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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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The z Glasgow House Vit ANG Wash Goods White and Colored Dimity ... Plain and Faney Voiles *. Bpecial 40 Inch Gol. Batiste; only -.. White and Fancy Muslins ...... .. 20c, 25 and 35c Silk Mulls in Sky, Pink, Champagne, etc., only 35 Colored Tussor Silk, o: . Te ALL LESS 10 PER CENT-FOR CASH Another Shipment of Coal Un- derwear for Ladies. and Children k m ROYAL BI NK SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. MEDICINE HAT BRANCR . 11,993,800 tvs 2. 72,000,000 . A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. : SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. BEG. WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Braich. Bente estostet IR aeaectedecde recreate redreteecteatectends . P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. Effective June 2nd, 1912. Nov Arrive. Leave 1 2020 2045 Imp, Ltd, Montrgal to Vanvouver is 8.05 8.30 Imp, Ltd, oom or to Mostra 11.15 11.85 Vancouver Exp. Jyronto to 4 20.00 20.25 Tordato E 4: ouverte me 18 81.50 22.15 St. Pawl-Seattle es 4 4:09 4.20 Seattle-St. Pauf Hipress. Gl 21.25 21.50 Prairie, Exp., Winulpeg to Calgary 62 5.25 Prairie, Exp, Calgary to (Winnipes. 514-517 8.05 Express trom Koot ay oo jessie 19.00 Local from Cranbrook, 23.00 Local from Calgary. 1030 Legal-for Cranbrook. 23.00 Express for Kootenay ihe 630 Logal for Calgary. 230 240 Soo, Ltd, St Paul-Port, 940 .50 Sog, Ltd, Port-St. Raul, Nos, 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat. Pissing thne at Dunmore shown, : Medicine Mat Dews Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Lid, every lawful eveulug at Its oftice, Maip Stree. Wedlcine Hat, Alta. A. J. N. TERBILL, Editor, PNORE: Baltortar, Roportorhd, and News Dept 13 Rie 2 RING 2. 79 DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 y-ar, delivered,...84.00 2 year by malt... . 3.00 6 months, 4 gt;livered. 2.00 months, by mail. 1.50 3 months, .delivered.. 2.00 3 months, by mall. ..760 1 month, deltvered....8507 lt; Addresses 0 ged as orton 8 desired, but botiariw a. Old ad rediue net be given. WEEKLY: NEWS. Pubhshed every Thursday tn(*ixteen or more pages, and Gontalns a rumma-y of the news of the monk. 4 * toeal and 6 .montha, im advance Jos X rear ih advance... 1.50 HONE: Thursday, Juty 4th, 1912. LARING INCONSISTENCIES 1B SPITE of the fact that Lethbridge is throwing aside swaddling clothes and taking on the form of a city. of some pretensions, says the Lethbridge Herald; it se ms that the men at the head of affairs will persist in clin; the ganie thap later, - Take for instatice the leamee system in vogue. It is true that a system of licenses seems to be the only way,ta control-some lines of business, but . ffiere are glaring the present time. Just why bakers should be taxed - a d a8 guide; shade and sustenance by the twenty-five dollar li ense. seems to be People of the plains. d. something neither they themselves nor the forum says, the lint is abroad in the Tand. general public can well understand. Seep eshte binieieiebieeh ei biieiebbeteteietetel Tile MERGHANTS BANK . OSAMA Capital and Reserve Fa 11.458,878 We giye special attention to SAVINGS sccounTs. No n a x more tesivxgs may open a Joint + Medicine Hat Branch eae t SEPP GESO LOH QPS ets opgned an office in Suite IL, in the Im- paul Bank.Building. We will be pleased to re- ORDERS or PAYMENTS OF AC- Sat our up Town Offices, PLANING Mi siei-inivieiet tency, is in the matter of eireus licenses. have visi of ollars. which might better J1786,:is still used with modification. Isaac te some village ideas demned receives the news of rep: which were better discarded at this stage 6f th cottonwoods marked the pre: weaknesses in the license by-law in forge in (tle from starving. But probably the most glaring invorisis- pence during th pring, shows of the circus the city. In each case eds ave been DAILY NEWS. Pitman, himself, wrote it. It was in 1837 that he gave to the world his own system of phonography, or sound-writing. Its preeis ion and the ease with which it could be a quired, compared with other methods, gav lit ai immediate veguein the English-speal ing world. Today it is adapted to twenty different languages. If shorthand were to become suddenly a lost art the world would have a more vivid j sense of its value, Asa time-saver, it ranks with the telephone and telegraph. The bus-) inessman today can appreciate the tax on the patience of his antecedents, who had, to write their own letters or dictate them at a lJong-hand pace. In the Jaw court, asin the v office, it has become indispensable, but it has even a higher usefulness as a recorder of public speeches. What a priceless addi- tion to English literature and history there would haye been if there had been an effi- ecient system of short hand even a century earlier than Pitman s invention. Many of the greatest speeches in what Madantay de- scribes as the Augustan:gye of English elo- qu nce have been, lost or preserved only in ae ) : F Cireulation and ; Job Depts +a-mmutilated form through the lack of ade- quate reporting. Only fragments remain of Sheridat s oration in the House of Com- mons on the charges against Warren Hast- ings: pronounced by contemporaries the no- blest effort of that historic occasion. Steno- graphy has embalmed a good deal of trash (vide Hansard), but complete and accurate reports of the itterances of many public imen are-necessary to the public edueation ina democracy. Ee Sir Isaac Pitman was a benefactor.of the human race, a servant of pfogress and his: memory ought tovbe perpetually y honor: ed. London Advertiser. SS THROUGH WITH THE COTTONW' oop aT HE EMIGRANT straining his toward the horizon of the weary pyair- ies caught sight? of cl wood trees. His heart lifted as water. Beneath them were. broken boughs for the fire, shelter against the pitiless sun. Tf the pioneer chose to stay, here was wood for his cabin, rails for his fences; in times of extremity: the leaves wouldkeep his cat- But the cottonwood. fees is no longer rv priz- Ashe Fargo, N. D., Tt is blowing into open doors, straining it- self through window, sereens and clogging up typewriters and sewing machines. The jtree is an. anachronism, a relic, no nore, in keeping with civilization than a herd of buf- falos or rairk dian without agpassion for firewater. * Some people urge Si Tp- Pulled off in this count jor speedy cratt are here to compete the enactment. of aj programme covers . three days and kefit at home to be used in the development the pockets: of a travelling company, whose pwithin yonly interest-in-hethbridge is to-get-away or city, with a little easy money. And wHat did these shows or circuses give Lethbridge in -return? Parker s Shows: paid the magnificent sum of tiventy yg, (dollars for a-six-days stand. The 101 s, ranch paid twenty-five dollars for the priv- fences the street these da, fairs, the -business about that state of af- len-espec: ially express- no uncertain terms. mething materially the mat- happen. There is room fora vast improve- 1776 ment in the make-up of the legislation gov- ering licensing, and a meeting . between 1778 the Chief of-Police and the License Co: mittee of the Council would probably un: cover some of the inconsistencies which : ist, and lead to a new by-law which would not play quite so easily into the hands of utsiders looking to Lethbridge for a few 1804 1788 Wanted to Purchase 160 Acres on North Hill or: West .. Side, Medicine Hat. Must be level and price low to be considered. From 214 miles to 344 miles from centre of town, n. Owner only need apply, stating quarter section, township range gud price. Spot Caan. Apply Box -177, Herald, Cagary. Ra 296 Tt. hundreds of easy money. + ee Sa care a THE FOUNDER OF MODERN SHORTHAND + guished men in Great Britain has been formed: to organize a celebration in a January next of the centenary of the birth system of: shorthand which bears his name, entitles him to fame as one of the most use- ful men of all time. Many admirable sys- tems of shortHand have been devised since jhis own, based on the pringiples: he taught, but of the numerous mi ed. d his owi zone could WE ARE BEADQUARTERS.FOR BALED HAY: order too smail, ofiorle too bigs Get our prices on car lots. ne Medi ine Hat Milling Co'y., Limited systems, pile England was Shorthand. A i a See te a trea- in 1588, but as he provided an ar- bitrary sign for every word in th lang ithe quisition pirotves a eprodisigus feat'o hy. pean 1620, s as U1: Mr, Semel P committing his set thonights to his a, favor he never. suspectedsyould be-found land yeepbere by the delighted eye wf pbs- cent 1 a terity. ie Taylor system, invented ined abr. sh )of the city and district than to be put into law bot i word 0. water at hold the fuel. and stone stand where cabins stood. some distant trust factory. There is hay forthe stock at, thirty dollars a ton, Oot- ET s, ilege of showing here. rood li epee : NOT C 0 BUILD E RS Caustic comment is frequently heard on ae eae clogs, ae thie editor's ty 1829 Corner-s stone laid for the 1836 Territorial government for Wiscon- NUMEROUS. comimittee of : distin. 1868 Gen. Pemberton surrendered Vicks- 1865 Rt. Rev. Alonzo Potter, third copal bishop of Pennsylvania, died of Sir Isaac Pitman. His invention of the Sf hug, Francisco. Born in Beekman, Th daimed. THIS IS MY 49th BIRTHDAY Emma Jueh; who won wid celebrity as Greeks.andtan operati singer, was born in Vienna, Ju- with their ly 4, 1863. Before that her parents had re- y. inmed to Ameriea in 1864. She acquired a - musical edueation under difficulties. sty s Theatre: London, in 1881, and in the 2 subsegnent years that she appeared un- er the direction of Colonel.Napleson she nerica first in 1885, and continued to be female cottonwood trees its of any organized village orum goes on to say, with a val-for the idea. The sign of argo is a faucet. - The coal bins Apartment: houses of brick The are brought in woven on-a reel from the the THIS DATE IN HISTORY - July 4. Congress proglaimed the Declaration of American Independence. Massacre of inhabitants in the. Wy- oming Valley, Pennsylvania, by The dians and Tories. First organized celebration of teas pendence Day in Ohio took place at Marietta. Nathaniel Hawthorne, famous auth- Died March 19,1864. United or, born. States mint in Philadelphia. sin organized at Mineral Point. burg to Gen. Grent. 6, 1 6 Hawaiian Republic was pro- ns Tush. Her pearance in grand opera was at Her any artistic triumphs. She sang FOR YEARS avacnisteracinctnte How She was. Finally Restored to Health. Hammond, Ont. 1 om through the Change of Life and for two years had hot flushes very bad, head- aches, soreness in the back gf head, was constipated, and had weaky nervous feel- fhigs. The doctor who attended me for a number of years did not help me, but 1 have been entirely ed of the When you bull , consider QUALITY first. Don t: per- funded to buy CHEAP, LUM- GBER because tt s ch very best. We have it celebrated Morgan Doors, CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, BATH - SPLit CEDAR POSTS, WIL- LOW POSTS ae -BOARD WD FINLAY THE LUMBER PEOPLE. 5 P. 0. BOX 29, PHONE pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no .nateotic or harmful drugs and to-day holds thie record of being the most succ ssful remedy for we know of, and thousands of voluntary timonials on file in the Pinkham lab- (Special to the News) Albany, Oro, July 4. The celebra tion of Independence Day here was combined with the opening of the local * Chautaugua assembly and with a big demonstration in honor of the estab- ment of regular service between Port- Jand and Albany, by the n w. electric Une bullt by the Hill interests. For thirty. years the Williamette valley has been served only by the Southern Pacific, a Hartiman line, but thie suin- mer marks the completion to this Dlace of competing line. Work is tn Progress to extend the new line on to Eugene, located at the head of the Wil- lamette v gt;l'ay forty. miles south of here. DON'T PAY MORE ro Pingle s Drug Book Store MISSISSIPPI. VALLEY REGATTA regatta of the Misdissip) Association. was. opened. under conditions most successful event o) 4 LE SUS The regattr for the liberal prizes. rovides for races for every class of Houneh ana power boat to. be founil , on the inland waters of fhe United States See Bae BEFORE PLACING ESTIMATES FREE, ilice Next to City Mall, Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. OFFICE PHONE NO, 868. it has been cleaned at 9 Cleaning and. Pressing Co's. Your suit of light colored Sum- mer clothing lasts you just three times as Jong and always looks new and natty. by sendinsit here when it neods pressing and cleaning. Our. systein of dry cleaning is. boon to those who wear light colored clothing. THE GLOBE ; ING PRESSING GO. Rear of Post Offles on Fourth Are; . 108 TORONTO ST. Bxeavating a Specialty, CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING Gravel and Sand.for Sale, Yulll Street. P. 0. Box 31, ite in many roles until she married ctired from: the stage in 1894. In re- cars the former prima donna has liv- d the most of the time, CONGRETE- WORK. Phone 260. J.J. LAIT Repairs promptly attended Be Phone No. 335. ue aera STREET THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL? oh FIGURE WITH.YOU 4 YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING CROSSLEY BROS (Ce Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave.,Phone 434 P. 0. Box 304, STABLE PHONE 402 728 Uae oa Hesyy Teaming. Sand, Coal Gravel GRADING AND EXCAVATING Phone No. 415, W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER amp CONTRACTOR white help PHON Your patrons Aad our drive f City Sate reary Teams, Her For Light and H Hay fo Fred 4 Phone. '85.
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Image 13 (1912-07-04), from microfilm reel 13, (CU1743718). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.