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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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e Gen 1912. Thursday, June 6th. 1912 MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Page 7 So Pesteat Oe EOI INIT Soi tan hop Be etocte ak desteefoatoetpetoateateoteateautertecthobeati agate tpefeatedage aaa RX KX NS KES KK EX SEIS Ca a ak Neg hea ER EIS SC ENCE BC VNC vwnti SPORT NEWS. Loatestests N-sSeateatoatoatectesgeatestoetecteate-ctocteatetesteates Nebel Dota ds te bates Ooch tits Cotta tty Cotostestestestect Soctpcteatectestectoctecteatea ostoeatesteateeteetrets Heed aesteeeesteateatateateatecteate eateatente steaeeteeteoseateateatenteatesteatretreteatestectecteotecteedeatoatoatytpetpetectecteepeefecetpetpeteetic I AT 10 i Phere is no aviator in the coun- COLERIDGE RIFLE SSoCIATION PEPE ba tas try who could have saved himself 5 i 7 The first league shoot was held on BIG LEAGUE - i pein tnt ve er ae oa : es S H i H situation. If he had been bigher in Cuntered ov oe SCORES * i i 1 A oo mr 1600-yards;thus spoiling the scoring. z Oo f self. You-see, when a machine starts Tot ates colts OPIN. de ade obs fe ole ole oe ole ole ole be ode of oh team. almost vertically downward, like 200 500 600 Tot NATIONAL LEAGUE, s - that, the weight of the engine tends i; x Cavan ..- 34 80 28 92 Cncinnati ... . 10 12 2 Just received a ship- to keep it in that position. It Te iG. Jenkins. .... . 30 81 30 91/New York ... ... ..... 22 20 8 sponds very slowly to the planes and pH. Wright ... 4 33 28 90 Batterles Fromme, Keefe, Fletcher ment of summer vests x rudder. If one be high enough in the F c 0. Sallows same J. Sallows thing with Hoxie in Los Angeles, a j. Salmond . 80 30 28 88 Macleod and Clark 30 38 24 87/Myers. ; Crandall and air he can do it. It was the from Bloom and Hor- Turpin Says That He and 32 28 26 86/;Boston.... ... 5 a Parmalee were Going to year ago last. December. I believe if P. Thetni 30 23 30 88 Pittsburg 7 0 ner, New York city. Retire 8 he had been 200 feet higher in the E. Newman 29 27 25 81 Batteries Brown apd Rairden; The vests are correctly a air he could have sayed himself from T. Gummo . 27 25 25 77/Damnitz and Gibson. BY ANY INVESTMENT PROPOSITION IN THE a . a. 26 26 22. 7. ase 12 North Yakina, Wash, June . fll. Tho, same thing happened . Wilson * SE /Pinadeipna'... 5 3/f DOMINION OR THE STATES ARE THE oP. tadlcred ad the, path iets oe Sot tea ced ee A a 840 Batteriee Hiarmon and Wing: Sea-jfft PORTUNITIES OFFERED IN MEDICINE HAT terns are very swel, in. dcanr cit Turtle rm Hoe sel msl x: tate 2 ie ig, Sh for, Shultge, Curtis, Doon and Gra-/f CTTY PROPERTY AND CLOSE IN ACREAGE. ft he had gone over the scene of the pin will Jeave North Yakima ; 18 15 17 50 Chieago ... 3. ee. oes s alg ity is growing very rapi mo i fact the above firm are nccident in which his flying partner, ty tomorrow with Parmalee's Ff Doame ssc: 18 15 17. 60 Bropuiya ss es a 8 al Punt city is growing very rapidly New industries ieee a Permalee, was killed yesterday after. beay ee St. coteas Mich. He receiv- G Harper . 10 9 10 30 Batterfes Reulback and Neodham; e being negotiated daily and many are being locat- the acknowledged lead- joa nuke aaa Ce Rar a. turner ccscesss. 5 20. 25/Hucker and Me ed here Many residences are being erected and a ers in fancy vests on tee eae oe en ling him to take charge of the ef- THE GUN CLUB Cleveland eareny 12 2 f reat many more are contracted for. A ; + 5 fects and to come to St. Johns him- New York Ta 0 GR Fora te; s longer thai most of them do it. W 9 ee orbs y e riving ry day the American side. P a act ang 0lf with the body. - Telegrams of The nGonlghont ot the Medicine Batterles Kahler and Easterly; Garet town buyers are arriving every day Your intended io fultil this contract and r y is HERE N , Look them over. those we had at Lethbridre and Medi j ondolmee from well known fying tat Gun Ciub held last Wednesday Quinn and Thompson and Sweeney. Opportunity is HERE NOW. ii Flat, , men all over the world have been jevening was pulled off in a high wind. Boston... .. ee Gl gd He ieatnesrccm ia oe eae EOS The acorog wore conseauentiy notcas Detrole oo. 7 fat SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. hij a3 oth ige they would ve Batta I 5 We d - Complete Men's Outfitters. high a3 otherw ould have Bgttarles Hall, Wood and Car. PUGILISTIC ANNALS been. Craft was high man for the 1st rigan; Willett an.) St: spoon, Elder and Roxborough tieing Chicago ... the Chicago meet this fall. I shall have to.cancel the contracts in Can- JUNE 6 IN A few good buys We have many othe nage. . 4 8 s/f Block D, Main Street north steeteee pesses+, 8140000, Terms, Tu rp in B ros sinas at of them call for 70 1907 Billy. Papke knocked out suck for 2ud.. In the shoo:-off Roxborough Washington tees S 10 1)f Block 71, Townsite, 50 ft. on E- Allowance .:. 1800.00. Terms. aviators and two machines; and both organ in 7 rounds at Peoria, 1: Won out. Batterics Benz, Moridge, Peters Block 54, 100 ft. on Montreal Street 2500.00. T The Man's Stone Where You our machines are broken. Whether I q911- Puckey Mororang n, decis- The scores Of the spoon shoot, 25):Vhtte and Kuhn: Hughes and Heuty, Maer eee at 3 aa Get the Big Dollar's Wortn J will go to the Chicago meet I dolion trom Phil Kulent in 10 rounse ac bird events St. Lows... ... ... ., 1317 9 ff Block 61, 75 feet on Braemar St. * 2900.00, Terms. 5 not know. Sometimes I think I can cleveland. W: Graft ... .. 19/Phitetelphia ... 2... 15 O Block 89, 100 ft. corner ...... mae +s... 8200.00. Terms, do it, and then when I think of what 1911 Charley Goldman defeated W. N. Roxborough 16) Hatteries Miteke l and Krickelt: ff Block 2i, High School Annex, 100 ft. corner ..... 2400.00. Terms. happened to Phil yesterday I never Billy Wagner in 15 rounds at Dayton,/T. Elder ... 2. oo 16 Coombes, Brown, Martin, Pennock want to see a flying machine again-Ohio, L. Y. Birnie 2... sess 14 and Lapp. L YOUR PROPERTY WITH US. WE HAVE BUYERS rn A McKellen oo INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE The Shoe WHERE ARE OLD. TIME PUGS? * Store of the eyes mores Buttle 8 7 We are THE FARM Land Company Values HERE ARE SOME OF THEM w. . tosweocn il ; ,bstireetaik oni sean 3. lait een. 100 -50 Newark.... ... ... -... 12 18 2 In Our Gorner (By Gravy ) ee eas tS; S81 Jersey Clty ... 118 8 . 5 i + Elder oss. 47 Batteries Enseman, Lee and Mc- Window What becomes of the down and jfrom the ring. For a long time he J. W. Craft... 39' Carty; Frill, Killilly. Doe and Wells. . jout fighters? Time was when pugil- lconducted a flourishing physical A. McKellen... 28 Baltimore secs uss 8 6 6/ff 390 TORONTO STREET. : ists lived like lords during their best tortare Plant, in Chicago, and la- R Kerr 21' Providence . chek cas et at days, and then, when the time came/ter was engaged by the multiplutes Batteries Walker and Bergen: for youth to be Served, quickly/of the Pittsburg Athletic club to in-/RACE MERTING AT Bailey and-Schmidt. drank themselves to death at the struct them in the manly art of self OKLAHOMA CITY CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL expense of friends. Rarely is this defense. Kid McCoy, after tempor; Duluth ee ieee oe BT the case in those days, although ope- arily retiting from the ving,-conduc- Oklahoma City, OkJa., June 6. Un- supsrior ieee v9 5 rating at hirst parlor is still a fav- ted a hotel and cafe, was a wine er conditions that auger well for al Batteries Jobnson and Shopham; jorite exercise with many retired pu- mgent, sold automobiles, and built SU cessful season the fourth annual Vance, Caroll and Ford: gilists. Everybody knows of Jim/ up several other profitable busizes- /S mmer Tace meeting was opened to- Grand Forks Pe agg) Jelfties's orate wet goods empor- ses. He liked change, however, and 48Y at State Faie Parl 10 be continued winnipee tum tn Los Angeles. Gus Hublin,/as soon as he had one line of com- Juy 4. The programme pro- patteries Rotherwell and Bd. jonce a power among the big fellows, mercial endeavor well started swit- Yie for three stakes of 1,000 cach monds; Glass, Cummings and Hasty. also operates a thirst quenching es- ched to another. Martin Duffy, the M 2Y horses are quartered at the WESTERN CANADA LEAGUE. leans 4 - 2 Ys track and others are expected within , 2 eng jtablishment in Brooklyn, and his/once great lightweight, and Jack) ise next few dayshimte Oklahoma 1mm -** woes wife brings him a lot of free adver- Moffat, the classy middleweight, at RAH Loh a BASSANO Se ooe wseode, AO 19 02 ees ous 4 vy State Fair Association, which is con- a4 Hsing by her activities as a suffra- last reports were pounding beats in ducting the meeting, has installed thie welanett A eaal aah oer ae 3 * os, s se yeinholt; Hayes any rk. rere oes Ta who was blue uniforms in Chicago. Kid Her- pari-mutuel system of betting at the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. st defensive boxer in man, another famous lightweight, track. MND ONPANY 2 PHONE 171. Show a saving for Thursday, Fri sy and Saturday that is worth while, We Sell men s shoes only and can give'you fine values and styles COR. 4th AVE. and ESPLANADE. PHONE NO. 745. ice Supplied Daily -H.S.IRELAND C.P.R. MENS STORE NEW YORK TO WELCOME vapRon 20 business ard who knocked out was last heard of as a florist in ie ee The Company Cannot Guarantee Delivery Unless THE GERM. iQ thers men as Kid Lavigne, Joe Gans, Seattle. Jim Corbett, like John L. MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES GOLF Louisville 5 14 2 Order is Received -the Day Before Required. jand several others, runs a physical Sullivan, depends upon the stage for ie 48pecal to the News) Batteries Burns and Allon; North- 1up and Seblie. Second game Minneapolis... Louisville... jeulture gym -in New York and New York, June . A local com- makes a specialty of knocking weight f 4 ed in politics, finance and other walks of of fat men and putting it on the . most. citizens: of the metropolis bas /ehin ang. He has beencpo suocessfal sis 0 7 2 SRR eaoRoahentetosoetestiotnate Coazeeteneteatesinsteste steele steate-ete Practically completed all details f in those endeavors, and with such Jack Johnson entertains an ambi- le Atlantic States Golf Association e * Batteries Waddell and Allen; Se ere reenter ine wa. Profit to: himself, that he is said to tion to become an automobile Pilot Was played: today: ommiee Chevy Chase x Criss and Spencer. Meets aid wien of tho Gein cacai B tH owner of a real *McWadden's alter telistag ftom-the: ding Aan eouree. The tourndiant will continue me ease ou an e ssure believe muh, Jack in a cute red unj. t Saturday afternoon, when the a living. Incidentally, Jim is not, Washington, D.C, June 6 With a/ ea half bad as an actor. Poor old Joo large number. of players present the Gans, who fell a victim to the white qualifying round in the annual spring Plague, owned a hotel in Baltimore.. Champlonship tournament of the Mid- 410 0 . si ane a Sere Pere Row of Flats. Joe Choynski is an- SE Baal tage ee hes 1 re Other ex-serapper who turned his form with a fancy weskit would be ChamPlouship trophy. will bo prasent- Columbus 48 28 q ceptions for the officers and a clam- York next Sunday. Banquets and re- jprofessional knowledge after retiring a sercech an 4 ananee ed. Batteriee Kaiger land Murray; of the best ef everyting a Hoe Bee , Fini NEW JERSEY GOLF TOURN Packard and Smith. dealing with us. Clear Fir, Cedar and Pine ish, e bake and a visit to Coney Island for Pas pide . 4 Gears the sailors will be features of the x- Capt. Scott, Leader of South Atlantle City, N. Jy June 6 Promp- 5, cm ae 7 10 4 g, also Fir in 1 in, 14 in, and 11 in, Moulding in ee ae ee i P Hy at 9 o'clock thi, moraing o larf lciambliss.. jc. 2... 4 8 a1 both Fir aud lt;Cedar. Square and sawn Fence will be escorted from Hampton Roads . 4 field of plavers )InAAMFon tho Coun- sek ee ate ee 1 D c ss * to New York by the second division ole Dash, Is-44 Today Glob links in BaAliess for the eee eaiten and, Flynn; Pickets in stock. te: + of the Atlantic fleet, The officers a duality round in the thirteenth annuai Cooms and ; joe ke and crews of the American ships will) Capt. Robert Falcon Scotf, R.N., C. land. What fs called the. Great) Anc-jCHamplonship tournament of the New 7g cit 40 10 2 * b ew assist in the cates eat hg Me V.0., leader of the British Antarctic tctic Barrier, and which had been a Jersey State Golf Association. ate Batteries HoFilck and ehatks ew lumber 0., Imi ce Soe during their stay in New Yor expedition, was born at Devenport, sublet oe dispute jpeivees previous ae ae Selieeies Jamcaanab tana: ae cate Russell, Mer ree ee : a city of Engiand s south coast long 2 er, Suet anmued 3 Jersey City... 1. 7 18 3) eS 4 vast stretch of land, named by Scott COme tomorrow and the finals on giial ok Indianapolis ... Sreehodrortoeetertetedtontal sgeeteateezeatecteazeete thet . s King Edward VII. Land, was discover- Saturday. Batterles Maddox and O'connor; Tee v Hiroe te esis 1868, forty-tour years ago today. That ed, and ttre good ship Discovery thus efe ofe oe of ole ole ole ole fe ole fe of fe Link and Casey. SSS res 3 - i he was chosen to head the most am- early justified its name, i bitfous of the numerous quests for the For some tlme the Discovery was s PARABLES IN SLANG OF NATIONAL LEAGU BASEBALL NOTES the shelf and Caliahan doesn t know (Specal to the News) South Pole was a tribute to his dar- laid up in MeMurdo Sound, and from e BASEBALL: DEFINED B) yoni 28 7 800 when he will be able to resume oury- Hot Springs, Ark. June 6 The ing, knowledge..and experience, dnd that point the exploration by sledges +f Squeeze Play The gather- as 1g soi Now they say Hank O'Day is a bet- ing em over. Caldwell of the High- Se Or Tele Oi ee nnishts the tact that Amundsen captnred the began tor nearly-two--months-tneto Ite ot players aFGuda-tre une areas eee eee 550 C7 manager than he was an umpire. Tanders, won his firs; game of the OF the Grip OF this State are common- prize will not prevent the inclusion-of party continued southward, covering) pire to try to foree him to +e Dy cin 549-19 600 N Soubt that is true. According to year on Monday, while Keefe, of the y called, are gathered in tis clty nis name ationg the greatest of, those 380 miles and reaching latitade 82 de. change his decisfon, itciniice 6 20 44g 2D8; there never was a good umpire Reds, still remains in the maldea in great number to attend the annual who'have fisked thelr lives in explor- grees and 17 minutes south. On this Flelder s Cholee To risk: fej gael? ot a4 ggg the Bistory of the game. class. Minor Brown, of the Cubs, eee ad bane taney renmizaton ing the Wastes of the lands of eternailtrip Mounts Longstatt and Markham e breaking lee trying to make oem Slt ae Note : isn t in form yet, while Bender and which opened here today for a ses- ico. were discovered and named after the/ a difficult play, or to get the Boston .... -. 2... 18 30. gog Piteher Jim McGinley is no tonger Coombs of the Athletics, are fost get- Sion extending over three days. The Youth does not necessarily mean two principal promoters of the expe- 4 fana sore ba him, ERE on the pay roll of the Toronto club. ting into winning shape. business men and citizens In general inexperience, and Capt. Scott was dition, Capt, Scott also. proceeded Playing Safe Roasting an He had his chance yesterday at Ro- lt; OF ot Springs have given the Tray- well prepared, physically and mentally about 200-miles westward trom th l-e umpire or layer trom be, AMERICAN: LEAGUE, chester and failed to come back. Wil- crore ova) Nelcome and have made tc carry out his announced purpose of vessel. Returning to the Discovery i hind the big sevemn, + 29 16 58 Kesbarre s offer of 500 for his out- craborate arrangements for their en-/ making the Terra. Nova expedition aliate in 1903, the Terta Nova, in which Pinch Hitter A policeman 25 16 609 /right purchase was accepted Iast night Coe e a IE cae, ny fea- succees, regardless of the detail of Capt, Scott made his latest trip to the lt;f using his baton an riot, 2-19 547 by President McCatfery. The piteh- tures include a big parade, the wel- reaching the pole itself, in gathering polar regions; soon appeared, bring. Perfect Throw One in As 18 513/er wilt Join that club immediately. coming exercises late In the after-/, wealth of scientific data about the ing orders for an inimediate return, which the ball hits the um- te Vi ju AW TRAVELERS famous as a naval station, on June 6, gt; AT HOT SPRINGS Soe of the good done ARK crops. In Eastern rs, on the whole, parler outlook was he heavy rainfall loss in many dis- centher-whieh fol proved conditions increasing degree, will be watched both in this caun- States. Weather, at factor in deter- rvest. will be, and correctly forecast me in advance. In pts of the Govern- redict one day a- s not, futile. It is comforting te know that -Ty Cobb would not have starved had he decided to part company with the American League. The Lynn team, of the Greater Boston League, a semi- pro affair, that is operating independ- Chicago Boston ... . Detroit ... Fhiladelphia Washington 5 Cleveland ... .. .. 19 hoon and a grand bail In the even- South Polar regions. He entered the King Edward expressed his appre- f pire on the eh I 407 The skids have been greased for the ently in Massachusetts, offered to as- Ae eet eieage ing. Tomorrow's great feature will /British navy thirty years ago, at the clation of Capt. Scott's achievements Wild Pitch The star hit- pends fetercnins 8 oe Real ote shoe oe ate went away sume bis Detroit contract and pay ly 12,000,000 acres. be spectacular Mardi Gras parade) age of fourteen, and was stil under by making him a Companion of the ter's throw of the bat when - prioals lt; gt; a 4 fom a et * naaee le is HOw com Him 9,000 a year. Other players in of about 1,500,000 in the morning, athletic games in the/twenty when he was advanced to be Victorian Order, Cambridge honored the umpire has called a ball - - rok hi jank in hun ae hh who that teasue-are-prom 96-a-m Jonbtiess the eur- afternoon and a special. vaudeville teutenant-on-the-Rover. In 1898 he him with the degree of Doctor of the third strike, INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. abe tm a the. oe Daesle when the ghost walks. ke other years and Performance in the evening . Satur- became torpedo ifeutenant of the Science, and gold medals were con- A Saerifics Letting sup-) f) Rochester ... .. . 25 18. .658 When the Natled players: USaes in op scares and rec- day (will be Gevoted to a business Channel squadron's flagship, the Ma- ferred upon him by the geographical per cool in order to see the-ci- Jersey City... -... 26 16 Ae Tk waitin bel Re tena ny Shorteoucaliiad meeting an the election of officers jestic. His promotion to first leu- societies of England, Scotland, thelc finish of an extra dentine gts Sutelom ace oe cea? ete, Oats e aeWianucneLanaleee cia ber nav eaase and sightseeing In the afterndon. tenant came a year later, And in 1901 United States, Sweden, Denmark and .f game. Ne ee acne Bea hie och. nd of the season, he became commander, and was se- Belgium, In 1905 he published a book, Ree ee ne ak pt stelueuie ns eats thinks ads are working 3 lected as the leader of an English cx- The Voyage of the Discovery, that when a decision is close Baltimore . se i 90 aaa oie se ea ee he jel tecavold a rapail: PAW lt;: to-the Antaretic: This -at-/added much to the world's knowledge f calling a runner of the ict se) SOO Ss ad eivent /enpporth onditions. Finan- UebEe tempt to wrest from Nature the sec- regarding the little explored South home team ont or a runner Providence ... 14 22.388 2 re rets she had so long jealously guard- Polar regions. One of the men In the of the vsiting team safe. 1 5 i 1 E ed was not so well equipped as the command of Capt, Scott on his initial Earned Run Dne that is WESTERN CANADA LEAGUE j ficker isn t the only star pitcher a labatiicusshota Tecent One, although It was well fin- Antarctic trip was LMeut, Shackleton, .f- obtained by the rooting of the +f Calgary ... ... ... 14 11 .560 who has falled to come up to expec. usburg s, 201 Main . anced by the government, A wooden who thus gained the knowledge that fans. Red Deer .. . u i .560 tations 80 far. Chalmers, of the Phil- 27743 boat of 700 tons, named the Discovery, enabled hyn to attain furthest South Dead Ball One that hits Bassano 12 4 461 /adelphia Nationals, hasn t been able job iprtuting (ee carried the party to the Antarctle sea.five years later. Capt, Scott married - - the umpire but doesn't hurt -+ Edmonton .. ... . 10 14 416 to work in a single game because of Fe oho ke ake obs feels ode ofa ode obs ole ofr abe ole obs wks fools obs fe ole ole ole fe fe ole ote fools fe foods PEELE EEE EEE EEE EEE EE EEE EE EE EEE EEE HE Ett rtment. It was on Christmas eve of 1901 that in 1908 Miss Kathleen Bruce, a daugh- him, a torn lgament in his shoulder, Scott, the vessel sailed away from New Zea- ter of the late Canon Lloyd Bruce. p of of of ole fe of ofesfe of of+ f+ -f- SUBACRIBR NOW for the Daily News. of the White Sox, still remaine on
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Image 957 (1912-06-06), from microfilm reel 957, (CU1743611). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.