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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ees ais : sah z in) Present Daily Average 1066 Wepl n rtiser Dail; tthe senerit- atthe Weekly oocasyolteulateen No extra charge. Books open to ady) NORTH YUILL ft. Lots, Block 18, 700. tt. lot, Block , 825. ft. lots, Block 18, 785. 431 MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. SATURDAY. JULY. 27, 1912 lol : England Stands Ready for ENTS essoxveo ATLANTA WOMAN'S tic Sossoctrssor, te drugged him on the evening befor RIVERSIDE . (Special to the News) the shooting and had induce i W Y Woonsocket, R. 1, July 27, Henrl ATTEMPTED MURDER jto write a leer, addresncd to he ie occ: ice 7 bate, ass t Deslovers, Who Is being held tor the E at Newanan, in which he ft. lots, Block 14, 600. ar, e sO. or as eace: was, made atteged murder of Angele Parmontier, VIVW te. say that tis woutt-not-no to as arraigned in court again today for : Philadelphia as planned but would ZOWNSETE- a preliminary hearing: The man stren- remain another day, se fs Block 53, 260, uously Tiltfatains that he is guiltless of aes * 5 the crime harged against him. Be- Mrs. Grace Charged With jftiend would stay at his house , 1050. ., t- the SE ths ee eee. Yond the afrest of Destovers on cir- Shooting Her Husband 2 nicht of the HERALD cumstantial evidence; the-authorities. shooting. This letter was mailed by While He Slept airs. but di reach her ae ise : ave apparently mede-tette-progreve e ee Gmetad aronedsnce fon Huptannde 2100: towards unraveling the mystery sur- ie ie otilenn PROT HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX * (W. A. P, Dispatch.) rounding the murder of the Parmen- CASE ATTRACTING 7 prosecution. The coe gion ft. corner, Block 23, 1200. Toronte, July 27. A Stax cable from hostilities, Qur arsenals hare for German friendship moyement said: ter woman, Whose headless and jude * y r preat deal of feeling as oridsuead London says England has taken new months have been working day and I have worked uneeasingly to es- body was found in the Blackstone riv- GREAT ATTENTION by the fact that a short time gt; notes gravity. Her people hears the night completing stores of armaments. tablish good International relations, 1 more th m'a month ago. The man ; Bees ti) was introduced in the tee, Cc. PLR, a Ps beating of the wing of the angel of/The nation stands ready for battle, srow more afrald, however, each day Deslovers waa arrested because he had THROUGH COUNTRY aa hs , lived with the woman and because he ey lature by R tatt posed to hay star They realize us they could/yet longing for peace, Undoubtedly, that nothing but war. can be the end Wwhien would net alles steer rear, thousand dol Toronto St. Phone 481. fcareely fall to do after the solemn however, the conviction 1s rapldly Englishmen believe that If anything 8 reported to-have been in. her low either husband ere re ife to testi: i city to-underE tones of this week s parliamentary gaining ground among all classes that ean check Germany's hostilities it 1s /company whe she was.tast-seen alive Were-Well-to-do-and Mem- -Or wife to testify. against. the other. i Speeches that we may at any moment War Is almost Inevitable, eh deppert the pte seg te Tastaet soon Men oie - ae mat act : at OF the Aagto- der was committed have not been de- bers of the Elite of mocton WELcomes a. At the present time, accord: ditio, tual A prominent tendi such suppe m the dominion, Furet Where and hi * 4 of Fort William. termined, Every effort of the police Georgia City gt; GOVERNOR GENERAL aaaing payrolie ) the reports, the work is bein to discover the head of the murdered r ey t ued at the rate of about 5,000 . 9 TODAY'S MARKETS. woman has likewise proved futile, Atlanta, Ga., July 2f.Tiie erim- a month, 1 a oO Ss eat ; inal division of the Stipefior Oourt, Gideous of old, armed only with (Special, to the News) Fort William, wh (W. A. P. Dispatch.) rs, marched seven times the city Moncton, N.B., July 27 The great Egan pes Judge L. S. Roan pi will r part of eastern New Brunswick lent 7 e Chicago, ML, July 27. Denials - of HEAVY. GAPTURE OF meet here next Monte, Sau tate to the reception of the Duke of ee he vat at Pad icho and the walls crumbled tq rust reports from Canada today press- opening of the session is awgfted. ie ee in his visit to Moncton te- ,,oy gears eS ee ae a ivatid , a er oO e led the wheat market down. State. OPIUM BY CUSTOMS with unusual and State-wide igor . There was a general closing of g the result of the gathering In ments by a number of correspondents est, for the first case to be ail business houses and the streets ty today of the modern: Gideon , ; i declare the crop conditions generally i up is that of Mrs. Daisy Opie ere decorated as never before. The: e Georgia capital is a a Japan's Emperor is Sinking Rapidly, His Pulse and favorable. In the Saskatoon district)Lange Supply of Contra- Gratey me changed Pei) a having tae ar one pspeonied s ate: focal and as such meets the requir . 'Pemperature Showi j Where advices yesterday told of an band Hidden on attemp murder her husband, of the order of Christian trav. emperai howing Rapid Changes Being Held San Tone of Week's Speeches Seemingly that Na *rinolal LiarFonfronted With Hostil- ities at any Moment British Arsenals Have Worked Day and Night for Sabie. Winnipeg: (Chapman, eS . sg. . outbreak of rust, today s despatches - Eugene Hamilton Grace. This in- PY the Mayor. The remainder of the ry men, Assembled In Internationa : Up By Administration of Anesthetics, insisted that the ontlook was first Francisco Liner tense interest in the case is due not P?eramme included a drive abot the f fon. From all over the United F class. Opening prices were unchang- Korea. so much to the social prominence * tY and a public reception at the tome aed Cannon: ths, dumanee: Toki S ed, Sept, started at 94 1-8 to 1-4 high- of the defendant and her alleged Of F. W. Summer, 7 nect in Atlante, leaving: theld Tokio. July 27 The condition of from 100, at noon. At S o'clock, er fell to 92 3-8. The July eption n SMUGGEERS- WERE victim, put to the-povatiar-ci ape cases behind, to discuss plan Mutsubjito; Emperor of Japan. sehish however, it had rise again, Gut oata went to pieces owing to receipts ALSO TAKEN *tanes surrounding the ease and the SCOTTISH PEDsG oeuES fojects for carrying on thelll was said by court physfeians yes- otherwise no change. . expected Monday, Although offerings . mystifying features which promise to TO VISIT CANADA Already they have placed Bible: terday morning to have reached an today were only moderate, the price el irooms. throughout America extremely. grave crisis fluctuated ey have many other. importan ial greatly sinee, at, some times:igivine Miss. Crocher-Had s under consideration foi rise to hopes of: recovery at janizing their colleagues of thi others casting those ara r Jesty into despair. Several cabinet make the trial one long to be re- is dropped as much as 4 1-4 at one time. FOVerMENt Alleges That K the (Special to the News) Tuetemand was small. The collapse the Steamship Compan- ; and Mrs. Grace camo to this Glasgow, July 27--A larse party of led to fair selling of other months. ies Show Much In- city from Philadelphia, their fornfer Scottish school teachers sailed on the September started at 1-8 to 3-8 off cite 3 home, about eight or ten months Allan liner Scandinavian today . for 2 ago. According to statemen Quebec Th 4 ., Freeman a 3 1 niinisters remaggiin constant attend- Her Wedding to 82 7-8. San Franeiaco, Cal, July 9 cue- PY Me. Graco since the shooting, tWo Weeks in Chas seeing Us coun tist preactier and merchant, wh - af S ; J ueational meth- ; 3 VOLVER FRACTION ance at the ES eat . Toms Inspestors captured 2 s6,000 b Wile, who usually babe r-ond easing ts educational met ed ine tar at ie At 82 7-8 to 331-8 cents dnd receded gt; gt; a ot ods. ee lien Present raylond 2a101 18:00. 961-2, Jot.of sontrabead opium from the pe cal tee amierse eae oe Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Niagara perso the NTL Mt Bias He change ist the Imperial pationt s Go to- 100,000,000 Bride Juy oats 39 3-4: Oct. 25 1:2, 25 1-2. ter a aia ak pane HSt Teh: he-Ghaat Waite: Way-ot-New York Falls. and Hamilton. : i oe ee oe aca mang Malem Walteman, Sa ah hg otont hee Senet oe eo, eee el wiconay aca or (emma ei ne t the rifle range this weel that bis strength was ebbing and CASH PRICES 7 smpgglees Sing Charles May, shiv yim ged aly weit courtship, COLUMBUS sons aaa ce home whe ood shooting is going on ani that he was very restless. One of 540 Francisco, July 27 Miss Jea- : carpenter, and Otto Lengfeld, a wa- jod 3 5 is great competition betwe (Special to the News) to .. bteacher was. said to have: shot the state secretarys in attendance Adeline Shockers fo be Worth 5 son-9 -Nor se-eNOE OLE El 7 ro 0) pugladelphia, where he held a ve- 2 8ite-du -Chton, Wis Taly 27. z i 5 j eae ie Married a few days tom the sfiier ie theoee a2 sponsible position. Less than D legations from cities and towns longing the Emperor's life were be- Barley No. 3, 50; rejected 44; ago to Malcolm Douglass Whiteman who i throughout Wiscon: here for th aid . years ago Mr. Grace, who is well shout isin are here for the Minneapolis,-July 27. July not stop until a bullet smashed a . Brooklyn, Mass. The weddi was mn 1 Si of the Knight ing continued and that an Tajection ng to do and has property interests NUual State convention of the Knights ci salt solution was to be tried to *28ed at the quaint litle stone church 6 Sept. 96 2-8, 94 5-4; Lenefiehis.timpd. May leaped over- ; 1 South, decided to cemore to of Columbus. Today: was given aver B va j2t San-Mateo, teHewing-whichthe nup ee eS ' board and picked more dead principally to the treception ot- n the day; the Emper- x Dec. 96, 95, ene es Atlanta, where he-owns-some valu- the Sera waste ah See sanity tal breaktastswas given at the ple- chieako. Jty votzuty' near os than alige- fret the water be Bad oie reel estatel a Visitors, The delegates will attend acd bis temperature had been re- Ureedue bungalow home of Miss Croc-/.s 95 3-8, Sept. 94 2-8, 3 -8: Dec, Shallowed. Grace and his wife made religious services tomorrow and on RICHARDSON, Gen. Mer. duced while his general condition Ker at Hillsboro, 96 3-8, 95 7-8, . Tn spectors Enlow and Head had ;, i ly mingled in Monday the chief business of the con- FHOGHARDGGN, wecenvers: was somewhat improved. Owing to Here are a few of the features: at the attempt to/to al .social circles. They seemed to Teten sill he transacted. tre erture z Majesty Winces, Twenty thousand dollars spent for Liverpool, July 21 Jotm Rogers / 0d the drug would be made last ounties from: the. various d So-Wio make the big ils of the competition will bi - bedevoted to one another and no ERS sara 9 which is described as a complica - decorations tor wedding breakfast hall. Co,, Liverpool, cable today that with ht. They hid aboard a schooner body ever suspected that bloody) THIRD PARTY CONVENTION ? Ss I gt; td tion of diseases comprising nephrit- To prevent thievery of Jewels, scores plenty of Irish cattle coming into the tied up on the offshore side of the tragedy lurked behind the all-de- IN UTAH e is, diabetes and uremic poisoning, he jof plain clothes .men wore top hats Birkenhead market, prices have enown Himer. As the smugglers dropped ceiving mask of happiness. The (Bpecial. to the News) is unable to take much nourishment) and Prince Albert coats and mingled no advance during the past week and 0M the Korean into their boat and catastroph came in the might of Provo, Utah. July 27 The Roose- (W. A, P. Dispatch) March 52 What really occurred with-/Velt adherents in Utah rallied here Calumet, Mich.; July 27. x: in the scenery of the Graees beau for a convention today to complete lott, a well known cricket pls tifal home on. West 11th street, is ;the organization of the Progressive Was killed and George Duncan still a mystery, the solution of Party in this State and to elect dele- blinded while working in the Call which at the coming trial is;Ates to the national convention at and Hecla mines last night. The 3 and his strength dimished daily. With the guests. quotations as last cabled for Cana: Pulled away, Enlow called to them CONFECTIONERS Since July 19 he has been in very Miss Crocker s gown is reported to dian steers 14 3-4 to 15 1-4 cents per to halt. The men rowed frantically ritical condition and only his ro- have cost fully 60,000; it s enriched pound, still held good. for the shelter of the dock, but a bust condition has enabled him to With pearls, bullet struck Lengield s hand and hg) maintain life. Little church at San Mateo solid FABULOUS WEALTH THERE dropped his oar. The bulletins issued this evening with choice cut flowers arranged by a ite Heather Bread. nds. : The inspector lowered one of the awaited with intense interest. Be- Chicago, ers were drilling oa showed that his condition remaiin - force of thirty decorators, Quesnel, B. C., July 27 Rich gold schooner's boats and after May had yond a gene denial of the charges ploded a stick of Visen of, Med Bx Riche od practically the samo as; it was Wedding-presents by the dray loads quartz has been discovered near been picked up found the tine ct amit Sendo by ne hia Grace WYOMING PROGRESSIVE Se mad a large experience in yesterday although his pulse varied from -all parts of the country. The here. While prospecting throng the m in the row boat and im the has vol red no statement that CONVENTION mnfectionary. table. At 5 o'clock this, even- Whitelaw Relds sent a tiara of dia- hills cast of the town's come cr water alongside. : would throw any light upon the (Specal to the News) TWO MORE arlors ff the West. ing his pulse had gone down to 96, Monds trom London. weeks ago a man named Adams dis- In connection with the repeated jev-nts of that night. Mr. Grace, Cheyenne, Wyo. July 27 In re- covered a quartz vein which looked daring efforts to land opium from However, has not been so reticent. sponse to a call issued by Governor og business will be conducted particularly good to him. the Pacific Mail steamers, United Acenrding to bis statement, made Joseph M. Carey, a mass convention (At seoured a number of samples States District Attrrney McNatysaid on the day after the shooting, assembled here today to complete the Fall to Their Dea ani oe catia off a couple of jtoday that the government would when the doctors expected that his formation of the Progressive party in claims brought samples to town and all on the officers and ship's officers death wouth be merely a question Wyoming and to arrange for the r p- ny nnn EE DOCK S i RIKE ENDS 2 zn (W. A. P. Dispateh) displayed them, offering a half inter- of the Pacific Mail company to aid/of a few hours, Mr. Graco was, in Tesentation of the State at the nec Munich, Bayaria, July 27, 3 trikera Cominit : fan est inhis claims for 200. - Helin stopping the tarfic. On this bed, asleep, when his wife phat. him. tlon convention in Chicago next month ing fatalities occurred ye Strikers Committee Calls aa and Men Ret te found no buger at the time, but a ground he moved yesterday for the Awakened by the shot, he found ing when a German aie Fis Work Monday Many Suffered Greatly During ; days later.the assayer made an Continuance of the case- of Cautain/ himself powerless-to -move and beg HONOR HELPER OF THE DEAF who was carrying a passenger Long Seige. : +1a8sy-of thes samples and found it Henry Zeeder, commander of one of ged his wife to calla doctor. She az aeroplane, a mechanic named Kug ry fabulously Aiph, assaying in a-rough the Pacific Mail fleet, who is under left the house, according to Mr. Special to the News) fell trom a considerable helght, eu way. over : to the ton in gold. /investigation through the law which Grace's story, but instead of call- Paris, July 27. An interesting cele- ing instant death of both. The ae News of the tesult of the assay, hold steamship captains responsible ing a doctor, she took the' next bration will be opened in Paris. te: Dlane was smachag se that the London, July 27. The stri arsday, : icles found aboard 'train for Newnan, the home of Mr. morrow to mark the bicentenary of of the accident cannot be ascertain Tondon docks which started early in ten weeks, was declared at an end to- kept -as quiet. as possible But it their ships. Grace's mother. There she was ar- the birth of Abbe de I'Kpee, inyentor Fisher had passed his aerial pile ed and Prosied b: May and has caused about fifty thou-/day by the strike committee. Work, 48) gyadually leaked owt, and the rush McNab said h desired to continue rested upon the-charge of attempt - of the deat and umb alphabet. The xamination only a fortnight ago. y Sapert sand dock workers and their families ta he resutied Monday, began. Many have left town sup- all Pacific Mail smuggling cases un- ing murder, -and brought-back to celebratfon will last four days and plied with theit-miner s licenses. till the eturn to this city of R. P. Atlanta. Later she was releafied on will include an. international con. ns SE ait ue Schwerin, vice-president and general 5,000 bail. : gress of deaf mutes, which will be at- - COMPLETE TIE-UP manager. Mr. Grace, who was desperately tended by delegates from anany coun- ee ; Beyond the individual prosecu- wounded and at first the physicians tries, b * Hazleton, B. C., July 27. For fifty tions, said-MrNab of the smuggling entertained no hope that he would -Abbe-de TEpee was the first of the Portage la Prairie Farme: Miles east of here i : 5 7 x on the Grand cases, 4ittle has been accomplished, live more than a few hours. Butlsreat teachers of the deaf and aman, i Trunk Pacitic grade there 1s not a While' this method of arresting and his splendid constitution helped him He was eduonten ter the priesthood, eport Damage to Crop wheel turning on account of-the in- prosecuting every individual engaged to fight off death. He was taken but took Up the wotk of teaching the 3 F dustrial workers strike. Even steam- in smuggling will be continued, th to a sanatorium where he gradually deaf ond dumb before the field had CW, EY. Diseaee, moval L, - Tailor iness from Toronto (W, A. P. Cable.) y aa gt; Portage La Prairie, Man., July 27. Shovels are idle. One thousand of the government believes that, with the gained strength, although his Jower been entered by-anyone elie, He was Portage tarmetn who were iathe Strikers have already gone to Prince aid of the big, offtcials of the com- limbs yemained completely paralyz- (Successful and invented the manual sterd: id tod: the Bye-Election in Crewe Results. in Gain for Opposition Ruvert whery it 1s reported they are panies the-oporations ce senigelers ed- After a month or more he was/ alphabet whieh Was a great ald in raerte of sad coe Sands hee In British House Lab in i siving the authorities lots of trouble t-oan be-stopped. The- government en to his mother s house at;hls work and has since remained a i ouse Labor Men Put in-Candidate * *. a the pla He te sires to ask Schwerin-for his co- .Newnan, in this State, where he con- Standatd device, oD no blsine... Heavy: rain yeaterd A afternoon did not improve the situ and Split the Vote. FAVOR PROPOSAL operation. tinued to improve Although the tion, but the complaint is: very: lig * MeNab stated that the steamship Physicians have no hope of his com FAILED TO MATERALIZE and drying winds of today would pr ee raBe London, July 2 The Evening companies, so far, had manifested Plete recovery from the injury caus- bably check it. Hall yesterday swe (C. A. P, Cable) News saya that the suggestion of the much indifferdnes toward the gov- ed by the bullet, he is able to geb (W. A. P. Dispaten.) London, July 27. The bye-election ment ranks, which was brought about Times that P band Mr. strip in the Austin district a mi ernment s efforts'to check opium wide and several miles long. hurchill should visit Canada, finds smuggling and about with the help of crutches New York, July 27 'The atitietpated The victim of the tragedy hax dis breakdown and confession of. one of played great bitterness against his the men now-mmder 8 connec- wife sinee her arrest and has sup-/tion with the murder of a gambler, R. plied all the evidence in the hands Herman Rosenthal, has failed-to ma: of the prosecution whichis to bb terlalize. Th real murderers are used-at the trial. He openly de- still at large and District Attorney 4q clarch that his wife was an-adveo- Whiteman has balked so far in his ef- as turess and had - duped him into forts to show who the actual conspir- i marrying her, althougly she did not ators were behind the plot to kill Ros. Chicago Female oe love him and cared only for what enthal. The proceedings of the grand Keeper and Daughter she could get out of. him. He Jury have been adjourned until next Victims. stated that some time ago he had week. p i by the introduction of a labor candi- which developed into a threecornered date in revenge for what was claim- Sree in the ee of fight owing to the split between the/ed by the Laborites unfair treatment Cmmons and quotes several members Liberal and Labor supporters of the by the Liberal party. The vacancy Whose views were favorable to the pro- re PEERED EEE government, resulted in a gain for was caused through the death of W. ms the Unlonists, figures being. as fol-/8, B. McLaren, an-ardent free trader lows: Ernest Craig, Untonist, . 8260; and supporter of female suffrage who MSS LEONARD DEAD : Satanday; July 27h Harold Murphy, Liberal 5294; J. H. represented Crewe since 1886 contin- St. Catherines, Ont., July 27. Mrs. This coupon with five other Holmes, Labor, 2485. Dacely DoE: for the Unionist imncoiee laisssec, Locngra muther of Maier lets edlabeiten coupons from the At the last general election Me-lof 1895. The Untonist candidntelw Teouara, tremor crema railway + Dally News, and ton cents, en Laren, liberal, polled 7,629 votes. to fought the campaign on a tariff re- commissioner, dled in Drentiord tela flee the holder tom photo- the 5,925 of Craig, a government maj- form platform with colonial prefer- morning, aged 87 years, ority of 1,704, At the bye-election of now intended. going after results. - COUPON NO. 41. + Ic. Pay oh bebe be feel oot gramme reproduetion of the red his lifeifor 27,000 upon her So (W. A, P, Dispatch) Stas, favored. female suttrage: and: 76: Tl Cie ion and made the charge MRS, BORDEN TO CHRISTEN Chicago, Ills, July 27. Fiv 1910 the Liberal majority was 1,504, garded the insurance act as an ac- WyE, SHOOT AT DR A. , and Liberal majorities at previous complished fact to be so treated. The that she had tried to. murder him masked men entered-tho-ssioon. The metropolitan Binet? to get possession of the money . A. P. Cable) Mrs. Helen Bantman, a widow, car elections were as follows: 1910, (Jan- Liberal candidate was handicapped in London, July ( cael ina 3 pRny ad Le roman Pro vary) 2342; 1906, 2,608; 1900,-1,099; /his appeal on the constructive DFO- contingent of the Imperial Cadet Corps + a a et a eet her to re- eaten, July H Ae ee heidi pee sy Soot 1892, 1,568; 1886, 645. In 1895 there gramme of legislation by the sectfon- which will shoot at the Dominion Rifle -, whi tthe, - Fok her former. friends in New ae iu a Ee eas Nia. The burgla ne. on was a Unionist majority of 550 split which made his campaign Association at Ottawa, sails on Aug. e uy 4 Mr. Grace, ig Bas eae ss ane tit is the largest reese who man one the The Unionist majority of 996 1s en- largely one of an exchange ot person-/9th. The Eton College sixteen will wit. a some . Wl Niele titer Saleeed Be pia tirely due to the split im the govern- alities with the Labor wing. Also go, paying their own expenses. sf sf efaptags defo pica ieee ai aed ee pues pate ante ee sotecrtsa- se ete tae bbe
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Image 156 (1912-07-27), from microfilm reel 156, (CU1743696). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.