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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Glasgow EARLY ARRIVALS We Have Received Some Advance Shipments of FALL NOVELTIES, CHIFFON VELVETS, CORDUROY VELVETS COSTUME CLOTHS TWEED SUITINGS. See the New Ratine Collar and Cuff Sets The Glasgow Hou se The House of Fashionable Dressers House .. C. P. R. PASSE ), 9. PB, PASSENGER SERVICE, Artive. Leave. It 20.20 2045 2 fe 8,05 830 Imp. Ltd, Vancouver to Montri 3 11.15 11.85 Vancouver Exp. Toronto to V 4 20,00 20.25 Toronto Exp., Vancouver to Tor, B 21.50 22.15 ttle Express, 4.00 4.20 Paul Express, 21.25 21.60 xp., Winnipeg to Calga: 5.25 5.50. Prairie Exp. Calgary to Winnipes 5.05 Express from Kootenay Landiny, 19,00 Local from Cranbrook. 23.00 Local from Calgary. 518-511 10.80 Local for Cranbrook. 520-513 23.00 Express for Kootenay Landing. 515 680 Local for Calgary. py 230 2.40 Soo, Ltd., St Paul-Port, aa 9.40 9.50 Soo, Ltd., Port.-St, Paul. Nos. 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat, t Di sh Medicine Mat News Published by Gis Medicine Hat News Con Ltd, every lawful evening at Its office, Main Stree. Wedicine Hat, Alta. A. J. N. TERBILL, E tor, Passing DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 yar, delivered. ...2490 months, d-livered.. 3 months, delivered. 8 months, by man. 1 month, delivered....860 Addresner changed as often de destred, but dota nsw aid old ad reaser st, bo given, WEEALY NEWS, Publishec every Thursday tn sixteen or more pages, and a contains a eummay of the news of the week, Soetestedgeegeeteeteetoeteaseadeete ete local and district. : 6 months, tr advance 7se 3 months, im advancw..500 tat ROYAL BANK : Monday, August 19th, 1912. OF CANADA. (ncorporated 1869.) ARE WE RIGHT? Total Assets ..... 20.006. ek 115,000,000 aan fas Special Attention Giren to DURING the past month or so many ap- 9 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. plications for the extension of water MEDICINE HAT BRANCH - a . 3 S Fo Avenue. EL Mi ough, en end aoe ee one by ee sour . 2 S 2 : S S . a Ra 2 Peak gs . fs 2 eve i. 0 Tunds was ie reason, - X- ample of this was Col. Sisson s application for 1,400 work, and he offered to lend it to LOOPS HGEaHE deeded ine city, Imperial Bank of Ganada 3 Capital and Rest .... ... . . 12,850,000 Total Assets... ... 0... 1. 78,750,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, R. G. WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. This is only one case of several. At the last meting of the council a proposal to expend 2250 on further diverting the Seven Persons Creek was brought up. A spur line will soon be necessary. The city may lo ate-an-industry there, and again it will give access to the Isolation Hospital, were, we think, the reasons given why the work was necessary. If we remember rightly, a few months ago the aldermen ex- msgatte fs o 04 4 lt; gt; 2 s 0-4 2 co Poste soeto-agoot e ots POD Crtperepetecteefectoatoateatectecs pressed the opinion that the above hospital was useless in its present position, and af- dei bete ited ieteieteininbeleiebteeteiebeeieteisieteieteleiate inte THE MERCHANT. S BANK THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. Established 1864, - - 180 Branches in Canada. Capital Paid Up, 6,000,000. Total Assets (Nov. 80th. 1911) over 51,000,000. A general Banking Business Transacted. Saviigs Accounts. W. 0. JOY, Manager: 3: o Special attention to + Medicine Hat Branch ter dealing with the city Hospital Board they secured one on the hospital ground, and unless a very heavy epidemic broke out they have practically no further use forthe old one. Now, there may or may not be good reas- jon for the expenditur of this 2,250-at the present time. That the work will have to be done sometime is certain, but this am- ount of money would give gas and water to several houses. . eS Leaving this for a minute, consider the great influx of new citizens there has been POOH Hooper oe Seateeteete fosteatecdoetent NOTIGE TO BUILDERS We lave opened an office in Suite II., in the Im- perial Bank Building. We will be pleased to re- ceive ANY ORDERS or PAYMENTS OF AC- COUNTS at our up Town Offices. J. H. PRESTON PLANING MILLS Manufacturers of Sash, Doors Special Millwork Phone Offices 760; Mill 60. school accommodation for them. This year 4 this summer. Today we venture to say that there is not an empty house to be had; in fact, before the first load-of-lumber-for a house leaves the lumber yard it is rented. This fall, when the homesteaders move in to send their children to school there will be no houses. This was practically the condition last year, but then we hardly had we have the school accommodation but will have no houses for them to live in. There- fore, wouldn t it be better to use this 2,250 as far as it will go in extending water. and gas, so that we will get a f w more houses and lay this work of diversion over fora while till after the money for the bonds Sredforgectectorortoctoatecfectoete Rreretriiedetetecfeagoctedgeatoefe Sold is received, when the council will be in better shape to handle it and at the same INCREASED SALES OF Prairie Pride Patent Flour PROVE THE QUALITY. The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited *PHONE 866 Piano Moving A Speciaity Tasker Transfer Go. apid easonable liable DRAYING LIGHT and HEAVY 344 Toronto Street. Srecececoesoosoonewesoncococucococncococooos e grant all reasonable requests for gas and water extension? - A GOOD INVESTMENT. NO DOUBT -city-officials in general and the city Pa s in particular have been show- ered with blessings by many citizens. In fact, it might truthfully be said that the ly sent out have been the means of bringing the moguls of our fair city into so much POLOSOOROR favor. Everyone who has so far opened his or her electric light bill have found it just five dollars more than they expected it would be. That s the hitch. The five dollars have beeh ddded to every bill, but it might be noted that all property owners can get out of paying it. In reality the five dollars is only a deposit from all ten- ants to protect the city s interests in the matter of tra ts and to ensure the pay- ing of tlie electric light bill. Property AM Orders Promptly Attended to, Phone 666 Day. 211 Night. Taxi Taxi Taxi ALBERTA TAXI COMPANY New Cars, Careful Drivers, owners, while*they will find it on their bill, do not have to put up the deposit. As for those who do they cannot do better: in fact there is no doubt but what many of the pro- learn that the city pays ten per Imp. Ltd, Montreal to Vanvouver icine Hat. PHONE: HONE: Baltorial, Advertising Reportoriul, and Cirenlation and News Dept, Job Depts. 1g Rina a RING 2 1 WHAT A DIFFERENCE. LOOK BACK just on number of factoric compare thera with the present grand total. Then look at the years total af new indus- tries of any other Western city and see how they pale into insiguifieanee- with Med- Then in take the amount that other hav 1 forthe few one- horse-or horse industries they did get and compare the amount with what the Hat's cost, and you will fina that in this case our sum total pales into insignificance compared to their s. They spend the jmoney; we get the factories, . OY IN the heading in Saturday s News about Mr. O Brien of Chicago being here tooking-over the city, one of the sub-heads reads: Mueb Taken With Natural Gas , but the printer set it up, Much Talked With Natural Gas. He was, at that. eee Gg THE CITY pays ten per cent. interest on all the five dollar deposits for eletric light bills. Yet we understand that there are many three dollar deposits-for water and gas bills that draw no interest and which the city has held for some time. eee ey ae JUDGING from the outline of our new water system as given by Engineer Grimmer, it will be one which any West- ern city would be proud to have and one which will no doubt incite the envy of a few other municipalities. Sey re AS OUR Poll Tax collector, while he is a very well educated man, has.learned during the past month that there are many des- eriptive use that he never heard of before. gas ta te A RUSSIAN Count in Chicago had just gone through the marriage ceremony which made he and his typewriter one, when he was pinched for stealing his type- writer. nr and count the we had then, and meg GLANCING up the east side of Fourth Ave. above Ottawa St., do you see any- thing wrong with the newly laid curb and gutter? Sa No A WEST VIRGINIA man has asked what will restore a bald head. He must tell who took it away first. ee ye BEAT the wife who makes you jealous, says a Chicago doctor. But if she isn t your wife? Se, a ALL interested in boosting the Hat should attend the Industrial Bureau meeting tonight. : fee 0 HOW WORTHLESS is.a foolish revenge. If you want to find out just try to cash it in. nal Se SS THIS IS MY 34th BIRTHDAY Manuel L. Quezon. Manuet L- title of resident commissioner of. the Phil- ippines at Washington and as such looks efter the interests of the Filipinos in mat- ters-of tegislation before Congress,- was born in the Province of Tayabas, in the Philippines, August 19, 1878. After grad- uating from the college of San Juan de Let- ran, in Manilla, he studied law and was ad- initted to the bar. He took a more or less prominent part in the Filipino insurrec- tion of 1898-1900, serving on the staffs of Generais Aguinaldo and Mascardo. Be- fore taking up his residence in Washing- ton three years ago he has served as pro- vineial governor of Tayabas and as a mem- ee ris pS ES THIS DATE IN HISTORY August 19. 1607 First settlement in Maine made at the mouth of the Kennebec river. 1812 The American frigate Constitution captured the British frigate Guerr- - tere. ears of the above-mentioned have -bumed We all week. The electric light bills recent TE TEat parlioment passed the, South at ph a A rural clergyman missed one of his par- ishioners several successive Sundays from his place in church and when he met the ab- sentee one day he said: Well, William, I haven t seen you at church for some time. No sir, I have reasons for stayin* away. ? * Oh, you have And what may your rea- sons be? I should like to explain them away, if possible. * Wate Well, sir, I doubt you'll manage that. They are very decided objections. The first is that I don t believe in bein where one does all the speakin ; the second is that T owners will want to do so also when don t believe in so much singin as we get in.your church; the third, and last, and most Quezon, who bears the official - WITH ME AND BE LUCKY CENTRAL PARK Corner, bik 23, lots 1-2-3, 1500 Terms. Corner, blk 24, lots 37 to 40, 1650. Terms. Blk 29, lots 1-2, 900. Terms. Bik 25, lots 7-8, 850. Terms. ROSEDALE PROPOSED TRACKAGE 100 ft, bik 3, 4000, Terms, 183 ft, bik 6, 4200 Terms, 50 feet on Main St, two blocks from railroad, 7500. Terms. 50 feet with shack on South Rajlway, 1800 cash, We have a few new houses in High School Annex and Nor: Yutll for sale on easy terms. We are still selling Altawana and have good buys in all parts of the city. Donald Currie Room 1, Becker Block. Phone 776, J. A. LANDRY Carpenter Builder 711 Ottawa St. Phone 626, Box 881, See me if you want a home. Special attention given to the building of Modern Houses, Designs and preliminary plans supplied. HOUSES FOR SALE. R. B. Taylor's. Transfer Light and Heavy Draying. Prompt Attention to all orders. Plano Moving with Piano Van a Speciality. Parcels Deliterea, *PHONE NO. 349, E. Phm. B. Druggist Complete stock of Toilet Articles Drug Sundries, Proprietary Medi- cines, etc. Dit of Phy * Pre- se nispensi Phyriciane 204 South Rv. st. Phone 75. WILLIAMSON PATERSON Contracto: Shop Fittings and Repax Given Prompt Attention. See Us for Sereci Doors and Windows, BOX 353. 183-Imo. PHONE 712 Steam Laundry Modern and qrottary, jar evey Tespect andthe machinery the best that money can buy. All white help employed. - PHONE NO. 8. Your patronage solicited, And our drivers will call for and return the goods. CitySale Stables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale, * LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. Hay for Sale. FRED McCLAIN PHONE 8. PROPRIETOR House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. Phone 260. interest on the. money so long as they-ha it, which makes it a fairly good invest- ment. important reason of all is that if was in your church that I got my wife. Phila- delphia Bulletin. J.J. LAIT 116 MONTREAL STREET maded to buy CHHAP LUM- a a SEPP EEE EEE EEE Rit Yulll Street. W.R Quality When you bulla, QUALITY first. Don't be per BHR because it's cheap use the Very best. We have it, and ev- erything the Builder requires, A select stock or LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. We have tho agency for the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL- Low Posts FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE BP. 0, BOX 28, PHONE 67 RN 50c....Quart 25c.... Pint DON'T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store : : it H. 8. CURTIS HOTSON LEADER Decorating. CONTRACTORS AND LET US FIGURE WITH YoU BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FORA BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Office. Next to City Hall. CROSSLEY BROS. SSS SS) Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 P. O. Box 304, Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. nr OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE NO. 368, 12 723 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO st. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Graver, Excavating a Specialty, Light and Heavy Horses for sale a4 All Times. F.S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Phone No. 415, P. 0, Box 81. - Simmonds Repairs promptly attended to. Phone No. 335. 3 5 aii consider - Monday, Augu: Bankaote F Arrest ing in Paris yeste enthel and Emilie harges of torgin notes. At the deginni Year, Russia was 100 rouble ( 50) n sian government withdraw the cir notes representing change the design. Persons were ar sian authorities on culating the spuric refused to divule whereabouts of The French police leaders of the cow: Nice and on raidin by them, found a material used in th bills and 150,000 The suspects ha The police later to earth in a po bank Or the-Seine A cearch of the : enthel and Wolvni the false notes. For all kinas o the News Job Deps
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Image 312 (1912-08-19), from microfilm reel 312, (CU1743951). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.