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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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i ; Seed, ye Sat mAbority of the: men were ex-Unele at 2 r and J. Kh Lussier, the Principat Speakerof the Evening. rhrough alt the rush, hustle ani pe employees-have the time for some of the little pleastires of life. No berte evidence of this, und no better evi- fence of the feeling: that exists be- tween employer and employee could be given, han by the first. annual banquet of the Lussier Construction Company af the Palm Cafe last even- ing) Therd/sath mingled sith the other owner, manager, superintend- ent, forman and workmen mixed with ong-another on an equal footing, This ts the second event of its kind held tm the city in the past couple of weeks. The proyious one was the Birnie banquet, Such events cannot help but proomte the best of feeling omang the empicyacs of firm. Host Murpby spriad a most dainty and tasty resan. A twelve course dinner was thoroughly Wnjoyed. The tables were Wavtifully decorated with carnations. Following the repast, Chairnian, Oherles Rumsey introduced the toast Ust. Joe Leonard's orchestra was present and dispensed somo pleasing magical numbers. /Mr, Rumsey, in calling upon Mr, auctor to respond to the toast of tle Lussier Construction Company, fer the usual toast to The Kin, paid a high tribute to the. company. of which he is an employe. Mr. Luseler, in introducing his r; marks; Stated that he hated to. boos: Kimself, but if he did it for the boys who were gathered around the table they had made the Construction Company what it is today, They were all hatd workers and endowed with the right spirit. The Com- pany's sticcess depended on them, he Said, and if success crowned thelr there. The company had this Sear, he stated, accomplished great things. In 1903, when he landed in Medicine Hat there was lit- tle to the gown. It's development : age nderful and. he hopec those present at the gathering had p their part. This year, they Bad erected a halt million worth of buildings; not in eMdicine Hat alone, however, and had paid out, over 160. 000 tn wages. Practically all their material for Work had byen purchai ed in Medicine Hint and all this mon- ey Went to promote ahd push the city, He thought that the Con- struction-Company bad done as much fas anyone to boost Medicine Hat and Medicine Hat for the good they have given, them. 7 Mayor Spencer camp in for a few ales, wo Romsey in the toast The Zity. of Medicine Hat. Foliowing josoly on tho toast to the King, the , iitter pointing to the fact ars come in Sg caeginod cece fuood vatue st 000. 0, ee a nice warm Sweater for these cool is sale and secure one of these Sweater RAED TOAST LST the race for wealth, it is pleasing t0.note that employer and had this year put Into buildings; and these figures showed that the comi- pany had not been idle. He then followed with a rather humorous ac- feount of their work .in, Lethbridge and how they hoped that they would soon aye as dig a city as Medicine Hat. Our Work in Swift Current . It was a fast growing town and he predict- ed that they would have a big city that the majority of the members of the Construction Company came from over the Border, introduced a tosat: to the presid nt of the United States. remarks, mentioned the fact that the Sam's men. He sald that thef com ing here to help bulla up this young country was upprecinted. It was, his mind, great thing to find such 4 foremost construction company, made up practically of men without a rey hair in their heads. They werd men on the future, and that s what We are looking for in this country. Weare-not here to cry against-any nation, but here as young Canadians to build up a young and - glorious, country: , That's what we are doing today and we are the last country that will have sich an oportunity. He spoke of his first arrival here and of the great-change it was gt; come from a land Of trees and flowers, but he said that h was soon imbued. with western outlook. In was, in his opinion, a great thing to be in a coun ltry like this, where the men hares /by the leader of the Opposition were lexperience of the past in other coun gt; tries to work-on. He believed in the future of Medicine Hat: he believed) thgt-in a few years we would haye *ording to one man. he had been. of- oud) of the great Cities on the: continent. He -gpoke of the great increase in the builfing permits this year and then expressed the belief) that mext year they would run bet- ween nine and, ten millions. The Lussier Constructions Company will have much to do with the upbuild- ing of the city in the next year. He was gure that at the present the-wor-trying to defend Sifton, Sullivan, company was doing its share. 3,4 Dombrosky replied to the toast, Our Work in Lethbridge. He skope to some length on the amount) of the material which the company Frank A. Dombrosky followed with therd in a few years. Medicine Hat, did Justice to. Rec- elif. He outlined the growth of the village and the many factories and new buildings which at the time arein the course of eer tion: donald x doing 9, he claimed that Mr. Wilkinshaw had not been per- efforts it was due to the spirit that the Company's Work in the Hat; Mr. Archie Morrison, on behalf of . the ton Planing Mills, sind othets otlo ed. Mr, Reach of the Marshall-Mit- Rumey, Chairman; F. S. Hornbeck, A.B. Mill, P. Taylor and H. L Horn 5, H. Bryan, though resident of Mayor Spencer, in his introductorytppsat as a marine railWay at Soreh, all young men full of energy. Old men dwell mostly on the past; young the western spirit; with the broader Minister who was the argh-priest of thing the maker of this affidavit did i + ROGERS AND SPEEGH AP Ccontinued front bags one.) Hon. Mr. Rogers Honorable cen tlemen opposite the other day that a protest had heen entered against the election of the member for Macdonald and I -n w tell these gentlemen opposite hat a counter, Protest has beeh cytered against their candidate and we expovt that Hthe conduct of the honorable gentle- men will not further bo tolerated in country, We are going to. ste that a fall and thorough examina- tion of the records of the Liberal Bl party in that: constituency will be s go on stile Friday morning and th placed before the courts of the coun- gh Saturday unless the goods aie try. BS Mr, Rogers referred further to the operations-of Sullivan, nephew of Cap Sufivaa, in Toronto... Let me tell them that. this man Sullivan, he sai peraged in the elections in Saskatchewan in such a manner as to put to shame all the efforts made.on bebalf of the Liberal Party jn Ontario by the notorious Cap Sullivan. But we are going to ha e them all before the, courts and. will make clear the these men were arrested. In. every case there has been cothplete justifica- tion for the action taken by the of ficers of the law as I understand it Mr.Rogers concluded with 1a refer- ence to the Richelicy election: Sir Wilfrid had charged that there bad been promises made by the Min- ister there by proxy and this ho svomkt most vigorously deny. Not. Huintil-aweeks after the election had he Umown that there was such a pro- and he had not been spoken to about it by Mr. Forget: or anybody else. am prepared to leave this ease before the House and the country, hesaid. We went into and we carried it by an-overwhelm- ing majority, a victory due to the intelligence of the electorate of that constituency. Carvell Causes Stir. i F.'8. Garvell, Carleton, N.B., who replied . to the Minister of Public Works, created some excitement at the outset of his speech by referring to Mr. Rogers speech as blow, blus- ter and threats. The: Minister had. threatened that the press of the Do- minion would be muzzled agd that hordes of detectives, who had-operat- ed in Macdonald, would invade every constituency in the Dominion: There was, he declared, no semblance of argument in the speech made by the jall this tyranny- The charges made against him in the report submitted (of a most serious natureand he had roplitd-by submitting two affidavits based upon nothing but hearsay. Ac- fered liquor-and - 25-whiich he did not take. : Think of man in the province ol anitoba. who would not take 25 if-it were offered to him. The only nob tell, however, was how much he ad been paid for making it, We, on this side of the House, are Prince or Walkinshaw. If they did wrong they should b punished; but we do protest against the arbitrary, unfair. and un-Dritish attempt: to throttle justice: which would not b tolerated even in Ru: Mr. Carvell then declared that the aiinjster was putting up a bla when he said that he had other affidavits when he was interrupted: by Col. Sharp. I am not talking to you, but to the empty seat of the Minister of Pubtic Works, cried Mr, Carvel, at fic top of his lungs. Conservative eri s of He willbe back, mi with the Liberal shouts, conte, making it impossible for the spehker to proceed for a moment. Mr. Carvell then proceeded to give Mossrs,. Taylor and Hill spoke cn architects; He reiton, of the Pres- chelt Hardware, fayored the audience with Very humorous song. The committee im charge: Charlen SS CONGRESSMEN ARREVING IN THE CAPITAL Washington, D. C., Nov. 29. Every train arriving in the capital today brought iil quota of Senators and mitted by Mr. Oliver in connection the Honse a running story of the facts. recited in the ailidavits sub- with the four-arrests made in Mac- ted to see his comnsel until the day he was plsced on. trial. Mr. Arthur Meighan challenged the accuracy of this statement, to whieh Mr. Carvell shouted back: Tt must Burt my friend or he would not Wwrithe. A-moment Ia- ter he said: lt; L.will give the member for Port- age la Prairie the credit of being one man from Manitoba who womld like to be a gentleman. For a moment it looked as though there was going to be a sdene but the speaker intervened. Mr. aryell then alluded to the represent in, anticipation of the opening; fethe final session of the morrow night virtually * the. entire Montreal St. Bakery MITCHELL'S HOME-MADE BREAD REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST TYPE + OF BREAD MADE. ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINGR YOU. . . a Re baa: ite PHONE 5608 A: membership Of Both. hotises will be on and in reiiilin ss fgr the call to or der at noon next Mokday. i Prins. The Co Word benguets from Chairman ysixty-second Congt ss. Batore to-) tion, he said, had arrest S fton or cet had pigvented him from cartying out his dufts.. The whole , protecdings organized attempt, aided and 20e to the Macdonald eleetion, He abetted by Mr. Rogers, to terrorize 7 4 8 lengthy affidavit by Rickard the Liberal workers i M acdonatd fH Maedonald, Moose Jaw, relating to the arrest of Thomas Morris ona charge of . personation and declared cotbitituency. Many decent zhen were afraid to take a hand in the fight be- eause of the fear of arrest. The Min- t ister of Public Works had the nerve fr all, tliat-should happen in the constituency, Mr. Rogers had placed his colleagues defeat for reciprocity. tion, to declare that the Conservative vie- tory in Macdonald was a smashing Mr. Carvell was not much dixpos- oba government, They ai only the gun-men of the Mii ARVELL CARVED BOB. acts, ome jlegal man, thata prisoner while. in jthe custedy of a constabl ds. nat wheat. when in the west Promier Borden had declared that if he was returned to power one of his first acts would be to give the western provinces their natural resources. He had been fond of speaking in the House of the , . scarceness of promises. He had now asoe OF Captain WB. Siftomand Peer a ots tor onee a seat amd ae yet no step had been taken by the Premier to fulfill this pledge to the west. to blame the officials of the Mani Greek Squadron today occupied the ho said, Turkish Island of Sasseno in the teri were the affidavits of a couple ot his un-mon, Tho Macdonald elee- tow, his declared, constituted a re- pond atside of the province OP Manitobe Althoush what tad hap Pened Was nob ugusual in that prov vince, . The iember tor Carleton professed to see a geaVe dancer in the bill to the Northwest Mounted Po- lee to be infkeduced thix Agssion by. Premier Borden. Behind the provis- ion to be made for the addition to the foree of plitin clothes men, was design to extenty the system of poli- tical terrorism throughout western Canada. Nothing in the literature of Canada, he said, stands more to the credit of the than the record of the motinted police that had figured in every work of fetion writ ten about the wost. In every in? stance where murder or other great crimes bad been committed, the criminals had been captured by men. wearing the King s uniform. Now it is proposed to add plainclothes men the force. These men would be jgun-men for the Minister. of blic Works, Fe E 2 over, Mr. Carvell stated that was a quarrel between the Minister of Public Works and thes belted Knight from Quebeo, the financial leader for that province. If the members the House only knew what took- place at the Chateau Laurier the other evenitig they would be better informed. It would all come out in time x9 doubt. Arthur Meighen, Portage la Prairjs, rose to snake objection to 2 s.ate- ment made by Mr. Carvell, who re- ferred to the arrest of Wilkinshaw in the Mabdonald bye-election. He pro- duced Mr. Witkinshaw's affidavit, which he characterized as the piter- minable whining of a school girl and reads long extract to-show that Wilkinshaw, contrary to what he understood the member for -Citle- ton to have said, had heen granted a few minutes conversation with his counsel while in the jail at Winni- per. . Ghis is what makes my friend Wrong aif worse than wrong if 1 ould be permitted to use the word, he exclaimed. : Does he not know also, being allowed by law to see counsel until he reaches the point of imcareera- jon? Tonever heard of: such a thing, declared the member from Carleton. And no lawyer-tere has ever heard of sch a thing. Z Tt is a Manitoba: Jaw, remarked voice. : Mr. Meighen stated that so far as the affidavit showed, Walkinshaw had never asked to see Counsel while he was in the Portage jail. Walkin- shaw, he said, tompared favorably with the member for Carleton hin self. Turitf Takes Hand. J, F. Turiff challenged the Minister of the Interior to bring up the ques- tion of the Saskatchewan elections and declared that if the Minister did not do so the Opposition would for tim. He denied Hon. Mr. Rogers statement that Saskatchewan elec - tions were . won by disfranchising British citizens and voting foreigners and said that such a statement would make old Ananias feel like thirty cents. As to the navy, . there had. been much talk of an emergency but as far as he could see the emergency was not in Great Britain, bu. in the Council Chamber at Ottawa, .. Touching. on the question of reci- procity, Mr. Turiff said that the: de- feat of this measure has cost Can- ada a great deal. Mr. White, at the Manufacturer's banquet had endea ed to; prove that the price of whe: was higher in Winnipeg than it was in Minneapolis by giving quotations for No. 1 Northern in the two cities. He should have known that Canad- jan and American grains are entirely different; that Canadian No. 3 Nor- thern is better than No. 1, which need not contain any hard ee Proceeding, Mr; Turiff said that Mc. Turiff closed with some refer hat by ace pting full responsibility in an awkward posi- London, Nov. 9. The Western Public Works, the Lefty Loui: Adriatic Sea off the coast near Av- lona, according to. despatch Gyp the Blood and. the Dago Athens, from BELL SONS INSURANCE, LOANS, BTC. Comer of North Hallway aud Maln Streets. SK -PHONE 633: lt; Herald 7 tt, Block 4, 2000.00. Usual 50 t., Block 1, 1000.00, Usuai 50 ts Block 17, 1100.00. Usual 60 ft..corner, Block) 9, 1100.00. Usual terma. 50 ft. corner, Block 2, 850.00. Usual term: 50 tt. corner, Block 33, 2000.00. Usnal terms, look. 16, 1250.00, Usuat 575.00 per 250 ft. Block 21, Usual terms. Highland Street 75 ft, Blook 5, Cousins and Sis- sons, 1650.00. Terms, 100 ft... Block. 4. Cquatns Sissons, 1250.00 pair. Ugual Cousins. and Sissons. 1400.00 Usual terms F 4 ft, Block 20, Herald, 1800.00, Usual terms. Central Park 50: ft, Block .25, Usual terms, 50 ft, Block 29, Usual terms. 50. ft. Block 22, Chicago Usual terms, 50 ft, Block 31, Usual terms, Alberta St, Usual terms, Cousins and Sissons 100 ft. Block 22, 1050.00 pair. Usual terms. 78 ft. Block 18, 650.00. Usual Speaker Sproule intecrapted to say 50 tt, Block Lawton Chicago Chicago 1470.00. 50 ft, Block 19, ' 1900.00. Usuat 50 ft, Block 20, 1200,00. Usual 50 ft, Block 1, 1200.00. Usual 650.00 pate, 10 lots, Block 35, + Usual terms. Hill Subdivision 100 ft, Block 31, 650.00 , pair. Usual terms. 190 ft Block 28, 850.00 pair. Usual terms. 50 ft, Block 29, 850.00. pair. Usual terms. All Blocks 13 and 14, 200.00 per lot. AN Blocks 23 and 24, 200.00 per lot. Very ensy terms of one-quarter Cash, balance over one year halt, ve Riverside 50 ft, Block 19, 3850:00, 900.00. Ustial 1, 1100, 1000 cash: 50 ft, Block 4, 50 ft, Block 50 ft. Block 50 ft, Block 530x800 River front ots, 2000.00 each, , Riverdale Block 3, commanding splendid view of river and city, only Easy terms. 300 each. North Yuiil 50 ft, Block 17, Elm St, 1050.- . Terms, 50-ft., Block 18, 1050.00. 50 tt, 900.00. Terms. Block 3, Usual terms. Bp .2,-. 6300, South Yuill 50-ft, Block 11, 1575.00. Usual Park Ave, 50. t, Block 17, 1600.00. Usual - Block 14, 1400, Usual : Acr A We have jeversh stem pro- positions In Acreage close. to the end bgp th aes Submit our Hiss, aregieicht Business Property Some of the most val- uable Business sites and Busi- ness Property in the our sts. Sues Cheap Houses New four roomed Cottage Queen Street, 1800.00. --handles, balance as rent. See We have Two new four roomed Houses on Ross Street, only 3000. Rented at 20,00 seach: per month, New moder five roomed Cot- tage facing Broadway, River- side Park, close in. 800.00 will handle, to be arranged. We also have some very: special values in house and cottage Property in various parts of the city. ie Redcliff Tee re cree re Jots in above town for sale ran; is 200.00 to 1000000 ane We Need Your List. Kindly phone or call and same will receive our prompt atten- Bell Sons CORNER. NORTH. RAILWAY AND MAIN STREETS... PHONE 633. the pair. 2100.00. Balance es ee ;+HOR SALE AT 83 TORONTO 8T., 2 beds and) mattresses; also two gas heaters and gas fixtures. FOR SAUB,25 REGISTERED BERK- shire MiOga- Both sex, about seven weeks yold: Also three registered Jersey. Hull and cow. Apply Dem. onstrat Fatm, Medicine Hat, Al- qi seed wheat, grown .on new breaking-- 2.00 per bushel. 0.3, Mc- Gee, Redvers, Sask, 14.-80 these headings, 25 words, one day 36 25 words, three days .. 50 26 words, mx days .. ;. 1.00 Cash must accompany the order. it will receive attention. ELE WANTED. Limited. barber trade, Summer rate now on. Situations guaranteed. Special logue free. Moler College, 689 Cen- tre St, Calgary. 2gedte SITUATIONS WANTED. HOLLANDER, RECENTLY RECOV- ered from fever, wants job as night- watchman, domestique or other work. Apply box 1436, News office. 119-3 YOUNG MAN, AMERICAN, WOULD. like situation with engineer or sur- veyor for the winter: Has had small experience along surveying lines. Can futnish best references, Apply box 1495 News office, 119-3 LADY, EXPERIENCED, WOULD lke position in office: Would work half day, if desired. Address. M., Box 248, 118-3 ee eee SITUATION WANTED IN MEDICINE and bookkeeper. Six years experi: ence. Prefers position with real. es- berta. 118-6 SITUATION WANTED BY FiRST- class carpenter, Can handle any kind building. Call 612 Highland St. Phone 1: 18-6. WANTED TO PURCHASE SRE eS WANTED. TO BUY Building lot in Old Survey, Herald or Central Park. Give prices, terms, etc., w P Q. Box 510. Owners only need apply ++ +. 38-tf, WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS. Apply 377. Esplanade. 62-4 BOARD AND ROOK. oe rae a eee eels WANTED MAN TO SHARE ROOM With another. Board if desired. 822 avenue off Hill St, Columbia: Ave- nue. 118-8 PRIVATE FAMILY; CLOSE IN, wants boarders and roomers, Home style cooking. Dinner specialty. Good clean rooms. Call at 522 So. Rail- way, St. 119-6 WANTED TO RENT WANTED ON OR BEFORE 25th January, house to rent. No, children. Write bor 1428, News office. 116tf nn WANTED TO RENT FOR 3 MONTHS: typewriter, Write W. H. Sherwin, Redeliff. 118-3 LOST AND FOUND a LOST PLAN OF COTTAGE. RE- ward. Appiy to box 1434, News of- LOST SILVER SHAMROCK, INITI- als 5C.R on one side, and Won by E gt;Compeny Football on the oth- er. Apply at News office. 118-8 ta FOUND AN UMBRELLA WAS found in opera house some time ago, Owner will remit sum for ad when they receive umbrella. Apply News office, 1l4tt FOR SALE KEITH BELL. C. 8. BELL 3. Ve BELL. wee 4 Situaons Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc., ada under Additional words At same rate, No ad accepted for lesa than 36 cents. Phone Your ad to No, 13 ring 2, and WANTED A GIRL TO HELP WITH are of baby, Apply 711 Bsplandde. 120-tt WANTED MAID TO HELP WITH house work. Apply. 104 Montreal, Phone 661, 120-3 GENERAL SERVANT WANTED Wagea 26.00 per month. Apply, 516 Montreal st. irs WANTED GENERAL SERVANT, Apply 805 Esplanade. Mrs. Jas. Mitchell. 112tf GIRLS WANTED ONE GIRL FOR brushing clothes, with some exper- fence at pressing. Apply New York Dye Works, 513 Toronto St. 112tf) BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE) Ogilvie Flour Mili job. Telephone 787, Job Office, Canadian Stewart Co, T-tt) WANTED AT ONCE 60 carpenters on Ogilvie Mill job. Boarding camp on site. Canadian Stewart Co. Lia. 33-tf WANTED Men and women to learn Fates to ladies. Particulars and cata- Hat by expert male stenographer tate or manufacturing firm. Best re- ference, J. G. Maynard, Barons, Al- tioe, 119-8 ; fe Friday, November Q0th, 1012. ROOMS 70 RENT, Sage WANTED MAN TO SHARW ROOM with another, Board if desired. 82 Columbla Aveuye-off HI. 120-3 ROOMS WANTED. WANTED, BEDROOM, FOR GENTLE. man mmediately Phone 141, 116-8 A I ROOM DESIRED IN MODERN RES- idence with a private family, perma- Rently, by a business gentleman; Good Pay. State cost. accommodations, and who compose family. No rooming or boarding house desired. Address :, Room 105, Aasiniboia Hotel. 116.6 ee * 30 RENT lt; MODERN HOUSE TO RENT, TWO blocks from station Apply 304 Sac- ond Avenue, or phone 593. 118-3 TO RENT SUITE OF OFFICES TO. rent. Apply box 1426 Ni 5.00 reward will be paid to any- one giving information that will lead to the arrest of the person or per- sons who wilfully damaged the new Greenhouses of the Rosery Flower Co, on Wednesday, Nov 27th , Nex berrheim. 120-6 STRAYED SS 25 REWARD THE ABOVE WILL be paid for information that will lead to-the-revovery-of one grey gelding, Wwelghing about 1300, branded elther H. F. monogram on left shoulder, or ) on left thigh. This horse ts four years old and hag trim- med tall. R. E. Starks, Medicine Hat. Sept, 30, 1912. eat ruse meeeeeek ts 248 Re MISCELLANEOb. ee eS eS WANTED TO HIRE AT ONCE Gent's fancy dress for carnival. Any character, (tall). Box 23 Redelift, Al- berta, 119-3 WANTED CAPITALIST WHO WILL Dut up a-tirst-class modern building for departnient store on good busi- ness corner, Apply box 1432, News of fice. 117-6 ALL KINDS OF WORK CONTRACT- ed for. Painting, decorating, paper- hanging a specialty. Windows clean- ed, carpets beaten, etc. Hettmates given. MacCourt Bros, 723 Third Ave, or general delivery city post office, 113-tt THE MEDICINE HAT HIDE; FUR AND JUNK CO: The above have Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re. volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and alco new line of winter xoode e buy everything mertioned abor and pay the best prices. Call at 50+ South Ratlway St. or Phone 687. w LOOK LOOK HERE THE RAW FUR SEASON 1S OPEN. Don t sell your furs or your raw hides till You call up 587 or write P.O box 702, Medicine Hat. Our price is from 2.00 up to 6.00. Don t forget it, and call or write. WE PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR second hand furniture, tools, stoves, rifles, guns, raw hides and furs. Call at 312 4th Ave., opposite Dreamland theatre. Phone 295, D. Davis, Pro- prietor. - 119-1m AUCTIONEERS - 3. BROWNE CO., Live Sock MISS E.* J. ROWE, GRADUATE nurse, having returned from ber va- cation, is prepared to resume nure- ing. 438 Esplanade. Phone 144. 114-6 +s... CORSETIERRE . Ught weight. House No, 7, School Ay- enue, opposite east side of high write P, O. box 72, Mrs, Matthews. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS WW. 4 HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- Ushed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridges AE. Gibson, C.A, resident partn r, Phone 198, Burns Biock, 1 276at Puddings Cakes Candlest 2 For these, yes snd for all Sepp dainties and desocrta that fequire f) flavoring use Mapleine jae It Right tempest a delicioas- melon fievor scoiler to Ainge Te Tall fot cook Sto etn Sd erate croaly Room 17 Becker P. 0, Box WINTER VEGI FOR SA Carrots, Tu Parsnips, Beet: Cabbage, Po FRED SM Basement Under P TORONTO ST Bex. 430 . DONT CB The Bartlett Stadio Bolution for the Gift p en photos in one of styles will make twel each one of which is preciated. Haye the B There's PHOTC your-towni THE BARTLETT Fourth Ay House h SAND FOR EXCAVAT HEAVY TE, CONCRETE i Jk 16 MONTEEAL 'Phone 2 FE. S. EL CONTRACT: HEAVY TE. GRADING AND,ES Gravel and Sand Yuill Street. PL 0. Box MEDICINE HAT LIVE orse Rep Rear 312 Fourth Dreamland Th Single and dot my of all deseriptior HAY FOR'S Prairie Hay by the Timothy: by the bale PHONE OFFICE PHON NO, 368, THE J. S. * Contractin: 108 TORONT Heavy Teaming. Sand Excavating a Light and Heavy Hor AM Time E. Bartlett Municipal Ex Dominion and Alberta Jodustrial. Spur Water Supplies, Sews Plans, Room 14, Imperial 1 Medicine Hat A sniall want ad in Crssitied Coluria wil
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Image 1014 (1912-11-29), from microfilm reel 1014, (CU1744635). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.