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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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sick cin Sieacioes ering of Business at Boston. REPRESENTATIVES OF Wide Importance to Be Discussed. national Congress out the ambt (ran that gathering. The coming congress will be the first one of its kind ever held in the United States, and the Bos- ton Chamber of Commerce, fully ree ognizing the obligations which this compliment to Boston by the Cham- der Gf Cominerce of the world has Placed upon its shoulders, is making the most energetic fforts to make the congress a sticcess, fiyde 4 us Sched known throughout the Such it et the world s history. Uttered in Hyde Park. never interfere, anarchist outrages, by the I udseape gardener, TT was Soviplately dgzou wonsay I wes y discoureged. alwaye-good reseou for the discourasempat. Gotag 20 lasting food. the woman fee s discouraged. gt; EMBERS OF COMMERCE Many Matters of World- Boston, Mass.,. July 23. The com- mittees of the Boston Chamber of Commerce in charge of the details of b Inter- of Chambers of Commerce to be held here September 24 to 28,-are hard at work carrying The International Congress of Cham- ders of Commerce and Industrial ana Commercial Associations is an organ- ization representing the businessmen ark ondon, the - eal Home of Free Speech Forty-six years ago today, only-Ju- b ly 23, 1866, a great reform meeting Fi eld in Hyde PM ban,.L0n4on. There was much op- between the police and the populace followed this attempt to stifle free speech, and the popular indignation Was 80 tremendous that the London officials decided that henceforth Hyde Park should be the one place in the World where any one who hay: any- thing on his mind may speak his Diece without let or hindrance. Ever Since the famed London park has been orld as the safety valve of free speech, and as a r putation unique tn There is not a city on the American continent where Such things could be said as are daily Militant anar- chy 1s preached every Sunday from Soap boxes, and every political and religious cult has its orators and its bunch of devotees, All sorts of cranks expoutid -novel theorles and strange doctrines, and no matter how wild and radical they may be, the authorities That this policy is wise Is shown by the fact that Eng- land has been peculiarly free from Hyde Park has been littfe touche: It is a broad, level stretch of turf traversed da LARGE STOCK OF Dry Common Lumber, Fir and Gedar Finish, Fir and Cedar Doors; Fir, Maple, and Oak Flooring, SOLE AGENTS FOR Goeurt so my Dootor utter doctor. tried ia v: It is 96. wonder Gt these weak and sick women hii e Vound Orage regained us the result af 8 uo of e's Favorite. Prescription. Feqularicy, hoals inflammation aad ulveru- weakness. es wea SD siex wo of the entire world, lations between .them. The recom: ers of which are at Brussels, constituent organizations Prac national organization. r nt considerin coming Congress, which have been or lseat ti b the various The American W. Taussig, of Harvard University, Suggestions, many of which will prob- ably be incorporated in the official be considered by the International Ush a permanent court of arbitral Justice; the unification of legislation numerous paths, over which the pet the fashionable quired, and any doctrine may be ad- oeated in language that is kept with- in the bounds of common decency. The abolition of marriage, the overthrow of governments, the destruction of the jchureh, and other iconoclastic pro- Sects have their advocates. Atheists and Christians speak side by side, and often etigage in spirited debates, to the delectation of their followers In Winter as well as Summer the re- formers gather in Hyde Park, bray- ing the raw and cold winds in the hope of bringing their lives to the atten- tion of a callous and misguided wor d. Shabby they may be, and impractica- ble, and even mad, but they are always earnest. Here a Socialist expounds the scheme of Karl Marx, therea sin- Ele taxer tells his listeners that Hen- ty George's doctrifies are the only salvation of the world, and a little dis- tance aWay one may hear the glad tidings of Anarchist communism. It is all very pathetic, and very droll, and ft-would be amusing if one did not Tealize that many of the listeners who drink in the words of the speakers are on the verge of starvation, and that only in Hyde Park can they find the hope and consolation that keep allve the faint spark of life. real eotie osteo aeess Lumber Co. Ltd. J Paroid Roofing, - Neponsei Water- further finish: proof Paper. Neponset Roofing, Felt, B. and 8. Wall Board requires no SEE US BEFORE BUYING. YARD EAST ALLOWANCE. Pre 5 te Ale Ss Se is te se tate ee aI es sees oes PHONE 467 teaming: i ou a Cellar to Dig? Tf so, let us give you a price on it. 3 Sand and Gravel. Hauling. EXCAVATING A SPECIALTY. INARD COOK P, 0. BOX 371. fae Heavy Discouraged Ita purpose is to facilitate the commercial intercourses of nations. and to promote cordial re- mendations decitle upon by the vote ot the delegates are carried out by a Permanent committed, the headquart- and Which keeps-in close touch with- the and also with the governments of all natiuns. ty gil important chambers of coiamerce of the world are represent- ed in the Congress, and at the preaent time forty-five American commercial bodies are affiliated with the inter- The permafient committee in Brus- the re- commendations and suggestions of Subjects for the consideration by the program committee, of which Prof. F. known throughout the world as an. suthority on economics, is chairman, has submitted a number of important Program. The subjects especialiy ic of London may roam at will,/in iis-stretch of level country, far from throngs of Rotten Row, the advocates of all isms assem- ble and talk in the hope of gaining converts. Police permits are not r - M will be proportionate; effort and re- ter how much we inay accomplish, we count ourselves not yet to have tal reform international Bureay of Statistlos; ber a daternational marttim ram f hind the hillty lay all bis ambitions, regulation of exposittot 80 hia suc ses, hs glories, and his tri- banks of inate, and possibly a resoll- past, sinking fr Avot ha: eb tion looking to the suppression of tne tudiuw eo The - ottiogtails pasures taken against forvlgt Mer stood at a distance, in awed ellen : ants because of thelr religion. Kazing at their fallen chief. It the The honorary American conimittes/ong of one of the mos tragic defeats Will Do Nothing to Stop At- of the Congress, of which President) or earthy ambition. At last not the . Taft ts chalrman, Includes the dplo- faintest ign of France s hills were backs of Militan Suff- matic representatives of many on t on the horizon, With a deep-tnoan ragettes; Uons, the presidents of the prinelpal f Napelesar stagkerea book Deaeanis Teommercint-orgeninnsoue + ofttoers;-n-hmg cd iatee and many of the. tending cae ae GOVT, STARTED IT business of America. The mostbyserward look on life of any man who elaborate plans have been prepared AND MUST BEAR THE delegates. The Boston Chamber of Commerce has arranged for hundred berths have been steamship St. and Dover on the same day. sessions of the congress Bates from foreign countries, - Selves of the opportunity, shall the leading commercial and Industria) eentres of the United States. chambers of commerce and entertainment of the visitors. hs * ONG THE THE LABORERS Sunday morning. following sections from Matthew 20: 247 (RV) borers for a penny a day ts right I will give you. Into the vineyard. hired laborers, making ae definit agreement-with them to pay a wage of a-penny a day. Later im the day he again went out on three occasions and hired laborers, making a definite wage whatsoever is right. Once more, at the eleventh hour, he went out, and found others idler These'tod, agreement concerning pay. yard. There are those Who must know definitely what thelr reward shall be if their lives are dedicated to Chris- tian service. Others, again, are satis Wed with the Master's assurance that those who serve Him, shall not lack compensation. Another, and the best class of workers, have no questions to ask about rewards. They are eager and ready for work. All they cry out for is opportunity. The motive which stirs the first class of workers is, it must be confess- ed, the lowest of the three. The im- Moves them-on. And yet their ques- tion, What shall I get? is not al- little fault with poople who want to be shown before embarkiiig on an enterprise, And can Christianity meet their frank, outspoken question, Shall we be better off seeking the advance- ment of Christ s cause than seeking our own good? And Christianity confidently and unhestitatingly an- swers, Yes . The assured reward of a life dedicated to Christian ef- fort 15 greater than all earthly prizes. The Christian, true to his task, has a constant peace of heart, which abides even through the most painful circum- stances of th outward life. Nothing can rob him of it, even though his life, like the Master's, he lived in the shadow of the-cross. And-not-only- peace, but Joy is his portion. It is Christ s promise that his joy shall be full. Yes, life itself is Christ's gift. For one does not see life in sinning, as many endeavor to do. Rath- er, they receive sin's wages, death. The gift of God is eternal life, It is a higher motive: which moves those who are satisfied with the prom- ise, Whatsoever is right I will give you. They are satisfied with the Master's word. The show a l ss mer- cenary . spirit than did the others. Thelr eyes are more.on the work, and legs on the reward, Their trust in the Master is greater. And the Master's words are rich with promise. Accord- ing to His great grace and bounty will the reward be. How great we cannot estimate. Our eyes are kept ever 1ook- Tog Torward. Whatsoever is right I will give you. The compensation ward progress hapd in hand. No mat- tained; there a always more work .to do, a greater reward to receive. How glorious it is to have one s ilfe dominated by this glad, confident, for- Ward look It Is infinitely better than. the disappointed, backwar look on life the establishsent-ot ar roerterte ntti for the entertainment of the visiting special Steamer transportation to Boston. One reserved tor delegates to the congress on. the Louls, sailing from Southampton and Cherbours on Sep- mer Kroonland, sailing from Antwerp; It Is planned that at-the cluse of the the dele- or as many of them a wish to avail:them- be taken fi special train on a tour 6F gt; The other commercial organizations in the cities to be visited by the delegates are al- ready preparing for the reception and ORs Shanks 8s Se e. Borage Whe fe oho fo oho hy * CHURCHES ito respona. +t 7 This was the-spirit in which Jesus pate-sie sks sfe of ofe ele ofe fe of of of ofe oe Himself went about His lfe-work and b a sermon topic in First Baptist Church, His text was the fe agreed with the la- Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever Go ye also The above words are taken from the Parable of the Laborers, and represent Congress include the plan to estab- the agretments made between Owner of the vineyard and the labor- era who. went to work for him. Early ig the morning this man went out and the hhe offered work-in his vineyard, which they accepted,- with absolutely no And here the Master has represented three classes of workers in His vine- Pulse of. a definitely known Fewartl yor today He is on his way to Eng- together unworthy. And we can find Dr. Martells Female Pills for hours te has bent his energies (o the satistac- tion of ambitious, covetous ends will be such as that, Compare, will you, Napoleon's back- ward look, with the forward look of a man who's life has been well spent. See Moody. He Is not In the stern of the abip, but in the very prow, peer ing eagerly forward. It Is his death- bed, but-how glorious. The outlines Or the distant shores of the heavenly land become more distinct as he cries: Barth recedes; heaven opens before me, If this is deat, it is sweet. There ig no Valley here. God 1s calling me, and I must go , While the other motives: are not un- f tember 14, and 26 berths on the Stea- worthy, the noble t, motive of service is that: revealed in those Who go to work without question of reward. There is the-vast work of the kingdom to be done, the world s need to be met and with hearts lke Christ's, moved with compassion, they gladly yolun- teer all their energies for the work. And this is the essence of Christianity, The true Christian worker has no axe, to grind. There is the call of need, and the love of Christ constrains him 1 His spirit should be ours. He did not spend much time considering Himself, His rewards, nor the sorrows He must . His -great, over-mastering con- cern was that the,world s need was tremendous, and that He could meet it. And He dedicsted His life to the task. That evening, when the Carpenter swept out the fragment shavings from the work shop floor, And set the tools ist order, locked and. barred, for the last-time, the hum- ble cabin door, And going on: His way to save the world, turned from the laborer s lot for evermore, I wonder, was He glad. That evening, as the Carpenter step- Ped forth from Joseph s doorway, in the-glimmerfng-lizht, And bade-His holy mother fond fare- Well, and through the rose-shot , Skies, with gloaming bright, Saw, threatening, the dark shadow of the cross, yet see, set His face tow- ard Calvary s height, I wonder, was He sad? Ob, when -the-Carpenter went-on-His way, He thought not of Himself, for good or ill. 4 One was Hig thought, through shop, or thronging men, claiming His help, e'en to the cross-crowned hill. Tn tolling, suffering, helping, one His thought, His life to do the Father's will. And heaven and. earth were glad MOTHER VINCENT ASTOR TO JO) (Special to the News) New York, July 23. Vincent Astor, son of the late John Jacob Astor, was among the passengers on the steamer Mauretania-which sailed from this land, where he will join his mother, Mrs, Ava Willing Astor and her daughter Muriel for the rest of the suminer. The whole party expects to return to the United States early in the fall. FIRST THINGS The first public appearance of a weman clad in the once famous bloo- mer costume was at a ball held in Lowell, Mass., sixty-one years ago today. The attire created a sensation land was soon taken up all over Amer- Hea and Burope. Mrs. Amelia Bloom- er, a pioneer temperance worker and editor of an anti-rum. journal called The Lily, was the inventor of this style of dress, which was named af- ter-her, She dectared- that the cos- tume was much more sensible, beauti- ful and healthful than skirts, and for a short time it had a certain vogue among radically-inclined women. While many editorial leaders com* mended the bloomer costume, the par- agraphers and funhy men of the press found the subject a godsend, and bloomers were quickly ridiculed out lof existence. Loose Leaf System The News Job Department has every facility for sup- plying the most satisfactory. Today is the fourth anniversary of the Young Turks revolution of July 23, 1908, by which Abdul the Dam- ned was overthrown and the princi- ples of constitutionalism and. parll mentary rule established in Turkey. The anniversary is especially inter- esting in view of the reports that a military conspiracy is now spfeading throughout the country which has as, its aim the transformation of Euro- pean Turkey Into a republic. Ningteen Years the Standard that many men must take, In that Brent? said Napoleon, gazing at the coast line of France, as he stood in the stern of the English war vessel, on which he was being carried away cap- tive, Yes, r plied his officers. And Prescribed and recommended for women s ailments, a scientifically Prepared remedy of proven worth, The result i and permanent. For sale at all drug T ude of his, gazing at the /sinking coast Mnee gt; Back there, be- imustmean heavy French President. Gives a today gave a luncheon at the Pal- ace of the Elysiee in honor of the Prince of Wales, who is about return to England after a sojourn of three months, with the Cross of the Legion of Honor. tronomy from thelr use is quick lected as the Socialist candidate for secretary TEMPORARY LEADER They Lit the Fire of Revolt In Women s Hearts, Says Miss Kennedv. London, July 2: nedy, who in the absence of Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst aud her daugh- ter and of, Mrs. Pethick Lawrenco, the joint editor of Votes for Wo- men, is running the Womens So- a spirited reply to. Mrs. Henry Faweett, who on July 19, on , be- half of. the executive of the Nation- al Union of Womens Suffrage So- cieties issued to the militants of the an appeal to stop assaults. Miss Kennedy declined to do any- thingrto Quench the militant spir- it which -the government's treachery has aroused, The government, says Miss Ken- nedy, lit the fire of revolt in the womens hearts and mpst: accept the full responsibility for their re- cent protest and for the more ser- ious. protest that may be made in the future. MORE GUN MEN BEING ROUNDED UP-IN NEW YORK One of Gamesters Had to Prove Identity - Before They d Lock Him Up. (CW. A. P. Dispatch) New York, July 23- wanted for the killing of the gambier, Herman Rosenthal, are beginning to fall into the nets. Harry Vallon, one of the five notorious gangsters who were in the murder car the night Rosenthal was shot, surrendered him- self to the police this morning, and missioner Dougherty expects to round up the whole gang. With the men. who actually di -t e shooting inthe tolls, the main work of District At- torney Whitman and the Police Com- missioner, Dougherty, will commence, t if trying to learn the identity the conspirators who so greatty dest ed that Rosenthal be done away with before he could make further reveia- tions of relations between police and gamblers. Valion has nothing of the appearance of the gamester of the meaner sort. His appearance at headquarters dumbfounded the desk Sergeant, and he had to convince the detectives as to his identity before they locked Kim up. OTHER OVERSERS DOMINIONS MUST ASSIST CANADA In the Fight for Cheaper Paper Rates, Says Eng- .lish P. M. General. ( . A. P. Cable) London, July 23, In receiving deputation protesting against. the high postage rates for newspapers Postmaster General Samuels said the matter was wider than that of mere newspaper carrying. rates to Canada were possible be- cause the Canadian government were reddy to share the cost of sea car- riage as they regarded old country papers as a valuable educational agent. If the other overseas domin- ions were not . prepared to follow in Canadian . footsteps, a cheaper newspaper rate applied imperially loss. to his de- advanced little partment dnd he Rope of alternation. PRINCE OF WALES DINED Luncheon in His Honor. C. A. P, Cable) Paris, July 23. President Falliers to M. Falliers presented the Prince insignia of the . Grand Miss Fllen Hayes, professor of as- and applied mathematics it. Wellesley College, has been se- RESPONSIBILITY . . Miss Annie Ken- W cial and Political Union, today sent, WV Womens Social and Political Union The gunman within ten days Deputy -Police Com- heap 'T Aye. (TO RENT Furnished rocms to rent, conveniencts, suitable for two gentle- nen, to St. a leather pouch containing a Situations Wanted, Help wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, ote, ads under these headings. 25 words, one day... 25 20 words, three days 0 26 words, elx days 1.00 Additional woras at same rate, No ad accepted for less than 26 cents. Cast must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. Y8 ring 2, and ft will receive attention. HELE WANTED. ANTED IMMEDIATELY general servant, Two in family, Highest wages paid. Apply 1017 Esplanade in evening 10d WANTED A male, Apply to Mrs, G. Milne. lodtt JANTED A wald. Apply . Milne, 908 Barclay St. a. roate NTED Day bell boy, Apply Av siniboia Hotel. sate ANTED Pantry girl. , Cosmopolitan Hot to satt Apply STRAYED STRAYED South from Medicine Hat a red cow with rope around horns, Ng brand, Reward for return to Black Homestead, Dunmore Hill, 0. A. Rhinard, Medicine Hat. 9d3t SSTRAYED Two bay goldings, white faces branded on left thigh, Reward of 26.00 for return to Redelift Clay Products Co. -299dtf. OST One gray roan mare 3 years old, branded right should- er. Reward will be given for any Information, or to the finder. Ap- ply to. A. E. Rossiter, or phone 675, Medicine Hat P, 0. box 861, dl-w1 WANTED, JV ANTED Second hand bleycle. Ap- ply to box 1828 News office, 1048 WANTED Small house or furnish- ed cottage for several months, from Sept. No children. Apply to box 1812 News office, tate ROOM WANTED Wanted by young man, room in moderu house, State-furr particulars. Box a4, News, as WANTED A maid for general house work, 30 a month. None but ex- perienced- need apply. -Mrs. R, Ry Stoner, Redeliff. gast RELL BOY WANTED Assinbola Ho- tel. gate WANTED Driver for grocery wag- on, Apply H. Morrow, N, Ry, St. att WANTED By the Canadian Stew- art Co,, a responsible party to run boarding camp on Ogilvie Mil Site, Applications made at the above or phone 787, Tate, WANTED- Small team outfits for ditch work. Have 2000 miles to let. Siz s of ditches from. 3 to 8 foot bottbm. Janse, McDonnell Co., Bassano, Alta. 267att WANTED Men and women to learn barber trade. Summer rate now on. Situations guaranteed. Special rates to ladies. Particulars and cate- logue fee. Moler College, 609 Cen- tre St, Calgary. 2odate SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION WANTED keeper or to help Mork. Apply P. as house gt; in domestic : bOx 85: last S TUATION WANTED Young lady desires position of trust,. office 6t clerical work. Have fair knowledge ot stenography and bookkeeping, Ap- ply to 1327 News office, gatt POSITION required as help or house keeper. Experienced. Country preferred. Apply to box 1326 News office, ga6t FOR SALE FOR SALE Five roomed cottage in High School Annex. Gas and wa- ter. Phone 507. gast JFOR SALE A Souvenir Cooking Stove for coal or wood, with gas fittings, In good condition. . Apply 747 Princess Ave, Phone 769. - 6-6t. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE,CHEAP 5 passenger, touring, in first-class condition, 80 horse power, fully equipped. Apply P. 0. box 597. tt TO-RENE 0 RENT Modern house gt; Apply .A. -1 Patterson Co. 394 Toronto St. Phone 178. it 0 LET 4 roomed cottage. Apply 3:1 Toronto St, Next Door. 10dtf PENANT WANTED for vacant stor on the corner of Montreal Street and 3rd Ave. Fine location -for any Dusiness, Reasonable rent. Living Fooms overhead, Immediate posses- sion, Repairs and overhauling will be done. Apply to G. G. MacBean Co. Imperial Bank building. 1oate. 0 RENT Large warehouse at 418 Main St. Apply at 422 Main St. weno Joatt OFFICES TO RENT. QFFICE TO RENT on ground tioor Imperial Bank building, Apply P. 9. box 10, City. tt Bo ee ee ROOMS TO RENT. FURNISHED ROOM TO: RENT 10, Apply to 713 Ottawa St. ROOM TO RENT Apply to St. 11a3t Foron- lidit J: URNISHED ROOM to rent, all mod- ern conveniences. Apply 14. 3rd a 1143t Parlor, bed-sitting-room, modern Apply 426 Toronto St. . LOST AND FOUND O8T On Monday night, between Royal Hotel and 610 West Toron- 27att Massachu- stores, eo4-10me setts. of om in small. some of money. Finder please given. leave at News office: Reward will be BOARD AND ROOM, OOM AND BOARD 216 Yuill St; 9a3 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED LaDIES AND GENTS' cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jeweiry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggona, bug- sles, harness, dicyles. carpenter tools, ete., raw hides and furs, horse hair, Wool and f ithers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co,,, 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre.-P.-0:-box 858. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above. : aeDit. SS a tS (HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK,CO. The above have on hand: the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new: and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watehes, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volver, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy verything mertioned dove and pay the best prices. Call at 314 South Railway St. or Phone 587. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W. 4 HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and anditore, (estab- lshed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. A. . Gibson, C.A, resident aibatt NS ae TS AUCTIONEERS 3. BROWNE CO, Live Stock and General Auctioneers; 519 Tor- onto St. . Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ran b and farm stock sales conducted any where. House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- Derience at your disposal free. Phone 703. H. B, Browne Co, 519 To- ronto St. BUSINESS CARDS, W. E. WRIGHT Customs Broker. Consignee and forwarding agent, as- sembler and executer of papers for shipments going into the, United States. Commissioner in B, R., Real Estate Broker and General Agent. . MEDICINE HAT, E. Bartlett, Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Ratlways,. Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Ete. zi . Room 14, Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat Phone 420 SN a ere TENDERS Tenders for the exclusive privilege to soll meals and refreshments at Ex- hibition grounds, during Fair time, will be received by-the undersigned Up to noon Saturday, 27th inst. The use of the kitchen will be understood to be included fn the tender, and must be in use to provide hot meals for a week before fair, tlon'to the secretary. and during the Further particulars on. applica- month. Apply 206 Balmroal AASB AH lt;5) Street, 1143 Bdi2t 7 Secretary. (0 RENT One large front bedroom. TENDERS /WANTED Tenders for the erection of about twenty miles of five strand wo- ven wire fencing, strand barb wire on top, seven foot posts ,two ft. six inches in ground, twenty ft. apart, properly braced at corners and midway between corners, Tenders should give price per-mile for labor only, all: material will be furn- ished extept necessary apparatus for stretching wire and digging post holes. The lowest Or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Write C. F. Lunan Co,, 218 Beveridge Building, Calgary. wear Chin, one iodtt Loose Leat System The News Job Department has every facility for sup- 1idi plying the most-satisfactory. Subscribe now. for the Daily News, Partner. Phone 198, Burns Block, is2att First SI Falls Ope The pati tra special is all that tury peop them, whic best that duces: Also Slat oyer Shoe: marked of: ready for Turpi The Man's Get the Big TO STUDY Hon. W. L. J Off On Tri (Wi A Mr. King will in England and making a special cal amd economic ITCHELE Dt AMO Vice Presider tion of Lal Buck Stove cw. A. P Washington, D. Mitchell, vice-pre: eration of Labor ced in the Supret District of Colum imprisonment Sourt growing Stove and Rang 7 peal was taken a mished to abide the Upper Court sident Samuel G sentepeed to one Frank Morrison U5. JU His Conduct der Investi Time. (CW. A. ? Seattle, Wash States District .h for nearly a mo mittee of the Ho mittee, telegraphe today to Presider health as the ca tion. 3 INURE Pitch-in of With Serio Vancouver, B.C rear-end collision hetween two ft amiles east of S 10.15 o'cloek- last rew of second t Jared. Engineer Jured about the dition is. seriou Alban suffered ribs, and Braker ut about the fac broken. The trac 7.30 o'clock this 1 Former Judge who made the no1 Governor Wilson convention, has a is a canddate f nomination for ator from New . Senator Briggs. New Orleans wil 8 proposal to mission plan.
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Image 131 (1912-07-23), from microfilm reel 131, (CU1743707). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.