot 1 1850 Lot 14, 8600 for 200 ft, 5-6, Bl 2800 100 ft, cornr, 16- 54, NORTH YUILL SOUTH YUILL. ne s Insuranve, OLD TOWNSITE 0 Lot 36, Block 80. Block 82. Block 80. 1 80. , Biock , 50 feet, fenced, wi good shack, 1600 terms Block 7, lot 4, 875 terms, Mill St, 50 feet with shack, gas and water, 1050, terms. These are only a few of our good buys, Callin and in- spect our list. -- GAS CITY REALTY Co. 410 MAIN ST. Agents for Accident and Sick- Money Makers jock 93. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX . 750 pair, 3-4 and.9-10, Blk, 31. Choice bullding lots close in. + Cheapest close in lote in the city. 900 1050 pair, 5-6, Block 20, near pair, 1-9, Block 29. High: School 600 pair, 21-82, Block 2. Fico palr, 43-24, Block 2. FA, Brock 26. BIk x hurt during the aight by mare. ease; 1 5 To 50 The team Was brought for the mag- ness, He W38 ei istrate s Inspection, and proved to be Tubercolosis caused the death of trom pain and lassitude. He : in a shocking state, there being big Nels Peter Hanson, a homestead, orty Keep his aged 36 years, residing miles gouth of Seven Persons. The remains were brought to the city last evening by Jessop Nott and interred. The deceased came here from North Dakota where he was formerly an ar- chitect and contractor. He has. no relatives in this country, afl his fam- ily being in Denmark. why are Irishmen always. laying bare the wrongs of their country? asked someone in the House of' Com- + mons. ag Loose Leat S ystem The News Job Because they want them redr ss Department has every facility for sup- ed thundered a well-known Nation- alist member. Tit Bits. cuts and scars all ovef the right side of the body. F Magistrate Parker asked the man how he could account for these, and he answered that the horses had scratch- ed themselves on a wire. Magistrate Why didn they scratch themselves on the left side? J guess they weren't itchy on that side. retorted Rands. A fine of 5 and costs was imposed or on default one month e imprison- ment with hard labor. Jeff Davis, 50 Today, is Oh, Quitcher Laffing (By 0, Terence) Jett Davis, Old Shirtsleeves, Un- Arkansas you will find men who are ted States Senator from Arkansas, shamed of Jeff Davis, and who will i tell You so; Sut go back into the foot- ; hills and mountains of Arkansas: and Ob ae cast asersions on Jeff Davis, it you Funny, but one can t even mention please but make your will before you the name of the Arkansas Solon with- do, out starting a storm of mirth and jears and catcalls. Yet there are some things about Mr. Davis, who is celebrating thie sem- icentennial today that are most ad- mirable. He likes to be called Old Shirtsleeves, and he acts the role; he is a bith uncouth, although contin- ned association with senators hi rubbed off a little of the roughness on accasion he uses language that is far from parliamentary, and he bas with the high-combed roosters ing, body, Jeff had been three times Governor of Arkansas been elected three times. less hankering the kid-gloved folk who reside in the centers of culcher. Yet he is frank and candid and says what he means and means what he says, and says ft as Soon as it pops into his head; is incorruptibly honest, and no stispicion of the money taint has ever attached to his name; and he is loyal to the State he represents, although he has not always been able to get for Arkan- sas the federal appropriations it wants because of his consistent refusal to swap votes with the enemy, said enemy: being the Republican party, which, in eff's opinion, is but this is a family newspaper. Jeft Davis was born in Little River county, Ark., fifty years ago today, June 27th, 1862, He was educated in Arkapsas and Was admitted to the bar in Arkansas back in 1884, He is proud of his native State and its people people as brave, loyal, as true, and withal ag intelligent as any people who live upon God s green earth. In Little Rock and Fert Smith and Pine Biuft and other metropolitan cities of the high-collared bankers bulary of epithets Is unusually com: plete, and he makes use of thems r tors. people. boy at Russellvilfe, Ar fighting one. Hi he will probably: fighting. MOTHER'S BREAD 4 Nothing'to say. Try a Loat. Before he went to the Senate to sit of that august, after a manner of speak- and was the only executive of that State to have After a long service in the Governor's chair and in Washington, Jeff Davis s as poor as the proverbial church mouse. There isn t a man living ,perhaps, who has for the coin of the made Arkansas the Taughing-s0ck of realm than Jett Davis, Money atn t nothin to him, . He is not as he has often declared in the confidence of roosters called It there is a dignified tradition of the Senate that Jeff Davis hasn't up- set, just drop him a postal card and tell him what it4s, and the tradition will be speedily overturned. His yoca- gardless of his feelings of his audi- His heart is attuned to the great throbbing heart of the common He himself says so, He has been trun out by the Baptist church pounded over the head with a revol- ver butt, publicly rebuked, by Presi- dent Roosevelt, and called by a Demo- cratic opponent for the toga a men- ace and disgrace to Arkansas, but he Is never happier than when in the midst of a f nt, His entire career since the days whbn he was a school- , has been still fighting and the -whele busin+ never well, seldom free could place in the fighting line by regularly visiting Carlsbad. For the publicity of political lite he had ho taste. ried, 80 there Was thing in the way of title: to attract him (although he afd ac- cept one pour encourager les autres, that is the Dutch). Office meant nothing to him but a wearisome grind. Why did he stay in politics, then? Simply because though he would never have phrased it so -himself he felt he had a mission. He felt that he could do for the union what lay n the power of no other man. He. be- Meved he might be able to save South Africa from the evils, especially dan- gerotis:to a young nation ,of the par- ty system; oe A Man Without Frills, -S Dr, Jim is a man without fits . His manner is most engaging, but not at all impressive, He is nota hand- Shaker. Theye is no trace of gush in his character. Yet by imperceptible means he makes every one feel at ease. At big dinner parties there 1s sometimes a shade of boredom on his humorously tired features. But when there are only a few guests, mostly close friends, with a stranger from home, perhaps, some on before whom talk can flow frely, then he is the most delightful of hosts. He likes to encourage conversation, playfully egging on the holders of opposite views to conflict. Then some topic will catch his interest and he will talk, always quietly and with humor, never In an overbearing, egotistical vein, talk with the wide knowledg lt; that cam be gained only by. experi- ence; with the wisdom won by wait- ing; with the genial tolerance bred of a sweet nature, cynical only on the could congratulate and pride them- selves on. He knew the financial standing of most of the members, and he knew many had given to the bui d- LAYING OF CORNER speaker, expr Ssed pleasure at being present on that occasion. He was glad uunder Gen, Botha, The to see that Medicine Hat was getting large and beautiful churches. He con sidered that a beautiful church tends towards an inspiration for good, as anyone Would admit who had entered the more beautiful and larger chur-' ches of the big citfes, and had seen the wonderful architecture masterpieces ot men s minds, and the best that builders could erect a subtle feeling of sanctity blessed by entering these places. The Methodist church in this city had al- ways been to the front so far as erect- ing large churches wae concerned. Ten or twelve years ago they built duty: ot ant opposition t0-onpose He the church they now worshipped in, had. no Dersonal-ambition Whatever. and there was nothing to compare with that at that time in the clty. That had now embarked on. As the popt lation of the city had increased, more: and th : Methodists were again to the be no doubt the most imposing and largest in the city for some few years thought the members of the church ing fund until they felt it and felt it, keenly. nbmiinations places of tfor he was a Great believer Loans 3,000,000 City Property and Farm Lands. . Interest 8 per cent. Prompt Attention. INSURANCE C. A. KRAUSS Porter Block, Main Street. Medicine Hat, Plions 250. STONE OF THE NEW METHODIST CHURCH (Continued from page one.) Mayor Spencer, who was the next, Tesulted, and one felt. just a churck. accommodation was needed, fore in building a church. that would to come. There was one thing he the other de- were building new worship and he was glad to see it. He hoped sincere- ly that the time would never come when the people of this city, would allow any secular building. to exceed the beauty of their church buildings, in the beautification of churches. Where they saw nice, costly churches ina city/they would generally see that the leaders of that city were upright and good men. The matter of building offine churches and indeed, anything that tended to the higher citizenship-; or to lift up the fallen was the great- est work that could be done by any city. He concluded by agein congrat- ulating the-members of the church and expressed the hope that as the city. grew so would their congregation and the number of churches in the city would also increase. He personally would Ike to see one on every corn- er. ; Rev. N. McDonald before the stone was laid, explained there was a cavity in it, into which they were putting a box containing several articles. These were, first, a copy of the News of that day, and also a copy of the. Times, and he would like to say these papers were going into the best Many of surface, sound at core. He is mot much of an orator in public, but his speeches are attractive ig thefr easy colloquialism, There are no, tricks or tags in them. You feel, ete is a man who is speaking be- c tise he has somethirig to say. He is saying it frankly, Honestly, plainly. When he has'said itvhe-will sit down. And he always does, - SPECIAL TRAIN 101 Ranch Are Running an stadt. The 101 Ranch show. has made, ar rangements for.a specidlnrain to run into The Hat on DominiotiyDay. It will leave Carlathdt at 8.300 . the morning and,feihchere at 10.10. This train ought Km great many people to th 4 and will help out the Dominion Committee in their train its and ought to brig great a mny. more people into the clty, The train ave: Carlstadt 8.30; Redcliff 9.55; Melleine Hat 10.10. Born on the 27th inst. to. Mr. Mrs, B, G. Fears, a son. and Wintemute, a son. Excursion From Carl, ference, the Pastor Born, at Medicine Hat on Wednesday June 26th, 1912, to Mr. and Mra, G. A. were building the corner stone of the Methodist church on them. He urged on the proprietors of the papers the necessity of using them for the furtherance of the church, and to improve them, for they would be unworthy of their papers if they. did not make splendid jourmats, keeping with the splendid buildings they were*erecting. There wayalso a copy of the Chris- tian Guardian, and a document con- taining the names of the officials of the church of the General Superin- tendents, of the President of the con- of, the Church, chairman of rd of Trustees, members of th quarterly board, ani building and finance committees, the architect and the contractor, one on a par with the British constit- nency, that was the rules goyerning the Methodist church of Canada. An: follow: Mr, Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, funder which the first andi: algo a list of names of the Sunday School teachers, There was one. oth- er thing, that was a famous.document, other document was going in, compil- ed by Mr, Bridgeman which read as) Medicine Hat to open up the work, Under his pastorate the first church wi of Toronto Street and Fourth Avenue, jon four lots given to us by the North West Land Company. This church gave way to a larger 1900 on the same site, the old building being moved to the rear of the pro- perty and utilized as a Young Men e Ciub. r The: first Board of Trustees was composed of Messrs. Thomas Betterill, I. G. Colt liam Armstrong, R. F. Green and W. H, Bridgeman, all of whom are still tiving, Mr. Armstrong was a member of the Brick firm of Corbin, McCord Armstrong and now resides in the Meelilewatt Region, and Mr. Green ts now Honorable-R. F, Green, Minister: of Public Works, British Columbia. You are all fairly. well acquainted with the other four members of the Board, Mr, W. H. Bridgeman was appointed a Trustee in 1884, and has jot your Board. 5 At the time the first church was erected there was only one conference in the entire North-West, Rev. George Young being President. As Ihave already stated Rev. W. Dusssiie wes our first Pastor. The Jewellery just received. Sa erected on the north west corner tock, structure in + Senator Lougheed, Wil- mony. e that time remained a member city and will A. M. WRIGHT JEWELLER Quarters in Assiniboia Music Co. s Store Until our new store is built on Toronto St. all repair work and sales attended to as usual. A new stock of watches, Clocks, and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Ri may, 1911; SOUTH DAKOTA HOLINESS MEET (Special to the News; Mitchell, 8. D., June. 27 The an- nual camp meeting of the South Da- kota Holiness Association was opened today on the camp grounds near this continue until July 7. The meeting this year isunder o leadership of Rev. Dr. C.J. Fowler of Massachusetts, president of the Na- tional Holiness association, and Rev- C. F. Welgele of Pasadena, Cal. succeeding Mintaters were, Rev. Moses Dimmick, Rev. G. Tester, Barker, Rey. Geo. Hanna, Rev. Fred . J. W, Saumby, Scarlet, Rev. J, M. Harrison, Rev. A. . Farrell, and Rey. N. McDonald. The property on the corner of To ronto Street and Fourth Avenue was Sort Th of Canada for 75,000.00. The present site was purchased from Mr, John Shields for 12,000.00. and the present church erected at a cost of approximately. 75,000.00. Rev. McDonald then called-on Mr. Bridgeman who performed the cere Rev. Mr. Rev. R. After which the proceedings term- inated by he singing of the Doxology. SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Daily Now3. buy. See it at our Store. Screen Doors and Windows, etc, ITCHELL HARDWARE CO., LTD. Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat ES ome good, some otherwise. A refrigerator that will keep onions, fish, milk mat- ches and butter for 48 hours in the same foot cham- ber without taint or odor is one of the best. THE BARNETT REFRIGERATOR fs the only one which will do this, and therefore the best to atron for their generous Er'whteh he has conducted that on and after April 15th the busine: Joint Stock Company, Limited, and would bespeak for the company their esteemed patronage, tontinuation of that service and quality which has: always F. B. McKINNON a continuance of associated with this store. 3 ee Watch for further Announcements . McKINNON S .. .-B, McKinnon desires .to thank his numerous frlends and atronage during the past seven years is bakery business, and begs to state will be carried on as 8 assurance of been axl emb r, both in polit of years and-point of service, on your ard of Trustees, the honor has been allotted to me of collecting certain data in regard to the circumstands Mothodist church was founded in Medicine Hat, and the Pastors who have succesulyely been with ws, Our first services were held in 1889) Tangle Foot : Wilson's Fly Pads Fly Sac t 1 H.W. Irele Main Street. -Pyramid Fly Catcher ORDER TO-DAY. nd we ea pairy 5-10, : F. SOUCH DRUG STORE, TORONTO ST. TASSIE BROS. For all kinds of Job printing, try the News Job Department. in the Oj Py Re-station, in that year Rev. W. Bridgeman having come to + Co. Phone 54. Present Daily Average in Daily ge eekly country Advertise; of the Speaker Was Mar essary to No: Harmon Got Back-Ground Horse. Baltimore, June 28 . through the night the De vention reached the first presidential nomination 8 a, m. today. * There was no choice. Yestere Did Trees Rooted Up Brick Wall at Mch damage is repor been caused by last 1 Tree branches were bl some: few trees were to roots, A new. two-store ed by J. Maher of Bri was lifted right off its f carried seven feet. A by a Galician, situated bi Porcelain factory, was down. /One-hundred fee feet high, on the new tory and all the scaffol the-pibsle sohoal huildi blown down: The west the new. separate sch DEAD BEAT Aldcroft Buys Hands Check Olderoft, who was arre Johnston yesterday mort ged with false pretences court, it is said has: bee the big towns along the ing checks, as well as b tel board, ete. This m wer to Chief Bruce's t Lethbridge officials wire dead beat. Stuck hotel 80 livery stable and Tur passed worthless check It appears Oldcroft Ww: millionaire in Medicine tered in one of the ho name of Wilson and 6 able money in buying bunch in the bars. He quently of the pile of made-at the coast in res This naturally put the r DOM Arrangement connection with tee makes the foll tails. The startii sharp. The parac on. Third, Second Street in the follo Third Ave. T Miss Canada, Cac floats. - Second Ave t Decorated Bieyele First Ave Sw clubs taking part gade, Calithumpiz The following f The Ansley Co: Co., C. 8. Pingle, Medicine Hat Mil ber Co., Western Machine o., Inte ing Mills, Revels Laundry, The Ro boia Music Co., 1 Alberta Clay Pro Hat News, Albert Son, Epworth Medicine Hat Ga Marshal itchell tt ing Co., The Let ser Cigar Co., Th Plow Co.), 8. T. kerta Land Co., Botling Work ver Lumber Cog
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Image 1115 (1912-06-27), from microfilm reel 1115, (CU1743558). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.