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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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PURE PAINT You buy paint to best ade vantage when you get M-L Paint, because it Saves time spreade so easy. Saves cost a lit eo much surface. Saves bother all ready to, Saves expense repainting Rot necessary for longest Possible time. ML Pure Paint te made in 47 Varnleh Color Go Ltd. Terente Make Your wall, ance with the Pint Wail Selors. iS ahadla VYETPBs away the America s up- and she was fast going to j nday night and yesterday southeast gale had been 1ich has undoubtedly com- j lestruction, ting left last evening to the scene of the wreck, save the valuable drums that would float out when went to piece ing also landed a party ers on Montague Island. ed the beach in the ing to find the two bodies e the barge Hadyn Brown hore by the survivor, Au- r. After searching one night, they were unable to remains. They believe the t have been carried back oods by bears, as they gt; where the tide would ine ? Quinine LD IN ONE DAY. WE tore 00 cash for all, roomed shacks, maker, m8, foot lots. Corner Toronto and ret. ontreal and Second ms, i R SALE. q 1 Co. Imperial Bank Bldg ice Co. ANADE. Daily Jelivery Unless fore Required. Sr hoegetoeietodietode H ROCKS sosSoste vs vh meets every the century unexcelled in. meat Suet Se so-Set oy 1 5.00 per set- VS OFFICE Soneetectentectectecte ss Poke Re Sorts lt;er 2r. Co. AGHT and HEAVY DRAYING 864 Toronto Street. Wednesday, June Sth, 1912, Men and Women, You Now Have a Chance of Regaining Your Health 1 Since the Importation of VIGOROL The Great French Tonic Anto Medicine Hat by Mr. Pingle, the Leading Druggist Wenlgand run-down, tired and full of pains. Do you know you can feel better in a few days if you are only push to Gke VIGOROL the Great French Tonic. Your pains and If you are run-down, no ambition, tired and lazy, VIG- OROL will make you strong. VIG- OROL biilds up the nerves, purifies the blood, removes rheumatism, stem, drives out everything that pertains to disease. Disease cannot live where VIGOROL is. Why suffer? Surely your life is worth a few dollars, Well then, you ean buy VIGOROL for one dollar a aches will go, cleanses the whol bottle at Pingle's Drug Store. CITY ENGINEER'S MONTHLY REPORT SHOWS RAPID To the Mayor and Council, City of Medicine Hat, Alta. you the following report for this De- partment for the month of May, 1912. I would call to your attention the growth of the various works, which is indicated by the comparative reports of the dfferent branches of this De- partment, indicating the material growth wheh this City is making this year. Gas Department. During the month 59 new. services Were installed as compared with 19 for 1911 and 11 for 1910. 13 services were repaired, as compared with 20 for last year. During the month 3342 feet of 4 L.P, main has been laid, and 400 feet of 2 1-2 main, In ad- dition to this there was 2000 feet of 2 1-2 main laid as a temporary sup- ply to the site of the New Gas Well at the foot of East Balmoral Street, There have been no repars. necess. ary to mans. 57 new meters were in- stalled as compared with 20 for 1911 and 5 for 1910. 49 new services hav been inspected, and certificates is- sued, 3 new regulators have been in- stalled, viz: 1 4 H.-P. Rostries Well. 1-2 LP, Factory,.Steam Laus- ary, During the month the Roseries well was fitted up and connected to the H. P. system. As your Council has been advised previously, this well develop- ed a leak, the gas bubbling out in the river, The contractors uncapp- ed the Well and attempted to stop this waste. After working on it about a month, they decided that they could not be successful without certain special tools, which they would have to have made In order to prevent waste of gas, therefore, this well: has been capped again, nd connected to the system, and at the present time is supplying practieaily the wholecity, and no leak has again appeared as shown at the first capping This well however. is not yet olit of the con- tractors hands, This well. gives a very lavge flow, and at the present - time, supplying as it does the whole lower part of this city, it cannot be r duced below 250 pounds pressure. Sewers. Construction work has been. push- ed this mionth as rapidly as possible on sewers, All the work on the north completed, with the exception of a very small amount. A total Iength of 6224 feet of 8 . pipe was laid and 480 feet of 12 during the monh. In addition te this 300 feet of ditch was excavated on Ottawa St. between 7th and 8th Avenues. This is*the heav- jest piece of sewer work ever done by the city, the total cut at this point being over 26 feet. The necessity of this deep cut being so that the ground lyng to the S. W. of 8th Ave. may be drained satisfa torily through this outlet, and a 12 sewer is being in- stalled to meet its requirements, 86 new Sewer connections were made during the month, as. compared with 8 for the previous year. Waterworks. During the month the following wa- tet mains have been extended: Lockwood St. 195 ft. 6 main. Elizab th..St, 298 ft 6 main. Highland St. 850 ft. 8 main, King St. 6 ft. 6 main. El Paso 39 ft. 6 main. * Toronto St. 1836 ft. 6 inch main, During the month 73 new water con- nections were made, and 1 special 6 fieh service laid to the Hull. Block, making a total of 148 for the year to date, For the month of May last year 37 new services were laid, showing material Increase in the work of this Department this year. 4 new Crane Posts werg installed, as folfows: Corner N, Railway and Prince St. Corner S, Railway and Ottawa St. Corner Tordnto St. and 7th Aye. Corner Balmoral St. and 2nd Ave. 2 hydrants were repaired and also 20 water services, and 10 minor re- Pairs to water mains. DEVELOPMENT eee Nursery site at the Electric Gentlemen, I herewith submit tb;Plant and a system of irrigation es- Durthg the tatt new catchbasins were contructed The department have been end gt;.vor- obtain -a competent-tcensed engineer be at work at the first pportunity. stopp d owing to the freshet. 88404 kilo watts were sold during the month. er plant and Mr. G. R. Taylor was ap- pointed in his place. from Mr. Lea, who advises me that the work on the plant for the new water and Power plants 1s progtess- ing as rapidly as possible. They are having extenive tests made of the riv- er here so possible means of treatment. As soon as they have gone to such an extent as to show the proper system of treat- ment, he will submit to you a definite report and plan covering the execu- tion of the work. are pouring into the city to attena the Democratic State convention which fs to meet here tomorrow to elect the Minnesota delegates to the national convention at Baltimore. The Woodrow Wilson managers pre- dict an instructed delegation for the of the city. The Athletic Park has +f been fenced around, the field ievetied been completed and other slight im- provements made, the City will have ne of the best baseball grounds In the province Work was commenced on grading on North Riverside Park Drains were constructed to remove rainfall and walks lafd around the park and Ar- mory With, very small outlay, this park can be made to present a very attractive appearance It will not be advisable to plant trees in this park to the lateness of the season, many of the trees will die, but the walks completed and grass sown. It s the intention to beautify the river bank at this point, removing all rub- bish and faving seats placed at con- Yentent intervals, Boulevards on the Esplanade, from 4th Ave to West Allowance, have been finished up and seeded, and this in a short time will prove to be one of the beauty spots of the city. The work on the wther boule- yards s being rushed to the full ex- tent of the department. -The tree Planting. Is being attended to, so that there would be no danger of loss. Nurseres. One thousand new trees, consisting of Cottonwood and Elm were planted in the Old Nursery at the Pumping Station, and some of these will be ready for transplanting next Yar. Twelve hundred ash trees were trans- planted from the Old Nursery to the tablished at this site which will mat- errially asist in the growth of these trees. Work ha been commenced on Cen- tral Park. This site is covered with Wild Mustard, which will prove very troublesome: to remove. The site is being cleared and prepared for grad- ing, whick will be commenced as son a8 posisble,, Industrial, The diversion of Severi Persons Creek and the Day property has been the entrance to this property on East Road Allowance, so that teams will have easy access to the site of the Ogilvie Mills. The cost of the bridge will be borne by the Ogilvie Milling Co. Q The location of the Western Por- Celain.Co. has been decided upon and work upon their plant is under way. . Curb and Gutter. During the month 2058 lineal fect of curb and gutter was constructed on the Esplanade, from West Read Allowance to Dundas St, This is part of the work Jaid out for last year which was left over on account of weather conditions. the Curb and Gutter crews have been engaged in the removing of gravel from the river bed, so that work will not be interrupted during the fresh- let season, Having now secured suf- ficient material, the work of construc- tion will proceed at once. feet of sidewalks were constructed. 5 The cleaning of streets and general repairs has not exceeded the usual proportion General. No street grading has yet been star- ted of any material account. Some dirt has been removed from the, Hill Toad, but this was done In connection with industrial propositions. Gravel has been hauled to fill ang level holes and ruts in the str ets. The street grader has been used to some extent to smooth and level the streets ing to secure a road roller driver, but are unable to-do so until the last x- aminations held by the Boiler Inspec- tor at Lethbridge, when we expect to MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. ee Iie PEE EE has been done on the various parks sete ote erred apne tedeecteeetetetey eegeed lt; ACCOUNTS PASSED i PEPE EEE eS Accounts connci meeting: Foundry Foundry Foundry Foundry Foundry Foundry Foundry Foundry ... . Government Phones ... Government Phones Book Co. Rolfing Mills R. Blythe and coated with clay and rolled, 50 that as soon as the grand stand as Sof Alberta Alberta Alberta Alberta Alberta Alberta Alberta Alberta So-e ee So-eg . e yo Seetedtoted LINEN SPOOLS color of black, white Birnte ... 5 cents each, Birnie 4.3... s+ Bingham Taylor . AP, Burns... 0.055. W. Buchanan H.C. Cooper . P. R, Telegraph BM, Cawker . Custer Compiling C Can, Fairbanks Can, Fairbanks . Can, Fairbanks . H. C. Cooper H. G. Cooper Can, Pipe Co. Can. Meter Co. Can. Meter Co. Gen. Blec. Co, . Westinghouse Ltd, . Westinghouse Ltd. Westinghouse Ltd, Crane Ordway . Ordway . Ordway . Ordway ... Oraway Ordway ... Ordway Can, Tron Corp. Co. Can. Iron Corp, Co. B, J. Coughlin Co. Det. Pub. Co. ... G. B. Eliot . G.E, Elliot... Fysh Martin Co, . Finlay Co. Gen. Gas Co. Gen, Chemical . Gen. Supply Co Gartshore Pipe Co. RW. Hunt .. Hewitt Black G. M. Johnston . . Ireland Imperiab O11 Long Co. .. C. Lean . A. MeKellen Marshall Hardware ... . McPherson Bros. ae A Mobean.. 7s McDonald Son .. Metals Ltd. Metals Ltd. . F. McClain EMBROIDERED LINEN COLLARS White embroidered linen coi. 90 A PAIR lars, sizes 12 to 14. Worth 150 pairs of 85 cents, Sale price 1921.00 1645.00 SHOE LACES inches long, mohair, black only. ar Setle he diease decode eateaetieioeieay soak Ma . 10 cents a dozen. fot So-stoats Goegodiodioate nods ? started, and a bridge constructed at So-eg eo-4 2 2 8 Poets Rootes tees oo fe 0-49 Se Knitted Combinations Jace trimmed ar und neck and at knees; fing rib- bed quality, Peranet ladies siz+ price,on this line, Sale Me so-ofeet s -B45842 fe Se-4 S ee So-ag 39 cents a Suit ie, cS NOW IN FULL SWING This buslisede since its incep ion has enio very rapidly. Our store space is becoming more evaluable every yay. To. cha our Progressive Policy of Increasing Our Trade we are compelled to reorganize oyr store throughout. That s the reason of this reor- ganization sale. or drab, a.ound top; redium hips, CHILDREN S White or Colored . DRESSES White Nainsook Dresses. Beautifully trimmed with fine embroidery and insert - ions, Sizes 6 months to 3 years, 75.cts, 1.00 and 1.25 each, Colored Wash Dresses Sizes 2 to 5 years, lovely wash prints, excellent -fit- ters, cheaper than making them up. Sale price 59 cents each. Bine ribbed cotton- Bee GREAT CORSET GREAT CORSET SALE 1.25 A PAIR B00 pairs of corseta, AUTO VEILS medium or low biist, long hips, 4 or 6 hose corsets, ade with four hose s pporters, high or low 19 cents each. bust, lace trimmed long Size 19 to 27. Materials of jie coutell or whits good strong nett. Sale price . to 27. Sale price 95c a pair. BED 9 SPREADS Extra large double bed size, absolutely free from dress- ing, good patterns, a grand quilt we buy in old Scotland. Very special. Sale price ... 1.25 Each Extremely low price , for Good Hose :: 25 cents, A PAIR - Extremely low price for Good Hose :: 20 cents A PAIR heels-and toes, colors of-sky, pink, cream tan or black. Sizes 4 to 6. ors, a grand hose for boys and girls. Sale price 20 a palr or 6 Pairs for 1.00 fret on Materials of ched ends, white coutol. Excel- blue. Tent fitting corsets. veil. 1.25 a pair. LADIES CAMBRIC GOWNS Beautifully trimmed with laces and embroideries -around neck, yoke and sleeves, pull over or but- ton up front style, length 58 inches, very fine cam+ bric. Very special. Sale price .. 1.50 each. Sale price ... 25 cents a Pair. FMcClain .- City Feed . During the month 1026 square feot Mea of concrete crossings and 863 square MeAvity McAvity Mueller o. Mitchell iorthern Elec. Perry, Sewell Perry . Cc. 8. Pingle . J. Pettet . Purmal Purmal Purmal Pyrmat Purmal Purmal Purmal Purmal Alta, Elec, . J. Robertson J, Robertson . J. Robertson B; F. Souch + 044 5 a ge me e cof es So-g et s WATER GLASSES Good strong, clear water glasses. Special value - t/a lt; a 5 cents Each. ee songs - 1128.03 WHITE TOILET SETT Consisting of pitcher, basin, cay: so-teat cS to operate the road roller, which will About 2200 yards of gravel tas been tauled from the river bed. so that work requiring levelling will not be Electrie Light and Power. During the month 11 new connec- tfons have been added to the sys- tem, making. 9 total of 154 to date. Mr. Lawton Tesigned from the pow- New Waterworks Plant. Tam tn receipt of communication to determine the best Respectfully submitted, i A. K. GRIMMER, City Engineer. WILSON IN MINNESOTA Duluth, Minn., June 5. Delegates Parks, Boulevards and Nurseries. New Jersey governor, pasing, their calculations on the results of the re- During the month considerable work cent county conventions. holder, Only ... Snowden Snowden ... Alta. Registration .. Standard Drain Pipe . Standard Drain Pipe Standard Drain Pipe Standard Drain Pipe... . Standard Drain Pipe ... Standard Drain Pipe ...... The Times . : The Times . Trussed Concrete . Vict. Restaurant . Thistle Rubber Co. A. Watson .. West. Can. Lumber . H. Waterson ... Peg. Rubber ... Peg. Rubber ... West. Supply Co. .. West. Supply Co. Tuan Yon News ... ... o. Bartlett . Bill Posting Co, G. Pingte ... .. F, Pingle... J. HG. Bray ... H. Baker .. . W. J. Fleming . : T, C, Blatchford ... Webster W. T. Williams . A. Patterson H. Cooper . 5. Benson .. Ireland ... City Band . Finlay Co. . Hewitt Black .. Birnie Bros. . R. E. Starks . W. H. Doty Canadian Bk. G, Evans Birnies ... ... A great set for the price. us 75 a. Set. The Imperial Dry Goods ls Co. A, F. BINNENG, 1 a reer ees mats 2 oS OUR TERMS ARE CASH TO ONE. AND ALL, s 2 so-0So-' 5 es 2 cS so-te lt;s The report that Denton True Young hae quit baseball was confirmed by the Boston National League managers last found that his arm was left the game for good. When the St. Louis Browns were in that t all. Detroit a few weeks ago, Bobby Wallace was, by turns, hope- confident confident of landing in the first division at the end of the season. : But the Browns have been hitting stern trip and if they continue In the rut it ts only a question of time when St. Louis fans will begin clamoring for Stovall as manager. Stovall's great success Naps at the close of the 1911 season has not been forgotten, and when he was secured rom Cleveland it was predicted that he would succeed Walt Jace In the event gone and hi ful, optimistic, the dirt in the Babcock Wilcox ... again this year. TURKISH OF LINEN TOWELS Excellent quality Turkish or Sale- price 218 Fourth Ave. SOME NEWS FOR BASEBALL FANS Manager St, Louis fans will undoubtedly fig- ure that if Stovall is given the man- enough be will make a winner out of the club: agerial reins soon with the Chance, was the have place LONG SILK GLOVES White. or Muslin embroidered Dutch Collars, low, comfortable style, very dainty designs. Special ... 15c and 25c. towells, all white or striped, good size. a ema domes, A grand value, Sale. price 85c a pairs 25 cents a pr. Manager. You may choose from either our White and Gold or Blue and White Pat- ee ae Soy six ene for 15.00 a Set. See a complete 97 pi ce dinner set of these lines in our window. Medicine at thing will be accomplished remains to be seen, major leagues. Wallace has good materia at nie a i command. His infield is far from be- ing the worst in the l a pretty good pitching staff and a fairly well-balanced outfield. weak in the catching department, but the leadin, gue and he has . Reulbach s statis is a puzzler, but fs is a certainty that something will be done with the big fellow if pos- The report that McGraw. tried to induce Chance to part with Big E. is a fact, because the pitcher him- Self was consulted by the Giant man- to a deal. Chance, is not going to strengthen hig most formidable rival by handing over a pitcher who is bound to get a-going and it was this that halted Another club not Mkely to prove a pennant contender might manage to land Reulbach in a Before the Chicago Cubs start on their Eastern trip next Thursday, fol- lowing their four-game serfes with Hank O Day s rioting reds, Uable to do, some more pruning in the Pitching staff. The release of Harry MeIntyre, who failed to get into con- dition after two years of work under first step in the ousting of the older members of the staff, Reulbach 2nd Cole are of Bobby falling other pitchers on whom the Cubs , a price, but whether any- Chance is ager in regard however, negotiations. couch, Singer RRS RE-ORGANIZATION Si AUTO VEILS 100 auto vells, 2 yards long, navy, brown, Saxe blue, myrtle, black, cham- pagne, old rose and white. Sale price .. 59 cents eats colora of This veil has satin stripe. run- supporters. . Sizes: 18 ning down each side, hemstit- colors grey, brown, Dagne, myrtle and sky. A lovely Very special. Sale: price 75 cents each. 1 Sosiresegrate-teafe-te ieeseateateeteate toate todtatio te ie tirrt e fo Me so-e RY s Sotess RS PPrtees HAIR NETTS elastic or with knotted ends, ors, 5 cents each or 7 for 25 cents TORCHON LACE widths, to match. to lic a yard. Sale price ateoateoateesoetres also. insertions Worth 10c M0 OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. Loose Leat System The News Job Department has every facility for sup- Cole seems to have faded complete- P ing the most satisfactory. ly and hasn't shown enough this sea- Won to even warrant a stay in the He had such a phon- nomenal year in 1910, when be was er of the league, that manager might consider twice b fore letting him go, so if he stays with Chance Co., it will only be because the Cub head is hoping that he will eventually swing around and Prove to some gccount, PRIVATE SALE. Of High Grade HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Nearly New. i mahogany case; leather Ebersole Piano, mahogany parlor Colonial book case with secretary, includ- ing encyclopaedia, dictionary and brary books; Oriental seamless velvet rug nd all wool carpets, oak dining with full Focker, ingrain, room sulte set of Haviland china dishes, one five-piece mahogany bedroom five-piece birds eye maple Sewing Machine, kitchen cabinet, stoves, sochinig utensils, iruit jars and other articles.
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Image 949 (1912-06-05), from microfilm reel 949, (CU1743601). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.