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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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AUCTION SALE FARM IMPLEMENTS, STOCK AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The Trusts and Guarantee Co, Ltd., Administrators of the estate of the Inte A. F. Mock, Thelma, Alta. offer for sale by public auction ON Thursday, August 29th, 1912, at 1 p. m. At the old homestead of Mr. Mock, W Sec. 16, Township 7, Range 2, West of the 4th Meridian, the following property of the said estate, viz: Four head of Cows, one Sow Pig with young; one 6 ft. Deering Binder; one 2 section, 7 on McCormick Disc Harrow; one 2 sec- tion Disc, 12 on; one Hamilton wagon, almost new; 2 turbix'3 m, tire; one old Wagon; one spring Wagon; one set Bob Sleighs; one 5 ft. Deering Mower; ona Walking Plow; one Hay Derrick: Harness; Saddle, Tools, Beds, Heaters, Cook Stove, Chairs, Hang- ing Lamp. Library Lamp, Gramophone, Secretary, Meat Grinder, Sausage Filler, Churn, ete, ete. There will be no reserve and the usual conditions of sale will, apply. TERMS CASH. For further information apply to H. B. Browne Co., Auctioneers, Medicine Hat The Trusts Guarantee Co, Ltd, A. G. Ross, Manager, Calgary, Or to Messrs. Davidson Will, Medicine Hat, Solicitors. Arthur Capper, the Republican uminee for Governor of Kansas, be- gan his career as a compositor on the Tepeka newspaper of which he the publsher. of representatives. A small want ad in The Daily News The Daily Ne Classified Columa will bring results. city 35 a month. LePAGE BROS. THE ONE-PRICE CASH STORE Congressman Silas A. ay, of the First New has the distinction ot being the fallest jand largest man of the national house in the This is the last. chance you will have this season to buy children s Print and White Muslin Dresses. We have placed the balance on sale at prices that will speedily dispose of the lot. Children s Print and White Lawn Dresses, nicely trimmed with embroidery and plain shades of contrasting colors; ages 2 to 6. 50c Special while they last; each. 0 Children s and Misses Print Dresses in plain and fangy. trimmed; well made and trimmed. Regular values ae to 2.00; special 5c . le today; each . Children s ase Misses White Saw 1i Dresses, beaut- ifully trimmed with lace and al St 00 Regular values up to 3.00; Special 1.00 end of season price; each .. LePAGE BROS. ; Phone 28. 388 Toronto St. Peo e oho cee co aie tones POOeOSSSTETEY MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. DETROIT INOUIRY Is Proceeding Second Al- derman is Now Being Dealt With. (CW. A. P. Dispatch.) Detroit, Mich., Aug. 22 Alderman Thomas . Gtinnan, presitent-ot the common council, and alleged-recelver of bribe money, was late today bound Over to the recorders court on 1000 bail at the conclusion of his examt- nation in police court which start- ed yesterday. The case of Alderman David Rosenthal, charged with agroe ing to accept a bribe, was immedlate- ly taken up and partly covered. Detective Walter J. Brennan,- tes- titying in the examination of Alder- man Glinnan, gave further detailg of the Boodle Trap, which resulted ii the arrest of Glinnan and seventeen other aldermen of the council and committee clerk, Ed. Schreiter. Glin- nan, it is alleged accepted 1,000 to secure the passage of at ordiiance: closing South Street for the berfefit of the Wabash rallway. Detroit, Mich., Aug. 22 When al- derman Louis Brozo of the Thirteenth ward, went into the police court today It was expected that the conclusion of this preliminary examination on the charge of having a tes ibe of 1000 in return for Bi e to ral al favors to the Wabash railroad would be mar im mediate, demand by other accused al- dermen that their cases be heard today or as soon as possible. Alder- man Ostrowski and Watson all assert- ing their innocence, are ready to ask that they be either freed from the charge of alleged boodling or that they be sent for trial. London, Aug. 22. Sir Phillip Watts dined Premier Borden last night, the guests incloding Admiral Moore, General Bethune, Sir. P. Girouard, Sir W.G. Green, Secre- tary of the Admiralty, and Eustace Drincourt. Dr. MartellsFemalePills Nineteen Years the Standard -Prescribed and recommended for Women s ailments, a scientifically prepared romedy of proven worth. The result from their use is quick and permanent. For sale at all drug. stores, .0.4.-10mo. AUCTION SALE THE MARKET SQUARE ON Friday, Aug. 23. at 1.80 pan. The auctioneers-announce a large entry of Drivers, Saddle Horses and heavy Work Teams; several cows; Buggies, Demo- crat Wagons, Harness, etc. SPECIAL AT 8 O'CLOCK 3, A complete house of Furniture Western Canada Lumber Co Co. itd. 3 Sees at Seesee der cones LARGE STOCK OF 3 need-in a home. Dry Common Lumber, Fir and Cedar Finish, Fir and Cedar Doors; Fir, Maple, and Oak Flooring, SOLE AGENTS FOR Paroid Roofing, Neponset Water- proof Paper, Neponset Roofing, Felt, B. and S. Wall Board requires no es Seateafoete. Sritedte Sotedectesteteatertend ot arate teat S seeteeds Entries for the sale will be ac- cepted up to 12 o'clock on day of sale. TERMS CASH. XO RESERVE For entries and further par- ticulars apply to ee UN GERORE BUYING + Live Stock and General Auct- Joneers, be Es: ALLOWANCE. PHONE 467 x Phone 708. 519 Toronto St. lt; MEDICINE HAT. It. H. B. BROWNE Co. Chicago, Aug. 22. Wheat was dis- tinctly a waiting market today with prices in the early trading only slightly removed from yesterday's. close. Weather conditions which look favorable to a large crop movement tended to Keep bearish sentiment in , the foregroumd. Noue-of the options Wanted First-class were active and the volume of trad- ing was small. September opened un- changed to 1-8 higher at 93 3-8 to 1-2 and kept near to the starting point. December started 1-8 off to a shade -higher at 92 5-8 to 92 3-4 and 7-8 and Tested at 92 3-8. Cables were in good demand and prices ruled firm, though burdened with (etop reports of arriv- als, September started unchanged at 32 1-8 and Quickly hardened at 32 1-4. Decembr opened ufiGhanged to -8 cent and held on of American Ele- phant Poacher in Bet- giu mEnquired Into. (WA PiCable) London, Aug. 22 The death of the elephant poacher and illicit slavery trader, Jas, Ward Rogers, a native of Waylang, Allen county, Mici while pursued by Fox, agbfticer of the B in th pijan service J Ci Africa, is mot likely to result fn in- tefnational complications, The Bri- tish foreign office has wot so far re ceived, any commuficati n from the United States government ft the in- cident is considered closed as far as Great Britain aif Belgium are con- cerned, ES It is stated at tHe foreign office to- day that Roger s ompanions whose names were Pi rce , and Land, are British subjects and not Americans. Roger's death occurred on Belgian territory and when Capt. Fox became aware of that fact, he promptly sent a report to the nearest Belgian fort and apologized for his mistake. Winnipeg, Ang. 22 Blair Robert- son, manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia at Hamilton, Ont, has been ap- Pointed manager at Winnipeg. The Daily News delivered in city 35 a month. the REGISTER OF AUCTION SALES H. B. BROWNE Co. ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 2tra at 130 on the Market Square, Horses, Cows, Buggies, etc. ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 ra at 3 o'clock on the Market Square a complete hor Furniture. ON MONDAY, AUGUST 26th at 2 o'clock at the Horse Repos- itory, rear of 312 Fourth Ave., the Whole of the office furni- ture, typewriters, and automo- bile, etc., of the Messrs, Simp- son-Northam Co. (See posters.) ON MONDAY, AUGUST 26th, at 3 o'clock at the Horse Repos- itory, rear of 312 Fourth Ave., the whole of the stock in trade fixtures, horses, delivery rigs, harness, etc., of the Medicine Hat Dairy Co. ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th at the old home of Mra. Mock, West of 16, 7, 2, west of the 4th meridian, being south east of Medicine Hat about 40 miles, Cows, (pig with young) a full compietment of farming imple- ments, household furniture and effects, The whole of the above und- er Instructions from. the TRUSTS GUARANTEE CO. LTD. OF CALGARY. TERMS CASH, NO RESERVE. For further particulars apply to H. B. BROWNE Co. Live Stock and General Anct- foneers, Phone 703, 519 Toronto St. MEDICINE HAT, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Dr. W. MeL. Th 8 left today on a trip east, He will visit Toronto, Rochester and Detr W. B, Marshall returned from the coast today. TEAMSTERS BEWARE The Fire Chief has been making many complaints regarding teamsters who, when the hose is laid at a fire insist on driving over it. Chief of Po- ce Bruce reports that he Is ured of talking to men, and warning them. It seemed that the only thing to do was to summon them for It, and get them fined. ROOSEVELT AT PRIEST'S JUBILEE Wilkes-Barre, Pa, Aug. 22. The celebration of the silver jubilee of ather J--s- Curran, rector of the Holy Saviour Church of this city took place today with Colonel Theo- dore Roosevelt among the honored guests of the occasion. Colonel Roo- sevelt and Father Curran have long been warm personal friends, their acquaintance dating back to 1902, when Father Curran was one of the party that called on President Roose- velt and asked him to interfere in the great coal strike and help to re- store peace in the anthracite fields. New York, Aug, 22 Police Lieut. Charles Becker and four of his al- leged underworld accomplices, were arraigned before Judge Mulfuen in the court of general sessions today to plead to an indictment charging them with the murder of the gambler, Herman Rosenthal. Counsel for Becker said he was not ready to plead today and the court set Tuesday next for the pleading. The other four pris- oners all pleaded not -guilty jwith permission to withdraw or change the Plea by Tuesday next. office man. one who ean keep books and run typewriter. Apply S. E. McClellan, Assinibola Music Store. 3 Kalser s Old Timer 10c Cigar. Pingle, Wales Bell 4th Ave. corner of Esplanade, Half-minute from Post Offiee. PHONE 791. ECIALS TO- RIVERDALE, Block 3, 185 per lot. This week a large quantity of Riverdale lots have jen sold; also a good *spart taken off the market. BLOCK 28, the Hill division, adjoining block 18 in the Her- ald. We have an especially cheap offer: 50 ft. for 525, terms. Owner leaving town. ACRE PLOTS of market gar- den land adjoining the river. A superb situation, sheltered and easily irrigated. 100 per acre on easy terms. Near the city. CENTRAL PARK Block 17, 21 and 24, 400 per lot. THE HERALD Block 8, lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. Good view of the river and city. Price 750 a pair. RIVERSIDE Block 13, lots 9 and 10 on Broadway. Price 3800 pair. All around on Broadway lots are 1,000 pair. Very level and facing river and city. WE HAVE a large quantity of reasonable buys all over the city. Call in and get our prices before you select. are. You will get satisfaction and valuable information. AUCTIONEERS HH. 3. BROWNE CO., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales Conducted any- where. House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- perience at your disposal free. Phone 703. H. B. Browne Co, 619 To- ronto St. Aszatt 50 REWARD The above will be payed for information that will Tead to the recovery of one brown gelding with white stripe on nose, 5 years old, and welght about 1300 Ibs. Brand HF monogram on left should- er; one gray gelding weighing about 1300 Ibs,, branded. .) on left thigh. These horses were / last seen at Pete Weiss on the 13th of May. R. EL Starks, Medicine Mat. sate (QTRAYED Team of horses; one bay horse about 7 years old, white hind legs, white star on face, humped back ; black horse about 9 years old heavy tail, two front feet wire caught. Notify William Kinzle at post office, Medicine Hat. 1t 10.00 REWARD per head for return to G. Scudder s ranch, Sec. 12-13-7, of cattle branded F R2 or right ribs. 5.00 reward for information or return of brown mare branded 7 right shoulder; also some good hors- er Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc., ads under these headings, 25 words, one day .. .. 25 26 words, three days .. 50 25 words, six days .. ..81.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for leas than 25 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 18 ring 2, and ft will receive attention. HELP WANTED, WANTED Brick layers. Apply Elizabeth Street sehool, Victoria Ave. and Elizabeth St, Lussier Constru- ctlon-Company, Limited. .. .. 37-12t 'TED Experienced nurse girl, feel Write Box 28, Red- elite. 37--8t a pl WVANTED Housekeeper in small family, Good salary, Write Box 28, Redcliff. 37-8t ise ee (WANTED Maid to do general house work. Mrs, R. J. Ric, cor. th Avo, and Esplanade. 87-3t IWANTED A good capable maid. Apply Mrs. G. M. Johnson, 301 Main st 3T-3t Mrs. MANTED General servant. . Hargrave, Broadway, or Phone 15. 87-8 yyaran 20 men by the Alberta lay Products, Redcliff. Wages 2.75 Per day. Steady work all winter. Apply Clay Products, Redclift, Alta. 36-4 -ANTED 15 laborers, 3 per day, on pipe line work at Bow Island. Ap- ly International Supply Co., phone 63. 36-tf WANTED Salesladies and sales- men at once. Apply Milne s Por- trait Studio. 35-tf ANTED Competent Stenograph- er. Apply by letter, stating exper- fence, and salary required to Box 638, city. 35-8t IWVANTED Laborers by the Canad- ANTED AT ONCE 50 carpenters on Ogilvie Mill job. Boarding camp on site. Canadian Stewart Co., 33-tf E YOUNG business men wanted, per- manent position to right men. Apply in person to Room 4, News building. 32-6t G00D, remunerative work for clerks, office men, etc., in spare time. Apply in person, Room 4, News building. 32-6t. WANTED Dining room. girl. Apply Redclift Hotel. 31-tt WANTED Laborers by the Cana- dian Stewart Co. Apply Ogilvie Mill site. 2ate WANTED Servant girl, 20 a month. Apply to Mrs. W. Hig- gins, P. 0. box 772. 21-tt SALESMEN are drawing 75.00 to 100.00 per week selling our oils, greases, and paints direct to the con- suming trade. Big opportunity. Men ith team preferred. Inland Oil ' Works Co., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Jul 30-dim 'ANTED- Small team outfits for ditch work. Have 2000 miles to let, Sizes of ditches from 3 to 8 foot bottom. Janse, McDonnell Co., Bassano, Alta. 2eTate WANTED Men and women to learn barber trade. Summer rate now on. Situations guaranteed. . Special rates to ladies, Particulars and cata- logue free. Moler College, 609 Cen- tre St, Calgary. 29aate, SITUATIONS WANTED, EXPSRIENCED LADY stenographer Wants position as general office as- sistant. Apply post office box -443, 5 years business experience. Apply H. G., post office box S1 . 3utf LOST AND FOUND OST Gold watch on Montreal St. turday night. Reward for return to Kinzinger, Telegraph office. 33-3 ROOMS TO RENT. FURNISHED rooms to Jet-in modern house. Apply Box 182 or Phone 328, 87-3ta, OOMS TO RENT In a modern use one block from post office. Apply 237 Esplanade. 36-3 FURNISHED Room to rent close in. Gentleman preferred. 720 Fourth Ave. 35-3 BOARD AND ROOM. PURNISHED rooms with board and bath, close in. Apply to 203 Main st. ROOM and Board. Also canary es for sale, F. Scudder, P. 0. Med- feine Hat. z Phureday, rt FOR SALE. FFOR SALE or r nt Seven roomed house, nicely furnished, all modern conventen Possession at once. Box 841, News office. aT-3t FOR SALE Cheap. One Underwood typewriter, Been in use for two montis. Apply to Box 1343, News office. 85-8t FOR SALE Automobile, this years model. Run less than 2,000 miles. A bargain for somebody, Might take well located lot for part pay- ment. Phone 782. P.O. Box 3. 38-tf eee FOR SALE For sale or exchange, for city property, 22 acres fruit land in West Kootenay, 1 miles from Castlegard Jot station and same distance from West Robson, facing Columbia river Good stream of wat- er running through centre of pro- perty Apply Box 1842, News office, Medicine Hat 83-6t RR SALE Six hole range, sult boarding house, also a few household effects. Apply 239 Montreal St. corner Third Ave. 37-6t BOOMS WANTED, WANTED One or two furnished rooms with board. Central location. Appl yto-P. O. box. 519. 36-tf FOR SALE OR TO RENT 1 FFOR SALE or to let A fully mod- ern 7 room d house, richly furnish- ed, all modern conveniences, central- ly located. Can give possesion im- mediately. Apply Box 341, News oftice. 32 TO RENG TO RENT Two room shack, gas and water. Apply to Box 896, P. 0., jor Elizabeth St. 87-8t ANT WANTED for vacant store on the corner of Montreal Street and 3rd Ave, Fine location for any business, Reasonable rent. Living Tooms overhead. Immediate posses- sion, Repairs and overhauling will be done. Apply to G. G. MacBean Co. Imperial Bank building. toate HOUSES WANTED fan Stewart Co, 30 per hour Apply PE VWWANTED A 4 or 6 roomed bunga- Ontiyie ae etfs 241 ow with bath. Furnished. TImmed- ately. No ebildren. 35-tt TEACHER WANTED TEACHER WANTED For Bowell 8.D., 1912, first or second class certificate; Protestant. Apply, stat- ing salary. 60 usually paid. A. E. Pentland, Secretary, Bowell, Alta. 31tf PERSONAL. MARRY Why remain alone? The Ideal Introduction C'ub is a reliable, up-to-date medium for placing in correspondence congenial, marriage- able people, Strictly private; high- est character. Seventh successful year. Literature and full informa- tion, 10c. Mrs. Wilson, Box 1776, Vancouver, B. C. 37-6 MUSICAL PIANO LESSONS Miss Colp, late of the Conservatory of Music, Bos- ton, ca narrange to give lesons at pupils home until studio is secured. Write or call at 645. Montreal St. 35-3 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN Private money to loan on residential property. Ap- ply to P.O. Box 857. 25-8 NURSING ISS AMBROSE Trained Nurse. 09 Braemar St. Phone 747. 35-12t CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W.: 4 HENDERSON CO., charterea accountants and auditors (estab- lished 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. A. B. Gibsen, C.A,, resident Partner. Phone 198. Burns. Block. 276att g CORSETIERRE QPIRELLA Corsets made to meas- Ure, gusranteed for one year against breaking or rusting. At office in Pingle block, Main street, from 2 p. 5 p.m. Office phone 594. At house, 7 school Avenue, opposite east side of High School, in evening. House phone 699. Mrs. Matthews. Au 22-3 m, WANTED LADINS' AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jeweiry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggong. bug- gies, harness, bicycles. carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f-ithers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tatloring Co., 312. Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre, Phone 295. the above, The Best Prices Paid tor 26Dit. THB MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection ot Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- t volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods, We buy everything mentioned above birds for sale. Apply to 308.Brae- mar St. 34-6t and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South Railway St. or Phone 87, w P. 0. box 368, Separsz Parting with a - in return fora superbly ma Shoes is not a ing. Shoes of brand make ev: its duty. a You will like the TURPIN THE MEN'S Where you get the Bi DUHNAN S D (W. A. P. Di Toronto, Aug. 22.- champion oarsman asking in addition t of 150 offered, a s receipts, which amo gum, on the Thames agree, Durnan will September 7th and about five weeks be October, Governor Baldwin mously renominated tic State convention next month. The Daily News d city 35 a month, Open Durin: Men s Canvas Gloves Mer Values Straw an Linen Hat val. to 1. 45c Discount On all Men s Trousers
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Image 337 (1912-08-22), from microfilm reel 337, (CU1744074). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.