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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ay, June 4th, 1912 rgain chool Annex. iN shool Annex. AIR gt; Street. ) and Improved iggan RS. Phone 527. marks the beginning of svelopments in that lo price paid is unknown. t the sale of household . Strausburg s, 201 Main 77a ds of job printing. try Department. JUNE 6TH ra House ANCE CRAWLEY English Star and WN COMPANY OF DON PLAYERS, Including RTHUR MAUDE IN roken Iw ING THE PLAY. by Miss Crawley with Irving, Barn- are (for fear of Sun. ed. Owen Sound not the Bill Boards to Cons rous friends and past seyen years ind begs to state carried on a n assurance of 2 always been KINNON 235-d-tf Petter rt met re assort- neluding NE AD aT spread over the country as an ex- Present Daily 1666 Coples, Advertisers in Daly get the benefit of the Weekly country circulation. No extra charge. Books open to ad- vertisers, MEDICINE HAT NEWS DAILY EDITION W. A PL AND CG. ALP. TELE RARHIC SERVICE Ovinetay REY Dee VOL. 2, NO 278 lt;Q 4s, At the inquest at Bassano last night to inquire into the death of the Mounted Policeman, F. Davies, who was foully mumdered on:Monday night, some damaging evidence was submitted against the two Indians sind the squaw who are under arrest charged with the officer's death. The inquest was not completed and will be resumed today and then the Indians will be taken to Cal- gary to await trial at the fall ses- sion of the criminal court. During the course of. the examina- tion it was found that there were blood stains on the clothes of one of the bucks. This, he said, was caused by his nose bleeding. He seem-' ed rather backward in talking about it. The officers also stated that when. they arrested the Indians. they found the Mounted Policeman's gun, belt, chaps and horse in theit pos-, session, while one of them fad the officers purse and money in his pocket.- The officers ventured the suggestion that the blood on the Indian's clothes got there when he was riffing the pockets of the officer after their nefarious deed. The officers when found was lying in a pool of blood. The chief of police of Bas- sano and two of his men arrested th Ag Blood Found on One Prisoner's Clothes Had Officers Sidearms, Horse and Chaps When Taken into Custody by Bassano s Chief of Police Found Sleeping off Effects of Whiskey Which Instilled Their Brain with Murderous Intent. MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 5, 1912 Ata ainst the Indians Southesk. In this condition they act. In the meantime Officer Davies were unable to offer any resistance having secured the Italian's story and before they became aware of the'rode up to the station at Southesk fact they were securely manacled. and then took to the trail at full They were immediately hurried back speed after the Indians, to Bussano where they were locked up. Corporal Johnston of Bassano who was the first notified by the C. P. R. operator at Southesk of the shooting, started with Doctor for Two farmers with a load of grain hurried into the Brandenburg camp, fone mile irom Southesk about 22k with the story of the finding of the oflicer s body, and word was again sent to Corporal Joknston. He was the scene but they lost the trail. He however, secured a little fellow known to the surrounding country by. Kiddie and took him to Bas- sano. He, with the Italian who is at Brooks, will be the principal. wit- nesses against, the Indians. The story the youth told and that of the Itatian who the com- plaitit with Officer Davies and which complaint sent him on his mission of death are very much the same and evidence the fact that the Indians, with their brains reeling with whis- key, were murder bent. They fired three shots at the Ita- lian. It was not theif fault but ri- ther that of their poor markman- ship that prevented murder. The Same with the bor. The Indians gave him a ride in their rig. When he refused to get them whistey they threw him out of the rig and fired just preparing to-leave on the In- dian s trail for the shooting. Now he. was goaded on by the musder of a fellow officer. The remainder of the story of the Indians arrest is soon told, Corpor- al Johnston is expecttd at Brooks who is:being held there as a witness. The feeling at Brooks and the district is high against the Indians and also at Bassano. An effort is also being made to find out where the Indians got their whiskey, which made them as mad men. and-filled their hearts with a lust for murder. A mounted police sergeant arrived in Brooks this morning and is gath- exing evidence. Evidence of the popularity of the ered officer in the village is shown by the fact that this morning a subscription list was opened to two bucks and the squ. x, the latter with her little papoose. They were sleeping, dead drunk, at the Indian reservation between Bassano and at him three times. They kept bis grip of worldly goods. He immedi- ately complained to the operator at Southesk who sent word to Corporal Johnston of Bassano of the Indi purchase flowers but immediately it was closed. The money was fairly hurled at the list over twice as much as was regtired was subscribed and as mnch more refused. Coun cept both. However, it was di that this would not be fair. 250-Acre Site by the Fair Grounds Will Now Take Steps to Giose Deal Also Deal with C. P. R. About the Spur L: ing Co. will Locate There. At the City Council meeting last night it was decided to accept the free industrial site offered to the city by a syndicate headed by Mr. White, and which is situated near the race course, gas and water to reach these sites and one would have to lay over till all of one was settled upon. This would Rot prove satisfactory to the donors. Later the matter of the new Fire Roofing Manufacturing Co;-came up and the matter of a spur to the site of where it is proposed to erect the new facto y was gone into. The syn- dicate headed by Mr White have of- fered a site to the new Company. The city will take thematter up with the C P. R. re this spur and see if the com pany will not build a spur out to this property. ine to the Site as Fireproof- Two splendid offers for free acreage the other being that of the burnside Develapment' Cc. were considered, The members of the council were all of the opinion that they should ac- Supt. Cameron wrote stating that they could not make the changes for the subway under the bridge across the river. Their plans in connection ment Vict (W, A, P. Brussels, June 5. The for e of pub- lie opixion now has been; exerted toy arrest the wave of rioting and prop- ty and sacking of churches which gitim-Revolts Against Clerics ory at the Polls Disorders Dying Out. with the new bridge are too far ad- vanced. The Board of H aith wrot explain- ing its act in enforcing the Milk or- dinanee and recommending the ap- pointment of Mr. Hassard. They also ask that they be allowed to employ a veterinary surgeon to examine , the herds. today to take charge of the Italian MIS CANADA The idea of deciding by popular yote the question of selecting the young lady who Is to represent Miss Can- ada ion the national float in the Do- minion Day procession, hax caught on like wildfire, Bright und early this morning the nomination papers began coming into the News office thick and fast and the mominators are cer- tainly to be congratulated upon the candidates named, Additional names will be recelved. until Thursday even- ing. The candidate polling the great- est number of votes, will occupy the throne and the remaining candidates will be asked fo attend xs Iadies-in- waiting on the float, which witi the procession, The candidates: Miss Vera Fleming, Miss Jean Nicholson. Miss Marjorie Agnew. Miss Marjorie. Niblock. Miss Lilian Taylor, Miss Marion MeLean. Miss Ethel Lalonde. Miss Marjorie Rae. Miss Margaret Mitchell. Miss Gertie Evans. . Miss Louise Mason, Miss Adeline Legh. Miss Natalie Cros Miss Jessie Cousin Re Miss Mildred Lussier, Remember the list is not closed yet. Additional nominations may be made at anytime between now and Thurs- day evening. CHAMBER MAIC ON AASHERS Females Join the New York Strike and Add Renewed Vigor to Movement. QW. A. P. Dispateh.) New York, June 5. Che red hy the fact that a few chambermaids had Joined the movement, the sirik Waiters continued thelr fight today for shorter hours, more Day and recogn - tion of the union, The employers a - Sert that the strike is losing ground and that many of the walters are ap. doubtless be the most attractive in Grand Trunk management by which PRICE, FIVE CENTS bb be be bit 4 b gt; + COUPON NO. 20, mr Tuesday, Jive to ch This compow with five other + consetative coupons from the +h Daily News, and ten cents, en- of +f titles the holder to a photo- ++ +b grammie reproduction of the +f + famous painting, The Prairie ++ + Fire Coupon and money * should be presented at the - +b News office amy time after +f +b Tuesday, Jung 4th. + + This pleture cannot be sent + + by mail, + aes + Brakeman Armstrong and Baggage- fe sfo ofe ofe ahs. oho feiek of bh -E/man Cecil Moulton, the two Medicine Hat trainmea who were hurt in the wreck of train No;-2; at the curve at Webb yesterday, were brought into the city on Train No, 1 at ngon to- day. Moulton is in a serious conditign. He was taken into the city /hospital, fifteen stitches were required to sew up the wound in his head, his left arm is broken and he is suffering from the shock. Armstrong is suffering from a bad cut ir the head and was swathed in bandages, He was able to walk and when the train arrived he. made his way to his home. It seems miraculous that the two aAInmMen men escaped with their lives and also that many more of the passengers were not more or less seriously in- jured. The scene at the wreck as describ- ed. by. passengers who, -arrived morning 1s one of otgl devastation, The monster cars are reduced to kin- ling wood. How the occupants es- caped ts nothing short of miraculous. The fish car, which is next to the engine is completely demolished, as is also the end of the baggage car. The olontst-car is piled up on top of the fish car. It is safd that the train, which was an hour leaving Medicine Hat, was making about 50 miles an hour When the wreck occurred. Four women who wer in the colo this Baggageman Cecil Moulton and Brakeman Armstrong Injured The Former Ser- iously Four Women Passengers Cut About the Head Miraculous Escapes from Death Cars Demolished by Impact Trains Delayed. ist car recetved cuts of a more or less serious nature, All were badly shal en up by the impact when the cars left ther allg-ard-ploughed and piled up into the wrecked cars ahead. All cars of the train left the rails. Rails have been laid around the wreck and ths trains are now able to pass. The . P. R. did all possible - for their passengers, by providing for thoe Injured and those aboard the wrecked train. They took them all to Gull Lake where all their wants were looked after. Passengers dn the delayed trains were also looked af- ter, It will be tonight before the wreck will be cleared. A broken rail is said to have been the caus NADIAN NEYSPAPERS ? ARE PROSPERING Over 100 New Payers Started in 1911 We have just received from the Publishers, A. McKim Limited, Mon- treal and Toronto, a copy of the 1912 Supplement to their Canadian New: paper Directory. This work shows that within the last year over one hundred new papers have started to Dublish in the Dominion. .In fact so quickly is our Canadian Newspaper field spreading. out that A. McKim Limited, have decided that Swill be necessary in future to publish the Canadian Newspaper Directory an- nualiy instead of biennially as before. This Canadian Newspaper Directory gives full particulars of practically every. publitdtion in Canada, and is intended as a guide to advertisers in selecting papers best suited to their requirements, populations and sworn circulations up to date and taken in conjunction with the Directory proper makes a very valuable book of reference for the general advertiser. The firm of A. McKim Limited who are easily the leaders in the Advertis- ing Agency business in Canada are to be congratulated upon the splendid service rendered both to publisher and advertiser through this very complete Directory, REASE. T. R. TRAINME (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Montreal, June 5. It is announced this morning that the committee of locomotive trainmen and enginemen reached an agreement with the fireman from Portland to Chicago have been granted an increase in pay rang- ing from 10 to 20-cents a 100 miles for those on mileage and from 6 to 14 to those paid by the month. This fn- crease makes the pay of firemen from to 85 a month, the average being Some 3000 men are affected, The Supplement before u brings in the Boats for All. *London,- June 5. J. Bruce Ismay, president of the International Mercan- te Marine Co,, resumed his testimony. today before the British Board of en- auiry into the loss of the steamer Ti- tanfe. For the most part his replies were I don t know, or that's out- sidgomy provine ToWard the close'of th scssionYSir ufus Isaac, the attorney, aghin re verted to Ismay s personal conduct at the time of the disaster, which is per- haps mote disastrous: than anything else. You knew you had not boats enough on the Titanic to accomodate all the passengers and crew, asked Sir Ru- fas, I did, replied Ismay without hes- itation, So that if all the boats had lett the ship, there would still be-persons on. board? Pressed by the attorney for an an- swer, he said: Yes. 5 When the last boat left the Titani smay Knew Many Were Left Behind Head of White Star Line Says That When he Left the Titanic he Knew There Was Not Accommodation (CW. AP. Cable) you must have known that a number- of passengers were left on board? I did. Where were these paisengers when Your boat left? IT can only assume that they had gone to the aft part of the ship. f really was not thinking about that. ing the light sgen in the dis- he slrvi ars Ismay said hte impression was the lights were not those of the steamer Caiifornian, be- cause they were a dull white: gt; Lord Mersey, the head of the court, asked, Have you any doubt that the Californian did see the signals from the Titani Judging from the evidence I have heard, said the witness, who then explained that the matter of providing or not providing the ship's officers with marine glasses was left to the Jatgment of the commanders. The question whether the designer of the Titanic provided for forty boats caus- ed a long discussion... When. asked for the facts Ismay responded: (Continued on page eight.) inst the Goverm- Wood, Gundy and Co. asked that the city bonds be mide payable in New York and in pounds sterling and also that the interest be made payable Dispateh.) every. six months, believed the disorders gradually will die out. The Conservative news- Paper Independence Belgium, to safegtard-the-nationa unity must meet the problem of Wal- JT Bell was present and spoke in behalf of his petition for water and house. The mayor said that they would do all they could for Mr. Bell sqwer- connections with-his slaughter plying t r thotr old positions The strike leaders deny this and not only point to the chambermaids' walk out Dut to the recruits from the clubs who Joitied the strikers yesterday SHOULD METHODISTS. IOWA ELKS IN SESSION (Special to the News) Davenport, Ia.) June 5. Davenport extended a. cordial greeting to the hundreds of vistors wno gathered here today for the sixth annual con- venton of the Towa State association of Elks, The meeting will last until Friday. In addition to the usual (Wo AL PL Sioux Falls, June 5. The princi pal local interest in yesterday's py mary election in South Dakota cen- tered in the race for Governor. Pre- cinct judges kave their first atten- tion to the count for that: office witht South Dakota Favors Teddy From Reports Roosevelt Will Have the Whole. Delega- i Sta G Wi Demo . cratic Choice Lafoll tte Beat Taft. pression of the Socialist. resentment loon provinces, where a majority of of the government victory at the polls the population is woried of being gov- Sunday. Today the press united in erned by the clerical majortiy of the urging the people to abstain from Fiamish provinces, the clerical press Violence M. Vanderveldt and M. Den-jurges the repression of the manifes- ts, the Socialist leaders, appealed to tations and insists that the victory of their followers to refrain from rioting clericals a a triimph for the party of and if a general strike is talled it is order and atonal prosperity at the slaughter Robert Mitchell applied permit for his slaughter house. Re- (Continued on page eight.) but that he was of the opinion thas they should live up to the bylaw in regard to the keeping of live cattle house. * for DOMINION DAY July. The time is short for preparation, but the committee is hustlers who will not let the grass grow under their feet. Seen Mr. W. J. Turpin was interviewed in reference to the processior T might say that we expect to make the Dominion Day proce morning the best thing Medicine Hat has ever seen and we want t manufacturer, manufacturers agent and merchant put a float in cession. It will be the best possible kind of art advertisement for and show. the outsiders what. Medicine Hat is doing. given One to **Miss Canada, three for the best floats, one for th ated motor car, one for the best decorated bicycle, one for the b cowboy, one tothe Indians, and two for the.comie portion of the ; heb bob tb vitation and come out and do your best for Medi thetke le ole oe ote oe ob ohooh Oh yes Medicine Hat is cortainly going to spread herself on the First of composed. of this morning He said: m in the o have every. the big pro. themselves Ten good prizes will be e best decor- equipped de. var The committee will call upon all whom they think should have floats in the procession, but 'in case anybody should be missed take this as a general in- icine Hat on Dominion Day. EERE EERE EEE EEE EEE tee ee eee eee eee ' CROW TOBAGCCO London Methodist Confer- ence will Have to Deal with This Matter. London, June 7. Should Metho- dist farmers grow tobacco? This is one question the London conference will be asked to settle, The ques- tion will be introduced by delegates from Chatham district in a resoln- tion which is the sequel to a ser- mon against tobacco by Bishop Wil- liam's at Rutherford, The sermon was resented by the congregation. The minister will point out that the charch through its temperance and moral reform department has declar- ed its disapproval of the tobacco ha- bit, that tobacco growing is entirely at Variance with the attitude of the church and that it is being carried on at an alarmingly increased rate in the Chatham district. The reso- 4g. Jution will ask the conference tg in- , Gieate the policy deemed best for the * promotion of religious work. Quebec, June 5. Death ocourred 4 this morning of one of Quebec's fore- 3y. most men, Roger Laruo, head of the firm of Thibeadeau Arres and Com- ' pany, who passed away at home al- ter a brief illness, aged 55. a * + 4 + business sessions there will be a the result that less than 300 out of street parade, band concert and num 1500 precincts had reported early to- erous features of entertainment. day on the presidential primary pre- ference. These returns, however, in- WEDDING IN ARMY CIRCLES Dakota delegation to Chicago conven- dicated that former President Roose- yelt will have the whole of (Special to the News. South has a good lead over Champ Clark New York, June 5. Army officers in full dress uniform, wth their wives and daughters, *filfed the Church of St. Cornelus the Centurion on Gov- ernors, Island today at the wedding of Miss Stella f, Dunn, daughter of Lieutenant Col. Beverly W, Dunn, U. S.A., retired, and Lieut. Allan Kim- berley, of the U. S. Coast Artillery for democratic delegation, That Col. Roosevelt will have a plurality: over a thousand is apparently assured. President Taft seems to be third in the republican race, Senator-Latol- lette having polled a substantial vote which in some counties exceed- 1 the Dispatch.) Des Moines, Ia., June 5. Belated returns today from Monday's seat wide primary election only increase Senator Kenyon's majority over La- fayetto Young, editor of Des Moines. Daily Capital, for the republiean no- mination for United States Senator although: returns. are incomplete the junior Iowa senator's majority pro- bably will pass the 70,000 mark, G. tion and Governor Woodrow Wilson 'W. Clark's majority in gublrnational contest-is more than 30,000 over his republican opponent P, C. Holder of Ames and A. V. Proudfoot of India- nola, Proudfoot received a compar- atively small vote. EB. G. Dunn, of Mason City claims. the democratic . nomination for governor by a maj- ority of 20,000 over John Thamilton of Cedar Rapids. For all kinds of job printing, try Corps. Lieut: Kimberley will take the News Job Department. his bride to Fort Munroe, Va., where Cd that of Roosevelt be is now statloned. ee Sos shh ech hob ee RE niet bt it (LARK FATORED IN ARK me 2 (Special to the News) Little Ro k, Ark, June 5, The Democratic State convention of Ar- kansas assembled here today to ass name the delegates to the national . A. 1 candidate to repres crroice Game Gat tte E41 Donninion Day in Meicn to the State convention and his sup- * Nominated py . porters are hopeful that the dete- Stre ft Addr gation to Baltimore will be instructed + Seconded by .... to vote for him for the presidential 2, Street Adare: nomination. 5 Pe eee hb e Subscribe now for The Daily News. We, the undersigned, beg to nominate ie Hat, PEPER ERE EERE Injured in Wreck
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Image 943 (1912-06-05), from microfilm reel 943, (CU1743612). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.