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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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3SSESEEEEE SunlightSoap? 7 He takes a pride in his linen and wants it washed with the Soap purest Soap good Sunlight which does not tear or wear linens or woollens, and Sunlight Soap makes the clothes wear longer. He likes his wife to have leisure time and yet not neglect the children and house- hold duties. SUNLIGHT SOAP pays for itself by the time it saves, the labor it saves and the clothes it preserves. Sc. a bar at all Grocers. THE NAME LEVER ON SOAP IS A GUARANTEE LePAGE BROS. FHE-ONE-PRICE CASH: STORE SVE Get Early Choice of These New Fall Dresses NEW. ARRIVALS YESTERDAY Secure one of these pretty new Fall Dresses while the steek is complete. 29 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL f hishop SP. Spreng, 'D.D.,. of Cleveland, Ohio, preached powerful, inspiring sermons in the Evangelical chucah at Medias and Gros Veatre on August 13 and 14. The ngregation at both places was, en- the Wort was-proctatmet-y the Bishop, who is at present mak- ing-wrtour through the northwest, was accompanied by the Supt. of Tnissions of the Evangelical church, Rev. L. H. Wagner, of Regina, Sask. Miss Gladys Patterson of Medicine Hat fe the guest of Mrs, Grinason, Swift Current News Mr. H. T, Maveety, manager of the Union Bank, Waskada, who has been din the-eity this week to attend the Marriage of his sister, left for Was- Kada on the evening train, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Foster will Yeave.this ovening for , Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, and other points. THE HIGHEST - POINT fo merttth tiv dry Cleaning clothing, satisfaction ths Patrons by our and careful They will be accompanied by Mrs. M. McKay, of Fredericton, N. B. Mr. Charles Maveety is visiting his sister, Mrs. Allison Smith . Dr. J..F. Campbell, of Chicago, cousin of Geo. Campbell, spent Sat- urday last in towm He was shown around town by Tommy Dawson and was delighted with the prospects. of the Hat. CREE EE be oe a + + CURRIE-MAVEETY + + + FEE EEE EEE eS A marriage took place at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon at St, Barnabi church and the ceremony was per- formed by Rev, E. A. Davis, rector. The church had been beautifully decorated for the occasion by friends of the bride, and a bell of flowers made by the rector s little daughter And Miss. Saddie Chudleigh, hung ov- er the bridal couple. Miss Winnifred Maveety, fourth daughter Of the late John D. Mavee- ty, of Prince Albert, Sask., and Mr, Daniel Stuart Currie of the Ross- Saskatoon Lumber Co., were the con- tracting parties. The bridesmaid, Miss. Edith Maveety, of Calgary, was gowned in pink satin with cream lace trimming and picture hat of tulle law; pink roses, Mr. H. T. Maveety, manager of the Union Bank, Waskada, ably sup- ported the groom. 24 The bride. wore a, handsome gown of ivory silk with Irish lace trim- mings, a veil with a wreath of blos- Soms and carried white roses. She algo wore -the-grgom's gift, a hand- Some sunburst of pearls. She was given away by her brother-in-law, Dr. Allison Smith, : The bridal party entered the church to the strains of Lohengrin's bridal jchorus, beautifully fendered by Mor- jdeane Crisall. During the signing of the register, the choir sang O Per- fect Love, and Mendelsolin s -wed- -Ladies Silk up on short notice. (route ding march was played as the party left the church, handling garments entrusted to us at THE GLOBE CLEAN. ING PRESSING Co. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave, My : Wardrobe 422 Main St. Phone 261 CANADIAN PACIFIC Special Fares To TORONTO, And Return From Medicine Hat Via all rail route 60.80 Via lake and rail Process we havy attained in the cleaning of Mes s and Ladies* We are proud of our success in this line and the we give to our artistic methods of all Dresses,. Waists, Gloves, Feath- ers, Ete., Gents Suits, Felt and Panama Hats Dry Cleaned Particular attention paid travellers work, suits pressed to Tho-tt, ONT. 68.60 Dates of sale Aug. 22-28 Final return limit 30 PEGIALS O-DAY are: RIVERSIDE Block 8, solid brick House, 5 rooms, bathroom and pantry, Price 3500. Usual terms. ROSS STREET 50 ft. by 150 ft. with good Shack at 1500, Usual terms. MARKED GARDE Basity irrigated. Ideal spot tn the valley of the river, 6 miles from city. 100 per acre. Easy terms, Nothing like it, 20 miles each side of the city. lots, banks, NORTH AND SOUTH RAIL. WAY STREETS, Most valuable property for sale Just Usted, ALTAWANA, 128 feet frontage near park for 1200, TORNER OF WINTER ST, and EAST ALLOWANCE 5 room Cottage and 3 room Cottage, shed and garden for 3000. SPECIAL LOTS IN THE HERALD At. 750 per pair. RIVERDALE We have the best. buy at 185 per tot. : Land runa along river Pin gle, Wales Bell 4th Ave, corner of Esplanade, Half-minute from Post Office. PHONE. 791, TENDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF POWER PLANT BUILDING TENDERS will be received until clock for the construction of power plant and pumping station in accord ance with plans and (specifications on file in the office of the City Engi- neer, Medicine Hat. The lowest arany tender not nec- essarily accepted gt;, A. K. GRIMMER, City Engineer, R. S. LEA, Consulting Engineer. Medicine. Hat, Alta, Aug, 15th, 1912. 31-6t. te ee ores EE NOTICE 10 FHE CREDITORS AND ALL -OTHER CLAIMANTS AGAINST THE SDTPSON NORTHAM COMPANY Notice is hereby given jereditors of and all other that persons jhaving claims against. the Simpson- Sold in 5 acre the Situauions ie Fanted, For Bale, Lost, Found, etc., ads under these headings, 25 words, one day .. 25 26 words, three days .. 50 25 words, sixedays .. .. 2.00 Additional worgs at same rate, No ad accepted for less: than 25 cents. Cash must accompany the order, Phone yous ad tw No. 18 ring 2, and it wilt receive attention. BBLY WANTED. PAINTERS WANTED First-clasa men only. Apply on job, Stew- jart's-house,Esplanade, 31-3 (CARPENTERS WANTED Apply to R. Appleton, foreman, new Un- fon Bank bullding, corner Toronto and Fourth Ave, a1-8t. )WANTED Dining room girl. Apply Redelitt Hotel. S1-tt Mav WANTED Apply to General lospital, 30-8 WANTED an A1 salesman, . spec- falty man preferred. No has-beens or order takers need apply. Must be a live one, Apply P. . box 351, 30-8 WANTED Pen. and ink artist. Must be good. Can arrange for spare hours Highest price paid right person, Ad- dress Pen and Ink box 550 city. st ANTED Young lady desires po- sition, 5 years busines experience. Apply H. G., post office box 818, 30tf WANTED Immediately for city office, smart youth, one just leav- ing school might be considered. Must be quick and intelligent. First class Prospects . Must be well recommend- ed. Apply in own handwriting to.Ac- countant, P. O. box 833, city, 27-6 dian Stewart Co. Apply. Ogilvie Mill site. WANTED Experienced night clerk ate Apply at Cosmopolitan Hotel. 26tf WANTED Servant girl, 20 a month, Apply to Mrs: W. Hig- gins, P, O, box 21-tt ez HOUSES WANTED WANTED small cottage and wife; or rooms for Rousekeeping. Phone 114, WANTED To rent, four or five Toomed house by September 1st. for man light 31-3 No children. Write Box 376, post office, 31-3t pe WANTED TO BUY AT ONCE One or two five or six roomed fully mod- ern houses, in good locality /Also a few good building lots cheap. Reply to box 13, giving best price and terms, ott a, WANTED A 4 room cottage with bath, bY the first or 18th of Sep- tember. Furnished or unfurnished. Bi-tt LOST AND FOUND OST On Saturday at the post of ce a bunch of keys, Finder please leave same at News office and re- ceive reward. FPOUND Pair of Glasses. office and receive reward, Ooms trally located, for gentlem To REXS rooms in the new Hull bl Wright Day, rental agents. Imperial Bank building. NE. 1-2 8. 4, T. 12, R. 5, mare 4 years old, branded C7 shoulder, TENANT WANTED for vacint store on the corner of Montreal Street sion, Repairs and overhauling will be done. Apply to G. G. MagB an Co a: 7. STRAYED On July 26th from the two white hind feet, plocks clipped, welgntng? about 1050- t Owner may have same by paying for this ad. Apply at News office. 29-3t, LO8T Carriage Robe, brown plaid. Finder please return to News 29-3, mye nnn Sau BOOMS AND BOARD WANTED a ee AND BOARD WANTED or two furnished rooms board wanted in private house, cen- with an and wife. Reply to: P. 0. box 619, . 90-3 FOR Stores, Offices, and Sultes of Nock see as and 3rd Ave. Fine location for any business. Reasonable rent. Living rooms overhead, Immediate posses- loate our Falls these. CELEBRA and we beli never had lot of hats i There is no on earth tha ) Turpin The:Man s St Get the Big AUGUST. 15 IN PU 1904 George Ge Jim Jeffries in th Mont. 1908 Frankie one bay Clarence Burns it on right York. fet- 1910 Young Jos Wincan in 6 roun Ss, sreases, and paints direct to the con- suming trade. Big opportunity. Men with team preferred. Inland Oil Works Co., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Jul-30-dim Sareea WANTED- Small team outfits for ditch work, Have 2000 miles to let, Sizes of ditches from 3 to 8 foot bottom. Jense, McDonnell Co., Bassano, Alta, 267att ANTED Men and women to learn barber trade. Summer rate now on. Situations guaranteed. Special Fates to ladies. Particulars and cata- logue free. Moler College, 609 Cen- tre St, Calgary. 2odate i-sessS er; A Ibs, with leather halter and 00 reward for delivery to 50 REWARD The ove ) Jast MISCELLANEOUS HJ. Butzon, on 8.W. 1-4-3134, F- 11, R. 9, at Winnifred, payed for information that will lead to the recovery selding with white stripe on nose, years old, and welght about 1300 Iba. Brand HF monogram on eft. should. one gray gelding weighing about 1300 Ibs., branded These horses were Pete Weigs 'on the 18th of May. R. B. Starks, Medicine Hat. 16at SE ee of one brown on left thigh. EW BLACKSMITH SHOP just QPened on Bridge St. East of Elm St. school. shank. owner. will be seen at adelphia Jack 07) in fifth round, a It is not often th is seized with suc as was Ivan Ols shortstop, recent seven errors in a she Jos new and siz s: mostly of pretty colors, yon requ lis month. gt; Spec HERE IS A particularly nice line at for pres ially priced, each miss OTHER LINES in sjlk Eoline and Me: at 15.00 to 25.00 each. All the ine serge and Panamas in a lot H Come in now. while the choosing is good. LePAGE BROS. Phone 28. 388 Toronto St. newest shades d, each 9.15 50 made t of and just what uly pric 1 late ad been prepared left, for the cage moon WiIL be spont. Atter thelr will make their-tome-tr andsome set of pearl pi bestman gold cuff lin) and Mrs. Cu: were the re- y heautital presenta 2 sterliig sf nd Mr, NEW SUPERINTENDENT W. A. White of Peg Now in Charge at Rolling Mills. That little girl of yesterday is a young lady frocks are most becoming, it today her the happiest time of her Ife. Nothing but a her as she is, it worth a picture? Make the Appointment Today. THE summer is young picture can keep Now really isn't ILETT STUDIO, FOURTH AVE) R satisfactory. A et ce ee Bystem The News Job has ery facllity for sup- AUCTION SALE Household Furniture, Horse, Cow, Buggies, ete, H. B. Browne Co. have heen favored with Instructions from the owners to sell by auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 17 at 2 o'clock sharp, on the premises situated at 943 East Allowance, the whole of the Household . Furniture, and effects. TERMS CASH. NO RESERVE See posters for particulars. H. B. BROWNE CO. Auctioneers Phone 708. 519 Toronto St. W. E.. WRIGHT Customs Broker, Consignee and forwarding agent, as sembler and executor of papers for shipments going into the United States. Comimissioner in B, R., Real Estate Broker and General Agent MEDICINE HAT. W. A. Whittle, of the Manitoba Rolling Mills, Winnipeg, has been ap- pointed supt. of the Alberta Rolling Mills and is already in charge. Mro Whittle was for eighteen years in his last position. and will prove a most Capable head for our growing industry, FIFTY TYPHOID CASES FROM WINNIPEG DAIRY Dirty Habits of the Milk. men Blamed for Infection (W. A. P. Dispatch) Winnipeg, Aug. 14. Fifty odd cases of typhoid have originated from one dairy delivered milk to. three res- taurants, The dairy has beon closed down, the cows disposed of and all utensils sterilized, The infection was directly traced to the dirty habits of one of the milkmen. GEN. BOOTH UNIMPROVED. (C. A. P. Cable) Londow, Aug. 15. There is no im. provement in General Booth's con- dition, which continues to cause grave anxiety. : t t Save your coupons and get a free dinner set at B. E. Trider s, Third Ave. OOD cre rntrcn apply to Local Agent. R. G. McNEILLIE Dist Ticket Agent. + Phone 261 Mediicne Hat atte ot GANABIAN P ACIFIC LETH BRIDGE EXHIBITION - AUGUST 19th-24th 1912. Fare from MEDICINE HaT To LETHBRIDGE --and RETURN. 3.55 Going dates August 18 to 24. Final Return. Limit, August 26, 1912, R. G. MeNEILLIE, Dist. Passenger Agen L.7A. DOBBIN Calgary. Tieket Agent, Mediicne Hat. Phone 201 gt; pointed receiver, are required on or before the 9th d September, 1912 to deliver or send uy post prepaid to the Prusts and tee Company, ta, their names full p in writing, a de their accounts id by them, such particulars verified by Statutory Declara- Alter the sald date the receiver WHI distribute the assets of the part- fon. 9900004400400000000008 E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Druggist Complete stock of Toilet Articles Der sings. ete. ispensing of Physi seriptlone a Specialty 204 South Ry. sy, sundries, Proprietary Medi. 4 5 EAT WH ip, and all creditors or other AND JUNK CO. The seve claimants not having filed their WOULD you like a bouquet of aud the best selection of Secoud Cae jclaims as aforesaid, will be excluded . choice Sweet Peas or Asters* am the ciuy We carrs from sharing therein, jlivered to any part of the city? 10 / Furniture, Stuvex and Bedding, new Men . Dated at Medicine Hat this 6th. day jand upwards, T. E. Mills, 211 Yuill and sesond nang Clothing, locks, Jor August, A, D. 1912, St. Phone 95. 31-3t Watches, Rifles, Guns. Ry Canv The Trusts and Guarantee Co, Limited Yolvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, 25 Receiver for the Simpson-Northam FOR SALE Furniture, Wilton rug,/and a uice new line of winter goods. Glov: Company, Calgary, Alberta, gas and electric light fixtures. We buy everything mertioned bers Davidson Will, 518 Ottawa st. 81-8t and pay the best prices. Call at 504 Solicitors for the Recetyer. TS cae Rallway St, or Phone 587, tf 26-3 FOR SALE 3 ranches for sale, 6000 ites: 50 horses, 400 cattle Apply to CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AP. Burns. 20-12 ei SE IN THE MATTER OF THE GUAR- W. 4 HENDERSON CO., charter DIANSHIP OF RUSSEL DODD, Boome ao kee accountants an (estab ee Men AN INFANT : Ushed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Straw T LET Furnished room in moa. H t Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Laine NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 'T' LET Furnished room in mod- bridge, A. H. Gibson, C.A:, resident Linen ; er house, two blocks from sta- Oke, after the publication of this Notice tion. Apply 804 Second Av. oi Partner. Phone 193. Burns Block. 1. to once a week for three consecutive pon API Oise 275att vee Weeks from the date hereof in the sees z toa acine Hat Daily News, applica- T5URNISHED ROOM TO LET tw sin. AUCTIONEERS M5 Conseil be made by Tele Buxton of zie gentieman in modern, cottiee, Ap- Carlstadt in the Province of Alberta, piy 114 Elm St. 30-2 H- B. BROWNE CO,, Liye stock farmer, for letters of guardianship of oot soe Semeeeets By Doe Men Russel Dodd, an infant, residing at RENT N es every Friday Carlstadt, in the Province of Alberta. Toe a mona ar dane Renee at 1 o clook. Raneb Cotton Dated at Medicine Hat, in the pro-lboard. Light housekeeping included, enn sales conducted asy- regular tise of hie 303 Here. House furniture sales con quali a eet Ale ae eae pNer6i -Toronta st 30-8 ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- : 7 3 Derlence at your dtsposal-tree.-Phong. 3 pairs LISLE BUXTON. 00M TO RENT One room, all 708. H. B, Browne Co, 519 To. i Th, 3-w-A22 modern conveniences. Apply 106 Ot-lrontg gi, is2dtt r dawae 26-6 ee Na House Mover BOARD AND ROOM. Wanted by ees ROARD AND ROOM for two men, HOLT RENFREW 8 C0 LTD SAND FOR SALE BoARD AND Room for two men, 1 LUD, EXCAVATING hve: 30-3 Winnipeg, HEAVY TEAMING TEACHER WANTED Experienced Fur Cutters, CONCRETE WORK. ree xperfenvet Pur Finishers. Phone 260. IP SACHRE ANTE 3 or ie ae Experienced Fur Salesladies, 4 J A certificate; Protestant, Apply, stat- Experienced Fur Salesme: a a 2 fime-satary: soo usually ald. A. E. Assistant Foreihan for Fact oes 116 MONTREAL STREET Pentland, Secretary, Bowell, Alta, 31tf 28-6 a SITUATION W cook wants position on farm, ranch or for thrashers in a.cook house. Ap- ply box 1340 News office, a 'TED Person liy- ing in country requires position fice, FOR SAr, harnesa,. bieycies. fe. raw hides and fu ol and f thers, boug sold. Apply to the Harvard Talioring 312 Fenrth theatre, The Beat avenue, he above MEDIC iture, Democrat saggoum, bug. P.O. box 353, enter ; horse beau posite gt; Horse shoeing and gener- WANTED by a girl ten years old. a1 work ; ii 2 After ceremony the party, con- * Northam Company, of the City of place with a famil; wor Suaranteed. H. Galbraith, Every one of these pretty new Dresses is marked sisting only of the immediate friends days from date of is- hresicine tat Alberts: of etc pastel near ad eee SE oe bad at a bargain price, of the bride and room. repaired sue,. SMIp properis the Peusto angus sr : 7 9.75 DRESSES made of Serges. and Panamas: 2 mui For further particulars intee Co... Lid, has been ap-lirat po, 31-8t Deauttally made and trimmed. All of them Allison Smith, where
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Image 286 (1912-08-15), from microfilm reel 286, (CU1743956). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.